Help with diets
12 tips to help you lose weight
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Get off to the best possible start on the NHS weight loss plan with these 12 diet and exercise tips.
1. Do not skip breakfast
Skipping breakfast will not help you lose weight. You could miss out on essential nutrients and you may end up snacking more throughout the day because you feel hungry.
2. Eat regular meals
Eating at regular times during the day helps burn calories at a faster rate. It also reduces the temptation to snack on foods high in fat and sugar.
Find out more about eating heathily
3. Eat plenty of fruit and veg
Fruit and veg are low in calories and fat, and high in fibre – 3 essential ingredients for successful weight loss. They also contain plenty of vitamins and minerals.
Read up on getting your 5 A Day
4. Get more active
Being active is key to losing weight and keeping it off. As well as providing lots of health benefits, exercise can help burn off the excess calories you cannot lose through diet alone.
Find an activity you enjoy and are able to fit into your routine.
5. Drink plenty of water
People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. You can end up consuming extra calories when a glass of water is really what you need.
Read more about drinking water as part of a heathly diet
6. Eat high fibre foods
Foods containing lots of fibre can help keep you feeling full, which is perfect for losing weight. Fibre is only found in food from plants, such as fruit and veg, oats, wholegrain bread, brown rice and pasta, and beans, peas and lentils.
7. Read food labels
Knowing how to read food labels can help you choose healthier options. Use the calorie information to work out how a particular food fits into your daily calorie allowance on the weight loss plan.
Find out more about reading food labels

Using smaller plates can help you eat smaller portions. By using smaller plates and bowls, you may be able to gradually get used to eating smaller portions without going hungry. It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain it's full, so eat slowly and stop eating before you feel full.
9. Do not ban foods
Do not ban any foods from your weight loss plan, especially the ones you like. Banning foods will only make you crave them more. There's no reason you cannot enjoy the occasional treat as long as you stay within your daily calorie allowance.
10. Do not stock junk food
To avoid temptation, do not stock junk food – such as chocolate, biscuits, crisps and sweet fizzy drinks – at home. Instead, opt for healthy snacks, such as fruit, unsalted rice cakes, oat cakes, unsalted or unsweetened popcorn, and fruit juice.
11. Cut down on alcohol
A standard glass of wine can contain as many calories as a piece of chocolate. Over time, drinking too much can easily contribute to weight gain.
Find out more about the calories in alcohol
12. Plan your meals
Try to plan your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for the week, making sure you stick to your calorie allowance. You may find it helpful to make a weekly shopping list.
23 Tips for Weight Loss That Actually Work
Over the years, you’ve probably heard your fair share of wacky weight loss advice, whether it’s to drink celery juice every day or replace your meals with weight loss “cookies.” And often those tips are promoted by people without any health expertise. (Read: Proceed with caution.)
But just as there’s a ton of misguided weight loss advice out there to be avoided, there are also a lot of legitimate, research-backed, and expert-approved suggestions for people who are in the right mental health space and have weight loss as a personal goal.
One such tip is to pick a time to exercise — and stick to it. A study published in July 2019 in the journal Obesity found that exercising consistently at a certain time each day may help you successfully maintain weight loss.
More good advice is to choose nuts over heavily processed snacks. An article published in December 2019 in BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health found that cutting back on processed foods and upping how many nuts you eat by half a serving (for example, from half an ounce to 1 ounce) each day is linked with less weight gain and lower odds of obesity.
There’s also evidence that a weight loss counselor could help you trim your waistline. A study published in November 2019 in JAMA Internal Medicine found that for people with type 2 diabetes, pairing such counseling sessions (in this case, weight loss via low-carb dieting) with group medical visits helped them lose weight and take less medication compared with a group that did not undergo counseling. A win-win!
Your mindset can matter, too, when it comes to weight loss. Research published in February 2022 in the journal Obesity found that those who lost weight and maintained it embraced their setbacks, seeing them as temporary pauses in their plan, rather than as failures.
What doesn’t work? Endless dieting. In obese men, taking a two-week diet break may have aided weight loss, according to a small study published in August 2017 in the International Journal of Obesity.
Follow those sorts of tips and you just might find yourself shedding pounds. Discover other tips for losing weight here.
