How long do they keep you in a mental hospital

Do I need to go to the hospital?

It’s common for people to go to the hospital because of a mental illness. Sometimes people go specifically because of what the hospital has to offer. Other times, it’s just the first place we think of when we are in crisis. Understanding what happens when you check yourself into a hospital can help you decide whether it’s the best option for you right now.

How can the hospital help with mental illness?

There are lots of reasons why people go to the hospital for mental illness. Here are a few:

  • To be monitored. Sometimes people experiencing mental illness feel like they can’t trust themselves. Maybe you can’t seem to stop hurting yourself or you are afraid you might hurt someone else. In a hospital, you are constantly being monitored by people who are trained to keep you and those around you safe.
  • To escape for a few days. Hospital stays for mental health are usually pretty short (from a few days to a week or two). But if your day-to-day life is stressing you out, a short break can go a long way for your mental health. While you’re at the hospital, meals are prepared for you, your laundry is done for you, and your meds are given to you by nurses at scheduled times. You don’t have to worry about any of that. It leaves time for you to think about what you’ll do once you’re back in the real world… or, you can just take that time to watch TV and lay in bed.
  • To get quick, comprehensive medical care. Meeting all your mental health needs can feel like juggling way too many things at once. There’s medication, therapy, lifestyle changes… not to mention your physical health. In a hospital, you can see specialists for all of those things—all in a single day! In the real world, scheduling appointments can be a hassle, and sometimes you need to wait to be seen. But in a hospital setting, you can get it all taken care of at once.
  • To set up aftercare. What happens when your hospital stay is done? Well, answering that question is actually part of your stay. If you need medications, you’ll be given refills and possibly even coupons to help you keep up with your meds once you’re on your own. The hospital can make referrals for a pharmacy, a therapist, and any other specialists you might need to see. Often the hospital can help pay for follow-up appointments, if you don’t have insurance that covers them.

What other options do I have?

A hospital stay can be helpful in many situations, but it also has its drawbacks. It’s not the best long-term solution—you probably won’t walk away from the hospital completely cured. But it can be a great first step.

In the United States, a hospital stay can also be expensive. Fortunately, there are ways to get financial assistance, so you shouldn’t let this prevent you from keeping yourself safe if it’s your best option.

Whether you decide to go to the hospital or not, it’s important to know that you have lots of options. If you’re in crisis, you can reach the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by calling or texting 988 or using the chat box at 988lifeline. org/chat. You can also text “MHA” to 741-741 to reach the Crisis Text Line. Warmlines are an excellent place for non-crisis support.

For a longer-term solution, you can schedule an appointment with a therapist or talk to your doctor about trying a medication. Joining a support group can be helpful. You can also improve your mental health on your own by learning more about mental illness, opening up to someone you trust, and making lifestyle changes.

Who decides whether or not I’ll go to the hospital?

In most cases, you’ll need to make that decision for yourself. The laws vary by state, but usually you can only be hospitalized against your will if you present a “clear and present” danger to yourself or others. In other words, it has to seem like you’re really going to hurt someone if you aren’t hospitalized. If that is the case, you might be checked into the hospital by a friend or family member, or a mental health professional like a therapist or doctor. But more likely, if one of those people is worried about you, they will try to convince you to check yourself in voluntarily.

In some circumstances, you may want to consider creating a Psychiatric Advance Directive (PAD) before going to the hospital. This is a written legal document that expresses your wishes about what types of treatments, services, and other assistance you do or don’t want. You prepare your PAD ahead of time. When you’re having difficulty communicating or making decisions yourself, your loved ones and health care providers can refer back to it. You can also specify which facility you’d prefer to be taken to.

How Long Can A Mental Hospital Hold A Person?

Adults often can determine for themselves whether they should go to the hospital or remain there while they are there. On the other hand, if their mental state constitutes a danger to their safety or the safety of others, the law permits individuals to be committed without their will to a mental health institution if this threat occurs. Forcing someone to be confined in a mental hospital should only be necessary as a last resort.

Most involuntary hospitalizations are for the good of society. Law enforcement or medical personnel may require mental therapy for someone they feel threatens others’ safety. In many cases, violent or unpredictable behavior may be connected to a misdiagnosed or mistreated mental condition.

Because persons with mental illness do not knowingly choose to behave in opposition to accepted standards in society, putting that person behind bars will not help in the long run. They should be provided with therapy rather than punishment. The police expect that forcing the individual to obtain treatment for mental illness will safeguard society. However, if you think there was an unjust incident for this, you can consult a baker act law firm to help assess the situation.

But how long may a patient be held at a mental health facility? How long does a patient have the option to remain in a psychiatric institution after being committed against their will?

Preventive confinement

Mentally ill people who represent serious and urgent harm to themselves or others may be put in preventive detention. Most states limit obligatory hospitalizations to three days before a court appearance. Patients might undergo essential medical therapy during this time to recover from psychotic episodes and recognize they need further help.

The patient has the option of remaining voluntarily under care or committing to receiving continued outpatient treatment. Nevertheless, after the first 72 hours have passed, the patient can decline to comply with any further medical treatment. It is up to the medical professionals to determine whether they will release the patient or ask for a mental health hearing to convince a court that the patient needs more assistance to avoid self-harm or injury to others.

This is only a summary in basic terms. Because the laws involving involuntary commit differ from state to state, it is essential to investigate the guidelines that are particular to each state. An additional 14 days may be added by a competent mental health physician under California’s Lanterman-Petris-Short (LPS) Act’s Section 5250 hold, and an extra 30 days can be added under Section 5270. A certified psychiatric professional may hold patients involuntarily under any of these clauses.

Other forms of involuntary hospitalization include what exactly?

Temporary detention or imprisonment

This is done so that psychiatrists may assess patients in the hospital. The court must give its blessing. More than 144 hours of confinement is not conceivable. You may learn more about involuntary hospitalization for psychiatric evaluation by reading our article on the subject.

Court-authorized confinement

When this occurs, two psychiatrists conclude that patients should remain in the hospital because of the risk they pose to themselves or others. To proceed, authorization from the court is required. The length of time that they are permitted to remain in the hospital. Please see our article on “Forced Hospitalization After Psychiatric Exams” for more information on this topic.

It is essential that those with mental illness, as well as the individuals closest to them, realize two things. First, law enforcement and medical personnel will only hold people against their will in direst circumstances.

