How to be more considerate in a relationship
21 Ways to Be a More Thoughtful Spouse, According to Experts
Everyone knows that the key to a happy and healthy marriage is good communication. But sometimes, it's not just about voicing your wants and needs, and listening to your partner's as well. Being a more thoughtful spouse also means not waiting to be asked to do something, but simply anticipating it and doing it instead. It's what you do for your partner without being prompted that can make all the difference, whether that means complimenting a new haircut before they mention it or surprising them with something they've expressed interest in. Unsure as to where to start being more thoughtful? We've consulted the experts—marriage therapists, psychologists, and more—about some effective ways to start being a better spouse today!
ShutterstockYou should know how your partner is feeling each and every day. And if you don't, you should ask them. Emily Souder, a licensed therapist from Maryland, urges spouses to ask each other "how things are going" and "how you can love them better. " Souder points out that relationships are affected by what's happening outside of the marriage, too—so taking the time to check in with your partner can help you understand them better and, in turn, connect with them better.
Some people have difficulty expressing what's truly important to them. But if you want to be more helpful and thoughtful, focus on your partner's behavior as well as what they say. That way, you can hone in on what they're really trying to communicate with you, says Vanessa Watson-Hill, owner of Living in the Second Half, her therapy practice in Montclair, New Jersey.
"To be a great partner, the importance of paying attention and noticing when your partner is trying to connect is huge," Watson-Hill says. "If someone fails to notice what is important to their partner, that relationship will experience difficulty."
ShutterstockIt's easy to get sidetracked by the responsibilities of our everyday lives, but it's crucial to make sure you're not putting your partner on the back burner. Clinical psychologist Beverly B. Palmer, PhD, previously told Best Life, you can be a more thoughtful partner by taking a few seconds out of your day to "let your partner know you are thinking about them and putting them first in your mind." A simple "I'm thinking about you" text lets your spouse know that they are loved and valued.
If your partner is stressed out or feeling down, thoughtfully planning a trip you know they will enjoy—whether it's a long weekend at a B&B or a day-trip to their favorite hiking spot—may just be exactly what you both need.
"With all the stress that everyone is facing on a daily basis, traveling should always be a must," says Simon Hansen, founder of Family Travel Planet. "This allows you to make up for missed dinners and date nights and be a better person for your partner."
iStockMaking eye contact with your partner on a daily basis can help keep your relationship strong and secure. As Carly Claney
, PhD, a licensed clinical psychologist from Seattle, previously told Best Life, eye contact is "a demonstration of true connectedness. " Looking your spouse in the eyes says so much before either of you even have to speak. "It can communicate 'I'm here,' 'I'm listening,' 'I'm available,' and 'You are important,'" Claney explained.
Over time, it may seem like you don't have to keep up those small acts of kindness in a relationship. But in reality, no matter how long a couple has been together, little gestures make a big difference and make you a much more thoughtful spouse.
For instance, Carol Gee, author of Random Notes (About Life, "Stuff" and Finally Learning to Exhale), previously told Best Life, "No matter how long we have been married, my husband holding doors open for me [still] makes me feel special."
iStockIt's true what they say: Food can be the quickest way to a person's heart. Why? Because, as therapist Susan Pease Gadoua explained to HuffPost in 2019, "food is nurturing and helps people feel connected."
"[When] you go out of your way to bring home a special food you know they will love, it's a wonderful way to put 'I love you' into action," Gadoua says. "If the favorite food is a meal that you make—rather than, say, a pint of Häagen Dazs—you'll undoubtedly get even more points."
According to Gee, another key to staying connected is sharing at least one device-free meal with your partner every day. "We have always tried to eat at least one meal together daily," she told Best Life. "As a working couple with different work hours, it's typically dinner. Not only do we enjoy a meal together, but we also use this time to talk about our day."
ShutterstockIt's easy to assume your spouse knows how great you think they are—after all, you married them! But it never hurts to be reminded of all the ways someone adores you. Go out of your way to be more thoughtful and compliment your partner often and out of the blue. Not only will it make them feel more loved, but a 2012 study published in the journal PLOS One also found that receiving compliments helps people perform better in their everyday tasks and responsibilities.
