Introvert extrovert lyrics
Extroverted Introvert | Jude Perl
It’s all a bit too much
For me to handle
Everywhere I look
Some form of propagand…le
And when you’re made like me
You’re far too fragile
Cause the world is built for extroverts
Who aren’t afraid of winning
It’s not that I’m scared of success
I just feel safer failing
And what’s so good about being a winner anyway
All they do is be the best at thing I could’ve been best at if I wanted to
But I had way better things to do
Such as...
I filled my house
With water colour quotes about
How I should I just be myself
If I just believe in myself, then all my dreams will come true
That’s right, all you have to do is literally believe that you exist
And you’re automatically entitled to have everything you want!
So that means, if you don’t get everything you want
Cause apparently believing is equivalent to
Accomplishments that you put time and effort into
Cause the world likes those with confidence
Who don’t get caught overthinking
It’s not that I don’t think I’m great
I just need a lot of people to tell me
I just need strangers to love me
I need a room of strangers to love me
I need people to tell me constantly
I need a group of strangers to validate every thought I’ve ever had…. .
When I’m on stage I am invincible
No one can hurt me while I’m up here
So turn up the lights
I wanna be blinded!
And also that way I don’t have to see anyone’s facial expressions
Cause you don’t know how confusing are your facial expressions
Seriously your faces are terrifying
I wish I knew what was going on in your head
Your body language is less than mesmerizing
And some of you look like you’d rather be dead
Part of me thinks I should be rationalizing
Maybe you’re tired or have a lot going on
But it’s so much more fun over analyzing
Assume your face is shaped like that
Cause you’re thinking about everything I’m doing wrong
Why do you hate me?
I filled my head
With post apocalyptic shows
And then I can’t get to sleep
Because everything I’ve ever seen
Is living inside my mind
Throwing parties every night
But not the fun parties with just a couple of friends…
The kindof party where you get pressured into doing coke
For the first time, even though you knew it was a bad idea
And then you’re lying on the bathroom floor
Cutting bits of plastic from the cotton bud packet
Into tiny little triangles, cause that’s the only thing that you can think of
That will fend off the panic attack that is definitely coming
And someone’s knocking on the door, but the bathroom floor
Is covered with tiny bits of plastic
So you lock the door and pretend that you’re not in there
And then wait for everyone to leave
Cause the world likes those who party hard
Their habits don’t get questioned
It’s not that I don’t like to drink
But I can’t afford to have a drug addiction
What’s so good about getting wasted anyway
All it does is soothe your pain and stops your thoughts from constantly racing
So you’re not distracted by external stimulation
But seriously what is that guy over there thinking about?
I really gotta know
He doesn’t look like he’s enjoying the show
Why are your faces so intimidating?
I wish you wouldn’t look at me like that
I can’t tell if you’re bored or just concentrating
Youre harder to impress than my 16 year old cat
At least I know when my cat wants me in her space
She lets me know by kindly putting her asshole IN MY FACE
I’m not suggesting you guys should do something that shameless
But maybe something in between facial vacancy, and Lady Fluffington’s ANUS
That is not my cat’s real name
So turn the lights up, turn the lights up
I don’t want to see your faces cause they look fucked up
Cause the world is built for iron fists
Who never need unclenching
It’s not that my limbs aren’t strong as steel
But sometimes they just need resting
What’s so good about being a tough guy anyway
All they do is blow things up and pretend their feelings don’t exist
Repress your PTSD like Bruce Willis
The world is built for narcissists
Who think they know everything
It’s not that I don’t think I’m smart
But my mind is always changing
The world is built for sociopaths
Who learn to play the system
It’s not that I want them to win
But I just can’t stand competition
And what’s so bad about being a loser anyway
All we did was not come first in a pointless race
that should’ve never taken place
and besides, I wasn’t even trying that hard anyway. .
It’s all a bit too much
For me to handle
Everywhere I look
Some form of propagand..olf
And when you’re made like me
You’re far too fragile
from I Have A Face, released April 24, 2019
Written by Jude Perl
Produced by Mike Mills & Jude Perl
5 Songs You’ll Relate to as an Introvert
As an introvert, these songs make me feel seen, understood, and less alone in this extroverted world.
Music is a powerful form of storytelling that can make us feel an array of emotions, from absolute happiness to devastating sadness. No matter who you are — introvert or extrovert — there is a guarantee that you can find a song you can relate to on a personal level.
