Genogram instructions pdf
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Explaining genograms - Biological Child Foster Child Adopted Child Stillbirth Twins Identical Twins
Biological Child
Foster Child
Adopted Child
Twins Identical Twins
Children: List in birth order beginning with the oldest on left
‘92- ‘94- ‘95- ‘03- ‘03- ‘04- ‘04- ‘05-
‘97- -‘99 -‘
Standard Symbols for Genograms
LW 9 8-99 A ‘
m 1970
written on left above of symbol
$100, ‘41-
an X through Symbol Age at death in box Death date on right above symbol
written inside symbol
Birth Date Age Death
Significant Institutional Connection
Man to woman
Woman to man
Transgender People
####### 23
written above birth & death date
‘82- 1943-
Location &
Annual Income
Family Secret
Person who has lived in 2 + cultures
####### Heterosexual
Marital Separation
met ‘88,, m ‘90 s ’95 m ‘90 s ’95 d ‘
m ‘90, s 95-96, s 96, d ‘ remar ’00, rediv 02
####### Divorce Divorce and Remarriage
m 1970
LT ‘
####### LT = Living Together
m ‘03 m ‘
Secret Affair
Affair ‘
Couple Relationship
Rel 95, LT 97
####### “spiritual” connection Close
####### Physical or
####### Psychological illness
####### Alcohol or Drug abuse
####### Suspected alcohol
####### or drug abuse
####### Physical or
####### Psychological illness
####### in remission
####### In Recovery from
####### alcohol or drug abuse
####### In recovery from
####### substance abuse and
####### mental or Physical problems
####### Serious mental and
####### physical problems
####### and substance abuse
Symbols Denoting Interactional
Patterns between People
Symbols Denoting Addiction, and Physical or Mental Illness
####### Fused
####### Hostile
####### Distant Close-Hostile Focused On
####### Fused-Hostile Cutoff Repaired
####### Physical Abuse Emotional Abuse Sexual Abuse Caretaker
####### Cutoff
Egg donor
Sperm donor Surrogate Mother
Gay Couple whose
daughter was
with sperm of
John and
an egg donor, and
carried by surrogate
mother till birth.
Lesbian couple
whose daughter
was conceived
with egg
of one partner
sperm donor.
####### $100,
####### 35,
####### $45,
John Jenny C.P.
Highland Park, NJ
Arizona London San Francisco
H.+ Secretary
Peter M.B
Alicia P.h
Mark B. History Prof Computers
Annual income is written $28,
just above the
birth & death date.
Typically you would include
the person’s occupation
and education near the
name and the person’s
whereabouts at the top
of the line connecting to
the symbol.
59 52
32 30 24
m. 1970
Artificial Insemination
Symbol for Immigration =
Language Problem
m ‘85 d ’
1st 2nd 3th
1st 2nd 1st
2nd 3th
m ‘90 d ’00 m ‘
m ‘83 d ’88 m ‘89 d ’93 m ‘
Husband, His Current Wife and his Ex-Wives (who are shown lower and smaller). Husband’s wives may go on left to be closest to him. Indicators “1st,” “2nd” etc. make clear the oader of his marriages.
Wife, Her Current Husband and her Ex-Husbands (who are shown lower and smaller). Wife’s previous relationships are shown on left to keep children in birth order, since they remained in her custody.
Couple with 3 year old, showing their previous spouses (smaller) and those spouses’
new partners (even smaller)
Couple living with their joint child and her child from a previous relationship. The other spouses of the partners are shown smaller and lower on either side of the present household, indicated by a dotted line.
m ‘77 d ‘
‘55- ‘65-
m ‘81 d ‘
m ‘87 d ‘
m ‘92 d ‘
‘82- ‘84- ‘94-
m ‘85 d ‘
m‘ 90 d ‘
m ‘95 d ‘
lo. m ‘02 m ‘99 d ‘
23 21 11 2
‘03- ‘95-
m ‘94 d ’99 m ‘02 m ‘94 d ’98 m ‘90 d ’
18 13 8
8 9 14
97- 02- 96- 91-
how to chart a family tree
The genogram allows you and your family members to see your family tree in a useful and creative way light. This is a great phasing tool. space system of your whole family and using the Mind Model as your guide, you will be able to recognize hereditary family diseases, and as well as negative emotional patterns and relationship patterns, personal characteristics and family beliefs, passed down from generation to generation. It helps the next generation overcome family illnesses and all family members to cope with family problems, improve relationships and maintain the strength of family ties.
Compiling your genogram, try to be detailed and as detailed as possible. Include both negative and positive emotional patterns, all important details of medical records, etc. d.
Remember also that climbing the family tree can be nice, but more often it is tiring, and sometimes scary. Inspire everyone family members to contribute contribution to the construction of the genogram. Usually the more help you get, the better your genogram is obtained.
