How do i stop eating
How to Stop Overeating: A Dietitian's 10 Tips
Tips to Live By Jan. 26, 2022 - Katie McCallum
Sometimes eating too much is simply an instance of your eyeballs growing bigger than your stomach at a buffet, potluck, party or holiday meal.
Other times, overeating is a pattern rather than the exception.
How much is truly too much? And if you are indeed at that point, how do you cut back?
"Overeating is eating beyond what's needed to fuel your body," says Kylie Arrindell, a wellness dietitian at Houston Methodist. "Whether intentional or not, we all do it at some point. The short-term symptoms of overeating are often just related to stomach discomfort, but there are long-term consequences of overeating which, over time, can negatively impact your health."
This means it's important to recognize whether you're overeating and, if you're doing so frequently, take steps to reduce the behavior.
What are the signs of overeating?Am I overeating?
That seems like it should be something fairly easy to answer. Perhaps by counting calories?
But Arrindell points out it's not that easy.
"The amount of calories you should be eating per meal is a very individualized number," says Arrindell. "People have different health goals, needs and conditions, so it can be difficult for you to determine your optimal calorie intake on your own. Additionally, counting calories might not resonate with you in a positive way."
Plus, calories aren't a great measure of whether you're eating mindfully and whether you're stopping when you're satisfied, two of the most important components of properly nourishing your body that can also help you understand if you're overeating.
With that in mind, the actual signs of overeating may include:
- Eating beyond the point of being full
- Finding yourself mindlessly eating because you're bored or distracted
- Experiencing physical symptoms after eating, including nausea, abdominal discomfort, gas, bloating or heartburn
- Eating for reasons other than to fuel your body
"Those are the short-term signs and symptoms of overeating, but there are long-term indications, too, including unwanted weight gain, difficulty losing weight and prolonged digestive discomfort," Arrindell adds.
Fortunately, these particularly noticeable signs can be powerful reminders that it's time to take action. But Arrindell points out that there are also detrimental health impacts you may not notice yourself — although they will likely show up in your blood work.
"Over the course of weeks to months to years, overeating can affect your cholesterol and could potentially impact your blood sugar management, which can put you at risk for developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease," warns Arrindell.
How to stop overeating: A dietitian's top 10 tipsIf you recognize the signs and are ready to take action, here's what Arrindell recommends to help you avoid overeating:
1. Familiarize yourself with recommended portion sizes
Portion size is critical.
To keep your eyeballs in check, take advantage of nutrition food labels and reputable sources' recommended amounts of foods. These guidelines aren't perfect, but they can help set the baseline for what a realistic serving size looks like — usually hard to guess on your own.
Knowing the recommended amount also helps you stay accountable for how much you should be eating.
And — speaking of accountability — you might also try eating off of a smaller plate.
"The plates we serve our food on are usually pretty large, so even just something as simple as decreasing your plate size can really help you stick to more appropriate portion sizes and avoid overeating, especially for those who have been taught to finish everything on their plate," says Arrindell. (She notes you don't actually have to eat everything on your plate.)
2. Include a fiber source with meals and snacks
"Fiber is helpful for satiety, the feeling of fullness after eating," says Arrindell.
For instance, let's compare a plate of roasted vegetables versus several pieces of cheese. Both may contain the same amount of calories, but the roasted veggies are more likely to fill you up because they contain fiber — whose feeling of fullness can help reduce overeating tendencies.
Since cheese is less filling, you may have to eat more than your body actually needs before you physically feel full and your brain realizes you're not hungry anymore.
3. Avoid skipping meals
Intermittent fasting — the foundation of which is skipping meals — is a trendy diet right now, but for some people, it may lead to a feast-or-famine mentality that inadvertently leads to overeating.
"Skipping meals can cause intense hunger, which, for many people, tends to result in episodes of overeating once you do finally eat," warns Arrindell. "Instead, I recommend eating healthy snacks between meals or eating smaller meals more regularly throughout the day."
4. Know and limit the foods that are easiest to overeat
We've all wondered if there are foods we should write off completely. Just give us the list!
