Mind frequency control

Using the personal frequency to control brain activity

Individual frequency can be used to specifically influence certain areas of the brain and thus the abilities processed in them - solely by electrical stimulation on the scalp, without any surgical intervention. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences have now demonstrated this for the first time.

Stroke, Parkinson's disease and depression - these medical illnesses have one thing in common: they are caused by changes in brain functions. For a long time, research has therefore been conducted into ways of influencing individual brain functions without surgery in order to compensate for these conditions.

Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig have taken a decisive step. They have succeeded in precisely influencing the functioning of a single area of the brain. For a few minutes, they inhibited exactly the area that processes the sense of touch by specifically intervening in its rhythm. As a result, the area that was less networked with other brain regions, its so-called functional connectivity, decreased, and thus also the exchange of information with other brain networks.

This was possible because the researchers had previously determined each participant’s individual brain rhythm that occurs when perceiving touch. With the personal frequency, they were able to modulate the targeted areas of the brain one at a time in a very precise manner using what is known as transcranial alternating current stimulation. "This is an enormous advance," explains Christopher Gundlach, first author of the underlying study. "In previous studies, connectivity fluctuated extensively when the current was distributed in different areas of the brain. The electrical current randomly sought its own path in the brain and thus affected different brain areas simultaneously in a rather imprecise manner.

In a preliminary study, the neuroscientists had already observed that this form of stimulation not only reduces the exchange of the targeted brain networks with other networks, it also affects the brain’s ability to process information, in this case the sense of touch. When the researchers inhibited the responsible somatosensory network, the perception threshold increased. The study participants only perceived stimuli when they were correspondingly strong. When, on the other hand, they stimulated the region, the threshold value dropped and the study participants already felt very gentle electrical stimuli. 

"The deliberate change in brain rhythm lasted only briefly. As soon as the stimulation is switched off, the effect disappears again," explains study leader Bernhard Sehm. "Nevertheless, the results are an important step towards a targeted therapy for diseases or disorders caused by disturbed brain functions". Targeted brain stimulation could help to improve, direct and, if necessary, attenuate the flow of information.

The Science of Brainwaves - the Language of the Brain


The EEG (electroencephalograph) measures brainwaves of different frequencies within the brain. Electrodes are placed on specific sites on the scalp to detect and record the electrical impulses within the brain. A frequency is the number of times a wave repeats itself within a second. It can be compared to the frequencies that you tune into on your radio. If any of these frequencies are deficient, excessive, or difficult to access, our mental performance can suffer.
The raw EEG has usually been described in terms of frequency bands: Gamma greater than 30(Hz) BETA (13-30Hz), ALPHA (8-12 Hz), THETA (4-8 Hz), and DELTA(less than 4 Hz).
For example: Our brain uses 13Hz (high alpha or low beta) for “active” intelligence. Often we find individuals who exhibit learning disabilities and attention problems having a deficiency of 13Hz activity in certain brain regions that affects the ability to easily perform sequencing tasks and math calculations.

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Brain Wave Frequencies:

DELTA (0.1 to 3.5 Hz)

The lowest frequencies are delta. These are less than 4 Hz and occur in deep sleep and in some abnormal processes. It is the dominant rhythm in infants up to one year of age and it is present in stages 3 and 4 of sleep. It tends to be the highest in amplitude and the slowest waves. We increase Delta waves in order to decrease our awareness of the physical world. We also access information in our unconscious mind through Delta. Peak performers decrease Delta waves when high focus and peak performance are required. However, most individuals diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, naturally increase rather than decrease Delta activity when trying to focus. The inappropriate Delta response often severely restricts the ability to focus and maintain attention. It is as if the brain is locked into a perpetual drowsy state.Another way to look at Delta is to imagine you are driving in a car and you shift into 1st gear….you’re not going to get anywhere very fast. So Delta would represent 1st gear.

DELTA (0.1-3 Hz): Distribution: generally broad or diffuse; may be bilateral, widespread

Subjective feeling states: deep, dreamless sleep, non-REM sleep, trance, unconscious
Associated tasks & behaviors: lethargic, not moving, not attentive
Physiological correlates: not moving, low-level of arousal
Effects of training: can induce drowsiness, trance, deeply relaxed states

THETA (4-8 Hz)

The next brainwave is theta. Theta activity has a frequency of 3.5 to 7.5 Hz and is classed as “slow” activity. It is seen in connection with creativity, intuition, daydreaming, and fantasizing and is a repository for memories, emotions, sensations. Theta waves are strong during internal focus, meditation, prayer, and spiritual awareness. It reflects the state between wakefulness and sleep and relates to the subconscious mind. It is abnormal in awake adults but is perfectly normal in children up to 13 years old. It is also normal during sleep. Theta is believed to reflect activity from the limbic system and hippocampal regions. Theta is observed in anxiety, behavioral activation and behavioral inhibition. When the theta rhythm appears to function normally it mediates and/or promotes adaptive, complex behaviors such as learning and memory. Under unusual emotional circumstances, such as stress or disease states, there may be an imbalance of three major transmitter systems, which results in aberrant behavior. Back to our car example, Theta would be considered 2nd gear. Not as slow as 1st gear (Delta) but still not very fast.

