Fruits for anxiety
8 Foods that Help with Anxiety and Stress
Are you struggling to keep anxiety at bay even though you meet regularly with a therapist, take your medication as prescribed, and have a good support system? The truth is, treatment for anxiety shouldn’t stop when you leave your therapist’s office, screw the lid back on the pill bottle, or step away from your family and friends—effective anxiety management involves one other significant factor: your diet. If you haven’t tried tweaking what you eat then you may be missing an important opportunity to beat back your anxiety.
Doctors and dietitians are starting to understand more about how the nutritional properties of the foods we eat affect the brain. "There is a clear and important connection between the brain and the gut,” explains Jodi Godfrey, MS, RD, a health and nutrition educator. “Researchers now refer to the gut as the second brain. When essential nutrients are not sufficiently available, there is a direct effect on the production of neurotransmitters and brain chemistry that can increase or lessen anxiety-related behaviors.
Does adjusting your diet to ease your anxiety seem daunting? It doesn’t have to be. In fact, reflecting on the choices you make when it comes to food is a straightforward, positive lifestyle change for your body and brain. “The most important dietary change for anyone who has anxiety to make is to plan meals around whole foods, lowering or eliminating the number of processed foods including sweets and snack foods,” advises Godfrey.
The modifications you can make to your diet are as simple as swapping out foods could be spiking your anxiety for foods that may lessen the severity of your symptoms. Avoid binge-eating your go-to comfort foods (which only leave you feeling guilty and more anxious) and enjoy nutritious superfoods with mood-boosting properties. You’ll feel better for it.
Start eating foods that help with anxiety and stress today by introducing these 8 simple food swaps into your diet:
1. Asparagus
Many studies going back to the 1960s indicate that many people who suffer from anxiety and depression have an elevated incident of folate deficiency. Asparagus is one vegetable that contains a valuable amount of this mood-boosting nutrient. One cup alone provides two-thirds of your daily recommended folate value.
Food Swap: Asparagus Spears Instead of Fries
Ditch the French Fries and sauté, steam, or grill some asparagus to serve as a side dish. If you tend to snack on fries, consider this substitute: dip cooked asparagus into salsa, hummus, or a bean dip.
2. Avocado
Vitamin B6 helps the body make several neurotransmitters, including serotonin, which influences mood. "The B vitamins, including thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin, have positive effects on the nervous system. Deficiencies of these vitamins have been linked to increased anxiety in some people," explains Godfrey. Avocados are rich in stress-relieving B vitamins and heart-healthy fat that may help to lessen anxiety. Vitamin E is a nutrient that is important for vision, reproduction and maintaining healthy skin. It's also been connected with cognition, helps widen blood vessels and is needed for the formation of red blood cells.
Because vitamin E is fat-soluble it's only found in foods like nuts and avocados that have a high-fat content.
Food Swap: Non-Dairy Frozen Avocado Treat Instead of Ice Cream
Avocado ice cream? Yes, you heard that right. Next time you’re reaching for that pint of full-fat, calorie-laden ice-cream, whip up your own frozen avocado treat. Just blend avocado with a ripe banana, vanilla extract, almond milk, and sweetener. Freeze for a few hours and then dig in, knowing you’re boosting those B vitamins as you go!
3. Blueberries
When we’re anxious and stressed, our bodies crave vitamin C to help repair and protect our cells, and blueberries are packed full of it. Small but mighty, blueberries are bursting with antioxidants and vitamin C which have been shown to provide anxiety relief. One study¹ examined the effects of oral vitamin C supplements on anxiety in a group of students and found that antioxidants may be useful for both the prevention and reduction of anxiety.
Food Swap: Blueberries Instead of Sugary Sweets
Reaching for sugar when hunger strikes causes the brain to work at a sub-optimal level and puts you at greater risk for depressive symptoms associated with anxiety. “The sweetness from blueberries is a better option acting as a positive immune booster; added sugars throw off the healthy bacterial balance in the gut that may increase anxiety,” Godfrey says.