Involuntary psychiatric holds are not a form of arbitrary punishment; instead, they are given with the patient’s best interests in mind and are done so to protect the patient, not to punish them. The patient is placed under two holds while involuntarily committed to a mental health facility.

How I ended up in a mental hospital | Articles

Onset of illness

I found out what happened to my friend Sasha after the fact. Haven't seen each other for a long time. Sasha is from Irkutsk, but for several years she has been living in one of the cities of the central part of Russia, translating texts, drawing. We met, I was the first to tell about my news and exhaled: “That year was difficult.” “Yeah, me too,” Sasha nodded thoughtfully. "What about you?" - I ask. “But I ended up in a psychiatric hospital,” she answers easily, as if jokingly, with her usual ease, but she looks in such a way that it is immediately clear: this is not a metaphor, she is serious, about the hospital. But ... "We met that year, you were fine ...". nine0006

- Actually, no. I already felt bad. Just in the summer of 2018, when I last visited Irkutsk, it all started. The heat was terrible, and I can't stand the sun very well. Arrived in Irkutsk, perhaps already at the peak of depression. Thoughts of suicide were very intrusive, I tried to escape from them.

But it didn't help. She forced herself to get out of bed. When I went out with someone to a meeting, the next day I came to my senses. Nobody noticed, not even my mother. This is the danger of depression, disorders ... This is is not necessarily noticeable . In the summer I reassured myself: it will become cooler - it will feel better. But I returned to my city, autumn came, and my condition worsened.

Few knew what was happening to me. And almost none of them took my condition seriously.

I didn't want to do anything. At all. Tantrums rolled both at home and in public. It's good that the city is big and no one cares. In the metro, I could suddenly feel how everything inside was becoming stiff, as if not mine, and I started crying ... At home, I could turn off and wake up all bruised and scratched. Neither my husband nor I understood what was going on. nine0007

There were days when I woke up with the feeling that everything was over. In a great mood, I managed to complete a bunch of tasks, I felt great. But not for long. As I found out later, these were brief enlightenments typical of mental disorders that knocked me down: I did not go to the doctor for a long time, each time I hoped that I would let go. But after a brief euphoria, apathy set in sharply again.

In the psycho-neurological dispensary

In the spring, I finally recognized the problem and determined to get out of this swamp. I came to the doctor in a psycho-neurological dispensary (PND): I could not afford a private specialist. The doctor, having ruled out hormonal failure and brain tumors after appropriate procedures and tests, was going to send me to a day hospital and prescribe pills. But during this meeting, out of the blue, I had a tantrum. She pricked up her ears and asked if she had suicidal thoughts. I just could not find what to answer, I told the truth ... The doctor groaned and began to write a referral to the psychiatric hospital .

When I heard that they would put me in a clinic, I fell into a stupor. But she didn't argue. The psychiatrist herself called my husband Vanya (I was not able to), explained to him harshly: “She may have a serious illness, she needs medical supervision.” I could only imagine how frightened my husband was. But definitely not stronger than me.

Reception department

Then everything seemed not to happen to me. The orderlies arrived, we went downstairs, and while I took off my dirty shoe covers, one of the men resolutely blocked the path that had opened to another corridor. It was both funny and wild. Since then, I almost always felt like someone was watching me. nine0007

An ambulance took me to the emergency department. A rude woman said that she would register me as a homeless person, because I had no documents. I tried to argue that my husband would bring soon. “When they bring it, then we’ll see, otherwise, , maybe there’s no husband either,” , commented the duty officer.

When you enter the hospital, this envelope is used to pack everything you have.

Everything I had with me had to be handed over. Despite the fact that “they actually didn’t have any storage space anymore.” At the same time, sign a paper, where it was briefly listed: "Phone, tablet, card ...". What phone, what tablet model - nothing was indicated. Accordingly, I could get back no one knows what. It's good that Vanya finally came and saved my things. nine0007

Then I went for a preliminary examination in a separate room. There was a nurse sitting there, who I remember very much, she was one of the few in the whole story who spoke to me like a human being. After the conversation, the woman cut my nails and gave me a nightgown. The neck of the underwear was torn so that when I moved, I showed my chest to the world. But the nurse sighed: there are no other clothes yet. So I had to walk for a week, putting on a shirt back to front, until a new set was issued.

After reviewing the things that Vanya brought (pencils, sketchbooks, books, creams, home clothes), the doctor threw up her hands: “My dear! You can't do all this!" The doctor took out a bag in which she shifted what she could take: toothpaste and a brush, a pair of socks, a few underpants, a roll of toilet paper and pads. That's all. I gave the rest to Vanya. nine0007

Entrance to the hospital building

My room was located in the next building, where we drove for a couple of minutes. In addition to the shirt, I received plaid flannelette pants, a cotton work sheepskin coat and goodbye boots (felt boots or half boots, popular in the USSR).

At the police station, the driver took the coat. In the future, when I had to leave the building (I only went to the clinic and the bathhouse), I received a warm kit, which I gave back upon my return.

I went to the Supervisory Chamber through a special room. It connected the outside world and the department itself. After another conversation with a surprisingly haughty nurse, I received a flannel robe, a medium-sized waffle towel (for everything). Then the girl ordered me to choose slippers from a huge basket, filtered out my already modest belongings once again (after that I had half as many things) and escorted me to the supervisory chamber. nine0007

Supervisory Chamber

The Supervisory Chamber houses patients who have just arrived at the hospital, as well as those who have been transferred - those who have been treated for some time, but in the process they got worse. Here, as in any other ward of the department, the ceiling is high, there are no doors, the renovation is fresh, the floors are washed three times a day (in terms of cleanliness, it is ideal here). Supervision is constantly under the supervision of nurses from the "post", which is clear from the name. I have never seen a "post" empty.

There are 10 beds in the ward, the distance between them is less than a meter. No bedside tables (and what, in fact, to put in them?). On my bunk, covered with an ugly bedspread, lay bed linen. While she was making the bed, she wanted to put her toothbrush in her sock: it was unpleasant to put it on a battered blanket. nine0007

For almost a week I had the right to use only these items.

At the same moment I heard the nurse's remark, she ordered me to show what I was hiding. I explained my plan to the health worker - she left me ... Until she saw that I was not tucking the blanket into the duvet cover: "Not allowed."

