How to test if you have add
Adult Symptom Assessment, Scientific Results
Do I Have ADHD? What Are Common ADD and ADHD Symptoms In Adults?
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that impacts the prefrontal cortex of the brain — the area responsible for executive functions, emotional regulation, and impulse control, among other things. Most children with ADHD become adults with ADHD because, though symptoms shift and change with age, they rarely go away all together.
ADHD in adults looks and acts different than ADHD in children, but clinicians’ diagnostic criteria — as outlined in the DSM-5 — does not differentiate adult vs. childhood symptoms, which sacrifices the accuracy of assessments. Take this self-test to learn more about the ADHD and ADD symptoms in adults, and then take what you learn to a mental health care professional for evaluation.
Adult ADHD Test
This ADHD symptom test was adapted from the ASRS Screener developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Workgroup on Adult ADHD
How often do you put things off until the last minute?
Very Often
How often do you have difficulty concentrating on what people say to you, even when they are speaking to you directly?
Very Often
How often do you have difficulty unwinding and relaxing when you have time to yourself?
Very Often
When you’re in a conversation, how often do you find yourself finishing the sentence of the people you are talking to before they can finish it themselves?
Very Often
How often do you depend on others to keep your life in order and attend to details?
Very Often
How often do you leave your seat in meetings or other situations in which you are expected to remain seated?
Very Often
(Optional) Would you like to receive your ADHD symptom test results — plus more helpful resources — via email from ADDitude?
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This questionnaire is designed to determine whether you demonstrate symptoms similar to those of adults with ADHD and is intended for adults ages 18 and older. If you answer yes to a significant number of these questions, consult a mental health practitioner. An accurate diagnosis can only be made through clinical evaluation by a trained mental health professional.
If you are using a mobile device, you may need to scroll up to see your results for this ADHD symptom test.
Can’t see the self-test questions above? Click here to open this ADHD symptom test in a new window.
ADHD Test for Adults: Next Steps
ADD is often hereditary; many children with ADHD have a parent with the condition. However, not all parents are diagnosed because ADHD was not well understood (particularly symptoms in women) 20, 30, or 40 years ago. As scientific research grows and our understanding of symptoms such as rejection sensitive dysphoria grows, more adults are pursuing an ADHD diagnosis and treatment.
Treatment, with a stimulant medication like amphetamine (i.e. Adderall) or methylphenidate (i.e. Concerta or Ritalin) — and with an ADHD food plan, brain training, exercise, and therapy — can be transformative at any age.
1. Take This Test: The ADHD Test for Women
2. Take This Test: Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria in Adults
3. Take This Test: Do I Have ADD? Inattentive Symptom Test
4. Learn More: About ADHD in Adults
5. Download 6 Steps to a Thorough ADHD Evaluation
6. Take This Test: The WebMD ADHD Test
7. Research Your ADHD Treatment Options
8. Consult Our Post-Diagnosis Guide for Adults
9. Find ADHD Specialists Near You
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Healthy Food Rules for ADHD
An ADD Diet: Healthy Food for ADHD Brains
The right foods and home remedies can have a powerful, positive effect on your cognition, mood, memory, and behavior. The wrong foods can worsen symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). That’s why it’s important to note the best foods for an ADHD diet.
In two studies12 done in Holland, Lidy Pelsser, Ph.D., demonstrated that an elimination diet (eliminating sugar, gluten, dairy, eggs, certain meats, and food dyes) improved symptoms in 70 percent of children with ADHD. (That was without eating some of the best foods for ADHD, the powerful brain-focusing foods that I will tell you about later.) As someone who knows what it’s like to grow up in an ADHD household filled with drama, this little food fact got my attention.
Everything you put on the end of your fork matters. When you eat to improve your health, you improve the quality of your life. Food impacts neurotransmitter levels of serotonin and dopamine, which play a big role in how you feel and perceive the world. Serotonin, for instance, is responsible for mood, sleep regulation, and appetite control.
When levels of this neurotransmitter drop, the results can be mood disorders, anxiety, and negativity. This may be why we crave carbohydrates such as pasta, bread, and chocolate, all of which raise serotonin levels temporarily. Complex carbs, such as apples and sweet potatoes, work the same magic, but don’t set you up for more cravings.
