Hardest personality type to date
6 Myers-Briggs Personality Types Who Always End Up In Bad Relationships
Not every single one of our relationships is going to work out in the long run. Unfortunately, breakups (as difficult as they can be) are a natural part of life. But they also aid us by bringing us closer to finding who we really should be with.
While everyone will probably have at least one relationship that ends in their lives, there are others who seem to be stuck in a neverending cycle of them.
The truth is that some of us just aren't great when it comes to relationships. It may sound harsh, but not all of us were born romantics. And there are certain personality traits that can contribute to us having unsuccessful romantic lives.
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Some personalities are just better at handling love and relationships than others are, and our Myers-Briggs personality types can give us a lot of information about how people handle romantic relationships. Depending on what type a person has, there are particular quirks that may be holding them back from having a lasting, strong connection with another person.
So, which personality types are more likely than others to end up in relationships that don't work out?
Here are the 6 Myers-Briggs personality types that can't seem to stay in good relationships.
INFPs are hopeless romantics. They often will create a very specific image in their head of what the perfect relationship looks like to them and have a list of requirements sitting in their imaginations waiting for any possible romantic partners.
But no one can ever measure up to that ideal image they've created in their minds, and when an INFP starts whipping out those requirements, the real problems start.
INFPs don't realize that having these flawless standards for a relationship is completely wrong and can be very toxic. And this is where they always crash and burn when it comes to their romantic life.
An INFP's comparisons of the person they're with to what they've thought up as the perfect partner in their heads lead to serious conflict. However, this type tries to avoid conflict at any cost — even if that means the end of a relationship, which it often does.
ENTPs are big on personal growth and improvement, and this usually extends into their relationships as well. Because of this mindset they have, they often seem more like a boot camp instructor than a romantic partner.
They are driven by this need for constant improvement and can be very aggressive when it comes to this part of their personality. They have no problem pushing their partners to their limits and can be very demanding and even sometimes competitive towards their partners.
ENTPs have a habit of wearing down their significant others fairly quickly, which usually is the reason why their relationships fizzle out.
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This Myers-Briggs personality is the kind that can have an extremely hard time holding onto a romantic relationship. Their alpha personalities often cause them to immediately assume the dominating role in a partnership.
In other words, they don't understand that it's called a partnership for a reason. This is because they tend to take relationships a little too seriously.
ENTJs are also guilty of making the harmful mistake of making decisions for both parties, including the decision of whether or not they deem the relationship to be one that's worthy of continuing long-term.
They're quick to cut ties without even getting their partner's opinion. They can be pretty ruthless when it comes to romantic relationships, and this is generally their downfall to having a successful love life.
This type is one of the most spontaneous. They like to live fast and have fun. Although this can make for exciting relationships, they are also short-lived.
An ESTP really never thinks about the long-term. This puts a huge obstacle in the way of their love life because they can never seem to move their relationships into a deeper, more meaningful place, which is crucial to having one that will last.
They also get bored very easily and tend to make impulsive decisions because of their boredom. And when they do get bored, an ESTP will waste no time moving on, often doing so at the expense of their partner's feelings, which isn't a strong point for them either.
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Relationships rarely ever come easily for this type. The act of entering into a relationship is very difficult for an INTP as they can be extremely shy, and meeting new people is not one of their strong suits, so they usually wait for the other person to make the first move.
Navigating matters of the heart with this type can be pretty tricky. Once they do get into a relationship, they're loyal partners who take their couplings seriously.
However, it doesn't always seem this way to their partners. INTPs are infamous for lacking when it comes to the emotional part of a relationship. They have trouble expressing their own feelings and have no grasp of their partner's emotional needs, either.
People of this type are introverts who tend to always internalize their emotions, especially in romantic situations. They seem selfish in relationships because if they ever do express themselves, it will usually be whenever it suits them, instead of when they should address their partner's needs.
Another big relationship flaw the INTP personality type has is not placing importance on planning. They usually won't remember certain dates or other significant times that occurred in the relationship, which frustrates their partner.
They don't comprehend that things like date nights and other romantic social plans, little gifts, and surprising their partner can be a valuable part of having a good relationship. These are some critical weaknesses this type has a hard time overcoming in their relationships.
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Relationships with an ESFP can be tough because they just can't seem to ever figure out what it is they really want. Their perception of what they want out of a relationship and life, in general, can change in the blink of an eye, causing confusion and even suspicion in their partners.
Partners can end up questioning an ESFP's integrity and wondering if they're mature enough to handle a serious relationship, which is actually true.
This personality type is fun and carefree, which carries over into their love lives — oftentimes a little too much. This type tends to view romantic relations as casual and fun. They don't plan for the future or work on building their relationships, which causes them to end up jumping from one relationship to the next.
Unfortunately, due to this, ESFPs tend to end up in dead-end relationships.
This type also can fall victim to people who intrude on their relationships. They can be greatly affected and influenced by their loved ones' opinions and can sometimes be easily persuaded by these opinions, even in regards to their romantic lives.
Sadly, an ESFP will even sometimes end a relationship because they care about the opinions of others over their partner's and their own opinions.
