Make my life better
How to Improve Your Life Today: 10 Tips
1. Writing your story every dayYou’re the owner of your life. How do you want that to look today?
“For life improvement, I suggest considering what you’d like to accomplish today, and the vibe you want to carry,” says John Duffy, PhD, a clinical psychologist and author of the book “The Available Parent: Radical Optimism for Raising Teens and Tweens.”
Like any author, you may have a few story plots to choose from. Duffy suggests you try to identify which is the better story for you and go for it.
“The better story might be getting up earlier rather than sleeping in [or] reaching out to help someone instead of passively ignoring their need,” he adds.
2. Identifying what’s keeping you stuck
How to improve your life may be a matter of identifying those things that get in the way of said improvement. Are there certain events or people in your life that you feel have become roadblocks to your development?
Feeling stuck might look different for everyone. You may feel like it regardless of the circumstances in your life, or you might have specific relationships or tasks that take energy and focus from you.
You might want to start exploring what “feeling stuck” means to you, if anything at all. Maybe you feel empty or lonely, or perhaps you engage in procrastination.
“This approach gets you to be both reflective and active, [which are] two steps necessary for change,” says Deborah Serani, PsyD, a clinical psychologist.
Serani also recommends considering these three steps:
- Stop. “Oftentimes it’s a blind spot you can’t see, so taking time to mull things over helps you see more clearly,” says Serani. “Is it a decision you’re afraid to make? Are certain people bringing you down? Are you in a cycle of negative thinking?”
- Look around. Serani recommends you consider how this blind spot is touching your life. “Is it only at home? Or just at work [or] school?” she adds.
- Listen to yourself.
What are your heart and mind telling you about what you need to do? “Learning to reflect on your inner thoughts and feelings will help you trust putting them into action,” says Serani.
Consider exploring these areas of your life:
- interpersonal conflict and friction
- career goals and job opportunities
- emotional regulation and how it impacts your mood
- physical health and lifestyle habits that impact it
3. Focusing on right now
Are you overly concerned about past mistakes or what will happen tomorrow? Focusing on self-growth and life improvement may require you to live in the present moment.
According to Alison Thayer, LCPC, a psychotherapist in Chicago, focusing on right now can be challenging, especially in today’s world.
“Today’s technology and expectation to be connected or available to work at all times is one of the most prominent challenges people face when trying to be present in the here and now,” she says.
So, how can you focus more on the present? Consider these:
- a mindfulness practice
- accepting the things you can’t control
- living more intentionally
- reaching peace of mind
- letting go of unhealthy attachments
- forgiving yourself
- engaging in grounding exercises
4. Getting better at time management
Among the things you can do to improve your life right now, managing time efficiently may be key.
Time management helps you achieve more, improve focus, stay motivated, and avoid feeling like you’re wasting time.
The feeling itself of being productive may improve your mood and your mental well-being.
You can get better at time management by:
- blocking time on your calendar for must-dos and honoring those time blocks
- stacking habits or doing a few things at the same time. For example, reviewing your calendar while you get breakfast.
- starting with the most challenging tasks early in the morning or when you feel you have the most energy
- finding an organizational or tracking system that works for you and gives you a glance of what you’ve accomplished throughout the day
- scheduling periodic pauses during the day to reset your mind and body
- rewarding yourself when you complete a task

The best things for self-improvement aren’t necessarily the most complex and difficult to obtain. Often, improving your life is taking care of the details.
“Setting goals is a key step in accomplishments,” says Thayer. “However, […] lofty goals […] may not even be realistic.”
If you’re setting sky-high goals from the start, you may end up feeling like you’re not improving at all.
“Holding ourselves to goals that we cannot reach can damage our self-esteem and inhibit our interest in trying to reach these goals again,” says Thayer. “When setting your mind to reach a goal, ask yourself ‘Is this realistic and can I actually attain this goal?’ If the answer is no, consider breaking the goal down into intermediate steps or modifying it all together.”
6. Challenging negative thoughts
Everyone uses common cognitive distortions to explain everyday situations. These are filters you inadvertently put on your thoughts that may make you see your world more negatively than it actually is.
