Human characteristics examples
13 Human Qualities You Must Have to Succeed in Work and Life :: UXmatters
September 2, 2014
So much of success derives from mindset rather than skillsets…. … Mindset is who you really are at your core. It’s your habitual way of thinking.
This article was inspired by a discussion at last week’s Silicon Valley IxDA meeting, where Daniel Szuc and Josephine Wong spoke on the topic “Sleepwalking + Designing for a Healthy Future,” which got me thinking about what qualities one must have to be an effective UX professional. So much of success derives from mindset rather than skillsets, and mindset takes a lifetime to develop—or, for those of us who believe in reincarnation, multiple lifetimes. Your mindset derives from your life experiences and the way you respond to them, as well as what you learn from those who influence you greatly—such as your parents, mentors, and spiritual teachers.
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In their book Put Your Mindset to Work: The One Asset You Really Need to Win and Keep the Job You Love, James Reed and Paul G. Stoltz say:
“Your mindset is about what you see, think, and believe. … It is the internal lens through which you see and navigate life. Mindset influences everything you see, as well as everything you do.”
Mindset is who you really are at your core. It’s your habitual way of thinking. While it’s not easy to change, the purpose of life is to evolve and become better a human being. So you should think about these human qualities from time to time and always endeavor to do better. Your mindset is what really differentiates you from your peers. If you work hard at developing what Jo Wong likes to call your human qualities, you’ll set yourself up for success in work and in life.
“Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting in a particular way.”—Aristotle
Having the right mindset can be a competitive advantage when you’re seeking employment or advancement. According to Reed and Stoltz:
“Given the choice between someone with the desired mindset who lacks the complete skillset for the job and someone with the complete skillset who lacks the desired mindset, a total of 96 percent of the employers surveyed picked mindset over skillset as the key element in those that they seek and retain.”
These employers also believe that it’s much more likely that a person with the right mindset will be able to develop the required skillset than that a person with all the hard skills would develop the right mindset. Plus, the tactical skills that jobs require change over time, while the desired mindset is a constant. This is especially true of user experience jobs. The tactical skills that it takes to be a UX professional are forever evolving.
Essential Qualities of UX Professionals
There are several qualities that it is especially important for UX professionals to have. These qualities are at the core of what makes UX professionals successful: empathy, intuition, creativity, passion, and the desire to learn throughout their career.
1. Be Empathetic
empathy—“The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.”
—Oxford Dictionaries
Empathy enables you to understand other people’s motivations, needs, and emotions more deeply, and you can use that understanding to create better products for them.
First and foremost, UX professionals must be empathetic. As a UX professional, the primary focus of your work is on the wants and needs of the people who use the products that you create. Empathy enables you to understand other people’s motivations, needs, and emotions more deeply, and you can use that understanding to create better products for them. Having empathy lets you accurately perceive people’s needs—without your own lens introducing any distortions or occlusions. Whether you’re a UX researcher, strategist, or designer, empathy is an essential quality for you to develop. Being empathetic lets you look at things from different people’s perspectives and internalize what you see.
Having empathy—whether for colleagues, family, or friends—comes from focusing on someone else’s needs, struggles, and feelings. It requires that you open your heart to them and put their needs before your own. That you be fully with them in the moment. That you look deeply into their eyes and really see them for who they are. You need to be open to many different types of people from many different cultures. But you can’t connect with people when you’re feeling worried, defensive, angry, frightened, or ashamed.
“Empathy is about standing in someone else’s shoes, feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes. Not only is empathy hard to outsource and automate, but it makes the world a better place.”—Daniel H. Pink
“If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle, as well as from your own.”—Henry Ford
2. Be Intuitive
intuition—“The ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. ”—Oxford Dictionaries
Having intuition is being open to the mysterious workings of your own mind—seeing what is or what might be clearly in your mind’s eye.
Having intuition is being open to the mysterious workings of your own mind—seeing what is or what might be clearly in your mind’s eye. Sometimes, through intuition, holistic solutions to problems may arise fully formed—or very nearly so—from your subconscious mind. At other times, your intuition may give you just the seed of a great idea. Intuition lets you draw connections between diverse inputs without conscious thought. The effort lies in gathering the relevant data for your subconscious mind to work on.
Intuition often plays a strong role in decision making. You rely on intuition when you must make decisions and take action on them very quickly, the problem or the solution is ambiguous, or there's no precedent to follow.
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”—Albert Einstein
“You have to trust in something—your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”—Steve Jobs
“Sometimes making a decision is hard, not because it is unpopular, but because it comes from your gut and defies a technical rationale. Much has been written about the mystery of gut, but it’s really just pattern recognition, isn’t it? You’ve seen something so many times you just know what’s going on this time. The facts may be incomplete or the data limited, but the situation feels very, very familiar to you.”—Jack Welch
3. Be Creative
creativity—“The use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work.”—Oxford Dictionaries
Being creative is allowing your intuition to reveal possibilities to you and following them in the moment—in other words, it’s being in flow….![]()
Being creative is allowing your intuition to reveal possibilities to you and following them in the moment—in other words, it’s being in flow, which Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi defines in his book Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience,as follows:
“The best moments usually occur when a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile. Optimal experience is thus something we make happen. … [Flow is] a state in which people are so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience is so enjoyable that people will continue to do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it. … [Flow lets people] achieve a joyous, self-forgetful involvement through concentration, which in turn is made possible by a discipline of the body.”
What prompted Csikszentmihalyi to do research on the flow state? According to Wikipedia:
“Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and his fellow researchers began researching flow after Csikszentmihalyi became fascinated by artists who would essentially get lost in their work. Artists, especially painters, got so immersed in their work that they would disregard their need for food, water, and even sleep. Thus, the origin of research on the theory of flow came about when Csikszentmihalyi tried to understand this phenomenon experienced by these artists.”
Being in flow is a sort of meditative bliss state, in which your mind is more fully concentrated than at just about any other time. Great ideas come to you when you lose yourself in your work. Some of the best creative experiences come from working in collaboration with others—especially when you can achieve a flow state together. Flow brings joyfulness to your work.
