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old man looking up Stock-Fotografie und Bilder. Oder suchen Sie nach eine idee haben, um noch mehr faszinierende Stock-Bilder zu entdecken.

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Porträt eines glücklichen älteren Mannes, der lächelt, im öffentlichen Park, im Freien. Alter Mann, der sich im Freien entspannt und nach oben schaut. Porträt eines älteren Mannes, der den Ruhestand genießt

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Echte chinesische senior woman mit aufgeregt Ausdruck. ..

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Geschäftsleute mit Blick auf den Sonnenkopf und die Schultern

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Old Man Looking Up Stock-Fotos und Bilder

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Jeff Bridges in the TV series "The Old Man" - review, critic's opinion, is it worth watching - July 4, 2022


Film critic Lidia Maslova talks about the novelty of this summer under discussion

The first season of the spy thriller The Old Man, based on the book by Thomas Perry, the luminary of the airport novel genre, has started on the FX channel - such books are grabbed from the counter before boarding the plane to run through with one eye and throw it out of your head at the end of the flight. The only requirement for this reading is a dynamic plot, but the series has a significant bonus in the form of Jeff Bridges, who gives the main character psychological depth.

72-year-old Jeff Bridges in The Old Man plays a former CIA agent, a widower who lives in seclusion in Vermont under the legend of a retired realtor and communicates only with his two charming Rottweilers. Fighting dogs perform an important function in the battle scenes of the film, and also carry a decorative load: as a kind of trademark, they decorate both the cover of the book and the screensavers before each series, slightly stylized as Japanese prints, with the image of two pensive dogs taking idyllic poses under cherry blossoms or on the edge of a pond. Soon you find yourself worrying about Rottweilers more than people, especially since dogs are silent, which means they don’t lie.

Author: youtube.com/FX Networks

The theme of lies is one of the main ones in The Old Man, where the parable of the wise old man who never spoke is repeatedly repeated, but not because he had nothing to say, but because he considered human language deceptive, obscuring the truth and interfering with the knowledge of the world. “This wise old man believed that truth lives only in silence. The food he cooked from the fruits of his garden conveyed his affection, sympathy, gratitude or indifference better than any words, ”says the hero of his new acquaintance (Amy Brenneman), with the air of an experienced cook, frying onions in her kitchen in order to finally treat small nondescript sandwiches (if they express sympathy, then rather moderate).

Despite all the unreliability of words, we get the main information about the character of the former intelligence officer and his dark past from his telephone conversations with the invisible daughter. At first, she recalls that as a child, dad seemed to her an almighty king, then he tries to dissuade her that he is not at all the kind of person she thought of herself, and what a monster he really is, it’s better for her not to know. This theme turns in different ways in their conversations, sounding the same constant sound background, like gloomy cello music, setting in a solemn funeral mood. When the hero gets into trouble (he has to shoot an armed stranger who has invaded the house) and it’s time to change the legend, once again pretending to be someone else, he tries to say goodbye to his daughter, “maybe forever” so as not to endanger her, to which she offended: “Do you think I can’t handle a really terrible situation?”

Although the skirmishes with the daughter become more and more violent, the suspicion quickly creeps in that the daughter, like the ghost of his dead wife in a white nightgown, who appears to the hero, does not exist in physical reality: perhaps she is simply the product of an unhinged senile imagination. Then information comes from competent sources that the daughter committed suicide back in 2003, and a series later, something more like the truth finally begins to dawn. This, perhaps, is the main plus of the dramaturgy of The Old Man - it is sometimes slow and slips, but it is still not 100% predictable. The authors of the script, pumping up mystery, seem to be trying to play the same game with the viewer that the hero plays with his old colleague, now FBI Deputy Director for Counterintelligence (John Lithgow): “There are no rules in this game, and puzzles have no solutions, they lead only to new puzzles. That's why this game is so interesting. It's not for the faint of heart, but it's like a drug."

This verbally fascinating (but not always exciting enough on screen) game began 30 years ago, as follows from the flashbacks of the Soviet-Afghan war: the hero, wrapped in a turban, imagines himself to be Lawrence of Arabia and tries to wage war with a Pashtun field commander. tactics bypassing the TSEErush authorities. Because of his cruelty with the Russians, he acquires a reputation as a scumbag and the nickname Baba-Khorkhore, that is, the All-devouring Monster, but again, more in words, and it is not so easy to believe in his atrocities (as in the Zippo lighter from a Soviet soldier ). The fact is that the hero in his youth is played by the not at all scary Bill Heck, whose vegetation on the head and face, especially in the general plans, exactly reproduces the silhouette of Bridges, but so terrifying with some cheerful ruthless eyes, like Bridges, Heck, alas, not given.