THETA (3.5-7.5 Hz): Distribution: usually regional, may involve many lobes, can be lateralized or diffuse;

Subjective feeling states: intuitive, creative, recall, fantasy, imagery, creative, dreamlike, switching thoughts, drowsy; “oneness”, “knowing”
Associated tasks & behaviors: creative, intuitive; but may also be distracted, unfocused
Physiological correlates: healing, integration of mind/body
Effects of Training: if enhanced, can induce drifting, trance-like state. If suppressed, can improve concentration, ability to focus attention

ALPHA (8-12 Hz)

Alpha waves are those between 8 and 12(Hz). Alpha waves will peak around 10Hz. Good healthy alpha production promotes mental resourcefulness, aids in the ability to mentally coordinate, enhances overall sense of relaxation and fatigue. In this state you can move quickly and efficiently to accomplish whatever task is at hand. When Alpha predominates most people feel at ease and calm. Alpha appears to bridge the conscious to the subconscious. It is the major rhythm seen in normal relaxed adults – it is present during most of life especially beyond the thirteenth year when it dominates the resting tracing. Alpha rhythms are reported to be derived from the white matter of the brain. The white matter can be considered the part of the brain that connects all parts with each other. Alpha is a common state for the brain and occurs whenever a person is alert (it is a marker for alertness and sleep), but not actively processing information. They are strongest over the occipital (back of the head) cortex and also over frontal cortex. Alpha has been linked to extroversion (introverts show less), creativity (creative subjects show alpha when listening and coming to a solution for creative problems), and mental work. When your alpha is within normal ranges we tend to also experience good moods, see the world truthfully, and have a sense of calmness. Alpha is one of the brain’s most important frequency to learn and use information taught in the classroom and on the job. You can increase alpha by closing your eyes or deep breathing or decrease alpha by thinking or calculating. Alpha-Theta training can create an increase in sensation, abstract thinking and self-control. In our car scenario, Alpha would represent neutral or idle. Alpha allows us to shift easily from one task to another.

ALPHA(8-12 Hz): Distribution: regional, usually involves entire lobe; strong occipital w/eyes closed

Subjective feeling states: relaxed, not agitated, but not drowsy; tranquil, conscious
Associated tasks & behaviors: meditation, no action
Physiological correlates: relaxed, healing
Effects of Training: can produce relaxation
Sub band low alpha: 8-10: inner-awareness of self, mind/body integration, balance
Sub band high alpha: 10-12: centering, healing, mind/body connection

BETA (above 12 Hz)

Beta activity is ‘fast’ activity. It has a frequency of 14 and greater Hz. It reflects desynchronized active brain tissue. It is usually seen on both sides in symmetrical distribution and is most evident frontally. It may be absent or reduced in areas of cortical damage.
It is generally regarded as a normal rhythm and is the dominant rhythm in those who are alert or anxious or who have their eyes open.
It is the state that most of brain is in when we have our eyes open and are listening and thinking during analytical problem solving, judgment, decision making, processing information about the world around us.
Beta would represent overdrive or hyperdrive in our car scenario.
The beta band has a relatively large range, and has been divided into low, midrange and high.

LOW BETA (12-15HZ): Distribution: localized by side and by lobe (frontal, occipital, etc)

Subjective feeling states: relaxed yet focused, integrated
Associated tasks & behaviors: low SMR can reflect “ADD”, lack of focused attention
Physiological correlates: is inhibited by motion; restraining body may increase SMR
Effects of Training: increasing SMR can produce relaxed focus, improved attentive abilities,

MID BETA (15-18hz): Distribution: localized, over various areas. May be focused on one electrode.

Subjective feeling states: thinking, aware of self & surroundings
Associated tasks & behaviors: mental activity
Physiological correlates: alert, active, but not agitated
Effects of Training: can increase mental ability, focus, alertness

HIGH BETA (above 18hz): Distribution: localized, may be very focused.

Subjective feeling states: alertness, agitation
Associated tasks & behaviors: mental activity, e.g. math, planning
Physiological correlates: general activation of mind & body functions.
Effects of Training: can induce alertness, but may also produce agitation

GAMMA (above 30 Hz)

GAMMA (above 30hz Hz): Distribution: very localized

Subjective feeling states: thinking; integrated thoughts
Associated tasks & behaviors: high-level information processing, “binding”
Physiological correlates: associated with information-rich task processing
Effects of Training: not known

Gamma is measured between 30 and 44 (Hz) and is the only frequency group found in every part of the brain. When the brain needs to simultaneously process information from different areas, its hypothesized that the 40Hz activity consolidates the required areas for simultaneous processing. A good memory is associated with well-regulated and efficient 40Hz activity, whereas a 40Hz deficiency creates learning disabilities.

