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Call for Papers: Medical Assessment and Management in Eating Disorders
The Journal of Eating Disorders is pleased to announce a Special Issue singularly devoted to the Medical Assessment and Management in Eating Disorders. Accepted papers will appear in a thematic issue to be published in Winter 2022. Potential topics for comprehensive review articles are listed below. The publishing fee will be waived for accepted manuscripts. In general, articles should not exceed 4500 words and should include around 50 references.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Transgender medicine in Eating disorders
- Anorexia in larger bodies (atypical anorexia)
- Renal and Electrolyte disturbances
- Pulmonary
- Cardiology
- Gastroenterology
- Bone health and Musculoskeletal
- Fertility/Endocrine (to also include management of patients with diabetes)
We also welcome submissions that pertain to medical complications in eating disorders not encompassed by the aforementioned topics. We seek to include 2-4 articles on topics not detailed above.
Guest Editors: Dr. Phil Mehler and Dr. Allison Nitsch
Submission deadline: 31 January 2023
Call for Papers: Improving the future by understanding the present: evidence reviews for the field of eating disorders
In order to advance research in ratings disorders and determine priorities for investment there is an imperative to synthesise advances and identify critical gaps in knowledge. The 2021-2031 Australian Eating Disorder Research and Translation Strategy, a two-year national consultation and collaboration process, included a broad Rapid Review of existing eating disorder literature to map the current evidence-base and inform the development of national research priorities.
A Rapid Review attempts to understand a field of study in its entirety, predominantly to guide decision making processes and address urgent health concerns, and here aims to lay a groundwork of nationally consistent data. This special edition captures the available peer-reviewed literature relating to the six primary eating disorder diagnostic groups (as defined by the DSM-5), across eight key research areas: (1) Population, prevalence, disease burden, and quality of life in Western developed countries; (2) Risk factors; (3) Comorbid conditions and medical complications; (4) Screening and diagnosis; (5) Prevention and early intervention; (6) Psychotherapies and models of care; (7) Pharmacotherapies, alternative & adjunctive therapies; and (8) Outcomes (includes: relapse prevention and mortality).
Led by the InsideOut Institute for Eating Disorders (Sydney, Australia) and driven by Australia’s expert lived experience and eating disorder research community, the review series lays the foundation to improve the future by understanding the present.
Guest editors: Dr. Sarah Maguire, Dr. Jane Miskovic-Wheatley and Dr. Phillip Aouad
Submission deadline: 28 February 2023
Call for Papers: Context Matters: Environmental Influences on Eating disorders, Disordered eating and Body Image
Within some environments, the development of eating disorder symptoms - such as binge eating, strict weight control, or over-valuation of one's body weight or shape - may appear to be logical, if not functional. Many, but not all, aetiological models consider the environment in the onset and maintenance of eating disorders. This Special Issue explores the extent to which eating disorders (inclusive of body image disturbance and disordered eating) are (at least in part) an injurious result of or are exacerbated/maintained by the environment within which one is exposed. Submissions (original articles, commentaries and reviews) are invited that critically examine the role of a range of contexts, including but not limited to the natural environment (e.g., seasons, climate, access to blue and green space), the family environment (e.g., relationships with parents and siblings, birth order), and the socio-political/cultural/economic environment (e.g., socioeconomic, legal, employment, housing, religious, war exposure, sports involvement). We particularly welcome studies coming from an epidemiological, public health, intersectional and/or health economics lens.
Guest Editors: Dr Long Le, Dr Deborah Mitchison, and Professor Bryn Austin
Call for Papers: Binge Eating Related Eating Disorders
Binge eating or feeling out of control while consuming a large amount of food in a discrete time period, occurring at a significant frequency, is characteristic of several eating disorders, most notably Bulimia Nervosa (BN) and Binge Eating Disorder (BED). The binge eating is sometimes followed by compensatory behaviours like self-induced vomiting (BN), can be associated with overweight and obesity (BED) and is often highly distressing and resistant to treatment. About 1.5% of adult individuals will have BN and approximately 3.0 will have BED at some point in their life. There are many factors that contribute to binge eating behaviours, including psychosocial aspects such as stress and lifestyle, biology including genetics, gender and hormonal influences, and comorbid conditions such as anxiety and depression.
