Graduation advice from parents
Graduation Quotes from Parents : The Best of Life
Best Party Ideas | Inspired Living
Graduation is right around the corner and that means teens will be moving onto the next stage of their lives. Luckily, there are graduation quotes from parents that you can use to express the feelings you thought might not have words.
The best graduation quotes from parents can help you express your pride, joy, and love for graduates of any year. Graduation season also means that elementary students are moving onto middle school, middle school students are moving onto high school, and college students are starting lives in the real world.
There are plenty of big changes coming your way and it could be difficult to find the right words to say. Words carry a lot of weight to them. People say that actions speak louder than words. But words are powerful enough to cause action.
We can use them to inspire and motivate people in ways that really make a difference. That is why graduation quotes from parents are so important. You could help motivate and inspire your child as they move onto the next stage of their lives.
You have been there, you have done that, but now it is their turn to place their stamp on this world. The words you say could make all of the difference.
Today is your day. You’re off to great places! You’re off and away!
Graduation day is an important day, it is a milestone that signals the future is coming and is yours to take.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
We often forget our goals as life happens. But we should all make it a point to remember where we started and where we want to go.
Ways to Share
You can use these graduation quotes from parents in many different ways. Print them out and use them to inspire or write them in a card that you want to give to your graduate. The goal is to let them know that you are proud of their accomplishment but that the future still lies ahead.
It is important to remember that there are still many different accomplishments headed your way and each one will be worth it.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you’ve imagined.
Confidence is one of the most important things we take with us as we leave school behind for the next step of our lives.
Your graduation is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.
We all don’t have to be leaders all of the time. But we must always lead our own lives to reach the goals we set for ourselves as we leave school.
To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe.
We believe in our dreams all throughout school, but something happens as we reach adulthood, we forget them. It is important to use graduation quotes from parents to remind ourselves and our children to never let go of those dreams.
Now that you’ve graduated, just remember: Bosses don’t usually accept notes from your mother.
There is nothing wrong with a little humor as our children walk off that stage and into their futures.
Special Moment
Graduating from any level is a special moment. It signifies the accomplishments that your child has made be it a kindergarten graduation or a college graduation. That is why it is important to take these moments and give them the acknowledgment they deserve.
Do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.
The effortless way is to follow others down their paths in life. But this isn’t hiking, it is time to trailblaze your way through life. That is a great reminder to make with these graduation quotes from parents.
When you embark for strange places don’t leave any of yourself safely at the shore…Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory.
This quote reminds us all that doing something halfway isn’t doing it at all. We have to have the courage to move forward through life, giving it our all.
Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow. It’ll soon be here.
There is no need to give yourself anxiety over the future. But you should try and make sure that every move you make is a step in the right direction.
All our dreams can come true…If we have the courage to pursue them.
Courage. It always comes down to courage. Asking for a raise? You’ll need courage. Blazing a new trail? That requires some courage. Achieving our goals requires courage. Be courageous.
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11 Words of Wisdom for a Parent Whose Child is Graduating
Cue Pomp and Circumstance. Graduation season arrives soon!
If you have a child who will soon cross the stage to obtain a diploma, you might feel a bit overwhelmed. Elation and hope may whirl through the spin cycle of your heart along with nostalgia and trepidation. Can you stop the swirling thoughts long enough to enjoy the important occasion?
Having been through my own children’s graduations, I offer a few words of wisdom I wish someone had shared with me at the time. I’ve included advice for the time leading up to the big day, encouragement for graduation day itself, and recommendations for moving ahead after the event.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/Rattankun Thongbun
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Before the Big Day
Ask Your Child What He or She NeedsAs graduation day approaches, the list of things your child needs to complete may be longer than his graduation gown: Study for finals. Finish term paper. Pick up that graduation gown. Plus, she might be a mess of conflicting emotions. Joy at finishing a life milestone may rub up against sadness at leaving friends. Find out how you can help your child. Maybe he needs a listening ear. Or someone to proofread the history term paper. Perhaps she wants someone to quiz her on chemistry terminology. Offer to pray for any specific requests your child has.
2. Find Time to Do Something Fun with Your Child
If possible, schedule some time alone with the graduate. Shop together for the graduation dress. Go to her favorite coffee shop. Stop for an impromptu ice cream treat on the way back from soccer practice. Enjoy each other’s company—even if only for a few minutes.
3. Speak into Your Child’s Strengths
Your child may need some friendly reminders and a little coaxing to get everything done in this home stretch. But take the opportunity to also express your pride in the person your child has become. Praise his hard work in the academic arena or her perseverance to make the varsity tennis team. Share fond memories of choir concerts and school plays they participated in. Balance any needed instructions with sharing the joy you’ve found in parenting this remarkable person.