1. Mind control programs. Radiofrequency treatment of people, psychotronic zombies.

Original taken from irwi99 in 1. Mind Control Programs. Radiofrequency treatment of people, psychotronic zombies.

Project MKULTRA (eng. Project MKULTRA , also known as MK-ULTRA ) is the code name for a secret American CIA program that aimed to search and study means of manipulating consciousness, for example, to recruit agents or to extract information on interrogations, in particular, through the use of psychotropic chemicals (affecting the human mind). -
http://ru. wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MK_Ultra

Project MK Ultra / "MK-ULTRA" - http://psyfactor.org/cia4.htm
Project Monarch - http://projectmonarch.narod.ru/
Orion group
- http://orionmontauk.narod.ru/

In the summary of the report, the problem of self-defense against psychotronic processing (PTO) is considered at the level of concepts of radio frequency encoding of the brain, i.e. at the level of parapsychology, without taking into account the interaction of lepton biofields.

At the same time, due to complex electrophysical phenomena in the structure of the brain and due to the occurrence of side resonance pickups of high-frequency electromagnetic fields of high harmonics, symptoms of weak information interaction are noted by many who have experienced intense PTO.

It is appropriate to recall that in the classical formulas of electromagnetic waves, Maxwell gave their longitudinal component, ignored until now by official physics. An essential feature of this longitudinal component of waves is that such characteristics as time and space are unimportant for its description. This component propagates instantly and does not depend on the space-time continuum.

The purpose of the VET of the civilian population, including the potential coding for official purposes of employees of the special services and the nomenklatura, is:

- giving the person the impression that his thoughts and impulses are controlled;
- gaining control over the human psyche;
- the formation of a certain emotional mood;
- introduction to the subconscious of target information;
- reduced capacity and even physical damage of varying degrees.

The method of psychotronic processing by radio engineering means is based on the discovery of our compatriot Mikhailovsky, who in the mid-30s established that various combinations of electromagnetic pulses of a duration from 20 ms to 1.25 s, repeating at a frequency of 25-0. 4 Hz and modulated at a carrier radio frequency in the range of medium and short waves, affect certain areas of the brain responsible for both the emotional mood and the work of individual functional organs. Mikhailovsky suggested using the method he invented for the treatment of certain diseases. At 1937 and. he disappeared and apparently continued his research, but already in the cellars of the Lubyanka, which can be assumed from the fact that in the 50s, torture using high-frequency radiation in combination with drugs was already used in the said institution.

A phenomenon similar in nature, which became the basis for the development of the psychotronic processing method, is the “radio sound effect”, the reaction of the human body to high-frequency radiation pulses, which is expressed in the appearance of auditory sensations of various timbre colors, which was noticed by members of the personnel of radar stations, accidentally caught in the coverage area of ​​the radiating antenna. Later it was found that other radiations, for example, laser, X-ray, supplied by impulses, providing an instant step change in the radiated power, can also introduce a similar buildup of individual parts of the brain.

In the Soviet Union, a method of psychotronic processing has been developed, and in the Russian Federation it is widely used, which, due to its technical features, is conveniently called a network method, since the power of a bioenergy generator is introduced through a system of filters directly into household networks (lighting, telephone, common television antenna, radio network, burglar alarm, etc.) of a residential building. This method of creating a high-frequency radio field inside the building is energetically rational and ensures the covert use of anti-aircraft equipment, since 10 m from the building the anti-radiation equipment signals are no longer manifested. According to the developers of network psychotronic processing, it is generally accepted that the radio field created by biogenerators spreads evenly over all areas of the building. In fact, due to the specifics of the building design and the heterogeneous location of household networks and the distribution of the coaxial cable of the television antenna, as well as reinforcing structures, the em.m. margins in individual apartments can be 1.5-2 times higher than the average calculated level. The result of this is that the PTO of the coded tenants of these apartments leads to deep irreversible injuries, and for the elderly to premature death. It is not uncommon for citizens to leave their hearth and become homeless. (Kromkina N. et al. “Why are apartments empty in Moscow?”, Article in the newspaper “41st” No. 30, 1992). This phenomenon should not be confused with the concentrated cleaning of the apartments of human rights defenders, dissidents and members of the opposition, when special portable radio transmitters, microwave emitters and laser installations are located in close proximity.

If you turn on the radio receiver with a range of 1.7 .. . 4.5 MHz, then the operation of the biogenerator and the special PTO radio transmitter manifests itself as an audio broadcast of clicks, buzzing, grunting, a repeating Morse-type signal, and the signal level at night slightly exceeds the level conventional broadcast radio signal.


What is coding in psychotronic processing (PTO)? Psychotronic coding is the acquisition by the recipient of a stable reflex and stable physiological reactions to energy impulses transmitted through a high-frequency electromagnetic field.

It should be noted that coding Physiological pain reactions and functional disorders are more characteristic of psychoterror technology.

The following types of impulse electromagnetic codes are distinguished.

