How do i find peace of mind

How to Find Peace of Mind in 6 Steps

In a frantic world, a peaceful mind might seem like a friend you rarely have the chance to catch up with. But finding peace of mind is possible.

Share on PinterestA peaceful mind and life may start with becoming intentional in all you do. Illustration by Alyssa Kiefer

Peace of mind, also described as inner calm, refers to an internal state of tranquility. When you have mental peace, you might feel:

  • at ease within yourself
  • a sense of self-compassion
  • unruffled by day-to-day worries
  • prepared to welcome whatever life tosses your way

You might assume you can only find peace from within when you’re finally completely free of troubles, but that’s not the case.

In fact, it often works the other way around.

Feeling at peace internally can boost overall contentment and feelings of happiness, regardless of the challenges you face.

A relaxed and calm outlook can help you navigate life’s often-turbulent waters more smoothly.

Finding peace of mind isn’t as challenging as it seems. You can find peace of mind by:

  1. accepting what can’t be controlled
  2. forgiving yourself and others
  3. staying focused on the here and now
  4. going within
  5. journaling your thoughts and emotions
  6. connecting to Mother Earth

Consider these tips anytime, anywhere, to get started:

You can’t actually control your mind and simply tell it, “Be more peaceful” — just as you can’t control life.

Life is unpredictable. From time to time various challenges will surface, complicating your daily routine and leaving you anxious, drained, or even afraid.

It’s entirely natural to worry about a parent’s illness, or feel dismayed and angry by your recent job loss. But when you fixate on those feelings, they can eventually take over, disturbing your peace and making it more difficult to cope.

Ignoring those feelings to just get on with things generally doesn’t help, either. Suppressed emotions can intensify, leaving you far less calm down the line.

Acceptance, on the other hand, often does make a difference. Research shows that accepting your own thoughts and emotions is an effective strategy.

You can also practice cognitive reframing by reminding yourself:

  • “What’s happening right now won’t last forever. In the meantime, I’m doing my best.”
  • “This is a tough situation, but I can get through it.”
  • “I feel miserable right now, but I won’t always feel like this.”

It’s natural to want to turn away from pain, so it can take time to get in the habit of acceptance. But as it becomes more natural, you’ll likely find yourself feeling more at peace.

What happens when you feel you have no peace of mind?

The demands of everyday life can lead to stress and other emotional turmoil, no question — especially if you’re going through a rough patch.

You typically can’t escape life’s challenges, and inner peace won’t make your difficulties disappear. But mental peace is so important because it can help you remain calm in the face of distress by easing feelings of anxiety, worry, and overwhelm.

Without peace of mind, you might eventually begin to notice symptoms of anxiety and stress, including:

  • sleep disturbances
  • aches and pains
  • fatigue and low energy
  • stomach distress
  • anger or irritability
  • difficulty concentrating
  • relationship tension or conflict

Finding peace from within doesn’t necessarily prevent symptoms of anxiety or depression. All the same, a lack of it could worsen mental and emotional distress.

Feeling hurt, even angry, when someone wrongs you or treats you unfairly is an understandable (and completely natural) response.

Yet holding on to grudges or slights won’t do much to help you find inner peace.

Nursing feelings of anger, disappointment, or resentment takes up plenty of emotional energy and can contribute to physical and mental health symptoms, including:

  • poor heart health
  • sleep problems
  • stomach distress
  • depression
  • anxiety

Forgiveness doesn’t just benefit the person you forgive. It could do even more for you, in the end. Self-forgiveness is also essential.

In fact, according to 2016 research, adults of varying ages who felt more forgiving over the course of 5 weeks experienced less stress and fewer mental health symptoms.

Of course, forgiveness doesn’t always come easily, with a snap of your fingers. It’s often a long and emotionally demanding process that goes beyond simply saying, “I forgive you.” Forgiveness involves compassion and empathy, not to mention acceptance.

That goes for your own actions, too. Going over and over past mistakes won’t erase what happened, but it can leave you mired in self-blame and regret.

You’re on the path to self-forgiveness if you’ve already:

  • apologized
  • made an effort to amend the wrong
  • committed to changing your behavior

Your next steps toward a more peaceful mind involve offering yourself compassion and letting go of guilt and shame.

A therapist can help, but you can also get started here.

Acceptance proving more difficult than you imagined? Sometimes a guiding tool can make it easier to let go of distressing thoughts.