Sometimes we may think that the gratitude we feel is implied or understood by our partners. Unfortunately, that's not always the case, which is why actually saying "thank you" to your partner is important—even when you think they already know how much you appreciate what they do.
"Just showing simple appreciation can go a long way," says Michelle Morton, an entrepreneur, wife, and mother. "We all take things for granted and our spouses are one of those things. It is easy to do, especially on a daily basis, but we need to step back and remember … everyone wants to feel loved and appreciated."
ShutterstockEvery couple fights, but not every spouse knows how to apologize. For a relationship to work, it's essential to know when you are wrong and to acknowledge that in the form of an apology that your partner didn't have to pull out of you.
"[A] happily married couple is one which—in my estimation—has been through a lot, has fought enough times, and now already knows enough to apologize to each other," health and wellness expert Caleb Backe told Fatherly in 2019.
Another phrase your partner should hear from you often and unsolicited? "I love you." It's not enough to just feel love for your partner, they need to actually hear you say it.ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb
"When spouses say 'I love you,' they are saying that they value both their spouse and their marriage," Ili River-Walter, licensed marriage therapist, told Martha Stewart Weddings in 2019. "While the interpretation and importance of the message is specific to each individual and each marriage, overall, saying 'I love you' emphasizes care and commitment."
ShutterstockWhile it's important to vocalize to your partner that you love them, saying it too often can water down its meaningfulness over time, notes Morton. To keep that from happening, she recommends mixing it up and occasionally conveying the message in the form of a love note. It's a simple and thoughtful gesture that will go a long way with your spouse.
iStockHolding hands may seem like a display of affection that doesn't carry that much weight, but it actually may mean quite a lot to your partner. As Joshua Klapow, a clinical psychologist, told Elite Daily in 2019, "Connecting of hands is, as humans, our first line of intimate touch." In relationships, "holding hands is that front line of communicating emotions physically," and lets your partner know you care about them in a way that they can feel both emotionally and physically.
Another way to improve the physical connection with your partner—beyond sex, of course—is giving them a back rub when they look tired or stressed. Making this thoughtful gesture can create a type of physical intimacy that's just as powerful and important as the one established during sex.
"It shows that you want them to feel comfortable, to relax, and show your support for what they're doing," Grace Lee, founder of A Good First Date, told Elite Daily in 2018. "You aren't asking them to stop everything, but rather, you're meeting them in their environment."
ShutterstockCouples who have stood the test of time understand that it's important to always make sure their partner knows they are loved—one way to do that is making a kiss part of your nightly ritual. As Joyce Smith Spears, who's been married to her husband for more than 60 years, told Southern Living, "always kiss each other goodnight because you never know what tomorrow may bring."
"Space" can be a loaded word when it comes to relationships, but anyone in a long-lasting marriage knows that giving your partner their own time is key to making things work. As relationship expert Susan Winter told Bustle in 2019, if you can tell your partner needs space, you should be thoughtful and suggest they take some time for themselves. "Each individual has their own need for private time," she says.
ShutterstockRelationships aren't always 50/50. If you notice your partner is feeling overly stressed or overworked, do more at home by taking something off their to-do list. For instance, if they normally do the laundry, give them a break that week and do it for them. "Taking something off each other's plate shows that you appreciate your partner's hard work and want to help them and allow them time to unwind after a hard day," relationship expert Vikki Ziegler told Fatherly in 2018.
It may seem unnecessary if you've been married for years, but talking to your partner about the future makes it clear you see them in it, and that you care about what they want it to look like as well. "One thing that successful relationships all have in common is that the couples in them make plans for the future, both near and long-term," Barton Goldsmith, PhD, wrote for Psychology Today in 2013. "Making plans builds a bond and a stronger sense of security in our hearts."
iStockCliché as it may be, surprising your partner with a bouquet of flowers can make their day. A 2005 study published in the journal Evolutionary Psychology found that flowers can instantly change a person's mood and keep them feeling happier for longer. Hey, there's a reason why all the chivalrous characters do it in romantic movies.
iStockWhen you're feeling insecure in your relationship, you may be concerned with keeping score, i.e. if you do something for your partner, you expect something of equal measure in return.