Your genogram has seven parts, each of which will be useful in its own way. try fill in each part as far as it Maybe.
1. Family tree:
Start with a diagram your family tree. For everybody men use a square, and for each woman - a circle. Picture your own position, then yours spouse and children, as shown in scheme 2. This will be the "core of your family" and the center or “trunk” of your family tree.
Now expand your scheme to include various branches of your family tree. go on expand the schema until you picture your parents and all of them children, your grandparents, and their children. Don't worry if you don't you can show all the details. Just draw circles and squares for as many family members as you can count.
Then number your circles and squares and fill in each name and age as shown in figure 2. So so you can refer to each person by number or name. In the end enter dates of marriages (B) and divorces (P).
2. Medical information:
tracking history of family illnesses and ill health can be very helpful if you know what to look for. Such diseases like diabetes, alcoholism, disorders cardiac activity, pancreas glands and liver are sometimes transferred genetically. Arthritis, multiple sclerosis, stress reactions and emotional disorders such as obsessions, depression, hostility and excessive guilt or sensitivity complex, are likely to be more important than broken legs (unless, of course, in your the family has a predominance of the broken legs!). The point is not to let go recurring disease visual fields, conditions or ill health in your family tree.
3. Emotional patterns:
See what every person has feelings to yourself, to others, and to life. Some may be open, receptive, cheerful, lucky or optimistic. Other may suffer from depression phobias, severe disposition, disgust, jealousy or negativity. you usually you can define these patterns by setting Questions such as: "Do you think what five words best describe grandfather?" Then compare how you see grandfather, with the way they see him other.
One of the members families might say, "90% of the time my grandfather was angry", the other joins the conversation and adds: “Yes, and for the remaining 10% unfortunate!" Children can understand how grandfather developed their negative emotional habits, knowing that he was always angry. It may also help the present generation to overcome these "inherited" patterns.
Family genogram as a tool for psychological counseling
Type of education:
Additional General Education Program
Length of study:
1 month (22 hours)
Payment terms:
Form of study:
Correspondence with the use of distance learning technologies
Document type:
Expiry date certificate validity :
Nearest dialing:
December 2022, January 2023
Tuition fee:
3 000 ₽2 000 ₽
- 33%
Certificate of attendance.
Unlimited validity
Type of education: Additional general education program
The additional general education program is aimed at meeting the educational and professional needs, professional development of a person, ensuring that his qualifications correspond to the changing conditions of professional activity and the social environment, at obtaining new competencies and professional development.
Duration of training: 1 month (22 hours)
The program of each course provides for a certain number of hours to study a particular discipline and topic. The program also includes homework assignments, their verification and discussion with the teacher.
The declared term of study in months assumes a calm immersion in the subject - training in free time from the main activity, in the mornings, evenings or on weekends.
Payment is made by account, in any convenient bank.
Form of education: part-time, using distance learning technologies
Distance education is the most convenient way to study online,
without leaving home.
Immediately after enrollment, you will have access to the system and will be able to study at the time and place that suits you. Course materials available
24 hours a day, the system works seven days a week.
Online learning does not exclude homework and communication with teachers, all this is also done in the system.
Moreover, you will pass the final exam at home, and you will receive a diploma (or certificate) by mail or using the courier service
in 3-5 days.
Nearest enrollment: October 2022, November 2022
Due to the convenience of the distance learning format, study groups are recruited quite quickly.
To apply for admission, please contact us by phone 8 (499) 490-06-81 during business hours, or better leave your contacts in the form for receiving a consultation or enrolling in a course, request a call back.
Our specialist will contact you and advise on all issues
and tell you about the documents required for admission.
Of course, all documents are submitted online!
The promotion is limited in time!
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not only convenient, but also profitable.
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To do this, contact the academy during the promotion period and tell the manager that you want to enroll later, but at current prices.
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Program goal:
One of the effective methods in dealing with marital or parent-child conflicts is a genogram, which allows you to track patterns of behavior in the family, its history and traditions, emotional illnesses of previous generations, and also find out what exactly family members expect from family relationships.
The purpose of our course is to give students knowledge in working with family crises and generational conflicts, to teach them how to help relatives build harmonious relationships and raise happy children.
Access to the webinar library for 3 days
To all webinars, in all areas of NADPO. When buying a mini-course
The main objectives of the program:
To understand the peculiarities of the influence of parents on the life scenario.
To study the defects of intergenerational transmission in the family.
Understand the place of the genogram in family psychotherapy.
Learn how to conduct genogram interviews.
To master the recommendations for self-analysis of the family.
Learn to build questions in self-analysis of the family.
