Ink pictures psychology
Online Rorschach Inkblot Test
Promoting the ethical use of the Rorschach Inkblot Test
Established in 1996, as "The Original Rorschach Website," was founded by Mark W. Matthews, PhD and aims to continue providing an online resource for information about the ethical and professional use of Rorschach Inkblot Test. To this end, we have collected a variety of resources and products to help the student and professional administer, score, and interpret the Rorschach Inkblot Test in an ethical, reliable, and valid manner.
Our vision is to provide fair, unbiased, accurate, and useful professional, scientific and objective information to students, professionals, and lay persons regarding the Rorschach Inkblot Test.
For the record, we are in favor of trained and skilled professionals utilizing the Rorschach in an appropriate manner, in appropriate settings, and to answer appropriate clinical questions.
Much of the controversy regarding the Rorschach Inkblot Test surrounds the definition of the word "appropriate. "
A self-evaluation online is by no means appropriate. The original cards used are shown below. We have also created a gallery of custom cards along with offering recommended books, historical information, and an FAQ section.
The following video offers a brief history of the test.
The test is conducted by a professional psychologist on subjects ranging between ages 5 and adulthood. Adminstrators typically sit side-by-side to ensure they do not influence the participants answers.
The test consists of a series of 10 symetrical blots where the subject states what they see. These slides are shown in the same order to align modern observations with historical performance.
While some sites offer A/B/C/D online quizes that purport to represent the rorscach test, those do a poor job of representing the actual test. The open ended nature of the test allows subjects to state a wide range of observations based on their perceptions & emotional state. An online quiz where users select among pre-determined choices has no way to capture this depth.
Blot Card 1
Popular resonses: bat, butterfly, moth
This card is a relatively easy one in the series, with much of any asosciated stress in dealing with it being trying to understand how to conduct a new task.
Blot Card 2
Popular responses: two humans, four-legged animal such as a dog, elephant or bear
Many subjects interpret the red as blood, which can display how the subject might respond to feelings of anger or physical harm. Some also associate the blood with power & have sexual responses to the card.
Blot Card 3
Popular responses: two people
Responses to this card can show if people have struggles in managing social settings & how they interact with others.
Blot Card 4
Popular responses: animal hide, animal skin, skin rug
The dark color of this blot can pose difficulty for depressed subjects. The "face" appears to be looking downward which makes it look like one is looking "up" at an imposing monster, to understand how one responds to authority. The card is often perceived as being associated with a male figure, which is why the card is often called "The Father Card."
Blot Card 5
Popular responses: bat, butterly, moth
This card is viewed as a transition card that does not typically evoke strong emotional response. The topic is usually seen as non-threatening & indicate a "change of pace" to where the test will become easier.
Blot Card 6
Popular responses: animal hide, animal skin, skin rug
While the core interpretation is of a similar topic to blot card 4, the texture of this blot stands out as a stronger feature. This can elicit associations related to itnerpersonal closeness & is associated with sex more than any of the other cards.
Blot Card 7
Popular responses: human heads, faces, heads of women or children
This card can be asssociated with feminity & it functions as the "mother card." If a person struggles to respond to this card it could indicate one has difficulty with female figures in their life. In some cases the blot can be associated with a vagina, relating to female sexuality.
Blot Card 8
Popular responses: pink four-legged animal, some animal other than a cat or dog
The color in this card brightens the mood when compared to the black & white blots. This change in color also creates a perceived "change of pace" though adding color to the card along with the additional details can overwhelm people who struggle to cope with complex situations.
Blot Card 9
Popular response: human
This card is generally vague, relying on diffuse, muted chromatic features & an indistinct form. This, in turn, means many people struggle with finding anything specif of note in it. Though if a subject has difficulty processing this card to generate a response it can indicate trouble dealing with unstructured data.
Blot Card 10
Popular responses: crab, lobster, blue spider, rabit head, worms, snakes, caterpillars
Subjects are aware this card is the last one, so it may give them an opportunity to reveal anything they wanted to state but failed to state thusfar. The complexity of it may overwhelf some people who can not manage significant concurrent stimuli. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Rorschach Inkblot Test Online - Take Free Personality Inkblot Test
What do you see here? What could it be?
In the whole inkblot I can see a person, several people, a person's face. The person is moving (walking, dancing, jumping, singing, etc.) or took an unnatural position
In the whole inkblot I can see a person, several people, a person's face. The person is motionless (standing, lying, sitting, thinking, etc.)