4. Turkey
Ever heard of tryptophan? It’s the nutrient in turkey that puts you to sleep after Thanksgiving dinner. Okay, it’s a little more than that. Tryptophan is an amino acid that the body needs to produce the neurotransmitter serotonin, which helps regulate sleep and mood. According to the University of Michigan², tryptophan may help reduce anxious feelings.
Food Swap: Lean Turkey Instead of Fried Chicken
Avoid the temptation of picking up fried chicken on your way home by prepping your meals in advance.
This way you can reap the benefits of tryptophan found in turkey. Fried foods introduce unhealthy fats and counter the good from the tryptophan that may help put you at ease when anxiety is looming. “Planning a meal with turkey diced into quinoa or brown rice and some added veggies will provide a wide range of healthy nutrients and support sound sleep,” suggests Godfrey.
5. Almonds
Researchers³ have shown that magnesium may be an effective treatment for anxiety-related symptoms, as inadequate magnesium reduces the level of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain. Just 1 ounce of almonds (that’s about 12 nuts) contains 75mg of magnesium which is 19% of your daily recommended value. You can also find magnesium in foods such as legumes, seeds, and—everyone’s favorite—avocado.
Food Swap: Almonds Instead of Cookies
Consuming artery-clogging trans fats, like those found in cookies, can increase your risk of depression by as much as 48%, according to one study. ⁴“Snack on nuts rather than cookies to ensure you are getting healthy fats and fiber that promote gut health, rather than the sugar that interrupts good bacteria,” says Godfrey. Next time you need a crunch, reach for a handful of almonds instead of reaching for cookies. If you are in dire need of a sweet, throw in a few dark chocolate chips with the almonds.
6. Yogurt
You might be surprised to learn that fermented food—including yogurt, one you might not ordinarily think of as falling into this category—can help reduce anxiety! A link has been found between the consumption of fermented, probiotic foods and a reduction in social anxiety.⁵ The best yogurts—Greek, plain versions in particular—that contain “live and active cultures” are guaranteed to have 100 million probiotic cultures per gram or about 25 billion probiotic cultures in a cup. Other probiotic foods: pickles, sauerkraut, kombucha, and miso.
Food Swap: Yogurt and Cereal Instead of Milk and Cereal
Mix up your breakfast by swapping out milk for yogurt with your cereal. Doing so may have a protective effect against social anxiety symptoms for those at a higher genetic risk.⁶ Symptoms of social anxiety include excessive fear of situations in which one may be judged, worry about embarrassment or humiliation, or concern about offending someone. If yogurt isn't your thing, try incorporating sauerkraut or a pickle into your daily sandwich. Miso, a traditional Japanese seasoning, can be a substitute for parmesan in soups or noodle dishes!
7. Kale (or Arugula)
Researchers⁷ at the State University of New York found that anxious symptoms are linked with a lower antioxidant state and that antioxidants can help with mood, too. Dark, leafy greens like kale, which is rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C, are needed to boost antioxidant levels and support optimal brain functioning.
Food Swap: Kale Instead of Iceberg Lettuce
If you already eat salad or add lettuce to your sandwiches, replace it with kale. To reap the benefits without the bitter taste some find displeasing, add it to an omelet, soup or smoothie.
8. Salmon
According to another study⁸ from Ohio University, omega-3 fatty acids are particularly effective when it comes to foods that help with anxiety. You can find omega-3 fatty acids in foods like salmon, chia seeds, soybeans, and walnuts as well as cold-pressed olive oil. "Our brain requires the right dietary fats to function properly," Godfrey says, "so you’ll want to eat enough of the beneficial fats that support a healthy brain-gut microbiome, which means replacing red meat with seafood.”
