Losing a dog card
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25 Card Messages and Ideas to Express Pet Sympathy
The series “Language of Grief” provides inspirational advice and ideas for expressing condolence across a myriad of situations. In this article, we explore pet sympathy card messages and other ideas after a friend or loved one loses a four-legged companion.
It’s not easy to know what to say when a friend or family member loses a pet. For many people, their dogs and cats are part of the family. Four-legged companions are incredibly special to their owners, and their passing can have a deep effect on them. When a loved one’s furry friend passes, there are a few things you can do to help ease their pain.
Don’t ask them when they will get another dog or cat – their pet is irreplaceable.
Heather Myers
Scouting Hope
Whether you’ve been through the loss of a pet or not, it’s important to be there for the griever in any way you can, says Marty Tousley, grief counselor and moderator at Grief Healing Discussion Groups.
“Listen actively,” she says. “Expect to hear the same story over and over again. Repeating is helpful for the griever and acts as a pain reliever. If something similar happened to you, share but don’t compare your experience, and do so only if asked. ”
Heather Myers, a licensed veterinary technician and the owner of pet goods shop Scouting Hope, says it’s helpful to keep the griever busy. “Offer them to come for walks with your dog, or to come over and spend time with your dog or cat at your house,” she says. “Making a donation in honor of their pet is also a beautiful thing you can do. Don’t ask them when they will get another dog or cat – their pet is irreplaceable.”
She suggests asking the griever to tell their favorite stories about their furry friend, or for you to share memories of their pet that made you smile.
Another way to help ease the griever’s pain is by writing a sympathy card to let them know you’re thinking of them. “A card, note, or letter expressing sympathy or sorrow over the loss of a pet can be reread many times, and it can bring great comfort for weeks, months, even years afterward,” says Tousley.
Below are 25 pet loss quotes you can use to help your loved one navigate the passing of their beloved companion.
- “[Pet’s name] was always there for you and loved you no matter what. Now that perfect love lives on in your heart. We will miss [pet’s name], too.”
- “May [pet’s name]’s love bring you peace, and may the memories you both shared bring comfort to your broken heart. I’m thinking of you at this sad time.”
- “Heaven is filled with love, so your [pet’s name] should feel right at home there. You gave him/her such a wonderful home on Earth.”
- “No one ever really dies who is remembered with love. May the love you share with [pet’s name] be your comfort now, and may you be soothed by the knowledge that love’s eternal beauty will shine forever in your heart.”
- “My heart hurts for you. Sending you a comforting hug.”
- “Sending you love while your best friend crosses the rainbow bridge.”
- “[Pet’s name] was such a good dog/cat. You were lucky to have found each other.”
- “I am so sorry for your loss.
[Pet’s name] will be missed greatly.”
- Losing such a big part of your family is never easy. Thinking of you and your family in this difficult time.”
- “[Pet’s name] was so lucky to have chosen you. He/she will be greatly missed.”
- “May the memories of [pet’s name] bring you comfort during this time of loss.”
- “I know how much [pet’s name] meant to you. Sending lots of love during this difficult time.”
- “[Pet’s name] was so loved and he’ll/she’ll always be with you in your heart. I’ll never forget the happiness he/she brought everyone he/she met.”
- “I’m sorry to hear that [pet’s name] crossed the rainbow bridge. My condolences are with you and your family.”
- “[Pet’s name] will always be in your heart. My sincere condolences to you and your family.”
- “I can’t imagine the grief you’re feeling after losing [pet’s name]. He/she was a special part of your family and brought so much happiness. Sending love.”
- “You are the most amazing pet mom/dad and the bond you had with [pet’s name] will live on forever.
I love you and I’m here for you.”
- “We share your sorrow. [Pet’s name] was truly an incredible dog/cat.”
- “I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope the pain in your heart will be eased by the beautiful memories you shared with [pet’s name].”
- “I’m so sorry for your loss. [Pet’s name] was a loyal and faithful friend. Keep the memories of him/her safe in your heart.”
- “I’m sorry to hear about your furry friend. I know how special he/she was to you.”
- “You and [pet’s name] will always be connected. Thinking of you during this difficult time.”
- “To lose a true friend is never easy. You’re in my thoughts during this difficult time.”
- “I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ll never forget how sweet [pet’s name] would greet us when we came to visit.”