But here again, Arrindell says it's not that simple.
"Everyone has their own individual preference on the foods and drinks they enjoy most, so advice on which foods to keep your eye on will vary from person to person," says Arrindell.
"Keeping a food journal can provide you with insight into your own eating habits, a helpful tool for identifying which foods you struggle with the most."
That said, Arrindell says that most people tend to overeat calorie-dense foods or processed foods they view as treats, including those high in:
- Salt
- Added sugar
- Saturated and trans fats
- Empty calories
And while Arrindell says there's no food you should overeat — since even too much of something healthy, like fiber-rich veggies, may cause unwanted digestive distress — she adds that she doesn't often hear of someone who regularly overeats broccoli or asparagus. Wink, wink.
5. Stay hydrated
"Cues for thirst can often be mistaken as hunger cues," says Arrindell.
Especially when you're feeling hungry or craving a snack at a time you shouldn't, just taking a few sips of water can help you determine whether you're actually hungry or just thirsty. And keeping up with your water intake throughout the day may help you completely sidestep those tricky hunger pangs that aren't actually due to hunger after all.
6. Be mindful about why you're eating and pay attention to hunger cues
There are a lot of reasons you might want to eat, but there's only one you need to: nourishing and energizing your body.
From "I think I need a snack" to "It's dinner time," be sure you're not falling into the trap of eating mindlessly just to eat.
"If you aren't paying attention to the actual snack or meal you're eating and why you're eating it, chances are you're not really paying attention to your body's cues for appetite and hunger either," says Arrindell.
When you're not in tune with when it's time to stop eating, you're more likely to overeat.
"Being mindful about your meals and what you're eating is important since paying attention to your body's cues can help you connect to the process of enjoying food as a way of nourishing your body," explains Arrindell.
7. Slow down
Crucially, not overeating also means actually stopping when you're approaching feeling full. Portion sizing can help, but, ultimately, slowing down your meal and paying attention to how you actually feel is one of the best ways to avoid overeating.
The goal is to give your food-filled stomach and hungry brain time to re-sync with one another. In fact, it can take as long as 20 minutes for your stomach to let you brain know it's full.
"A lot of us scarf down meals in half that time or less!" says Arrindell. "If you find yourself overeating at meals, try to find ways to slow down the process. For instance, you might try eating with your non-dominant hand or putting your fork down between bites."
8. Rethink that second serving
Speaking of slowing down ... it can also help you decide whether you truly need to be refilling your plate or not.
"Maybe you really are hungry and need that second helping, which is okay," says Arrindell. "But my advice is to wait 5 to 10 minutes before you get another serving and to make sure your additional serving is mostly the good stuff — more vegetables, for instance. "
9. Turn off your TV
A great way to help encourage paying attention to how you feel after eating is to make snack time and mealtime a distraction-free experience.
"Turning off your TV and sitting down at the table is a great place to start," says Arrindell. "Eating without distractions brings us back to the concept of connecting to the process of nourishing your body, which is what your food is actually meant to do."
10. Give yourself some grace
Whether you hit a roadblock as you're getting started or when the holidays come around, know that fighting back against overeating takes patience and compromise.
"Allowing yourself to have foods that you really enjoy in moderation is helpful because then you're not tempted to overindulge on them later," says Arrindell. "Giving yourself grace not only provides a little bit of wiggle room in your diet, it's also sometimes the missing piece for people when it comes to maintaining healthy eating patterns that can help reduce the chances of overeating. "
Sometimes overeating just happens on occasion. This is especially common on occasions where you have access to more food than usual (*cough* Thanksgiving).
Other times, it becomes a pleasurable yet unhealthy habit that reinforces itself over and over — as habits do. The steps above, given time, might be all it takes to break the habit.
In some cases, however, there could be a more complicated reason you're overeating.
"When it's happening habitually, that's when it's time to take a look into why you're overindulging more often than usual," explains Arrindell. "There could be some underlying reasoning behind why it's become a habit."
For instance, you could be using a food solution to fight an emotional issue — sometimes referred to as emotional eating. Recognizing this behavior and better processing your emotions are important steps in your journey to reduce overeating.