RELATED: The Most Controlling Personality Types, Ranked
More for You:
Sloane Solomon is a YourTango editor and writer who covers pop culture, lifestyle topics, and love and relationships.
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Dating Styles By Myers-Briggs Personality Types—Including Bad Habits
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Here’s a fun newsflash for you: We (literally all of us) are terrible at dating. If you can find me one person who is good at showing up to a bar and exchanging get-to-know-you small talk with a stranger for 1.5 hours while laughing the correct amount and at places in the conversation where it makes sense 100 percent of the time, then I will show you an alien invader from another galaxy who is trying to live among us but didn’t do enough research. There’s no doubt about it—we are all trash when it comes to dating. BUT, Don’t you want to know what brand of trash bag you are? Here, your worst dating habits, according to your Myers-Briggs personality type.
I can, nay, must harness the power of the Myers-Briggs to scry your exact dating style based on your MBTI. I know what you’re thinking: I’m too special. There’s no way you can tell my extremely specific dating style based on my Myers-Briggs type! But I’ve been down in my laboratory doing all sorts of personality test sciences and only now do I emerge with my results.
And I hate to break it to you, but these things are 100 percent, empirically accurate. It’s a done deal! I’ve done all the hard, gristly labor down in the Personality Mines and now all you have to do is scroll down and see what your dating woes are. The good news? No type’s dating flaws are impossible to change—except for INTJ’s! Just kidding, INTJs, you know I love you.
Read on to know how you ruin dates, you sweet attractive date-ruiner, you.
Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
Look, it’s not your fault you’ve got a competitive side! What probably is your fault, though, is managing to find your date’s board games closet early on in the relationship and crushing them so far into the dust at Monopoly that they’re no longer able to consider you a sexual prospect. Win some, lose some, I guess.
Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
You confound people by being soft and sensitive while also fighting like a deranged coyote against any sort of entanglements. You’re either ready to elope or looking to run away at a moment’s notice. Not sure if you know this, but “Let me be free, but also don’t let me go!” is what those of us in the dating world refer to as a ~mixed message~.
Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
Every date you’ve ever had has been your Absolute Soulmate because, turns out, it’s much easier for you to discover the five things about a person that are FANTASTIC than the 10 things that are annoying, tiresome or conflict with your schedule. Ah well, on to the next One!
Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
Arriving with a bulleted list of Relationship Objectives to accomplish might be a bit intimidating to some folks. Perhaps consider that not every human interaction requires a five-year plan for a first date.
Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
You’re constantly showing up late to dates because you got distracted by yet another artsy documentary about bees you found on Netflix. And even when you finally arrive, you’ll still be still preoccupied with the bees! No surprise, your dates will definitely call you emotionally unavailable.
Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
Things go really well until a couple of months in when you realize you’re the only reason they’ve made it to any event/function/dentist appointment and you’ve become the legal guardian of their houseplants and pets. You might want to consider cutting down on your emotional labor—or at least start sending invoices for it.
Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
Sure, the person you’re kind of seeing is cute and nice and smells good, but they only hit five out of the eight criteria on your list of necessary personality traits. And it would just be sloppy of you to overlook that!
Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
You might not make the biggest first impression, but it’s only because you’re busy running a mental inventory on all the blankets in your home and wondering how many you could physically wrap around yourself at once the second you get home. Who could blame you?
Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
Congrats! You’re a great partner! Until the impulse to drive across the country or apply for an artist residency in France or burn all your credit cards and live in an abandoned bus in the woods kicks in and you totally blank on the fact that you were seeing someone until the next calendar year.
Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
Your date likes you fine, but you immediately wear them out with Fun Date Activities. Trying to cram in a hot air balloon ride, mime classes and an Ocean’s 11-style jewel heist into one night might seem romantic, but it’s also just the teensiest bit exhausting.
Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
You suffer some basic breakdowns in communication. You thought “date” meant they would shut up and let you talk about a book on the history of celebrity animals you just read, but now they want to talk about feelings or something? Like, they don’t understand how important these archival images of dogs on unicycles are??? SMH.
Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
Congrats, you took it too seriously. What did you take too seriously? Whether it was discussing whose family to spend Christmas with on date three or just really overdoing it when explaining the correct way to parallel park, your lack of chill did you dirty.
Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
You’re extremely trusting, which isn’t bad! It usually inspires people to be trusting in return! But there is a limit on that, and you probably shouldn’t keep offering to co-sign a lease for someone on a second date. Not everyone is as open and honest as you are.
Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
Your date runs out of steam after having to scale the side of a building to retrieve you after a comedic bit goes wrong. Don’t worry though—it was a really good bit and definitely worth the fire department being called. It’s just that your date has to go lie down now. But maybe they’ll call!
Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
You’ve noticed your love interest has been a bit cold to you lately—but, in their defense, you guys have never actually spoken. I know you think your routine of smiling and almost making eye contact when you ride the elevator together seems bulletproof, but you might have to actually exchange words at some point to start something for real.
Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER.
Look, you’ve gotta stop responding to simple questions about yourself as if you are under a full FBI inquisition. The conversation might flow better if someone doesn’t have to reach for a crowbar to pry even the smallest details out of you. When your date asks you what you like to do in your free time, they’re not looking for a means to destroy you—you can just tell them!