Cognitive distortions are the foundation for negative thinking.
One way of challenging these negative thoughts is to focus on the evidence rather than the thought itself.
For example, if you tend to think that nobody likes you at work, you can stop yourself for a minute and ask yourself, “what evidence do I really have that this is a fact?” Then, try to start gathering information. You might find out that your thought isn’t accurate or that it doesn’t apply to all scenarios.
Often, your mood may be a result of the things you think. If you change the way you think, you may see a change in the way you feel. The more you challenge negative thinking, the more you can improve your life.
Thayer also suggests taking a different and more positive stance whenever you’re saying negative things to yourself.
“When things aren’t going right, ask yourself ‘Could things be worse?’ or ‘Is there anything I can take out of this that can be a benefit to me?'” adds Thayer. “More often than not, there’s a positive aspect to things that happen, even those that feel negative. ”
7. Getting your 8 to 9 hours of sleep
If you’re thinking about how to improve your life right now, sleep hygiene should be top on your list of things to do.
Sleeping well has a direct effect on your mood, ability to think, and your energy levels, which are essential to doing the things you want to do.
“It’s easy to steal time from sleep by staying up ‘just a little longer,’ whether it’s to finish the laundry or a TV show,” says clinical psychologist Ari Tuckman, PsyD. “The problem is that the reward is immediate, which makes it hard to resist. But the price is paid tomorrow.”
Tuckman says that neglecting your sleep time, even if for one night, may hamper your ability to:
- solve problems
- focus on tasks
- gather information to make decisions
It can also make you feel more irritable and short tempered. “This gets even worse when several short nights stack up,” he adds.
Try to establish a bedtime routine so you fall asleep around the same time every night. Try to resist the impulse to scroll social media before bedtime, and instead engage in relaxing activities before bed. After a night of adequate sleep, you may notice an improvement in your mood and thinking process right away.
Practicing relaxation techniques can also help you sleep better and feel mentally alert.
8. Participating in physical activity
Moving your body can improve your life, mentally and physically, in a matter of days.
“Regular exercise is an important part of not just physical health, but also mental health,” explains Tuckman. “It’s also one of the first things to go when we get busy.”
Try to incorporate exercise or moving into your daily routine, so no matter how busy you are, you’ll always find a time and space to do it.
Moving can look like:
- dancing around your house
- doing some pool laps
- going to the gym
- using the stairs instead of the elevator
- walking around your neighborhood or preferred area
- doing yoga
- following a YouTube workout video
- walking around your office or home for 5 minutes every hour
Try to have at least 30 to 60 minutes of physical activity every day. You may find that you feel more energetic, clear-minded, and optimistic after you exercise.
9. Practicing gratitude
Research shows that practicing gratitude improves the way you feel about your life and your overall life quality.
You can become more grateful every day by:
- mentally or physically listing all the things that are positive and healthy in your life
- recognizing the skills and qualities you’ve developed in yourself
- verbally expressing thanks to important people in your life
- ending your day by thinking about the positive things that you experienced today
- starting your day by focusing on the opportunities ahead
Practicing mental subtraction can also boost gratitude in your life. This means realizing the impact events and people have on your life by thinking about what life could be right now if you didn’t have them.
10. Setting an intention
One of the best things for self-improvement is to set an intention for your life, your day, your hour, and everything you do.
One way of setting an intention is to practice visualization and see yourself accomplishing those things you want.
“Positive visualization increases the likelihood of success,” says Joyce Marter, LCPC, a licensed counselor in Chicago. “We largely create our own realities through our thoughts and intentions, so clarify them by writing out your goals and objectives.”
Thayer suggests carving out time to set intentions for every day. “Make it a ritual and part of your daily routine, like in the shower, when driving to work, or drinking your morning coffee,” she said.
Sometimes, it’s possible that despite your best intentions and efforts, you still feel you haven’t improved the way you want or need. This is natural and common.
Consider reaching out to a mental health professional to explore possible reasons you feel this way and how to cope. They can help you develop a self-improvement plan that works for your specific needs.