Supervisory strict order: if you need to go out, you warn the nurse. And you can only go to the toilet, brush your teeth at the end of the corridor and go to the dining room. Planned exits - to the clinic (but there is usually organized, in pairs) and in the morning, while quartzing is in progress. But in this case, you need to sit next to the ward. nine0007

At the doctor's office

The doctor saw me two hours after I found myself in the supervisory ward. I immediately complained about the nurse who was rude and forced me to use a blanket that I didn't need. “In general, there are no rules about duvet covers, but ... The nurses are the masters here, you need to listen to them,” the doctor shrugged. Doctors are very friendly with nurses who pass on information about patients - I understood this. The medical staff here has unlimited power.

At our first meeting, the doctor said that I would have to stay in the hospital for at least a week: “We need to look at your condition, it lasted for quite a long time.” Later, I found out that for less than a week they didn’t lie here at all. This is the necessary "minimum" for which each patient undergoes an examination, passes a general urine test, blood test, and an HIV test. Even those who came here by accident (and the doctors themselves understood this) go through all the procedures. I met people in the hospital who jokingly cheered themselves up: “At least I cured a tooth here,” “Finally I got rid of cystitis.” nine0007

Doctors in the hospital only prescribe medicines. There is no psychotherapy.

After talking to me, the doctor prescribed medicines, I received them in the evening of the same day from the nurses. The names of the drugs that were given in the hospital, neither I nor any of the other patients knew: this is kept secret. If the patients wanted to know at least something about their medicines, the staff did not stand on ceremony, they could answer very sharply.


I was very scared in the hospital at first. Patients of varying severity lived side by side with me. nine0007

Some looked like vegetables: their gaze was meaningless, they had zero mobility, they could stay in bed for days on end. Next to me lay a girl with a bright oriental appearance, her mouth was always open, she could lie or sit for a long time, staring at one point.

There were girls who heard voices, suffered from hallucinations or persecution mania. I met a girl who thought she was God. A grandmother with dementia spread oatmeal on her face.

A separate pain for medical staff and patients - an obese, constantly urinating woman, for whom they could not find a suitable diaper. Madame was accompanied by nurses, wiping her wet trail. She yelled romances, recited poetry loudly and covered with selective obscenities everyone who interfered with her in any way. She was later transferred to the violent section. nine0007

Many came here in extremely difficult conditions. Patients were sedated and given sedatives. The girl Nadia was very sick of the sedatives. The nurses, seeing this, did not try to change anything, they only freaked out and even forced this girl, who was barely standing on her feet, to clean up after herself. We then became friends with Nadia.

It was not allowed to go outside, there was no physical activity. The only way to walk is to walk along a long corridor. My bed was right next to the entrance to the corridor. I could not hide from these terrible steps. nine0007

Someone was walking along the corridor in pairs, talking animatedly. Someone was walking nervously, quickly, as if in a hurry somewhere. Someone was walking like a ghost, with a missing face. Someone muttered under his breath.

Terribly sorry for those who got here quite by accident who did not have any disorders. The girl broke up with her boyfriend, came to visit a friend, cried a lot, did not let up for a long time. The mother of a friend said, “This is not normal. We need to call an ambulance." The ambulance arrived, the doctors said that this was not their case, but they could call another brigade. And then they called a brigade of a psychiatric hospital. The girl just reacted sharply to the doctors’ formulaic phrase “Life goes on”, saying that she had a stupid life and she didn’t want to live it (once again: be careful with statements about suicide). Voila! She's in a mental hospital. For a week. Bypasses doctors at a "minimum". nine0007

Supervised and regular ward

Five days after my arrival at the psychiatric hospital, I was transferred to a supervised ward. The advantage is that you can freely walk along the corridor and go to the toilet without asking permission. You are still being watched by a nurse. It is allowed to have personal items: comb, towel, face and body cream, shower gel, shampoo, home clothes.

Even in a hospital one wants to be clean and well-groomed.

A day later I was transferred to a regular ward, by the toilet, where there was no strict supervision - it became easier. But there I watched every morning and evening performances from orderlies and smokers. nine0007

In fact, smoking is strictly prohibited in the hospital. But not all nurses liked to clean up and therefore used the work of smokers. After quartzing , patients washed the corridors, toilets and rooms . Then they stood in line, and the paramedics gave them cigarettes.

Strange nurses and orderlies

70 percent of the staff behaved terribly. But there were also truly humane employees. A little. When adequate nurses and our beloved nurse were on duty Tanyusha , the shower room was opened an hour earlier or closed an hour later (more on the shower room in the "Hygiene" section). I’ll tell you separately about Tanyusha, she was very cool: she washed the floors herself, and she gave cigarettes to smoking girls just like that. She also skillfully cut her nails, very carefully (and this was necessary, scissors and files were not allowed in the clinic), we called this procedure "Tanyusha's nail salon."

In total, together with Tanya, only three employees spoke to us like a human being: not in disgust, not arrogantly, but as with normal members of society. The rest did not hesitate to take out their anger on the patients. nine0007

There was one who screamed all the time. She didn't speak calmly at all. When they made a remark to her, she yelled that she was not screaming, that was her voice.

The other two loved washing bones. With everyone. The pills that patients took before admission to the hospital were agreed with the doctor. I had those. Once, during the dispensing of medicines, a nurse asked me with feigned amazement: “What are these, contraceptives?” Loudly enough for everyone in line to hear. "How old are you?!". Another nurse stood nearby: “She’s 25, she’s actually been married for a bunch of years, it’s time for her to give birth, and she drinks hormones.” “You tie them up, you won’t fly in later!”. They issued me, I left the queue in extreme embarrassment. nine0007

I'm not talking about situations when orderlies could inspect the nightstand without the knowledge of the patient, or when employees forgot to write down whether they gave a pill or not. There were several stories when they forced to drink an antibiotic or a serious psychotropic drug twice. They did not take our word for it that we had already drunk, they apparently believed that it was better to give more than not to give.

Nurses always check if the patient has swallowed his tablets.

They did not allow to laugh and cry. If she cried (felt when she met her husband) - they reported to the doctor, they had to explain. If you laughed, they made a remark. Although under the influence of my drugs at first I constantly wanted to laugh - euphoria, a normal symptom when taking such drugs. nine0007

I once read a book, there was a chapter about psychiatric hospitals at the dawn of their existence. The doctor revealed a formula for what conditions should be in the clinic so that patients feel better. Simple things: delicious food and daily regular hygiene . We had big problems with both.


It was very difficult to keep myself clean and comfortable. As I already said, in a regular ward, which they transfer to, when the doctor considers it possible, they are already allowed to have more hygiene items. But for now I'm was kept under supervision for 5 days, I was supposed to have only a toothbrush and toothpaste. I had to ask for shower gel and shampoo from other girls. With creams it was tight, meanwhile, my skin was terribly dry.

