Jobs for intrapersonal intelligence
How to Find a Career Path Using the Theory of Multiple Intelligences
By Joe Wilner on January 20, 2017
One of favorite quotations is, Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.
People still maintain the incomplete sentiment that success is coupled with a standardized score or a high IQ career.
This can really limit someone’s perspective for career possibilitiesif they don’trelate to this standard definition of success.
If we broaden our horizon to encompass a wider range of diverse aptitudes, we can find a career where our natural strengths and talents shine.
One way to expand on career possibilities is to use the theory of multiple intelligences.
The term multiple intelligences was coined by developmental psychologist, Dr. Howard Gardner in 1983, as a way to describe peoples natural inclination for learning and engaging in the world.
You may be more intelligent than you think. Read on to find a career that fits your essential intelligence.
This is the human ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations).
Possible jobs include:
- Astronomer
- Botanist
- Conservationist
- Gardener
- Farmer
- Animal Trainer
- Zookeeper
- Geologist
- Marine Biologist
- Ecologist
- Veterinarian
- Forest ranger
- Landscaper
- Meteorologist
- Nature photographer
Musical intelligence is the capacity to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone. This intelligence enables us to recognize, create, reproduce, and reflect on music, as demonstrated by composers, conductors, musicians, vocalist, and sensitive listeners. Lets rock and roll!
Possible jobs include:
- Audiologist
- Choir director
- Music conductor
- Music critic
- Music publisher
- Musicpromoter
- Music retailer
- Music teacher
- Music therapist
- Piano tuner
- Recording engineer
- Songwriter
- Sound editor
- Speech pathologist
Have you always been drawn to arithmetic problems, strategy games and experiments? Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical operations. This fits the traditional view of intelligence and encompasses the stereotypical prestigious career.
Possible jobs include:
- Accountant
- Computer analyst
- Computer technician
- Computer programmer
- Database designer
- Economist
- Engineer
- Lawyer
- Mathematician
- Network analyst
- Pharmacist
- Physician
- Physicist
- Researcher
- Statistician
A spiritual intelligence was not included in Gardners original work but is now viewed as a viable aptitude that can be quantified and studied. This intelligence can be recognized by a sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existence, such as the meaning of life, why do we die, and how did we get here.
Possible jobs include:
- Pastor
- Meditation instructor
- Yoga instructor
- Psychic
- Pastoral counselor
- Chaplain
- Public speaker
- Philosopher
Daniel Golemans work on social intelligence has made a huge impact on helping people grow their ability to understand and interact effectively with others. Social intelligence involves effective verbal and nonverbal communication, the ability to note distinctions among others, and sensitivity to the moods and temperaments of others.
Possible jobs include:
- Diplomat
- Leader
- Manager
- Politician
- Clergy
- Social Worker
- Receptionist
- Sales Representative
- Counselor
- Child Care
- Coach
Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills. When a football player makes a diving catch or a dancer effortlessly performs a pirouette theres definitely intelligence at work. They may not be able to quantify the physics of what theyre doing but there is a body-mind coordination that supersedes articulating verbal or mathematical reasoning.
Possible jobs include:
- Athlete
- Dancer
- Mechanic
- Actor / Actress
- Performer
- Physical Education Instructor
- Craftsman
- Physical Therapist
- Farmer
- Carpenter
- Builder
- Park Ranger
- Firefighter
- Paramedic
Linguistic intelligence is the ability to think in words and to use language to express and appreciate complex meanings. We see linguistic intelligence at work when the orator makes a moving speech or the wordsmith inspires us through their verbal prowess.
Possible jobs include:
- Editor
- Public Speaker
- Politician
- Preacher
- Historian
- Journalist
- Teacher
- Journalist
- Poet
- Broadcaster
- English / Writing Tutor
- Actor / Actress
Intrapersonal intelligence is the capacity to understand oneself and ones thoughts and feelings, and to use such knowledge in planning and directing ones life. Self-awareness is important for everyone but some people have a natural connection to emotions and the inner-experience.
Possible jobs include:
- Psychologist
- Philosopher
- Writer
- Theologian
- Career counselor
- Consultant
- Criminologist
- Energy healer
- Personal counselor
- Philosopher
- Program planner
Spatial intelligence is the ability to think in three dimensions. Core capacities include mental imagery, spatial reasoning, image manipulation, graphic and artistic skills, and an active imagination. I have a friend whos an architect and enjoys the hobby of urban sketching. You can tell he has a precise eye for visual dimension and structure.