First of all, the coding process and the codes themselves differ in the groups of frequencies on which the code is modulated. Two groups (channels) of frequencies can be distinguished.

The first group of frequencies excites predominantly the brain areas of the left hemisphere, where the centers of creation, speech, logic, analysis, and operative memory are located.

The second group of frequencies excites mainly the brain areas of the right hemisphere, where the centers of the subconscious, feelings, emotions, fantasy, long-term memory are located. At the same time, the left hemisphere of the human brain forms any information in an unambiguous and linear (from past to future) context. And the right hemisphere is in a multi-valued context that cannot be unambiguously interpreted with the help of words or music. However, as the practice of coding has shown, such a rigid division of frequencies into zones does not exist, which is associated with the pathology of the recipient.

The following coding system is used for psychotronic processing.

Active codes. The purpose of such codes is to excite or inhibit the neurons of a certain area of ​​the brain. For example, to ensure the buildup of the center of hearing, to prepare this zone for the perception of an auxiliary, semantic code. At the same time, an active code can be broadcast at the same frequency corresponding to the hemisphere. It causes inhibition of the brain area responsible for emotions or, conversely, an excitatory center responsible for a certain emotional mood: a feeling of depression, deep satisfaction, etc. A distinctive feature of active codes is that they represent a synchronous sequence of identical bursts characterized by a large power upslope in each pulse and a large downslope. Another characteristic of the active code of each type is its identity for a large category of people. There are certain exceptions to this rule that are associated (trying to be associated) with different blood types.

Auxiliary codes, as a rule, have a subscriber orientation; they can be given an individual color only for a given recipient. A distinctive feature of @ quiet codes is that they are repetitive combinations of pulses. Auxiliary codes are translated after processing the desired area of ​​the brain with an active code and at the same carrier frequency, or parallel translation of the active code and the auxiliary code is performed at frequencies that differ within ± 10%.

Basic codes. After carrying out an activation coding of a certain area of ​​the brain responsible for hearing and speech, and the translation of a basic (or calling) code, the same in its combination for many recipients, you may have the feeling that you were called by name; you may hear the words “hello”, “congratulations”, etc. The mat, which, for some reason, is more often heard by women subjected to PTO, is also caused by the basic modulation of the same type for many.

Associative (game) codes can be individual in nature and developed in order to, after excitation of a certain center of the brain, re-translate the game code to recall a visual image, a topic of conversation or an information message and thereby direct the thoughts and actions of the recipient in the right direction. The associative code is entered into consciousness uncontrollably for the recipient, unless he turns on the radio and detects a sufficiently strong Morse signal at a frequency close to the active coding.

The development of the code is carried out while watching a television program and listening to the radio, while talking with a “trusted” person on the phone, while serving in places of religious worship, during the “installation” carried out by Chumak, etc.

Associative codes are of the non-persistent code type; they are gradually erased from memory themselves, since for their re-fixation it is also necessary to repeat the original plot, on the basis of which the coding was carried out.

Acoustic coding is based on the natural ability of a certain group of neurons in the human brain, and specifically, the thermoelastic center (TCC - the region of Broca's zone) to vibrate under the action of energy impulses of a high-frequency electromagnetic field (R.E. Tigranyan and V. V. Shorokhov “Physical bases hearing effect of microwave”, Pushchino Research Center, Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, 1992 g). This vibration occurs at a frequency characteristic of each person: usually these are 3-4 resonant frequencies in the range of 2.0 ... 6.0 kHz. Oscillations originating in the center, according to some researchers, are purely mechanical (acoustic), excite, in particular, Corti's organs, while the spherical surface of the cranium plays the role of a resonator. A person begins auditory hallucinations on topics caused by an associative code. In addition, the special services, due to the developed methods, can give a targeted direction to these topics through the use of hidden microphones that emit sound waves of very low power. Such a technique will be successful if the acoustic transmission is carried out at one resonant frequency inherent only to this recipient, if this frequency was determined by the special services in advance, which is done during any harmless tests, at lectures, in an office setting, at all kinds of courses . .. ufology, extrasensory perception, etc. If, in general, your personal resonant frequency is not known, then special reproducing devices play one word in the range of 2.0 ... 6.0 kHz or semi-fraau on several narrow frequency groups. Some “” group will hit your resonant frequency and you will receive an information command. This method of acoustic coding is characterized by the fact that words and play phrases, or rather no more than 2-3 phonemes of the word, come with a break - 1.5-3 seconds. The words that are heard are devoid of any timbre coloring. For example, you cannot determine whether they belong to a man or a woman, since the overtones are not reproduced with this method of excitation of the TUC.

Here are some examples of game phrases used in acoustic coding

“I've been asking you for a long time…. You will be laughed at... If you think so…". I suggest… . Well, for God's sake…. You are required … . Well, @ that's clear ... .Waiting for you ... . You promised… . I don't want to hear... Not everyone agrees with this…” It is easy to see the dual nature of semi-phrases. They can fit both into your imaginary “mental” answer, and into any context of a psychotronic clip.

