How well do you know me questions for couples

201 How Well Do You Know Me Questions To Ask Your Partner

Get ready for a fun and memorable time with your partner.

It feels like a blessing when your partner knows and understands all your moods and mood swings. But sometimes, you need that extra reassurance to feel sure about it. In such cases, you may consider asking ‘how well do you know me questions’ to your partner. You may even answer these questions about your partner as well.

Knowing your partner’s likes, dislikes, and personality traits brings you closer than you were before. You may use these questions on various occasions and circumstances, strengthening your bond further. Read on and choose the questions that you like.

How Well Do You Know Me Questions For Couples

  1. What is my zodiac sign?
  2. What is my favorite color?
  3. Which foods do I hate to eat?
  4. What is the name of my high school best friend?
  5. What is my favorite vacation place?
  1. What is the color of my eyes? (say without looking into my eyes)
  2. What dress am I most comfortable in?
  3. What was the name of my high school?
  4. How many first cousins do I have?
  5. What is my favorite restaurant?
  6. What is the best thing about me?
  7. What was the name of my first dog?
  8. What is the biggest relationship deal breaker for me?
  9. What is one thing I adore in you?
  10. Am I a dog person or a cat person?
  11. Which habit of yours irritates me?
  12. What is my favorite TV show?
  13. Who is my favorite actor?
  14. Which flowers do I like?
  15. Who is my favorite superhero?
  16. What is my weakness?
  17. What is my strength?
  18. Am I an extrovert or an introvert?
  19. Which season do I like the most?
  20. Beach vacation or skiing in the snow which one would I pick?

Quick tip

Even if you’re surprised or shocked by their answer to any of the questions, don’t pick a fight or argue with them. If you are bothered by it after the game too, talk about it later in a polite way

  1. What is my comfort food?
  2. Which outfit looks best on me?
  3. What is the first thing I do as soon as I wake up?
  4. What is my brand of deodorant?
  5. What is the color of my toothbrush?
  6. What is the registration number of my car/bike?
  7. Which part of my face do you find attractive?
  8. What are the three things I like about you?
  9. What is my worst nightmare?
  10. When I look at a woman, what is the first thing I notice?
  11. What are the three things you like about me?
  12. What are the three things you least like about me?
  13. How do you know when I am angry?
  14. How do I handle my anger?
  15. When do I get jealous?

Related: 15 Signs To Tell If Someone Is Jealous Of You

  1. What is my long-term aim in life?
  2. Which insect terrifies me the most?
  3. Name three important people in my life.
  4. What is my favorite song?
  5. What is my favorite sleeping position?
  6. What is that one thing about me which only you know?
  7. Which habit of mine annoys you the most?
  8. How do you know I am upset?
  9. What are the things I do not share with others?
  10. What did I want to be when I was a child?
  11. What is my favorite weekend past time activity?
  12. When we are together, what is one thing I love to do?
  13. How much do I love you?
  14. How do I like to relax?
  15. Describe my work in two sentences?
  16. What is my dream destination?
  17. What is my favorite breakfast?
  18. What is my favorite dessert?
  19. How do I like my coffee?

Image: iStock

  1. What is my favorite alcohol?
  2. Who is a picky eater among the two of us?
  3. If I was stranded on an island, what are the three things I will miss the most?
  4. What do I like the most pizza or pasta?
  5. What is the best gift I gave you so far?
  6. How much have I changed from the day we got married?
  7. What is that one thing that can make me weak in the knees?
  8. How do I show if I love someone?
  9. When did I begin to fall in love with you?

Related: 15 Significant Reasons Why We Fall In Love

  1. When did you begin to fall in love with me?
  2. What was the moment when you decided I was the one?
  3. Between the two of us, who is better with money?
  4. What is the one thing you would change about me?
  5. If I would get a tattoo, what/where would it be?
  6. What was my nickname in high school?
  7. What is the one word that describes me?
  8. Do I prefer hot or cold showers?
  9. What is a pet peeve that I have?
  10. Name some of my insecurities?
  11. Of all the people near to me, whom do I respect the most?
  12. How many birthmarks do I have?
  13. Would I rather live in a big city or a farm?
  14. Do I sing in a shower?
  15. Do I snore in bed?
  16. What is the nicest thing that I have done for you?
  17. How can you tell when I am having a bad day?
  18. Do I prefer to go out on a Saturday night or stay at home?
  19. Who is my favorite writer?
  20. What is my favorite book?
  21. What is one of my biggest regrets in life?
  22. Do I like to read newspapers?
  23. What is my idea of a perfect date?

Image: iStock

Related: 55 Unique And Romantic Date Ideas For Couples To Try

  1. What do I find hilarious but most people don’t find funny?
  2. What’s my favorite thing to do on the internet?
  3. What is that one event that has changed the course of my life?
  4. What’s my favorite thing to shop for?
  5. What is the most ridiculous rule that I follow?
  6. What do I have a hard time with but most people find quite easy?
  7. Do I look like my mother or father?
  8. What is my natural hair color?
  9. What is my shoe size?