Likewise, dopamine helps to increase focus and motivation. Eating small amounts of protein throughout the day can boost dopamine and stabilize blood sugar.
It is critical to make sure that the food you eat is loaded with nutrients that your body is able to properly digest and absorb. At the Amen Clinic, we created nine simple food guidelines to help you heal your brain and body with home remedies for ADHD.
[Get This Free Download: A Brain-Healthy Diet Plan from Tana Amen, RN]
ADD Diet Rule 1: Eat high-quality calories, but not too many.
The quality of your food affects how your brain and body work. Try to eat high-quality food, and be careful with calories. Impulsivity leads many people diagnosed with ADHD to eat the wrong things too often. In fact, impulsivity is associated with unhealthy weight gain, which has been shown to be bad for the brain. Eat only high-quality calories. One cinnamon roll contains 720 calories and a small quiche more than 1,000 calories while a 400-calorie salad made of spinach, salmon, blueberries, apples, walnuts, and red bell peppers will increase your energy and, maybe, make you smarter.
It’s not as simple as calories in, calories out. Some calories adversely affect your hormones, your taste buds, and your health. Eating sugar and processed food, even in small amounts, leads to craving more food and feeling less energetic. You can eat more if you eat healthy, high-quality food that gives you energy and turns on the hormones that affect metabolism.
ADD Diet Rule 2: Drink plenty of water.
Your brain is 80 percent water. Anything that dehydrates it, such as too much caffeine or alcohol, impairs your cognition and judgment. Drink plenty of water every day.
To know whether you are drinking enough water for your brain, a good general rule is to drink half your weight in ounces per day. If you are significantly obese, don’t drink more than 120 ounces a day. If you are an athlete, make sure to replenish electrolytes after the game or working out. Cutting out sugary drinks and juice eliminates about 400 calories a day from the average American diet. That allows you to either eat more healthy food or eliminates a lot of calories, if you are trying to shed pounds.
[Worried Your Child Might Have an Executive Function Deficit? Take Our Self-Test Now]
ADD Diet Rule 3: Eat high-quality, lean protein.
It is important to start each day with protein to boost your focus and concentration. Protein helps balance your blood sugar, increases focus, and gives your brain the necessary building blocks for brain health. Think of it as medicine, and take it in small doses. Recent studies3 show that consuming large amounts of protein at one time can cause oxidative stress (a problem that burdens your body and brain), making you feel sick.
Great sources of protein include wild fish, skinless turkey or chicken, beans (eat them like a condiment, not too often or too much), raw nuts, and vegetables such as broccoli and spinach. I use spinach instead of lettuce in my salads for a nutrition boost. Protein powders can also be a good source, but read the labels. Whey protein contains casein, which is an excitotoxin in the brain, and can be overly stimulating for some people. Many companies put sugar and other unhealthful ingredients in their powders. My personal preference is pea and rice protein blends.
ADD Diet Rule 4: Eat smart carbs.
Eat carbohydrates that do not spike your blood sugar and are high in fiber, such as those found in vegetables and fruits, like blueberries and apples. Carbohydrates are not the enemy; they are essential to your health. Bad carbohydrates — ones that have been stripped of nutritional value, such as sugar and simple carbs — are the problem.
Sugar is not your friend. It increases inflammation in your body (which leads to inflammation in the brain, as well) and erratic brain cell firing. Sugar gets you hooked, and perhaps plays a role in aggression. In a recent study, children who were given sugar every day showed a significantly higher risk for violence later in life. The less sugar in your life, the better your life will be.
Get to know the Glycemic Index (GI). It rates carbohydrates according to their effects on blood sugar. Carbs are ranked on a scale of one to 100+ (glucose is 100). Low-glycemic foods, as you would imagine, have a lower number. This means they do not spike your blood sugar, and are generally healthier for you. High-glycemic foods have a higher number; they quickly elevate your blood sugar, and are not as healthy for you. In general, I like to stay with foods that have a GI rating under 60.
Eating a diet that is filled with low-glycemic foods will lower your blood glucose levels, decrease cravings, and help you focus.