Flow is all about focus, which is the antithesis of the monkey-mind nature of most people’s experience of the Web—with the mind jumping quickly from one thing to another. Just as with meditation, you can get better at calming your mind and connecting with your creativity through practice, practice, practice.
The source of creativity is your imagination. When creating, you synthesize all of the ideas that you’ve taken in from myriad sources and, magically, all of those inputs fall into place, forming a cohesive whole. This is your intuition at work.
All creativity involves improvisation—whether you’re designing user experiences, acting on a stage, jamming with a band, doing some form of creative writing, or making up a new recipe.
“To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle requires creative imagination.”—Albert Einstein
“Creativity is just connecting things. … Creative people … [are] able to connect experiences they’ve had and synthesize new things.”—Steve Jobs
“The organizations of the future will increasingly depend on the creativity of their members to survive. Great Groups offer a new model in which the leader is an equal among Titans. In a truly creative collaboration, work is pleasure, and the only rules and procedures are those that advance the common cause.”—Warren Bennis
“Creativity is contagious. ”—Albert Einstein
4. Be Passionate
passion—“An intense desire or enthusiasm for something.”—Oxford Dictionaries
With passion, your work ceases to feel like work.
Being an effective UX professional requires great drive, enthusiasm, and focus. To sustain the level of effort and concentration that the work demands, you must have a passion for your work. With passion, your work ceases to feel like work. Your passion keeps you focused on your goals, enables you to get things done and take risks when necessary, and makes it possible for you to realize your vision. Always strive to do great work! Don’t settle for less. Don’t compromise on quality.
Love your work and you’ll have the motivation to continually hone your skills and expand your areas of competency, as you must forever do in this field. When you work with passion, you can reach your full potential.
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”—Steve Jobs
“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”—Aristotle
“You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right. If you’re not passionate enough from the start, you’ll never stick it out.”—Steve Jobs
5. Be a Life-long Learner
learning—“The acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by being taught.”—Oxford Dictionaries
Having the motivation and the ability to learn and grow throughout your life is an essential quality in today’s fast-changing world.
Being a life-long learner is a quality of successful people. Having the motivation and the ability to learn and grow throughout your life is an essential quality in today’s fast-changing world—especially for UX professionals. You can learn through reading and deep reflection—but most of all you’ll learn through life experience. You can learn by questioning things—and asking the right questions enables you to solve problems. Often, you’ll learn from your mistakes, so life-long learning requires that you have the courage to keep taking risks.
In a field that is as broad and fast-changing as user experience, it’s important that you keep learning throughout your career. Sustaining your commitment to continuous learning takes curiosity about the world in which you live and a desire to improve your mind. The more you learn, the more you can contribute in the workplace and the more likely you’ll advance in your career.
“Learning is a life-long process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn.”—Peter Drucker
“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”—Albert Einstein
Qualities of Effective Team Members
Qualities that make you more effective when working with other people or on teams include being a good listener, being persuasive, being responsible, and being a leader.
6. Be a Good Listener
listening—“[Taking] notice of and [acting] on what someone says; [responding] to advice or a request. ”—Oxford Dictionaries
Listening well is the key to effective communication. Focusing on both what people say and how they say it ensures that you accurately receive the messages people communicate to you.
Listening well is the key to effective communication. Focusing on both what people say and how they say it ensures that you accurately receive the messages people communicate to you. Paying attention to their use of language, tone of voice, body language, gestures, and emotional affect increases the probability that you will be able to correctly interpret their meaning and understand what you hear. Listen for people’s ideas, not just to their words. When you listen well, you’ll experience fewer misunderstandings and make fewer mistakes.
Effective listening is especially important when doing user research. Having empathy, being a good listener, and using your intuition will together make you a superior researcher. Everyone opens up when someone listens to them attentively and shows avid interest in what they’re saying. When you really connect with research participants, you’ll learn more from them and understand what they’re saying better. Once you’ve listened well, following up with good questions demonstrates both that you’ve really heard someone and your interest in what they’ve said.
All too often, people are so eager to speak themselves that they don’t really listen to what others are saying. When people end up talking all at once, you can’t hear what anyone is saying. So being a good listener will set you above your peers who don’t listen well.
When you’re collaborating with a product team, you never know who will contribute the best ideas. So you must draw out all of your teammates and pay careful attention to what everyone says, listening with a laser-like focus to be sure that you take in everyone’s inputs.
“If we were supposed to talk more than we listen, we would have two tongues and one ear.”—Mark Twain
7. Be Persuasive
persuasive—“Good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation. ”—Oxford Dictionaries
As a UX professional, you must persuade others to embrace your ideas and follow your plans to get anything done.
As a UX professional, you must persuade others to embrace your ideas and follow your plans to get anything done. You have to persuade stakeholders to adopt your strategies and fund your projects, sell your design ideas to your design team and product team, and get developers to faithfully execute your designs and, thus, bring all of your hard work to fruition.
Your confidence in yourself and your ideas will help you to persuade others, as will your ability to make your case logically and use storytelling to provide supporting evidence. But always remain open to the ideas of others, too, and support the best ideas whatever their source. It doesn’t really matter who has the best ideas. To achieve success, what matters most is incorporating all of the best ideas into the design and, ultimately, the product.
There’s really only one way to get people to do what you want them to do, and that’s to persuade them that it’s what they want to do it. It’s a lot easier to do this when your design direction has grown out of other’s ideas, as well as your own; everyone on the team was part of the creative process; and the entire team has a sense of ownership of what you’ve created together.
“If you wish to win a man over to your ideas, first make him your friend.”—Abraham Lincoln
“If you would persuade, you must appeal to interest rather than intellect.”—Benjamin Franklin
“To be persuasive, we must be believable; to be believable, we must be credible; to be credible, we must be truthful.”—Edward R. Morrow
“Questions are often more effective than statements in moving others. … Since the research shows that, when the facts are on your side, questions are more effective than statements, don’t you think you should be pitching more with questions?”—Daniel H. Pink

responsible—“Capable of being trusted.”—Oxford Dictionaries
kindness—“The quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.”—Oxford Dictionaries
It’s essential that you do your best to meet your obligations to your colleagues. If you promise to do something, you should try very hard to fulfill that promise.