Lastly, in the most extreme cases, overeating might also be a sign of something more complicated: binge eating disorder.
"If you find yourself overeating often, talk to your dietitian or doctor," recommends Arrindell. "Overeating can be closely associated with binge eating tendencies, which is not something you have to navigate on your own and it is treatable with the right help."
Why Can’t I Stop Eating? How to Curb Compulsive Eating
Written by Jennifer Rainey Marquez
Think back to the last time you ate so much you felt absolutely stuffed. Were you tearing into a huge cake to celebrate a friend’s birthday? Loading up on turkey and sweet potatoes at Thanksgiving? Or were you at home alone, maybe at the end of a tough day? How did you feel afterward -- simply annoyed that you gave yourself a stomachache? Or were you tormented by guilt or shame?
Eating too much every once in a while is normal. So is eating for emotional reasons. “From the moment we’re born, we’re nurtured with food, rewarded with food, and so emotional connections to food are normal,” says Michelle May, MD, author of Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat.
People who compulsively overeat, though, may use food as their only way of coping with negative emotions. As a result, they often feel that their eating is out of control. They think about food all the time and feel guilty, ashamed, or depressed after eating. “That’s very different from what someone feels after, say, eating a big Thanksgiving meal,” May says. “You might feel full, and you might regret having had that last slice of pie, but you’re not consumed with shame.”
Some people who overeat have a clinical disorder called binge eating disorder (BED). People with BED compulsively eat large amounts of food in a short amount of time and feel guilt or shame afterward. And they do so often: at least once a week over a period of at least 3 months.
Not everyone who overeats is a binger. You might eat a lot of food throughout the day, rather than all in one sitting. And you might not do it regularly, but only when you’re feeling stressed, lonely, or upset.
How does it start?
In some cases, people simply overeat out of mindless habit, like always sitting down with a bag of chips in front of the TV at night. But oftentimes, it’s the result of underlying emotional problems. Having a negative body image can play a big role.
For many people, compulsive overeating is part of a cycle that starts with a restrictive diet. May calls it the “eat, repent, repeat” cycle. You might begin a diet because you feel bad about your weight or size but find that it’s too hard to stick to -- especially if you use food as a coping tool. Eventually, you hit a breaking point and binge on “forbidden” foods, and then the guilt and shame set in, and the restrictions begin again.
The cycle can be hard to break. “Even people who say they’re not on a diet often have ingrained ideas about ‘good’ or ‘bad’ foods,” says Marsha Hudnall, president of Green Mountain at Fox Run in Vermont, a center for women who struggle with overeating. “But when you have a substance that is naturally appealing and soothing and comforting, and you make it off-limits, it just becomes more attractive.”
Can people be “addicted” to food?
In recent years, food addiction has become a popular idea among some scientists. Those researchers say that certain foods high in fat, sugar, and salt are addictive, causing changes in the brain similar to those made by drugs. Studies in animals have shown that rats that binge on sugar, for example, can develop signs of dependency.
But the idea of food addiction is controversial. For one thing, the standard treatment for addiction is abstinence, and that’s not possible with food. Also, “dieting is a very strong component of the binge eating cycle,” May says. “From that standpoint, it’s counterproductive to label certain foods as negative.”
There’s no doubt that eating can stimulate the release of feel-good chemicals in the brain, Hudnall says. “But that doesn’t make food an addictive substance. There’s evidence that it’s actually the behavior -- the restrict/binge cycle -- that causes the signs of dependency, not the food itself,” she says. Some researchers have even stated that the term “eating addiction” is a more accurate term than “food addiction.”
How can I control compulsive eating?
Seek help. It can be hard to stop overeating on your own, particularly if there are deep-rooted emotional problems involved, says Robin B. Kanarek, PhD, professor of psychology at Tufts University. Working with a counselor can help you uncover the psychological triggers -- like a negative body image -- that may be driving your behavior.
Avoid labels. “Understand that you’re not a bad person doing bad things,” May says. “Labeling yourself can become a self-fulfilling prophecy in terms of continuing the cycle.”