Even this, far from being a complete list of possible code tricks, shows what opportunities open up for an experienced “Scriptwriter” to compose a psychotronic clip with a political, criminal, everyday and even intimate plot.

It is very difficult to decode recipients who are more than 5 hours a day in a room where a high-frequency electromagnetic field is induced using radio transmitters or special generators connected to household networks or hidden antennas.


opinion contactless influence from the outside. The given classification is at the same time a criterion for assessing the intensity and duration of PET.

The first degree of zombification (PTO for up to 3 years) is characterized by:

Exhausting pain reactions. Sensation of a burn along the line of bioenergetic meridians connecting acupuncture points. Tingling. Periodic cramps of the calf muscles. Exacerbation of chronic diseases. Periodic internal bleeding: gastric, nasal, hemorrhoidal, bladder; violation of the menstrual cycle. The emergence of reactions to basic codes. The head is like "cotton". Headaches in the temporal and parietal region, pain in the eye sockets. The appearance of auditory backgrounds of different heights. Sound clicks. Sharp pains in the eardrum or dull pain in the ear. Sensation of vibration, internal trembling.

Dreams with details reflecting current events of the day, dreams in color. What remains is the ability to remember the dream, to note some of its strange details, which helps to identify the topic that was introduced into the subconscious from the outside. Awakening when a code signal is given.

The appearance of suspiciousness and depression. The appearance of obsessive themes of thinking, however, the ability to change the theme of thoughts or memories by an effort of will, as well as to control the associative development of memories by the reverse scrolling method, remains. At the end of the period, there is a decrease in interest in obtaining information, in reading, in watching television, etc.

Desire to protect yourself from unpleasant sensations with screens, helmets, grounding, magnets, etc. Efforts are being made to find legal protection. Behavior at home and at work practically does not change.

II degree of zombification (PTO for up to 5 years).

The appearance of the effect of radio sound, the perception of acoustic codes. Visual hallucinations are possible. Very stable response to all types of codes by the end of the five year period. A firm conviction that "radio talks" are two-way. The appearance of a feeling of depression, decreased capacity, drowsiness. The development of religious feelings and even divine "phenomena" or withdrawal into mysticism, cosmogony, ufology, etc. The emergence of the theme of suicide. The appearance of stable two-way “radio conversations” with a complicated plot, usually on a topic abstracted from everyday worries. In the presentation of events, along with the actual facts, there are episodes introduced into the subconscious, as a result of playing psychotronic clips during sleep. However, the ability to separate the events and themes that actually took place from the stories introduced during the “radio talks” remains.

Appearance of a “theoretical” substantiation of the technique of performing PTO and the reason for applying it to oneself with a noticeable emphasis on the exclusivity of one's personality. Imaginary offers of special services for cooperation or participation in some unusual research work. There remains the ability to exercise previously acquired professional skills. With rare exceptions, the ability to any analytical thinking is lost.

Exacerbation of chronic diseases and functional disorders continues; metabolic and immune system disorders. The emergence of chronic fatigue syndrome. Violations in the work of the kidneys, liver, digestive organs, hematopoietic system. Acute dematoa, eye diseases. Roth's syndrome.

Discoloration of the face - dark skin, asymmetric puffiness of the face. Anemia of the fingers after sleep. The appearance of violations of the vestibular apparatus. Intrusive odors, sudden bouts of coughing and urge to defecate. Infantilism in the sexual sphere. Recurrent hearing loss.

Superficial sleep, not giving complete physical relaxation. Dream themes are not remembered and are presented as something gray.

Conflict situations appear in the family and at work, in communication with neighbors. Appear, from the point of view of others, oddities in behavior. There is a desire to “reveal” from among the people around them, cooperating with the special services, carrying out anti-terrorist activities. There is a growing conviction that everything is watched, eavesdropped, adjusted.

The second degree of zombification is from all points of view the most rational for the state. With an insignificant rehabilitation correction, zombies II retain their legal capacity and some control over their actions in everyday life; participate in the simplest production processes, thus not being a burden on the state. Zombie II is quite disciplined and politically loyal, he can do military service in special units where professionalism and understanding of the received command are not required. By the way, in American jargon, zombi means a soldier of the penultimate category.

The third degree of zombification is characterized by a loss of interest in “radio conversations”, but they do not subside, but are conducted as if by themselves, while the part of the brain responsible for capacity controls its functional area independently, which resembles a state of split personality.

Confusion in the presentation of real life events. The interweaving of these events with information introduced from outside and complicated by associative fantasy. Loss of ability for analytical thinking; weakening of the ability to remember, forgetfulness. Weakening of pain reactions, insensitivity. Nevertheless, there is no disturbance in the motor sphere, orientation in space and on the ground is preserved; fussiness appears.

Feeling of lack of sleep, state of semi-drowsiness alternates with vivid visual hallucinations. Sloppiness, indifference to your appearance, indifference to the quality and quantity of food.