It’s essential that you do your best to meet your obligations to your colleagues. If you promise to do something, you should try very hard to fulfill that promise. Yes, sometimes things change—so it’s no longer desirable to move forward with something—or circumstances may prevent your doing something exactly when you said you’d do it. But in either of these cases, it’s your responsibility to discuss the problem with your colleagues and, together, determine the best way forward. There’s nothing quite as disappointing as relying on someone to do something and having them go incommunicado or disappear on you.
Don’t overcommit yourself. If you have a hard time saying no to people, you’re likely to set yourself up for failure. To prevent your disappointing people, avoid over-promising and under-delivering. If anything, you should do the opposite—that is, under-promise and overdeliver—but never deliberately under-promise in an attempt to make yourself look like a hero. That would just be dishonest. Nor should you make yourself look like a slacker by committing to doing too little work.
It’s important to be respectful of the people with whom you work. Treat your colleagues as you would like them to treat you. Being kind to one another makes the workplace a happy place to be, smooths the team’s interactions, and helps everyone to be highly productive. When your teammates are struggling, show them compassion and help them to get through tough times.
Demonstrating generosity toward the people with whom you work will set you apart from peers who are overly competitive or focused on self-advantage. Always share ideas and information freely with your teammates to enable them to do the best job they can do.
“Acting responsibly is not a matter of strengthening our reason, but of deepening our feelings for the welfare of others.”—Jostein Gaarder
“A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving.”—Albert Einstein
9. Be a Leader
leadership—“The action of leading a group of people or an organization.”
—Oxford Dictionaries
If you have leadership qualities, you can function as a leader whenever a situation requires that you take the lead, set the team’s direction, or make decisions.
You don’t have to have any particular title to be a leader. Teammates typically share the responsibility for leading a team, and whoever has the necessary information and know-how to handle a particular situation takes the lead in handling it. If you have leadership qualities, you can function as a leader whenever a situation arises that requires that you take the lead, set the team’s direction, or make decisions. Those who are actually working in leadership roles must always take responsibility for leadership in their area of purview.
Great leaders set forth a vision and live up to it. They communicate their vision and goals with clarity and inspire their teams to meet them. There is always alignment between what they say and what they do. The best leaders are forward-looking, competent, intelligent, and broad-minded. Effective leaders model good human qualities for the people who work for them, including honesty, fairness, straightforwardness, dependability, cooperativeness, determination, imagination, ambition, courage, caring, maturity, loyalty, self-control, and independence. They care for the people who work for them, delegate responsibility to them, and support them in what they do. They praise publicly and, when necessary, criticize or reprimand in private.
“It’s not the absence of leadership potential that inhibits the development of more leaders; it’s the persistence of the myth that leadership can’t be learned. This haunting myth is a far more powerful deterrent to leadership development than is the nature of the person or the basics of the leadership process.”—James Kouzes and Barry Posner
"Good leaders make people feel that they’re at the very heart of things, not at the periphery. Everyone feels that he or she makes a difference to the success of the organization. When that happens people feel centered and that gives their work meaning.”—Warren G. Bennis
“Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.”—Peter F. Drucker
“The leaders who work most effectively … understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don’t sidestep it, but ‘we’ gets the credit…. This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done.”—Peter F. Drucker
“Leadership comes from integrity—that you do whatever you ask others to do.”—Scott Berkun
“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”
—Peter F. Drucker
Foundational Human Qualities
Qualities that form the foundation of all other human qualities include honesty, integrity, courage, self-awareness, and wholeheartedness. These qualities define who we are as human beings.
10. Be Honest and Have Integrity
honesty—“The quality of being honest,” or “free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere.”—Oxford Dictionaries
integrity—“The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.”—Oxford Dictionaries
People with personal integrity always try to do the right thing. … It takes courage to do the right thing whatever the consequences.
Being honest means telling the truth and being straightforward and open with people. A very wise man once said, “Tell the truth, but never a harsh truth.” People with personal integrity always try to do the right thing, regardless of whether anyone would ever know what they’ve done. They have a strong moral compass. It takes courage to do the right thing whatever the consequences. Integrity is a valuable quality in everyone, but it’s vital in leaders. Your honesty and integrity will engender trust in others.
“In looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you.”—Warren Buffet
11. Be Courageous
courageous—“Not deterred by danger or pain; brave.”—Oxford Dictionaries
You must have the courage of your convictions.
Having courage gives you the tenacity to work through issues and disagreements without compromising your principles. Don’t be afraid to speak out and make your opinions known—particularly if you’re the lone voice representing user experience. Master your fears and insecurities and take a stand. Live up to your values. Do the right thing. Often, you’ll derive courage from the need to stand up for others—whether users, colleagues, or the people who work for you.
You must have the courage of your convictions. For example, if you truly believe that you’ve made the right decision, don’t be dissuaded from following through on it—unless someone makes salient arguments against that course of action that truly persuade you that you should change your decision.
In their “Sleepwalking…” presentation, Dan Szuc and Jo Wong included this wonderful quotation on courage from Maya Angelou:
“Without courage, we cannot practice any other virtue with consistency.”
“The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”—Albert Einstein
“Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”—Steve Jobs
12. Be Self-Aware
self-aware—“[Having] conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires.”—Oxford Dictionaries
Self-awareness … requires mindfulness and deep reflection on your thoughts, your emotions, your motives in your interactions with others, and what is happening in your life.
Self-awareness—knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are and acknowledging what you have yet to learn—requires mindfulness and deep reflection on your thoughts, your emotions, your motives in your interactions with others, and what is happening in your life. It is a valuable quality that everyone should cultivate, but it’s an especially valuable quality in leaders.
When you don’t know the answer to a question or the right solution for a problem, or you’ve made a mistake, don’t be afraid to admit it. Other people are usually aware of your ignorance, weakness, or mistake anyway, so trying to hide your deficiencies just shows a lack of integrity and inevitably results in the loss of their trust and respect. In contrast, admitting your weaknesses increases your credibility and engenders trust. Plus, by acknowledging that you need help, you’ll receive the help that you need and achieve a successful outcome.