In the whole inkblot I can see the shape of an animal (one or more),the face of an animal - bear, cat, dog, bat, beetle, etc. The animal is moving (running, jumping, wagging its tail, etc.)
In the whole inkblot I can see the shape of an animal (one or more),the face of an animal - bear, cat, dog, bat, beetle, etc. The animal is motionless (standing, lying, sitting, etc.)
In the whole inkblot I can see a fantastic or mythological creature(s) - witch, devil, dragon, elf, goblin, etc. The creature is moving (running, jumping, flying, talking, etc.)
In the whole inkblot I can see a fantastic or mythological creature(s) - witch, devil, dragon, elf, goblin, etc. The creature is motionless
In the whole inkblot I can see an inanimate object - mask, house, furniture item, musical instrument, etc.
I associate the whole inkblot with the abstract concept - love, power, friendship, loyalty, etc.
I associate the whole inkblot with the landscape or a geographical element (map, river, island)
Part of the inkblot reminds me of a person, several people, a person's face. The person is moving (walking, dancing, jumping, singing, etc.) or took an unnatural position
Part of the inkblot reminds me of a person, several people, a person's face. The person is motionless (standing, lying, sitting, thinking, etc.)
Part of the inkblot reminds me of the shape of an animal (one or more),the face of an animal - bear, cat, dog, bat, beetle, etc. The animal is moving (running, jumping, wagging its tail, etc.)
Part of the inkblot reminds me of the shape of an animal (one or more),the face of an animal - bear, cat, dog, bat, beetle, etc. The animal is motionless (standing, lying, sitting, etc.)
Part of the inkblot reminds me of a fantastic or mythological creature(s) - witch, devil, dragon, elf, goblin, etc. The creature is moving (running, jumping, flying, talking, etc.)
Part of the inkblot reminds me of a fantastic or mythological creature(s) - witch, devil, dragon, elf, goblin, etc. The creature is motionless
Part of the inkblot reminds me of an inanimate object - mask, house, furniture item, musical instrument, etc.
I associate part of the inkblot with the abstract concept - love, power, friendship, loyalty, etc.
I associate part of the inkblot with with landscape or a geographical element (map, river island)
next picture
What is the Rorschach inkblot test in 10 cards with description
Psychology uses a wide variety of techniques. And the "Ink Blot Test" is one of them.
So, the Rorschach test is one of the projective tests aimed at revealing the character traits of a person and analyzing his personality by interpreting inkblots.
Photo by Free Creative Stuff: Pexels
Hermann Rorschach, a Swiss psychiatrist, unfortunately did not live to see his invention become famous. Thanks to his father, an artist, Rorschach began to get involved in ink as a child, and even received the nickname "Blob". nine0003
Even while studying at the medical university, Rorschach involved schoolchildren in his experiments. With the help of inkblots, he tried to find out whether children who can draw have a more developed imagination. And then, already working in a psychiatric hospital, he analyzed the personality traits of emotionally unstable and mentally unhealthy people.
But his developments did not receive due attention, because in those days the entire scientific psychological society believed that the personality of a person and what it consists of can neither be tested nor measured. nine0003
So what is the inkblot test?
In this article:
How to do the Rorschach test10 cards
How to do the Rorschach test
You will need ten cards or pictures of inkblots for the test. Five of them are black, two are red and black, three are multi-colored. The person who conducts the test shows the cards with spots in a strictly defined order, asking the person being tested what it could be. When the person being tested has answered all the questions and looked at all the cards, the researcher starts the display again. nine0003
Rorschach test
The participant of the experiment again looks at all the cards and describes everything that he sees. Cards are allowed to move away, bring closer, turn over. For the tested, all words and actions are recorded, and the duration of the answers is also fixed.
If the subject does not show any reaction, cannot describe the picture, or the image is not associated with anything, then this means that the depicted object is blocked in the subconscious. Or what is depicted is connected precisely with the topic that the patient would not like to discuss now. nine0003
After that, the results are calculated and the final result is interpreted based on a certain mathematical scheme.
10 cards
- Card 1. “Moth, butterfly, bat”
The first card contains a drawing only in black ink. The experiment begins with this card, and it shows how the patient relates to new and stressful tasks. Subjects typically see a bat, butterfly, moth, or even the face of an elephant or rabbit. The general characteristics of a person can be understood by the reaction to this card. nine0003
- Card 2. “Two people”
The picture here is drawn using red and black ink. Typically, the drawing is perceived by patients as sexy. And red elements are often associated with blood. The reaction to this card indicates control of feelings, anger or physical pain. Patients often see just two people; a person looking at himself in the mirror; a person who prays; or an animal like a dog or an elephant. nine0003
- Card 3. “Two figures”
The third drawing is also made in black and red ink. The reaction tells how a person relates to other people in the process of social contacts. Here they often see: a moth, a butterfly or a person looking at himself in the mirror.