With this special issue on binge eating, we would like to invite submissions on current research in order to stimulate further investigation on the topic, especially within the eating disorder research community. We would like to invite submissions across clinical and basic research, studies that focus on behaviour and neurobiology, important findings pertaining to epidemiology and treatment, and review papers or meta-analyses that provide a new perspective on this topic. If you have questions whether your manuscript might be suitable, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of the Editors of this special issue.
Guest Editors: Professor Guido Frank, Professor Allan Kaplan, Professor Katrin Giel, and Associate Editor Professor Jose Appolinario
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A preliminary exploration of experiences of integrating the body in the self in two women with anorexia nervosa in view of phenomenological conceptualisations
Authors: Caroline R. Naess and Liv-Jorunn Kolnes
Content type: Research 1 November 2022
Effect of stimulant medication on loss of control eating in youth with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a prospective, observational case series study protocol
Authors: Aaron R.
Keshen, Anja Hilbert, Victoria Taylor, Anastasia L. Harris, Nami Trappenberg, Joseph Sadek, Guido K.W. Frank and Stuart B. Murray
Content type: Study Protocol 1 November 2022
Association between religiosity and orthorexia nervosa with the mediating role of self-esteem among a sample of the Lebanese population – short communication
Authors: Michel Sfeir, Diana Malaeb, Sahar Obeid and Souheil Hallit
Content type: Research 24 October 2022
Co-occurring psychotic and eating disorders in England: findings from the 2014 Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey
Authors: Ellen Rodgers, Steven Marwaha and Clara Humpston
Content type: Research 18 October 2022
Lived experience perspectives on a definition of eating disorder recovery in a sample of predominantly white women: a mixed method study
Authors: Therese E.
Kenny, Kathryn Trottier and Stephen P. Lewis
Content type: Research 13 October 2022
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The cognitive-interpersonal maintenance model of anorexia nervosa revisited: a summary of the evidence for cognitive, socio-emotional and interpersonal predisposing and perpetuating factors
Authors: Janet Treasure and Ulrike Schmidt
Content type: Review 15 April 2013
Anorexia nervosa – medical complications
Authors: Philip S Mehler and Carrie Brown
Content type: Review 31 March 2015
Assessment of anorexia nervosa: an overview of universal issues and contextual challenges
Authors: Lois J Surgenor and Sarah Maguire
Content type: Review 9 August 2013
Perceptions of the causes of eating disorders: a comparison of individuals with and without eating disorders
Authors: Elizabeth H.
Blodgett Salafia, Maegan E. Jones, Emily C. Haugen and Mallary K. Schaefer
Content type: Research article 15 September 2015
The rise of eating disorders in Asia: a review
Authors: Kathleen M. Pike and Patricia E. Dunne
Content type: Review 17 September 2015
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Thematic series
Clinical Advances in the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Related Restricting Eating Disorders (Edited by Prof. Dr. Ivan Eisler, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Schmidt and Prof. Dr. Daniel Le Grange)
Eating disorder treatment practice standards
Eating Disorders in the time of COVID-19 outbreak - Implications for now and the future (Edited by Profs. Hubert Lacey, Phillipa Hay and Stephen Touyz)
Eating Disorders, Emotions and Mood Disorders (Edited by Profs. Phillipa Hay and Stephen Touyz)
Diabetes and Eating Disorders – a complex co-morbidity (Edited by Prof. Paul Copeland)
Click here for more published series
Latest article collections
Clinical Advances in the Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa and Related Restricting Eating Disorders
Eating disorder treatment practice standards
Journal of Eating Disorders is the first open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing leading research in the science and clinical practice of eating disorders. It disseminates research that provides answers to the important issues and key challenges in the field of eating disorders and to facilitate translation of evidence into practice.