I had to invent my own cosmetic procedures. For example, I soaked a waffle towel and vigorously rubbed my face. This is the scrub. I also folded toilet paper several times, moistened it with water and applied this compress to my nose. Hydration. Yes, the orderlies looked askance at me, but I was already in a madhouse . At least here you can afford to be strange?

You can shower when the shower is open. Every day in the morning, an hour before breakfast, and in the evening there is an hour after dinner. In 60 minutes, 25-30 people should have time to wash. It was possible to wash only in parts. Two queues, you choose which one to take: at the bidet or at the bathroom, where you can wash your hair or feet. If you wash too often, according to the staff, you can hear a reproach: “You were in the bathhouse on Friday, why do you need to wash your hair on Monday?”. nine0007

On Friday, a shower was organized for the patients, the rest were taken to the bathhouse. For 2.5 weeks of stay in the hospital, I got there once. These were pre-revolutionary baths. Old tiles, iron basins, three showers. I knew girls who did not like this bath very much, fell into a panic: they were embarrassed by naked people and that they had to undress in front of strangers. I, despite the fact that it was difficult to call this place comfortable, liked it there.

Either I just really wanted to wash myself properly, or the pills prescribed for me painted everything in more pleasant colors. nine0007

Disgusting food

All food was served lukewarm. One could not console oneself with the hope of finding at least a piece of meat in soup or anywhere else. I was surprised that even the cooks could not cook potatoes properly: some kind of potato porridge with water was floating in the plate. Do they cook at home for the family? Why do they bully people so much at work?

It was impossible not to go to the canteen. This means that you refuse food. Another reason for the orderlies to think about your condition and tell the doctor about you. Once, one of the nurses in the dining room decided to distribute cheese to everyone not from a tray, but by grabbing it with her hands. I did not touch the product, which, of course, was reported to my doctor. He then talked to me why I eat badly - after all, this is a deviation from the norm. I explained that eating in the dining room is extremely difficult. nine0007

Most of the patients did not like the kitchen, but their opinion was not taken into account.

The doctor took note, but what will he do? Once, only a message about a possible check affected the kitchen. Patients were extremely surprised at how deliciously cooks can cook. The food was warm! I have never eaten better pea porridge in my life. We saw real pieces of meat in cabbage! But, alas, they only fed them for one day.

It was possible to eat properly only when friends and relatives brought homemade food in a container. We ate right at the meeting, you can’t take it with you to the ward. Transfers (fruits, chocolate, cookies) were allowed - their nurses put them in separate plastic baskets. Treats were allowed to be taken two hours before breakfast or an hour before bedtime. nine0007


Patient visits took place in the canteen on Saturdays and Wednesdays from 12:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 17:00. Relatives could take permission from a doctor and take you for a walk. But you can only walk around the territory, where it is very dirty and unsightly, like after the bombing. I preferred to communicate within.

During the visit, you cannot even use other people's phones, say hello to your mother: "I'm here, everything is fine with me." (My mother lives in Irkutsk, when she found out that I was in the hospital, of course, she was very worried.) My friend once went to the trick during our meeting: she hid the phone in her sleeve so that I could record a voice message. nine0007

You can call your loved ones only in the presence of a doctor (when he has time) and only on business: “When are you coming? I need to bring something." The question "How are you?" no longer on the case, the doctor interrupted immediately. But when I was discharged, I learned from another doctor that, it turns out, “everyone is allowed to call on demand and without any special restrictions.”


Time passes slowly here, the choice of activities is extremely poor: the piano (rarely anyone sat down at it), TV (Soloviev’s programs or the Charmed series were constantly on), board games (at first, while everyone around was frightening, there is no one to play with). I saved myself with books in the dining room cupboard, mostly classics, I read five books in two weeks. nine0007

While the patients were playing board games, their nightstands were checked by orderlies.


Patients are strongly guarded against suicide. The toilets do not lock the door, there are no mirrors and no hard soap.

You can not stand and look out the window in the corridor . The windows in the bars overlook the courtyard, only staff can open and close them.

In an ordinary ward, you can look out the window as much as you like, no one is watching you there. But another problem appears: every morning begins with airing. In general, this is a very useful event, but not when it drags on for the whole day, but it's cold outside. nine0007

My new friend Nadya brought stockings instead of socks - was taken away. Apparently, with them you can also create some kind of suicide.

The light is always on in the common corridor, you never find yourself in total darkness . So those who cannot sleep in the light experience discomfort.

Sometimes we used towels as a sleep mask: we folded them several times and put them over our eyes.

Another safety measure is that there is no hot water in the faucet, only warm water. It dawned on me later, when I went to a cafe after the hospital. I went to wash my hands and burned badly, out of habit, unscrewing the tap until it stops. nine0007

As I was leaving, I heard from a nurse that it turned out that all the game that I noted in the hospital was nonsense. Compared to other departments of the hospital, this is heaven on earth. Elsewhere, for more difficult patients, is much dirtier, and the treatment of patients is much harsher than .


The date of statement is not told to anyone until the last. They can say: “On Friday we will inform you when we are discharged.” I have been waiting for this day since Monday, counting the minutes. On Friday, the doctor said: “Well, yes, since nothing is bothering you, we will announce the discharge date next week.” nine0007

So, in great excitement, I lived until Monday, my relatives were also worried all weekend, they knew that information should appear on Friday. The doctor called when the husband was almost there (he could not stand the news and came himself along with relatives). They were accepted, agreed on my discharge on Tuesday.

Before I was discharged, the doctor called me into the office. And only then explained what happened to me in general. Before that, I had not been told anything about my diagnosis. I was told that I experienced depression, but there are no pathologies in the body, I need to take antidepressants for a year, and then slowly give them up. If I don't notice any deterioration, great. If not, try to correct with a psychiatrist or... welcome back! They didn't make a diagnosis, they just gave me a certificate and a packet of medication for the first day. At the dispensary, a new prescription was already written out for me according to the doctor's records. nine0007

What do I think about treatment?

Of course, in my case, it was not at all necessary to get here. You could just take drugs under the supervision of a good doctor. But in the dispensary, the doctor decided to save me from suicide by writing a ticket to the "psychiatric hospital". Radical, well…

It is clear from the story that the conditions for recovery in the hospital are not the best. I was lucky that I was relatively quickly selected the right drugs, from which I felt better.

