Importance of graduation

Why is it such a big deal? — Graduations Now

Graduation day is the culmination of all the time, energy, and work that you have put into gaining your qualification, and it gives you a great chance to celebrate all that you have achieved. Without it, finishing your qualification doesn’t have that one big defining moment to remember for years to come; you can hand in your last assignment or put down your pen after finishing your last exam, but it just doesn’t have that same excitement surrounding it.

This once in a lifetime experience gives you the chance to dress up in your cap and gown and attend a ceremony celebrating the enormity of your achievement whilst surrounded by your friends, family, and classmates. It is a brilliant way to highlight the end of this amazing chapter in your life.

I’m scared I’ll embarrass myself on the day. Is it really necessary to attend?

There are so many reasons to attend your graduation ceremony, which outweigh the fear of tripping whilst walking across the stage and embarrassing yourself. Focus on these when you make your decision to go:

Graduation is not an everyday event.

Graduating is not something that you get to do every day. It isn’t even something that everybody gets to do in their lifetimes. It is a really special event. It allows you to brush away the stress of years of hard work and that lingering feeling that you forgotten to do something, and celebrate with the people who have been on this journey with you. Even if you are lucky enough to get the chance to graduate again, it will not be for this achievement right now. Take this moment to appreciate your achievement and recognise its importance.

This may be the last time you and your course mates are all together.

This may be something a little sad to hear, but, after graduation, people move on to new things, whether that be new jobs or education. People promise to stay in touch, but life can get in the way, and you definitely won’t be seeing them like in class every day. This is a moment dedicated to celebrating with the people who have been on this journey with you, reminiscing about all the amazing memories you have made, before wishing each other luck for the future.

Graduation is a landmark event.

Graduation becomes a landmark memory in your own timeline. It is a symbolisation that things are changing and that your life will now be different. You will be in different environments, with different people and it is really nice to celebrate what you have achieved so far in your life, and appreciate the memories this part of your education has given you. It may have been challenging, but you overcame it all to be in this moment right now.

Your friends and family get to celebrate you too!

This isn’t just a day for you to feel proud of yourself; it is a day for your friends and family to be proud of you, too. They have seen your journey to and through university and know how much work you have put into earning this achievement. They can be there to witness you receive your certificate dressed in your cap and gown, and celebrate with you.

It is really fun!

What could be better than being surrounded by the people you love at an event put on to celebrate your achievements? Sometimes it is really necessary to take the time to celebrate and appreciate a milestone moment in your life by creating memories that you can think back on again and again.

If there is anything that you can take from all these arguments for attending your graduation, it is this: Don’t pass on your graduation day, it’s a day you’ll remember forever.

People are taking longer to graduate from university, and that’s okay.

Typically, a university degree can be completed in 3 to 4 years depending on the course and if it is done full time. It is now, however, not uncommon for students to take much longer than this. Some students are now taking over 5 years to finish their degrees, and it is not unheard of for people to take up to a decade to complete them.

If you think about it, this shouldn’t really be too much of a surprise. Every person who studies at university is different. They all come from different background and have different things going on in their lives. So it makes sense that people will need different amounts of time to complete their degrees.

Why are people taking longer to graduate from university?

If you compare the university cohorts of now to those of the past, you will see a change in the average cohort of students. If the average cohort of students has changed, it is logical to assume that their needs and obligations have changed too.

No longer is university just for a high number of young middle-class people who had just left school, childless with no other obligations in the world other than to study. Yes, these are still a large part of the people who attend university, but there has been an increase in the number of mature students and those from working-class backgrounds. Each person will have varying priorities which may influence the length of time it takes for them to complete their degree.

With this increase in students who have other priorities and responsibilities in their lives, there has been an increase in the options when it comes to studying flexibly. In order to be able to fit studying around their lives, students can choose to study part time, one unit at a time, online or through distance learning, along with the traditional full time methods. These will differ depending on the course and the university, but it is now much easier to find something that you can fit around your life.

Even with these more flexible approaches to getting your university qualifications, life can still get in the way of your plans. Sometimes you are on your chosen path and life just throws you a curveball. Students, no matter the path of study they are on, may need to take time out from their studies or reduce the amount of work they do if something unexpected happens. Others may have to juggle many different obligations. Maybe they have chosen to study part time so that they can work at the same time whilst also seeing to their other life obligations.

It is also not uncommon for students who started university at 18 to lose interest or change their mind about what they want to do. Choosing what they want to do in their life straight after school can sometimes lead to them making the wrong decision, or just finding out that they don’t like the choice they made as much as they thought they would.