Food Swap: Salmon Instead of Steak
A juicy steak might be hard to pass up, but a diet rich in the omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon helps keep cortisol and adrenaline from spiking when you're feeling tense. Experiment by trying out different spices and flavor combinations when cooking salmon. Start simple. Sprinkle the fish with salt, pepper and garlic, add a few sprigs of rosemary, and top with some thinly sliced lemon. Delish!
Give these food swaps a try and see if modifying your diet helps reduce your anxiety!
- https://www.
Notes: This article was originally published February 1, 2018 and most recently updated October 9, 2019.
9 foods that help reduce anxiety
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Following a nutrient-dense diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and other healthy foods may help some people manage their anxiety symptoms.
Anxiety is a widespread condition, affecting millions of people globally. Symptoms vary, and some people experience them only now and then. However, someone who experiences symptoms for 6 months or longer may have generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).
GAD has psychological and physical symptoms such as:
- fear
- tension
- excessive worry about everyday events and problems
- irritability
- difficulty concentrating
- issues with personal, social, and work relationships
- heart palpitations and elevated heart rate
- muscle tension
- chest tightness
Doctors often treat GAD with a combination of treatments, including talk therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and medications. Sometimes, these conventional treatments do not work long-term. However, some research suggests that proper nutrition may help improve symptoms.
Transitioning to a healthier dietary pattern rich in nutrients may help ease anxiety symptoms in some people. Overall dietary intake, along with therapy and medication, can be a helpful tool for anxiety management. Consuming the following foods may help reduce anxiety in some people.
1. Fatty fish
Fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, and herring, are high in omega-3s. Omega-3s are a type of fatty acids that have a strong relationship to cognitive function and mental health.
Omega-3-rich foods contain either alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) or two essential fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
EPA and DHA regulate neurotransmitters, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy brain function.
A small study on 24 people with substance misuse problems found that EPA and DHA supplementation resulted in reduced levels of anxiety. However, supplements generally contain a more concentrated form of nutrients than foods do.
A 2018 review found that reduced anxiety symptoms were associated with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid treatment. The effects were stronger in participants with clinical anxiety symptoms.
Current recommendations suggest eating at least two servings of fatty fish per week. A study conducted on men found that eating salmon three times per week reduced self-reported anxiety.
Vitamin D
Salmon and sardines are also among the few foods that contain vitamin D.
Researchers are increasingly linking vitamin D deficiency to mood disorders such as anxiety.
Research has linked low levels of vitamin D in the blood to depression and anxiety traits, though more studies are needed. People with vitamin D deficiency should consider taking high dose supplements rather than eating fatty fish alone.
Other studies on pregnant women and older adults have also highlighted how vitamin D might improve mood.
2. Eggs
Egg yolks, especially from pasture-raised hens, are another good source of vitamin D.
Eggs are also an excellent source of protein. They are a complete protein, meaning they contain all the essential amino acids the body needs for growth and development.
Eggs also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that helps create serotonin. Serotonin is a chemical neurotransmitter found in the brain, bowels, and blood platelets that helps regulate mood, sleep, memory, and behavior.
Serotonin is thought to improve brain function and relieve anxiety. However, it cannot cross the blood-brain barrier, meaning food and treatments containing serotonin do not supply serotonin directly but can trigger chemical reactions boosting serotonin in the brain.
Some studies suggest that diet and gut microbiota could play a role in preventing and treating symptoms related to anxiety. More research is needed to confirm whether this is possible.
3. Pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of potassium, which helps regulate electrolyte balance and manage blood pressure. An older 2008 study found that lower potassium and magnesium levels were associated with high levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that the adrenal glands release.
Eating potassium-rich foods, such as pumpkin seeds and bananas, may help reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety.
Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of the mineral zinc. One study carried out on 100 female high school students found that serum zinc levels were inversely related to mood disorders, including depression and anxiety. These results suggest that increasing serum levels of zinc could improve mood disorders in some people.
Zinc is essential for brain and nerve development. The largest storage sites of zinc in the body are in the brain regions involved with emotions.
