Funny babies cartoon

Funny Baby - Illustrationen und Vektorgrafiken


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Coole Baby einen Schnuller saugen. Kind mit Sonnenbrille. Kind-Sym

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Niedlich bunten Monster alles Gute zum Geburtstag Karte ausgeben.

Süße Monster grüßen Karte. Lustige bunte Monster alles Gute zum Geburtstag Karte. Vektor eps10

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Crying Baby

Ein Cartoon weinendes Baby in einer Windel.

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Niedliches kleines Baby in Windelständer auf Kopf

Aktives Baby im Alter von 6 Monaten bis Jahr spielen. Kleinkind auf dem Kopf. Erstes Jahr des Kindes. Gesundes Babyspiel. Vektorillustration isoliert auf weißem Hintergrund.

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Gekritzel bunte Alphabet für Kinder

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Storch liefert Baby und Begegnungstaube

Vektordarstellung des Storches, der ein Baby zur Welt bringt, und der treffenden Taube

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Nette lustige Mädchen Teenager farbige Aufkleber set, Mode, cute...

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Set von kleinen Jungen und Mädchen schlafen in ihren Betten....

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Süße flauschige Einhorn Lamas (Alpaka)

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Schwangerschaft Geburt Mutter Baby Icon-Set

Niedliche Stil-Vektor-Symbole über Schwangerschaft, Geburt, Mutter, Baby.

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Niedlichen Cartoon flammendes Sammlung

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Satz von positiven inspirierenden Zitaten. Magische Kalligraphie...

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Lustige Wald Alphabet für Kinder

Lustiges Waldalphabet für Kinder. Vektor-Illustration

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Cartoon-Zeichnung einer neugeborenen Babyfigur

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Symbol Emoticons-süße Baby (Verrückter, Weinen, Lächeln, Schlafen

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Kinder Schriftart im Cartoon-Stil "Kindheit."

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Kleinkinder und Flasche

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Lustige bunte Cartoon Schriftart. Kinder Englisch Alphabet.

Bunte Cartoon lustige Schriftart. Vector englisches Alphabet. Kinder lateinische Buchstaben.

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trauriger Vater mit weinenden Sohn

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Elternzeit abstraktes Konzept Vektorillustration.

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Säuglings neugeborenes Baby groß eingestellt in verschiedenen...

Säugling Neugeborenes Baby groß gesetzt in verschiedenen Aktivität isoliert auf weiß. Kind und Kleinkind, Junge und Mädchen kleines Baby. Vektor-Illustration

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Niedliche kleine Pinguin-Comic-Figuren set für...

Süße kleine Pinguin-Zeichentrickfiguren für das Etikettendesign. Pinguin-Aktivitäten mit unterschiedlichen Emotionen und Posen. Bunte detaillierte Vektorillustrationen isoliert auf weißem Hintergrund

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Wilde Haustiere gesetzt. Wilde Tiere Tiger Koala Faultier...

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viel Spaß springen Spaziergang Tanz Spiel Superhelden Fußball-Vide

Vater und Kind Sammlung, Papa mit Kindern Junge und Mädchen haben Spaß Jump Walk Tanz spielen Superhelden Fußball Videospiel, nehmen Sie Selfie, Umarmung Kuss, lesen Buch, Bewegung, Fütterung Baden, Mann mit Kinderwagen und Baby Wrap Vektor Illustration isolierte Szenen

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Little boy und girl Reise mit Raumschiff

Vector kleiner Junge und Mädchen reisen mit dem Raumschiff

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Lustige Bugs. Cartoon niedliche Insekten mit Gesichtern, Raupe...

Lustige Bugs. Cartoon niedliche Insekten mit Gesichtern, Raupe Schmetterling Hummel Spinne Larven bunte Charaktere. Vektor-Designs Illustration lächelnde Kreatur mit Augen für lernende Kinder

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Baby Spuren Vektor-Illustration-Set - Paare von rosa und blauen...