The same goes for labeling foods. “Food is food -- it’s not ‘good’ or ‘bad,’” Kanarek says. “It can be hard to get over those deeply held beliefs, but research shows that if you eat what you deem a ‘bad’ food, you’re more likely to overeat afterward.”
Take a pause. When you feel like eating, pause for a moment and ask yourself: Am I hungry? “Sometimes people get so focused on what they want to eat that they don’t stop and ask themselves why they want to eat,” May says. If you use food as a coping tool, you may be out of touch with the cues that signal hunger or fullness, and it’s important to bring your awareness back to your body.
Change your environment. “A habit is very often simply a behavior that’s on autopilot,” Hudnall says. Making a tweak to your environment can return your focus to your behavior and give you a chance to make a more purposeful decision. For example, Hudnall says, “if you always sit in a certain chair to eat, move it to a different place in the room -- or sit somewhere else entirely.”
Give into cravings -- in moderation. Banning foods can cause you to overeat them later on. If you’re really craving something -- even if you’re not hungry -- give yourself permission to have a small amount.
End restrictive diets . “Overeating and restrictive eating are often two sides of the same coin,” May says. “Deprivation can be a trigger for overeating just like stress, anger, or anxiety.”
useful tips and advice from nutritionists
- The negative effect of sugar on the human body ,
- Why is it difficult for us to refuse sweet ,
- reasons for the use of a large number of sweets ,
- Useful sweets
- List of permitted products
- Compose a power schedule
- How to refuse the sweets
- sugar cravings through sports
- Dietitian advice
Sugar is found in almost all foods around us. However, this does not mean at all that you need to give up fruits and berries, eating exclusively fresh food. There must be harmony in everything. But what if the craving for sweets again and again makes you buy cakes, cakes and chocolate? Answer: change your eating habits.
The negative effect of sugar on the human body
The ability to get rid of extra centimeters in the waist is not at all the main reason why you should give up purchased sweets. nine0003
- High calorie foods. It affects not only weight, but also the entire work of the digestive tract.
- Development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. High sugar intake in insulin resistance provokes this disease*.
- Purification of receptors. Soon after giving up a lot of sweets in your diet, you will be able to recognize the real taste of foods.
- Pure leather. Sweets provoke the appearance of acne and other problems with the epidermis. nine0005 Healthy teeth. Plaque on the teeth is usually sugar that has not had time to break down and provokes the appearance of caries.
- Enhancing energy. Sugar increases the production of dopamine, but this effect is short-lived, followed by a breakdown.
- Thrush. Carbohydrate products provoke an increase in the activity of fungi.

Why is it hard for us to give up sweets
If you can't stop eating chocolate and other high-sugar foods, it's not a sign of a weak character. In simple terms, the use of sweets releases neurotransmitters (dopamine and opioids), which incite at the hormonal level to eat even more delicious things. How to stop eating sweets? Find your own (of course, legal and safe) way to stimulate the production of dopamine. nine0003
Reasons for eating a lot of sweets
- Unbalanced diet . When trying to lose weight, many people resort to diets or full-fledged hunger strikes, which is fraught with obligatory breakdowns.
- The habit of overeating. Some eat during some business, and do not think about food at all.
A person simply does not notice that he is eating out of boredom, and not out of real hunger.
- Active brain activity . Mental work requires a huge amount of glucose. The easiest way to get it is from chocolate or other store-bought sweets.
- Critical days and. During menstruation in women, hormonal levels change, which also contributes to increased cravings for sweets.
- Regular stress . The brain knows that a dose of chocolate is a quick way to get a lot of dopamine, which means getting rid of sadness, anxiety or nervous tension.