1. Eat Slowly“I have my clients learn how to choose foods they like, really taste each morsel going into their mouths, and chew deliberately. I advise them to chew slowly, swallow only when the food is all chewed up, and repeat. It takes time to know we're full. Eating slowly not only allows us to enjoy our food more but gives us better cues of satiety. ” — Janet Zinn, a licensed clinical social worker and psychotherapist in private practice in New York City
“So often we’re told what to eat, and then when we don’t like that specific food, we’re less apt to create long-term healthy habits. Try new fruits and vegetables. Find out how to prepare new dishes that provide variety and flavor. Add herbs and spices to elevate flavor. Or if you prefer, savor the sweetness of fruit and the depth of raw and steamed vegetables. There’s no reason that your relationship with food can’t be pleasurable.” — Zinn
3. Keep a Daily Gratitude Journal“Our eating habits are sometimes connected to our emotions, whether we realize it or not. When we're stressed, we may use food to help cope with the stress. I work with clients on keeping a daily journal of things they're grateful for — or even just a journal to write in when stressed — so that they're better prepared to cope with the stress by acknowledging it and utilizing other tools, rather than reaching for food as a coping mechanism. ” — Lauren Manganiello, RDN, a yoga instructor on Long Island, New York
“Every Sunday I batch cook enough chicken for the week. I cut off the fat, bake it with seasoning, measure 3.5 ounces, and put that much into a container with some mustard and frozen veggies, so I can grab one a day to bring to work. I also take the time to divvy up in individual containers ¼ cup of rolled oats, 1 tablespoon each of natural peanut butter and ground flax, and a pinch each of protein powder and cinnamon to sweeten. So when I’m a zombie in the morning, all I need to do is add water and microwave!” — Kyra Williams, a personal trainer in Boston
5. Don’t Forget the Weights“Make sure you are lifting weights two or three times a week. Using moderate to heavy weights — three or four sets of 10 to 15 reps with weights that challenge you — helps increase your muscle mass. When you have more muscle on your body, the food you eat is more likely to be utilized as fuel, rather than be stored as fat. ” — Williams
“A lack of sleep increases your hunger hormone, ghrelin, and decreases your satisfaction hormone, leptin, which can contribute to weight gain. When we are sleep deprived, we crave more salty and sweet foods. Why? Because anytime you feel more intense hunger, your cravings for higher energy — aka higher calorie — foods intensify. We also know that the way we think and process our emotions is affected by inadequate sleep, so it’s easy to connect this with an impaired ability to make sound choices in many areas of life, including with food. If we flip the coin, we can safely assume that when we are well rested, we will make better choices. When it comes to eating, that would mean that we would eat when we are truly hungry and eat just until satisfied. Our hormones are also going to be better balanced because our bodies got the time needed to sleep, repair, and refresh.” — Angela Lemond, a registered dietitian nutritionist in private practice in Texas
“Remember, our body's ultimate goal is to stay alive. As soon as we are being kept from calories, which are literally the life energy for our bodies, it will do things to survive. Our body knows what foods are higher in energy density, and we will crave those more. Honor your hunger and don’t allow your body to think it's being starved. This goes against many of the dieting tactics, but those tactics truly don't work well for people in the long term. I generally recommend eating every four hours.” — Lemond
8. Stay Hydrated“Research has found that people who drank two glasses of water before a meal lost more weight than people who didn’t drink water before meals — and they kept it off. This simple tip works in two ways. Thirst can mask itself as hunger, causing you to eat more. And water makes you feel fuller, causing you to eat less during a meal.” — Megan Casper RDN, a nutrition counselor and the founder and CEO of Nourished Bite
“By choosing options such as sharp cheddar over mild cheddar, you can use less, but you’ll still get a lot of flavor without feeling like you're on a diet.” — Casper
10. Weigh Yourself Once a Week“Same day, same time, same amount of clothing. Remember that your weight isn’t a single number but a five-pound range. Work to move the range down, not the exact number.” — Lainey Younkin, RD, a nutrition counselor and consultant in Boston
11. Reorganize Your Plate“Make half your plate vegetables, a quarter of your plate whole grains, and a quarter of your plate lean protein. When you switch the portions of grains and vegetables on your plate, you'll see a difference. The only caveat: Potatoes, corn, and peas are starchy vegetables, so they go in the grains category.” — Younkin
12. Start Where You Are and Do What You Can“Don't feel like you need to overhaul your entire life starting immediately. Assess where you are currently and then figure out where you’d like to be in the future. A great starting point for mostly sedentary people is to get a step counter and see how much you walk on a normal day. Then set a step goal slightly higher than the norm and strive for that, working your way up slowly to a goal of 10,000 steps per day.” — Esther Avant, an online sports nutritionist specializing in weight loss who is based in Kapolei, Hawaii
“Focus on the weight loss 'big rocks' — there are a few areas that will give you the most bang for your buck when you're trying to lose weight. Prioritizing those and letting go of all the minutiae that contribute to overwhelm will make reaching your goals feel easier and more sustainable. On the nutrition front, pay attention to calories, protein, and fiber. For exercise, prioritize strength training, daily steps, and recovery.” — Avant
“While the scale isn't useless, it also isn't the only thing that matters. To help you gauge progress that might not be reflected on the scale, take regular photos and measurements, in addition to keeping a running list of non-scale victories. This will help keep the scale in perspective and show you all the positive changes you're making to your health and overall lifestyle.” — Avant
15. Give Your Breakfast a Protein Boost“Aim for 15 to 25 grams of protein at breakfast. Protein is digested slowly and suppresses hunger hormones, helping keep you full. Additionally, a high-protein breakfast helps curb cravings later in the day. Pair protein foods with fiber and healthy fats, like two eggs with whole-wheat toast and avocado or high-protein frozen waffles with nuts, berries, and a little maple syrup.” — Younkin