Point to consider

Use the game to know each other well, and don’t let it slip into an interrogation session.

  1. Which is my favorite ice cream flavor — vanilla or chocolate?
  2. Do I have a sweet tooth?
  3. Am I a morning person or a night owl?
  4. Do I love watching sunrise or sunset?
  5. How long have we been in a relationship?
  6. How many aunts do I have?
  7. Which animal do I remind you of?
  8. Am I a rebel or a rules person?
  9. If I ask you to give me a nickname, what would it be?
  10. Do you think I have ever lied to you?
  11. What was one occasion you knew I lied to you?
  12. How many kids do I wish to have?
  13. What is my favorite sport?
  14. What was the worst fight we had till now?
  15. Am I happy with our relationship?
  16. Do you consider me romantic?
  17. What is the last book I read?
  18. Do I like seashores or mountains?
  19. Where do I feel the safest?
  20. How many credit cards do I have?
  21. In which banks do I have my accounts?
  22. Do I ask strangers for directions when I am lost?
  23. How tech-savvy am I?
  24. Do I keep a journal or a diary?
  25. Am I organized or messy?
  26. Do I like my life to be simple or luxurious?
  27. What is my favorite dog breed?
  28. What are my allergies?
  29. What are the three things you will find in my handbag?
  30. Do I have your picture in my wallet?
  31. From which college did I graduate?
  32. Do I watch cartoons?
  33. Name two things on my bucket list?
  34. Have I ever shoplifted?
  35. Would I rather have a lot of money and not talk to my family or be poor but be close to my family?
  36. What do I want to do after retirement?
  37. How many languages can I speak?
  38. What is my dream car?
  39. Where were my grandparents living when I was a child?

Related: 101 Best Questions to Ask Your Grandparents About Their Life

  1. Who is my favorite author?
  2. What is one household chore that I hate to do?
  3. What is the first movie you watched with me?
  4. What is the one thing that I want to accomplish before I die?
  5. Do I curse a lot?
  6. Which genre of movies do I prefer — horror or comedy?
  7. What is my height?
  8. What is my weight?
  9. What was my first job?
  10. What do I like to do on a rainy day?
  11. Do I like public displays of affection?

Image: iStock

  1. How many people have I dated before you?
  2. What makes me different from you?
  3. Do I think men and women can just be friends?
  4. What is the worst trouble that I got into as a child?
  5. In which city/ place did I live as a child?
  6. What was my favorite subject at school?
  7. Who was my favorite teacher?
  8. What is something I don’t like about my childhood?
  9. What is my salary?
  10. How close am I with my siblings?
  11. How do I feel about your parents?
  12. Who do I like more? Mother or father?
  13. Would I go for my high school reunion?
  14. If I could get on a plane to anywhere in the world, where would I go?
  15. Do I like to go on road trips?
  16. Can I change the tire of my car?
  17. How do I like my coffee — hot or cold?
  18. Do I prefer to eat out or at home?
  19. What are my favorite pizza toppings?
  20. What is my favorite meal of the day?
  21. Do I like you with a beard or clean-shaven?
  22. What is my favorite outfit of yours?
  23. What do I think is the greatest weakness in our marriage?
  24. How did my last relationship end?
  25. If we had to pick a couple to go on double dates with, who would I choose?
  26. What is the worst date I have been on?
  27. Do I like store-bought gifts or handmade?
  28. Something that I always wanted when I was a child but never had?
  29. If I could travel back in time, what would I change?
  30. What is my sexual fantasy?
  31. What do I love to do, but never admit in public?
  32. Which unconscious gesture reveals that I feel uncomfortable with the situation or conversation?
  33. Do I finish my work ahead of time or procrastinate?
  34. What was the first meal I cooked for you?
  35. When do I get into the fight mode and when into the flight mode?
  36. Do I argue too much?
  37. Do I take long to get ready?
  38. Who is a better cook, you or me?
  39. Can I dance?
  40. If I could eat one food for the rest of my life, what would it be?

Image: iStock

  1. What is my middle name?
  2. Who eats more? Me or you?
  3. What position do I sleep in?
  4. What do I wish we could do more?
  5. What are my favorite baby names?

Related: Top 200 International Baby Names From Around The World

  1. What wouldn’t I be willing to do for a million dollars?
  2. Do I believe in saving or spending?
  3. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me?
  4. If I won a lottery, what would I buy first?
  5. What is my favorite cosmetics brand?
  6. When was the last time I was admitted to a hospital?

“How well does my partner know about me?” These questions will help your partner to open up. Choose the right time to get the desired outcome.

1. How do you play “Who knows me better”?

“Who knows me better” is a two-player game that allows you to check how well you know your companion. First, one player can ask questions while the other must guess and write down the answers. They get the point if the response is correct; otherwise, no. Repeat the same with the other players and vice versa. A whiteboard or a blank notebook is required for each player.

2. What are some juicy questions to ask your friends?

Be it at a sleepover or casual friends’ outing, ask some juicy questions to dig out secrets or to make an interesting conversation. Some interesting questions you may ask are – What was the last thing you Googled? Would you ever steal from a luxury store? Would you date someone older if they offered you $100 million?