But if you're in a healthy and happy relationship, you tend to be more thoughtful and generous without any expectation.
"When a relationship feels secure, it is easy to want to offer more than your fair share of tasks or thoughtful gestures to show your love for your partner," couples therapist Kari Carroll told HuffPost in 2019. "Whether moving their clothes to the dryer for them or going on their favorite hike again, highly fulfilled couples tend to maintain great satisfaction from being thoughtful and generous toward their partner rather than scorekeeping."
30 Quick Tips to Be a More Considerate Spouse
Reviewed & edited by Lenny Terra - This blog is supported by its readers. If you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.
Being a more considerate spouse doesn’t happen overnight. It’s the result of small changes in your daily routine, which can take a little while to get used to. But if you’re looking for ways to make your partner happier and improve your relationship overall, here are 30 quick tips that will help!
Make time for each other.

This one might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s still important to mention. When you’re busy with work, kids, or other obligations, it’s easy to let your relationship fall by the wayside. But taking the time to connect with your partner is crucial for keeping your bond strong. Whether you stay up talking after the kids have gone to bed, take a walk together in the morning, or schedule regular date nights, make sure you’re making time for each other!
Communicate openly and honestly.
Telling your partner what’s on your mind is key to a healthy relationship. Bottling up your feelings can lead to resentment and frustration, while open communication will help you understand each other better and resolve conflicts quickly.
If something’s been bothering you, don’t hesitate to bring it up. And if your partner does the same, be sure to listen without judgment! Communication is a two-way street.
Avoid criticism and negativity.
Nobody likes to be constantly criticized, especially not your spouse! If there’s something you don’t like about them, try talking to them about it in a constructive way instead of dwelling on the negative aspects of their personality.
The same goes for negativity in general. It’s unproductive and can put a damper on your relationship. Try to stay positive, even when things get tough.
Be understanding and supportive.
Your partner will have good days and bad days, just like you do. When they’re having a tough day, be there for them! Offer a listening ear, provide some words of encouragement, or even lend a hand with whatever’s stressing them out.
Being supportive isn’t always easy, but it’s definitely worth the effort. It’ll make your partner feel appreciated and loved, which is what every relationship needs.
Don’t take them for granted.
It’s easy to get used to having your spouse around and start taking them for granted. But this is a surefire way to destroy your relationship! Appreciate the things your partner does for you, big or small, and make an effort to show them how much you care.
You might even want to try expressing your love and appreciation in words now and then. A simple “I love you” can mean the world to someone who feels taken for granted.
Do something special for them.
Sometimes the best way to show your partner how much you care is by doing something special for them. Surprise them with a romantic dinner, buy them a heartfelt gift, or do something that’s not typically part of your routine.
The important thing is to put some thought into it and make it something they’ll appreciate. It’ll make them feel loved and appreciated, which is what we all crave in a relationship.
Be forgiving.
We’re all human, which means we’re going to make mistakes. When your partner does something that hurts or upsets you, be quick to forgive them! Holding onto grudges will only poison your relationship and make both of you miserable.
Forgiveness is a sign of strength, not weakness. It takes courage to let go of the past and move on with your life.
Don’t try to change them.
One of the biggest mistakes you can make in a relationship is trying to change your partner into someone else. We all have our quirks and personality traits, and trying to get rid of them is a surefire way to ruin your relationship.
Accept your partner for who they are, warts and all. They’re not perfect, and that’s okay! Trying to change them will only lead to resentment and frustration on both sides.
Do things together.
It’s not just about talking or being supportive – spending time together doing activities you both enjoy is crucial for a strong relationship. Whether it’s going for walks, watching movies, cooking dinner, or hitting up the casino on the weekend, doing things together is a great way to bond and strengthen your connection.