As Chris Musselwhite, CEO and Head Product Designer of Discovery Learning Inc. wrote in his article “Self-Awareness and the Effective Leader,” for
“When you acknowledge what you have yet to learn, you’re modeling that, in your organization, it’s okay to admit you don’t have all the answers, to make mistakes, and most importantly, to ask for help. These are all characteristics of an organization that is constantly learning and springboards to innovation and agility—two hallmarks of high-performing organizations.”
13. Be Wholehearted
wholehearted—“Showing or characterized by complete sincerity and commitment.”—Oxford Dictionaries
Being wholehearted is the quality that allows you to embrace all of the other virtuous human qualities….![]()
Being wholehearted is the quality that allows you to embrace all of the other virtuous human qualities that I’ve described in this article.
In her book Daring Greatly, Brené Brown writes about having the courage to form deep connections with other people and live a more wholehearted life. She says:
“Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. … The main concern of Wholehearted men and women is living a life defined by courage, compassion, and connection. The Wholehearted identify vulnerability as the catalyst for courage, compassion, and connection. … Vulnerability is the core, the heart, the center, of meaningful human experiences.”
Brené Brown has defined ten “guideposts for Wholehearted living…:
- Cultivating Authenticity: Letting Go of What People Think
- Cultivating Self-Compassion: Letting Go of Perfectionism
- Cultivating Resilient Spirit: Letting Go of Numbing and Powerlessness
- Cultivating Gratitude and Joy: Letting Go of Scarcity and Fear of the Dark
- Cultivating Intuition and Trusting Faith: Letting Go of the Need for Certainty
- Cultivating Creativity: Letting Go of Comparison
- Cultivating Play and Rest: Letting Go of Exhaustion as a Status Symbol and Productivity as Self-Worth
- Cultivating Calm and Stillness: Letting Go of Anxiety as a Lifestyle
- Cultivating Meaningful Work: Letting Go of Self-Doubt and ‘Supposed To’
- Cultivating Laughter, Song, and Dance: Letting Go of Being Cool and ‘Always in Control’”
If you’ve never watched any of Brené Brown’s TED talks, check out “The Power of Vulnerability” on YouTube. It’s truly inspiring stuff!
In Conclusion
In this article, I’ve described some human qualities that all UX professionals should embrace if they want to be effective in their jobs. By manifesting these qualities in your work, you’ll ensure your success. Jo Wong is very right in saying that much of this foundation comes from our parents, but we also learn these qualities from our mentors, spiritual teachers, and, ideally, from the leaders for whom we work. That’s one reason why being a leader is such a huge responsibility.
In Soft Skills | Teamwork
With more than 20 years working in User Experience at companies such as Google, Cisco, WebEx, Apple, and many startups, Pabini now provides UX strategy and design consulting services through her Silicon Valley company, Strategic UX. Her past UX leadership roles include Head of UX for Sales & Marketing IT at Intel, Senior Director of UX and Design at Apttus, Principal UX Architect at BMC Software, VP of User Experience at scanR, and Manager of User Experience at WebEx. Pabini has led UX strategy, design, and user research for Web, mobile, and desktop applications for consumers, small businesses, and enterprises, in diverse product domains. Working collaboratively with business executives, multidisciplinary product teams, and UX teams, she has envisioned and realized holistic UX design solutions for innovative, award-winning products that delighted users, achieved success in the marketplace, and delivered business value. As a UX leader, she has facilitated conceptual modeling and ideation sessions; written user stories; prioritized product and usability requirements; established corporate design frameworks, standards, and guidelines; and integrated lean UX activities into agile development processes. Pabini is a strategic thinker, and the diversity of her experience enables her to synthesize innovative solutions for challenging strategy and design problems. She is passionate about creating great user experiences that meet users’ needs and get business results.
A thought leader in the UX community, Pabini was a Founding Director of the Interaction Design Association (IxDA). Read More
Other Columns by Pabini Gabriel-Petit
Other Articles by Pabini Gabriel-Petit
- IA, Rosenfeld Media, and EUX: An Interview with Louis Rosenfeld
- An Interview with Alfonso de la Nuez, CEO of UserZoom
- An Interview with Mary Treseler, Co-chair of the New O’Reilly Design Conference
- User Experience, Entrepreneurship, and Redesigning Democracy: An Interview with Dirk Knemeyer
Other Articles on Soft Skills
New on UXmatters
50 Examples of Human Qualities
The Human qualities they are physical or behavioral traits that define human beings, although animals can also have their own qualities. The qualities of an individual are manifested by their way of acting in certain situations (which usually involve other subjects).
The word quality comes from the Latin qualitas, which expresses quality. Therefore, the presence of human qualities in an individual has a great positive value, and the presence of these determines the perception that others may have on a subject.
The opposite of a quality, a negative aspect value, is often known as personal defect , also present in human beings.
The qualities have the characteristics that can be cultivated, putting into practice to the point where they become a normalized behavior in the personality of someone. The presence of these qualities determine the most human traits of individuals, being a factor of great influence in social life.
AdaptabilityThe ability of an individual to adapt to new environments, whether personal or professional, without affecting them psychologically or harming other aspects of their lives.
Agility Not only physical, but mental. An individual who can act quickly in situations of life, even taking the time to think about their actions is considered positively as an agile person.
The ability of an individual to provide a charitable affective treatment towards another in any situation of life. A being who possesses this quality is considered kind.
LearningThe ease of learning in any context of daily life is considered a quality of great value to man, whether in the personal, educational or professional.
AttentionThe ability of an individual to perceive their environment with attention, and provide this to all their activities to carry them out effectively. An attentive person is always valued.
Self-imposedThe ability to demand of oneself to be much better in every possible way, and thus not incur the conformism, considered a defect.
Goodness It is the propensity to be good and perform good acts in function, mainly, of the other. Those who act in this way are considered kind. It's about doing good.
This quality is part of the personality of each one, and their way of behaving towards life. Even in negative scenarios, maintaining a good attitude can provide positive results and strengthen interpersonal relationships.
CalmQuality that prevents acting impulsively before life. A calm person has the ability to better understand the environment and act in the best possible way.