The list of how well you know me questions is a great icebreaker and an incredible way to learn more about anyone, be it a stranger or a date. These questions are exciting and will keep the listener engaged in the conversation till the very end. So use any of these questions, get to know the people around you better, and share your thoughts and feelings so that it doesn’t become a question and answer session.

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200+ How Well Do You Know Me Questions For Your Relationship

Having a healthy and successful relationship depends a lot on your communication with your partner. The more you talk about everything in your lives, the closer you’ll get to one another. Asking some “how well do you know me questions” now and then is just another part of the process.

These questions are also a great way to see if your relationship is steady and for the long term, or if your partner is less committed than you thought.

You can find out if they’re as attentive as you’d wish, and if they’re sharing their life with you as much as you’re sharing yours with them.

Even if you’re already in the relationship for a few years, it’s always a good idea to do a “refresher course” now and then.

No matter what happens after the conversation, you should take the outcome as a positive thing. If you’ll both have the answers to each other’s questions, awesome!

It means you’re very connected to one another and your relationship is a strong and beautiful one. If not, well that’s the purpose of having these talks. Seeing if there’s room for improvement and then working together towards that common goal.

212 How Well Do You Know Me Questions

We all like to think that we know our significant other like no other person in the world, and that the vice versa is also true. While it can be the case at times, we’re always changing as people.

Picking up new skills, acquiring new tastes, switching our beliefs and values as we’re learning more and going through self development.

To always keep in touch with your partner’s emotional side and logical side, reserving at least 10 minutes a day for valuable conversations is a must.

Don’t take it to heart if you honestly don’t know for sure how to answer these questions, or if your partner doesn’t. You live busy lives and must remember a lot of things on a daily basis.

When you learn new information and knowledge, it must be “stored” somewhere in your mind, and sometimes that “storage space” overlaps with other bits & pieces.

Just make sure that focusing on your relationship is also a top priority. After all, the two of you are together thanks to the love, admiration and respect that you have for one another.

Here are some good, basic conversation starters to learn more about each other:

  1. What’s my middle name/nickname?
  2. What are my worst fears?
  3. What’s my favourite food or food type?
  4. What is the best memory that I have from my childhood?
  5. When’s my birthday? (if you see them struggling you can go for the month instead of the day)
  6. What am I most self-conscious about? Why do I think that?
  7. What won’t I eat under any circumstances?
  8. What foods I don’t really like, but will eat them if I’m hungry?
  9. What’s my favorite TV show or actor?
  10. What am I really specific about? What’s my biggest pet peeve?
  11. When I’m feeling down, what’s one thing that can easily make me feel better?
  12. Do you remember our first date? Where did we go, what did we do, when was it?
  13. What’s my favorite animal?
  14. What are my favorite colors?
  15. If I could choose any pet in the world, what would I choose?
  16. Out of any country in the world, which one would I want to visit right now?
  17. Am I more of a long-term oriented person, or do I like to live in the “here and now”?
  18. Is my career important to me, or do I view it as just a job and source of money for my passions?
  19. What do I admire most about you?
  20. What are 3 things I’m trying to change about myself?
  21. What’s my favorite music genre? How about my favorite musician, band, or singer?
  22. Do I like art (paintings, sculptures, photo exhibits etc)?
  23. What do I think I’m really good at, and will even get annoyed if someone says I’m not?
  24. Do I have a positive opinion about myself?
  25. What’s one talent I have that I chose not to pursue?
  26. How are my parents named?
  27. Who’s my best friend and how long have we known each other? What do I like about them?
  28. What scent do I just love?
  29. What do I prefer doing in my free time?
  30. Do I like talking with my parents?
  31. Cats or dogs? Which do I like more?
  32. Do I have any medical conditions that need treatment to be kept in check?
  33. Would I choose to be famous if I could?
  34. What’s one thing that I don’t want people to know about me?
  35. Do I think I’m a prideful person?
  36. Can I admit my own mistakes?
  37. Am I good at keeping a secret?
  38. Was I ever arrested or detained by the police?
  39. What do I dislike more? Doin the dishes or cleaning the house?
  40. Do I prefer cooking, ordering, or eating out?
  41. Who do I get along with better? My mom or my dad?
  42. What are the top 3 things on my bucket list?
  43. Do I like big family gatherings?
  44. Did I like going to high school?
  45. What’s my “role” in my group of friends? How do they see me?
  46. Do I think I have a great singing voice?
  47. What’s my favorite book or author?
  48. Do I play any video games? Do I have a favorite one?
  49. What’s one thing about myself I’m trying to change?
  50. How do you think I describe our relationship to my friends?
  51. Without peeking, what color are my eyes?
  52. What’s my exact street address?
  53. What’s my cultural heritage? Where am I/where’s my family from?
  54. What does the idea of a perfect day mean for me?
  55. Do I have a favorite name? What is it?
  56. What’s my sibling’s profession?
  57. Do I consider myself addicted to anything?
  58. What’s one thing I really love about myself?
  59. How many languages do I speak?
  60. Am I a morning person or a night owl?
  61. Do I prefer calling someone over the phone or texting?
  62. Did I ever go to camps with school colleagues or friends?
  63. Do I have a favorite restaurant?
  64. What’s one thing I just couldn’t live without?
  65. Who do I look up to? Do I have a role model?
  66. How many boyfriends/girlfriends did I have?
  67. Have I ever been embarrassed to the point of just not saying anything anymore?
  68. Do I have any “rituals” that I feel like I must do?
  69. Do I like children?
  70. Do I have a driver’s license? If I don’t, do I want one?