- Card 4. “Skin, animal skin, carpet”
The second picture, made only in black ink. Test participants often see a large, slightly intimidating male figure here. The perception of this card shows the upbringing and how a person relates to authority. Patients often see the skin of some animal, and even a monster. nine0003
- Card 5. “Butterfly, moth, bat”
Here again only black ink is used. Just like the first card, the reaction to this one reflects the human essence. This image is usually not perceived as threatening or disturbing.
After the more complex previous images, this one is perceived easier, and the answers of the subjects, as a rule, are more detailed. If the patient's answers do not match those that he gave when responding to the first card, then this means that his perception was influenced by those that came after. nine0003
- Card 6. “Leather, animal skin, carpet”
Black ink stains on this card are distinguished by their texture. This picture of the test is called the sex card, because the reaction to these spots concerns the proximity between people. If the patient saw exactly the skin, then this can be interpreted as a fear of rapprochement with someone.
- Card 7. “Faces of people or heads”
Usually, black spots from this picture are associated with femininity. The card is also often referred to as the "mother" card. And the subjects often see women and children in the spots. nine0003
- Card 8. Animals. Not a dog or a cat”
Spots of pink, grey, blue and gray ink have been applied to this bright picture. In addition to being the first color picture in the test, it is also very difficult. If a cardinal change of colors and images introduces the patient into confusion or stupor, then this can be regarded as difficulty in responding to difficult situations or any emotional triggers.
- Card 9. "Man".
Understanding what is shown on this card is not easy. The spots are fuzzy and are applied in green, orange and pink ink. Most people cannot understand and describe what they see. And that is why the picture helps to understand whether the patient is able to cope with a lack of confidence.
- Card 10. "Lobster, spider, crab"
The final card of the Rorschach test is the brightest card. Here, in this image, yellow, orange, blue, pink, green and gray inks are used. In its structure, the card is similar to the image from Card 8, but in complexity it is similar to Card 9. For most of those who pass the test, the picture seems very pleasant to read. But those who didn't like Card 9 because of its complexity may experience the same reaction to this image.
A negative reaction may indicate that there is a problem with these stimuli. Often people see a lobster, a crab, a rabbit's face, a caterpillar, a snake, a spider.
Looking at inkblots, you can learn a lot about yourself. The most important thing is to be honest with yourself and the researcher doing the testing. No need to try to see what you want. It is very important to give and describe the very first association, because it will most accurately reflect the essence and help to get the most accurate and truthful result. nine0003
Everything that the tested person sees in the image has its own meaning and interpretation. But only a specialist can (and should) draw up a complete picture, using a mathematical calculation.
That is why, if necessary, this test should be taken with a person who specializes in this. Otherwise, if you try it yourself, you can inadvertently wind yourself in the wrong direction.
cards and decoding •
"Rorschach Spots" is an interesting test that is used by psychologists to study a person's personality and its disorders. The Rorschach test uses 10 standard tables with black and white and color symmetrical amorphous images. nine0109 offers to learn more about the author and take this test.
About the author of the Rorschach test
Hermann Rorschach was born on November 8, 1884 in Zurich (Switzerland). He was the eldest son of an unsuccessful painter who was forced to earn his living by giving art lessons at school. From childhood, Herman was fascinated by color spots (in all likelihood, the result of the creative efforts of his father and the boy's own love for painting), and his school friends nicknamed him Blob. When Herman was twelve, his mother died, and when the young man was eighteen, his father also died. After graduating with honors from high school, Rorschach decided to study medicine. At 19In 12, he received a doctorate in medicine from the University of Zurich, after which he worked in a number of psychiatric hospitals. In 1911, while still at university, Rorschach conducted a series of curious experiments to test whether artistically gifted schoolchildren were more imaginative when interpreting ordinary inkblots. This study had a huge impact not only on the future career of a scientist, but also on the development of psychology as a science in general. It must be said that Rorschach was not the first to use color spots in his research, but in his experiment they were first used as part of an analytical approach. The results of the scientist's first experiment were lost over time, but over the next ten years, Rorschach conducted a large-scale study and developed a systematic methodology that allows psychologists to determine people's personality types using ordinary inkblots. Thanks to her work in a psychiatric clinic, the researcher had free access to her patients. Thus, Rorschach studied both mentally ill people and emotionally healthy people, which allowed him to develop a systematic test using inkblots, with which you can analyze the personal characteristics of a person, determine the type of his personality and, if necessary, correct it. nine0003
In 1921, Rorschach presented the results of his extensive work to the world by publishing a book called Psychodiagnostics. In it, the author outlined his theory about the personal characteristics of people. One of the main provisions is that in the personality of each person such qualities as introversion and extroversion are represented - in other words, that we are motivated by both external and internal factors. According to the scientist, the test with ink spots allows you to evaluate the relative ratio of these properties and identify any mental deviation or, on the contrary, the strengths of the personality. The first edition of Rorschach's book was largely ignored by the psychological scientific community, because at that time the opinion prevailed that it was impossible to measure or test what a person's personality consisted of. However, over time, colleagues began to understand the benefits of the Rorschach test, and at 19In 1922, the psychiatrist discussed the possibilities of improving his technique at a meeting of the Psychoanalytic Society. Unfortunately, on April 1, 1922, after suffering for a week with severe abdominal pain, Hermann Rorschach was hospitalized with suspected appendicitis, and on April 2 he died of peritonitis.