You can improve your life and yourself starting today. Self-improvement may look different for everyone, so the first step might be to figure out what “improvement” means to you. Is it a different job? A new relationship? A sense of satisfaction?
Other things you can do to improve your life right now include sleeping well, practicing gratitude, moving more, and focusing on the evidence rather than what negative thoughts tell you.
10 Ways to Make Your Life Better, Starting Today
Source: Julenochek/Shutterstock
The world is full of opportunities, but sometimes too much thinking can get in the way. Changing your life for the better is about picking a destination and taking one step at a time to get there. If you try to take shortcuts, you may actually end up making your journey longer and more arduous. Getting serious about making improvements is a great start, and taking action is the next important step.
Here, then, are 10 tips to help you start improving your life:
- Be grateful for what you have.
When you stop to remember what you have instead of worrying about what you may not be getting, it changes your perspective for the better.
- Start your day the night before. The most successful people I know end their workday by making a list of what they have to do the following day or two ahead. This allows the subconscious to work on things while you sleep.
- Be ready to grow up. Adults have the ability to learn to delay gratification, but we also have a choice as to how to behave when things don’t go our way. If you remember to take the high road, you’ll end up where you want to be.
- Drop the attitude. If you think the world owes you a living, you might want to reevaluate your position. It is quite possible that, by feeling entitled, you are pushing away things and people you might like.
- Don’t ignore your emotions, but remember that feelings aren’t facts. Emotions need to be honored—they don’t have to be justified—but just because you have a feeling doesn’t mean that you are right.
- Watch out for negative thinking. Sometimes we get into negative feedback loops and don’t even know it. If thoughts of being helpless and hopeless continue to enter your mind, you might just need to take a nap or perhaps talk with someone who can help.
- Set up and stick to a routine. We are creatures of habit; and good habits, such as getting regular exercise, make us feel better. Maintaining good habits also helps us feel that we have some control over our lives. Just do it.
- Drop your resentments. We all have them. Whether they are toward our parents, partners, or peers, resentments take up too much psychic space to allow us to function properly. By choosing to drop them, you will make your life much lighter. But the hardest part is making the decision to let your resentments go.
- Know who you really are, and learn to honor yourself. We all fake it from time to time and once in a while, this can be a good thing, but never compromise your personal values and always strive to be your best self.
- Enjoy a part of every day. Look for those little bright moments that happen all the time but that we often fail to recognize. Make a point of seeing some good in every day, and you will change your life.
50 simple ways to make life better
Read on: 17 ways to try something new and improve your life
Waking up 30 minutes earlier than others
Lying in bed for an extra half hour is always nice. However, if you get up earlier than your family members, you will have time to spend on yourself.
Diane Fletcher, lifestyle coach and stress reduction expert, advises: “Use this time to sit quietly and imagine how you would like to spend the day, think about the most important things and relax with a cup of coffee or tea. The time you spend focusing in the morning will help you save hours during the day. You won't waste it on a routine because you've already prioritized and determined what results you want. " nine0006
Taking a minute break in nature
Even a few minutes in the open air improves our mood. According to research, if we spend only 20 minutes a day in nature, our vitality increases. Kandra Canning, founder of Live Bright Now, says even a minute-long break is helpful.
“Try slowing down when you leave the house in the morning, or look at the sky during your lunch break,” she advises. “The biochemical processes of the brain and body have been proven to benefit from this. This will help you relax and gain confidence in yourself.” nine0006
Plan the next day from the evening
Gail Carson, lifestyle coach and speaker from Albany, New York, advises to always plan ahead for the day: “So when you walk into the office and they ask you if you have a minute, you can give an answer". It doesn’t hurt to make a to-do list as well – this life hack helps to improve the quality of sleep.
Meet friends at least once a week
And the more often, the better. In 2017, Harvard researchers proved that relationships help us be happier throughout our lives. This means that it is wise to invest time in friendship. nine0006
Raffi Bilek, psychotherapist and head of the Baltimore Therapy Center, says: “Isolation leads to dissatisfaction. You don't have to spend all your time at parties. Even one or two close friends will help you feel connected and full of life.”
