Four personality types sanguine
Types of Temperament | Four Temperaments
THE HIGH D (Choleric)
The Choleric temperament has three combinations: Choleric-Sanguine, Choleric-Phlegmatic, and Choleric-Melancholy. The Choleric is the least occurring of the four temperaments, and a female Choleric is extremely rare.
The traits of the primary temperament, Choleric, may be altered or modified in some significant way because of the influence of the secondary temperament. Remember, there are at least three levels of intensity of a temperament: classic, moderate, and mild. Some Cholerics will be very strong, others somewhat strong, and still others more mild.
Cholerics are naturally result-oriented. They have active, positive, and forward movement, in an antagonistic environment. They influence their environment by overcoming opposition to get results.
Cholerics are extroverted, quick-thinking, active, practical, strong-willed, and easily annoyed. They are self-confident, self-sufficient, and very independent minded. They are brief, direct, to the point, and firm when communicating with others. Cholerics like pressure and are easily bored when things are not happening fast enough. They are bold and like to take risks.
Cholerics are domineering, decisive, opinionated, and they find it easy to make decisions for themselves as well as for others. They wake up wanting to control, change or overcome something…anything! They leave little room for negotiating—it’s usually their way or no way.
Cholerics are visionaries and seem to never run out of ideas, plans, and goals, which are all usually practical. They do not require as much sleep as the other temperaments, so their activity seems endless. Their activity, however, always has a purpose because of their goal-oriented nature.
Cholerics usually do not give in to the pressure of what others think unless they see that they cannot get their desired results. They can be crusaders against social injustice, and they love to fight for a cause. They are slow to build relationships, and tend to have only a few close friends, because results are more important than people. Cholerics do not easily empathize with the feelings of others or show compassion. They think big and seek positions of authority.
Cholerics tend to not be angry, although their assertive push to get results may be interpreted as anger. They are quickly aroused, but quickly calmed.
THE HIGH I (Sanguine)
The Sanguine temperament has three combinations: Sanguine-Choleric, Sanguine-Phlegmatic, and Sanguine-Melancholy.
The traits of the primary temperament, Sanguine, may be altered or modified in some significant way due to the influence of the secondary temperament. Remember, there are at least three levels of intensity of a temperament: classic, moderate, and mild. Some Sanguines will be very strong, others somewhat strong, and still others more mild. Some are “Super Sanguines” because they are so talkative and active that they can be overwhelming.
Sanguines are naturally people-oriented. They have an active, positive movement in a favorable environment. They influence their environment by encouraging others to work together.
The Sanguine is by far the most versatile of the four temperaments. The Choleric, Phlegmatic, and Melancholy are all limited in what they can do, the Sanguine is not. The Choleric temperament is the fewest in number, and the Phlegmatic and Melancholy temperaments are not change agents, preferring to adapt to their environment.
The Sanguine has the potential for the widest range of behavior due to possessing the widest range of emotions. This allows them to participate (based on their second temperament) in any kind of human activity. They like to participate in, or change, their environment. The areas of business, politics, sports, and entertainment, to name a few, are dominated by the Sanguine temperament.
The Sanguine is extroverted, fun-loving, playful, activity-prone, impulsive, entertaining, persuasive, easily amused, and optimistic. They are enthusiastic, expressive, and tend to be very affectionate. Sanguines are personable, receptive, open to others, and build relationships quickly. They are animated, excitable, approachable, accepting, and trusting of others. They will smile, and talk easily and often. Sanguines are word smiths.
It is not unusual to feel as if you have known one who is Sanguine for years after the first meeting. They make and keep friends easily. They get so involved in conversations that they easily forget about time, and are often late arriving at their destination. Sanguines are easily bored if not involved in social activity. Sanguines dislike solitude. Their attention span is based on whether or not they are interested in the person or event. They can change their focus or interest in an instant if they become bored.
When telling a story, Sanguines often exaggerate what happened or leave out important details. They make the story exciting, and they may not let the facts get in the way!
Sanguines are very competitive. They usually like sports of any kind because of their natural desire to be active and involved with people. They tend to be disorganized and easily forget where they left something. They sometimes have difficulty controlling their thoughts and emotions. Actually, they tend not to store their thoughts and feelings—if they think it or feel it, they share it!