In this list, I present five songs that truly speak to the introverted part of me, the part that would rather stay home on a Friday night than go to the “big party” everyone’s going to, the part that tends to overthink most of the things I do and say, and that part that desperately needs to be alone after spending too much time socializing with people. They make me feel seen, understood, and less alone in this world, and I hope that they make you feel the same way. (Fun fact: Many musical artists are introverts, and I wonder if some of the below are, too.)
Me, Myself and I – BeyoncéLet’s start this with a big one and what musical artist is bigger than Beyoncé, the Queen Bey herself? Me, Myself and I is a song about a woman who gets cheated on. As a result, she learns to set better personal boundaries for herself (which can be tough for introverts) and gains a stronger sense of self-reliance and independence.
This song deals with the horrible reality of heartbreak and betrayal and how a situation like that can make you question everything about yourself, including your intelligence and self-worth. But, ultimately, the message of the song is an empowering one. The narrator understands that there is always the possibility that people might disappoint us, which is why it’s important for us to love ourselves and learn how to be our own best friend.
As an introvert, I’ve learned this lesson many times in the past. We introverts tend to keep a very small group of close personal relationships, people who “get” us. So when one of them disappoints us, it can be absolutely devastating. But instead of closing ourselves completely to other people, there’s a lesson we can take away from the situation. In the end, we will always have ourselves — and no one can take that away from us.
The most relatable lyrics from the song:
It took me some time but now I moved on
Because I realized I got
Me, myself and I
That’s all I got in the end
That’s what I found out
And it ain’t no need to cry
I took a vow that from now on
I’m gon’ be my own best friend
2. i need to be alone. – girl in redYou might not have heard about girl in red before, but this Norwegian indie sensation has been taking the music world by storm in the last couple of years. Her latest album even managed to get a shout-out from Taylor Swift. Her song Serotonin, where she talks candidly about depression and mental health struggles, was met with critical praise when it was released back in March 2021.
But the song I want to highlight in this article is i need to be alone., which was released in 2019. To me, this song perfectly captures how it feels to have an “introvert hangover.” For those of you who might not know, it’s the burnout feeling introverts get after being overstimulated, or socializing, too much. Signs you may have an introvert hangover include feelings of irritability, sadness, and hopelessness. You suddenly can’t think straight — everything gets on your nerves, and you have an intense urge to be alone.
When I get hit by one of these horrible introvert hangovers, all I want to do is scream and run away so I can, indeed, be alone. And you get the sense that is exactly the feeling the musical artist was trying to convey when she recorded this song.
So next time you go through something like that — whether it’s an introvert hangover or not — instead of giving yourself a hard time, listen to this song. And remember that you are not “weird” or “abnormal” — a lot of other people out there have gone through the exact same thing. It can be hard, but they have survived those situations, and so will you.
The most relatable lyrics from the song:
I’m falling out of conversations
I can’t pay attention
Repeat the question
I need to be alone
Or I’m gonna lose my shit…
It’s getting harder to exist
I don’t want to feel like this
3. On My Own – Tessa VioletI absolutely love this song because I can relate to almost everything that is covered in it. In On My Own, Tessa Violet sings about her desire to have a group of people who really know her and who she can call “home. ” But building these kinds of relationships is hard for her because she is also quite comfortable on her own. This is a contradiction that I’m sure most introverts can relate to.
We strive for deep connections, but finding people with whom we can have those kinds of relationships is difficult because we also enjoy spending time alone. In order to find the kind of people we can call “home,” we have to put ourselves in situations that maybe we’re not fond of, like going to parties or talking to strangers. These kinds of situations can make us feel uncomfortable, anxious, and maybe even make us doubt ourselves. That is why the alternative (being on our own) can be much more appealing.
But we cannot go through life completely alone — we also need people in our lives who love and accept us. And in order to find them, we have to get out of our comfort zone once in a while. It can be uncomfortable, but sometimes the rewards can be worth it.
The most relatable lyrics from the song:
I put my foot in my mouth again
I hope they still want to be my friends
I got desirable qualities
If you don’t mind my obsessing with me…
I wanna people that I can call home
But why do the work when I’m doing just
Fine all on my own?…
And I don’t mind being alone
I’m doing fine me on my own
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Lonely by Hayleau is a song about a woman who is approached by a man who thinks that she is lonely because she is on her own. However, she clarifies that just because she is alone doesn’t mean that she is lonely. This is something that I’m sure has happened to a lot of introverts out there. We sometimes want to go out alone, but we are discouraged by how society sees us when we are solo in public.