Keep in touch with people you haven't seen for a long time
There is no doubt that communication with family and friends is important. However, scientists have proven that "weak ties", that is, those whom we consider to be just acquaintances, are most useful for developing new contacts, improving career prospects and meeting new people. nine0006
Every week try to meet someone you haven't seen in a while. You will feel that your network of personal and professional acquaintances is growing.
Read on: Eight habits that make us unhappy
Spending time with family
Arman Sadeghi, business coach and founder of Titanium Success, says: “Family is a matter of priority. For most of us, this is the most important thing. However, often we do not plan enough time for communication with loved ones, and there is always not enough of it. Schedule family time, such as a date with your spouse or a night out with the kids.” nine0006
Schedule group calls in a row
Instead of spreading conference calls throughout the day, schedule them one by one. “One phone call takes as long as five. They turn into a stream,” says Carson. In addition, such a schedule will help you keep within the planned time.
Do creative work in the morning
Although it is not easy to get out of bed and start working right away, the morning is best for creativity. nine0006
Debra Atkinson, Productivity, Fitness & Wellness Coach at Flipping Fifty, says: "In the morning, cortisol acts like an energy hormone, and focus and focus are better than at any other time of the day." Use biology to your advantage and leave more mundane tasks for later.
Speak With Your Diaphragm
We may not realize it, but this little detail can really help you improve your life. nine0006
David Bennett, Certified Relationship Counselor and Expert at The Popular Man, explains: “When you speak with your diaphragm, you automatically sound more authoritative, and your voice becomes deeper and smoother. Most people would be surprised how positively this small change will affect their careers and success in society.”
Create your ideal schedule
If you're constantly in a rush to get everything done in one day, don't despair. Plan your perfect day. nine0006
Eric Bales of Bales Dynamic Coaching advises that this schedule should include all the parameters necessary for a successful day. Once you do this, the clutter will start to disappear.
Make the most of your vacation
Maura Thomas, speaker and author of Secrets of Personal Productivity, says, “Taking a break from work really helps you become more productive. A vacation charges you with enthusiasm and creative energy. If you don't use your vacation time or never take a break from work in your spare time, your productivity will drop and you'll be less happy. So the next time you feel stressed at work, ask yourself how long it's been since you took a break from work. I bet you will see the connection." nine0006
Go to museums whenever possible
Actually, this has many advantages. Because it's a new activity, it can boost your brain's ability to absorb new information. According to studies, visiting museums helps us recover, improves well-being and reduces stress levels.
Change environment
If you always work at the same desk, try moving to a new one. Tired of the usual place to relax? Find something new. Everything is simple. Saudia Twine, marriage and family therapist at FreshStart Counseling Group, notes, “Our environment can cause us to have depressive thoughts and feelings, leading us to believe that life will never get better.” nine0006
Eliminate distractions
Consider how much time you spend responding to calls, messages, or social media posts. If you feel like your day has flown by and you haven't made any progress on your plans, you may have been distracted too much.
If you constantly pay attention to extraneous things, in time you will get used to it and you will be bored in quiet times. Take a break from your phones, colleagues, or family members every day to focus on your most important tasks. nine0006
Smile more
Darlene Corbett, speaker, licensed therapist and coach, explains: “In this way, a positive and open approach is projected. Smiling often brings us success both personally and professionally. I suggest that my clients practice this daily until it becomes a habit. And they report that they actually feel better when they smile more.”
Write a list of what you have ever dreamed of and have already achieved
Feel like you want more out of life? For most people, this is normal. But it is much more beneficial to switch your thinking and think about what you already have. nine0006
Jenny Vila, career and personal development coach, advises: “Write a list of all the things you have now and that you once dreamed of. For example, find a boyfriend or girlfriend, get married, graduate from college, get a job, buy a house, have kids, or visit a certain city.” Over time, you will feel satisfied as you reflect on how far you have come.