Journal prize winners
Journal of Eating Disorders Editors are delighted to announce that the winner of 2022 COVID-19 Research Review paper award is Dr Laura Renshaw-Vuillier for The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on individuals with eating disorders: the role of emotion regulation and exploration of online treatment experiences. J Eat Disord 9, 10 (2021)
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Journal of Eating Disorders is published continuously online-only. We encourage you to sign up to receive free email alerts to keep up to date with all of the latest articles by registering here.
About the Editors
Phillipa Hay , Editor-in-Chief
Western Sydney University, Australia
Professor Hay is Foundation Chair of Mental Health at Western Sydney University, Adjunct Professor of Psychiatry at James Cook University, and Senior Consultant in Psychiatry at Campbelltown Hospital. She is a graduate of Otago University, Dunedin NZ, (MBChB, MD) and the University of Oxford, UK (DPhil).
Stephen Touyz , Editor-in-Chief
University of Sydney, Australia
Professor Touyz, PhD, FAED is a Professor of Clinical Psychology and Honorary Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Sydney. He is also the Chair of the Executive Committee of the Centre for Eating and Dieting Disorders. He has been the professor responsible for the clinical psychology postgraduate training programme at the University of Sydney since 1996.
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90,000 eating disorders: Modern experienceFood behavior disorders: Modern experience
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Professor of Psychiatry in St. Jorda
9000 speeches at the ECED-2019 conference).

We are pleased to present to your attention the first issue of the journal "Eating Disorders: Modern Experience", prepared by the Association of Physicians and Psychologists "Eating Disorders: Therapy and Prevention" (Ukraine).
The main idea behind the creation of the journal was the desire to summarize many years of world and domestic experience in the field of eating disorders, to provide an opportunity for specialists in various fields to exchange scientific and practical findings, to draw public attention to the urgent problem of eating disorders, especially among adolescents and young people.
In the first issue of the Journal we present the scientific and practical materials of the III International round table "Features of the team approach in the treatment of eating disorders", which brought together specialists from Ukraine, Latvia, Germany, Russia
The magazine consists of two main sections.
First: Scientific research in the field of eating disorders.
Topics of articles and abstracts that are presented there:
- — Model of helping people with problematic eating behavior and weight disorders (Shebanova V.)
- — Variability in the perception of the concept of "food" in people with eating disorders (orthorexia nervosa) (Fateeva M.)
- – Psychodiagnostic component of the study of eating disorders: a review of foreign methods (Yashishina Yu.)
- — Voluntary and involuntary treatment of eating disorders (EDD) in correlation with the level of mental disorders in the pathology of eating behavior (Bryukhin A., Lineva T.)
- — New approaches in laboratory methods for studying the molecular and biochemical mechanisms of the development of anorexia nervosa (Naumova N.)
- — Relationship of anxiety-depressive symptoms with self-satisfaction among medical students (Yuryeva L., Kokashinsky V.
, Shusterman T., Vaskovets N.)
Second section. Eating disorders - from practical experience.
- — Intuitive eating as a way to correct eating disorders (Boiko D.)
- — Nonspecific factors in the treatment of eating disorders on the example of a case of anorexia of the cleansing type (Lazarenko O.)
- — Intrapersonal conflicts and the image of "I" in the context of disorders of Eating Disorders (Averkova D.)
- — Training of the staff of the clinic of eating disorders in effective patient care skills (Makarova A.)
- - Development of interoceptive awareness in eating disorders. Integration into the team process of specialized programs that include work with physicality (Nazarenko T.)
- — Psychopharmacotherapy of eating disorders (Okonishnikova E., Bryukhin A., Lineva T.)
- — Principles of therapy for children and adolescents with eating disorders ( Svetina M. (Marina Svētiņa).)
Also in the journal you can find an overview of the ECED-2019 conference"Eating Disorders: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Understanding and Care" (Paris, 2019). And some techniques from the webinars "accessible education" to help practitioners. And get acquainted with the results of the work and new international projects of the Association.
We hope that the materials presented in the Journal will be useful in your work. We will sincerely welcome your feedback and new opportunities for cooperation.