Why not give meditation for peace of mind a try? Some of the many potential benefits of this ancient Hindu practice include increased self-awareness, reduced stress, and positive brain changes.

Evidence suggests mindfulness meditation, in particular, can promote greater awareness of the present moment, whether it brings joy or pain. In general, it helps you cope with emotional distress.

Mindfulness makes up an important part of Buddhist meditation. Buddhism itself holds inner peace as an essential aspect of well-being.

If you’re familiar with the concept of nirvana, you might know it’s often used casually to describe a state of euphoria or bliss. In Buddhism, though, this ultimate goal does reflect a type of inner calm — the peace that arises in the absence of suffering and desire.

Both focused meditation and increased mindfulness can indirectly help you acknowledge, accept, and let go of the physical and emotional distress that might otherwise stir the waters of your mind.

With a regular meditation practice, this acceptance can go a long way toward promoting lasting mental peace.

New to meditation?

  • Check out our guide to the best meditation apps.
  • Learn more about your options for online meditation.
  • Explore free guided mindfulness meditations on YouTube.

While too much time alone can lead to loneliness, spending just the right amount of time on your own could benefit your well-being and lead to finding peace in a frantic world.

Setting aside space for solitude can promote some people’s deeper sense of contentment over time.

Why try solitude?

Solitude offers the chance to:

  • reflect on personal values
  • explore your self-identity
  • reconnect with your needs
  • reevaluate your boundaries
  • embrace your creative side
  • enjoy your hobbies and favorite pastimes
  • start a meditation practice

Any of these activities can boost peace of mind in daily life by helping you recharge, relax, and focus on your personal needs.

Maybe an English teacher assigned daily journal entries. You completed the exercise grudgingly at first, but with more enthusiasm and commitment once you realized putting your feelings on paper did, in fact, provide you with a different perspective.

Journaling can help you process and express emotions you might otherwise keep inside.

Writing, of course, won’t get rid of your troubles. But you might find that committing them to paper helps ease some of their emotional weight and transforms inner peace from an exception to more of a rule.

Do you head for the trees (or the seas) when you need some rest and respite from the daily grind?

An abundance of research backs up your instincts: Natural environments, green spaces in particular, can ease emotional distress and foster feelings of inner calm and peace of mind.

Spending time in nature can help you have peace of mind by:

  • soothing worry, anger, or fear
  • easing stress and promoting relaxation
  • lower your risk for depression and other mental health conditions
  • enhancing feelings of kindness and social connection
  • improving concentration and focus

A few ideas to try:

  • Visit a neighborhood park.
  • Explore a national forest.
  • Challenge yourself with a hike across rugged terrain (safely, of course!)
  • Relax at a nearby beach or lake shore.
  • Get your hands dirty with a little gardening.

Tip: No matter what you choose to do, consider leaving your phone at home (or powered down in your backpack if on a hike). A constant stream of notifications or the urge to refresh your social media feeds can quickly chip away at your newfound calm.

Working on finding peace of mind can help you weather the changing seas of life with more resilience and emotional fortitude.

While greater mental and emotional peace is possible for anyone, it may not happen overnight. Offering yourself kindness and compassion along the way — while remembering that patience also plays an important part — can make all the difference.

How to Find Peace of Mind in 21 Ways

Having peace of mind is as important as keeping the body fit and the spirit young. However, with all the occupations that surround us in the world in which we live, it seems increasingly difficult to achieve this serenity. Nobody wants to suffer, and that is why adversity is something we never want to face in life. But difficulties are also powerful detonators of the potential of the human being to grow, overcome, and move forward. Read below to understand what peace of mind is and how you can achieve it.

Free meditation appDeclutter The Mind is an app that will teach you how to meditate, help you form the habit of a regular practice, and expand your mind to the teachings of mindfulness.

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What is peace of mind?

The phrase peace of mind is about a sense of tranquility and confidence, where our mental balance is in accord with universal understanding. In short, it means that we have within ourselves the tools to deal with adversity. Thus, this ability occurs through mind control, where the effects of any external factors such as stress are also blocked.

How to achieve peace of mind

1. Think positive

At many times in your daily life, you live a situation, but your mind is far away thinking of other things. This is one of the main problems that make people feel restless and even stressed out. You cannot have inner peace if you don’t have your head in order. The way you think has a lot to do with the preoccupations you have every day. If you are pessimistic all the time, you are conditioning yourself to have a bad day, and things go wrong. Every time you have a negative thought, correct yourself immediately and see the bright side of the situation. Move your mind to a more positive mental state.