16. In Fact, Consume Protein at Every Meal“Eating protein-rich foods at every meal, especially breakfast, can help shave extra pounds. Protein slows down the digestive process and positively impacts your hunger hormones. Protein can also do better at staving off hunger than carbohydrates. Protein-rich foods include quinoa, edamame, beans, seeds, nuts, eggs, yogurt, cheese, tofu, lentil pasta, poultry, fish, and meat.” — Christine M. Palumbo, RDN, a nutrition consultant from Naperville, Illinois
“The glycemic index ranks how quickly blood sugar rises after eating a carbohydrate food. Eating high-glycemic carbohydrate foods like white potatoes and refined bread, especially when eaten alone, will cause a surge in blood sugar, followed by a quick drop. This leaves you feeling hungry and wanting more food. More long-term studies are needed, but short-term studies like this research provide evidence there is a connection. High-glycemic foods are not totally off-limits though. When you work with a registered dietitian nutritionist, we provide individualized ways to help you balance nutrients to prevent spikes in blood sugar, which can help with curbing appetite. ” — Sue-Ellen Anderson Haynes, RDN, a national media spokesperson of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics who is based in Boston
“Fruits are low in calories and carry tons of nutrients like antioxidants and fiber. According to the CDC, only 10 percent of the U.S. population is meeting their fruit and vegetable intake. Using fruits for dessert will help you meet your daily requirements but also add flavor to your day. Many fruits can be sauteed, grilled, or baked. For example, grilled peach topped with vanilla yogurt and shaved almonds is amazing!” — Anderson Haynes
19. Eat Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince, and Dinner Like a Pauper“It's a saying that has many meanings, but you’ll want to take in more of your calories earlier in the day. A study published in November 2019 in the journal Nutrients found that subjects who were given small breakfast and large dinners lost significantly less weight than those assigned to a large breakfast and a smaller dinner. So here we see how smaller meals in the latter part of the day may be an advantage to those who want to lose weight and improve overall health. The interesting thing about this study was the time the dinner was eaten. They found that eating the main meal (larger meal) too late (after 3 p.m.) was associated with difficulty with losing weight. It’s important to note that this study is not saying that everyone should not eat after 3 p.m. Each person has individual needs, which may require additional snacks and food, such as those who are pregnant, are breastfeeding, have diabetes, or take medication that require certain foods. This is why it is so important that you seek a consultation with a registered dietitian nutritionist.” — Anderson Haynes
“Meal planning is one of my top tips for staying healthy and eating well. I'm such a fan of the concept that I wrote a book about it! Taking 5 to 10 minutes over the weekend to write out a menu for the week ahead will save you time, money, and unwanted calories down the road. Not sure what to make for dinner tonight? No worries, it's already on your menu plan. Menu planning is a great way to stay organized, and know what groceries you need to buy and what you already have on hand, and it will help ensure a balanced plate. Keep in mind, a night off from cooking and ordering takeout or making a frozen meal is a totally acceptable part of the menu plan. The benefit is knowing ahead that you'll be doing that so you're not scrounging when hunger sets in. And be sure to write down the plan — you're more likely to stick to it if it's in front of you as a reminder.” — Jessica Levinson, RDN, a culinary nutrition and communications dietitian and the author of 52-Week Meal Planner: The Complete Guide to Planning Menus, Groceries, Recipes, and More based in Westchester, New York
“Once you have your menu planned for the week, make a shopping list either on paper or on your phone — I use Notes, but there are apps for this, too. Knowing in advance what you need to purchase at the supermarket will save you time, reduce food waste, and prevent you from purchasing items that look appealing but you don't actually need. To stick with your list, avoid shopping when hungry or tired. Research shows an increase in impulsive behavior at those times.” — Levinson
“To cook healthy meals you need the right ingredients and kitchen tools on hand. Some staple ingredients I recommend having in your pantry, fridge, and freezer are low-sodium canned beans, canned fish, tomato sauce, whole-grain pasta, quinoa, brown rice, low-sodium stock, low-fat plain yogurt, a variety of fresh and frozen fruit and vegetables, olive oil, and dried herbs and spices. These are just some of the ingredients that can form the base of a healthy and delicious meal.” — Levinson
23. Have the Right Tools on Hand“Similarly, having a good mix of kitchen tools can help ensure easy, efficient, and healthy cooking. For example, a seasoned cast-iron skillet is one of my favorite pans to cook eggs, saute vegetables, and make pancakes, since I don't have to use as much oil or butter to keep food from sticking. Some of my other favorite kitchen tools are an immersion blender, Instant Pot, baking sheets, measuring cups and spoons, and a hand juicer. And of course anyone working in the kitchen should have a quality set of knives.” — Levinson
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Bydiets, menus and products, fitness program
When we set out to lose weight, we often hope for the maximum and fastest result. Is there a diet that will help you quickly lose 10 kg of weight without harming your health? We have collected real recommendations for you, not fantasy promises.
weight loss
healthy eating
Many girls are not ready to wait and want to achieve quick results in losing weight. A diet for 10 days, in which you lose a kilogram every day, seems miraculous and quite doable. But extreme weight loss is only suitable for those who eat under the supervision of specialists. This is a huge stress for the body. Or such a format is imposed by television shows, where the indicators are inflated for ratings. We will show you how to lose 10 kg so as not to feel constant severe hunger and have the strength to do your usual activities.
Do not self-medicate! In our articles, we collect the latest scientific data and the opinions of authoritative health experts. But remember: only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment.