We are grateful to all the colleagues who took part in the preparation of the first issue of the journal! First of all, to the members of our international editorial board - M. Svetina, E. Okonishnikova, E. Bryukhin, N. Naumova, Organizing Committee of the National Association of RPP - T. Nazarenko, O. Sushko, O. Lazarenko, M. Belousova, N. Volchenskaya , Secretary of the Association N. Chalova, reviewers V. Shebanova, L. Yurieva, O. Gulbs, language editor L. Lysak, authors of abstracts and articles.
To order the Journal, send an application to the editorial office by e-mail [email protected], indicating the full name, phone number, city and Nova Poshta branch number, after which you will receive an invoice for payment.
Yours sincerely,
Yuliya Yaschishina, Editor-in-Chief,
Marina Fateeva, Deputy Editor-in-Chief.
What to read about eating disorders - 10 key books new collection of RBC Trends
Nicole Schnackenberg, “Imaginary bodies, real essences: overcoming conflicts of identity with appearance and returning to the real Self”
Schnackerberg is a British psychotherapist. More than 20 years ago, she was first diagnosed with anorexia, which then turned into a "body dysmorphic disorder." Nicole managed to overcome her illness, learn to love herself and enjoy her body - this is what Schnackerberg teaches in his book.
The psychotherapist claims that behind any self-destruction, behind every conflict with appearance, there is actually a deeper pain and devastation. And until this pain is recognized and understood, the vicious circle cannot be broken.
The writer invites her readers not to fight their pain directly, but to penetrate into the very essence of their own emotions and find the "invincible summer" in themselves. She looks at "appearance disorders" through the lens of human stories and experiences. Nicole wonders where identity conflicts come from - from old fairy tales and myths associated with mirrors, from the mass media, from childhood? At the end, she describes spiritual and psychological practices that can help you rediscover yourself.
Yulia Lapina, “Body, food, sex and anxiety: what worries the modern woman. Research by a Clinical Psychologist
In this book, clinical psychologist Yulia Lapina analyzes not only eating disorders, but also other psychological problems that arise in women due to social pressure and imposed standards of beauty and femininity. Lapina suggests once and for all to stop asking yourself questions like: “What is wrong with me? Why is it so hard to lose weight? Why do tips from glossy magazines not work?
In the introduction, Lapina writes: “The body, diets and sexuality are a new religion with all the ensuing consequences: a rigid structure, prohibitions, influence on private and public life. This religion has its saints who promise salvation, and sinners are punished.” The topic of religion appears here often - it turns out that diets have a lot in common with sects.
The book is written in simple language, but based on scientific facts and research. The question of relationships with one's body is revealed from many perspectives - political, medical, economic, and so on. The Body, Sex, Food, and Anxiety is a book to start exploring the topics of eating behavior and the impact of stereotypes on the quality of life.
Rene McGregor, “When Healthy Eating Hurts. Orthorexia
Orthorexia is an eating disorder that is not talked about as often. But this is no less serious disease than bulimia or anorexia. A person with orthorexia has a manic desire to eat a healthy, “clean” diet. He refuses everything that can be "harmful", counts calories and loses the ability to enjoy food.
Alas, instead of a healthy body and spirit, people with orthorexia get serious problems with physical and mental health. Diets, constant exhausting workouts, shame for every extra bite eaten, dislike for your body - if you know this, McGregor's book can be a step towards self-acceptance.
Renee McGregor is a qualified clinical and sports nutritionist. In the book, she describes the symptoms of orthorexia and its possible causes, including perfectionism, a sense of loss of control, and low self-esteem. And most importantly, McGregor offers his own method of dealing with this disorder, which will help normalize nutrition and restore mental and physical strength.
Justine, "This Morning I Decided to Stop Eating"
This book is a first-person story of dealing with an eating disorder. Justine is a fourteen year old girl. She develops anorexia due to stereotypes about beauty imposed by society. At school, classmates humiliate her for being "extra" weight, and at home her parents reproach her daughter for how much she eats.
Together with the main character, the reader goes through all the stages of accepting her diagnosis. Thanks to the entries in her personal diary, it is clear how the disease gradually penetrates into all areas of her life. The text shows how a person with an eating disorder thinks, how he perceives food, how he feels about himself and his own body. In the end, Justine ceases to see the meaning in life, and anorexia really almost leads her to death one day.