You could say that I got off easy. nine0007

But maybe not as lucky as my Nadia. She was kept for about two months, it did not help her at all, and only on the basis of a request from her relatives, the girl was discharged. Now she is in the day hospital.

Antidepressants are not good either. After the first week of euphoria, you are sure to have the opposite effect: everything becomes grayer. For example, you do not recognize the taste of food at first. In addition, after complete isolation, for a long time my head still travels from the informational noise and the abundance of people around (once again the question is, why so restrict from calls and the Internet?). nine0007

From side effects: I still don't feel an orgasm. I sweat a lot at night. But, in any case, I feel like a man: I want to live, work, I look at things more positively, I don’t fall into hysterics. The time when I have to give up pills, and I wait and I'm afraid. It is not known what will happen next. But the second time in the hospital, I would not want to be. I don't wish this experience on anyone.

My friend's story stunned me, I thought about many things... But the main thing that bothered me was how long neither Sasha, nor friends, nor relatives sounded the alarm. No one noticed that the girl was not just bored, she was sick. Maybe if we had realized the problem earlier, this story would not have happened. So how do you recognize depression? How to distinguish a disease from a bad mood? And how not to bring yourself to the hospital? We will talk about this with experts in the next article. nine0006

If you notice prolonged depression, lethargy and apathy, call a psychologist immediately (to begin with). In addition to private specialists, there are also hotlines. You can seek advice by calling the round-the-clock phones of the Irkutsk Regional Psychoneurological Dispensary: ​​ (3952) 24-00-07 and 24-00-09 .

Take care of yourself!
All hero names have been changed.

Daria Sutyrina, specially for, illustrated by @fraudwarf. nine0007

Special home - My rights in a psychiatric hospital

The rights set out in this text fully apply to all people, regardless of their legal capacity. Incapacity does not mean that a person cannot refuse treatment in a psychiatric hospital.

My rights in a psychiatric hospital

People can stay in a hospital against their will only by a court order. The rights of such people are set out in a separate text (“My rights in case of involuntary admission to a psychiatric hospital”). nine0007

Before you sign the Consent for Hospitalization and Treatment and the Voluntary Consent for Inpatient Treatment, the doctor must:

- explain to you why you need to be treated in a psychiatric hospital;

- tell you in detail about how you will be treated and what the result will be after treatment;

- to tell you if it is possible to replace your stay in a psychiatric hospital with something else. If there is such an opportunity, then the doctor should tell in detail what the stay in a psychiatric hospital can be replaced with; nine0007

- tell you the exact diagnosis of your disease, tell you how this disease manifests itself and what medicines the doctor will use to treat you.

The length of your stay and treatment in a psychiatric hospital is determined by the doctor, who must take into account your opinion and the severity of your illness. But if you are in the hospital voluntarily, then you can refuse treatment and be discharged from the psychiatric hospital at any time. nine0007

You retain all your constitutional rights and freedoms and have the right to demand respect from the hospital staff. Any treatment should not be cruel, and if possible, it should be without causing pain.

Isolation or any physical restraint (for example, the use of physical force, belts, straitjackets) is only allowed if you are harming your health or the health of others and only with the decision of a psychiatrist. Physical containment or isolation can only last as long as it is really needed. Staff may not use physical restraint and isolation as punishment or to scare you. nine0007

Without the consent of a psychiatrist, doctors and nurses cannot use coercion or violence against you. They are also required to protect you from danger and threats from other people, no one has the right to force you to do any work in the hospital. If you agree to work in a hospital, then you are entitled to receive remuneration (salary) for your work .

Any treatment with can only take place with your consent, and you have the right to refuse treatment completely or request that treatment already started be stopped. nine0007

The doctor is obliged to tell you in detail about the treatment that you are offered and only then ask you to agree to the treatment.

Your doctor must explain to you:

- what disease you have and why it needs to be treated in a hospital;

- why do you need this treatment;

- what will be the results of this treatment;

- what exactly will be the treatment (pills, injections), what are the names of the medicines, and how long will the treatment take;

- what kind of discomfort may arise from the treatment; nine0007

- are there any other methods of treatment, what are their good and bad sides compared to the treatment that the doctor suggested to you;

- what results can be expected from the treatment.

Everything that is said to you must be explained in a language that you understand. The doctor is obliged to explain to you incomprehensible expressions for you. Remember: you have the right to get an answer to any question that relates to your treatment. The doctor should choose the treatment for you together with you. nine0007

You have the right to access medical records , related to your treatment and hospital stay. When you are discharged from a psychiatric hospital, at your request, the doctor must make you an extract from your medical history (“medical record”). Your doctor should tell you if you need to continue seeing a psychiatrist after you are discharged. Information about your treatment in a psychiatric hospital cannot be disclosed to anyone by the hospital staff.

You have the right to meet with the priest and to attend church. However, no one can force you to go to church if you don't want to. nine0007

You have the right to receive visitors , receive and send letters that no one has the right to read and change, use the telephone , carry essential items with you . If you do not have a mobile phone, you must be allowed to use the phone in the department. Healthcare workers are not allowed to take away your mobile phone, but you are not allowed to use a camera in the ward and must turn off the sound of the phone, as this disturbs other patients. If the hospital has restrictions on the use of your phones, the hospital must tell you what times you can use your phone. nine0007

Any relatives, friends or acquaintances can visit you. Only you can decide who you want to see.

In special cases, for your health and safety and for the health and safety of others, the head of the department or the head physician may restrict your right to see visitors (but not a lawyer), use the phone and receive letters. However, you cannot be deprived of these rights completely and any restrictions must be an exception! Remember also that you have the right to demand an explanation of why your rights have been restricted and for how long. You may not be restricted in these rights as a punishment or deterrent. nine0007

You have the right to file a complaint about treatment and living conditions with the head physician or head of the department. You also have the right to contact with complaints and applications to any state body or public organization . The hospital staff cannot restrict this right. On the contrary, the staff is obligated to help you - for example, provide you with the addresses and phone numbers of government agencies, give you a pen, paper and an envelope. You have the right to appeal the actions of the hospital administration at court or prosecutor's office .

You have the right to see your attorney in person, without anyone else present, and to correspond with him. The administration cannot restrict your right to see a lawyer under any circumstances, even if you feel unwell. At your request or with your consent, anyone can invite a lawyer for you. The lawyer does not have to confirm to the hospital his right to see you, for this he needs to show the lawyer's certificate. nine0007

You should be given the opportunity to read the Law on Psychiatric Care and Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens in its Provision, which describes in more detail your rights in a psychiatric hospital.