Diet to lose 10 kg
You can lose weight if you have extra pounds in your body. If the weight corresponds to the physiological norm (but not to some far-fetched ideals), then it will be difficult to part with it. You can lose 10 kg in a month or a month and a half. But first you need to find out whether it is necessary for the body.
“Extra” weight is called “excess” for a reason: if you start eating right, the kilograms that are unnecessary for life will quickly disappear. If overweight is a figment of your imagination, but although you are sure that you need to lose 10 kg, the body will be reluctant to part with its legitimate kilograms. Our Body Mass Index service will help you calculate your ideal weight. By the way, scientists have found a new way to determine the norm of weight, which is more accurate than BMI.
It is realistic to lose 2-3 kg in a week, and in 3-4 weeks you can lose 10 kg. There is nothing criminal in the desire to go on a diet and "blind" the body of your dreams. But it’s better to go towards your goal gradually: the slower the weight goes, the less likely it is to return.
It's real to lose 10 kg quickly and effectively - you can go in for sports, give up your favorite food and achieve the cherished indicators. But do everything wisely: many girls, in an effort to quickly gain harmony, neglect the elementary rules of nutrition and cause serious harm to health.
How to lose weight by 10 kg without sports
There are times when it is simply necessary to lose weight quickly, because a photo shoot, a celebration, a vacation is coming. And now you are already looking for ways to quickly lose weight by 10 kg, preferably at home, without spending money on specialists and a rocking chair. In such cases, the simplest diets for 10 days are effective: buckwheat diet, fasting days on apples, grapefruits, kefir. Restrictions in the diet give a quick, but short-lived result.
A fixed-term diet is even good for the body. It makes it possible to quickly lose weight by 10 kg even without sports (although the muscles in this case suffer). But the effect is justified only if you prepared for extreme unloading: you started eating less in advance, refused flour and meat dishes. “Getting up” from a fast diet after obtaining the desired result should be gradual.
Is it possible to lose 10 kg and not wait for them back later? Yes, if you are ready to change your habits and give up food waste. Otherwise, they can easily return. Remember that when you return to a normal diet with your favorite treats, you will definitely gain weight again. Therefore, it is better to calculate the diet for a month, and then continue to eat right. Yes, not so fast, but reliable. And ideally, in general, lose 2 kg per month: in this case, the process of losing weight will take almost six months, but there will be no harm to health at all.
Minus 10 kg - is it easy?
Then get down to business wisely. A healthy and fast diet "Minus 10 kg" should last about six months - in the understanding of nutritionists, this is a short time. There are many examples when, following special diets, a person was able to lose 10 kg in a year. Protein and carbohydrate diets are two different approaches to weight loss, but they can be equally effective. Decide what suits you by consulting with a specialist and telling him about your taste preferences.
If you are not ready to follow complicated diet rules, calculate calories and read the ingredients of foods, stick to these simple principles (in general, this is how everyone should always eat). If you intend to lose 10 kg at home, at least choose the right nutrition program.
- Do not eat flour. If you can't refuse bread altogether, choose black and grain. Replace sweet pastries with fruit (which should also be eaten in moderation) and dark chocolate.
- Avoid sugar. Difficult? Put a calorie-free sugar substitute in your tea and coffee.
- If you want to effectively lose 10 kg, eat as little fried, spicy, fatty foods as possible. Steaming fish and meat is not difficult at all.
- Have a hearty breakfast and a light supper. You need to have dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime. Eat all carbohydrates (bread, oatmeal, nuts, spaghetti) in the morning and afternoon, eat proteins (cottage cheese, chicken, fish, eggs) in the evening. Do not mix protein and carbohydrate foods.
- Don't drink soda and sugary juices. It is better to follow this rule in any case, whether you need to lose 10 kg or not.
Such a diet, or rather, such a style of eating, will positively affect not only your weight, but also the condition of your skin, hair, and general well-being. Thanks to these changes, you are unlikely to be able to lose 10 kg very quickly, say, in a week (unless the weight was very large initially). But the loss of extra pounds will be slow, but sure. With gradual weight loss, the body will get used to the new weight and will not return the previous kilograms if you diversify the menu.
Lose 10 kg diet: fiber is your friend
Weight has risen and minus 10 kg per month is still a dream for you? Move to the next level. You already know about fasting days. Even if a diet that promises to quickly lose 10 kg does not suit you, you can achieve your goal if you learn to follow simple rules. You will have to gather your will into a fist, but fasting will not be a shock to your body if you can deceive it.
For such a maneuver, you will need a faithful assistant to everyone who wants to lose weight - fiber. In the form of granules or powder, fiber is sold in pharmacies. Reviews from those who managed to lose 10 kg of weight with her are pleasantly surprised by the changes for the better. It is tasteless, it should be consumed by mixing with natural yogurt without additives or kefir.
Fiber is not digested and does not “leave behind” calories: it passes through the entire body in transit, taking with it the excess. Its use will help any woman both to quickly lose 10 kg without special diets, and to tidy up the skin. Just limit calories and eat fiber before every meal so you don't feel hungry. You'll see - you'll get by with small portions and forget about overeating! Just remember to drink plenty of water when using this product.