He was only thirty-seven years old, and he never saw the huge success of the psychological tool he invented.
Rorschach Inkblots and Decoding
The Rorschach test uses ten inkblots: five black and white, two black and red and three colored. The psychologist shows the cards in strict order, asking the patient the same question: “What does it look like?”. After the patient has seen all the pictures and given answers, the psychologist shows the cards again, again in strict order. The patient is asked to name everything that he sees on them, in which place of the picture he sees this or that image, and what in it makes him give just such an answer. Cards can be flipped, tilted, manipulated in any other way. The psychologist must accurately record everything the patient says and does during the test, as well as the timing of each response. The responses are then analyzed and scores are calculated. Then, by mathematical calculations, the result is displayed according to the test data, which is interpreted by a specialist. If some ink spot does not evoke any associations in a person or he cannot describe what he sees on it, this may mean that the object depicted on the card is blocked in his mind, or that the image on it is associated in his subconscious with a topic that at the moment he would not like to discuss. nine0003
Card 1. “Bat, Butterfly, Moth”
The first picture of the Rorschach test has only black ink. The card with which the experiment begins will tell you how the patient perceives new and stressful tasks. Participants usually see in the image a bat, moth, butterfly, or the face of some animal like an elephant or a rabbit. The reaction to this card gives a general description of the person.
- For some, a bat means something impure or demonic, for others it means a path through darkness and rebirth. nine0038
- Butterflies symbolize transition, transformation, and the ability to grow, change, and overcome obstacles.
- Moth symbolizes a feeling of underestimation, dissatisfaction with one's own appearance, as well as weakness and irritation.
- The muzzle of an animal, in particular an elephant, symbolizes the ability to respond to problems, fear and unwillingness to look inside oneself. This perception of the picture can also symbolize the presence of a serious problem that is being ignored, and serve as a remark on an issue that a person is trying to avoid. nine0038
Card 2. "Two people"
This Rorschach card has a picture in red and black ink. Drawing is usually perceived as sexy. Patients often refer to red elements as blood. The reaction to this picture indicates ways to control feelings, physical pain or anger. People often see a person praying in a picture; or two figures; a person who looks at himself in a mirror, or a four-legged animal like a dog or an elephant. nine0003
- The two figures represent codependency, obsession with sex, ambiguous feelings about sex, or obsession with relationships.
- A person who looks at himself in the mirror symbolizes egocentrism or narcissism.
This can be both a negative and a positive trait, depending on the person's feelings.
- The dog symbolizes a devoted and faithful friend. If the patient saw something negative, this may indicate the need to become aware of their own fears and feelings. nine0038
- The elephant can symbolize thoughtfulness, memory and intelligence, but also a negative physical self-perception.
- The bear can symbolize aggression, competition, independence, restoration, as well as a sense of vulnerability, insecurity, or openness and honesty (a play on words in English: bear - bear, bare - expose, discover, expose).
- This card has a sexual meaning, so if someone sees a person who is praying, this may symbolize the attitude towards sex in the context of certain religious beliefs. Blood can mean that a person associates physical pain with religion, and also turns to prayer when experiencing difficult emotions (for example, anger), or associates anger with religion. nine0038
Card 3.

The third drawing of the Rorschach test is a picture in red and black ink. The reaction to it indicates the attitude of the patient to other people in the process of social interaction.
Common variants of image perception: two figures; a person looking in a mirror, a butterfly or a moth.