2. Practice meditation

Guided meditation stimulates creativity and opens the doors to solve problems in ways that you would not have thought of before. This act of concentration can bring many benefits of meditation into your life, as well as helping you cope better with your responsibility. Also, meditation prevents stress from taking over you. The best thing is that it is so simple to learn, and anyone can put it into practice at home. Once you are encouraged to try this good habit, you will never want to leave it, and you will feel much calmer inwardly. You can watch meditation videos about peace on YouTube.

3. Let things go

For the sake of your mental health, letting things go will allow you to have peace of mind. Life isn’t always fair. Sometimes, bad things happen to us, even though we’ve done nothing wrong. We could spend our whole lives getting revenge for all the injustices that happen to us, but then we also wouldn’t have peace of mind. Finding peace isn’t about being passive about what happens to us. It’s more so about having the self-control to not let it take over our thoughts and actions. Accepting an injustice, such as a dismissal of a job, will allow you to plan for your next chapter, interview, and job.

4. Focus on the present

If you want a peaceful mind, live in the present. When we have negative thoughts in our mind, we get stuck in the past. We’ll replay bad memories and painful situations. When we have anxious thoughts in our mind, it’s because we’re fearing the future. However, when we have happy thoughts, it’s because we’re living in the present. Pop culture glamorizes anxiety and depression in a lot of ways. The tabloids regularly cover people’s mental health breakdowns. What they don’t cover often, are people who have peace of mind and simply enjoy life. You can find peace by getting out of your head and experiencing the real world.

5. Accept what you can’t change

Acceptance is all about controlling what you can but accepting what you can’t control. There are billions of people in the world. Everyone has their own agenda, goals, wants, and needs. Your mental state will collapse if you’re always trying to control the uncontrollable. You can have peace of mind by understanding that sometimes things are outside of our control. Take ownership of what you can, such as your behaviour and attitude. However, accept the things you can’t like ruminating thoughts, other people, natural disasters, time, and so on. You can do everything in your power to prevent something from happening, but when the

6. Read at least twenty minutes a day

Reading is one of the best gifts of peace of mind you can give your brain. This is because it is not only an interesting hobby but also relaxes and gives you a greater capacity for concentration and reasoning. Don’t complain that you don’t have time to read a complete book. You only need to spend twenty minutes of your day reading a little to begin your finding peace journey. In this way, you will realize that it is not so difficult, but also entertaining and a great help. Don’t let your anxiety destroy your morning routine. If you want to have peace of mind, consider reading books about how the brain works, meditation, mindfulness, or other positive topics. There’s plenty of meditation books out there from you to choose from that will give you peace of mind.

7. Spend some time alone

Your well being will greatly improve when you spend some time alone. While it’s important to build social connections with others, most of the time, our peace of mind is disrupted by others. When things get a little too chaotic and you can’t get a minute’s peace, consider removing your worry by isolating yourself temporarily. Being alone every now and then can be great for your health, happiness, and inner peace. Experiencing the mental freedom of being alone will allow you to recharge your batteries, build yourself back up, and move forward. Before you do this, tell other people where you’ll be so they don’t worry. For example, some people might choose to take a one or two-week vacation alone to pull themselves together. Sometimes, a little break will give your mind peace and the feeling that you can solve your problem.

8. Relax your expectations

Life never follows the path you have outlined in your plans. Many times we spend too much time thinking about how things are going to be in our future. But when reality does not meet our expectations, we get frustrated quickly. The truth is that what you need will come in the form of what you expect from life. The best thing is to go through those difficult moments without seeing the problems.

Remember that if things don’t go as planned, it does not mean that they are not taking you along the path you need. Always look for the lesson of each situation and don’t let these “detours” steal your peace of mind. Learn to accept reality and the part of it that you cannot change. That is the best starting point for you to discover the ones that you can modify and how to do it.

9. Speak with a therapist

Finding a therapist to speak with once a month can help you have peace of mind. A therapist can improve your well being by giving you the tools you need to manage ruminating thoughts, promote calmness, and embrace yourself. Rest assured, seeing a therapist is good for your mental health. It can be really healthy to have a sounding board to prevent your thoughts from destroying your peace of mind. Challenge any preconceived notions of what it means to see a therapist as it can bring you joy and sign you up for success.