It has been so normalized by our culture that people who do things — like eat by themselves or go to the movies alone — are pathetic losers who have no one in their lives. But this isn’t true, of course. We want to go alone because we want to go alone. Yet we are met with pitiful looks and people who want to “save” us from being by ourselves. Their intentions might be good, but sometimes they end up doing more harm than good because they make us feel self-conscious and insecure.
The most relatable lyrics from the song:
I know that you think that I’m lonely
I’m not trying to be your homie
Honey, don’t act like you know me…
I’m not looking for somebody to get close to
Boy, I mean it, stop believing that I want you
Hell Nos and Headphones – Hailee SteinfeldDescribed as an “anti-party anthem”, Hailee Steinfeld’s Hell Nos and Headphones tells the story of a girl who is uncomfortable at a party and all she wants to do is get out of there. Previously, I mentioned that sometimes it’s okay for us introverts to get out of our comfort zone and put ourselves out there. But it’s also totally fine to remove ourselves from a situation that is making us uncomfortable beyond our accepted levels. We have to know what our limits are and do the best for our mental health, without caring what other people might think or say.
In the song, everyone at the party is having fun, drinking, doing drugs, and having make-out sessions… but the narrator clearly feels uncomfortable and decides to leave without caring what anyone thinks or says. She feels pressured to stay and “have fun,” but ultimately, she does what’s best for her.
That is a lesson that I’m sure many introverts have learned. We sometimes do things that we think we “have” to do, but we end up feeling miserable. However, it’s okay to know our limits and do what’s best for us. If that means leaving a party early because you don’t feel comfortable, then go ahead and do it.
The most relatable lyrics from the song:
Seems like everybody here
Is speaking different languages…
Don’t want another drink
I just, just wanna be alone
No, I don’t care ‘bout what you think
I’m going home (I’m going home)
Yeah, I’ll stick with hell no’s and headphones
Introverts, what are some of your favorite songs that you relate to? Let me know in the comments below.
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Introverts. Extroverts. And something else - OpenMind on
I think each of us had such thoughts: " Ah, it would be interesting to know what this person is thinking about ...". I am happy to report that this is possible!
In previous articles we talked about such a concept as profiling is the compilation of a psychological portrait of a person based on verbal (speech) and non-verbal (facial expressions, gestures, postures) behavior. Profiling helps to understand a person, his values, beliefs, character, and also helps to predict a person's behavior. There are many descriptive models of a person's personality - psychogeometry, psychotypes, temperament types, metaprograms, DISC, archetypes, character accentuations and much more.
It should be noted right away that the description models that we will consider below are quite short and often provide us with the opportunity of only short-term prediction of human behavior. Therefore, in the following articles we will talk in more detail about the tools that will allow us to see more and know a person better, more deeply!
The most, in my opinion, known and widespread is Jung's model in the form of a dichotomy " extrovert - introvert ". Although in the majority's view this box is more about the level of sociability, but from Jung's point of view, extroverts are more interested in the outside world, and introverts are more interested in the inner world. Introverts are less interested in the external rewards and stimuli that give meaning to an extrovert's life - active communication, the approval of others. Some researchers even suggest that instead of the word "introversion" it is better to use the quality "detachment".
The second slightly wider and no less well-known model is temperament types "choleric - sanguine - phlegmatic - melancholic" . Temperament is an individual characteristic of a person in terms of the characteristics of his mental activity and natural psychophysiological qualities. The three main qualities of temperament are the level of general activity, the features of the motor sphere and the level of emotionality.
Phlegmatic unhurried, imperturbable, has stable aspirations and mood, outwardly stingy in the manifestation of emotions and feelings. He shows perseverance and perseverance in work, remaining calm and balanced.
Choleric - fast, passionate, impetuous, but completely unbalanced, with a sharply changing mood with emotional outbursts, quickly depleted type of temperament. He does not have a balance of nervous processes, which sharply distinguishes him from a sanguine person.
Sanguine - a lively, hot, active person, with frequent changes in mood, impressions, with a quick reaction to all events happening around him, quite easily reconciled with his failures and troubles. He is very productive at work, when he is interested, getting very excited about this, if the work is not interesting, he is indifferent to it, he becomes bored.
Melancholic - a person who is easily vulnerable, prone to constant experience of various events, he reacts little to external factors. He cannot restrain his asthenic experiences by an effort of will, he is too impressionable, easily emotionally vulnerable.