When eating carbs, choose those that are high in fiber. Experts recommend eating 25 to 35 grams of fiber a day, but studies suggest that most people fall short of that. Boost your fiber by eating lots of vegetables and a little fruit. Think of legumes as you would a condiment. You can add fiber to smoothies, but don’t use grain-based fiber. My favorite types of fiber supplements are inulin or glucomannan. When reading a food label, you want to look for more than 5 grams of fiber and fewer than 5 grams of sugar per serving.
ADD Diet Rule 5: Focus on healthy fats.
Good fats are essential to your health. Essential fatty acids are called “essential” for a reason. The solid weight of your brain is 60 percent fat (after all the water is removed). When the medical establishment recommended that we eliminate fat from our diets, we got fat.
You want to eliminate bad fats from your meals — trans fats, fried fats, and fat from cheaply raised, industrially farmed animals that are fed corn and soy. Fats found in pizza, ice cream, and cheeseburgers disrupt the hormones that send signals to the brain to tell it you’re full so you don’t stop. Focus on healthy fats, especially those that contain omega-3 fatty acids; some popular omega 3 foods are salmon, sardines, avocados, walnuts, chia seeds, and dark green leafy vegetables.
ADD Diet Rule 6: Eat from the rainbow.
Eat foods that reflect the colors of the rainbow, such as blueberries, pomegranates, yellow squash, and red bell peppers. They boost the antioxidant levels in your body and help keep your brain young.
I’m not talking about Skittles, jelly beans, or M&Ms. Nor do I mean grape jelly, mustard (which contains food dye and sometimes gluten), or ketchup, which is loaded with sugar. These highly processed, sugar-filled foods have no place in your pantry if you are trying to use food to heal your brain.
ADD Diet Rule 7: Herbs and spices, good home remedies to cook with.
Some herbs and spices are so powerful that you could keep them in your medicine cabinet instead of your kitchen cabinet.
- Turmeric, found in curry, contains a chemical that has been shown to decrease the plaque in the brain thought to be responsible for Alzheimer’s disease.4
- In several studies5, a saffron extract was found to be as effective as antidepressant medication.
- Scientific evidence has shown that rosemary, thyme, and sage help boost memory.6
- Cinnamon has been shown to help improve attention and blood sugar regulation7. It is high in antioxidants and is a natural aphrodisiac.
- Garlic and oregano boost blood flow to the brain8.
- The hot spicy taste of ginger, cayenne, and black pepper comes from gingerols, capsaicin, and piperine, compounds that help boost metabolism9.
ADD Diet Rule 8: Make sure your food is clean.
Whenever you can, eat organically grown or raised foods. Pesticides used in commercial farming can accumulate in your brain and body, even though the levels in each food may be low. Also, eat hormone-free, antibiotic-free meat from animals that are free-range and grass-fed. Grass-fed bison and beef are 30 percent lower in palmitic acid — the saturated fat associated with heart disease — than industrially raised beef (fed corn, soy, and pharmaceuticals, and restricted in movement).
It is critical to know and understand what you are eating. You are not only what you eat, you are also what the animals you eat ate. In addition, eliminate food additives, preservatives, and artificial dyes and sweeteners. To do so, start reading food labels. If you do not know what is in a food item or product, don’t eat it. Would you buy something if you did not know how much it cost?
Fish is a great source of healthy protein and fat, but it is important to know about the mercury levels in fish. Here are a couple of general rules to guide you:
1) The larger the fish, the more mercury it probably contains, so go for smaller varieties.
2) From the safe fish choices, eat a variety of fish, preferably those highest in omega-3s, like wild Alaskan salmon, sardines, anchovies, and Pacific halibut.
Be mindful of pesticide levels in fruits and vegetables. Foods with the highest levels are: celery, peaches, apples, blueberries, sweet bell peppers, cucumbers, cherries, collard greens, kale, grapes, green beans, strawberries, nectarines, spinach, potatoes.
Foods with the lowest levels of pesticide residues are: onions, pineapple, sweet peas (frozen), cabbage, mushrooms, eggplant, avocado, kiwi fruit, broccoli, watermelon, cantaloupe, sweet corn (frozen), asparagus, bananas, papaya, grapefruit.
ADD Diet Rule 9: Eliminate problem foods.
If you’re having trouble with focus, mood, energy, memory, weight, blood sugar, or blood pressure, eliminate the foods that might be causing trouble, especially wheat and any other gluten-containing grain or food, dairy, soy, and corn.