The rights set forth in this text fully apply to people who have been declared incompetent . Incapacity does not mean that a person cannot refuse treatment in a psychiatric hospital.

People can stay in the hospital against their will only by court order. The rights of such people are set out in a separate text (“My rights in case of involuntary admission to a psychiatric hospital”). nine0007

Before you sign the Consent for Hospitalization and Treatment and the Voluntary Consent for Inpatient Treatment, the doctor must:

- explain to you why you need to be treated in a psychiatric hospital;

- tell you in detail about how you will be treated and what the result will be after treatment;

- to tell you if it is possible to replace your stay in a psychiatric hospital with something else. If there is such an opportunity, then the doctor should tell in detail what the stay in a psychiatric hospital can be replaced with; nine0007

- tell you the exact diagnosis of your disease, tell you how this disease manifests itself and what medicines the doctor will use to treat you.

The length of your stay and treatment in a psychiatric hospital is determined by the doctor, who must take into account your opinion and the severity of your illness. But if you are in the hospital voluntarily, then you can refuse treatment and be discharged from the psychiatric hospital at any time. nine0007

You retain all your constitutional rights and freedoms and have the right to demand respect from the hospital staff. Any treatment should not be cruel, and if possible, it should be without causing pain.

Isolation or any physical restraint (for example, the use of physical force, belts, straitjackets) is only allowed if you are harming your health or the health of others and only with the decision of a psychiatrist. Physical containment or isolation can only last as long as it is really needed. Staff may not use physical restraint and isolation as punishment or to scare you. nine0007

Without the consent of a psychiatrist, doctors and nurses cannot use coercion or violence against you. They are also required to protect you from danger and threats from other people, no one has the right to force you to do any work in the hospital. If you agree to work in a hospital, then you are entitled to receive remuneration (salary) for your work .

Any treatment with can only take place with your consent, and you have the right to refuse treatment completely or request that treatment already started be stopped. nine0007

The doctor is obliged to tell you in detail about the treatment that you are offered and only then ask you to agree to the treatment.

Your doctor must explain to you:

- what disease you have and why it needs to be treated in a hospital;

- why do you need this treatment;

- what will be the results of this treatment;

- what exactly will be the treatment (pills, injections), what are the names of the medicines, and how long will the treatment take;

- what kind of discomfort may arise from the treatment; nine0007

- are there any other methods of treatment, what are their good and bad sides compared to the treatment that the doctor suggested to you;

- what results can be expected from the treatment.

Everything that is said to you must be explained in a language that you understand. The doctor is obliged to explain to you incomprehensible expressions for you. Remember: you have the right to get an answer to any question that relates to your treatment. The doctor should choose the treatment for you together with you. nine0007

You have the right to access medical records , related to your treatment and hospital stay. When you are discharged from a psychiatric hospital, at your request, the doctor must make you an extract from your medical history (“medical record”). Your doctor should tell you if you need to continue seeing a psychiatrist after you are discharged. Information about your treatment in a psychiatric hospital cannot be disclosed to anyone by the hospital staff.

You have the right to meet with the priest and to attend church. However, no one can force you to go to church if you don't want to. nine0007

You have the right to receive visitors , receive and send letters that no one has the right to read and change, use the telephone , carry essential items with you . If you do not have a mobile phone, you must be allowed to use the phone in the department. Healthcare workers are not allowed to take away your mobile phone, but you are not allowed to use a camera in the ward and must turn off the sound of the phone, as this disturbs other patients. If the hospital has restrictions on the use of your phones, the hospital must tell you what times you can use your phone. nine0007

Any relatives, friends or acquaintances can visit you. Only you can decide who you want to see.

In special cases, for your health and safety and for the health and safety of others, the head of the department or the head physician may restrict your right to see visitors (but not a lawyer), use the phone and receive letters. However, you cannot be deprived of these rights completely and any restrictions must be an exception! Remember also that you have the right to demand an explanation of why your rights have been restricted and for how long. You may not be restricted in these rights as a punishment or deterrent. nine0007

You have the right to file a complaint about treatment and living conditions with the head physician or head of the department. You also have the right to contact with complaints and applications to any state body or public organization . The hospital staff cannot restrict this right. On the contrary, the staff is obligated to help you - for example, provide you with the addresses and phone numbers of government agencies, give you a pen, paper and an envelope. You have the right to appeal the actions of the hospital administration at court or prosecutor's office .

You have the right to see your attorney in person, without anyone else present, and to correspond with him. The administration cannot restrict your right to see a lawyer under any circumstances, even if you feel unwell. At your request or with your consent, anyone can invite a lawyer for you. The lawyer does not have to confirm to the hospital his right to see you, for this he needs to show the lawyer's certificate. nine0007

You should be given the opportunity to read the Law on Psychiatric Care and Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens in its Provision, which describes in more detail your rights in a psychiatric hospital.

The rights set forth in this text fully apply to people who have been declared incompetent . Incapacity does not mean that a person cannot refuse treatment in a psychiatric hospital.

People can stay in the hospital against their will only by court order. The rights of such people are set out in a separate text (“My rights in case of involuntary admission to a psychiatric hospital”). nine0007

Before you sign the Consent for Hospitalization and Treatment and the Voluntary Consent for Inpatient Treatment, the doctor must:

- explain to you why you need to be treated in a psychiatric hospital;

- tell you in detail about how you will be treated and what the result will be after treatment;

- to tell you if it is possible to replace your stay in a psychiatric hospital with something else. If there is such an opportunity, then the doctor should tell in detail what the stay in a psychiatric hospital can be replaced with; nine0007

- tell you the exact diagnosis of your disease, tell you how this disease manifests itself and what medicines the doctor will use to treat you.

The length of your stay and treatment in a psychiatric hospital is determined by the doctor, who must take into account your opinion and the severity of your illness. But if you are in the hospital voluntarily, then you can refuse treatment and be discharged from the psychiatric hospital at any time. nine0007

You retain all your constitutional rights and freedoms and have the right to demand respect from the hospital staff. Any treatment should not be cruel, and if possible, it should be without causing pain.