Fiber “cleanses” the walls of the stomach and intestines. This is a very useful product, which plays a large role in many popular nutrition plans. An example is a diet minus 60. But be realistic: only thanks to fiber, you are unlikely to be able to lose weight in 1 or 2 weeks by 10 kg.
In general, you can quickly lose weight by 10 kg, for example, in 10 days you can only at the expense of water and intestinal contents, fat does not go away so quickly. We do not recommend drinking diuretics, but keep in mind that celery successfully eliminates excess fluid. By the way, this is a unique product. The body spends more calories on its digestion than it receives from the product itself.
Avoiding dinner will help you lose weight quickly. Have a hearty breakfast, have a late lunch, have a healthy snack with vegetables or fruits, and instead of dinner, drink a glass of kefir or eat a vegetable salad. By doing this, you will not harm yourself: at night, the body does not need calories and energy. By the way, another diet that will help you lose 10 kg and not only is the blood type diet.
Types of diet with the effect of minus 7-10 kg
Few diets will allow you to lose 10 kg in a week. In this situation, you need to completely refuse food and thereby acquire negative consequences for the body.
Most likely, water will run out during this period. Then the body will begin to get rid of fat deposits, but in the "lightest" places. And such a high-speed loss is fraught with an instant return of a kilo in a double volume. The reality is that if you lose 10 kg in 10 days, then the lost weight will return in the same period or even faster. And, most likely, with a double portion. But if you want to try it, go for it: we talk about different diets, and you just have to choose the right diet.
Diet Secrets
Even if you just don't eat after 6, you're already on a diet. But this is not the limit, and you can try different options for how a woman can lose 10 kg.
For example, a strict diet, thanks to which the bar of minus 10 kg is quite achievable, but at the cost of serious efforts. Often includes a single food item, such as apples and clean water, or is in a calorie deficit. Food is divided into 5-6 meals a day. The regime should not be long, because the body does not receive a lot of necessary substances.
The cleansing diet is considered less strict. The diet allows you to lose weight by 5-10 kg, since it is based on a low-calorie menu, the rejection of animal products, the use of vegetables and fruits, cereals and dairy products. Thanks to it, toxins and salts are removed from the body.
The lazy diet is built on water. You should not hope to quickly lose weight by 10 kg in a week, since the diet allows you to eat the same food. The trick is to drink two glasses of warm water before each meal and wait 40 minutes.
You must understand that 2 or 3 week diets that achieve minus 10 kg will always be based on the elimination of important macro and micro nutrients. During this period, you need to take multivitamin preparations to meet the needs and maintain balance. They, like the diet, must be agreed with the doctor.
And after you manage to lose 10 kg, you can’t start eating everything in a row, leaning on the taboo and left aside for a while goodies. You should come out of such a diet gently, gradually adding foods so as not to spoil the digestive system.
Products for weight loss
Diets differ not only in severity, but also in the types of products. Depending on your own preferences and the absence of contraindications, you choose your option, how and for how much to lose 10 kg.
Buckwheat diet refers to mono-diets. It is quite possible to lose 10 kg in two weeks. Although cereals are very healthy and rich in trace elements and can be eaten in unlimited quantities, such a diet is unacceptable in the presence of serious diseases.
The kefir diet is popular when it sets the goal of minus 10 kg in a short time, in general, reviews about it are positive. But you can sit on one kefir for 2-3 days. The rest of the time, this delicious drink helps out as part of other diets - it serves as a light dinner or snack.
The Fruit Diet provides lightness and is considered very tasty. For example, a watermelon diet for a week gives, if not minus 10 kg, then about 7, no doubt. Eat a kilo of pulp per 10 kg of your body weight. Only you should not have problems with the pancreas. By the way, with the help of watermelon, excess fluid, not fat, is mainly removed from the body, which means that the weight will quickly return.
Brazilian diet promises to lose 10 kg if you last a couple of weeks. The main preference is given to protein foods, which means you will be full. Fast carbohydrates, sweets and alcohol are completely excluded. And fruits, low-fat varieties of fish and meat, greens, eggs, vegetables are allowed on the plate. And lots of clean water. Diet for 14 days will work if portions are reduced to 200 grams at a time.
The Ballerina Diet is a special style of eating with many benefits. Dancers are not afraid of complex carbohydrates (rice, oatmeal), do not accept junk food, eat small meals five times a day, drink plenty of water (but not immediately after a meal!) and arrange fasting days (kefir, apples, tomato juice). As the girls who lost 10 kg on this diet say, the diet of ballerinas practically eliminates breakdowns due to hunger.
There are many useful products that can be part of your weight loss program. The space is great: from cucumbers to fish and yogurts. It doesn’t have to be a 7-day diet with minus 10 kg, but gradual weight loss will still occur if you review your diet and exclude food waste and sources of hidden sugar from it.
How to lose 10 kg with sports
Exercise alone is not very effective for weight loss, but if you combine fitness with diet, the results will be excellent. Sports, coupled with proper nutrition, will help you lose weight by 5, 10 or more kg. Listen to our recommendations.
- When exercising, be sure to consume enough protein - at least one and a half grams per kg of body weight. At the same time, purely protein diets are not suitable: without carbohydrates, you may not have enough energy for classes.