4. Dark chocolate
Share on PinterestResearchers have found that dark chocolate may help reduce stress.Experts have long suspected that dark chocolate might help reduce stress and anxiety.
Some research has found that dark chocolate or cocoa may improve mood via the gut-brain axis. However, many of the existing studies on this subject are observational, so it is important to interpret the results with caution.
Although it is still unclear how dark chocolate may improve mood or stress, dark chocolate is a rich source of polyphenols, especially flavonoids. One study suggests that flavonoids might reduce neuroinflammation and cell death in the brain as well as improve blood flow.
Chocolate has a high content of tryptophan, which the body uses to turn into mood-enhancing neurotransmitters such as serotonin in the brain.
Dark chocolate is also a good source of magnesium. Eating a diet with enough magnesium in it or taking supplements may reduce symptoms of stress and anxiety.
People with magnesium deficiency should consider taking high dose supplements rather than eating dietary sources alone.
When choosing dark chocolate, aim for 70% cacao or more. Dark chocolate still contains added sugars and fats, so a small serving of 1–3 grams (g) is appropriate.
5. Turmeric
Turmeric is a spice commonly used in Indian and Southeast Asian cooking. The active ingredient in turmeric, called curcumin, may help lower anxiety by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress that often increase in people experiencing mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.
A 2015 study found that 1 g of curcumin per day reduced anxiety in adults with obesity. People should discuss supplementation with their doctor if they are interested in high dose curcumin products.
Another study found that an increase of curcumin in the diet also increased DHA and reduced anxiety. Turmeric is easy to add to meals. It has minimal flavor, so it goes well in smoothies, curries, and casserole dishes.
6. Chamomile
Many people around the world use chamomile tea as an herbal remedy because of its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, and relaxant properties.
Some people believe that the relaxant and anti-anxiety properties come from the flavonoids present in chamomile.
One study found that taking 1,500 milligrams (mg) of chamomile extract per day (a 500-mg capsule three times per day) did reduce anxiety symptoms. However, it did not prevent new episodes of anxiety.
Chamomile tea may be useful in managing anxiety. It is readily available and safe to use in high doses.
7. Yogurt
Yogurt contains the healthy bacteria Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria. Emerging evidence suggests that these bacteria and fermented products have positive effects on brain health.
According to a 2017 clinical review, yogurt and other dairy products may also produce an anti-inflammatory effect in the body. Some research suggests that chronic inflammation may be partly responsible for anxiety, stress, and depression.
A 2015 study found fermented foods reduced social anxiety in some young people, while multiple studies have found that consuming healthy bacteria can increase happiness in some people.
Including yogurt and other fermented foods in the diet can benefit the natural gut bacteria and may reduce anxiety and stress.
Fermented foods include cheese, sauerkraut, kimchi, and fermented soy products.
8. Green tea
Green tea contains an amino acid called theanine, which has been subject to increasing scrutiny because of its potential effects on mood disorders. Theanine has anti-anxiety and calming effects and may increase the production of serotonin and dopamine.
A 2017 review found that 200 mg of theanine improved self-reported relaxation and calmness while reducing tension in human trials.
Green tea is easy to add to the day-to-day diet. It is a suitable replacement for soft drinks, coffee, and alcoholic beverages.
9. Brazil nuts
Share on PinterestBrazil nuts contain selenium, which may help improve mood.Brazil nuts are high in selenium. Selenium may improve mood by reducing inflammation, which is often at heightened levels when someone has a mood disorder such as anxiety.
Selenium is also an antioxidant, which helps prevent cell damage.
Other nuts, animal products, and vegetables, such as mushrooms and soybeans, are excellent sources of selenium as well.
It is important not to consume too much selenium, as it can cause side effects. The recommended upper limit for selenium for an adult is 400 micrograms per day. Be careful not to take high dose supplements or eat more than three or four Brazil nuts per day.
Brazil nuts and other nuts are also good sources of vitamin E, an antioxidant. Antioxidants can be beneficial for treating anxiety, and some research has shown that low levels of vitamin E may lead to anxiety in children.