- “I’m so sorry you lost your best friend. [Pet’s name] was such a gentle soul, and now he/she is your angel.”
Show a loving family grieving the loss of a pet that you are thinking about them with one of our pet memorial items. From pet sympathy flowers to pet plaques for the loss of a dog, cat, bird or any other beloved furry friend, your thoughtful gesture will bring light during this dark time.
Depression in dogs: symptoms, causes
A rare owner did not notice a change in mood, sadness and blues in his pet
Many owners are convinced that a dog, unlike a person, does not have depression, but a rare owner did not notice a change in mood, sadness and melancholy in his pet.
Dogs are generally very emotional in the manifestation of their feelings - both joy and sadness. They are able to experience not only joy or sadness, but also more complex feelings: pride, shame, and even jealousy. Depression in dogs is difficult to diagnose. The following behavioral changes in a dog are indicative of depression:
- lethargy
- apathy
- refusal to feed
- drowsiness.
If these symptoms are persistent and last more than two days, the dog should be seen by a veterinarian.
There are enough reasons that can provoke depression in dogs. The most common is a sudden change of ownership. In this case, such a disorder can be short-term and last 1-2 weeks. At the same time, the dog either does not show strong signs of anxiety, or may be alert, eat little, sleep fitfully. But it happens that depression develops into a more severe form. Dogs tolerate depression in different ways, it depends on the characteristics of the psyche and the nature of a particular animal.
Another cause of depression is the departure of the owner for a long period or the death of one of the family members. Dogs, like people, are attached not only to the owner. They also have friends among their brethren. The loss of such a friend is also fraught with hard feelings for the dog. Depression in dogs can manifest itself not only in apathy and lethargy. In some cases, the animal may become aggressive and run away from home.
Severity and rudeness towards the dog, prolonged and violent restriction of its freedom will also cause depression and inappropriate behavior. In this case, the owner needs to reconsider his relationship with the pet, and possibly the conditions of its maintenance.
It is also interesting that dogs can suffer from seasonal mood swings, for example in winter. There are fewer walks, their time is shortened. The dog does not receive enough light, fresh air and movement. The communication of the dog with his fellows and active leisure with the owner are also reduced. In such a situation, you need to reconsider your daily routine and spend more time with the dog in communication and walks, engaging it in active games.
Hormonal depression in dogs is associated with excessive production of sex hormones. This can be observed during the puberty of a young dog - at the age of 8 to 18 months. In females - in the postpartum period, when her behavior becomes anxious and aggressive, giving way to apathy and lethargy. Sometimes a bitch who has given birth under the influence of a depressive state may refuse to feed the puppies. It is possible to alleviate her condition only by giving her complete rest.
Depression is a serious illness. The mental state of an animal is directly related to its health. Depression can lead a dog's body to a serious weakening of the immune system. As a result, this will cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases, most often allergies. Therefore, having noticed the symptoms of depression, there is no need to rush into a diagnosis, and in order to avoid mistakes, it is better to show the dog to a veterinarian.
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on the map, photo, description, coordinates (Randazzo, Catania, Sicily, Italy)
Cave of the Dog: on the map, photo, description, coordinates (Randazzo, Catania, Sicily, Italy)My placesMapUnusual places and places of interestPlacesTemples and holy springsHistory of MoscowTraveling around RussiaTraveling abroad
#Nature #Anomalous #Europe #Holidays abroad
Everyone living near Naples has at least once heard of the Dog Cave (Grotta del Cane), and many have been there.
The glory of the cave is built on the bones of dogs belonging to overly curious owners. A person could freely enter and exit it, but his four-legged companion could not. And the longer the animal was in the cave, the greater the chance that it would die.
This place has been known for a long time. In the 20th century, people talked about evil spirits hiding from sunlight in the gloom of the dungeon that strangled dogs. Some of the superstitions were true. The dogs were indeed strangled, but not by evil spirits, but by a natural anomaly.
Today it is known that the Cave of the Dog produces carbon dioxide, which accumulates 80cm above the ground. The head of a man is in the air layer, and the head of a dog is in an atmosphere of deadly gas. But the animal does not die immediately. First, the reactions slow down, then there is a loss of consciousness, and if the dog is not promptly raised, but rather taken out into the fresh air, then it will die.