Zombies III are poorly controlled and dangerous to society. Significant decoding and rehabilitation is impossible, due to irreversible processes that have occurred in muscle tissues, bone marrow, in the structure of neurons due to the prolonged action of a high-frequency electromagnetic field and an increased concentration of psychotropic substances. A particularly serious condition is in people suffering from congenital mental disorders, developmental deficiencies and age-related insanity.

This group of zombies is scheduled to be exterminated by suggested suicides provoked by em. fields of strokes, heart attacks, internal bleeding, etc.


While in large cities the so-called network method of PTO prevails, when the radiating pulse generator is connected to the domestic networks of residential buildings, this does not exclude the use of portable and mobile radio transmitters of medium power providing directional broadcast of PTO pulse signals within a radius of several apartments or in limited areas of a settlement. It is very important to emphasize that PTO is based not on the power of an electromagnetic signal, but on its specific frequency and the nature of the modulation of an energy impulse that directly affects a particular area of ​​the brain. Below are three series of frequencies that both networked biogenerators and PHE radio transmitters operate on.

I-th channel PTO - frequency series:
fundamental frequency (wavelength) (1.8+-0.05 MHz (167 m)
second harmonic 7.2+-0.05 MHz (41.7 m)

influence (suppression or activation) on analytical abilities, on working memory, initiates the affect of radio sound, speech impairment, indifference to ongoing events, reduces capacity to act.0005

PTO II channel - frequency series:
fundamental frequency (wavelength) 1.1+-0.05 MHz (275 m) first harmonic 2.2+-0.05 MHz (136 m)
second harmonic ( 4.4+-0.25 MHz (68 m)

This series of frequencies is conditionally associated with resonant electrophysical parameters of the right hemisphere of the brain. PTO performed at these frequencies, depending on the shape of the modulated impulse, suppresses (excites) emotions, associative interpretation of events and

The beating of one of the carrier frequencies of the I or II channels causes pain in the cerebellum and initiates a disorder of the vestibular apparatus, drowsiness, a feeling of depression, unconscious fear, internal trembling.0005

3rd frequency channel. To amplify acoustic phenomena in the volume of the brain, simultaneously with activating radiation in the megahertz range of radio waves, a duplicating broadcast of the same signal is carried out at carrier frequencies in the kilohertz range of 2.0 ... 6.0 kHz. The main characteristic of HF z.m. fields during PTO is the radiation of electrical impulses with a high gradient of rise and fall of the intensity of the m. fields in each pulse. Let us give several examples of graphical interpretation of pulse signal modulations that cause neuropsychiatric and physiological reactions. Rice. 3.1 Measurement taken on 10.01.94 at 8.40 Moscow, S.-Chertanovo district. Carrier frequency 4.5 MHz. Pulse duration ? imp. ? 1 s, pauses? pauses? ! With; A? ? 75% of Aem Aem - broadcasting station "Mayak". The shape of the envelope of the amplitude-modulated signal is trapezoidal with a large slope of rise and fall. This type of signal causes painful pressure on the eardrum and the area behind the earlobe. Opposite this place is the lower temporal zone, where visual and auditory impressions are summed up. Rice. 3.2. The measurements were taken on the night of 15 to 16 January 1994 at frequencies of 2.2 and 3.6 MHz, Moscow, S.-Chertanovo. The waveform is rectangular. Broadcast of this kind is called "fire". It causes a burn reaction throughout the skin of the body. It is carried out in order to activate the thermoelastic center or the speech center (Broca's area), which is responsible for the development of the effect of radio sound. Rice. 3.3. The measurement was taken during the day. 15 hours May 15, 1994 Moscow, S.-Chertanovo, at a frequency of 4.6 MHz. The signal shape is trapezoidal flat. This type of signal is called “Motor ship”, Causes a feeling of calm indifference, ... Impulse high-frequency z.m. a field that causes an attack of coughing, spasms of the larynx, urge to defecate, obsessive odors, an attack of arrhythmia, etc. has the same form of signals and differs only in the value of Ae, t pauses, t imp. and carrier frequency from series I, II and III. A few more examples of characteristic PTO emissions are given. Irradiation with modulated pulses following at a frequency of 8-10 Hz at a carrier frequency of 4.4 and 7.2 MHz causes a sensation of a focused heat spot, or even an attack of heat and sweating. The same impulses, following with a frequency of 4 Hz, cause a burning sensation in the spine. Very specific is the code broadcast simultaneously with Alan Chumak's "installation" on television. This is a broadband broadcast, covering the range of 1.7 ... 4.5 MHz, in terms of signal shape close to the code of Fig. 3.2, but in terms of power it is 20-25% higher than the signal of the Mayak broadcasting station (measurements were made in Moscow, 19May 21.15-21.30 during the performance of A. Chumak). No less characteristic is the piercing whistling sounding “erb…” code at a frequency of 2.6 and 4.1 MHz (with simultaneous activation code at frequencies of 1.8; 3.6 and 4.4 MHz) during the broadcast of the sermon “Our Teacher Asahara”** under the program “Mayak” at 21.30-22.00 Moscow time. time. Approximate timetable for the operation of PTO stations in the microdistricts of Moscow (data as of the end of March 1994). From 9 am to 9 pm - activation and associative coding. For the purpose of psychoterror against individual recipients, a subscriber broadcast of em is carried out during these hours. impulses that cause pain reactions, Functional and Physiological disorders. From 21:00 to 03:00 - activation coding. From 3:00 to 5:30 am - broadcasting of psychotronic (information) clips. 6 to 9in the morning - broadcast of decoding z.m. impulses.