A rodent study found that Brazil nuts can help address anxiety and obesity in mice. However, more human studies are necessary.
Share on PinterestSwiss chard contains magnesium, which may help ease anxiety.
It is best to eat a varied and balanced diet that includes high quality, nutrient-dense carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
Aim for whole foods, vegetables, fruit, legumes, whole grains, lean meats, and especially fish. Other foods that may help include:
- turkey and other tryptophan-containing foods, such as eggs, dark chocolate, cheese, pineapple, bananas, oats, and tofu
- nuts, especially almonds — an excellent source of vitamin E that may help prevent vitamin E deficiency, which is linked to mood disorders
- chia seeds, which are a good source of omega-3s
- protein sources, such as lean meat, fish, nuts, and dairy, which provide amino acids that the body converts into mood-lifting neurotransmitters such as serotonin
- spinach and Swiss chard, which are both high in magnesium
- fruits such as berries, cherries, and citrus
Evidence increasingly shows that diets high in processed foods can increase anxiety.
When a person is experiencing anxiety and stress, it is always best for them to seek out a specialist, such as a psychologist.
Sometimes, a doctor or mental health professional may recommend talk therapy such as CBT to manage anxiety and stress. Doctors or psychiatrists may prescribe medications such as serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), or benzodiazepines.
People should follow a doctor’s instructions when using these drugs, as they can have severe and possibly life threatening adverse effects.
Eating a healthy diet should provide all the nutrients needed for healthy brain function.
A nutritious diet that contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, vitamins, and minerals might help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.
9 foods that reduce stress and anxiety
September 5Health
Try antidepressants, generously provided by nature.
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1. Salmon
Photo: yelenayemchuk / DepositphotosSalmon contains many nutrients that promote brain health. These are vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids.
Omega-3s, EPA and DHA help the body produce the hormones dopamine and serotonin, which have a calming and relaxing effect. And the absorption of vitamin D avoids neurocognitive dysfunction, promotes brain health, and also promotes calm.
In one experiment, researchers from the University of Bergen (Norway) found that people who ate Atlantic salmon meat three times a week for five months experienced less stress than those who preferred chicken, pork or beef. In addition, their heart rate and heart rate variability improved.
2. Chamomile
Photo: ls992007 / Depositphotos Chamomile tea is traditionally believed to help calm the nerves, and this is one case where folk wisdom is backed up by science. Chamomile is high in antioxidants, which have been shown to reduce inflammation and may reduce the risk of anxiety.
Studies show that chamomile can help relieve anxiety, even for people diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. And one experiment showed that subjects who consumed chamomile extract for eight weeks experienced a reduction in symptoms of depression and anxiety.
3. Chocolate
Photo: bhofack2 / DepositphotosThe fact that chocolate reduces stress and in general is one concentrated “happiness hormone” is known to everyone. It increases the level of serotonin, which reduces stress and anxiety. In addition, dark chocolate contains flavanols, which improve brain function, help it adapt to stressful situations and relieve anxiety.
It is traditionally believed that bitter tiles are the most useful. But studies show that the milk version is more effective in reducing anxiety. So, if you do not like bitterness, there is no point in forcing yourself to eat the “right” chocolate. However, remember that this is a very high-calorie product and it is better not to abuse it.
4. Brazil nuts
Photo: HandmadePicture / DepositphotosBrazil nuts, the fruit of a tree called Bertoletia, contain a lot of vitamin E, low levels of which lead to depression.
They also have a high selenium content. This substance has antioxidant properties and has a good effect on mood. However, too much selenium should not be consumed. The recommended daily allowance for adults is 400 micrograms. So don't eat more than three or four Brazil nuts a day.
5. Turmeric
Photo: fortyforks / DepositphotosTurmeric is a spice that contains a compound called curcumin. It is very beneficial for promoting brain health and preventing anxiety disorders. Curcumin also has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which are also good for brain cells.