The book is especially useful for teenage girls and their parents to understand where teenage eating disorders come from and how to prevent them in time. And for those who suffer from anorexia or have a difficult relationship with food, the book gives hope that these problems can be eliminated.
Carolyn Cocker Ross, Breaking Food Addiction. How to deal with food cravings”
We often hear or say phrases like “I’m addicted to this food”, “I can’t start working until I drink coffee / eat candy”, “After a hard day I will treat myself to fast food” . Many people really can't refuse certain foods. The problem of food addiction is no less real than alcoholism, addiction to nicotine or gambling.
Ross argues that food addiction is not always related to food. Often, people first become addicted to a behavior. When people use food to cope with stress and get a “serve” of joy, or, conversely, reinforce positive emotions with food, they may develop cravings for certain foods. Therefore, it is important not only to eliminate these products from your life, but to recognize the fact of addiction and start working with it.
Carolyn Cocker Ross is an addiction expert. She talks about the neurological and psychological causes of these disorders and offers a program to help beat unhealthy food cravings. This book is suitable for those for whom food has become almost the only source of pleasure and tranquility.
Giorgio Nardone, Tiziana Verbitz, Roberta Milanese, Captured by food. Bulimia — Anorexia — Vomiting»
Giorgio Nardone — Doctor of Psychology and famous Italian psychotherapist. He developed an effective methodology for short-term strategic psychotherapy, which is aimed at combating eating problems. This book is addressed to psychotherapists and counselors, so inspirational stories and life experiences are not to be found elsewhere. But the authors describe in detail the stages of the formation of anorexia, bulimia and induced vomiting (vomiting), list the main symptoms and tell what kind of therapy the patient needs at each stage of the development of the disease.
All features of Nardone's approach are supported by case studies - illustrations of how short-term therapy is applied to all types of RPD. The book is suitable for those who want to learn about the methods and techniques of treatment "without water" and for those who, for some reason, cannot seek help from a specialist.
Christopher Fairbairn, “How to deal with compulsive overeating. How to Understand Why You Overeat and Stop Doing It
Christopher Fairbairn is Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the University of Oxford, who has compiled a set of recommendations for people prone to compulsive overeating (CB). Fairbairn's book is in two parts: the first discusses the causes that can lead to overeating. Here the author examines the psychological, social and physiological aspects of CP, talks about the relationship between compulsive overeating and addiction.
In the second part of the book, Fairbairn offers an enhanced self-help program for compulsive overeating. The psychiatrist explains how to keep regular meals, what and how you can replace overeating, how to cope with worries about weight and figure and learn a healthy perception of yourself and your body.
Naomi Wolf, The Beauty Myth: Stereotypes Against Women
The Beauty Myth is one of the most cited works of third wave feminism. In it, American journalist and writer Naomi Wolfe explores the origins of conventional unrealistic ideas about female beauty and how they affect the personal and professional lives of girls. The main idea of the book is that the pressure on women is increasing due to the media. Woolf argues that the ideals of beauty are created specifically for the purpose of making money, and also serve political purposes.
The "beauty myth" affects women in various areas: work, culture, religion, sex and others. The writer calls on society to weaken the existing ideals of beauty, and girls to stand up for the freedom of choice to do whatever you want with your face and body.
A rather large section is devoted to the topic of eating behavior. Woolf writes that "anorexia is the number one killer of teenage girls" and strongly condemns a society in which women have to bring themselves to deadly diseases in order to live up to certain ideals. The Beauty Myth has received rave reviews from feminists and activists, many of whom believe that every woman in the 21st century should read this book.
Alexandra Kleeman, You Too Can Have a Body Like Mine fitness. Alexandra Kliman's novel is saturated with the same glossy atmosphere of the 1980s, but its plot is a real dystopia.
The main character's name is "A", she lives with a neighbor named "B", and is dating a guy named "C". Together with him, she constantly watches TV shows, in between which they play advertisements for Kandy Kakes sweets.