Plus, it’s a fun way to spend time with your partner and get to know them better. Who knows, you might even learn something new about them!
Be honest.
One of the most important things in any relationship is honesty. Be honest with your partner about how you feel, what you want, and what’s going on in your life. Dishonesty will only lead to confusion and mistrust.
And remember…honesty is a two-way street! Your partner should be honest with you as well.
Don’t forget to have fun!
It’s easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day responsibilities of life and forget to have some fun. But having fun is an integral part of any relationship! It helps keep things fresh, exciting, and enjoyable.
So go out dancing, take a weekend trip, or just relax on the couch together watching your favorite show – it’ll do wonders for your relationship.
Pay attention when your spouse is talking to you.
It can be easy to zone out when your spouse is talking, primarily if you’ve heard the same story a million times. But this is a big mistake! Listening attentively when your partner is speaking is one of the simplest ways to show them how much you care.
Not only that, but it’ll also make them feel important and appreciated. So put away your phone, turn off the TV, and give your spouse your undivided attention when they’re talking to you.
Apologize when you screw up.
We all make mistakes, and sometimes we hurt our partners without realizing it. When this happens, apologize immediately! It’s the mature thing to do, and it’ll help keep things from getting too tense or heated.
Plus, an honest apology is always appreciated. So don’t be afraid to own up to your mistakes and apologize for the hurt you’ve caused.
Show physical affection.
Hugging, kissing, and holding hands are all simple but important ways to show your partner that you care about them physically as well as emotionally. Physical affection can help strengthen the bond between you and make your relationship feel more intimate.
It’s also a great way to express love and appreciation for your partner. So go ahead and give them a big hug!
Don’t criticize them in public.
We all have our bad habits, but criticizing your spouse in public is not how to deal with them. Not only is it embarrassing for both of you, but it’ll also make your partner feel defensive and attacked.
Save your criticisms for private conversations where they can be productive. Criticizing your spouse in public will only lead to arguments and resentment.
Give them some space.
Everyone needs time alone sometimes, and your spouse is no exception. If they’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out, give them some space to relax and recharge. Let them know that you respect their need for privacy and that you’ll be there when they’re ready to talk again.
Respecting your partner’s need for space is one of the key components of a healthy and balanced relationship.
Don’t nag them about things they’re not doing.
It’s natural to want your spouse to help out around the house or with specific tasks, but nagging them about it is not the way to go. This will only make them feel resentful and annoyed, and it’ll probably get you nowhere anyway.
If there’s something, you need your spouse to do, calmly explain what it is and why it’s important to you. If they still don’t do it, let it go – eventually, they’ll get around to doing it on their own time. Nagging will only make them less likely to cooperate.
Be understanding of their flaws.
We all have our flaws, and your spouse is no exception. Accept them for who they are – quirks and all! – and try to be understanding of the things that bother them.
After all, we can’t change who we are, so it’s best just to learn to live with our flaws. And once you do, you’ll find that your relationship becomes a lot less stressful.
Surprise them with little gifts.
A small gift, given with thought and love, can mean a lot to your spouse. It shows that you were paying attention and that you care about them enough to take the time to get them something special.
Plus, it’s always nice to receive a little surprise from your loved one. So try to find opportunities to give your spouse a little gift – it’ll make their day!
Show interest in their hobbies.
If your spouse has hobbies or interests that you don’t share, try to show some interest in them. It may not be easy at first, but it’s essential to make an effort if you want your relationship to last.
After all, it’s always more fun when we can share our passions with the people we love. So ask them about their hobbies, learn more about them, and even participate in some of them if you’re able. You may find that you enjoy them more than you thought!
Talk to them about your day.
When we come home from work, the last thing we want to do is talk about our day. But it’s important to share what’s going on in our lives with our spouses, and talking to them about our day is a great way to do that.
Not only will it help you stay connected with each other, but it’ll also give your spouse a chance to offer support and advice if needed. So make time for regular conversations with your partner – you’ll be glad you did!