How Well Do You Know Me Questions For Couples

You can be inquisitive about your SO’s knowledge about you in all areas of your life. From job preferences to dreams of travelling to faraway places, don’t let any stone unturned! Here are some suggestions.

Job Questions

  1. Do I get along with my work colleagues?
  2. What do I think about my boss?
  3. Do I enjoy what I’m doing or do I absolutely hate it?
  4. What’s one thing I really like about my job?
  5. Would I be willing to change my workplace? What for?
  6. Have I ever considered turning my job into an entrepreneurial career?
  7. Is my field of work what I wanted to do as a child?
  8. Am I working on anything else apart from my job?
  9. Would I be willing to do contract work?
  10. Do you think I want to be promoted to middle/upper management?
  11. What would I never do at my job, no matter the benefits?
  12. Do I know my peers on a personal level? Do I want to?
  13. Have I ever thought about quitting?
  14. What have I achieved at my job that I’m really proud of?
  15. Do I have any goals for my job for this year?
  16. Money or passion? How did I choose my job?
  17. What do I value more? More money or less work/more free time?

Lifestyle Questions

  1. Do I want to have children?
  2. Do I want us to move in together in the future?
  3. Do I enjoy having others in my personal space?
  4. How many friends do I think I have?
  5. What do I think of people that live differently from me?
  6. Am I an active person or a couch potato?
  7. Do I care about my health?
  8. How do I react to unsolicited advice?
  9. What would definitely annoy me?
  10. Do I tend to stay angry for a long time?
  11. Do I enjoy solitude?
  12. Do you think I have expectations of you? What would they be?
  13. How many hours of sleep do I usually get?
  14. What’s my go-to free time activity?
  15. Do I like the place where I live right now?
  16. Would I move to another country?
  17. Do I want to speak more languages?
  18. Do I think I’m a judgy person?
  19. If it’s up to me, do I walk the distance, take a cab or take the bus?
  20. Would I pick a smaller apartment with everything I need to be comfortable but it has some maintenance issues, or a big mansion with pools, many garages, 3 levels, huge TVs and my own butler?
  21. Do I drink alcohol or smoke?
  22. What beverage would I choose over another? Sodas, coffee, tea, water etc.
  23. Do I like to make fun of grim situations?

Interests Questions

  1. Am I into pop culture?
  2. Do I prefer fantasy or sci-fi universes?
  3. What’s my Harry Potter house?
  4. Do I play any sports? Do I watch sports?
  5. If I could choose only one, would I pick Lord of the Rings or Star Wars?
  6. Am I interested in fashion?
  7. Do I like reading scientific journals or academical studies?
  8. Am I more of a geek or a nerd?
  9. Do I keep up to date with world news?
  10. Do I collect anything like stamps, pressed leaves, figurines etc?
  11. Do I believe in zodiac signs?
  12. Am I looking to learn new skills?
  13. Do I want to travel? Where to?
  14. Do I have a favorite country that I think is just great?
  15. Am I into reading about history?
  16. Do I like to philosophize or do I take the world at face value?
  17. Do I fill my free time with real world activities or escapism?
  18. Do I think I’m similar to any of my favorite characters?
  19. Would I choose to just move to a fictional world if given the chance?
  20. Am I fascinated by any historical periods in particular?
  21. Was I ever considered an outcast because of my interests?
  22. What’s one of my passions that I’ll admit is strange?

Family Questions

  1. Do I have any values which I got from my family?
  2. Do I have a large family? Do I stay in touch with them?
  3. Do I prefer my mother’s side or father’s side of the family?
  4. Does my family gather during holidays at one big dinner table?
  5. Do my family and I give each other gifts at Christmas?
  6. What religion are my parents?
  7. Was I taught by my family that some things are inherently “good” or “bad”?
  8. Do I want to have children?
  9. What would be the core value I’d have for raising children, if we had children?
  10. What’s my biggest wish for our children?
  11. Do you think I want our children to follow the same paths as us in life?
  12. What’s the silliest family time moment we’ve had together that I hold most dear?

Friends Questions

  1. How many true friends do I think I have?
  2. Do I value my friends more than I value myself?
  3. Have I ever helped my friends financially?
  4. Would I ask my friends for money if I needed it?
  5. Do I spend time on social media to look at how my friends are doing?
  6. Do I try to stay in touch as much as possible with my friends?
  7. How much time a month do I generally spend with friends?
  8. What are my friend’s opinions of you?
  9. Do my friends approve of our relationship?
  10. Do I rely on my friends emotionally?
  11. How did I meet my best friend? Do we know each other for long?
  12. Would I drop anything to go and help my best friend if they asked me?
  13. What do my friends appreciate most about me?
  14. What do I appreciate most in a friend?