Healthy snacks
Men's program
nine0002 Vision supportHealthy sweets
WHO recommends eating no more than 10% of daily calories** from sugars. However, in this case, preference should be given to natural sweets: honey, fruits and dried fruits, berries. Milk chocolate is recommended to be replaced with dark, with a high cocoa content. If it’s hard to refuse purchased sweets, you can replace the cakes with marshmallows. Of course, this is also not a dietary and low-calorie product, but it does not contain fat. But one of the main sweets among natural was and remains honey. If you are not allergic to this product, you can successfully replace almost all sugar with it (for example, consume up to 50 grams of honey per day). If it’s hard for you to give up harmful sweets, you can take chromium preparations after consulting a specialist. For example, Herbalife Nutrition's Yellow Pills help reduce sugar cravings. nine0003
List of approved products
To adjust your menu, choose what suits you. Especially for this, we have compiled a table of some natural sweets with their calorie content and glycemic index - for those who monitor their sugar levels.
Product | Calories | Glycemic index |
Honey | 304 | From 30 to 90, depending on the honey plant |
Lemon nine0103 | 29 | 25 |
Cherry | 50 | 22 |
Raspberry | 52 | thirty |
Prunes | 107 | 25 |
Strawberry | nine0002 31 | 32 |
Persimmon | 134 | 55 |
Banana | 91 nine0003 | 60 |
Mango | 60 | 55 |
In addition, you can eat apples, oranges, cherries, kiwi, blueberries, as well as other berries and fruits.
This is interesting: WHO recommends reducing the consumption of free sugars, which are present not only in cakes, pastries and other store-bought sweets, but also in fruit juice concentrates**. nine0003
Making a meal plan
To make it easier to give up harmful sweets during the day, it is recommended to eat foods high in sugar before three in the afternoon, and preferably for breakfast. It can be toast with butter and honey, fruit porridge, muesli or any other favorite product. During a snack, you can eat a handful of dried fruits, a protein bar, natural yogurt with berries, or a banana. At night, you should drink a glass of kefir or make a green smoothie with celery and spinach based on it. As a result, the nutrition schedule may look something like this: nine0003
- 8:00 am - breakfast;
- 12:00 - snack;
- 14:00 - lunch;
- 16:00 - snack;
- 18:00 - dinner.
If desired, an hour and a half before bedtime, you can have dinner a second time, only these should be light protein foods that are easily digested.
How to give up sweets
The first and most important rule is not to chop off the shoulder. You can’t give up all fast carbohydrates and foods high in sugar in one day: this is a serious stress for the body. The conscious rejection of sweets should be approached gradually: nine0003
- Reduce portions. Gradually reduce the amount of sugar consumed per day, for example, drink tea not with two spoons, but with one. Change milk chocolate to dark and limit yourself to a few slices, not a whole bar.
- More proteins and vegetables in the diet. This will provide a long-lasting feeling of satiety, and also support the body in good shape. Mayonnaise in a salad, by the way, is successfully replaced with low-fat sour cream or vegetable oil.
- Give preference to slow carbohydrates. So the body will consume energy gradually. And, most importantly, blood sugar will not jump by 5-10 units at once. nine0006
Reduce cravings for sweets through sports
In order to get rid of excess volumes and reduce the consumption of purchased sweets, you need to choose an integrated approach. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, then all this in the end is likely to affect the figure. And obesity can provoke insulin resistance, which also awakens cravings for the consumption of large amounts of sugars *. To avoid this, you need to move more. We are not even talking about gyms: a daily half-hour exercise and a walk will be enough. Only in order to start the process of fat burning, you will need to walk at least half an hour a day at an average pace, and do home workouts daily. Exercising also releases dopamine, so instead of a chocolate bar, you can just go for a run or do some exercise (or better yet, sign up for a dance class). nine0003
Dietary advice
What other advice do experts give about reducing sugar levels in the diet?
- Say no to sweeteners. There is no evidence that they help with weight loss and increase appetite, so those who want to get rid of excess weight are most likely not suitable.
- Give up your favorite sweets. Do you prefer milk chocolate? Cross it out of your diet or replace it with dark.
- Take B vitamins. They help to cope with stress, which, as we found out, is one of the causes of cravings for sweets. But remember that you need expert advice.
- More chrome. It is the deficiency of this trace element that most often causes cravings for sweets. In this case, it is also necessary to talk to your doctor before use. nine0006
- Include water with lemon in your diet. There is plenty of sugar in this product, while lemon helps fight excess weight.