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Kleines Mädchen und ein Bär Bücher lesen

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Kleiner Sonnenschein

Ein glückliches Baby mit einer Rassel in einem Kinderwagen an einem hellen, sonnigen Tag. EPS 10, gruppiert und beschriftet in Schichten.

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Monster-Frame. Niedlichen Cartoon beängstigend Zeichensatz....

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Babyfrosch mit rosa Blume isoliert auf weißem Hintergrund....

Entzückender Babyfrosch mit rosa Blume. Isoliert auf weißem Hintergrund. Aquarell handgezeichnete Illustration. Perfekt für Kinderkarten und Poster, Kleiderdrucke, Aufkleberdesign, Scrapbooking.

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Bunte Retro-Musterdesign - Mosaik Kurven Textur. Mode-Design 80-90

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Satz von lustigen Kindern. Glückliche süße Doodle Kinder. Eine...

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Baby mit Rassel

Ein lachendes Baby mit einer Rassel isoliert auf Weiß. EPS 10, gruppiert und beschriftet in Schichten.

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Babys in Windeln legen.

Süße kleine Babys in der Nähe von leerem Textrahmen. Glückliche Kinder in Windeln stehen, sitzen, krabbeln, schlafen, winken mit der Hand. Kinder, die ein weißes Banner halten. Aktive Kleinkinder. Vektorillustration für Babygesundheit und -pflege.

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Neugeborenes. Säugling Kleinkind Jungen oder Mädchen in Aktion...

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Bunte nahtlose geometrische Streifenmuster.

Gestreiftes buntes, nahtloses geometrisches Muster. Vektorhintergrund.

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Zigeunerwagen, Kinder, die mit Hund im Freien spielen

Illustration aus dem 19. Jahrhundert.

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Satz von Baby-Dusche-Karten mit niedlichen Tieren. Isolierte...

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Baby Weinen Weigerung, Vektor-Illustration zu essen

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Schöne Musterdesign Doodle Wolken. Design-Hintergrund-Grußkarten...

Schönes nahtloses Muster von Doodle-Wolken. Gestaltung von Hintergrundgrußkarten und Einladungen zur Hochzeit, zum Geburtstag, zum Muttertag und zu anderen saisonalen Herbstferien

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Baby und Hund im Karnevalskleid

Illustration aus dem 19. Jahrhundert.

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Niedliche Baby Triceratops Dinosaurier isoliert auf weiß.

Süßes Baby Triceratops Dinosaurier isoliert auf weißem Hintergrund. Kleiner Dino für T-Shirt, Kinderbekleidung, Poster, Kinderzimmer oder etc. Vektorillustration.

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Yoga Mutter und Baby Übung zusammen Vektor Cartoon Illustration

Mutter-Kind-Training und Entspannung bei körperlicher Aktivität

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Storch bringt Neugeborenes zur Welt, das mit Vögeln auf das...

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Buchstabe F, Frosch, süße Kinder bunte Tiere ABC-Alphabet....

Buchstabe F, Großbuchstaben, Babyfrosch mit rosa Blume, niedliche Kinder bunte Tiere und ABC-Alphabet. Aquarell handgezeichnete Illustration isoliert auf weißem Hintergrund. Kann für Alphabet oder Karten für Kinder verwendet werden, die englische Vokabeln und Handschrift lernen.

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Nette Kinder skandinavischen Charaktere Set einschließlich...

Süße Kinder skandinavische Charaktere Set mit trendigen Zitaten und coolen dekorativen handgezeichneten Tierelementen. Cartoon-Doodle-Illustration für Baby-Dusche, Kinderzimmer-Dekor, Kinderdesign. Vektor.

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Bunte lustige ungewöhnliche Kinder Vektorschrift

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Vektor-einfarbig Spaß Alphabet mit Zahlen für Kind Text

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Süße-Icon-Set (Emoticons)-Hallo Familienmitgliedern (Love

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Kinder Kinder lachen zusammen Vektor

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Fröhliche lustige Giraffe mit langem Hals. Höhenmeter oder Meter...