- Strength exercises help to sculpt the figure, but are not very effective for losing weight. It is better to prefer brisk walking, running, squats, climbing stairs, jump rope.
- Exercise 2-3 times a week, and the rest of the time try to lead an active lifestyle. Give up the elevator and short trips, walk more, lie on the couch less, and soon you will notice that the question of how to quickly lose 10 kg of weight is no longer in front of you. You made an effort and the excess weight melted away.
Photo: Getty Images
How to lose weight once and for all: diet, exercise, life hacks ? Our heroine Julia knows how to lose weight correctly and for a long time, and is ready to reveal all the secrets to you.

weight loss
Getty images
It's been a year now that I haven't gained weight again after another weight loss by the sea. All this time I eat my favorite food after 18:00 and sometimes after 23:00, I eat a lot. But I don't get fat anymore like I used to!
My clients that I reached out to stopped dieting and jumping cardio a week before the holidays, and chose the right weight loss strategy, as they aim to lose weight forever. They are no longer upset that they are slowly losing weight (2 kg per month), they are happy that they received an inoculation of the truth from endless advertising about a quick result for life!
If you are currently on another diet, then go make yourself a bigger sandwich and come back to finish reading this article! We will talk about how to lose weight once and for all. Or at least structure everything you need to know about it.
We lose weight for a long time with the help of a calorie deficit
First, let's figure out how the process of losing weight happens? So, in order to lose weight, whether slowly or quickly, we need to create a calorie deficit. That is, you need to spend more calories than you get. There are two ways to create a calorie deficit: food and exercise. There is also a 3rd one that complements food and fitness and is not a separate option to lose weight quickly and permanently: extra-workout activity (your favorite 10,000 steps).
How to lose weight correctly: calorie deficit
That is, you can cut food to the required deficit and start losing weight without going to the gym. Or you can eat chocolates and work out more in the gym than was eaten. In both cases, you will lose weight, another thing is that this will not necessarily be fast and correct.
And it is not known what exactly you will lose weight, waist or buttocks. The result is not predictable. In both cases. But what to do and what to do to lose weight forever and keep the weight off? This, unfortunately, is not written in the recommendations for any diet.
As they say: “When you lose weight, you realize that you were not loved not because you were fat, but because you were a fool!” In this joke, I found a deep meaning associated with the process of losing weight and the state you come to as a result.
To lose weight forever: diet or lifestyle?
So where do you start? First of all, choose a weight loss strategy for yourself by defining your goals. If you want to be in a resort in a month and, drawing in your stomach, take a couple of beautiful pictures for "Instagram (The social network is recognized as extremist and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation)" or conquer the man of your dreams, then you can risk all your health, because it is not worth it to you nothing while it's there! Quick weight loss was invented just for you! Get ready for serious stress for the body! Get on the "Dukan" - and in a month 4-5 kg of water, 2-3 kg of fat and muscle mixed will pour out of you. Just keep in mind that, as a rule, we have to choose what we want: to lose weight correctly and forever, or to lose weight quickly?
If you are ripe to lose weight once and for all, then let's figure out together why this strategy is correct and what result you will come to.
Calorie deficit options to lose weight permanently
Let's start with food. Any diet from the Internet is a huge calorie deficit, cutting food from your usual 2300-2500 to 1000 kcal per day, for example. Food by itself is of little importance to them. The point of any diet is to create a maximum deficit. Accordingly, the greater the deficit, the faster the process of losing weight.
But a large deficit is primarily a hormonal imbalance and a high risk of breakdowns, so it is unlikely that you will be able to lose weight forever.
In a long-term weight loss strategy, the calorie deficit should be small - 200, maximum 400 kcal per day. Never lower your daily calorie intake to less than 1500 kcal! This is the lowest threshold of a healthy norm for a woman over 16 years old.
With a small calorie deficit and proper work in the gym, you begin to lose weight precisely due to subcutaneous fat. The optimal weight loss formula is 3 weeks of deficiency, then 3 weeks of retention. That is, for the first 3 weeks you eat 200-400 kcal less than your daily allowance, then for 3 weeks you eat the daily allowance. But don't exceed it! It is important. Lost a couple of kilos. Then a new circle: deficit - retention. And so on until you get the desired numbers.
Since the body in this case does not experience excessive stress, we get a chance to lose weight once and for all and keep this weight in the future. I do not recommend sitting on a deficit without deduction, because there may be breakdowns that demotivate you to do this important thing, which will definitely turn your life around 180 degrees.
How to calculate your calorie intake to lose weight correctly?
Everyone has their own. And when it comes to a deficit of 200 kcal, it is important not to make a mistake with the norm. On this score, nutritionists and nutritionists have formulas based on your measurements. But if it is not possible to pass such testing, then the easiest way is to listen to your body through observations. Try for a few days to eat 3 times a day clean food (cereals, meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and 20 g of butter and vegetable oil in half) and observe changes in weight, and also count the amount of food.
It is very difficult to overeat with such a food basket if you do not add sugar and delicious sauce or start frying everything. After counting the daily calorie intake for 1-2 weeks and observing the weight, which is unlikely to change for the worse, you will calculate your daily allowance. This data will be exactly your body, which is very important in order to lose weight correctly and for a long time!