10. Exercise

Create an exercise routine when you want peace of mind. While exercise can feel like the opposite thing you feel like doing when stressed, it can bring about a sense of calm and relaxation. Running can make you feel free while pumping you up with feel-good endorphins to help calm the mind. Challenge yourself to exercise at least four days a week or by setting a goal of 10,000 steps a day. Any distress you feel will vanish when moving your body. Exercise is like free therapy. So test yourself to push harder and fight the urge to sit back.

11. Give yourself time

Resilience is not a speed competition, take all the time you need to overcome adversity and take on the necessary learning. Healing emotional pain is a complex process, and like all, it is best concluded without unnecessary haste. Do not be pressured to take the lessons and do not allow others to place excessive expectations on you to move forward. Overcoming some things is not a matter of a couple of days, it takes a lot of effort and learning to feel good again.

Live the moment to find peace of mind, and see one step at a time. Keep in mind that not because yesterday was a particularly painful day, it will be to even today. Not because today is a difficult day, every day will be the same. If you break, then get up and keep walking. Nothing happens because it is hard for you to move on or because the strength fails. Explore your pain, recognize it, and work on it to overcome difficulties.

12. Do daily acts of kindness

The easiest way to have peace of mind is by doing acts of kindness daily. Every day choose to do a good deed for another person. You could write a kind comment on a Facebook post, call a loved one to tell them why you love them and are grateful for them, or write an article with ideas that’ll help someone in distress. There are millions of kind gestures you can do. When someone hurts you, recognize that they’re in pain, instead of evil or mean-spirited. And in response, do something kind for them too. You can send a note or call them on the phone to tell them why you love them despite how they’ve hurt you.

It’s easier to have peace of mind when you’re well-rested. Those who only sleep a few hours each night are more likely to have racing thoughts, anxiety, and even depression. Sleep allows you to process the day’s information subconsciously. When you sleep a full eight hours each night, your brain is likely calmer so it’s easier to deal with the personal issues that arises during difficult periods. A calm mind means that you’ll be able to handle difficult situations with kindness and grace. So, aim to get some shut eye each night by going to bed a bit earlier to wake up with peace of mind.

14. Open your feelings with someone you trust

Being mentally strong does not mean not having feelings, but knowing how to handle them. It is natural that in the face of adversity, you feel overwhelmed and crying. Keeping your pain or worry can plunge you into isolation that causes you a sense of loneliness and even depression. Your friends, family, and loved ones are there to support and accompany you even in the most challenging parts of your life. Go to them when you need them. Having someone you trust at your side will help you channel those emotions to leave your mind and body more easily.

15. Take a walk

We are part of nature, and that is why being in it is so good. Even if you live in a large city, you can find ways to maintain that contact, such as in parks, or some green area. Try to include this kind of walk in your routine, step on the grass, touch trees, enjoy this powerful connection, and recharge your batteries to gain some peace of mind. Another thing you can also do is go rollerblading or cycling. The idea is to take a quiet walk without interruptions and enjoy it to the fullest.

16. Listen to classical or ambient music

The power of sound within the mind is incredible, to such an extent that certain songs calm us and make us feel happy. The classic compositions are the most recommended to stimulate the brain, increasing its ability to concentrate and study. They also provide immense calm to the body. Ambient sounds that mimic nature are another very effective alternative with which you can try. Especially when you are meditating, taking a walk, or doing something artistic. You can also listen to positive songs that uplift you.

17. Practice Gratitude

Writing a gratitude list will help you reduce the feeling of stress by reminding you of all the good things you have in your life. Every day, think about the things you’re grateful for having. Or write down good things that happened to you that day that you feel grateful for. You could be grateful for having specific people in your life or certain opportunities. The phrase, “I’m grateful for…” should be in your regular vocabulary when interacting with others. Let people know you appreciate them. Test yourself by writing down your gratitude list without looking at other people’s lists. Then, look at other people’s lists and compare what you have that you completely didn’t realize.

18. Avoid comparing yourself to others

Stop comparing yourself to others if you want to have peace of mind. You’ll have greater peace by focusing on comparing yourself today to who you were than by comparing yourself to someone else. The feeling of insecurity vanishes when the comparison game is only played with yourself. Strive to become a better version of yourself, but don’t beat yourself up for not being that person yet. There’s no need to wonder “what is wrong with me?” or “why am I not good enough?” Instead, ask yourself, “what would the future me do to have peace of mind?” and then start building those traits into your life.