Soon after giving up store-bought sweets, you will notice an obvious improvement in your own health.
dietary supplement. NOT A DRUG
* Insulin resistance and ways of its correction in type 2 diabetes mellitus. nine0003
** Guidelines for sugar intake for adults and children.
Vyacheslav Stepanovich Korzun
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How to stop eating sweets and starchy foods forever
Sweets are most often blamed for the development of obesity. And the advice “just stop eating sweets” a person with extra pounds hears from almost everywhere. This may seem like the easiest solution to the problem: it is enough to give up sweets, cookies and sugar in tea, and the weight will begin to decrease, albeit slowly. But in reality, everything happens differently. Losing even half of the usual amount of sweets, a person often notices not a slim figure, but irritability, constant fatigue and an unbearable desire to open the cherished box of chocolate in order to “sweeten” life. Is everything really that complicated, or is there still a way to stop eating sweets, but at the same time maintain tone and mood? nine0003
What affects cravings for sweets
Before you decide that you have a sugar addiction and you need to fight it, as with any pathological craving, consider whether there are circumstances in your life that naturally increase cravings for sweets.
Sleep deficit. During sleep, the human body rests after the stress of the previous day. The resources expended during physical, mental or emotional stress are restored, and on a new day a person enters again full of strength and energy. But this statement is relevant only for night sleep and for its sufficient duration. nine0003
- It is during the hours of darkness that a number of recovery mechanisms are activated in the human body. This happens under the influence of hormones, neurotransmitters and other substances, the production of which is tied to daily biorhythms. Therefore, it will not be possible to compensate for the lack of night sleep with daytime rest: the biochemical laboratory of the body, working to restore resources, is inactive or inactive during the day. Without restoring strength in a natural way, the body requires "refueling" from external sources - sweets that energize the body quickly, although not for long. nine0006
- Insufficient sleep has been found in research to significantly increase cravings for sweets.
This is due to the fact that insomnia or other sleep disorders in the brain activate a region that normally “wakes up” only when consuming sugary foods. This means that if you sleep less than 7-9 hours, uncontrolled cravings for sweets may not be a problem in itself, but a symptom that indicates too little rest. nine0006
Stress. The health of the nervous system is a very important factor in determining whether sugar cravings are normal or unhealthy. It is the nervous system that regulates metabolism, including carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, during periods of excessive emotional stress, with acute or chronic stress, the functions of the central nervous system may be disturbed, it temporarily loses the ability to properly manage the “carbohydrate flow”. In addition, carbohydrates are actively involved in the restoration of the nervous system after experienced mental stress. Therefore, frequent or constant stress is one of the reasons for increased cravings for sweets. Thus, the CNS can request resources for maintenance and restoration. nine0003
Hypothermia. Carbohydrates are one of the most "profitable" substances that come with food. When burning 1 g of carbohydrates, 4.1 calories are formed. This explains why, when hypothermia, you crave sweets so much. Thus, the body quickly restores the resources used to maintain the correct body temperature. Unlike fats, which form warehouses (depots in the subcutaneous tissue) and require effort to be included in the metabolism, carbohydrates are always at hand. And they are included in the metabolism almost immediately, as soon as they enter the body. nine0003
Increased physical activity. As a result of complex chemical reactions, the glucose that we consume with food is transformed into glycogen. This substance is the most accessible source of energy for muscles. When physical activity is significant, and also if they are regular, the muscles will soon enough require renewal of the reserves of this substance. As a result, sugar cravings may increase.
Food culture. This is one of the most common causes of "sugar addiction", which is technically just behavioral patterns. If you are used to drinking tea and cakes while watching your favorite series, then it is not surprising that every time you sit in front of a TV or laptop empty-handed, you will feel that something is missing. And if you have not formed a diet or you eat on the go, then you can intuitively choose a sweet bar or pie as the fastest source of energy. nine0003
Improper nutrition. Normally, with a balanced diet and regular nutrition, the body has access to all the necessary substances to restore strength, energy and productivity. But a deficiency in certain substances (like chromium) can make cravings for sweet, starchy, fatty foods truly uncontrollable.