Be supportive of their goals and dreams.
Your spouse has probably shared some of their goals and dreams with you, and it’s important to be supportive of them. Encourage them to pursue their dreams, offer words of encouragement, and be there for them every step of the way.
Helping your spouse achieve their goals is one of the most rewarding things you can do as a couple. So show your support – they’ll appreciate it!
Compliment them often.
Compliments are a great way to make your spouse feel loved and appreciated, so be sure to compliment them often. It could be something as simple as telling them how much you love their shirt or saying how proud you are of them. Anything that comes from the heart will mean a lot to them.
Compliments are a great way to show your spouse that you’re paying attention, and they’ll appreciate the sentiment. So make it a point to compliment them regularly!
Make it a point to give at least one genuine compliment every day, and watch your relationship blossom!
Don’t go to bed angry.
This one is easier said than done, but try not to go to bed angry at your spouse if at all possible. It can damage our relationships if we let anger fester, so do whatever you can to resolve any disagreements before bed.
If you can’t resolve things, try talking to a therapist – they can often help couples get past their anger and move on. And once you do, you’ll be able to enjoy a much more peaceful and stress-free relationship.
Spend time together without electronics.
It’s all too easy to get sucked into our electronic devices, and before we know it, we’ve been glued to them for hours on end. But this can damage our relationships, as it often means we’re not spending time together.
Try to make it a point to spend time together without electronics – no phones, no laptops, nothing. Just you and your spouse, enjoying each other’s company. You may be surprised at how much fun you have!
Be there for them when they need you.
When our spouses are going through tough times, it’s essential to be there for them. Offer words of encouragement, lend a listening ear and do whatever you can to help them get through it.
It’s during these challenging times that our relationships are put to the test, but if you pass with flying colors, your bond will only grow stronger. So be there for your spouse – they’ll appreciate it more than you can imagine.
Offer to do something for them without being asked.
This one is a little tricky, but if you can manage to do something for your spouse without being asked, it’ll make them feel loved. It could be something as simple as taking the dog for a walk, doing the grocery shopping, or folding their laundry for them.
If you can manage to do something nice for your spouse without them having to ask, they’ll be grateful. And who knows – you may find that you enjoy them more than you thought!
Be patient with their friends – don’t be rude to them.
Your spouse’s friends are probably important to them, so it’s essential to be patient with them. Don’t be rude or condescending – after all, you’re not the one who knows them best.
Try to be welcoming and open-minded when your spouse introduces you to their friends, and if there’s something about them that rubs you the wrong way, be sure to keep it to yourself. After all, they’re not going anywhere!
Don’t forget about romance!
Even though you’re married, that doesn’t mean the romance has to go away! Taking care of the romantic aspects of your relationship can help make it stronger.
So try to find time for date nights, weekend getaways, and other special occasions. They’ll help keep the spark alive between you and your spouse – and who doesn’t want that?
Don’t forget the importance of sex.
It’s no secret that sex is essential in any relationship. It helps keep the spark alive, strengthens the emotional bond between partners, and releases feel-good hormones that make us happy.
If you’re not getting enough quality sleep every night, chances are your sex life is suffering as well. So try to make time for each other and have some fun in the bedroom! You’ll be glad you did.
So there you have it – 31 quick tips to help make your marriage stronger. Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to a more fulfilling and stress-free relationship. Good luck!
How to become more attentive and focused
Concentrating on something, noticing the details and "folding" them into a logical chain, while acting quickly and accurately, some people succeed without difficulty. This suggests that mindfulness is a quality that manifests itself differently in different people. At the same time, practice shows that attention, mindfulness can be significantly improved with the help of training .
Recall that attention can be voluntary, involuntary, post-voluntary . For example, a person cannot read, but noticed a signboard, letters that catch the eye. This attention is involuntary. It takes effort to learn to read, the work of memory is voluntary attention. Knowing how to read, a person automatically reads the signboard, without even hesitating, this is how post-voluntary attention is manifested. When we say that attention can be trained, we mean voluntary attention. How to raise it?