Their voice will show excitement and friendliness. Sanguines enjoy dressing according to current fashion. They fear rejection or not making a favorable impression. Sanguines also fear others viewing them as unsuccessful. Sanguines are very effective working with others. Sanguines are easily distracted and can change quickly.
THE HIGH S (Phlegmatic)
The Phlegmatic temperament has three combinations: Phlegmatic-Choleric, Phlegmatic-Sanguine, and Phlegmatic-Melancholy.
The traits of the primary temperament, Phlegmatic, may be altered or modified in some significant way determined by the influence of the secondary temperament. Remember, there are at least three levels of intensity of a temperament: classic, moderate, and mild. Some Phlegmatics will be very strong, others somewhat strong, and still others more mild.
Phlegmatics are naturally service-oriented. They are passive in both favorable and unfavorable environments. They influence their environment by cooperating with others to carry out the task. They tend to not be highly ambitious and they tend to lack a sense of urgency (both due to their passive nature). Phlegmatics are introverted, calm, unemotional, easygoing, indecisive, patient, and agreeable. They are both slow and indirect when responding to others. Phlegmatics are slow to warm-up, but will be accommodating in the process. They are by far the easiest people with whom to get along—as long as you do not try to alter their routine or ask them to change.
Phlegmatics live a quiet, routine life free of the normal anxieties of the other temperaments. They avoid getting too involved with people, and life in general, preferring a private, low-key life-style, centered around home and family. A mother who has the Phlegmatic temperament will often refer to her children as, “My children,” leaving a bewildered look on her husband’s face.
Phlegmatics seldom exert themselves with others or push their way along in their career. They just let it happen. They make good team players. They communicate a warm, sincere interest in others, preferring to have just a few close friends. They are possessive of their friendships and material things. Phlegmatics will be very loyal to their friends. They find it difficult to break long-standing relationships regardless of what the other person does or doesn’t do. However, once a relationship is broken, they seldom return.
Phlegmatics strongly resist change. They need time to adjust when change does occur, especially sudden change. They avoid conflict (which is why they are so accommodating). They resist making quick decisions. Phlegmatics are practical, concrete, and traditional thinkers. Their stoic expression often hides their true feelings. They can be grudge holders. Phlegmatics can also be patient to the point of paralysis. They are persistent, and consistent, at whatever they undertake. Because of their passive nature, they tend to procrastinate easily and often.
THE HIGH C (Melancholy)
The Melancholy temperament has three combinations: Melancholy-Choleric, Melancholy-Sanguine, and Melancholy-Phlegmatic.
The traits of the primary temperament, Melancholy, may be altered or modified in some significant way due to the influence of the secondary temperament. Remember, there are at least three levels of intensity of a temperament: classic, moderate, and mild. Some Melancholies will be very strong, others somewhat strong, and still others more mild.
The Melancholy naturally wants to do things right, and is quality-oriented. Melancholies are not trying to be right, they are driven to figure out what is right. They have a cautious, tentative response designed to reduce tension in an unfavorable environment. The Melancholy’s second response is often to become aggressive to restore peace in an unfavorable situation. They influence their environment by adhering to the existing rules, and by doing things right according to predetermined (and accepted) standards.
Melancholies are detailed-oriented, operate from a plan, and they are very private. Melancholies are introverted, logical, analytical, and factual in communication. They need information, time alone to think, and a detailed plan in order to function effectively without anxiety.
Melancholies respond to others in a slow, cautious, and indirect manner. They are reserved and suspicious until they are sure of your intentions. Melancholies probe for the hidden meaning behind your words. They are timid, may appear unsure, and have a serious expression. Melancholies are self-sacrificing, gifted, and they can be a perfectionist.
Melancholies are conscientious, picky, and can be sensitive to what others think of their work. They have anxiety about the present and future. They tend to have guilt feelings but fail to realize that guilt will not change the past nor will worry change the future. They allow guilt and worry to rob them of enjoying the present.
Melancholies are well organized. However, on occasion, they may keep things cluttered, but they will know what is in the piles. They are determined to make the right and best decision so they will collect lots of information, and ask very specific questions, and sometimes they will ask the same question several times. They may take excessive time to think about their options before making a decision. Even then, they may not be sure it is the right, and best decision.