CharismaDetermining quality for dealing with others. A charismatic person is able to"enchant"others.
CommitmentThe ability to fully engage in any life project, in order to fulfill it or carry it to term. A quality that determines the ability to meet goals.
Creativity The ability to find new ways of doing things and innovate in all possible contexts, using resources and experiences as a driving force. A creative person is capable of making possible things that many others did not even imagine.
Crucial aspect in interpersonal relationships. A person who inspires confidence will be able to have much closer to other people, who can count on him in a genuine way, and vice versa.
Watch outQuality that is related to others, such as attention, for example. A careful person in his acts will be much better valued and perceived by others.
DeterminationThe ability to consider scenarios and make them possible, without letting themselves be overcome by the obstacles that may arise.
DisciplineCrucial quality for the human being today. A disciplined individual is able to carry out, in different aspects of life, his goals without distractions and in the best possible way.
Provision It is being prepared to do something and finish it. A person willing to something is someone who is prepared to face whatever is needed.
An important quality especially for interpersonal relationships. A retailer is able to see what others do not, thus enhancing the emotional value of small things.
EloquenceThe ability to express oneself verbally correctly and be understood in any scenario, without being hindered by physical or psychological defects.
EmpathyQuality that allows a subject to understand the situation of the other putting himself in his shoes, and thus be more respectful and reflective with what others live.
StrengthCrucial quality to maintain sanity. The mental and emotional strength allows the person to face with head up all that life can put in front.
Force Inherent quality to the physical aspect. The force allows the person not only to defend themselves, but to be able to perform in areas that are not suitable for everyone.
Psychologically and emotionally, a person with willpower is able to propose new ideas and goals, and have the desire to go out and materialize them and turn them into reality.
GenerosityIt refers to the ability of an individual to share what he has with those who have less than him.
HygieneQuality that affects interpersonal and professional relationships. A person who stays clean will be much better perceived by others.
HumilityThe ability to show and behave in a simple way before every situation in life, even if all the achievements and riches of the world are possessed.
IntelligenceAn essential quality for social and professional development. An intelligent person is able to achieve practically what he wants with his life.
Imagination Closely related to creativity. An imaginative person can contribute and create new ways of seeing the surrounding environment.
Being loyal to those who have given opportunities and support is an essential quality to preserve relationships throughout life.
LeadershipThe ability to be a leader, guide groups, train others and make everyone work as a team to achieve a common goal.
MaturityThe mental maturity of a person is a great indicator of their ability to act correctly in all situations of life, without their decisions adversely affect others.
ModerationRelated to the ability of a person to know when to act before something and when to keep the distance for a greater good.
OptimismThis quality allows you to always have a perception of certainty and security towards the future and towards the environment.
Oratory The ability to perform orally in public and before audiences. An indispensable quality for work and professional environments.
The ability to be organized, both spatially and personally, positively influencing many aspects of life.
PatienceQuality that allows you not to fall into despair, and handle in a rational and calm the most stressful and unpredictable situations.
PerfectionismAlthough in excessive measures it can be considered a defect, the perfectionism It is a quality for those who always seek to improve their jobs and projects, so that they can deliver the best possible version to the world.
PersistenceQuality that allows not to surrender and yield to failure. It is about continuing to try to achieve it, or to do it better.
Positivity Have a positive perception about life and the environment. Find the positive side of everything that seems negative and act on that.
Behave and express yourself in a way that does not adversely affect others in moments of high sensitivity or tension.
PuntualityIt is about attending meetings or appointments at the agreed time. Shows respect towards others and indicates that time is valued.
RealisticHaving a realistic vision, which does not separate from the conditions of the present, can be considered a positive quality to have a better understanding of the environment.
ReflexiveTaking time to reflect on previous actions and future expectations can improve a person's relationship with their peers and their own environment.
RespectRespect for differences is an essential quality for social life. A person respectful of others recognizes their differences and knows that it is neither more nor less than them.
Sensitivity It is the ability of a person to show emotions before external stimuli. A sensitive person will react emotionally to a greater extent in situations in which other people are wrong.
The sense of humor allows to keep alive relationships of all kinds, and thus avoid falling into the mechanism and insensitivity.
SincerityThe ability to always express oneself with the truth, for one's own benefit and that of the other person, ensuring honest and genuine relationships.
SolidarityBeing supportive with other people is understanding their situation and trying to provide help within the capabilities that a person may have.
ToleranceIt consists of accepting the differences of race, personality or culture of other people. A tolerant person sees the differences normal and even appreciates them.
Courage The quality to face unpredictable and unpredictable scenarios with determination, bearing in mind that such a mission can be both successful and a failure, and still not be intimidated by it.
- Camargo, J., Contreras, J., Garcia, A., Molina, J. C., & Sepulveda, S. (2007). Man and space. San Cristobal: University of Los Andes.
- Ekstein, R. (1972). Psychoanalysis and education for the facilitation of positive human qualities. Journal of social issues , 71-85.
- Paterson, D. G. (1923). Methods of Rating Human Qualities. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science , 81-93.
- Peccei, A. (1985). Human qualities Progress Publishers.
- Sen, A. (1998). Human capital and human capacity. Economics Notebooks , 67-72.
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The best qualities of a person - a list of the best character traits
Each person has positive and negative qualities that determine the character, attitude to the world around. The character of each is different, personal human qualities are important components, bringing them together, you can see the psychological image. Personal qualities are divided into two groups:
- positive
- negative
Consist entirely of positive, no one can be the best, but they certainly must prevail. You can work better on yourself, eradicate bad sides, improve good traits in character and behavior. Negative properties often spoil life, the attitude of others, affect success, provide a better position in society.
List of the best qualities in a person's character
- Kindness is the best property of the soul.
- Honesty is a valuable character trait.
- Loyalty is an important personality trait.
- Responsiveness - sympathy for society and help.
- Generosity is an unselfish trait of character.
- Humor is a positive and better outlook on life.
Kindness is one of the best character traits
From childhood, a child is taught to be kind, to love animals, to help people, to do only positive things. There are a myriad of sayings, proverbs about kindness, children learn them at school. Our ancestors invented proverbs in order to make the world a better place. Unfortunately, not everyone has this best feature, one of the most successful for a happy life. A good-natured person is ready to help disinterestedly, does not want evil, there is no envy in him. This can be brought up in oneself if a person feels that he is envious, demanding, he definitely needs to work on himself, eradicate negative traits and instill better, positive ones.