Whatever the reason is for taking longer to complete your degree, it doesn’t matter. You still earned your qualification at the end of it.

Celebrating your achievement.

No matter how long you take to complete your university degree, it is important that you take the time out to acknowledge and celebrate this great achievement. This is why attending your graduation is so great. It gives you the time to recognise how much work you put in and to celebrate it with all your friends and family in style!

The Ups and Downs of Graduation - Counseling & Psychological Services

Graduation represents the culmination of a journey and the attainment of a goal. It is an exciting period in a person's life and an array of feelings will surface for the graduate. While most people think of graduation as an exciting and wonderful marking event, many fail to recognize the other emotions evoked by this transition time. Graduation not only can bring up feelings of excitement, pride, and anticipation, but also those of loss, discouragement, and fear.

Feelings of loss are commonly felt by students as they face a multitude of changes in their lives. One would not expect to feel sad during a time typically thought of as a joyful period in one's life. However, as students approach this transition time, they are often leaving behind friends and the familiarity of campus life. It is not surprising then that as students graduate, they often experience intense grief and loss.

As graduation day approaches, students are faced with an array of decisions. It is not uncommon for students to not only question their future path, but also to ponder on the past years spent in the university. Sometimes people wonder if they have chosen the "right major" and a field that best suits their interests. In addition, students grapple with the uncertainty of the future and often ask themselves questions such as "what do I want to do?", "how to find a job?", "where do I want to live?", "should I attend graduate school?", and "how will I be able to start paying off my loans?" In thinking over one's past and planning for the future, feelings of discouragement and even despair may surface.

Graduation marks the ending of a structured period in one's life. During the past four+ years, students experienced some certainty in their lives. Routines were often established (eg. class schedules, best study hours, study partners, etc ...) It is not surprising then that as students leave behind this structured time period, they feel fearful when faced with an ambiguous and uncertain future.

In sum, graduation can be a stressful period in one's life. Whenever change occurs (even change that is viewed as positive), people typically experience stress. In addition, people in the graduate's life often convey the expectation that the graduate should feel excited and joyful. The graduate often does not receive the message that a whole spectrum of feelings may surface prior to, on, and after graduation.

How can one cope with the overwhelming feelings that are evoked by graduation? First, it is important to expect that emotions will come up - not all of these will be feelings of happiness! Second, express your feelings to someone else. Talk to a friend, a parent, a sibling, or someone in your life who can hear how you are feeling. Last, remind yourself of your accomplishments and try not to minimize the goals you have reached for youself!

Automation of production and processes in the enterprise

The Moscow Central Exhibition Complex Expocentre is the organizer of world-class international expositions.

Thanks to the events related to the topic "Automation of Production", specialists from different industries have the opportunity to bring their product, program or development to the European market.

The business program, which takes place within the framework of the thematic project, contributes to a more detailed deepening into the essence of problematic and innovative issues.

With rapidly evolving technologies, businesses need new solutions to:

  • increase production volumes;

  • carry out labor-intensive technical tasks in a shorter period of time;

  • reduce the cost of raw materials and waste;

  • do work that human hands can't do.

Only innovative systems, such as production automation, can solve this series of problems. transfer of management and control functions from a person to technical equipment.

Implementation of automation in production

The main role of the introduction of automation systems is to increase the level of efficiency, mobility and facilitate the work of employees. Thanks to these changes, the level of competitiveness in the market is increasing, and the resource base is being used powerfully.

Automation of production can be carried out in several ways:

  1. Partial. Only some equipment is subject to automation, which performs a number of actions that are inaccessible or difficult for a person.

  2. Comprehensive. It covers the production chain of a separate workshop or unit that performs a series of actions to solve a specific problem.

  3. Complete. Control and management are being transferred to special equipment covering all stages of production. This occurs in the case of a stable and practical regime, as well as when working conditions are extremely dangerous or unbearable for the worker.

To better determine the degree of automation, one should know its effectiveness for a particular type of production.

Basic elements of factory automation

Innovative manufacturing systems include:

  1. Robots embedded directly in the center of an industrial process. Their rapid spread is associated with the development of microelectronics.

  2. Quality control systems. They operate on a computer basis. Technical applications responsible for assessing the level of product quality.

  3. Computer-aided design systems. They are used during the development of new products and the preparation of technical and economic documents.