Then you will subtract 200-400 kcal from this norm to create a deficit. At least 200 is better than 300 or 400!
What to eat to lose weight?
All the informational chaos about how to eat this to lose weight, and how to wave your leg so that your ass is rounded is nothing but the content of phytonies for the same phytonies who have a lot of free time to run around the shops and look for chia seeds for lunch. But this is too convoluted way to lose weight easily and correctly.
Ordinary people who work 8 or more hours, raise children, and take care of other important issues, simply do not have the time and opportunity to live such a lifestyle. Carrying a container of food with you to work is cool, ordering ready-made food with normal KBJU is very convenient. But the most important thing in the matter of competent weight loss is that you do not get tired of these containers in a couple of weeks, and you would not give up an important undertaking. If you are used to chatting with colleagues during your lunch break in your favorite dining room, do not deny yourself this pleasure! Now you can find everything everywhere. The main thing is to be able to choose!
Remember that the most important principle of effective weight loss once and for all is that you should be comfortable. You don't have to feel like an outcast choking on lentils in the kitchen when everyone is going out to lunch.
Diet to lose weight for a long time
How to compose your diet after all? In the process of losing weight, only the calorie deficit matters, not your diet (for a healthy person)! You can eat chocolate and burgers and still lose weight. But if you replace delicious high-calorie food with “correct” (we are not talking about low-calorie), saturation occurs much faster, and the diet is more comfortable, and you lose weight faster, and the weight is easier to maintain. And the right food is the one that feeds your muscles, which has all the nutrients you need, which does not lead you to breakdowns on the path to the cherished "lose weight forever" and helps to start the acceleration of metabolic processes.
BJU formula for proper weight loss
Recall that BJU is: Someone comfortably perceives a decrease in fat and an increase in protein in food and begins to lose weight. I melted before my eyes when I increased the carbohydrates in my diet! Yes, yes, every day pasta and cereals - while minus 16 kg of pure fat! This question is individual, you will not find a single formula in the table, you need to experiment with the menu until you find the perfect formula. In any case, you will be able to quickly or slowly, but lose weight with a calorie deficit, however, a balanced diet will help start the necessary processes to lose weight and keep it off. Sometimes cutting carbohydrates towards protein will unbalance your appetite, and you will crave chocolate wildly. The main principle that you need to remember in order to lose weight once and for all: your every meal should contain proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. And the goal should be to form the right eating habits.
Nutrition is a culture of nutrition that helps develop them. To understand your eating habits a little better, you should turn to specialized literature or thematic sites: Margarita Koroleva’s author’s method “Lose Weight Forever”, Stasia Morozova’s system of the same name, and dozens, hundreds of blogs of other authors and trainers. Since they are all professional to varying degrees, it makes sense not to immediately rush to fulfill all the instructions, but to carefully evaluate what is proposed and listen to yourself!
Nutrients themselves are very important for the restoration of the “hormone”. A person with hormonal disorders needs the help of a nutrition specialist. Without such a consultation, it may not be possible to lose weight for a long time and maintain the achieved weight.
If you are a relatively healthy person, you can balance your diet on your own. Do not complicate this process for yourself, otherwise you will quit the process of losing weight without achieving a result! The fact that you will be counting calories for a while is already very emotionally complex. Start simple if it is not possible to make a menu with a specialist. Keep the balance in carbohydrates at the level of 70% complex and 30% fast. Protein at the rate of 1-1.5 g per kilogram of your weight (varies depending on the volume of your training) and minimum amount of fat. But do not abuse it with low-fat foods, you definitely need fats too! 5% cottage cheese is excellent in terms of fat content, it is quite within the rules of effective weight loss for a long time.
Change the ratio of BJU according to different formulas and watch yourself when you better tolerate a deficit of 200 kcal and when you lose weight.
Another question on nutrition on the way to the cherished "lose weight once and for all"
Can I eat after six? It doesn't matter what time of day you eat. The recommendation not to eat after 6 is due to the fact that in this case you skip one meal, which automatically cuts your diet by 25-30%, thereby forming a calorie deficit - and you start to lose weight. If you have already formed a deficit, you can eat at a convenient time for you and this will not prevent you from losing weight correctly.
It is not recommended to eat two hours before bedtime, as this adversely affects the recovery process. Well, in general, after 16:00, a person’s metabolic processes slow down, hence the support for the opinion that one should not eat after six. But they slow down - this does not mean that they stop, it’s just that work on achieving the goal of losing weight for a long time is slower. This is such an average temperature in the hospital, because if your main activity and training fall in the afternoon, your metabolism probably works differently. I managed to lose 16 kg in 5 months by eating every evening at 22:00 - 23:00, despite the metabolism!
Choosing workouts
So, after you have adjusted your diet, you should figure out the workouts: what program to choose, what load, what exercises and, in general, the type of fitness. There are many options, you can start from interests. But you are probably wondering why so many people go to the gym for years and still fall short of the ideal, or why there are so many obese people in marathon races.
The choice of sport and activity should be related to your goals. If you are thinking about how to create a beautiful body, lose weight forever and keep weight, then your activity should be 70-80% associated with training aimed at increasing muscle mass.
Muscles for girls: why, if we just want to lose weight for a long time?