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- responsiveness;
- disinterestedness;
- attentiveness to others;
- goodwill;
- friendliness.
- fidelity;
- truthfulness;
- sincerity.
- 1
- 2.1 Neatness
- 2.2 Thrift
- 2.3 Disinterestedness
- 2.4 Politeness
- 2.5 Loyalty
- 2.6 Good manners
- 2.7 Discipline
- 2.8 Kindness
- 2.
9 Friendliness
- 2.10 Sociality
- 2.11 responsibility
- 2.12 Resistance
- 2.13 Dusty 9000 9000 2.15 9000 9000.16 Modesticity 9000.17 Model 2.17 Model 2.17 Cereliness 2.17 Ceremility 9000 2.1 2.19 Tolerance
- 2.20 Diligence
- 2.21 Respect for others
- 2.22 Confidence
- 2.23 Stent
- 2.24 Honesty
- 2.25 Self -esteem
- 2.26 Humor
- 2.27 Patience
- 2.28 Empathy
- 2.29 Moral
- 3 List of positive human qualities: adjectives and characteristic words in alphabetical order
The word comes from "good", which means good. Hence the understanding that a good-natured person brings good, helps others. Such people are affectionate with everyone, take care of the elderly, children in need, treat the world better. Mandatory Goodhearted Companions:
People around you will certainly appreciate such a disposition towards themselves, they will help in return, they will appreciate it better. People who are not characterized by kindness mistakenly believe that it is better to think only about themselves, that there are no sympathetic, grateful people around who will be mutual. Very often, an evil person just made a mistake, got burned and lost confidence in people. All this can be corrected by showing your neighbor your positive attitude, accompanied by the above-mentioned best manners.
Honesty is the positive side of character
One of the best human virtues is honesty. It is very much appreciated by others, it helps to reflect the most important requirement of morality. An honest person will be better appreciated, respected, it is pleasant to work with him, communicate, because he does not lie, does not hypocrite, does not betray. Honesty includes such traits as:
An honest person respects himself and others, is devoted to his accepted obligations, is convinced that he is doing the right, good deed, telling the truth to others. First of all, honesty is sincerity to oneself, such people are self-confident, invariably live in harmony with their conscience, have a strong disposition, self-confidence, and respect others. Honest is open to others, does not allow deception in communication with others. This is one of the best qualities that speaks of decency and morality. Most people prefer to communicate, work, make friends, choose honest personalities as their life partners. Sometimes you can hear an unpleasant truth from an honest person, but this is much better than hearing a pleasant lie. However, honesty is not an innate quality, but acquired during upbringing. It is necessary to form it from early childhood, the responsibility for this lies with the child's family.
Loyalty is the key to happiness
Loyalty is one of the most important qualities of a person. You can look at this best trait from different angles, there are different types of fidelity. Such a trait of character denotes immutability, steadfastness of feelings, gaze during the performance of one's duties, duty. A faithful person, after making a decision once, always follows his choice, despite doubts. Loyalty is shown to a friend, loved one, family, homeland, beliefs, principles, a given word.
An error leads to its destruction, it can be accidental or conscious. This is already called betrayal, manifested to oneself, to the rules, to a person. Treason and violation of devotion always leads to losses of a moral, physical nature. A person experiences it in different ways, it all depends on the situation. Marital devotion implies devotion, care for the spouse, submission, sharing of his interests. If one of the spouses cheats, most likely, such a relationship will be destroyed forever. After all, the one who was betrayed will lose confidence, which means that a positive opinion about another person is destroyed.
Responsiveness is one of the best virtues
One of the important spiritual and moral qualities of a person is responsiveness. The trait is characterized by the fact that a responsive person is always ready to help his neighbor, to come to the rescue at any time, and to do this without self-interest. The advantage of such a human trait: a kind attitude towards others, self-perception of one's own personality as sincere, disinterested.
In general, this concept is complex, it is impossible to explain it in a nutshell. It is directly related to the psychology of the individual, when she is able to understand the importance of other people's problems, accept their characteristics, come to the rescue, even if she is not asked. A responsive person knows how to sincerely sympathize, empathize with everyone, respects, appreciates people, shows the best towards them: cordiality, kindness, friendliness.
Responsiveness is a rare quality, therefore it is highly valued by people, it is one of the best. After all, not everyone is ready to give up everything and devote their strength, time, and sometimes resources to solving the problems of another. A person with a high level of responsiveness helps from the bottom of his heart, does not do bad deeds towards others.
Education influences this best character trait. In the child's worldview, it is made up of what he receives in childhood, from the family, school. The basis of formation: parents, their demonstration of attitude to nature, others, animals. It is important to cultivate compassion, kindness, respect and empathy in a child. All this together develops into responsiveness.
Generosity - noble deeds
One of the best qualities of human nature is its ability to render selfless help to others in the necessary measure. Generosity also manifests itself in gifts, charity, the ability to share. This is a sign of generosity and kindness itself, a wonderful character trait that needs to be developed. A generous person receives in return warmth, happiness, joy for others. Realizes that helping another is an additional step towards making the world a better place, does not limit your happiness with resources.
Generosity is one of the best forms of kindness, the opposite of selfishness, one of the worst aspects of character.
Generosity is manifested not only in the giving of material goods, but also in the donation of one's strength and time. There are people in the world who simply cannot live comfortably knowing that it is difficult for someone, they want to help and make their life better. They are ready to share what they have right here and now, and not sometime when their situation is better than today. Timely, albeit small, generosity is much more valuable, better than large, but belated.
Humor is the ability to live positively
A sense of humor shows the capabilities of the human intellect, the ability to assess situations, to better notice the features and contradictions of the surrounding world. A person with a good sense of humor will be able to notice, evaluate the contradictions of the surrounding world from a comic point of view. The development and manifestation of this characteristic feature begins in childhood.