  4. Robotized technological complexes (RTC). Serve for software and communications between innovative devices.

  5. Automated systems for warehouses. They allow to carry out an inventory, the processes of receiving and sending goods, as well as finding a certain group of products in the warehouse.

  6. Flexible systems. Responsible for moving the machined technical parts and changing tools.

Automation of production is gradually moving to a new level. You can get better acquainted with the possibilities and ways of implementing the system by visiting thematic forums and expositions at the Expocentre Fairgrounds.

Where automation is used

Today, when technologies do not stand still, and leading developers surprise the world with new discoveries, it is very important to keep pace with development.

Due to the fact that every year there are more and more new developments, the names of which remain unfamiliar to many to this day, in the minds of many people a question arises like: "Automation - what is it and why is it necessary?"

In view of the fact that it is already the 21st century on the street, mankind has long decided to switch from work done by hand to the use of machine technology. Of course, manual labor is valued today. However, for productivity to be more productive, one such work will not be enough.

In order for the working conditions to be as comfortable as possible for people, and the process of functioning of the equipment to be more advanced and adapted for its easy operation, technologists created automation.

Today, this system realizes itself in various directions, for example, in such cases as:

  1. Production automation was created to improve the internal labor system. Let's say more complete machines that allow you to provide work for a larger volume of production.

  2. The learning system is designed to work with technology that allows you to expand the options for obtaining information, and facilitates learning new programs.

  3. Automation involves the areas of design, planning and control.

  4. It implements business processes.

The technical support system helps to increase labor productivity and improves the quality of production.

Automation by eliminating manual work

In addition to these benefits, it is also aimed at protecting the human body. So, there are enterprises where it is contraindicated for a person, for example, the manufacture of tobacco or aluminum. Automation of production ensures the complete elimination of human labor, replacing it with specialized machines.

Automation is also used in service areas such as cafes and restaurants, shops, supermarkets and others.

In such institutions, the structure of the processes performed is extremely important. From this follows:

  1. Availability of barcodes – they help to mark and fix the goods, thereby immediately entering information about the arrival of products into the database.

  2. Barcode Scanner - Provides product presence or absence data. Each unit is knocked out under a specific code, which allows you to track its quantity at the time of receipt and end of the sale of products.

  3. Reporting system - daily and quarterly.

Thanks to the latest developments, many employees can not only get proper working conditions, but also the opportunity to retrain, which in turn will ensure the growth of the company and the development of employees.

And you can get all the necessary information at the exhibitions of Expocentre, the leading complex for the implementation of various projects.

Demonstrations on the exhibition theme of ongoing expositions create the most advantageous environment for displaying products, often a separate subject of consideration for these exhibition events is - automation of technological processes and production .

What is process and production automation?

So, let's consider what is the automation of production:

  1. A complex process of technological equipment, without which no production can do. After all, this is a simplifier for managing production stages to reduce the cost of products and to facilitate the work of employees.

  2. Further development and modernization of technological processes for processing products of the gas and oil industry, which is associated with the creation of high-capacity plants equipped with new equipment.

  3. Modern technology must be operated reliably for a long time under optimal operating conditions. The solution of such problems becomes possible under the condition of constant improvement of technologies.

An important requirement in modern enterprises is the productivity and quality of the methods used. After all, mechanization and automation of production is a gradual set of measures that provide for the replacement of manufacturing operations with modern technologies.

The mechanization of manufacturing products is continuously developing, improving and flowing from previous to more advanced forms. Automation of production processes ensures that most of the manual operations are performed by machines and mechanisms.

The highest degree of automation is considered to be a continuous cycle of work, where a person plays the role of an operator or controller. Note that production automation systems are needed for management and control, maintaining the required operating mode of the units, equipment diagnostics and reporting.

Means of automation of production include devices for fixing, processing and transmitting information in such production. With their help, there is regulation, management and control along the lines of production.

Automation of production processes

Automation of production processes has the most advantageous economic argument in favor of integrating a number of systems due to the reduction in hardware costs.

Therefore, complex production automation includes:

  • highly informative;

  • the possibility of analyzing the technological situation;

  • high accuracy of measurement of technological parameters and their regulation;

  • automatic component dosing;

  • the prospect of expanding control systems;

  • the possibility of creating automatic jobs.

Organization theory and cybernetics define a process as a successive change in the states of a system or object, leading to changes and development.