Possible jobs include:
- Artist
- Architect
- Graphic Designer
- Engineer
- Fashion Designer
- Interior Decorator
- Photographer
- Pilot
- Sculptor
- Strategic planner
- Surveyor
- Truck driver
- Urban planner
Youll probably find proficiency in several of these categories, so a helpful exercise is to select your top three areas of aptitude and create a Venn-diagram. From here you can explore careers that overlap between your different capacities.
Have fun and good luck!
Photo credit:Boris SV
10 Career Choices For Individuals With High Intrapersonal Intelligence
Last Updated on October 6, 2022 by Editorial Team
Every person is unique in terms of personality and intelligence, and it is essential to understand this before choosing a career route. Psychologist Howard Gardner proposed the theory of Multiple Intelligences. According to him, there are eight kinds, and Intrapersonal Intelligence is one of them.
People with intrapersonal intelligence are reflective in nature and focus on their relationship with the self. Often, they are highly analytical and actively try to identify their flaws and work on them. Another important characteristic is that they are emotionally aware and understand how to respect their feelings and motivate themselves.
What are the beneficial traits of Intrapersonal Intelligence?“Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.”
Soren Kierkegaard
Intrapersonal intelligence can be highly rewarding to a person’s success. Here’s how –
- Self-Awareness – People with high intrapersonal intelligence are aware of themselves, their interests, skills, and their aim in life.
While pursuing a career, these are very important.
- Versatility – Due to the fact that they are aware of their own self, which is constantly transforming, they are easy adapt to changes. This makes them versatile in the field of work as well.
- Attentiveness – Intrapersonal intelligence helps a person to be self-reflective, which means that they perfectly understand what they want from life. Therefore, they are motivated in what they do and remain focused on it.
- Emotional Understanding – A person who is aware of themselves and spends time analyzing themselves naturally have a good grasp of emotions. This enables them to be empathetic towards others and help them in need.
- Independent Thinking – People with intrapersonal intelligence are capable of working on their own due to the kind of peace and confidence they find within.
- Ability to deal with failure – Having intrapersonal intelligence can be of immense help during failure.
This is because people with this kind of intelligence prefer focusing on remedies rather than fixating on the negative aspects.
- Discipline – Intrapersonal intelligence makes people disciplined. This is because of the clarity that they have regarding their future. Their impeccable focus and motivation help them maintain a routine.
- Confidence – Intrapersonal intelligence enables one to introspect, reflect and deduce what they want and how they want it. This gives a person confidence in their skills and enhances their performance.
One of the most successful professional fields of the 21st century, entrepreneurship is a promising field for people who have the ability to know themselves and their surroundings well. This is because creating a business from the base requires patience, confidence, maturity, motivation, discipline, and immense courage.
All of these are the central characteristics of a person with intrapersonal intelligence. To attain success in a new venture, one must also be sure of their selves and be dedicated to the cause even at the lowest of times.
2. InstructorWhen someone is capable of being in charge of their own self, it is a sign that they can also manage others well. High intrapersonal intelligence facilitates one to understand others through themselves and help them in reaching their goal.
They can be wonderful guides to people because they are good at understanding people, their dreams, emotions, and motivation. Some of the career options can include Gym instructor, financial advisor, spiritual guide, yoga instructor, personal shopper, and many more.
3. AuthorTo become a writer, one must be consistent and passionate in their area of interest. Before writing comes observing, understanding, and analyzing. This is the reason why people with intrapersonal intelligence have the potential to attain success in penmanship.
Additionally, writers draw inspiration and insights from their own selves and the world around them. Being self-aware and empathetic helps with that as well. Creative blocks are natural and one needs to be capable to gain back confidence and determination. Fiction writer, journalist, poet, non-fiction author, scriptwriter, content writer, and copyeditor are some of the jobs related to writing.
4. AgriculturalistThe growth of crops depends on several factors that are out of human control. To excel in this field, one must be prepared, confident, and self-reliant. There are seasons with an abundant harvest, and then there are the ones with low yields.
Farming needs discipline and the zeal to survive all odds. Farming technologies are constantly developing, which demands constant change and adaptation. These are the reasons why people need to have high intrapersonal intelligence to be successful as a farmer.
5. PsychologistIn recent years, the demand for psychologists has sky-rocketed. With more and more people warming up to the idea of taking care of their mental health, this is a high-yielding profession. However, it is a tough job. To help others understand themselves and evaluate the challenges they are facing, the one facilitating it should be aware of themselves first.
Additionally, they should also be empathetic to understand their clients and help them resolve their issues. A person with intrapersonal intelligence, thus, suits the position best.