Humor in many ways serves as the best psychological defense, sometimes it becomes easier to go through difficult life moments if you look at them from a humorous point of view. It is always easier, better and more interesting to communicate with people who understand jokes and react positively to them, because they themselves can joke, cheer up others.
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Positive qualities of a person: a complete list of human virtues
Each of us has certain traits that ensure a comfortable life in society and at work. To know the virtues in person, in this article I will list what positive, good and spiritual qualities a person has.
What are the characteristics of a personality
Character components express the features of states, psychological processes, temperament and behavior of an individual. Their interaction with society and with the environment depends on them. Today, there are many different classifications of individual traits, as well as typologies of people based on them. Knowledge about them affects awareness, makes you identify them in yourself, chart a future path and work on yourself.
All the positive qualities of a person are accepted and supported in society, in contrast to the negative ones. They must be eradicated. However, the division between these groups is conditional and is made up of social principles, morality and morality. After all, personality is a very subtle component. It is impossible to decompose it into "black" and "white". In addition, knowing about the basic properties, you can better understand anyone, be it an employer or a lover.
List of positive characteristics and virtues of a person
It can be as big as listing opposite properties. Getting acquainted with the main points will help you understand what is valued among others or what to indicate about yourself in a resume. Let's figure it out.
This is a tendency to order. She is noticed in neatness, in caring for things, thoroughness in actions. This quality is more inherent in the female sex, so men need to make a little effort to develop it in themselves.
It is concern for goods, regardless of who owns them. Here we are talking not only about property or other material objects, but also about the state of mind, human energy.
The good side of a person, denoting the lack of desire to benefit from one's actions. Sincere personality is not so important "profit". She helps others and asks for nothing in return.
Respect for others, even in situations that do not require courtesy. By the way, this quality greatly irritates bad individuals. After all, they want to lead to a conflict, and a polite interlocutor builds a barrier that cuts off the possibility of a quarrel.
A property that means devotion not only to relatives, but also to one's views and principles. This is an important point in the relationship between a man and a woman, because between them often there is such a negative feeling as jealousy. The characteristic indicates constancy and reliability, which means it increases confidence in the chosen one.
Good manners
Proper behavior in society, good manners. Such a person is polite to everyone, regardless of their social status. He respects nature, other people's property, society. He will not be ashamed.
Such an individual is able to comply with the requirements and adhere to a certain routine. He knows how to properly manage his own time in order to have time to do everything.
Without this property, the list of positive human qualities would be incomplete. It manifests itself in affection and care for people, responsiveness, the desire to help and come to the rescue in difficult situations, without thinking about the benefits. This is a very valuable trait, often causing a response.
Such a person strives for pleasant communication, openness and sympathy are manifested in her behavior. Thanks to goodwill, you can easily make a huge number of new acquaintances.
Communication skills
The ability to establish contact and enter into any company and team. This is a useful trait in the area of life, whether it be work or various events. Such a person is unlikely to be left alone, because he can find a common language with anyone.
Those who are not afraid to make commitments show independence and maturity. This is the absence of fear of serious decisions and assessment of their consequences, as well as the ability to be responsible for what is entrusted to be done. So, the husband is responsible for the family, the mother is responsible for the child, the workers are responsible for the assigned tasks.
Psychologist Daria Milay
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Willingness to come to the rescue in a difficult life situation, to respond to a request without self-interest. The advantage of the trait is that the person shows his kindness, improves his own sense of self and earns the approval of others.
Time is a valuable resource. And those who include such a positive personality trait in their list are undeniably unique. This characteristic refers to the exclusion of delays, compliance with the requirements and the fulfillment of all agreements.
This is the skill to carry out the plans, not to be afraid of difficult decisions, not succumbing to anxiety and fears. An individual knows how to cast aside all doubts before a serious step and show willpower. The property closely echoes the strength of the spirit and courage.
A person does not consider his own views and opinions to be the only true ones, adequately assesses his own capabilities and abilities, and also soberly treats someone else's worldview. However, you should adhere to the "golden mean". After all, excessive feeling indicates low self-esteem.
No desire to put yourself above others. Agree that it is much more pleasant to communicate with successful people who do not show off their virtues at every corner, but adhere to tactful behavior in society. However, this property takes place not only out of respect for others, but also because of shyness.
There is a saying that the brave is not afraid of anything. This is not entirely true. The complete absence of fear is recklessness or a sign of a mental disorder. An example of the described quality of a person is the ability to act without succumbing to excitement and fear. After all, firefighters can also be afraid of fire, but they do their professional duty.
Feeling of impartiality. At the heart of the characteristic lies a clear understanding of good and evil. Just people adhere to the laws of rewarding good deeds and punishing bad deeds. Excluding subjectivity, they evaluate events according to internally developed principles of morality and morality. After all, this property can be possessed only in the presence of objectivity.
There are those who attribute this item to the group of negatives based on personal prejudices. However, tolerance for others excludes the possibility of dividing them according to ethnic groups, religion, nations or orientations. Such a person does not question someone else's point of view and does not allow himself to be rude to others. In our world, this is a very valuable skill.
Absence of laziness and positive attitude to work. This is not only a willingness to give one's time and energy for work, but also to do it while enjoying the process. After all, the one who tries to avoid duties or performs tasks poorly and without interest is a headache for the whole team.
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Respect for others
This is recognition of other people's opinions and views. Showing respect indicates that a person takes on personality in all. In the service, this property is indispensable, as it provides discipline and develops subordination.
Positive assessment of one's own abilities, determination and ability to manage oneself in ambiguous situations. A confident individual speaks in public without fear, knows his own worth and knows how to restrain himself in conflicts.
The ability to go straight to the goal and achieve it at any cost. This property is inherent in those who are not afraid of difficulties and obstacles, do not succumb to failures. Perseverance for the implementation of plans indicates a solid core and unshakable character. Such individuals achieve great heights thanks only to their own efforts.
Exclusion of deception towards oneself and others. She speaks of reliability, good manners and decency. With such a friend, one should not be afraid of betrayal, because he always respects everyone and believes that it is better to tell the truth, even if it is not pleasant to the interlocutor.