No. | Name of disciplines | Total labor intensity, in acad. hours | The work of a student in SDO | Forms of intermediate and final certification (DZ, Z) | ||
Lectures | Testing | Practical exercises | ||||
one | Family genogram as a tool for psychological counseling | twenty | fifteen | one | four | |
1.1 | The role of parents in shaping the life scenario of the child | |||||
1. | Concepts and methods of intergenerational transmission and defects in intergenerational transmission in the family | |||||
1.3 | Work with genogram in family counseling practice | |||||
1.4 | Features and stages of interviewing by genogram | |||||
1.5 | Recommendations on family position, stereotypes of interaction and roles in the family system of a particular family member | |||||
1. | Formation and construction of questions during self-analysis of the family | |||||
final examination | 2 | Final testing | ||||
TOTAL | 22 |
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Teaching methods
1. We have developed the educational program of the mini-course for family psychotherapists so that training is easy without loss of quality. And the students went through professional retraining to the end, they did not quit halfway because of the huge amount of information and complex tasks. They could combine study with work or parallel education.
- The course is concise, but of high quality.
Teachers selected the most important information for lectures and webinars based on the requirements of professional standards, the Federal State Educational Standards, and personal work experience. Theoretical materials are presented in an understandable language, in a concentrated form, without "water" and off-topic lyrical digressions.
- You can complete practical tasks, take tests and tests at a convenient time within the study schedule.
- We help students not to be afraid of tests, tests, exams. For example, we give 3 attempts to pass the final interdisciplinary exam. Tests for intermediate modules and disciplines can be taken an unlimited number of times.
2. Students get access to the distance learning system (LMS). During the course, they get acquainted with educational materials, perform tasks uploaded to the LMS. Passing intermediate tests and final certification.
3. We use several types of content for theoretical training in professional retraining and advanced training programs.
- Course materials - manuals, lectures on the program. The texts of the training materials are uploaded to the LMS in the form of PDF files. It is convenient to work with them: repeatedly re-read, download, print.
- Webinar Library. Webinars are not available for all topics of the curriculum. The library of webinars is constantly updated. You have unlimited access to webinars for all Academy programs.
4. Practical training of students is based on the study of typical working moments. We give creative tasks, teach how to make lesson plans that will be useful in the "field conditions".
Learning Outcome
You will master the actual psychological method necessary for effective corrective work with families.
You will gain a deep understanding of your own family system, the history and traditions of your family, and will be able to correct relationships with relatives in a positive way.
You will have the right to apply the acquired knowledge in family counseling, to help people get to know themselves and their immediate family members better.
After completing the mini-course and successfully passing the final assessment, you will receive a certificate of participation.
Requirements for listeners
For admission to study, citizens of the Russian Federation, along with the application, must provide:
- Identity and citizenship document.
- Documents are accepted in electronic form (scan or photo of good quality) in JPEG, JPG, PNG, doc, docx, pdf formats.
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"Family genogram as a tool for psychological counseling"
No.![]() | Name of disciplines | Total labor intensity, in acad. hours | The work of a student in SDO | Forms of intermediate and final certification (DZ, Z) | ||
Lectures | Testing | Practical exercises | ||||
one | Family genogram as a tool for psychological counseling | twenty | fifteen | one | four | |
1.1 | The role of parents in shaping the life scenario of the child | |||||
1.2 | Concepts and methods of intergenerational transmission and defects in intergenerational transmission in the family | |||||
1. | Work with genogram in family counseling practice | |||||
1.4 | Features and stages of interviewing by genogram | |||||
1.5 | Recommendations on family position, stereotypes of interaction and roles in the family system of a particular family member | |||||
1.6 | Formation and construction of questions during self-analysis of the family | |||||
final examination | 2 | Final testing | ||||
TOTAL | 22 |
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* - as of December 1, 2022
Distance learning programs at the National Academy of Additional Professional Education are divided into areas and provide education in the framework of professional retraining or advanced training. Choose the direction you are interested in, in each of them our teachers have prepared for you over 10 training courses, lasting over 100 hours of distance learning, after which you will receive diplomas and the most useful values that will definitely come in handy in your work and help you become even more professional in your field.
We understand that education is of paramount importance in the modern world, skills and knowledge, supported by a diploma, are the key to successful career growth. We also understand that in the modern world it is extremely difficult to find time for education, therefore all our programs are qualitatively adapted to the distance learning format - you do not need to go anywhere and waste time on the road, moreover, distance learning allows you to study in a more flexible schedule .
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Important questions
What does advanced training give?
Advanced training gives you the opportunity to gain new knowledge, skills and abilities within your professional activity in a short time.
Upon completion of the professional development program, you receive a certificate confirming the improvement and (or) acquisition of new competencies necessary for professional activity, and (or) professional development within the existing qualification.
What equipment is needed for distance learning?
Computer with internet access. It is desirable to have a webcam.
What document will I receive upon graduation?
Upon completion of the professional retraining program (over 250 hours), you will receive a diploma of professional retraining.
After the completion of the advanced training program (from 16 hours) you will receive a certificate of advanced training.
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