6. Planner and ManagerBeing a planner is a challenging task because it includes taking care of several components simultaneously. Managing is equally tricky and takes a lot of patience and coordination. More importantly, these tasks are often long-term and require consistency.
People with intrapersonal intelligence who are aware of themselves can fit well into this role due to their attentiveness and versatility. Some of the jobs related to this field include – Event planner, personal manager, travel agent, project manager, and librarian.
Law is a wonderful area for people with intrapersonal intelligence. It is also a high-paying profession. Working on a case needs a clear vision and a passion for bringing justice to the client. Along with that, skills such as observation, analytical and intuitive thinking, and emotional understanding are also necessary.
Dealing with the justice system requires patience, and the most important thing is having empathy for the client. There are various fields that one can explore such as criminal law, corporate law, civil law, family law, and many more.
8. ResearcherBe it in the field of science, business, or humanities, research is integral for development. People with high intrapersonal intelligence can be excellent at it. This is because the research includes working in a disciplined way within a structure most of the time. On the other hand, it is also essential to think outside the box, make a discovery, and find something brand new which will be of help to the area of study.
The job of a career counselor entails a massive amount of responsibility. However, a person with high intrapersonal intelligence is capable of taking on this challenge because of their capability to understand people.
They are empathetic toward other people and can rightfully assess their expectations from the future, club it with their skills and guide them in an efficient way. Their confidence also helps clients to gain self-confidence and helps them to be focused.
To work with people needs resilience and the passion to bring change. A social worker should be capable of understanding situations involving people and communities. A person with high intrapersonal intelligence is both intellectually and emotionally capable of doing these.
Social work can sometimes become challenging as it involves different social and economic aspects. Empathy and determination are, thus, essential skills that are a must when it comes to this profession.
People who have high intrapersonal intelligence can excel in diverse fields. Their innate ability to be aware of themselves, understand their passion, and be motivated to achieve something helps in all stages of life. Empathy and emotional understanding facilitate them to work with people and provide valuable assistance and insights. Choosing a suitable career with these traits can help one achieve great success, both in professional and personal life.
What is the theory of multiple intelligences and how to use it in teaching? — I am a Teacher
What is the point?
The main idea is that a person has several independent types of intelligence. The abilities of each person depend on the combination of intellects. This theory contradicts the notion that a person has a single intelligence that can be measured using an IQ test.
Who invented it?
The author of the theory is an American psychologist and professor at Harvard University Howard Gardner. He developed his theory as part of a study of the creative potential of people. According to Gardner, you can develop any type of intelligence in the learning process, the main thing is to choose the right tools and techniques.
What are the types of intelligence?
Gardner divided intelligence into eight types.
1. Verbal-Linguistic
Students with this intelligence enjoy reading, writing and telling stories. They have a large vocabulary, so they solve all problems with the help of discussions and persuasion. The best way for these children to learn is to read a text, write an essay, or have a discussion.
2. Logical-mathematical
Such children have analytical skills, they easily explain data and build cause-and-effect relationships. Students love to work with numbers, so you can use a variety of graphs, charts, and statistics. Instruct the student to solve a logical problem or count an example, and he will easily cope with it.
3. Visual-spatial
Visual-spatial intelligence gives the ability to think figuratively. Therefore, such students perceive information better with the help of images. Children with visual-spatial intelligence have well-developed motor skills, love to build, solve puzzles and draw. Have the student make a presentation or draw a map.
4. Musical
A well-developed musical intelligence gives children a receptivity to music and rhythm. Students love to sing and play musical instruments. They easily memorize melodies and can repeat them. A child with musical intelligence will happily write a song or compose music for a poem.
5. Body-kinesthetic
Children with body-kinesthetic intelligence learn the world through touch. They have good control over their body and are able to convey emotions through movements and gestures. If you want to interest such a student, arrange an outdoor game, ask them to play a scene or do something with their own hands.
6. Interpersonal
Students with strong interpersonal intelligence communicate easily and get along with other people. They know how to negotiate, convince and receive information. These children usually have many friends. Interpersonal intelligence gives the ability to recognize the mood and desires of people. Students enjoy working in a team, so the best way to learn is group or pair work.
7. Intrapersonal
Intrapersonal intelligence gives the ability to understand and analyze one's own emotions, actions and beliefs. Thanks to this, students objectively assess their strengths and weaknesses. Such children like to think and work alone. Ask a student with intrapersonal intelligence to do an individual project or write an essay and he will be happy.
8. Naturalistic
Naturalistic intelligence makes children interested in the environment. They are happy to study plants and animals, take care of nature and ecology. A student with naturalistic intelligence can easily draw a poster about environmental issues or make a school yard beautification project.