4. Entrust Your Child to God—Pray!
As your active parenting role diminishes, you may find yourself worrying if your work with them is enough to prepare them for what’s ahead. Will they make wise decisions? Will they find their way in a confusing, complex world? When these thoughts start to spin, turn them over to God. Release your child into the hands of a God who loves them even more than you do. Pray for their future with confidence that their heavenly Father will watch over them even when you can’t.
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2. On the Big Day
5. Share Stories of Your Graduation
Don’t necessarily mention that you were valedictorian or gave the commencement speech. But talk about any feelings you had. Nervousness? Excitement? Reminisce about any goofy outfits fellow students wore under their gowns or silly things they wrote on their mortarboards. Find something to laugh about.
6. Be Present
So much will happen on graduation day that could pass by in a blur. Remind yourself to pay attention to what is happening in the moment. Imagine you are acting as a movie director, carefully watching every element of the ceremony, etching the details onto the screen of your memory. Listen closely to the sounds. Sense the excitement. Look your child in the eye. Take pictures—but not at the expense of enjoying the event.
7. Expect Intense Emotions
One minute you may be bursting with joy and pride. The next second might find you full of sorrow at the end of a chapter with your child. No need to berate yourself for these fluctuating feelings—it’s normal. Perhaps warn your family that you might become a blubbering mess at the drop of a mortarboard. And don’t forget to pack extra tissues!
8. Lay Ground Rules for Your Child
If your child will still live with you after graduation or come home for extended visits, you may want to discuss expectations moving forward. Now that they have become adults, graduates may presume total freedom. But if they live under your roof, you will probably need to establish standards of curfew, help around the house, and possible payment of rent. Discussing details can help prevent big problems later on. Consider setting a date for three or four months ahead to review and reexamine the rules.
9. Be Careful with Unsolicited Advice
Don’t offer a constant stream of “You should…” or “If I were you…” statements. Think back to when you were a young adult. Advice from a parent may have impelled you to do the exact opposite. Instead, gently ask questions to help them think about aspects of their decisions they may have not considered. And remember to praise your child when he makes good choices.
Photo Credit: ©Sparrowstock
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10. Take Time to Grieve (or Not)
Many parents experience a significant feeling of loss when their child goes off to college or moves across the country for a new job. Gone are the days of dinners together, conversations in the car on the way to school, and watching their basketball games or school musicals. The days may seem empty and dreary. On the other hand, if you aren’t experiencing empty-nest sadness like your friends, don’t assume something is wrong with you. Everyone experiences life’s milestones differently. Either way, find a good friend who will listen. Take your feelings to the God who understands them all.
11. Find a New Rhythm
If this graduation means you’ve officially become an empty-nester, you will begin a new chapter of your life. Even if you still have children at home you may find yourself with a bit more time with one less mouth to feed and one less load of laundry to wash. Take this opportunity to care for yourself. Rediscover interests and hobbies that have lain dormant during the busy parenting years. Sit down with a cup of coffee and list things you’ve long wished you had time for.
Do you want to learn to paint? Join a hiking club? Get training for a new career? Visit old friends? Begin meaningful volunteer work? Write anything and everything down. Then ask God to guide your choices and perhaps discuss your options with a respected friend who has walked this road before you. Start with one small activity as a bold step to a new life.
As the orchestra plays Pomp and Circumstance and you proudly watch your child wave her diploma, rejoice in the gift you had in parenting her. Cheer on your son and watch as he steps into a new phase of life. Enjoy each moment of the ceremony. Relive old memories and prepare to make new ones.
Thank God for the gift of family. Things may change but you will always be your child’s parent. God chose you to raise this amazing person. Ask Him for wisdom in navigating the road ahead as the relationship with this young adult grows and matures.
Graduation means your child will embark on a different and exciting stage of life. But don’t forget you will also begin the next chapter of your story. While this new phase may seem unfamiliar and a bit scary, trust God to walk beside you as you discover a new purpose in your life. Look ahead to fresh, fulfilling activities. Anticipate some grief, but expect new joys.
Originally published Wednesday, 11 May 2022.