Break large projects into small subtasks
We often have to put in extra effort on a difficult or monotonous task and feel frustrated as a result. nine0006
Try to break them down into simpler subtasks. If you're working on a report or trying to digest what you've read, take 5-minute breaks every 15 minutes.
This is not only a way to get attention on your resume. Scientists believe that volunteering can change our mentality and even reduce anxiety and depression.
Imagine yourself the way you want to look from the outside
The more we believe in our ideal image, the more likely it is that others will perceive us the same way. nine0006
According to attachment theory, each of us develops a mental schema that influences how we and others perceive us, and how we perceive, evaluate, and respond to others. Evaluate yourself more positively, and you will notice that others have begun to do the same.
Do something in the morning before picking up the phone
Whether it's checking email, social media, or reading the news. Entrepreneur Dave Cantin says that once you pick up your phone, you're in a frenzy. nine0006
Photo: Unsplash
If your morning starts like this, you will be looking for time all day to concentrate. A calming morning ritual will help stop that snowball effect, calm you down, and set you up for a productive day.
Not doing many things at the same time
We are overwhelmed with daily activities, and sometimes we find it easier to do them all at the same time.
Lisa Sansom, positive psychology trainer and consultant at LVS Consulting, advises: “Wherever you are, stay where you are. Don't talk on the phone during the meeting. If you're checking email, then focus on that. If you are at a social event, be at a social event. Your brain is wired to pay conscious attention to one thing at a time—so do it.” nine0006
Create a folder for important papers
A cluttered desk can seriously damage productivity and interfere with concentration. Most of the clutter is records that you will need in the future, so you can't just throw them away. Keep a folder for important papers to help clear your desk. The same approach works for email as well.
Starting with the Hardest
Psychotherapist Erin Tierno notes that the fear of imperfection paralyzes us, and the thought that we don't live up to our personal standards can undermine our productivity. nine0006
Imagine the worst outcome and what the consequences would be. This thought experiment allows you to feel freer and not be afraid of judgment.
Find the good in every problem
Start with the problem you are currently working on and try to find the good in it.
Positive emotions expand our readiness for opportunities and help us develop new skills that may be useful in the future.
Appreciate the present
We often look forward to the future. But constant pursuit leads to disappointment.
Try to be content with the person you are and the life you have now. Many people spend their lives in the eternal pursuit of happiness - to earn even more money, get married, have children, get divorced, retire, and so on. However, if you live in the future and do not enjoy the present, you can never feel happy.
Learn to actively listen
This is one of the keys to meaningful, fulfilling relationships. Learn to listen well if you want loved ones to trust you and feel comfortable sharing with you. According to Diane Schilling of Forbes, the principles are simple: listen carefully, take in what the other person is saying, and never interrupt. Then paraphrase what you learned and repeat it to the other person.
Don't be afraid of difficulties
Research shows that a certain amount of stress helps us to be more productive, happier and more efficient. nine0006
According to the theory of psychological stability, stressful factors can make us more resilient both physically and spiritually. They also reduce future exposure to stress.
Schedule pleasant things
David Bennett notes that most people use the whole space in the calendar for unpleasant things - daily commuting or attending boring meetings. He also advises not to forget about the good things: time with friends, dates, and time for yourself. nine0006
Learn new technologies
Technological progress has more advantages than disadvantages.
Gadgets make life easier for busy people. For example, you can automate routine tasks, synchronize notes, and categorize ideas for important projects.
Letting go of what doesn't work
It could be a toxic relationship or a failed project.
Learn to avoid things that bring extra stress instead of results. Spend the time you save with friends and family, take up hobbies, and take care of yourself. nine0006
Pay attention to mindfulness
The habit of prioritizing improves the quality of life over time.
Darlene Corbett notes that even simple ways to pay attention to another person can significantly improve both their mood and yours. It is enough to say “thank you” or “welcome”, hold the door or stop the car to give way to a pedestrian or another car.