Melancholies need reassurance, feedback, and reasons why they should do something. They can be moody, which is usually related to their negative evaluation of people or events.
Melancholies fear taking risks, making wrong decisions, and being viewed as incompetent. They tend to have a negative attitude toward something new until they have had time to think it through. Melancholies are skeptical about almost everything, but they are creative and capable people. They tend to get bored with something once they get it figured out.
Four Temperaments Explained: Sanguine vs Choleric vs Melancholic vs Phlegmatic Personality Types
Home » Psychology » Four Temperaments Explained: Sanguine vs Choleric vs Melancholic vs Phlegmatic Personality Types
Before the advent of modern medicine, it was believed that there were fundamentally four major personality types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic. These personality types were attributed to four “humours,” or fluids, present in the body, which could present as a mood or personality when present in a particular balance. In a way, this form of “science” was the forerunner to many of our present-day personality tests, since parallels can be drawn back to these four types.
Sanguine Temperament#1 Lives in the Present, Impulsive and Intense Emotions
The sanguine temperament is the life of the party. They are highly outgoing individuals, knowing very few personal boundaries. They wear their heart on their sleeve, never afraid to show what they are really feeling. It may seem like they are moody or prone to emotional swings, but they are simply open and honest with others.
A sanguine person is always living in the moment. They are always “present” and rarely have trouble with their minds wandering to other places. They are also easily drawn in by new experiences – if something seems fun or new or exciting, they will drop everything in order to try it.
#2 Is Very Outgoing, Talkative and Expressive
If you prefer quiet and solitude, don’t strike up a conversation with a sanguine person. They are highly extroverted, thriving off of social energy. While some may view them as chatty, they are simply interested in a great conversation and want to share that joy with others.
When they do talk, sanguine people have no trouble expressing themselves. They will always shoot straight – which may be off-putting for some, but provides a refreshing dose of honesty which others will appreciate.
#3 Likes Attention, Gifts and Reassurance
The sanguine temperament likes to be the center of attention. They want others to notice them, and they are not above acting out in order to get that attention. For this reason, those who possess this personality type would make natural performers, athletes, musicians – any profession that involves constantly being in front of people.
They also have a deep need to be recognized and for their feelings to be validated. Remember that a sanguine person is going to be highly expressive, but also remember that they are not simply speaking to fill the silence. They want you to hear and understand them, to validate what they feel, to show your appreciation for their contributions, and to make them feel loved and noticed.
#4 Is an Optimist
A sanguine person has never met a stranger. They never (or very rarely) have bad days, and their glass is always half full. This is because they are naturally optimistic, innately sensing the good in every situation.
It can be very helpful to have someone like this as a coworker or teammate. When morale is low, count on your sanguine friend to come in and give everyone a much-needed energy boost. Their boundless energy keeps them afloat, and they also want to share that positivity with those around them.
#5 Is a Great Communicator
Coupled with their usual expressiveness is a gift for communicating. Sanguine people have less of a filter than most, so you never have to wonder what is on their minds.
This can get sanguine people in trouble sometimes, but with practice and maturity, they can use their openness to their advantage. As leaders, they can clearly communicate at a moment’s notice, making them great messengers who can provide a clear picture without confusing their audience. They are also light on their feet when faced with a barrage of questions or conversations, which can be helpful in a crisis situation.
#6 Looks for Pleasure and Likes to Laugh
A sanguine person can find enjoyment in nearly anything because they naturally look for happiness and joy. They want to experience life and light and humor and good tastes and good friends and good times. They are the first ones to laugh at a joke, then the first ones to come up with the follow-up joke.
In this way, it can be hard for them to be critical of something, because they will always find a silver lining or some redeeming quality. This can be beneficial in certain situations, but maybe not when you want to assess “pros” and “cons” because all they can give you is “pros.” A healthy dose of realism can balance out input from this kind of person.
#7 Has High Self-Esteem
Because they handle social situations with ease and automatically assume the best in everything and everyone, a sanguine person is highly confident and has great self-esteem. Even though they will still seek external validation, their own internal compass is usually enough to guide them.
Not only can they see the positives in others, they also see the positives in themselves, so their self-image is generally high. They don’t bog themselves down with negative introspection, instead choosing to free their minds for fun new experiences.