Fröhliche lustige Giraffe mit langem Hals. Höhe Meter Meter oder Meter Wand oder Wandaufkleber von 0 bis 150 Zentimeter zur Messung des Wachstums. Vektorillustration für Kinder.

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Kids Cutey

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Kids Cutey

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Kids Cutey

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original sound - Kids Cutey


Kids Cutey

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original sound - Kids Cutey


Kids Cutey

"ABC SONG IN CASTLE" Now available on YouTube 🎈 Link in bio 🔴 #fyp5266m #fyp #youtube #baby #babies #kid #kids #child #children #toy #toys #cartoon #alphabet #numbers #funny #funnyvideos #kidscutey #abc #abcsong #castle #babysong #babysongs

TikTok video from Kids Cutey (@kidscutey): ""ABC SONG IN CASTLE" Now available on YouTube 🎈 Link in bio 🔴 #fyp5266m #fyp #youtube #baby #babies #kid #kids #child #children #toy #toys #cartoon #alphabet #numbers #funny #funnyvideos #kidscutey #abc #abcsong #castle #babysong #babysongs". Full video on . original sound.


original sound - Kids Cutey


Kids Cutey

"ABC BACK TO SCHOOL" Now available on YouTube 🎈 Link in bio 🔴 #fyp5266m #fyp #youtube #baby #babies #kid #kids #child #children #toy #toys #cartoon #alphabet #numbers #funny #funnyvideos #kidscutey #abc #backtoschool #school

TikTok video from Kids Cutey (@kidscutey): ""ABC BACK TO SCHOOL" Now available on YouTube 🎈 Link in bio 🔴 #fyp5266m #fyp #youtube #baby #babies #kid #kids #child #children #toy #toys #cartoon #alphabet #numbers #funny #funnyvideos #kidscutey #abc #backtoschool #school". Full video on . original sound.


original sound - Kids Cutey


Kids Cutey

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TikTok video from Kids Cutey (@kidscutey): ""SNOW" Now available on YouTube 🎈 Link in bio 🔴 #fyp5266m #fyp #youtube #baby #babies #kid #kids #child #children #toy #toys #cartoon #alphabet #numbers #funny #funnyvideos #kidscutey #snow". Full video on . original sound.


original sound - Kids Cutey


Kids Cutey

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TikTok video from Kids Cutey (@kidscutey): ""COLOR SONG" Now available on YouTube 🎈 Link in bio 🔴 #fyp5266m #fyp #youtube #baby #babies #kid #kids #child #children #toy #toys #cartoon #alphabet #numbers #funny #funnyvideos #kidscutey #color #colors #babysong #babysongs". Full video on . original sound.


original sound - Kids Cutey

13 funny cartoons that will amuse children and adults

June 25LikbezKino

Funny Disney, Pixar and DreamWorks characters will help you escape from daily problems.



1. Hercules


  • USA, 1997.
  • Adventure, fantasy.
  • Duration: 93 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.3.
A still from the cartoon "Hercules"

The king and queen of the gods, Zeus and Hera, have a son who is destined to become a great warrior. The lord of the underworld Hades, who dreams of seizing power on Olympus, orders his servants to kidnap and kill the child. True, everything goes awry, and young Hercules, instead of dying, turns into a mortal and remains to live among people. But one day the boy learns about his origin and firmly decides to become a real hero.

The scriptwriters did not literally follow the myths of Ancient Greece and rewrote familiar stories in a new way. The result is a very funny cartoon, and the villain Hades got the lion's share of sharp and funny phrases.

Zeus and Hades

— Hades, long time no see! How are things going in the afterlife?

— Well, how can I tell you… It's dark, it's dark, at rush hour there are mountains of corpses, as always.

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2. The Emperor's Adventures

The Emperor's New Groove

  • USA, 2000.
  • Adventure, fantasy.
  • Duration: 78 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.3.
Still from the cartoon "The Adventures of the Emperor"

The narcissistic young emperor Kuzco turns into a lama because of the intrigues of his former adviser. The only person who could help the lord return to his own body is a resident of one village. Kuzco was going to destroy it for a mansion with a swimming pool.