In addition, the use of oriental spice reduces the body's production of inflammatory markers such as cytokines, which are responsible for increased anxiety.
6. Bananas
Photo: AntonMatyukha / DepositphotosBananas contain large amounts of tryptophan, an amino acid involved in the production of serotonin in the body. This means that they contribute to relaxation and anxiety relief. In addition, bananas are full of magnesium and potassium, the lack of which leads to stress.
7. Eggs
Photo: nblxer / DepositphotosEggs are an excellent source of vitamin D, the deficiency of which leads to depression and anxiety. The use of this product improves well-being and mood. In addition, eggs contain tryptophan, which, as already mentioned, is involved in the production of serotonin.
8. Yogurt
Photo: tashka2000 / DepositphotosProbiotics and other beneficial bacteria found in yogurt have a beneficial effect on mental health. Studies show that products with these components suppress free radicals and neurotoxins, helping to protect the nervous tissue of the brain.
Anxiety sufferers who consume daily probiotic yogurt have been experimentally shown to cope with stress more easily than those who consume the non-probiotic version. A product with beneficial bacteria improves the functioning of the areas of the brain that control emotions and sensations.
Keep in mind that not all types of yogurt are equally effective in reducing stress. Look for those with live, active probiotic cultures listed in their ingredients. Or make your own yogurt.
9. Green tea
Photo: Kesu01 / DepositphotosGreen tea contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant that promotes brain health and reduces anxiety. In addition, the drink contains L‑theanine, an amino acid that has a similar effect on the body. It also enhances the production of dopamine and serotonin.
Studies show that people who use L-theanine showed a reduction in the psychological stress responses associated with anxiety and a normalization of their heart rate. And another experiment confirmed: L-theanine helps to reduce the level of cortisol, otherwise called the stress hormone.
Text updated 14 January 2020 to include more scientific data from verified sources.
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8 foods that cause anxiety and anxiety
About 40 million Russians suffer from an anxiety disorder. If you suffer from anxiety, you probably spend most of your day trying to manage your anxiety using stress management techniques, daily stretching and exercise, and taking one or more anti-anxiety medications.
But did you know that the foods you eat can also affect your mood? Most people crave junk food when they are stressed, anxious, or depressed. These foods reduce anxiety and improve the production of vital neurotransmitters and hormones that help regulate your mood.
Most people with anxiety don't realize that there are also certain foods that can cause or increase anxiety. These foods can interfere with the body's ability to regulate mood. Eliminating these foods from your diet can help improve your mood and allow your brain to produce the necessary neurotransmitters needed for a good mood.
Everything you eat, including food and drink, affects your nervous system and can cause many mood problems, including anxiety. Let's take a look at some foods to avoid to improve your mood and reduce anxiety.
Fruit juices can provide your body with a range of essential vitamins and minerals. However, they are filled with sugar. Sugar can cause your glucose levels to spike and then plummet. Initially, glucose excites you, making you feel on edge. Then, as your body processes the sugar in the fruit juice (which happens quickly), your energy levels and mood will plummet.
Drinking fruit juices can cause feelings of hunger, stress and anger. All of these can exacerbate your anxiety. Instead of drinking fruit juice to provide your body with vitamins and minerals, opt for fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables rather than juices slows down the body's processing of these foods and reduces the risk of anxiety.
Millions of Americans drink several caffeinated drinks every day and eat foods containing caffeine. Many people don't realize that their cup of coffee, glass of soda, cup of tea, energy drink, or chocolate bar can increase their anxiety levels.
Caffeine is a psychoactive drug that stimulates and triggers the fight or flight response. When this happens, the body releases the stress hormone, cortisol, which naturally increases blood pressure and heart rate. In addition, cortisol can increase anxiety and reduce the quality and duration of sleep.
When you use caffeine regularly, you may become more nervous, nauseous and dizzy. Instead of drinking caffeinated coffee, soda, or tea, opt for a cup of decaffeinated coffee (such as chicory), warm water, or herbal tea.