- Attention to detail is a requirement for many professions, and natural ability is replaced by a sequence of actions.
That is, a person is given instructions on what, how and in what sequence to do, at what stage to check one element, at which another. Actually, the algorithm of actions helps attention not only in professional matters. The rule learned from childhood: when crossing the street, first look to the left, then to the right, saved more than one life, made many people, under certain circumstances, be much more attentive than usual. Act according to the rule, algorithm - this is the first tip on how to increase mindfulness. Make a list of tasks or processes that you need to complete, for example, for work, and stick to it. At first, you will remind yourself of your algorithm, in the future the process will go automatically.
However, it is very important not to let everything go to "automatic drift" - very often our inattention is connected precisely with this: the brain gets so used to doing something automatically that it no longer pays attention to what we do, what we see or feel in at the moment (this is what pickpockets use).
In order to increase attentiveness, it is important to learn not only to glide your eyes over the environment, but also to concentrate on it, in other words, to transfer involuntary attention to voluntary, to fix in your head what you see or feel.
Unfortunately, it is basically impossible to fix everything - the brain will literally be overloaded with such a volume of information. Initially, all information entering the brain passes through a rigid filter, and what the brain considers insignificant is discarded. The consequence of this process is that you do not feel the watch or bracelet on your hand if you wear it for a long time (and pickpockets again use this). It is important to intervene in this process yourself, consciously choose what to focus on . This is a skill that needs to be learned, but as time goes by, the process will—at least in part—become easier and easier and allow you to become more attentive and observant.
- Another piece of advice is simple and uncomplicated: proper nutrition and adequate healthy sleep .
It is impossible to wait for attentiveness from a tired person suffering from a lack of vitamins or a feeling of hunger. Lack of sleep affects attentiveness - this is a well-known fact.
- Haste and haste are the enemies of mindfulness . If you want to develop attention, do away with haste once and for all. It is better to do everything and plan ahead. Everyone knows that absent-mindedness and inattention are most pronounced when a person acts in a hurry. It is also important here that if we do not rush, we will have time to dwell on all the little things and analyze them. After all, as a rule, inattention manifests itself precisely in them - we miss some important details.
- Motivation is very important for training attention . Sustainability of attention also depends on motivation. It should be noted here that these motivations are of a different plan. In the second case, we are often talking about involuntary motivation. But be that as it may, the motivating moment plays a role, the search for motivation gives a chance to improve mindfulness.
- Do not do several things at the same time . Some people think that doing everything at once makes them more productive. Although history knows other examples, experience shows that, as a rule, the average person is better off doing things in turn, really concentrating on each of them.
- Memory training is another important point. You can notice any thing - and forget it in a second. To train your memory, you can resort to various exercises, from playing Memo to observing passers-by.
One of the exercises is to focus your attention on a dot drawn on a large white sheet for ten minutes. At first glance, this task is quite simple, but learning how to perform it is not so easy.
We talk about how to develop eidetic memory and whether it can be done in the corresponding article. And if you are interested in mnemonics for memorizing numbers, we will help with that as well.
For self-test, you can use our mindfulness test and watch one short video.
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Self -development
5 Methods »Our psychology
from Julia 19.11.2019 Psychology of self -development 0 Comments
9000 If you look like most of people. Then you most likely spend most of your day in a constant rush. You are doing one task after another at a fast pace. As a result, you do everything in the wrong way. You have a lot of thoughts going through your head all the time. You can’t focus on them, and you just don’t understand how to become a more attentive person. You constantly think about what you need to do next. Where to go, what to buy in the store after work, who your children are sitting with now and much more. And as a result, at the end of the evening you have a headache, and you understand that not all tasks were completed.
Mindfulness is simply focused attention on what you are doing. And in order to become a mindful person, you need to pay attention to the present moment. And all the details that you work on. Instead of rushing through tasks and doing everything in a hurry. When you begin to approach tasks more calmly and carefully, as a result, this will bring you a sense of calm. You will be able to become more attentive, and you will become better at performing all your tasks. But in order to develop this ability in yourself and become attentive, it takes time and work on yourself.