19. Look at things from a different perspective

Sometimes, physical or temporal distance is all you need to see more clearly and better understand problems. Regardless of the problem that comes your way, always be clear about the good and positive things you have as a person. A very real part of you exists independently of your immediate concerns, problems, and frustrations. If you feel overwhelmed, step back, and observe the way you experience things. Your body may feel pain, but that does not define you. Eventually, that pain will dissipate and leave you learning.


Love and practice self care

Always remember to love yourself, treat yourself with love, forgive yourself, and finally treat yourself the same way you treat a loved one. When you love and respect yourself, life becomes lighter because you no longer charge yourself with unreachable perfection. You see yourself more humanely and kindly.

21. Prepare for rainy days

You can help yourself have peace of mind by preparing for rainy days. In life, curveballs will always happen, such as sudden job loss, death of a loved one, or an unexpected big expense. You can prepare for these rainy days in so many ways. For example, if you save up in an emergency fund or build out your income streams, you’ll be prepared for unexpected job losses or big expenses. Telling loved ones how much you appreciate them while they’re alive will prevent any guilt you may feel from an unexpected death. You can have greater peace by having open conversations with people and planning ahead.


Every day is a new beginning and a new opportunity to improve things and keep growing. Do not focus on the past or what it could be, but work to improve your future prospects and gain greater learning. Keep your mind at peace, and remember that the world does not end with problems. Every day you have the opportunity to recalculate your course if necessary. Learning to interpret difficulties and not clinging to frustration takes time. It’s up to you to decide how you want to deal with problems. When we realize this, it’s actually more empowering than frightening, bringing more peace of mind to our life.

45 ways to find peace of mind

June 5, 2013 Life Inspiration

In our age of haste, lack of rest and excess of information, it is not easy to know Zen. We often get nervous over trifles. It's time to learn how to live differently.

We don't know how to deal with stress. For many, relaxation comes down to alcohol, coffee with a cigarette, or extreme hobbies. Meanwhile, there are simple methods to restore peace of mind in just a few minutes.

We remembered as many as 45 ways.

  1. Take a deep breath for one-two-three-four, hold your breath for the same count, then slowly exhale.
  2. Take a pen and write down your thoughts on paper.
  3. Recognize that life is complicated.
  4. Think of your three most successful events in your life.
  5. Tell your loved one what they mean to you.
  6. Sit down and do nothing.
  7. Allow yourself to sit back for a while.
  8. Look at the clouds for a few minutes.
  9. Imagine that you are seeing your life from a bird's eye view.
  10. Defocus your eyes and for a couple of minutes catch everything that happens around you with your peripheral vision.
  11. Give a small amount to charity.
  12. Mentally place yourself inside a transparent bubble that protects you.
  13. Put your hand on your heart and feel it beat. This is great.
  14. Tell yourself that you will stay positive for the rest of the day. No matter what.
  15. Be grateful that you don't always get what you want.
  16. Think about how you would live your life if you knew for sure that you would never become rich.
  17. Let your body do what it wants at this moment.
  18. Smell fresh flowers.
  19. Listen to your inner critic as if it were your best friend.
  20. Identify the tightest part of your body. Tighten it with all your might for a few seconds, and then relax.
  21. Go outside and touch something 100% natural. Feel the texture.
  22. Look around and label each object. Realize how simple these things really are.
  23. Smile the stupidest smile in the world and imagine what you look like.
  24. Think of your big problem as if it were a friend of yours.
  25. Imagine that your roots extend to the center of the planet.
  26. Massage your head with all ten fingers.
  27. Count from 10 to 1 and listen for the echo after each digit.
  28. Feel the ground beneath you with your bare feet and be aware of your connection with the earth.
  29. Stop focusing on other people.
  30. Dare to say no. Bolder.
  31. Write a list of all your problems. Then filter out the ones that don't depend on you or are not very important.
  32. Drink some water. Dehydration causes stress.
  33. Live within your means.
  34. Be aware of the difference between your desires and your needs.
  35. Sincerely apologize to… Well, you yourself know who you are to blame for.
  36. Think about the vastness of the universe and understand how invisible your troubles are.
  37. Refuse to give a quick answer to a difficult question and seek a solution at a deeper level.
  38. Make extra time for your child.
  39. Listen to white noise. It's relaxing.
  40. Write down the best advice you have ever received and apply it.
  41. Walk the dog. Maybe with someone else.
  42. Close your eyes and let the sun warm your eyelids.
  43. Admit your mistakes.
  44. Look at other people and realize that they are just like you, with their own hopes, dreams, fears and struggles.
  45. Agree that there will always be someone richer, smarter and stronger.