Initially, the cartoon was conceived as a dramatic one, and they wanted to take Mark Twain's novel "The Prince and the Pauper" as a basis. But the producers did not like this option, so the picture was redone in just two weeks.

Cronk and Yzma

— How are we going to kill the emperor, mistress?

- I will create a spell that will cause snowfall. The valley will be covered, and we ... will make snowballs and draw archangels on the snow!

— Uh…

— Yes, you are right, the plan is not without flaws.

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Now read 🔥

  • 13 excellent series about magic: from good comedies to gloomy stories

3. Shrek


  • USA, 2001.
  • Adventure, fantasy.
  • Duration: 90 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.8.
A frame from the cartoon "Shrek"

A huge green ogre named Shrek lives alone in the swamp, scaring the villagers from time to time. His idyll is broken by fabulous creatures expelled from the kingdom by decree of the evil Lord Farquaad. To get peace and quiet back, Shrek must free Princess Fiona, imprisoned in a tower guarded by a fire-breathing dragon. And the pesky fellow traveler, the talking Donkey, who has imposed on him, will help him.

For its time, "Shrek" was a real breakthrough, and not only technological. The action takes place in a fairy-tale medieval setting, but the characters behave and talk like characters in a modern comedy. As a result, the cartoon has become a cult and loved by both children and adults.

Lord Farquaad

Many of you will die, but I am willing to accept this sacrifice.

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4. The Incredibles

The Incredibles

  • USA, 2004.
  • Adventure, action, family comedy.
  • Duration: 115 minutes.
  • IMDb: 8.0.
Still from the cartoon "The Incredibles"

After the US government permanently banned superheroes from doing their work, the latter are forced to go into hiding. Bob Parr, whom everyone used to know as Mr. Incredible, yearns for his former life, but one day he gets the opportunity to show his unusual abilities again in order to save the world.

In addition to the fact that The Incredibles subtly parodies the Fantastic Four comics and James Bond films, director Brad Bird managed to create really vivid and memorable characters. By the way, the prototype for designer Edna Maud was a real person - the legendary Hollywood costume designer Edith Head.

Helen Parr and Shastik

— Everyone is unique in their own way.

- Then it turns out that no one is unique.

Watch on iTunes →

5. Kung Fu Panda

Kung Fu Panda

  • USA, 2008.
  • Adventure, fantasy.
  • Duration: 91 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.5.
Still from Kung Fu Panda

Panda Po dreams of becoming a kung fu master, but instead delivers orders at his father's restaurant. Everything changes when a hero is chosen by pure chance as the Dragon Warrior. Now the inexperienced and stupid panda will have to fight the ruthless Tai Lung, who threatens to destroy the valley.

Another funny DreamWorks cartoon that will delight both children and adults alike. In addition to excellent humor, viewers will surely remember the cartoon battles staged by the creators with special care and love. Subsequently, the studio released two sequels, while not lowering the quality bar.

Po about his first workout

Maybe the suck I showed you today has never been seen in the history of kung fu! Throughout the history of China! For the entire history of sludge!

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6. Rapunzel: Tangled


  • USA, 2010.
  • Adventure, fantasy.
  • Duration: 100 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.7.

Evil mother Gothel steals a newborn princess named Rapunzel from the royal family and locks her in the tower, pretending to be the girl's mother. The child's hair has magical properties, thanks to which Gothel remains young for many years. But Rapunzel grows and wants to see the world around her with her own eyes more and more. And one day an unexpected guest appears, ready to help her with this.

The writers decided to deviate as far as possible from the original dark fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm. As a result, the idea was a perfect success for them and the cartoon marked the beginning of the revival of the Walt Disney studio after another major stagnation.

Flynn Ryder about his favorite way of communication Rapunzel

You broke my pug!