Relationship Questions

  1. What’s one thing I’d like us to do every day?
  2. Do you think I ever feel neglected in our relationship?
  3. What’s more important to me? Expensive gifts or meaningful gifts?
  4. Would I be willing to spend just my money on some of our dates?
  5. What country do I want us to visit together?
  6. Do I dislike any of your habits? Which one?
  7. What do I think of your friends and family?
  8. Do you think I want us to spend more time together?
  9. What’s the best surprise you’ve ever made me?
  10. Do I have any activities I’d rather do alone than as a couple?

For even more questions to discuss with your partner, read our article about 150 relationship questions!

Politics Questions

  1. What are my political views? Am I left wing or right wing?
  2. Would I ever join the army?
  3. Do I have respect for local and national authorities?
  4. Am I a law-abiding citizen?
  5. Would I ever run for office? Would it be a local position, state level or federal?
  6. Do I think the government is using our tax money right?
  7. Do I think I’d do a better job than our government’s doing?
  8. What are my views on political revolutions?
  9. What are my views on sexual and racial discrimination?
  10. What do I think about equality?
  11. Would I share my political views with someone even if I knew they’d ridicule me for it?
  12. Have my political views ever placed me in social, economical or physical peril?
  13. What’s my general view on politics and politicians?

Funny and Random Questions

  1. What do I put in my bowl first: cereal or milk?
  2. Is pineapple on pizza acceptable in my view?
  3. If I were to choose, would I reach for the chocolate bar or the bag of chips?
  4. What fictional character makes me think of you?
  5. What’s my spirit animal?
  6. How much time can I focus on studying or work before getting distracted?
  7. What bubble gum flavour do I miss from my childhood?
  8. What are some things that make me smile instantly?
  9. Do I think I curse too much?
  10. Have I ever tried learning a musical instrument?
  11. In what juice would I mix alcohol to hide it?
  12. How long do I think I’d survive in the wilds?
  13. Have I ever kissed someone on a dare?
  14. Who was my first or biggest fictional crush?

Bonus How Well Do You Know Me Questions

We’re not done just yet! Here are some final questions with which to test your partner’s knowledge about yourself:

  • Do I like cooking for you?
  • Do I want to see my high school classmates again?
  • Would I take care of you unconditionally if you were sick?
  • Who’s my favorite famous person?
  • What do I think about open relationships?
  • Who was my high school crush?
  • Which season do I prefer?
  • What was I really good at in school?
  • Are there any mysteries in my family that remained unsolved?
  • When did I move out from home?
  • Am I happy with my life right now?
  • Who’s the one person in my life that annoys me to no end?
  • Would I prefer being rich but stupid, or poor but intelligent?
  • How many countries have I visited so far?
  • What do I think about social media?
  • Do I generally trust people?
  • Am I an honest person?

Continue Your Conversations With Better Topics

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How well do you know me? Friendship test, questions

📖 Content:

  • 50 questions, how well do you know me?
  • 50 funny questions, how well do you know me?
  • How well do you know me? Questions for couples
  • How well do you know me? Questions for friends
  • How well do you know me? Family questions
  • How well do you know me? Questions for boyfriend

How well do you know me

The following two lists of 50 "how well do you know me" questions are the perfect conversation starters for any occasion. Whether you're chatting with classmates, friends, or family, these questions from completely different categories are suitable for any situation. The first list contains general questions, while the second is full of fun "how well do you know me" questions.

Best Friend Quiz

Want to test your friendship? Create your own quiz about yourself and see how well your friends know you:


These 10 questions can determine if you'll survive the zombie apocalypse!

A deadly virus has taken over the world. The dead have risen and begun to kill. Do you have what it takes to survive the zombie apocalypse?

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Best Friend Quiz

50 questions, how well do you know me?

  1. Who has had the biggest impact on my life?
  2. What is my favorite drink?
  3. What 3 things would I like to have on a desert island?
  4. How many children do I want?
  5. What is my favorite movie?
  6. Did I have a favorite restaurant as a child?
  7. What is the longest book I have ever read?
  8. How much is my most expensive piece of clothing?
  9. Have I ever been to a summer camp?
  10. Who do I talk to most often on the phone?
  11. What was the best day of my life?
  12. Do I like to get up early or stay up late?
  13. What does my morning routine look like?
  14. When did I learn to ride a bike?
  15. Would I ever adopt a child?
  16. What was the last concert I went to?
  17. What languages ​​do I speak?
  18. What should I be thankful for?
  19. What is my favorite series?
  20. When did I start swimming?
  21. Have I ever tried drugs?
  22. What do I love most about myself?
  23. What did I like to do as a child?
  24. Am I for Android or iPhone?
  25. Do I have an addiction?
  26. What is my favorite TV genre?
  27. What do I really hate?
  28. Did I have pets when I was growing up?
  29. What is my favorite food?
  30. What was my worst breakup?
  31. Do I enjoy meeting new people?
  32. Do I have nieces or nephews?
  33. What is my deepest fear?
  34. What does my name mean?
  35. Would I like to be a famous musician or actor?
  36. What do my parents do for a living?
  37. What is my zodiac sign?
  38. What is my favorite book?
  39. Where do my parents live?
  40. What do I think about drugs?
  41. What do I think about equality?
  42. What would I name my first child?
  43. If I were to receive a Nobel Prize, what would it be for?
  44. What would my ideal day look like?
  45. What is my full name?
  46. Where am I from?
  47. Will I ever join the army?
  48. What is my favorite sweet?
  49. What color are my eyes?
  50. Where do I live?