How to apply at school?
1. When you explain new material, try to use at least two intelligences. For example, the multiplication table can be memorized with colorful pictures (visual-spatial intelligence) and a fun song (musical intelligence).
2. Make up your homework according to several types of intelligence. For example, you can give the guys two tasks to choose from: write an essay (intrapersonal intelligence) or prepare a story on a given topic (verbal-linguistic intelligence).
3. Depending on your subject and the topics of the lesson, create a learning plan based on the theory of multiple intelligences. If you are an elementary school teacher, every day you can choose tasks for a different intelligence.
Monday - logical-mathematical intelligence: children solve puzzles and analyze data.
Tuesday - visual-spatial intelligence: play a game with movements.
Interpersonal Intelligence Wednesday: Divide students into pairs, ask each other to check each other's work and give feedback.
Thursday - verbal-linguistic intelligence: organize an election debate.
Friday - intrapersonal intelligence: let each student write an essay-reasoning.
Nine types of intelligence: know yours
This ability is typical for people with visual-spatial intelligence.
Strengths: creation of visual and spatial images, easy handling of them.
Characteristics of a person:
- likes to read, write, draw;
- solves puzzles quickly;
- interprets pictures, graphs and diagrams well;
- memorizes maps and navigates the terrain.
Potential career:
- architect;
- artist;
- engineer.
2. Linguistic-verbal intelligence
This kind of intelligence refers to a person's ability to use words effectively to express what he means.
Strengths: effective work with information, rapid learning of languages and writing.
Human characteristics:
- remembers written and oral information well;
- likes to read and can write good text;
- makes persuasive speeches;
- can explain well;
- often uses humor when telling stories.
Potential career:
- writer or journalist;
- lawyer;
- teacher.
3. Logical-mathematical intelligence
Usually, the most obvious indicators used in determining intelligence are logical and mathematical abilities. In Gardner's concept, this is one of the types of intelligence.
Strengths: ability to recognize patterns and analyze information, conceptual thinking and quick math problem solving.
Personal characteristics:
- excellent problem solving skills;
- thinks abstractly;
- likes to do scientific experiments;
- solves complex calculations well.
Potential career:
- scientist;
- mathematician;
- programmer;
- engineer;
- accountant.
4. Body-kinesthetic intelligence
High coordination of mind and body is inherent in people with body-kinesthetic intelligence.
Strengths: high motor activity, precise coordination, dexterity, tactile memory.
Characteristics of a person:
- dances well and loves sports;
- likes to make things with her own hands;
- excellent physical coordination;
- physical endurance.
Potential career:
- dancer;
- builder;
- sculptor;
- actor.
5. Musical intelligence
If a person has the talent to disassemble musical compositions into elements and track all the instruments that sound in it, then he is the owner of musical intelligence.
Strengths: sense of rhythm, ear and musical talent.
Characteristics of a person:
- likes to sing and play musical instruments;
- easily guesses musical compositions;
- remembers songs and melodies well;
- understands musical structure, rhythm and notes.
Potential career:
- musician;
- composer;
- singer;
- music teacher.
6. Interpersonal Intelligence
Emotions are closely related to your intellect. Interpersonal intelligence refers to the ability to sense the feelings of other people as well as understand the motives behind their behavior.
Strengths: empathy and interaction with other people.
Characteristics of a person:
- knows how to evaluate the emotions, motives, desires and intentions of others;
- communicates well;
- has skill in non-verbal communication;
- sees situations from different points of view;
- creates positive relationships with others;
- is able to resolve conflicts.
Potential career:
- psychologist;
- consultant;
- coach;
- salesman;
- policy
7. Intrapersonal intelligence
Self-awareness is also a form of intelligence. If a person understands himself, his desires, knows what he feels and why he feels it, then we can say with confidence that he has intrapersonal intelligence.
Strengths: introspection and self-reflection.
Characteristics of a person:
- understands his strengths and weaknesses well;
- likes to analyze theories and ideas;
- excellent self-awareness;
- clearly defines his emotional state.
Potential career:
- philosopher;
- writer;
- scientist.
8. Naturalistic intelligence
The ability to "read" and understand nature and all living beings inhabiting it is the main characteristic of naturalistic intelligence.
Strengths: ability to study the environment.
Human characteristics:
- interested in subjects such as botany, biology and zoology;
- categorizes information well;
- can enjoy camping, gardening, hiking and outdoor activities;
- does not like to study unfamiliar topics that are not related to nature.
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