Continuation of the article: http://irwi99.livejournal.com/456841.html

How to make the brain change the course of your life - Offtopic on vc.ru

Or what discovery I made thanks to a famous neuroscientist.


This is a translation of an article from Medium, especially for vc and my telegram channel . It seemed to me interesting and worthy of your attention. Enjoy reading!

The blog that changed everything

A few years ago, I started a slightly stupid self-improvement blog. I wrote all sorts of nonsense for the sake of likes.

The friend who gave me this opportunity started the same way. He wrote about habits, about startups that first went public. Gradually he became a completely different person.

I began to write later than he did, and I was years behind in thinking. He has changed beyond recognition. It all started after a podcast interview with neuroscientist Joe Dispenza. Joe taught him to comprehend the highest levels of consciousness, showed how a person can brainwash himself - this could be done before, but on other people.

Since then, his life has taken a new course.

Illustration by Michael Marsicano

He first outsourced blogging to other people and then replaced it with interview podcasts. He met people like Joe. He did not ask them to share life-changing insights for free: instead, he began offering them thousands of dollars for a joint dinner. They all agreed.

They still communicate with Joe. Their newly formed friendship prompted me to look for other works by Joe. Although I do not always agree with his thoughts, I see that he is very wise. You don't have to agree with Joe; one must use his advice to force oneself to reflect.

Here's how to take your thinking to the next level, change your life, and do things you previously thought were impossible.

To get things moving, you need to see what program your brain is working on

Understanding your brain is the first thing Joe advises. He himself starts with habits.

Habits are not what is written in the headlines of a bunch of self-improvement articles. A habit is an action repeated so many times that the body remembers the process and can dictate instructions to the brain.

At the beginning of the day you wake up and the first thing you think about is problems. Joe says these problems are like patterns in the brain, like memories. Memories are associated with people and things, which in turn are associated with a specific time and place.

The brain records the past as if on tape. It turns out that people start the day by thinking in the past.

Every memory has its own emotion

All life situations we experience are eventually remembered thanks to emotions.

When we remember problems, we feel negative emotions — sadness, pain, or simply dissatisfaction. And so you wake up in the morning, remember the problem and immediately begin to feel bad. According to Joe, from thinking and feeling oneself is born the state of a person at a particular moment - therefore, he says, you start your day in the past.

A familiar past will sooner or later become a predictable future. Therefore, if you think that your thoughts are somehow connected with your future, if you cannot mentally get out of the current moral state, if you have begun to think with sensations, you are thinking in the past. You will continue to create the same life for yourself.

Everyday life is a program

When people say that you are stuck in the Matrix, they mean that you are living in a program that you created yourself. When I look at the program that runs my life, one aspect always stands out - social media. I just need to be there to feel connected to someone. Joe says social media makes us feel connected to something familiar.

When your day goes according to the program, you sort of lose the free will you need to control your mind. You yourself become a program with a set of carefully learned actions, emotional reactions (some of which are highly addictive), fixed attitudes, unconscious habits; program with a set of attitudes and beliefs.

Joe explains that this is how your brain becomes a battlefield. 5% of your consciousness is fighting with 95% of the unconscious.

How to take control of the operating system of the brain

When I hear about meditation, a picture pops into my head: an overgrown long-haired dude in a rainbow T-shirt and with a selfie stick in his hands tells me how to live. Infuriates.

Meditation has become a dull trick.

Joe helped me look at meditation from a different perspective. The conscious and unconscious in our head are separated by the analytical. Just imagine that the analytical is another part of your brain.

To cross the threshold of the "server" brain, the most important thing is to go beyond the analytical. It is like a fortress. Entering her front door on the drawbridge and not running into security is possible only with the help of meditation.

Meditation is the ultimate brain hack.

All these stupid meditation apps have distracted us from this important fact. They turned this practice into something completely different - with beautiful backgrounds, sound effects and the voices of famous winners of any awards.

Joe says meditation can slow down the brain impulses. You have probably heard that meditation seems to slow a person down, but if you delve into this practice, eventually it will be possible to slow down impulses as well. Meditation instructor Ashley Turner explains it in simple terms.

Meditation can significantly reduce the frequency of brain impulses and calm the mind.

Greater distance between waves increases the time between thoughts, so that a person can skillfully choose which thoughts to pay more attention to.