50 funny questions, how well do you know me?

  1. What is my opinion about pineapple on pizza?
  2. Would I eat a chocolate bar or a bag of chips in one sitting?
  3. What is the most embarrassing moment in my life?
  4. Would I be: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw?
  5. What was the most illegal thing I have ever done?
  6. Which movie or TV character reminds me of me?
  7. Would I ever go on a blind date?
  8. Which Disney character am I?
  9. What always distracts me when I study?
  10. What is my favorite chewing gum flavor?
  11. How often do I use social networks?
  12. What am I doing that makes me look really stupid?
  13. What always makes me smile?
  14. How much money do I spend each week?
  15. What word do I use too often?
  16. If my life were a movie, which actor/actress would play me?
  17. What is my least favorite genre of music?
  18. If I could have any thing, what would it be?
  19. Do I play any instruments?
  20. What do I hate?
  21. My dream travel destination?
  22. What superhero would I be?
  23. What is my most embarrassing childhood memory?
  24. What kind of animal would I be?
  25. What kind of food can I eat every day?
  26. What is my favorite computer game?
  27. Did I have an imaginary friend as a child?
  28. Which alcoholic drink best describes my personality and why?
  29. When and how did I find out that Santa Claus is not real?
  30. What will be my complete opposite?
  31. What era would I like to live in if I could?
  32. What is my opinion about hairy legs?
  33. What was the dumbest situation I almost died in?
  34. Do I prefer coffee or tea?
  35. How long will I survive the Zombie Apocalypse?
  36. When was the last time I peed/peed in my pants?
  37. What is my favorite board game?
  38. If I could live in a fictional universe, where would it be?
  39. What song would I choose if I had to sing in karaoke?
  40. Do I prefer swimming or running?
  41. Have I ever been in love with an animated character?
  42. Worst situation in which I laughed/laughed?
  43. Have I kissed anyone in the last five days?
  44. What do you think I was doing an hour ago?
  45. What strange habit did I have as a child?
  46. What do I love most?
  47. What fictional character would I like to marry / whom would I like to marry?
  48. Would I date a stupid or ugly person?
  49. What is my most annoying habit?
  50. What childish item do I still like?

How well do you know me? Questions for couples

Are you worried that your girlfriend doesn't listen to you? Or do you think that your boyfriend always forgets everything you said to him five minutes after the conversation? Or maybe you just think that you put a lot more effort and energy into getting to know your soul mate as opposed to him/her? Well, then these questions are perfect for you. Grab your partner and find out how well he or she knows you!

50 questions, how well do you know me? Questions for couples

  1. What was I like when we first met?
  2. Where would I like to spend my honeymoon?
  3. Are my parents still together?
  4. What always makes me smile?
  5. What was my least favorite subject in school?
  6. How do you know that I had a bad day?
  7. Name of my school where I went to primary school?
  8. What movie always makes me cry?
  9. What is my favorite place on earth?
  10. What is my mother's maiden name?
  11. How old was I when I had my first kiss?
  12. What is my father's name?
  13. What turns me on?
  14. What would make me jealous?
  15. Where did we first kiss in public?
  16. How many brothers and sisters does each of my parents have?
  17. What job would I never do?
  18. What is your opinion on how I deal with difficult situations?
  19. Do I have siblings?
  20. Do you think I fell in love with your thoughts or your body initially?
  21. Have I ever lived with a significant other before?
  22. What is my favorite subject at school?
  23. Did/did I play sports when I was growing up?
  24. My opinion about open relationships?
  25. Would I like my parents to live with me when they get old?
  26. My darkest secret?
  27. Who is too selective in food - you or me?
  28. What is my favorite smell?
  29. Is my family religious?
  30. What was the worst thing I did as a child?
  31. What is my most embarrassing sexual story?
  32. How much honesty do I need in a relationship?
  33. Am I more like mom or dad?
  34. Where do I want to live in the future?
  35. If I could erase one thing from my past, what would it be?
  36. What would my ideal day look like?
  37. What will my dream house look like?
  38. Do I believe that love can last a lifetime?
  39. Did I have a favorite teacher?
  40. What is my biggest nightmare?
  41. In which city did I grow up?
  42. What did we do on our first date?
  43. How often do I talk to my parents?
  44. Do I consider myself creative?
  45. What is my favorite word?
  46. If our life were a movie, what actors would play us?
  47. Who is my favorite family member?
  48. What is my mother's name?
  49. What always makes me angry?
  50. When did I start falling in love with you?