Gluten is a protein found in various grains, including wheat, barley and rye. While most people can digest gluten, there are people who cannot tolerate or digest it, which can cause several side effects. Those who suffer from gluten intolerance or celiac disease are at increased risk for mood disorders, including anxiety.
If gluten is intolerant, it can activate inflammatory processes in the body and cause brain atrophy. When this happens, the risk of anxiety increases exponentially. Switching to a gluten-free diet can help relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression, especially if you're not responding to traditional anxiety treatments.
If you are experiencing indigestion and anxiety, talk to your healthcare provider about whether gluten sensitivity may be causing your concern. Your doctor may recommend an elimination diet for you to determine if gluten intolerance is affecting your mood and increased anxiety.
Drinking large amounts of alcohol or drinking alcohol too often may increase the risk of anxiety symptoms. Many people think that drinking alcohol helps them relax. However, excessive amounts of alcohol can negatively affect the quality of sleep. In addition, large amounts of alcohol can be toxic and can negatively affect brain function and mental health.
Alcohol reduces the production of serotonin and other neurotransmitters. In addition, alcohol abuse can cause hypersensitivity of your nervous system as well as dehydration - which increases the risk of brain atrophy.
Drinking alcohol can affect glucose levels. The sugar in alcohol can cause glucose levels to rise. As the body metabolizes these sugars quickly, blood glucose levels can also plummet. These fluctuations in glucose levels can affect your mood, cause irritation, and increase your risk of anxiety.
Dairy products such as milk and cheese provide your body with vitamin D and calcium. However, casein (a protein found naturally in dairy products) can cause inflammation in the body, including the brain. This is especially true for people who are allergic to or sensitive to milk.
If you have a milk sensitivity or allergy and suffer from anxiety, avoiding dairy products may help. Replace dairy with almond, cashew, or soy alternatives and see if your anxiety decreases.
Too much sodium in your diet can negatively affect your nervous system, which can cause a host of health problems, including fatigue and sleep problems. Your brain needs seven to nine hours of quality sleep to produce the neurotransmitters and hormones needed for optimal mental health.
If you don't get seven to nine hours of sleep each night, your body can't produce serotonin, dopamine, and other hormones needed to balance mood and reduce anxiety.
It is true that a person needs a certain amount of salt in his diet, but too much of it can be dangerous and have disastrous consequences for mental health.
Refined sugar can increase stress and anxiety levels by activating inflammation in the body. When you're under a lot of stress, you may be tempted to eat cookies, cake, ice cream, or other sugary foods. However, eating these foods will further increase your stress levels.
Your body naturally craves these sweet treats when you're under stress. Unfortunately, refined sugar is quickly processed in the body, which leads to spikes and drops in blood glucose levels. These spikes and crashes wreak havoc on your body and your mood.
When you're craving something sweet, grab a healthy sweet fruit like a banana, strawberry, or a piece of melon to satisfy your sweet tooth. These fruits will provide your body and brain with nutrients, but won't cause your blood sugar levels to drop, which is worrying.
Processed foods and other fast foods contain artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives, additives, and other chemicals that can cause systemic inflammation. Inflammatory processes cause a deterioration in mood, disrupt brain function and make it difficult for the body to produce endorphins.
Protect your health and mood by choosing whole foods over processed foods. Choose fruits and vegetables for delicious snacks, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats to improve your mental well-being and reduce anxiety naturally.
Cutting out certain foods won't get rid of your anxiety, but following healthy eating habits can improve your overall mental health. If you suffer from anxiety, avoid the foods listed above. Instead, choose healthy and comfort foods rich in vitamin D and B, which help balance and regulate your mood and improve your body's performance.
Finally, exercise daily and practice stress management techniques such as yoga, meditation, and deep breathing exercises to reduce stress, reduce anxiety, and improve your mental health.
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