Isolation or any physical restraint (for example, the use of physical force, belts, straitjackets) is only allowed if you are harming your health or the health of others and only with the decision of a psychiatrist. Physical containment or isolation can only last as long as it is really needed. Staff may not use physical restraint and isolation as punishment or to scare you. nine0007

Without the consent of a psychiatrist, doctors and nurses cannot use coercion or violence against you. They are also required to protect you from danger and threats from other people, no one has the right to force you to do any work in the hospital. If you agree to work in a hospital, then you are entitled to receive remuneration (salary) for your work .

Any treatment with can only take place with your consent, and you have the right to refuse treatment completely or request that treatment already started be stopped. nine0007

The doctor is obliged to tell you in detail about the treatment that you are offered and only then ask you to agree to the treatment.

Your doctor must explain to you:

- what disease you have and why it needs to be treated in a hospital;

- why do you need this treatment;

- what will be the results of this treatment;

- what exactly will be the treatment (pills, injections), what are the names of the medicines, and how long will the treatment take;

- what kind of discomfort may arise from the treatment; nine0007

- are there any other methods of treatment, what are their good and bad sides compared to the treatment that the doctor suggested to you;

- what results can be expected from the treatment.

Everything that is said to you must be explained in a language that you understand. The doctor is obliged to explain to you incomprehensible expressions for you. Remember: you have the right to get an answer to any question that relates to your treatment. The doctor should choose the treatment for you together with you. nine0007

You have the right to access medical records , related to your treatment and hospital stay. When you are discharged from a psychiatric hospital, at your request, the doctor must make you an extract from your medical history (“medical record”). Your doctor should tell you if you need to continue seeing a psychiatrist after you are discharged. Information about your treatment in a psychiatric hospital cannot be disclosed to anyone by the hospital staff.

You have the right to meet with the priest and to attend church. However, no one can force you to go to church if you don't want to. nine0007

You have the right to receive visitors , receive and send letters that no one has the right to read and change, use the telephone , carry essential items with you . If you do not have a mobile phone, you must be allowed to use the phone in the department. Healthcare workers are not allowed to take away your mobile phone, but you are not allowed to use a camera in the ward and must turn off the sound of the phone, as this disturbs other patients. If the hospital has restrictions on the use of your phones, the hospital must tell you what times you can use your phone. nine0007

Any relatives, friends or acquaintances can visit you. Only you can decide who you want to see.

In special cases, for your health and safety and for the health and safety of others, the head of the department or the head physician may restrict your right to see visitors (but not a lawyer), use the phone and receive letters. However, you cannot be deprived of these rights completely and any restrictions must be an exception! Remember also that you have the right to demand an explanation of why your rights have been restricted and for how long. You may not be restricted in these rights as a punishment or deterrent. nine0007

You have the right to file a complaint about treatment and living conditions with the head physician or head of the department. You also have the right to contact with complaints and applications to any state body or public organization . The hospital staff cannot restrict this right. On the contrary, the staff is obligated to help you - for example, provide you with the addresses and phone numbers of government agencies, give you a pen, paper and an envelope. You have the right to appeal the actions of the hospital administration at court or prosecutor's office .

You have the right to see your attorney in person, without anyone else present, and to correspond with him. The administration cannot restrict your right to see a lawyer under any circumstances, even if you feel unwell. At your request or with your consent, anyone can invite a lawyer for you. The lawyer does not have to confirm to the hospital his right to see you, for this he needs to show the lawyer's certificate. nine0007

You should be given the opportunity to read the Law on Psychiatric Care and Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens in its Provision, which describes in more detail your rights in a psychiatric hospital.

The rights set forth in this text fully apply to people who have been declared incompetent . Incapacity does not mean that a person cannot refuse treatment in a psychiatric hospital.

People can stay in the hospital against their will only by court order. The rights of such people are set out in a separate text (“My rights in case of involuntary admission to a psychiatric hospital”). nine0007

Before you sign the Consent for Hospitalization and Treatment and the Voluntary Consent for Inpatient Treatment, the doctor must:

- explain to you why you need to be treated in a psychiatric hospital;

- tell you in detail about how you will be treated and what the result will be after treatment;

- to tell you if it is possible to replace your stay in a psychiatric hospital with something else. If there is such an opportunity, then the doctor should tell in detail what the stay in a psychiatric hospital can be replaced with; nine0007

- tell you the exact diagnosis of your disease, tell you how this disease manifests itself and what medicines the doctor will use to treat you.

The duration of your stay and treatment in a psychiatric hospital is determined by the doctor, who must take into account your opinion and the severity of your illness. But if you are in the hospital voluntarily, then you can refuse treatment and be discharged from the psychiatric hospital at any time. nine0007

You retain all your constitutional rights and freedoms and have the right to demand respect from the hospital staff. Any treatment should not be cruel, and if possible, it should be without causing pain.

Isolation or any physical restraint (for example, the use of physical force, belts, straitjackets) is only allowed if you are harming your health or the health of others and only with the decision of a psychiatrist. Physical containment or isolation can only last as long as it is really needed. Staff may not use physical restraint and isolation as punishment or to scare you. nine0007

Without the consent of a psychiatrist, doctors and nurses cannot use coercion or violence against you. They are also required to protect you from danger and threats from other people, no one has the right to force you to do any work in the hospital. If you agree to work in a hospital, then you are entitled to receive remuneration (salary) for your work .

Any treatment with can only take place with your consent, and you have the right to refuse treatment completely or request that treatment already started be stopped. nine0007

The doctor is obliged to tell you in detail about the treatment that you are offered and only then ask you to agree to the treatment.

Your doctor must explain to you:

- what disease you have and why it needs to be treated in a hospital;

- why do you need this treatment;

- what will be the results of this treatment;

- what exactly will be the treatment (pills, injections), what are the names of the medicines, and how long will the treatment take;

- what kind of discomfort may arise from the treatment; nine0007

- are there any other methods of treatment, what are their good and bad sides compared to the treatment that the doctor suggested to you;

- what results can be expected from the treatment.

Everything that is said to you must be explained in a language that you understand. The doctor is obliged to explain to you incomprehensible expressions for you. Remember: you have the right to get an answer to any question that relates to your treatment. The doctor should choose the treatment for you together with you. nine0007

You have the right to access medical records , related to your treatment and hospital stay. When you are discharged from a psychiatric hospital, at your request, the doctor must make you an extract from your medical history (“medical record”). Your doctor should tell you if you need to continue seeing a psychiatrist after you are discharged. Information about your treatment in a psychiatric hospital cannot be disclosed to anyone by the hospital staff.