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7. Megamind


  • USA, 2010
  • Adventure, Action, Comedy.
  • Duration: 95 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.2.
A frame from the cartoon "Megamind"

Two baby aliens come to Earth, one of which, having matured, becomes a superhero named Machoman, and the other - a brilliant villain Megamind. They have been at enmity with each other for many years, until Megamind, without expecting it, finally destroys the universal protector and favorite.

The victory does not bring him the expected joy, but it helps, under the guise of a handsome guy Bernard, to win the heart of the journalist Roxanne Ritchie. At the same time, Megamind is trying to create a new enemy for himself, and he chooses the cowardly and stupid cameraman Hal Stewart as "source material".

One of DreamWorks' funniest feature-length projects, featuring characters voiced by Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt and other famous actors, joking nonstop about well-known pop culture phenomena.

Megamind and Hal

— You now possess immeasurable power!

— By what force?

— Immeasurable!.. Well, she has no measure!

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8. Ralph

Wreck-It Ralph

  • USA, 2012.
  • Adventure, family comedy.
  • Duration: 101 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.7.

Good-natured bumpkin Ralph works as a villain in the Master Felix Jr. arcade game and suffers from the fact that nice guy Felix gets everyone's love, and he himself - at best, silent neglect. After Ralph is not invited to his own game's anniversary celebration, the thug goes to seek recognition at a nearby slot machine.

The cartoon will especially appeal to adult gamers who will recognize many secondary characters from Pac-Man, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter and other arcade retro.

Ralph and Vanellope

— You, girl, get out of here while we finish the work here.

Who is "we"?

- Lesconfetnadzor.

— So you're on your own?

— It's more fun this way.

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9. Monsters University

Monsters University

  • USA, 2013.
  • Adventure, family comedy.
  • Duration: 107 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.3.

Monster Mike Wazowski enters a prestigious department that trains future deterrent specialists. He studies hard, but he lacks ability. His talented but lazy classmate James P Sullivan thinks studying is a waste of time. After both are expelled by a strict dean, the boys decide to win the university's Scary Games in order to remain students. But to do this, they will have to leave their differences and learn to cooperate.

The Monsters, Inc. prequel, although not up to the recognized masterpieces of the Pixar studio, is nevertheless shot very high quality, and the humor of the cartoon will resonate in the heart of everyone who was once a student.

Mike explains to the team why they should win

— We have everything to win!

- Friendship?

- I'm a cudgel!

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10. Puzzle

Inside Out

  • USA, 2015.
  • Adventure, family comedy, drama.
  • Duration: 95 minutes.
  • IMDb: 8.2.

11-year-old schoolgirl Riley Anderson has five emotions in her head: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger and Disgust. Thanks to their well-coordinated work, everything is going well in the girl's life. But Riley's familiar world is collapsing as she moves from a small town to a bustling metropolis. At the same time, due to a system failure, Joy and Sadness disappear from the think tank, and now they need to find a way to get back in order to fix everything.

A witty and touching cartoon, saturated with nostalgia for the passing childhood, will make the audience laugh and even cry heartily. Director Pete Docter and a team of screenwriters created an amazing world, populated it with non-standard characters and came up with an exciting adventure for them that will not only amuse, but also give a lot of food for thought.

Sadness and Joy

— You will get lost.

— You have to be more confident!

— I'm sure you'll get lost there.

11. Zootopia


  • USA, 2016.
  • Adventure, family comedy, detective.
  • Duration: 108 minutes.
  • IMDb: 8.0.

Cheerful rabbit Judy Hopps goes to work in the police of the huge city of Zootopia, inhabited by a variety of animals. However, her colleagues treat her condescendingly, and her boss even instructs her to issue parking fines. To prove that the rabbits are no worse than the rest of the police, Judy undertakes to solve a serious kidnapping case, and the cunning fox Nick Wilde, a swindler and a rogue, becomes her partner.

Walt Disney Studios has created a brilliant cartoon that combines hilarious comedy and twisted detective story. At the same time, Zootopia talks about serious topics: bias at work, segregation and corruption.