Did you know that gluten makes some people emotionally unstable? There are reports of people having psychotic episodes when they’re exposed to gluten. When these people eliminate wheat and other gluten sources, their stomachs and brains function better.
We have many stories of patients who lose weight and improve symptoms of brain fog, irritability, eczema, and irritable bowel syndrome when they eliminate gluten from their diet.
One of our patients became violent whenever he ate MSG. What’s worse, MSG is not required to be listed on a label unless it is a single food additive. It can be disguised by being added in with other ingredients.
Children with ADHD and autism often feel and behave better when we put them on elimination diets that get rid of wheat, dairy, processed foods, sugar and sugar alternatives, food dyes, and additives.
[Expert Webinar: “Your Back-to-School Nutrition Plan” with Laura Stevens, M.S.]
Excerpted from the Healing ADD Through Food Cookbook (CD-ROM), by TANA AMEN, RN, BSN. Copyright 2013.
1 Pelsser, Lidy M., Klaas Frankena, Jan Toorman, Huub F. Savelkoul, Anthony E. Dubois, Rob Rodrigues Pereira, Ton A. Haagen, Nanda N. Rommelse, and Jan K. Buitelaar. “Effects of a Restricted Elimination Diet on the Behaviour of Children with Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (INCA Study): A Randomised Controlled Trial.” The Lancet, vol. 377, no. 9764, 2011, pp. 494-503.
2 Pelsser, Lidy M. J., et al. “A Randomised Controlled Trial Into the Effects of Food on ADHD.” European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, vol. 18, no. 1, 2008, pp. 12–19., doi:10.1007/s00787-008-0695-7.
3 Gu, Chunmei, and Huiyong Xu. “Effect of Oxidative Damage Due to Excessive Protein Ingestion on Pancreas Function in Mice.” International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol. 11, no. 11, 2010, pp. 4591–4600., doi:10.3390/ijms11114591.
4 Mishra, Shrikant, and Kalpana Palanivelu. “The Effect of Curcumin (Turmeric) on Alzheimer’s Disease: An Overview.” Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, vol. 11, no. 1, 2008, p. 13., doi:10.4103/0972-2327.40220.
5 Hausenblas, Heather Ann, et al. “Saffron (Crocus Sativus L.) and Major Depres Disorder: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials.” Journal of Integrative Medicine, vol. 11, no. 6, 2013, pp. 377–383., doi:10.3736/jintegrmed2013056.
6 “Herbs That Can Boost Your Mood and Memory. ” Northumbria University Newcastle News, Northumbria University Newcastle, 29 Apr. 2016,
7 Rao, Pasupuleti Visweswara, and Siew Hua Gan. “Cinnamon: A Multifaceted Medicinal Plant.” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2014, 2014, pp. 1–12., doi:10.1155/2014/642942.
8 Mathew, B, and R Biju. “Neuroprotective Effects of Garlic: A Review.” Libyan Journal of Medicine, vol. 3, no. 1, 2008, pp. 23–33., doi:10.4176/071110.
9 Mansour, Muhammad S., et al. “Ginger Consumption Enhances the Thermic Effect of Food and Promotes Feelings of Satiety Without Affecting Metabolic and Hormonal Parameters in Overweight Men: A Pilot Study.” Metabolism, vol. 61, no. 10, 2012, pp. 1347–1352., doi:10.1016/j.metabol.2012.03.016.
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Get a verification code and sign in with two-factor authentication
After you turn on two-factor authentication, you'll need to enter a verification code to sign in with your Apple ID on a new device or browser.
Every time you sign in with your Apple ID on a new device or browser, you'll need to verify your identity with a password and a six-digit verification code. There are several ways to get a verification code. You can use a code displayed on a trusted device, request a text message or phone call, or generate a code using a trusted device. nine0003
If your iPhone is running iOS 11.3 or later, you won't have to constantly enter a verification code. In some cases, the trusted phone number will be verified on iPhone automatically in the background. You won't have to take any extra steps and your account will still be protected with two-factor authentication.
Using a code displayed on a trusted device
If you have a trusted iOS 9 deviceor later, OS X El Capitan or later, iPadOS 13 or later, or watchOS 6 or later, the verification code is automatically displayed on trusted devices.