The fact that the young actor is clearly inferior to the old one can be considered part of the director's intention: to create the feeling that old age is in some important aspects better, more preferable, more interesting than youth. Yes, it’s getting harder to put on socks every day, cognitive abilities fade, and you have to carry a pill box with you everywhere: in one of the few humorous episodes, an elderly couple on a date competes over which of them has rarer medicines and dietary supplements. The quality of life is declining, but the quality of the individual, the strength of the spirit can increase, provided that you have lived the right life - and this is an insoluble moral and ethical question, around which the dialogues of the verbose "Old Man" somehow revolve: is it possible to justify those whose work is connected with constant violence?

A particularly tedious and hypocritical monologue on this subject is heard in the scene where the former boss tells the current deputy director of the FBI how the other day a nice young lady from The New York Times kindly read him his future obituary over the phone and he liked it, as did the accompanying thrill: "It's like peeping into a secret room through a gap in the curtains. " This character’s lengthy pathetic speech that “everything was not in vain” and his work will be appreciated by grateful descendants who will sob at his funeral once again confirms the main idea of ​​the series that words only make it difficult to see the truth. The reader of his own laudatory obituary hides this truth from himself, in the depths of his soul realizing that he, in a good way, does not deserve any funeral word, except for “To a dog - a dog's death”.

Lidia Maslova, specially for Fontanka.ru

Photo: Trailer screenshot

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    “Old Hottabych” (1956) - Watch the movie free online in good quality 720 HD on the Culture.rf portal

    Catalog of films

    Fairy tale



    86 min


    Start watching

    Screen version of Lazar Lagin's novel of the same name. The young pioneer Volka from Krasnopresnenskaya (Aleksey Litvinov) takes out a sealed and obviously ancient jug from the bottom of the Moskva River. A curious boy at home opens the find, and an ancient genie emerges from the vessel. Gassan Abdurrahman ibn Khottab (Nikolai Volkov) spent two thousand years in this cramped jar, serving a sentence for wrongdoing. The magician finds himself in the Soviet Union of the 50s from those times when people were sure that the earth is flat and stands on a turtle.

    On the screen, the clash of times, cultures and worldviews is portrayed in a comedic way. The sincere old man Hottabych recognizes his master in Volka and serves him with enthusiasm, trying to help. However, the genie acts solely on the basis of his understanding of the word "good." "All the time, O Volka, I try to bring you joy, but I only bring grief and trouble" . And Hottabych is very interested in the innovations of the 20th century. With childish interest, he tries to understand the structure of an airplane, a telephone, an escalator in the subway, which gives Volka a sufficient number of problems.

    For 1956, the film is replete with technical marvels and screen stunts. Today, much looks naive, but in those days, instantaneous transfers from the Krasnopresnensky district to India and back, the appearance of caravans and palaces, and other special effects delighted the audience.

    Interesting facts

    — For Alexei Litvinov, playing the role of Volka Kostylkov was the only work in big cinema.

    - Hottabych ate in large quantities not popsicles, but glazed curds. So the film crew protected the actor Nikolai Volkov from a cold.

    - The film won the diploma of the All-Union Film Festival in Moscow in 1958.

    Cast: Nikolai Volkov, Alexei Litvinov, Gennady Khudyakov, Lev Kovalchuk, Maya Blinova, Olga Cherkasova, Efim Kopelyan, Alexander Larikov, Evgeny Vesnik

    Director: Gennady Kazansky


    Film catalog




    Fairy tale

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    15 Soviet movie fairy tales

    See also

    All films of small nations Kamchatka Krai

    documentary202260 min



    Latif (Face to face / Big in small)

    propaganda film193049 min

    0002 Its Excellency (Governor and Board)

    Drama192758 min

    State Film Fund of Russia

    Kendlier (peasants)

    RISE-REVERVATION193982 min

    Russian State Fund

    +N+N (Nini, tax, trouble)

    comedy192416 min

    Gosfilmofond of Russia

    The trial must go on (Parade of virtue)

    Agitfilm193063 min

    State Film Fund of Russia

    Bulat-Batyr (Pugachevschina)

    Historical192764 min

    State Film Fund of Russia

    thief (Light cavalry / Vaska Zabiyaki)

    Gosfli Gosfl goat

    cartoon194110 min

    Gosfilmofond of Russia

    One night

    military194478 min

    Gosfilmofond of Russia


    Drama192623 min

    State Film Fund of Russia

    Its call (January 23)

    Drama192564 min

    State Film Fund

    Christmas of forests

    9000 »

    The mailing does not contain promotional materials


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