Judy and her ubiquitous neighbors

— The morning is wiser than the evening…

— It depends what morning!

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12. Coco's Secret


  • USA, 2017.
  • Adventure, fantasy.
  • Duration: 105 minutes.
  • IMDb: 8.4.

A simple Mexican boy, Miguel, secretly dreams of becoming a musician, but his household considers this occupation a disgrace. Suddenly, the guy discovers that something connects him with his favorite singer Ernesto de la Cruz, and miraculously ends up in a fantastic land of the Dead, where he meets the souls of his ancestors.

Despite the fact that the cartoon touches on such difficult topics as death and farewell to relatives, it is impossible to watch it without laughing: there are too many great jokes in it. At the same time, he is emotionally close to the audience of all ages.

One of Miguel's clients

Clean your boots, don't pour out your soul.

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13. Forward


  • USA, 2020.
  • Adventure, fantasy.
  • Duration: 102 minutes.
  • IMDb: 7.6.

Two elf brothers Ian and Barley Lightfoot live with their mother in a world inhabited by elves, trolls, centaurs and other unusual creatures. True, all of them have not used their magical abilities for a long time, preferring progress and technology. For his birthday, Ian receives a gift left by his father - a magic staff that can bring a person back from the world of the dead for one day.

The brothers try to see their father again, but something goes wrong and only the lower half of the body appears. And now they need to go on a journey to complete the magic rite and chat with dad. But they have very little time.

This kind and light cartoon will make you laugh all the time. It's hard not to laugh, looking at how all sorts of fabulous creatures behave in modern realities. For example, unicorns dig in the garbage like raccoons, and fairies have turned into brutal bikers who better not cross the road.

Tell me, have you watched cartoons from the list? What do you think should be added?

Read also 🦄🎬✨

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  • 24 Oscar-winning feature-length cartoons
  • 15 charming cartoons for girls that will captivate for a long time
  • 20 fun cartoons for boys

Comedy cartoons 2022, 2021 and other years listed by release date

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  • Comedy cartoons

In this category, we have compiled a list of 2021 comedy cartoons, 2022, 2021 and early years by release date in Russia. Here are collected new funny and funny cartoons for rent, animated comedies for family viewing, which have already been released in cinemas. For each humorous cartoon on its page, the age category is indicated, a trailer is presented for trial viewing and you can leave your own review and read the reviews of other viewers who have already watched.

1 - 10 out of 197

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By release dateTop by viewersTop by criticsBy number of reviews

7.4 (5)

8.5 (6)

Cartoon Luck girl Sam once feeds a stray cat and finds a magic coin that immediately brings her good luck in everything. Deciding to give a magical relic to his girlfriend, an orphan girl, so that she can finally grow a house and family, Sam accidentally loses his treasure. But a new meeting with the same cat gives hope that he will have another coin for her. Together with the mysterious animal Sam...>>>




  • Cartoons
  • Fantasy
  • Adventures
  • Family
  • Comedy

Date of Release in Russia*:

05.08.2022 000


5.5 (2)

5.3 (6)

The cartoon Superpets will tell about Batman and Superman's pets, who are no worse than their eminent owners - superheroes can save the whole world alone. Krypto is a favorite of Clark Kent and has all of Superman's powers, helping him deal with rising crime in Metropolis. But one day, members of the Justice League are kidnapped, and Krypto is forced to ask for help from other pets...>>>




  • Militants
  • Comedy
  • Cartoons
  • Family
  • Fantasy
  • 9002

    Samurai Dog and Cat City

    6. 8 (8)

    6.4 (18)

    Samurai Dog and Cat City is a British animated action movie about a dog named Hank, who is not taken seriously in Cat City , and with all his heart he dreams of embarking on the path of a samurai. And only when a formidable army of fluffy ninjas comes to the city, Hang becomes the main hope for salvation. But only a wise teacher and loyal friends will help him become a truly great warrior, able to pro...>>>