You have the right to meet with the priest and to attend church. However, no one can force you to go to church if you don't want to. nine0007

You have the right to receive visitors , receive and send letters that no one has the right to read and change, use the telephone , carry essential items with you . If you do not have a mobile phone, you must be allowed to use the phone in the department. Healthcare workers are not allowed to take away your mobile phone, but you are not allowed to use a camera in the ward and must turn off the sound of the phone, as this disturbs other patients. If the hospital has restrictions on the use of your phones, the hospital must tell you what times you can use your phone. nine0007

Any relatives, friends or acquaintances can visit you. Only you can decide who you want to see.

In special cases, for your health and safety and for the health and safety of others, the head of the department or the head physician may restrict your right to see visitors (but not a lawyer), use the phone and receive letters. However, you cannot be deprived of these rights completely and any restrictions must be an exception! Remember also that you have the right to demand an explanation of why your rights have been restricted and for how long. You may not be restricted in these rights as a punishment or deterrent. nine0007

You have the right to file a complaint about treatment and living conditions with the head physician or head of the department. You also have the right to contact with complaints and applications to any state body or public organization . The hospital staff cannot restrict this right. On the contrary, the staff is obligated to help you - for example, provide you with the addresses and phone numbers of government agencies, give you a pen, paper and an envelope. You have the right to appeal the actions of the hospital administration at court or prosecutor's office .

You have the right to see your attorney in person, without anyone else present, and to correspond with him. The administration cannot restrict your right to see a lawyer under any circumstances, even if you feel unwell. At your request or with your consent, anyone can invite a lawyer for you. The lawyer does not have to confirm to the hospital his right to see you, for this he needs to show the lawyer's certificate. nine0007

You should be given the opportunity to read the Law on Psychiatric Care and Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens in its Provision, which describes in more detail your rights in a psychiatric hospital.

The rights set forth in this text fully apply to people who have been declared incompetent . Incapacity does not mean that a person cannot refuse treatment in a psychiatric hospital.

People can stay in the hospital against their will only by court order. The rights of such people are set out in a separate text (“My rights in case of involuntary admission to a psychiatric hospital”). nine0007

Before you sign the Consent for Hospitalization and Treatment and the Voluntary Consent for Inpatient Treatment, the doctor must:

- explain to you why you need to be treated in a psychiatric hospital;

- tell you in detail about how you will be treated and what the result will be after treatment;

- to tell you if it is possible to replace your stay in a psychiatric hospital with something else. If there is such an opportunity, then the doctor should tell in detail what the stay in a psychiatric hospital can be replaced with; nine0007

- tell you the exact diagnosis of your disease, tell you how this disease manifests itself and what medicines the doctor will use to treat you.

The length of your stay and treatment in a psychiatric hospital is determined by the doctor, who must take into account your opinion and the severity of your illness. But if you are in the hospital voluntarily, then you can refuse treatment and be discharged from the psychiatric hospital at any time. nine0007

You retain all your constitutional rights and freedoms and have the right to demand respect from the hospital staff. Any treatment should not be cruel, and if possible, it should be without causing pain.

Isolation or any physical restraint (for example, the use of physical force, belts, straitjackets) is only allowed if you are harming your health or the health of others and only with the decision of a psychiatrist. Physical containment or isolation can only last as long as it is really needed. Staff may not use physical restraint and isolation as punishment or to scare you. nine0007

Without the consent of a psychiatrist, doctors and nurses cannot use coercion or violence against you. They are also required to protect you from danger and threats from other people, no one has the right to force you to do any work in the hospital. If you agree to work in a hospital, then you are entitled to receive remuneration (salary) for your work .

Any treatment with can only take place with your consent, and you have the right to refuse treatment completely or request that treatment already started be stopped. nine0007

The doctor is obliged to tell you in detail about the treatment that you are offered and only then ask you to agree to the treatment.

Your doctor must explain to you:

- what disease you have and why it needs to be treated in a hospital;

- why do you need this treatment;

- what will be the results of this treatment;

- what exactly will be the treatment (pills, injections), what are the names of the medicines, and how long will the treatment take;

- what kind of discomfort may arise from the treatment; nine0007

- are there any other methods of treatment, what are their good and bad sides compared to the treatment that the doctor suggested to you;

- what results can be expected from the treatment.

Everything that is said to you must be explained in a language that you understand. The doctor is obliged to explain to you incomprehensible expressions for you. Remember: you have the right to get an answer to any question that relates to your treatment. The doctor should choose the treatment for you together with you. nine0007

You have the right to access medical records , related to your treatment and hospital stay. When you are discharged from a psychiatric hospital, at your request, the doctor must make you an extract from your medical history (“medical record”). Your doctor should tell you if you need to continue seeing a psychiatrist after you are discharged. Information about your treatment in a psychiatric hospital cannot be disclosed to anyone by the hospital staff.

You have the right to meet with the priest and to attend church. However, no one can force you to go to church if you don't want to. nine0007

You have the right to receive visitors , receive and send letters that no one has the right to read and change, use the telephone , carry essential items with you . If you do not have a mobile phone, you must be allowed to use the phone in the department. Healthcare workers are not allowed to take away your mobile phone, but you are not allowed to use a camera in the ward and must turn off the sound of the phone, as this disturbs other patients. If the hospital has restrictions on the use of your phones, the hospital must tell you what times you can use your phone. nine0007

In special cases, for your health and safety and for the health and safety of others, the head of the department or the head physician may restrict your right to see visitors (but not a lawyer), use the phone and receive letters. However, you cannot be deprived of these rights completely and any restrictions must be an exception! Remember also that you have the right to demand an explanation of why your rights have been restricted and for how long. You may not be restricted in these rights as a punishment or deterrent. nine0007

You have the right to file a complaint about treatment and living conditions with the head physician or head of the department. You also have the right to contact with complaints and applications to any state body or public organization . The hospital staff cannot restrict this right. On the contrary, the staff is obligated to help you - for example, provide you with the addresses and phone numbers of government agencies, give you a pen, paper and an envelope. You have the right to appeal the actions of the hospital administration at court or prosecutor's office .

You have the right to see your attorney in person, without anyone else present, and to correspond with him. The administration cannot restrict your right to see a lawyer under any circumstances, even if you feel unwell. At your request or with your consent, anyone can invite a lawyer for you. The lawyer does not have to confirm to the hospital his right to see you, for this he needs to show the lawyer's certificate. nine0007

You should be given the opportunity to read the Law on Psychiatric Care and Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens in its Provision, which describes in more detail your rights in a psychiatric hospital.

Learn more