- If a person sees a common meal of two people, this indicates an active social life. A person who sees two people washing their hands may feel insecure or unclean, as well as paranoid. A person who sees two people playing a certain game is subject to competition in social interaction. nine0038
- A person who looks in the mirror symbolizes self-centeredness, neglect of others or failure to perceive people as they are.
Card 4. “Animal skin, leather, carpet”
The fourth card is called “father's”. On it is a shaded image in black ink. It is not uncommon for test subjects to see a large, sometimes creepy figure, more often male than female. The perception of these inkblots reflects the person's upbringing and attitude towards authority. People remember a large animal or a monster, an animal skin. nine0003
- A large animal or monster can symbolize feelings of inferiority, a strong fear of authority or authority, in particular of the father.
- The skin of an animal can symbolize significant discomfort associated with the theme of the father. On the other hand, it may indicate that a person does not have problems with authority and inferiority.
Card 5. “Bat, Butterfly, Moth”
This picture of the Rorosach test has black ink stains. The reaction to this card, as well as to the first, reflects our essence. Usually the image is not perceived as threatening. After complex images on previous cards, this one is perceived by a person easier, so the answers are more detailed. nine0003
- If the patient's comments do not match the comments on the first card, this may indicate the influence of cards 2-4 on perception.
- Common variants of image perception: bat, butterfly or moth.
Card 6. “Animal skin, leather, carpet”
This card has black ink stains that differ from other cards in texture. The reaction to this image concerns the sphere of intimacy between people, which is why this picture of the Rorosach test is also called the “sex card”. Common options for perceiving the image: the skin of an animal, may indicate a fear of close relationships, gives rise to a feeling of emptiness and isolation in a person. nine0003
Card 7. "Human heads or faces"
This card has black ink stains commonly associated with femininity. Therefore, the main options for perceiving the image are women and children, and the card is called “motherly”. If it is difficult for a person to describe what he saw, there may be problems with female figures in her life. Test-takers see on the map the heads or faces of women and children, as well as a kiss.
- Women's heads symbolize human feelings associated with the image of the mother.
These feelings influence attitudes towards females in general. nine0038
- The heads of children symbolize the feelings associated with childhood and the need to take care of the inner child. Such a perception may also indicate the need for analysis and adjustment of a person's relationship with his mother.
- The kiss symbolizes a person's desire for love and reunion with the maternal image. This may indicate that a person once had a close relationship with his mother and is now looking for this closeness in other relationships - romantic or social. nine0038
Card 8. "Animals, not a cat or a dog"
This is a very bright card that uses gray, pink, orange and blue ink. This is not only the first multi-colored, but also an extremely complex picture of the Rorosach test. If this card or a drastic change in the image confuses a person, this may indicate difficulty in responding to difficult situations or emotional stimuli.
Common comments on this card are a four-legged animal, a butterfly, or a moth. nine0003
Card 9. "Man"
This card uses green, pink and orange ink. The spots on it are fuzzy, and it is not easy to recognize the image. Most people can't make sense of what they see. That is why this card determines a person's ability to cope with a lack of structure and confidence. Common answers: some kind of person or a vague creepy figure.
- When it comes to a person, the patient's attitude towards this person indicates his ability to cope with the unsystematic nature of time and information. nine0038
- The image of evil may indicate that for internal comfort a person needs structure in life and he does not tolerate uncertainty.
Card 10. Crab, Lobster, Spider
The last Rorschach card is the brightest. The image uses orange, yellow, pink, green, gray and blue ink. The structure of the picture is similar to that of Card 8, but the complexity is similar to Card 9. Most of the testers find the picture pleasant, but people who did not like the complex Card 9, may feel the same on this card.
This reaction may indicate problems with similar, synchronous, or compatible stimuli. Common perceptions include crab, lobster (lobster), spider, rabbit face, snake, or caterpillar.
- The crab can symbolize a tendency to fixate on certain things or people, or indicate a person's importunity.
- Lobster can symbolize strength, perseverance and the ability to deal with minor problems. The lobster can also indicate that the person is afraid of hurting themselves or being hurt by others. nine0038
- A spider can symbolize fear, a sense of confusion, or indicate that a person is in an uncomfortable position because of their own lies. The spider also symbolizes the domineering mother and female power.
- The muzzle of a rabbit can symbolize fertility and positive thinking.
- Snakes can symbolize danger. A person who sees snakes may feel deceived or betrayed, and also fear the unknown. In addition, snakes are seen as a phallic symbol and refer to unacceptable or forbidden sex.
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