Important to know!
Carbohydrates are indispensable participants in all metabolic processes in the body.And various metabolic disorders can cause an inexplicable and regular desire to eat something sweet. Therefore, if there is an uncontrollable craving for sweets, you should consult your doctor. nine0379
How to overcome sugar cravings
Understanding the reasons why sugar cravings develop is enough to eliminate the source of sugar addiction. This alone can greatly facilitate the task of combating unhealthy eating habits. But how to stop wanting to eat sweets, if the taste buds, already accustomed to these products, constantly transmit signals to the brain that “the food has become tasteless” and “we need more sugar”? There are a number of tips that you can pay attention to. nine0003
Refuse sweets, but not pleasure. Often we suffer not from a lack of sugar in the diet, but from a lack of favorite flavors. But chocolate, vanilla, cappuccino, cream and many other fillers are available in diet and sports nutrition products. You can choose your favorite flavor and make sure that the craving for sweets has become tolerable.
Do not refuse help. Even the most trained willpower may not be enough to overcome the need for sweets. After enduring a few days on a sugar-free diet, you can easily break loose, because along with a decrease in blood glucose levels, our determination to finish what we started falls. But you can take a more rational path and call for help to reduce cravings for sweets. For example, "Yellow pills" from Herbalife Nutrition *. Chromium, which is part of the product, helps control the desire to eat something sweet, since this chemical element is an important participant in carbohydrate metabolism. If it is deficient, blood glucose levels may be disturbed and, as a result, the need for sugary foods may increase**. The second key ingredient in Yellow Pills is Garcinia Cambogia, a source of hydroxycitric acid. This substance helps to control appetite in general and stimulates the mechanisms responsible for burning fat. This means that the body begins to use fat reserves as an energy source, instead of demanding sweets. The dietary supplement is not a drug. nine0003
Reduce the amount of sweets gradually. Trying to wean yourself off sweets once and for all is a sure way to a bad mood and subsequent breakdown. Especially if you are used to eating a lot of sweets and have repeatedly tried to get rid of a bad habit. Try using 3-7 day cycles. In the first cycle, it is enough to exclude carbonated sweet drinks. After a few days, when you feel that this loss has ceased to be acutely felt, start drinking tea or coffee without adding sugar. And so, step by step, you will soon forget about harmful sweets. nine0003
Take one step at a time. Do not try to change your life radically and in one day. Especially if before that the lifestyle could not be called healthy. The desire to start on Monday evenings to train in the gym, run in the morning, go on a diet and give up sweets (and all at the same time!), Will rather lead to stress and a loss of self-confidence than to lose weight. Give yourself time to acquire one good habit and only then move on to the second point of the plan. nine0003
Expert advice!
You can relieve your condition when you cancel sweets with the help of sports or even a regular walk. Physical activity reduces stress (one of the causes of sugar cravings) and increases the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for feelings of pleasure and happiness.
Prevent problems before they happen . Sweet cravings can come crashing down on you after an unpleasant conversation with your boss or other stressful events. Therefore, before a meeting, a deliberately tense dialogue with a colleague, before a possible difficult conversation with relatives, etc., it is worth taking preventive measures. Have a hearty breakfast or lunch, including foods with complex carbohydrates in the menu: cereals, whole grain bread, potatoes, carrots, legumes, nuts. Such foods will not provide a strong and short-term burst of energy, unlike simple carbohydrates, but they will be gradually broken down and absorbed, keeping the energy level at a consistently high level. This will prevent an uncontrollable desire to eat any sweets after a stressful moment. nine0003
Use proven tricks. Even with a strong desire to eat something sweet, you can try to deceive yourself. For example, inhale the smell of vanilla for 1-2 minutes or bake an apple without sugar, but with cinnamon. Such aromatic additives can be kept on hand. So, a bag or a vanilla pod, a cinnamon stick can easily fit in a bag pocket.
These tips can help you to give up sweets, as well as do it without much effort. nine0003
* dietary supplement. IS NOT A MEDICINE.
- https://ncgb.