The functioning of production is impossible without the involvement of four types of stages:

Automation of production processes minimizes the impact of human error and is used to provide an increase:

  • speed of execution of repetitive tasks;

  • quality of work;

  • the amount of data that can be handled for the calculation and support of processes;

  • precision control;

  • speed of choice of solutions for standard and emergency situations.

Automation of production processes is a tool to improve the quality of management at each of the levels of the company's hierarchy:

Strategic management is carried out by the owner or head of the company and the heads of structural divisions.

Automation of production processes, as a development of tactics, is carried out by the accounting department and technology departments using specialized software for managing the storage and distribution of resources, calculating financial and material costs for completing tasks, controlling product quality, carrying out maintenance and repairs. This level includes the implementation of software for the economic department, logistics, and procurement.


Mechanization and computerization of dispatch control is used to provide a visual representation of information from sensors and indicators, the task of which is to monitor the functioning of industrial equipment for:

  • adjusting indicators based on action programs or when changes are initiated by the operator;
  • organization of data storage on the server;
  • tracking the dynamics of work;
  • formation of reporting statistics for transfer to top managers.

Automation of production processes at the lower dispatcher level is carried out using telemetry systems and centralized remote control of objects and processes.

The tasks of the network are the transmission of commands and the reception of these indicators on the equipment, regardless of how far the object is located from the operator.

Distributed Control System (DCS), an intelligent network based programmable logic controllers (PLC) performs standard tasks and features:

  • makes it possible to observe the operation of the object from any computer if the software is available;

  • different formats of data are transmitted to the workstation;

  • Remote debugging of system operation parameters is available in real time.

The disadvantage of complex SCADA is considered to be a significant amount of cables required for operation, but if sensors are integrated with a built-in microprocessor module, this problem is solved.

The second difficulty lies in the requirement for the design and implementation of intelligent systems of a new generation of qualified specialists with programming and system analysis skills.

Subcontracting is the right solution for companies interested in modernizing production and automating processes.

You can find a company specializing in the integration of control systems and conclude a contract with it at industry exhibitions for the B2B sphere, for example, see Expocentre Fairgrounds .

Functions, structure and automation levels

The study of automated systems for the collection and processing of process control information requires the introduction of a special construction of data transmission networks, which are designed according to a hierarchical principle, having a multi-level structure.

Factory automation levels:

  1. Zero - human participation is excluded only for the execution of work moves.

  2. Level 1 workflow automation eliminates human intervention when idling specific equipment.

  3. Second level automation. Here the issues of delivery and shipment, control of the management of machine systems and waste disposal are solved.

  4. Third level of automation. It covers all stages of the production process, from the simplest to testing and shipment of finished products.

Note that the integrated automation of industrial production requires the full development of the initial levels. This is due to the high technical equipment and capital investments of production.

Full automation is effective if they are aimed at a large product release program.

You can learn more about automation at thematic exhibitions held at Expocentre.

Technological processes of automation and production control

Automation and management of technological processes and production contributes to the successful development of the current industry entities.

Technological solutions based on the use of electronic equipment and software are aimed at:

  • improving the quality and competitiveness of products;

  • energy reduction;

  • cost reduction;

  • reduction in the number of personnel involved;

  • increase in the volume of manufactured goods;

  • expansion of sales markets.

The use of automated control tools optimizes production processes and reduces costs.

Design of industrial process automation systems

Automation and control of technological processes and productions is the use of computer and software supply.

The creation of an automation system is aimed at the effective management of technologies and mechanisms of an industrial facility.

At the first stages of designing such systems, a technical task is developed.

During the operation of automated systems, installation, programming and configuration of hardware equipment are carried out.

Automation projects describe the main properties of the control system being created. The main technical solutions and schemes for constructing the complex are also introduced.

The structure of projects is shown below:

  1. Map of the distribution of automation items on a joint plan of an industrial facility.

  2. Working schematic drawings of automatic control, regulation, signaling and power supply.

  3. Calculation of income and expenses for maintaining an automated control system.

  4. Description of technical regulations.

  5. Request for missing technological equipment.

  6. Calculations of economic results from the operation of automated technologies.

In addition to the formulation of the terms of reference, audits are carried out at the production facilities to select the most appropriate software and technical automation resources.

Equipment for automation and control systems in production

Companies providing engineering services, including the compilation of an automated process control system, have the following equipment on sale:

  • control boards;

  • distribution cabinets;

  • signaling devices;

  • relays, controllers, switches;
  • starting and protective devices for electrical equipment;

  • software tools.