Read at least one book per month
Reading gives us great benefits, especially when it comes to fiction. A study published in PLOS One shows that reading can make us more empathetic, and another published the same year in the Creativity Research Journal shows that reading brings out our creative qualities. All this contributes to the improvement of the standard of living. nine0006
Disable Wi-Fi
This will help you avoid distractions from incoming emails, meeting invitations, and calendar alerts. Your productivity will increase significantly if you turn off Wi-Fi temporarily and put your phone on airplane mode.
Keep a gratitude journal
Take time each day to write down a few things you are grateful for. It can be anything from what you ate for dinner to how you feel. In 2018, researchers from Greater Good Science at the University of California, Berkeley found that students who kept a gratitude journal were more successful at reaching their goals than those who didn't. nine0006
Listen to cheerful music
Music will help you get through difficult times. According to a study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology, it's easier for us to tune in to a positive mood when we listen to upbeat music.
Spend less than you earn
Control your spending to be less worried about money.
Wealth expert Leanne Jacobs advises regularly checking for auto-payments that could steal your money. nine0006
Be yourself
Coach and business consultant Mike Sherek notes that nothing improves the quality of life like self-expression. Start by identifying the moments when you are pretending. When we don't try to be someone else, we feel more comfortable and happier.
Learn to say no
We often have to overwork, attend too many events, or interact with too many people.
Sometimes it's better to give up something to recharge your batteries and relax. Adhere to the following rule: if the offer does not delight you, refuse it. nine0006
Write down ideas
If you often get ideas, don't forget to write them down.
Social worker and lifestyle coach Stephanie Crane says she keeps a diary, each page of which is dedicated to a different project. After completing all the tasks, she rips out the page and feels satisfied.
Stop working on weekends
Work is highly valued, and it is often difficult for us to tear ourselves away from it. Dedicate your weekends to distract yourself and live life to the fullest. nine0006
Socializing with friends, family and hobbies reduces stress and energizes.
Find time to meditate
Research shows that if you meditate for 15 minutes a day every day, you will be able to make better decisions. This practice also improves concentration.
Walking without a phone
As a rule, even at work there are practically no cases that cannot wait 10 minutes. Take this time to walk and do not take your phone with you.
Try to pay attention to what you have not noticed before. Scientists call this exercise the “review effect” — it allows you to get new ideas and see opportunities. This helps with decision making. nine0006
Monitor your performance
Measuring your success is much easier when you define your key metrics. Make yourself a list of KPIs to see how your business is changing every day, week or month. This will help you keep track of the situation, even if you are not communicating with employees.
Get rid of clothes you haven't worn in a year
Many of us have closets full of clothes. But often we don't even wear half of what we have. nine0006
Fundraising consultant Katherine Wertheim advises not to keep anything you don't wear in your closet: “It's depressing. Hang these things in another closet, store them under your bed, or somewhere else.”
Just imagine how every morning you open your closet and choose an outfit from the things that you like.
Remove social media apps
Do you want to live in the present? Delete the social media apps you use the most. So you will open them only when you really want to, and not out of boredom. This will make it easier for you to relax and spend time with others. nine0006
Buy new clothes whenever you feel like it
You deserve to be pampered. Scientists have proven that shopping not only improves mood, but also increases self-confidence.
Set financial goals
We often start to worry about our money at the end of the year when the holidays come around. Instead, start controlling money at the beginning of the year.
Wealth expert Leanne Jacobs advises setting the amount you want to earn on January 1st. This way of thinking will change the way you think about finances. nine0006
"Unload" the brain
When it's time to do something important, we often cannot focus and get distracted. “Automatic writing” will help to cope with this. To do this, take paper, a pen and start writing whatever comes to mind.
This method helps to "clear" the brain and unlock your potential. Do not try to limit yourself or somehow organize your text. After a while, your mind will be able to concentrate on the important things.
Set boundaries
Unfortunately, no one can read minds. The only sure way to get people to treat you the way you want is to tell them so.
Business coach Heather Vickery advises you to determine what is acceptable behavior for you and then discuss it with others. As a result, you will be able to feel free and not be afraid to offend someone.