5 tips for parents and students from a professional host
Graduates of 4th, 9th and 11th grades have a series of meetings ahead of them, at which they will have to agree on how the holidays will go. Yes, so far in advance: you will be surprised, but some classes have already managed to book sites. And it's not in a hurry. It’s just that preparation takes a lot of time, it will be difficult to organize such an event in a month. Professional host of the holidays Alexey Lukiyanchuk shared his advice for those who first set foot on the trail of school graduations. Let's figure out how to arrange a cool memorable event without unnecessary nerves. nine0003
Graduations in 4th, 9th and 11th grades are different holidays: each has its own program
Children grow and change, and the approach to organizing a holiday should also change. In grades 4 and 9, this is most often an individual format, when one class gathers with parents. In the 11th grade, this is a large platform, the entire educational parallel, along with relatives and teachers. For children in the 4th grade, a two-hour program with a break for dancing is suitable. 9th grade is a difficult transitional age, here you need to adapt to the characteristics of the audience. In the 11th grade, this is already a large-scale party in which graduates themselves readily take part. nine0003
Aleksey Lukiyanchuk– All programs preserve the main idea – the cohesion and importance of the family and the meeting of generations, – says Aleksey. - The work of the teacher must be noted, and the graduates must also be given the floor. A script is not just a set of contests. The programs are united by directing and a common "skeleton": an introductory part, plot development with the involvement of the public, lyrical moments, wow effects, games and flash mobs, dance breaks, a beautiful finale... But the "stuffing" is different. In my work, I use my own ideas, as well as materials from professional seminars and forums, where I constantly visit as a guest and speaker. Of the recent ones, for example, the forum of the International League of Leaders EVENT CITY, which took place in St. Petersburg in early October. nine0003
Photographer, videographer, presenter, choose according to recommendations
Ask your friends for advice - some of them must have recently come across the organization of a holiday: a birthday, a wedding, a corporate party . .. For teachers, graduation is an annual story, so that they know exactly who to contact. Host, photographer, DJ, operator - this is not a part-time job or a hobby, but a full-fledged profession.
- The holiday industry is developing very actively today, - says Alexey. – These are meetings, communication with colleagues from all over Russia, exchange of experience. But no matter what fancy programs the presenter offers, the main thing is the presentation anyway. The ability to find contact with the audience, involve all the guests, create an atmosphere. nine0003
The event can be organized for you, but you will get the best experience from participation
You can choose photos for the presentation in advance so that you can watch it together at the event. Photos of different years of study will allow you to remember the best moments of school life, and pictures with relatives will once again emphasize that graduation is a family holiday. By the way, the photo search itself is a great plan for a cozy evening with parents and friends.
You can prepare a surprise for future graduates - do not hesitate to show talents
- As a surprise, there may be a dance, a song, now they often shoot videos. And together with the class teacher, you can prepare a response surprise from the graduates. The main thing is to keep the preparation process a secret.
There are many examples of graduation videos from parents on the Web:
Points to pay attention to when organizing a holiday
Gathering guests is an important part of the holiday atmosphere. You can organize a photo zone, a lemonade bar, invite a musician, a magician or a caricaturist ... For instant shots, set up a photo booth or “Circular Selfie” - a platform around which the action camera rotates: you get a video with 360 ° coverage. So graduates will be more liberated and will no longer be shy before the start of the main program. nine0003
- It doesn't have to be big, too much is bad too. You can make several activity zones, and then bring all the guests together. Prizes are a trifle that can change the course of the evening for someone. Modest guys, after they were marked with gifts, often become more active. Gifts can be given not only for participation in competitions, but also for being the first to enter the dance floor, for example. As prizes, lottery tickets for a party where you have to erase a layer to find out what you won are suitable. And compliments from the presenter definitely go to everyone. For example, I make balloon figures for children. nine0003
The main program of the holiday includes a grand opening, interactive activities and competitions using, among other things, multimedia equipment. Touching lyrical moments, surprises and wow effects that will impress any of the guests. Invited artists can take part in the celebration. And in the end, of course, a disco.
– Contests can be based on popular show formats, says Alexey. - In my program there is, for example, the musical “Own Game”, in which the meeting of generations takes place. There are nominations with songs that graduates listen to, and there are favorite songs of parents. It's cool when parents choose and sing TikTok for 400.
In the game "Battle of Generations" the questions are specifically asked in reverse: graduates - about parents, parents - about children. For example, a question about phone models. Adults, most likely, will remember, but do young people know...
And in the "Schoolology" competition, you have to look for logical connections and answer questions. Guess what school subject is encrypted here? The answer is at the end of the article.
– Of the invited artists, I most often work with the magician Dmitry Antonov, the Cuban dancer Pablo Collado, the cover band At the moment dance!, the show ballet “Legends of the North,” advises Alexey. - And when the time comes for a lyrical moment, I spend "Soul Karaoke", at the end of which the graduates invite their parents to dance. As a final chord, a video can be made, which is recorded throughout the graduation and quickly mounted at the end of the holiday. nine0003
The main thing at graduation is the time you spend with your children. Let attention to each other become the main part of the program, and our ideas will be useful for mood. Organize everything in advance, and in the spring and summer, according to tradition, we will collect your happy photos from the holidays in a group.
The answer to the riddle about the school subject: Music. Composers are encrypted in the pictures: Tchaikovsky, Strauss and Glinka.
Advice for parents
Advice for parents
Based on our many years of experience working with PTAs, we are happy to share some helpful tips for prom celebrations.