Why do we girls need muscle mass, you ask. Well, at least in order to eat more and not get better. With good muscle mass, you can afford to eat your favorite foods, and in solid amounts.
Well, and most importantly, muscle mass is needed if you want to have a beautiful body, it is easier to lose weight and maintain weight in the future. Pay attention to people with the same weight and different percentages of muscle and fat mass. A girl with a good muscle mass of 60 kg looks much slimmer and more attractive than a girl even with 50 kg, but with a small percentage of the same muscle mass. Why is that? It’s just that fat has a loose structure and visually a small 50-kilogram girl can resemble a plump Thumbelina. And a juicy muscular lady of 60–65 kg will become an ideal model for underwear.
Losing weight the right way: strength versus cardio
Why is strength exercise given priority? But because only with them we will be able to grow muscle mass, which is so necessary for a beautiful body. Cardio, on the other hand, burns muscles along with fat. And they have many contraindications and negative effects on the process of losing weight. From cardio, you really want to eat, which leads to breakdowns in nutrition and causes terrible discomfort if we are in short supply. And we remember that stress really interferes with finally losing weight once and for all! Also, cardio leads to sharp jumps in cortisol, which negatively affects the process of losing weight.
But people are used to comparing calorie consumption in cardio and strength training without taking into account the essence of what we need from training. Although calorie consumption during cardio training can be twice as high, it is longer in strength mode, calories are consumed during the day after strength training. And most importantly, cardio has nothing to do with the growth of muscle mass, which is so necessary to lose weight relatively easily, quickly and correctly!
Why do you need a coach in the process of losing weight?
When you hear phrases such as "The 5 Best Butt Workouts" or "Fat Burning Full Body Workout", etc., it's just an abstraction and an allegory that helps to describe one of the tools of one of the workouts. And in order to lose weight, keep weight and create a beautiful body for many years, we should first of all talk about a training program. It needs to include periodization from strength to volume training, and progression of weights, and various exercises for the same muscle group at different inclinations, and different loads on different muscle groups due to the features of the figure, and the development of various functional skills.
To do this, I recommend finding a professional trainer who is deeply immersed in the topic, has experience with similar tasks and will help you avoid injury from self-study with the wrong technique. Well, if your coach turns out to be a charismatic specialist who can not only competently work with your body, but also provide the necessary psychological support and motivation, then this is 90% of success in the process of your transformation.
In general, psychological support is extremely important in order to lose weight once and for all, especially for those who have just given up on numerous diets that promise to quickly get rid of tens of kilograms and have chosen a proper weight loss strategy. A lot of interesting things about this can be found in the book by psychologist Artyom Ovechkin “To lose weight forever? Easily!"
Please note that when a professional athlete prepares for a competition, he always has a coach, even if this athlete himself can easily prepare other people for competitions. This is so because it is very difficult to train yourself even for a professional. We feel sorry for ourselves and underwork the necessary couple of repetitions, which will give the long-awaited effect in order to lose weight for a long time. Well, if you are not related to sports, then it is very difficult to create a program for yourself and set up a technique, which is proved by the examples of many people who regularly work out in the gym on their own and have not even achieved any even average results in creating the desired figure.
Important points that are often ignored when wanting to lose weight quickly
This is a dream. A lot has been written and said about this. I’ll just say: if you don’t get enough sleep, then the effect of your efforts in training is almost halved and nutritional breakdowns inevitably follow, which prevents you from losing weight easily and correctly. Our muscle fibers are restored during sleep, and if there was little time for sleep, then the muscles did not recover, and therefore did not grow. And we have found out that the presence of muscles in the body is the key to a beautiful figure.
Weight loss rate once and for all
Optimal weight loss is 1.5–3 kg per month. I'm talking, of course, about pure fat. You must understand that losing 2 kg per month is very good, although Tanya's girlfriend lost 7 kg per month - and this is a bad result. Here more means worse! It left quickly and will return quickly. A slow pace is preferable to lose weight permanently. Why am I focusing on this? Because you must have an adequate perception of this process. One of our clients, after a month of intense training and normalization of nutrition, did not want to extend the weight loss program, and I asked her: "What's the matter?" She replied: "I only lost 5 kg from your training, it's so little..." Only! Just imagine that a woman lost 5 kg in a month, and if in a year, it will be 60 kg! Few?
Please be reasonable and think long term! Take two years to properly lose weight and create an ideal figure, and during this period you will be able to achieve stunning results, and most importantly, having achieved the result, keep your weight. You can decrease by 2-3 clothing sizes in the first six months, but the rest of the time will be spent on creating proportions and relief.
And more! Don't focus on weight. He can stand for a long time, and then sharply show minus 1-2 kg. This is due to the peculiarity of fat loss. In the end, all you have to worry about is losing pure fat. An ordinary centimeter tape can serve as a home reference for you. And professionally - caliper or diagnostics of body composition.
Losing weight properly with hormone problems
If you know about hormonal problems, then go to a nutrition specialist who will restore your hormonal levels. And as a result, weight loss will be a side effect. After that, you will be able to independently balance your nutrition, lose weight and maintain weight.
What if you need to lose weight quickly for a trip to the seaside?
To understand whether you will do it or not, here is a visualization table of two strategies.