Personality types: main differences and their characteristics
Contents of the article
All people are different: someone likes to lead an active lifestyle and communicate a lot, it is easier for someone not to stand out among others, someone is prone to sensitivity and excessive self-criticism. Since ancient times, scientists and philosophers have been interested in the topic of personality classification, many theories have been developed, some of which have become part of modern psychology. In this article, we will briefly analyze the psychological types that the Soviet scientist A.E. Lichko developed while observing adolescents. It is in adolescence that individual character traits and psychological characteristics are quite strongly manifested, which are smoothed out during growing up, but can manifest themselves at a moment of crisis. Even more types of personality classifications can be found in the free online course "Typology of Personality" on the platform "Russia - a country of opportunities".
Asthenoneurotic type
People with a weak nervous system who are characterized by low stamina, irritability and overwork. They get tired more from psychological stress than from physical exertion. When working for a long time, they need frequent breaks, in general they like to work at their own pace. Such people are hard to switch from one activity to another, it is better not to distract them from the process once again. Any unforeseen situations cause them irritability and anxiety. But these people are very careful and disciplined, they can spend hours doing monotonous work that does not require speed.
Unstable type
Complex personality type, which is characterized by irresponsibility, idleness and addiction, for example, from alcohol, drugs, games. Such people strive for pleasure, they want to constantly relax and have fun. They often have problems with work, they do not want to study and grow professionally. This type of personality can be called a real hedonist who sees entertainment and enjoyment as the main goal of his life. The positive features include openness and sociability.
Conformal type
People who strive to live like everyone else and do not want to stand out from the crowd once again. The opinion of others is very important to them, they try to earn the praise and approval of others. Basically, the way of life of such people directly depends on the society in which they live. If there are religious people around them, then the conformist will be a believer to the point of fanaticism. It is also difficult for them to change something in their lives, it is difficult to pull them out of their comfort zone. Positive features include low conflict, friendliness, devotion and diligence.
Labile type
Empathic people who can feel the mood and feelings of others well. They often make outstanding psychologists and social workers. They are open and always ready to help and support with a kind word. But this type is very sensitive and touchy, does not tolerate criticism in his address, cannot stand loneliness and changes in life.
Cycloid type
People who are prone to sudden mood swings experience strong emotions - either they are overly happy, or they feel sad on the verge of depression. They cope with internal experiences for a long time, they are distinguished by excitability and irritability, sometimes aggressiveness. The positive traits include sociability and friendliness.
People with excessive impressionability, vulnerability and openness. They can get excited about simple things that most people don't notice. They also keep pleasant and unpleasant memories for many years, which flash in memory as if in reality. This type of personality is difficult to tolerate public criticism, is very afraid of being ridiculed. Positive traits include increased morality, compassion and sociability.
Psychasthenic type
People who are prone to introspection and reflection like to delve into themselves and criticize for shortcomings. They have an excellent memory, so they remember their mistakes well and often engage in self-flagellation. Hence, they have a lack of confidence in their abilities, they take too long to make decisions, doubt and are afraid to stumble again. The positive features include loyalty and reliability, they will never betray loved ones and will always stand up for their own.
Schizoid type
Closed and unsociable people who do not know how or do not want to build close relationships with others. But they do a great job of maintaining business relationships. They have a rich inner world, into which they prefer not to let anyone in. Many people have high intelligence and out-of-the-box thinking. But they practically do not know how to recognize other people's emotions.
Epileptoid type
The most complex type of people, prone to breakdowns, aggression and pedantry. They seek to subjugate everyone, to win an authoritarian position. Such people do not know how to build friendly relations at all, they can vent evil on others, they are very scrupulous about the work of employees. But personalities of this type can be strong leaders.
Hysterical type
Personality type requiring increased attention to oneself. They need constant admiration and reverence. Indifference to their person is the worst scenario for them. Such people are prone to fantasy and lies in order to create a vivid image for themselves. However, they make excellent actors and presenters.
Hyperthymic type
Active and cheerful people who are almost always in high spirits. They are sociable, a little frivolous, generally do not tolerate monotony and monotony, often prone to unjustified risk.
Personality types | 16Personalities
Imaginative, strategic thinkers with a plan for all occasions.
Creative inventors, with a strong belief in the power of knowledge.
Brave, resourceful and strong-willed leaders who always find a way - or make a way.
Smart and curious thinkers who never turn down an intellectual challenge.
Quiet and mystical, but inspiring and relentless idealists.
Poetic, kind and altruistic personalities, always ready to stand up for a good cause.
Charismatic and inspiring leaders who captivate their listeners.
Enthusiasts, creative and sociable free minds who always find a reason to smile.
Practical and factual people whose reliability is unshakable.
Very responsible and kind protectors, always ready to protect their loved ones.
Excellent administrators, unsurpassed specialists in process and people management.
Extremely caring, sociable and popular people, always ready to help.
Brave and practical experimenters, masters of all kinds of techniques and tools.
Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new.
Intelligent, energetic and very receptive people who truly enjoy risk.