Article Contents
- 5 Steps to Become a More Mindful Person
- Step 1: Stay Focused and Do Everything Carefully
- Step 2: Start Meditating
- Step 3: Mindful Eating
- Step 4: Good Sleep 5.
Get more rest and walk in the fresh air
5 steps to become a more attentive person
Step 1. Be focused and do everything carefully
I think many people have already experienced this. At least once in a lifetime, that's for sure. For example, you get into your car to drive home from work. And suddenly, you are already at home. But you don't remember how you got there, which way, and what you saw along the way. This is an example of a lack of mindfulness. Instead of noticing the environment and various details around. Distracted drivers are busy with their dreams. They think about work, leisure, their children or other things. But they don't focus solely on what they do.
So the next time you're driving alone, try to make time for everything around you while driving. To notice trees, buildings, car colors and everything else that you will meet on your way. And also aloud describe all this environment and your feelings. Say out loud all the things you see. For example, you could say: “I see a nice black BMW. I see two large brick buildings and two small children playing in the street” and so on. You may be surprised at how many interesting things you can see while driving. Not to mention how much more attention you will pay to your actual driving and the road. Over time, you may develop the practice of always noticing things around you while driving. And also you will be able to better understand your feelings while driving. Which will not only help you be more focused on the road. But you can become more mindful in life.
Step 2. Start meditating
There is such a thing as mindfulness meditation. It involves sitting quietly with a straight back or lying on the floor on your back with your eyes closed. The person at this point focuses on their breathing, allowing their thoughts to come and go. At the same time, noticing them, but not concentrating, but paying more attention to your breathing. When a person practices this meditation, over time it becomes easier for him to develop the skill of focusing on the breath.
Often our mind is in a state of unconsciousness. This means that our thoughts are constantly jumping like a monkey from branch to branch. Mindfulness allows us to avoid this state of unconsciousness. And find a sense of peace and presence in the present moment. Again, with time and practice, each person can develop their own way of observing their thoughts. Thus, deepening and focusing on your breathing. But numerous studies have shown that mindfulness meditation has many benefits. For example, mindfulness meditation has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.
Step 3: Mindful Eating
Mindful Eating is an exercise that involves choosing one meal. A common dish for this exercise is an orange. First notice how the orange looks and smells on the outside. Pay attention to small details. Then slowly peel the orange and notice how it feels when the peel comes off the orange. Has the smell changed? What do you hear when you clean it? Continue peeling paying close attention to all your senses. Finally, cut the orange into pieces and put one piece in your mouth. As you do this, pay attention to the texture of the orange when you bite into it and how it tastes. Chew slowly, and keep doing this with each individual slice of the whole orange. Is it different from how you usually eat? I think yes. But in this way, you will begin to pay more attention to various details and become more attentive.
Step 4: Sleep well
Enough sleep is an important factor for your overall well-being, and especially your mental health. A good night's sleep is not only a powerful stress reliever. But it will also help you to be more careful about your actions. Because when you sleep well, your mind and body are in optimal condition. Due to our busy schedules, reaching the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep can be challenging. In this case, increasing the levels of magnesium in your body may be the answer. Magnesium can help you unwind in the evening as it has calming and relaxing properties.
Magnesium is rich in foods such as: almonds, pine nuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Dark chocolate, avocado, green buckwheat, wild rice and lentils. Eating these foods will help you sleep better at night. Refreshing and revitalizing in the morning. Well, on those days when you are too tired, in any case, find a few minutes during the robots to pause and just relax.
Step 5. Get more rest and walk in the fresh air
The last tip on how to become more mindful is to get more rest and walk in the fresh air. Get in the habit of just walking in the evenings, without a pre-planned route. This will help you calm down after a busy day and focus on your thoughts. On weekends, you can go out into nature, into the forest or to the lake. Breathe fresh air more often, do it naturally, noticing the air going in and out of your body. When you walk, also pay attention to various details. Feel the contact of your feet with the ground.