Concentrate on one goal each week
We often overestimate our abilities and overload ourselves. nine0006
Wellness expert Kevin Strauss notes that this endless cycle overwhelms us and exhausts us. “More than likely, you do so much to feel appreciated. However, the less we take on, the less stress we experience and the better we perform those tasks that are really important.
Cover photo: Unsplash
18 ways to make your life easier in 2023
January 2 Life nine0006
Don't expect problems to resolve themselves. Here are some tips on how to become happier and less tired in the coming year.
1. Go on a low-information diet
If your work is not related to the redirection of information flows, it is not necessary to be aware of all world news and events. Information falls on a modern person every minute in the form of mailing lists, messages on social networks, push notifications. In most cases, you can do nothing to help someone else's grief, only get angry or sympathize, and these negative emotions take away strength and reduce productivity. nine0006
Identify the sources that will give you news and limit the time you spend on them. The less you know the better you sleep. And longer if you go to bed instead of reading your social media feed.
2. Throw away all rubbish
Old, ugly, unnecessary things make the room sloppy, and the mess that forms around them spoils the mood. Eliminate the source of the problem, fill the house with only necessary or pleasant things.
3. Analyze how you spend your time
Time is a non-renewable resource, but many people spend it very ineptly. Defragment your day like a hard drive on a computer. Think about how you can redistribute the busyness during the day to leave more time for pleasant activities.
4. Make a schedule
You don't need to control all the events of your life maniacally, just copy the to-do list into your diary and stop worrying about forgetting something. Set adequate deadlines and resolve issues as they arise. nine0006
5. Write down ideas
Brilliant thoughts don't always come at the right time. Write them down in a notebook, on a mobile device, anywhere, so as not to forget. Some ideas will not seem brilliant after a while, others can change your life.
6. Turn your house into a fortress
Let your apartment become the place where you feel safe. Surround yourself with cozy things. Take away spare keys from intrusive relatives who come uninvited. Give yourself permission to turn off your phone, or at least put it on silent. nine0006
7. Save screenshots that make you happy
Create a folder that will store messages that make you happy and have fun. Declarations of love, praise from superiors, funny correspondence - all this will cheer you up and restore faith in yourself when something in life goes wrong.
8. Stop arguing
No need to try to convince your opponent that you are right (unless you are paid for it, of course). This will take a lot of moral strength and time, and the interlocutor, most likely, will remain unconvinced. nine0006
9. Use the bed strictly for its intended purpose
Do pleasant things in bed, including sleep, sex, eating pizza to your favorite TV series. It is better to work and read the news elsewhere, otherwise the bed will cease to be associated with a place of relaxation.
10. Find a way to get away from problems
Surely there is something that allows you to take a break from difficulties for a while and at least briefly cheer you up. Favorite movie, watching funny pictures, picking up a puzzle, drawing comic book characters. Make a list of these items and keep it handy in case of an emergency. Use it when you need to quickly relieve psychological stress and forget a little. nine0006
11. Fight perfectionism
Not everything has to be perfect. Some things are easy enough to do, others are completely ignored. Set priorities and do not try to embrace the immensity.
12. Express your feelings more openly
Of course, not all experiences are worth sharing. But in some cases it can be useful. First, people will begin to understand you better. Secondly, you will understand that you are not alone in your fears and anxieties. Thirdly, showing emotions, you psychologically relax. nine0006
13. Read more books
Reading reduces stress levels, expands horizons, allows you to learn something new and escape from reality into imaginary worlds in order to forget about worries at least for a while.
14. Learn to survive parting with people
Friendship ends. Both of you can remain wonderful people, it's just that nothing binds you anymore. Let your friend go and don't blame yourself for anything.
15. Say "yes" more often
It's not about agreeing to take a walk with a stranger into a dark alley. But remember, how many times have you given up something interesting just out of habit? You are a responsible adult with chronic fatigue, reports and deadlines, but sometimes it's worth going on an adventure to feel alive again. nine0006
16. Learn to say “no”
You can't be good for everyone, sometimes you need to be able to refuse even a request for help if it is an attempt to do someone else's work with your own hands.