In the process of implementing projects, process engineers establish the optimal location of automation devices on process equipment, the placement of control panels, switchboards, and laying of cable lines.

Features of automation of technical processes and production

What are new technologies for automating production processes?

Automation of technical processes and productions (ATPP) - a set of systems and modern equipment that help reduce the involvement of the human factor in the manufacturing process.

Such technologies can significantly speed up production processes and improve the quality of manufactured goods, minimizing the possibility of defects or errors.

Automation can affect both individual technological processes and equipment elements, and be the main system of activity, covering all stages of production.

This and much more can be studied in detail by visiting one of the industry exhibitions of Expocentre (for example, Agroprodmash or Electro).

Expocentre Fairgrounds is a modern venue that annually hosts dozens of international processes, gathers exhibitors and representatives of leading companies that open up new opportunities for domestic specialists and business leaders, significantly improving and simplifying their activities.

Implementation of modern methods for the automation of technical processes

The basis of ATPP is the redistribution of technical processes in accordance with the established criteria for optimal regulation of the enterprise's work activities.

Automation can be implemented in several ways:

  1. ATPP in partial form. The changes relate to individual equipment (machine, apparatus, machine tool) and executable operations. It is used in cases where a person cannot cope with a complex technical task. Partial ATPP works with existing equipment.

  2. ATPP in a complex form. This improvement concerns the technological area, workshop, production line, which function as a single system.

  3. Complete automation of production. The highest level of automation, in which control is transferred to technical management. In large-scale enterprises, such a system is used infrequently. This is because some functional equipment requires human control.

Automation has a number of advantages that fully justify the interest of enterprises in introducing autonomous technologies into the workflow:

  • decrease in the number of employees servicing equipment;

  • increase in the volume of commodity units produced in production;

  • growth of indicators of efficiency and success of the production process;

  • improvement of the quality characteristics of the produced goods;

  • reduction in raw material consumption;

  • stable operation of production;

  • providing personnel with safe working conditions;

  • waste reduction;

  • reduction of resources spent in production.

Automation of technical processes and production occurs through the gradual introduction of modern methods and systems that require the full development of each individual technological level.

How to make an effective transition? You can find out by visiting industry events and business programs organized by the Moscow Expocentre Fairgrounds.

Business process automation

Automation of business processes ensures the continuous development of the company, increasing competitiveness and increasing revenue, facilitates data analysis, planning and management:

Process automation is carried out at three levels of the company:

  • lower (executive) - for regularly recurring operations, conveyor production, maintaining environmental parameters and operating modes in a given range;

  • medium (tactical) - distributes tasks among the lower-level components, participates in the processes of planning and managing resources and data;

  • upper (strategic) - enterprise management, analytics and forecasting.

First of all, the transfer of management and control functions to AI is used in production, accounting in document management.

The technological autonomous system functions in accordance with the fundamental principles:

"Electronic Office Systems" are designed to automate management processes. This type of software simplifies and standardizes the management of corporate content, documentation and workflows.

EOS provides:

  • collection of analytical information;

  • organized storage, structuring and unification of data;

  • quick response to context and attribute queries;

  • creation and coordination of projects;

  • remote and collective viewing and editing in a single space;

  • connection of client applications;

  • transmission of instructions and progress reports.

Automation of production processes (introduction of new technical and technological solutions) performs a number of functions:

  1. Helps increase production. Modernization of equipment leads to an increase in efficiency, a decrease in the cost of goods, an increase in the amount of output per unit of time.

  2. Reduces production costs. The payback period for process automation is calculated depending on the scale and specialization of the enterprise. After this period, the use of an integrated system reduces production costs.

  3. Optimizes the number of staff. Fewer specialists are required to manage an automated system.

  4. Improves product quality. The new equipment reduces production time and allows the use of other types of raw materials to improve the quality of goods.

  5. Reduces operating costs. High-tech automated equipment requires fewer auxiliary resources, electricity and others.

Automation and control of technological processes and production at exhibitions

Pavilions Expocentre Fairgrounds annually host exhibition events for all industries.

The business program of the exhibitions consists of congresses, forums, round tables, presentations, press conferences, where the issues of improving the quality of products through the introduction of automated control systems are discussed.

Exhibitors of the exhibition will be able to demonstrate their own production achievements in the form of graphic reports on electronic stands after the installation of automation equipment in the production lines of an industrial facility.

Automation of business processes at exhibitions

The introduction of automated processes facilitates the tasks of management and marketing. Thanks to such systems, the percentage of errors in planning, design and development is eliminated. The level of analytics is increasing, and production processes are being modernized.