How well do you know me? Questions for Friends

Whether you're talking to an old friend or talking to a new acquaintance you've just met, we all like to think we know our loved ones well. The following questions are about personal dreams and hopes, childhood, family and loved ones. Grab your friends and take the opportunity to learn more about each other!

N e w !


50 questions how well do you know me? Questions for friends

  1. How many countries have I visited?
  2. Would I live in a big city or on a farm?
  3. What makes me nervous?
  4. Who was my passion five years ago?
  5. How old do I look?
  6. What was my first experience with alcohol?
  7. Do I like to dress up (eg in costumes)?
  8. What makes me feel most alive?
  9. Have you ever suspected that I was gay?
  10. What is my dream job?
  11. Do I have weaknesses?
  12. Who is my current favorite celebrity?
  13. What does love mean to me?
  14. How do I spend a typical Saturday evening?
  15. How did I lose my virginity?
  16. What is my favorite song?
  17. What is my favorite winter activity?
  18. Who is the man/woman of my dreams?
  19. What is my greatest talent?
  20. The story of my first kiss?
  21. How different was my life a year ago?
  22. What was the last movie that made me cry?
  23. Would I kiss on the first date?
  24. What do I like to do on a hot summer day?
  25. Have I ever lost someone close?
  26. What was the name of my first pet?
  27. Who do I hate?
  28. How old was I when I started dating?
  29. Have I ever cheated on someone?
  30. Would I rather spend the day with my parents or your parents?
  31. How long was my longest romantic relationship?
  32. Do I have brothers and sisters? What are their names?
  33. Have I ever had to repeat a year at school?
  34. What is my favorite piece of clothing?
  35. The worst date I've ever had?
  36. What do I think about politics?
  37. Where do I see myself in 5 years?
  38. Have I ever dyed my hair?
  39. What is the length of my longest romantic relationship?
  40. Am I for dogs or cats?
  41. What celebrity would I like to meet?
  42. Who was my first true love?
  43. Would I like to be taller or shorter?
  44. Am I right handed or left handed?
  45. Who was my first crush?
  46. What is my best solution?
  47. Where would I like to go?
  48. What is my favorite music?
  49. How did my last relationship end?
  50. The scariest moment of my life?

How well do you know me? Questions for the family

Are you close to your family? Not sure about the answer? Time to find out! The following questions are perfect for your parents, siblings, or even grandparents. Use the list and find out how well you know your family members and vice versa.

📖 We offer you: 250+ questions to get to know someone

50 questions, how well do you know me? Questions for the family

  1. Where do I want to live in 10 years?
  2. Will I date someone who doesn't like music at all?
  3. Who is my favorite actress?
  4. What is my favorite flavor of ice cream?
  5. What is the most beautiful picture I have ever painted?
  6. What can I talk about all day?
  7. What do I think about climate change?
  8. How did/did I deal with my feelings and emotions as a child?
  9. Will I date someone who doesn't have books in the house?
  10. If I had to move to another country, where would I go?
  11. What am I afraid of?
  12. Name three things I did today.
  13. Do I take home leftover food from restaurants?
  14. How old am I?
  15. Would I like to lose or gain five kilos?
  16. Who is my favorite author?
  17. Am I satisfied/satisfied with my life?
  18. How did I meet my best friend/girlfriend?
  19. How much do I earn?
  20. What is my favorite restaurant?
  21. When do I usually brush my teeth?
  22. What is your oldest memory of me?
  23. What is my favorite color?
  24. Where do I want to live when you retire?
  25. How late did I go to bed last night?
  26. Do I prefer jeans or sweatpants?
  27. Who is my secret hero?
  28. What is my favorite weather?
  29. What was my favorite toy as a child?
  30. If I had to rename myself, what name would I choose?
  31. What took me too long to figure it out?
  32. How could I save the world?
  33. What would I order from McDonald's?
  34. What is my favorite city?
  35. Do I believe in the signs of the zodiac?
  36. What do I like to do on weekends?
  37. What are my hidden talents?
  38. Have I ever been in a fight?
  39. Have I ever received awards?
  40. What do I like - rain or snow?
  41. If I could work anywhere, where would it be?
  42. What is my favorite sport?
  43. How tall am I?
  44. Who is my best friend/best friend?
  45. What was my favorite TV show as a child?
  46. What is my favorite restaurant?
  47. What is my favorite season?
  48. Do I believe in aliens?
  49. Who is my favorite actor?
  50. Who was my first best friend?

How well do you know me? Questions for boyfriend

Do you think that you and your boyfriend know everything about each other? Even every little detail of your life? It's time to find out. These questions are about your first memories together, your family and friends, and your future dreams and hopes.