    • Militants
    • Comedies
    • Cartoons
    • Family

    Date of exit in Russia*:


    Sea Monster

    7.8 (6)

    7.3 (3)

    The Sea Monster cartoon from Netflix tells how a little adventurer secretly sneaks onto the ship of a famous monster hunter. Now she is waiting for an exciting, but full of incredible dangers journey side by side with the legendary monster slayer. Ahead of them are meetings with real sea giants, overcoming the obstacles that have fallen to their lot, and at the same time trying to find a common language, because they will overcome...>>>




    • Cartoons
    • Fantasy
    • Comedy
    • Adventure
    • Family

    Date of Release in Russia*:


    Minions: Gruvitation

    6.2 (11)

    8.3 (6)

    Cartoon Minions 2: Gruvitation yellow minions finally find their terrible and great villain - Gru, who will become their master in the future. But while he is quite young and his ambitions are slightly different. However, his villainous mind already sees the possibilities of the minions and begins to create grandiose plans for the realization of the most nasty deeds. Nothing will stop him now! The picture continues. ..>>>




    • Cartoons
    • Fiction
    • Family
    • Comedy
    • Adventure

    Date of release in Russia*:


    Koschey. Bride kidnapper

    7.0 (3)

    6.1 (15)

    Cartoon Koshchei. The Bride Thief will tell about an eternally young and stylish character who, for three hundred years, still cannot find a worthy wife for himself. How many princesses he did not kidnap! He threatened some, intimidated others, turned others into frogs, and in the end such “courtships” did not work for any of them ... In parallel with this, nearby, the hero Barbara only fights off ...>>>

    The year:

    2022 9000

    Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers

    7.3 (15)

    7.8 (5)

    Cartoon Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers return after thirty years the famous Walt Pictures Rescue Ranger team from Walt Pictures animated series. The new comedic detective will unfold in the present, when the team has long since disbanded, and Chip has found a new calling and became an insurance agent. Dale travels to festivals talking about past adventures. They haven't seen each other for a long time...>>>




    • Cartoons
    • Comedy
    • Detectives
    • Adventure
    • Family

    Date of Release in Russia*:


    Sonic 2 Movie

    6.0 (3)

    5.9 (7)

    Movie Sonic 2 Movie will continue the adventures of the blue hedgehog and introduce him to various friends. The plot will continue the events of the picture Sonic in the movie 2020. Wanting to become a real hero, Sonic stays in Green Hills and dreams of proving his abilities. Dr. Robotnik and his mysterious partner Knuckles set off in search of a magical emerald with mystical properties. To prevent them from...>>>




    • Militants
    • Comedy
    • Cartoons
    • Adventure
    • Family
    • Fiction

    Date of exit in Russia*:

    30.03.2022 9000

    Bad Boys

    7.0 (4)

    4.7 (3)

    The 2022 DreamWorks cartoon Bad Boys tells about a group of the most reckless adventurers. Among them: Mr. Wolf - the most dexterous pickpocket, Mr. Snake - the master of cracking safes, Mr. Shark - an expert in disguise, the jock Mr. Piranha and Miss Tarantula, who is able to hack any computer, is a first-class hacker. But when they are all threatened by prison, a team of bad guys decide to quit...>>>




    • Cartoons
    • Comedy
    • Crime
    • Adventure
    • Family

    Date of exit in Russia*:

    17. 03.2022

    I'm blushing

    8.0 (9)

    6.6 (14)

    The cartoon I'm blushing from Pixar tells about a self-confident girl who, during the teenage transition period, suddenly from strong emotions, when she is embarrassed or angry, blushing , transforms into a giant furry Red Panda. And with a teenager, awkward situations happen all the time, so such a transformation quickly develops into a pile of real problems. The director of the cartoon is Domi ...>>>




    • Cartoons
    • Fantasy
    • Comedy
    • Adventure
    • Family

    Date of Release in Russia*: 9000 1 - 10 of 197

    1 2 3 4 5 ... »

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