A high quality inherent in a person who knows how to evaluate his capabilities, who understands his significance and value in society, and who also has self-respect. He is unlikely to be able to decide on a lie or a bad deed, he controls himself in any conflict. For him, in the first place is not the opinion of others, but the assessment of his own actions.
Perception of any event from a comic point of view. More importantly, find a similar side to everything. It is much easier to communicate with such an individual, and life becomes easier. Such a trait is a clear sign of mental balance. Self-irony can also be attributed here - the ability to accept even shortcomings in oneself and boldly talk about them.
The ability to remain calm in a conflict situation, bravely endure misfortunes and other suffering, refrain from aggression. Real patience involves tact and inner fortitude. This is a manifestation of the mind, because keeping calm, you can easily cope with the problem.
A characteristic that manifests itself in the ability to understand the psycho-emotional state of others, to express sympathy and empathy, to penetrate into the inner world. This is a property of a strong personality who knows how to feel the acuteness of other people's fears and experiences. But it is important not to turn away from a loved one, but to tune in to his emotional wave, listen and support.
This is the "foundation" of humanity in any society. A moral individual follows certain spiritual principles: conscience, duty, honor, justice, and so on. This is the true dignity of people who inspire respect and love with all their actions. The aspects to which the individual adheres are in himself and appear in his outlook on life.
The ability to show real feelings, show purity of actions and not be ashamed of it. This is the intention to act without lies and deceit, selfish signs. Such an interlocutor is able to listen and hear a friend, openly perceives new information, accurately expresses thoughts. Together with restraint, good manners and delicacy, it makes up the high qualities of any strong personality.
Intellectual property, the ability to use the mind and life experience in the analysis of the consequences, events and actions, as well as obtaining the appropriate conclusions. A judicious individual soberly assesses what is happening, understands the essence of phenomena and rationally talks about them.
This is an active striving to achieve a set goal and get a good result. Such an individual knows what he wants and what he is trying to fight for. Clarity of mind helps him analyze the situation and move forward, despite the obstacles. Also, the characteristic means the presence of certain beliefs, from which they do not deviate under any circumstances.
This trait will fit perfectly in the column "My positive qualities." An optimistic person believes that the world around him, despite its shortcomings, is still the best. He finds positive aspects in everything, knows how to see only its good sides in life, believes in success and prosperity. Such a person has a deep trust in others, focuses exclusively on favorable moments, but at the same time does not try to close his eyes to difficulties.
This is always a cheerful attitude, the ability to see great joys even in small things. A cheerful individual does not need a lot of money, big houses and expensive cars. He greets the new day with a smile and is fully confident that something good will happen today. After all, he realizes the whole value of his existence and perceives it as the highest good.
List of positive qualities of a person: adjectives and characteristic words in alphabetical order
At my consultation, we will analyze each item in more detail and try to find these characteristics in ourselves. But for reference, I will give a short list of virtues that are great for defining your “I”.
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A, B, C:
- Authoritative - commanding respect, able to properly behave in society, personable.
- Active - one who does not know how and does not like to sit idly by. He is always in the center of events and busy with business.
- Atypical - different from the rest, extraordinary.
- Prosperous - having exceptional skills, kind and disinterested.
- Lively - one who has a bright, restless character.
- Cheerful - a mobile person, excluding fatigue from a number of his daily worries.
- Polite - well-mannered and tactful, able to choose the right words and actions so as not to offend the interlocutor.
- Attentive - sensitive to others, their opinions, views and desires, as well as to ongoing phenomena.
D, L:
- Harmonious - characterized by sophistication, peace of mind and taste.
- Hospitable - one who is always happy to receive guests.
- Far-sighted - boldly looking into the future and confidently making plans.
- Delicate - one who cannot offend, chooses the right expressions.
- Good-natured - who has love for nature and people, does not tolerate hatred and evil.
- Friendly - a person who loves his friends, respects and appreciates them.
F, G, I:
- Vital - sensual and open.
- Caring - able to give joy to others and enjoy it.
- Shy - shy.
- Amazing - surprising in words and deeds.
- Sincere - telling the truth, even if it is unpleasant, and not hiding feelings.
- Initiative - taking the initiative in his own hands and making quick decisions.
- Ironic - having a great sense of humor.
K, L, M:
- Creative - able to generate unusual ideas, creative.
- Sociable - sociable, easy to find a common language.
- Eloquent - one who speaks beautifully, knows how to convince.
- Painstaking - "meticulous", accurate.
- Affectionate - treating others with tenderness and love.
- Inquisitive - striving to learn new things, to broaden one's horizons.
- Wise - prudent, maintaining clarity of mind under any circumstances.
N, O, P:
- Unforgettable - spectacular, one who cannot be put out of one's head.
- Extraordinary - who knows how to stand out from the crowd.
- Extraordinary - distinguished by its capabilities and appearance.
- Charming - a pleasant personality in all respects.
- Responsive - one who will always come to the rescue in a difficult situation.
- Witty - resourceful, inventive.
- Attractive - likes others because of appearance, behavior, skills.
- Professional - knowledgeable, with individual ability.
R, S, T:
- Joyful - positive, giving joy to others.
- Versatile - curious, loving to learn new things.
- Decisive - brave, quickly and confidently making decisions.
- Serious - one who responsibly treats the assigned tasks.
- Calm - having a quiet and modest character.
- Tactful - knowing the measure.
- Creative - with creative thinking and extraordinary abilities.
- Demanding - defining specific rules and requirements and stubbornly following them.
U, F, X:
- Confident - casting aside doubts and moving towards his own goals.
- Unique - one who is not like the others.
- Sophisticated - having a "high" sense of style.
- Phenomenal - a person with personal skills.
- Household - showing care in the house, creating comfort and coziness.
C, C:
- Purposeful - an individual who knows his worth and achieves what he wants.
- Human - sympathetic and kind.
- Sensual - the owner of a subtle mental structure, not afraid to show emotions.
- Sensitive - one who knows how to feel the world and others.
S, E, I:
- Generous - sharing blessings, hospitable.
- Scrupulous - attentive and accurate, performing tasks conscientiously.
- Energetic - active.
- Clear - one who is not overshadowed by troubles.
So, in this article I told you what qualities there are in people.