Graduation for graduates and let this be the key phrase!
It is for this reason that we recommend that you first ask the guys what format of the
holiday is closer and more interesting to them
Of course, you say you can’t please everyone. And this is true, but why not hold a regular vote among the students of the class, the result of which will help determine the choice. Voting should contain options for holding a graduation, which will later form the basis of the concept of the holiday and its scenario. Below we offer the most popular options that can be used in such a survey:
Classic graduation in a restaurant in the center
Graduation in nature in a country restaurant
Graduation on a boat
Graduation in a restaurant + a night walk on a boat with a disco
Graduation in a loft space in the format of a party
Discuss with the budget02
It's not easy. We often hear from representatives of parents' committees how difficult it is to "adjust" to everyone. After all, families are all different, incomes and opportunities too. But you still have to come to a consensus. When making a prom budget, be sure to include the so-called “unforeseen expenses” in it. This will help in the future if you forgot to take into account anything. When contacting our agency, you can always request a detailed calculation of the cost of graduation. Among other expenses, congratulations for teachers, flowers, as well as custom-made graduation albums are traditionally taken into account. nine0003
Should teachers be invited to the celebratory banquet or not?
This is also a frequently asked question by parents. From experience, we see how spiritual holidays turn out to be with the participation of beloved teachers. Their presence at the festive banquet is never superfluous, as well as the presence of the parents of graduates. However, taking into account budget issues, it is far from always possible to invite the full teaching staff. In this case, we recommend that you limit yourself to inviting the class teacher and, if possible, the first elementary school teacher. Regarding the cost of participation of teachers. Teachers are invited guests to your holiday on a par with their parents. The cost of participation of teachers is payment for a banquet menu in a restaurant. As for seating arrangements, of course, a separate table for teachers is organized in the restaurant. The scenario of the holiday must necessarily contain an emphasis on their presence, as the presence of the dearest guests. nine0003
How many parents can be called
Our answer is unequivocal - in any! Unfortunately, sometimes parents think that their presence at the graduation will be superfluous and refuse to go to the celebration. We will agree with this decision, but only if the graduation format is a party in a loft space or the graduation will take place on a ship, where the total number is limited. In all other cases, we always recommend parents to go to the holiday! After all, you and your child have traveled this path since the very first grade. School is a part of life, and parents lived this stage with their child. With the right seating at the banquet, special places are provided for adult guests. The only thing we recommend when choosing a restaurant is to initially take into account the approximate number of parents and provide such information to your organizer. nine0003
Together with the parallel class or separately?
If there are two or more parallel classes in the school, then of course we recommend uniting. First of all, it is always cheaper, and in the second, the holiday will turn out to be more voluminous in terms of the show program and atmosphere. We are often asked what to do if the classes are not friendly with each other or parents cannot find a common language. In this case, we often act as a mediator, organize a joint meeting with parents of parallel classes in our office. We have a lot of arguments that should help in deciding on a joint graduation
Prefabricated graduation pluses and minuses
Now the so-called "prefabricated" graduations are offered on the market of event services. The essence of such a proposal is to hold a common holiday for different schools on a single banquet area with a large capacity (from 300 to 500 people at the same time). The only plus in our opinion is the possibility of creating a varied show program. This is logical and correct given the declared number of participants. However, we view this format differently and see the situation from a different angle. When interacting with completely alien people - graduates, teachers and other participants, it is not possible to create a spiritual atmosphere that is inherent in an individual graduation. In our opinion, the format of the prefabricated prom, for all its solidity, outwardly represents only a concert with a banquet. We are often asked what photos from the prom in the "collection" format can be obtained at the exit. There is only one answer - general and it is unlikely that your child will specifically get into the frame. In any case, parents choose how to celebrate the end of school - individually in their own environment or in the company of others in a huge restaurant. We, in turn, do not organize prefabricated graduations, but offer exclusively copyright and private events. nine0003
Or maybe organize a graduation party yourself and save money?
There are parents who believe that contacting a professional event agency is necessarily expensive, which means they decide to organize a holiday on their own. It is difficult for us to give any advice here. No one like us, with our vast experience, knows the full degree of responsibility and the amount of work to be done. However, this kind of organization occurs surprisingly periodically. In this situation, we can advise you to carefully choose services, be sure to conclude contracts with all contractors on the basis of prepayment, and most importantly, devote yourself to control and coordination on the day of the prom. nine0003
Is it possible to organize and hold a very small prom?
Private schools with a limited number of students in the classes, the refusal of some graduates to participate in the holiday (this, unfortunately, also occurs) are the reason for the formation of a very small number of participants (less than 20 people). In this case, we offer the development of an individual scenario on special conditions. And when parents and teachers join, there will be a sufficient number of guests at the banquet, and then it will be possible to completely close the restaurant or banquet hall.