You can find suppliers of specialized software or high-tech equipment, conclude contracts for the integration of an automated node into company structures and technical support at industry exhibitions and congresses.

Some of the largest international events and business programs in Russia in the B2B segment are organized and held at Expocentre Fairgrounds in Moscow .

Automation of production planning

While computer and manufacturing technologies have made a tremendous leap in development, it is absolutely inexpedient to remain at the level of manual labor. And enterprises do not stand still, and the development of production automation is accelerating. Moreover, it is worth taking a closer look at automated technologies. What are they and what are they for?

The very concept of automation means a process, as a result of which at enterprises, in companies and institutions, production and management processes are carried out using mechanisms, and operations requiring human presence are reduced.

Automation, like any other process, has both positive and negative consequences.

Positive features include:

  • reduction in wage fund;

  • increase in the volume of production;

  • increasing the efficiency of the production process;

  • reduced likelihood of human error.

However, in addition to the positive characteristics of this process, there are also negative ones, the main among which is the reduction of jobs, and, as a result, an increase in unemployment and a decrease in the purchasing power of people.

Automation and planning of production processes in enterprises

If an entrepreneur is going to implement automation in production, he needs to understand its main features. This is necessary, first of all, in order to reduce the preparatory process and reduce the cost of introducing such a process.

The fundamentals of factory automation include the following main principles:

  • processes that are automated must be consistent with each other;

  • operations are carried out with a minimum of interruptions;

  • automated processes must be rhythmic;

  • actions are executed in parallel, when several processes are running at the same time.

After the main rules have been decided, it is necessary to identify which processes will be automated. These are production, management stages or planning.

Automation of production planning is based on the use of programs that provide fast and accurate collection of information, as well as performing predictive actions. Such programs, based on the given parameters, quickly analyze a large amount of data and give an accurate result.

Automation of production management is not as widespread as the previous one. This is due to the fact that the adoption of managerial decisions is based not only on objective data, but also on the intuition of the management team.

There are such degrees of production automation:

  1. Partial. The extent to which individual production units and devices have gone through a given process.

  2. Comprehensive. This is the degree when entire workshops or departments have undergone automation. They work in isolation and perform a specific task.

  3. Complete. Type of involvement in the process, in which production is fully autonomous.

Most often, enterprises implement automatic processes of the first or second degree. The third is still promising and practically does not occur in practice.

There are various production management automation systems, such as MMS, ERP, and so on.

You can learn more about this topic by visiting specialized exhibition events. They will certainly cover such issues as mechanization and automation of production and management. In addition, conferences and seminars are held within their framework. And also there is a visual demonstration of products, such as programs for industrial automation.

In addition, the participants of such exhibitions will have the opportunity to demonstrate their own achievements in this area. Conclude profitable contracts and agreements, study the products of competitors. Find new or renegotiate contracts with existing suppliers.

You can learn more about automation of production planning at exhibitions Expocentre Fairgrounds

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New Adobe report proves the importance of big-screen iPhone release

A new report from Adobe, which analyzed over 10,000 visits to various websites and applications by random users, is the best illustration of how important it is for Apple transition to larger screens on the iPhone.

Apple in Telegram and YouTube. Subscribe!

In his report "2014 U.S. Mobile Benchmark Report, Adobe analysts not only reveal trends in the preferences of US users, but also take a detailed look at the devices they use.

Why Apple Needs a Bigger iPhone

Adobe's report contains a graph showing the change in the number of devices with screens larger than and smaller than 4 inches used to visit various web resources during the year. It clearly demonstrates that the popularity of large smartphones, which are still missing from Apple has grown significantly in recent times.

The popularity of mobile devices with screens less than 4 inches decreased by 11% between May 2013 and May 2014. According to Adobe analysts, this trend will continue for quite a long period of time.

"Changing consumer preferences are driving change in Apple products," said Tamara Gaffney, Principal Analyst, Adobe Digital Index.

While it's hard to pinpoint the real reason for the rise in popularity of large smartphones, she says her research team was able to find an interesting correlation - a similar increase in Wi-Fi availability and a decrease in unlimited data availability.

As carriers continue to drop unlimited data plans and charge subscribers for overage, the latter are increasingly turning to public Wi-Fi to replace their mobile connection. At the same time, with many applications (this also applies to games and high-resolution videos), in most cases it is much more pleasant to work on a large screen.

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