What are the psychological techniques that calm you best?

Read also 🧐

  • Understanding why you can't "just calm down"
  • How to Calm Down Quickly: 7 Science-Based Ways
  • Why Some People Get Annoyed for No Reason and How to Calm Your Nerves

How to find peace of mind and balance?

This world is in desperate need of hope and peace of mind. The world is the nature that surrounds us, it is our soul, our essence. We shape it and influence it. To fully understand its essence, it is necessary to take care not only of your physical health, but also of the state of your soul - peace of mind.


  • 1 Peace of mind in psychology
  • 2 Why is peace of mind lost?
  • 3 Keys to inner balance
    • 3. 1 Who do you surround yourself with?
    • 3.2 What information do you receive?
    • 3.3 Be a minimalist
    • 3.4 Take care of your body
    • 3.5 Find time to relax

Peace of mind in psychology

Many of us lack inner harmony. When problems arise in our lives, they often overwhelm us with their weight. We lose control, anxiety arises within us. However, taking care of the harmony of your mind, you can find peace of mind. In this case, no matter what happens in our lives, we firmly know that we will be able to cope with the problems that have arisen. People who understand this can turn difficult and painful situations into valuable lessons. They gain experience, not allowing to violate the inner world.

Inner peace has nothing to do with the absence of emotions and feelings. The best thing that can happen to us is harmony, in which there is no place for emptiness, unexpected love, idealization, because even love does not justify giving up oneself. Achieving inner balance is a unique way to support personal development.

Why is peace of mind lost?

The main obstacle to peace of mind is stress. Stress, as the number one enemy of modern society, does not like to keep calm, torments and oppresses us. Stress in any form interferes with the search for peace of body and soul. You can increase your resistance to stress by working on yourself, changing attitudes, habits or beliefs.

What disturbs peace of mind and deprives peace of mind:

  • haste that takes away peace;
  • chaos, causing confusion, tension and anxiety;
  • impatience leading to frustration.

For each person, finding inner peace is like getting out of a thick fog of restless thoughts that obscure a clear and distinct picture of reality. It is a way to find joy and peace within yourself. Inner harmony is a means of developing consciousness and, therefore, a method of getting rid of stress and its consequences.

Keys to inner balance

We often find it difficult to control the thoughts in our heads, which can lead to confusion, poor sleep, and even depression. So let's think about our mental state and try to find peace of mind. How to do it?

Who do you surround yourself with?

"Tell me who your friend is and I'll tell you who you are." Who we really are depends on the people we spend the most time with. And it's not just limited to our views, emotions, and relationships. Research shows that we even outwardly become like them.

If you surround yourself with people who "break" your wings, constantly whine, complain, use stimulants or criticize you, then you will not be able to maintain peace of mind.

What information do you receive?

We live in times when different, sometimes quite contradictory information comes to us from all sides. Most of it is negative. The number of these external stimuli is huge, so our mind becomes a trash can.

Do you need to log into Facebook or Instagram every day? Consider whether constant contact with social networks brings you any significant benefit? Most likely, they bring chaos into your life, like many news portals, TV programs or series.

Try to limit outside sources as much as possible to only those you really need and trust.

Be a minimalist

We are always missing something. We are constantly striving for new acquisitions - a new phone, a laptop, a fashionable watch. Only the most ordinary watches keep time as accurately as a prestigious expensive accessory. So do you really need all this?

Get rid of everything you don't use, don't clutter up your environment and your mind. Don't let outside forces tempt you to buy something you don't need at all. This art is called minimalism.

Take care of your body

What we eat, what we do with our body, has a significant impact on our mood and immune system. Ultimately, our peace of mind depends on it.

In addition, each person has a kind of vagus nerve that connects the mind with the body. The gut is sometimes called the “second brain,” which is why we sometimes have psychosomatic illnesses that involve psychological factors.

Find some time to rest

In today's fast-paced world, where high performance, increased productivity and the ability to quickly solve diverse tasks are at the forefront, it is difficult to find time to relax.

Set a time when you can relax quietly, for example half an hour before bedtime, one hour after work or after dinner. Make this time as important to you as the time you spend eating dinner, studying, or doing other important things. Mental rest is extremely important for achieving peace of mind.

Meditation? Rest at nature? Relaxation? Moments of silence, watching our thoughts bring order and harmony to our mind. You are calm and energized. This allows you to achieve inner peace.

Learn more