The third typology that I would like to mention is psychogeometry - a system of personality analysis based on the constitution of the human body. There are 4 main types - picnic, athletic, asthenic and gratsial.
• Picnic is a person who has a fairly large body fat.
• Athletic has a well-defined muscular frame and the muscles in the shoulder area predominate.
• Asthenik has some fat and some muscle tissue.
• Gracial looks like an asthenic, but has a figure with a pronounced waist (hourglass) and a graceful gait.
There are mixed types, but one of them will still dominate.
Picnics have a relaxed posture and the same movements. They love comfort quite strongly, they don't like movement. Due to their large body mass, picnics will show a slow response. Due to the fact that they have a large mass and need to be supported, they will always strive for the socialization of food needs: for a large number of social contacts through feasts. Picnics are highly people-oriented and are very sensitive to feedback. They feel good everywhere, the main thing is to have someone to talk to, and even better - to eat. Often focused on the needs of others. Picnics are emotionally balanced and motivated by family values.
Athletic is confident in posture, posture and movement. They are prone to physical activity, as it is necessary to keep the body in good shape. As a rule, they are almost always as energetic as possible. Athletes will always have a need for dominance. What other people think about them, by and large, does not matter to them. Athletes also feel very uncomfortable in closed, stuffy, unventilated rooms.
In their posture and movements asthenics are quite constrained, inhibited. People with asthenic physique have an increased reaction rate and anxiety. In life in society, they are more prone to lengthy reasoning than to action, and are always extremely attentive to what is happening around. This is a defensive reaction: in order not to get into a difficult situation, so that there are no problems. Often they have a fear of social contacts, so-called social phobia develops. It is important for asthenics to be in a closed space, the smaller the space, the more relaxed they feel.
Representatives of the graceful constitution are characterized by the so-called feline style of movement. People of a graceful physique are often active when there is an opportunity to demonstrate themselves, this is manifested, among other things, in the environment with which they surround themselves, where everything is arranged for the convenience of a loved one. From the point of view of energy, in Gracials, as a rule, the speed of reaction to external influences can be different, often chaotic. This is due to the fact that, on the one hand, they need to draw attention to themselves, and on the other hand, they somehow have time to react to what is happening around. Representatives of a graceful physique are fixated on the impression that they make, and usually they are not too attentive to trifles, other people, and the situation. New acquaintances, new contacts are important for them: the more, the better. They are characterized by an even higher sociophilia (forgetfulness of their own interests in the name of the group, altruistic orientation, nobility, compliance) than picnics. The space for Gracials does not really matter, the main thing is that there are “spectators” who can be impressed. The basic feature of the emotional manifestation of behavior in the graceful type is emotional-artistic, demonstrative.
I think that this article has helped you to structure information that was previously partially familiar, and also gave you new knowledge. Tracking these moments in a person's personality, you can already better understand him. Further more!
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Introvert or extrovert?
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Divide all people into extroverts and introverts was first proposed by Carl Gustav Jung in his work "Psychological Types", published in 1921. This division later became the most famous way to determine "who is who" in this world in terms of psychology. From the offices of psychoanalysts and scientific treatises, it migrated into our everyday life. With its help, we try to understand ourselves and everyone around us - but at the same time we rarely think about what it means.
Most people are sure they know that extroverts are active, sociable and open people, while introverts are more reserved, self-absorbed, sensitive and timid. In fact, everything is a little more complicated.
Fragment of the painting by Hieronymus Bosch "Crowning with Thorns" (between 1493 and 1516)
It is quite possible to be a sociable introvert or a timid and sensitive extrovert. Introverts, like extroverts, can be active, creative, and show leadership traits, but they will do it in their own way.
Introversion and extraversion are the most misunderstood division in psychology.
From Jung's point of view, extroverts are more interested in the outer world, while introverts are more interested in the inner world. For him, these are basic psychological attitudes, “directions of movement of the libido” (i.e., vital energy). The psychology of personality has come a long way since Jung's time, but modern research confirms that such a division does exist.
Introverts are less interested in external rewards and stimuli that give meaning to an extrovert's life - active communication, approval of others, money or fame. Some researchers even suggest that instead of the word "introversion" it is better to use the quality "impartiality" or "detachment". Introversion is defined as the tendency to focus on one's own mental life. This does not mean that introverts are not interested in money or sex - they are interesting, just to a lesser extent.