We looked at meditation from the wrong side. It's not just sitting under oak trees or staying calm after being pissed off by an unbearable boss - it's also a way to get into your own brain through the back door.

Image by aytuguluturk from Pixabay

One reason to change outweighs another

For your life to take a new course, you need to change something. Joe says there are two ways to do it:

  • in pain and suffering;
  • in joy and inspiration.

The first way requires a tragedy to happen that will force you to change. The second allows you to bring changes into your life now. Forget about waiting for something.

If you are waiting for change to fall on you, you have most likely already missed the best periods of your life - and if the tragic events do not help, you will be stuck in this circle and continue to perform the same program.

Something to know about the changes. When you have any emotion, you involuntarily wonder what caused it. Your long-term memories come from strong emotional experiences. Negative experiences can block the path to change, but positive ones can remind you that life's difficulties must be overcome.

Joe says: memories of bad events lead to problems. If you remember them often, it can even become a personality trait.

If past experiences have been negative, you may begin to think about worse outcomes. This experience can take control of your personality. Some people return to it so often in their thoughts that they cut off their path to change after what happened. Their minds are stuck in a kind of time warp. People around do not understand what is happening to a person, they begin to consider him broken, toxic, or think that he needs the help of a psychologist.

Joe says, “Emotions from a particular experience tend to energize the body and brain. People get used to it a lot." Have you ever felt addicted to emotions? I am yes. That's why limits help you feel something.

Changing the direction of life

It is very easy to get caught up in the past. The past is your default program. To beat this program, you have to change. You lose the chance for this if you make the same decisions as yesterday.

Therefore, you can change your life if you make a cunning, quiet, brilliant decision to make other choices. Yesterday's decisions won't help to crack the program that prevents you from changing the course of your life. The catch is that following the "choose new" mindset will take you out of your comfort zone because it will disrupt your routine.

In the end, you will prefer the discomfort of making new decisions to the comfort of making yesterday's ones.

Find your levers

I don't like discomfort, so I adjust everything so that the brain has nowhere to run. If I want to go to the gym, I don't sign up; instead, I leave my number on a whole bunch of different gym websites. So there is no way to escape from this small decision. You can do that too.

Refuse emotions

Emotions can be highly addictive. Setting boundaries helps you feel something. You develop an addiction to this sensation because it brings you back to something familiar and gives you comfort.

The best way to predict the future is to create it. Not from the known, but from the unknown.

To overcome the emotions that keep you from breaking out of your shell, you need to make new decisions. Here are the ones Joe recommends:

  • What thoughts do you want to plant in your brain? This question encourages people to recite mantras, repeat sayings, hang pictures of quotes on the wall. You can choose thoughts that will help you escape from the Matrix.
  • What behaviors do you want to manifest in one day? New patterns of behavior form new patterns in the brain.

Your brain can be a record store of the past, or it can be a map of the future

Joe Dispenza

You can wait until the world changes, or start with yourself

What do most people do? They wait all their lives for the world around them to change somehow.

But we have no power over the outside world. It's like trusting your future to a maniac like Hannibal Lecter. What will he throw out? Who knows. Will hunt down people and most likely kill them. Do you want him to destroy your life? Of course not.

The term "cause and effect" in English describes the entrusting of one's life into the hands of the outside world. What I learned from Joe is that the way you think and feel about yourself changes the way your life turns out.

You can imagine a bright future and let that thought determine your path in life. Or you can let the memories from the past reset your thinking to the default program and make you do and say the same things that you always do - that is, return you to the reality from which you want to escape.

Don't rely on the outside world to try to feel something.

Let your thoughts define you

Sometimes your body will want to return to familiar sensations in the past. The solution is to notice when it happens; see when your body seeks to return to the past.

That's why it's become so fashionable now to say that the main thing in meditation is awareness. But why it is so important is not often said.

To focus on the present means to focus your energy here. Instead of giving emotions to the past, you give them to the present. This is how you take back control - tell the body to sit still and obey you.

You are telling your body that it no longer rules over the mind. You are the mind. You will transcend the old program.

This is how you should meditate in order to free yourself from the emotions of the past, overcome obstacles and change something in life.

And finally

Now you know how to brainwash yourself and force your mind to move to a higher level - the level that changes the course of your life.

  • You need to understand that your “default program” is controlled by the past.
  • You need to know how negative emotions create "bookmarks" in the past and make you return to them.
  • You need to rethink meditation so that it can help you hack your brain's operating system.
  • We must firmly resolve to make new decisions every day and imperceptibly for the brain to make at least one uncomfortable choice for it.
  • We must stop relying on memories from the past and start looking to the future.
  • Meditation must be practiced to develop a sense of awareness in the present. When your brain wants to escape into the past with the help of emotions, thanks to awareness, it will be possible to regain control over thoughts. Do this enough times and you will stop dwelling on the past that prevents you from changing your future.

Your past is a program. Emotions bind you tightly to him. If you want to finally change something, become obsessed with thoughts not about the past, but about the future.

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