👉 We offer you: The game "20 Questions" to start a conversation

50 questions, how well do you know me? Questions for boyfriend

  1. What would be the perfect birthday present for me?
  2. Was I brought up in a particular religion?
  3. Who has more appetite - me or you?
  4. Which celebrity did I like when I was growing up?
  5. What is my middle name?
  6. What are my lifelong dreams?
  7. What do you think was the first thing I noticed about you?
  8. How many boyfriends did I have before you?
  9. What makes me special and unique?
  10. Do I believe in supernatural things?
  11. What was my least favorite part of my childhood?
  12. How many former partners do I have?
  13. How much time do I spend in front of the mirror each day?
  14. Who was my role model as a child?
  15. What is my favorite part of your body?
  16. How did my last relationship end?
  17. Do I have allergies?
  18. My dream date?
  19. What is my great-grandmother's name?
  20. When is my father's birthday?
  21. What is my favorite childhood memory?
  22. Am I still friends with any of my exes?
  23. Who is my oldest friend?
  24. How do I feel about your parents?
  25. What is my great-grandfather's name?
  26. My opinion about marriage?
  27. Would I rather have a successful career or be a housewife?
  28. Where would I like to go with you?
  29. What would my dream house look like?
  30. When is my mother's birthday?
  31. What is my shoe size?
  32. How do I drink coffee?
  33. What are my favorite flowers?
  34. What was my childhood nickname?
  35. Where was I born?
  36. Have I ever gotten into any stupid, embarrassing situations?
  37. What is my natural hair color?
  38. Who in my family can't get along with?
  39. Can I cook?
  40. What's the nicest thing I've ever done for you?
  41. What do I think about toys in the bedroom?
  42. What are my life goals?
  43. In what position do I sleep?
  44. What do I love most about you?
  45. What is my favorite breakfast food?
  46. Where did we take our first photo together?
  47. Is it easy to make me jealous?
  48. How would you describe me in three words?
  49. If I could witness something past, present or future, what would it be?
  50. What do I like most about my childhood?

We offer you: “Who knows me best?” questions

How well do you know me? The Question Game

You can use these 3 types of questions as conversation starters while slowly working towards an answer.

How much a person knows you will depend on how long you've known each other, how observant they are, and how open you are to that person.

So if you want to know if they only know you on a superficial level or not, here are 100 questions you can use to find out:

1. Easy and fun questions

These questions answer those details about you that you allow people to see on a superficial level. Even your work colleagues and acquaintances can find out your favorite lipstick color or hairstyle, your birthday and other personal details just by seeing you regularly.

Let's start with easy topics that touch on the most interesting things about you:


Am I clumsy?

Have you ever felt clumsy? Find out how clumsy you are by taking this quiz!

Start Quiz

  • Do I like long or short hair?
  • What is my favorite alcoholic drink?
  • Am I a morning person or a night person?
  • What is my favorite flavor of ice cream?
  • Do I like coffee or tea?
  • What is my favorite color?
  • Do I have good handwriting?
  • How many brothers and sisters do I have?
  • Am I a dog man or a cat man?
  • Do I have a favorite shirt?
  • What is my job?
  • How old am I?
  • Do I prefer Pepsi to Coke?
  • Name one song that I have loved in the last 10 years.
  • What is my favorite rock band?
  • Do I play any instrument?
  • What is my favorite dessert?
  • Should I dye my hair?
  • When is the month of my birthday?
  • What recent TV show did I go crazy about?
  • Am I a karaoke fan?
  • How do I like my eggs?
  • What is my most popular pair of shoes?
  • Who is my best friend?
  • How often do I eat out?
  • What is the color of my eyes?
  • Can I whistle?
  • When it comes to clothes, do I choose solid colors or prints?
  • What sports do I do?
  • Where do I work?
  • Do I go to the gym?
  • What is my favorite restaurant?
  • Am I left or right handed?

2. Deep and Serious Questions

These questions delve into deeper level facts or behaviors that you have shared with your friends or partner during the months or years they have known you.

Are you a person in the morning/evening, what drink are you most drunk on, how generous or miserly are you when it comes to Secret Santa are good examples of questions that people you have known for many years can answer.

  • Who was the first person to break my heart?
  • Am I close to my brothers and sisters?
  • What is my favorite holiday?
  • Do I have a target retirement age?
  • Have I ever broken the law and gotten away with it?
  • Who is closer to me - mom or dad?
  • Which occasion do I like best?
  • Do movies make me cry?
  • Where is my favorite summer destination?
  • Would I choose skiing or fishing?
  • How many times do I check my phone?
  • Can I ride a bike?
  • Do I have tattoos? If yes, how much?
  • Have I ever sent food back to the kitchen?
  • What is my favorite book of all time?
  • Can I snap my fingers?
  • Do I like superhero movies?
  • What unique skill do I have?
  • Do I love or hate clowns?
  • Do I have any food allergies?
  • Who do I look up to in my profession?
  • Have I been hiking before?
  • What was the last TV show I watched binged-watched?
  • Where do I like to spend my birthdays?
  • Am I religious?
  • Who was my first crush?
  • What is my favorite comfort food?
  • What book has influenced my life?
  • How many children do I have/plan to have?
  • Who is my favorite cartoon character?
  • What does my ideal weekend look like?
  • Do I like to sing/dance?
  • How many pets have I had in the last 5 years?
  • What is the biggest lie I have ever told?


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