But introversion does not make a person timid or unsociable at all. Shyness and increased sensitivity to negative emotions does not depend on introversion, but on another quality - neuroticism. Many qualities that are often attributed to introverts - for example, a tendency to reflection and a love of order - are also not associated with introversion, but with completely different, independent characteristics.
Hedgehog and bear, illustration by Francesca Yarbusova.
The main way to define personality in modern psychology is the so-called "Big Five". Here each person can be described using five qualities: extraversion, neuroticism, openness to experience, benevolence and conscientiousness/conscientiousness . Each of these qualities is not a polar division, but a spectrum. This means that no one can be a "pure" introvert or extrovert. Therefore, it is not surprising that in different situations people can show different sides of their personality.
Where a person is located on the “extraversion-introversion” column does not depend on how easily he will experience negative emotions. But the amount of positive emotions is closely related to extraversion: studies have shown again and again that extroverts are generally happier and more satisfied with their lives. This does not mean that introverts are more unhappy - they just react more calmly to external stimuli.
The emotions of introverts and extroverts differ even physiologically.
Colin De Young, a psychologist at the University of Minnesota, was one of the first to draw attention to the differences in brain function between extroverts and introverts. It turned out that extroverts have a more active dopamine reward system, so they need constant stimulation from the outside. What is happiness for an extrovert is death for an introvert, so most introverts do not like to be in noisy companies and be in the spotlight. They just don't enjoy it.
Illustration by Franco Matticino.
Apparently, the degree of extraversion is a quality that is largely inherited. There have been attempts to discover its genetic basis, but they have not yet yielded significant results. The desire to get new impressions inherent in extroverts is sometimes explained by the “adventurism gene” (allele 7R of the DRD4 gene). This gene determines the sensitivity of certain groups of neurons to the neurotransmitter dopamine.
From a neurobiological point of view, the differences between introverts and extroverts are differences in the reward system.
As psychologist Marty Olsen Laney writes in The Incorrigible Introvert, extroverts are just as sensitive to dopamine, so they need higher doses of this "pleasure substance." For an introvert, pleasure turns into overexcitation and fatigue much earlier. But they have another, more “calm” neurotransmitter, acetylcholine, working more actively.
Differences in the way the reward system works make introverts less likely to be social and active. Any economist (or just a sane person) can easily explain to you why where profits fall, investment falls. This is how our psyche works.
Many people consider themselves introverts because of their high sensitivity. If any embarrassing remark hurts you, if you deeply empathize with other people and often need solitude, this may mean that you are a highly sensitive person, but not necessarily an introvert. American psychologist Elaine Eyron, who first described the features of a hypersensitive personality, for some time believed that introversion and hypersensitivity are one and the same. But it soon became clear that 30% of hypersensitive people are extroverts.
It is generally accepted that there are more extroverts in the world than introverts. In fact, we do not have any exact information about this. Perhaps extroverts are just always in the public eye. They are easier to spot, they often prefer large companies and gather in groups. In addition, socially adapted introverts can easily behave like extroverts. To do this, they do not even always need to pretend. In addition to extroverts and introverts, there are also ambiverts - people who share the traits of both. In a way, we are all ambiverts.
The classic classification of temperament (choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, mechancholic), which originates in antiquity.
In her most famous book on introverts, Susan Cain writes about how modern culture has become increasingly oriented towards the ideals of extroverts. To succeed, a person must be able to sell himself, be an active and sociable enthusiast. Even in the creative environment, a lot depends on marketing.
Using America as an example, she describes it as a transition from a culture of character to a culture of personality: at this point, advice books and self-help books appear that promise readers that they will learn how to make the right impression on other people and achieve benefits. Introverts are not very interested in all this, but they are forced to adapt.
Recently, you can notice the opposite trend: journalists and psychologists in every possible way extol the thoughtfulness and sensitivity of introverts. Susan Cain also does not resist this temptation. She even calls introverts “thinkers” and writes: “If you sit in the yard under a tree, while others clink glasses on the terrace, it is more likely that an apple will fall on your head.”
But introversion alone will not make you a thinker.
Division along this spectrum is just one of the possible ways to determine the qualities of a person. There is no doubt that it is convenient to divide all of humanity into two opposing camps. But this is just as wrong (or just as true) as dividing all people into bald and hairy. Temperament affects our actions and largely determines our emotions, but its importance should not be exaggerated. It should be remembered that each person is much larger and more complex than his temperament.
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