- Sign in with your Apple ID and password on a new device or browser.
- Trusted devices will receive a sign-in notification.
- Click "Allow" to get the verification code.
- Enter the verification code on the device you signed in from to complete the sign-in process. nine0014
Receiving a text message or phone call
If you don't have a trusted device handy, you can request that a verification code be sent to a trusted phone number as a text message or a call.
- Click "Didn't receive a verification code?" on the login screen.
- Choose to send the code to a trusted phone number.
- You will receive a text message or call from Apple with a verification code. This text message may contain an additional domain verification string. Such a string contains the @ symbol, the website name, and a code (for example: #123456 nine0016
- Enter the code on the device you signed in with to complete the sign in process.
Requesting a code from the Settings menu on a trusted device
If you are unable to receive a verification code on trusted devices automatically, you can request it from the Settings menu even if the device is not connected to a network.
From an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
If your device is online:
- Select Settings > [your name]. nine0014
- Click Password & Security > Get Verification Code.
If your device is not online:
- Select Settings > [your name].
- Click Password & Security.
- The message "Account information not available" appears. Click "Get Verification Code".
On a Mac
- Choose Apple menu > System Preferences and click your Apple ID.
- Click Password & Security > Get Verification Code. nine0016
You still can't sign in to your account
If you can't sign in, reset your password, or get verification codes, you can request an account recovery to gain access to your account. It may take a few days for your account to recover. The waiting time depends on what information you can provide to verify your identity.
Publication date:
Set up Apple Pay - Apple Support (UK)
To set up Apple Pay, add your debit, credit, or prepaid card to Wallet on your iPhone, Apple Watch, or compatible device.
You need the following to use Apple Pay.
- Compatible device 1 with the latest version of iOS or iPadOS, watchOS or macOS.
- A supported card from a credit card issuer that works with Apple Pay.
- The Apple ID you're signed in with on your Apple device. nine0014
How to add a debit or credit card to iPhone
- Open the Wallet app and click the Add button.
- Click Debit Card or Credit Card to add a new card.
- Click Previously Added Cards to add a card you have previously used.
- Tap Continue.
- Add a new card following the instructions on the screen.
- Confirm your details with the bank or issuer. They may ask you to provide additional information or download an app before allowing the card to be used with Apple Pay. nine0014
- If you have a linked Apple Watch, you can also add a card to your watch.
To remove a card from the Previously Added Cards screen, click Edit > Remove button > Remove. Then select "Remove card" to confirm the deletion and remove the card from all your devices.
How to add a debit or credit card to your Apple Watch
- Open the Apple Watch app on your paired iPhone. nine0014
- Go to the "My Watch" tab and click "Wallet & Apple Pay".
- Click Add Card.
- Click Debit Card or Credit Card to add a new card.
- Click Previously Added Cards to add a card you have previously used.
- Tap Continue.
- Add a card following the instructions on the screen.
- If necessary, confirm your details with the bank or card issuer. They may ask you to provide additional information or download an app before allowing the card to be used with Apple Pay. nine0014
How to add a debit or credit card to Apple Pay on a Mac or iPad
- Open the Wallet options on your device.
- On a Mac with Touch ID, go to System Preferences > Wallet & Apple Pay.
- On an iPad, go to Settings > Wallet & Apple Pay.
- On a Mac with Touch ID, go to System Preferences > Wallet & Apple Pay.
- Click Add Card. 3.4
- Add a card following the instructions on the screen.
- Confirm your details with the bank or issuer. You may be asked for additional information. nine0014
If your Mac doesn't have built-in Touch ID, you can pay with Apple Pay on a compatible iPhone or Apple Watch. To do this, on your iPhone, go to Settings > Wallet & Apple Pay and turn on Pay on Mac.
If you can't add a debit or credit card to your Apple Wallet
1. Make sure you're signed in to iCloud on all your devices. On an iOS device, you need to set up Face ID, Touch ID, or a passcode. You need to set up a password on your Apple Watch. If you sign out of iCloud or remove your passcode, all credit, debit, prepaid, transit, and student IDs will be removed from that device. nine0003
2. If you're under 13, Apple Pay won't be available and you won't be able to add your card to the Wallet app.