#1 Is a Leadership-Oriented Extrovert
A person with a choleric temperament is a natural-born leader. They know what needs to be done, they do it, and they also do their best to rally others along the way. Their dynamic and winsome personalities are usually successful in persuading others to get behind their vision and drive for action.
A choleric person does not do well sitting idle; they need to be active, preferable facing some kind of challenge or puzzle. They want a problem to solve, and need some sort of goal to reach, even if they have to make one up on their own.
#2 Is Competitive
The need to “win” makes a choleric person highly competitive. Not only do they need to solve puzzles and rise to meet challenges, they also have to be better than everyone else. Coming out on top is of paramount importance; there are no points for second place for a choleric person.
In addition to needing to be the winner, they also need to be right. Whatever morals or ethics they hold to are not up for negotiation: when they believe they have the right answer, regardless of truth or facts, they will doggedly hold to their point of view. It can be very difficult to change a choleric person’s mind, which can make them seem obstinate or stubborn.
#3 Gets Energy from Interacting with People
Choleric people also get energy from interacting with others. While a sanguine person is a social creature simply looking for happiness, choleric people see a social or business gathering as simply another puzzle. They are constantly on the lookout for the power players in the room, taking copious mental notes to refer to later.
They are often genuinely interested in their conversations with others, but never view friendship as simply surface-level. They draw energy from it, always looking for the next great topic to talk about, or a new connection to keep handy for the future.
#4 Uses Logic and Facts
Not only do choleric people love to solve problems, they’re really good at it too. In addition to being visionary and seeing the big picture, they can also drill down into the smallest details. Nothing escapes the watchful eye of a choleric personality.
Their work is defined by process. Everything has its rightful place in a system at work, and they are the ones who will follow every direction in the instruction manual before beginning. They tend to follow a very linear progression, refusing to skip ahead until they have fully completed the first step.
#5 Is a Quick Thinker
Despite their measured and methodical approach, choleric people are very light on their feet and quick to think a problem through. Their minds automatically enter analysis mode when an issue presents itself, and it seems like they are looking at every angle simultaneously to arrive at the best course of action.
This can be a great asset in a consultant, engineer, or designer. If you can see how all the pieces fit together quickly, you can then build out your plan of action and finish more quickly – which also serves your need to win and be successful.
#6 Is Prideful
Choleric people also have a healthy self-esteem, but this can sometimes border on being prideful. This can have positive and negative aspects.
On the plus side, they typically have a very thick skin; because they are inclined to think they are right, criticism won’t hit them as hard as others. They will act like they have no fear, and their confidence can make you think twice before attacking them in any way.
On the other hand, their need to win any argument may cause them to lash out or overpower you in conversation. Their pride may also have its roots in a deep-seated fear of being wrong, so they might overcompensate by acting like they are invincible.
#7 Can Be a Bully
A choleric person’s most precious possession is their own ego. This does not have to be full-blown narcissism, but it can show itself in slightly offensive or harmful ways. They may try to find some way to blame others for their own mistakes in order to cover their failures, or impose their will in a domineering way over others. They may also use double standards to justify their own actions while condemning others for doing the very same thing.
While it can be difficult to deal with someone with this personality type, do not succumb to using their own tactics against them. Be warned: they are likely going to be much better at arguments than you!
Melancholic Temperament#1 Is a Perfectionist
A “perfectionist” is the ideal word to describe the melancholic personality type. They need to be objectively right and will not stop until they have gotten everything correct and in order. They set very high standards for themselves, and also expect everyone else to fall in line. This can cause frustration when people do not live up to their expectations, but since they want to maintain a cool demeanor, they can keep their anger pent up.
#2 Is Logical and Organized
Like a choleric person, the melancholic person is a deep thinker; but while a choleric person will try to make the facts suit their positions, melancholic people see things as they are.
They are highly focused on the details and are adept at seeing how different scenarios will play out. They are excellent at long-term planning, while also taking whatever steps are necessary to ensure that the current project is completed well. They can sometimes get lost in thought pondering every possible outcome or thinking through minutiae; but despite their apparent disconnectedness, they are simply putting forth their best effort.
#3 Can Be Moody
Melancholic individuals are highly emotional; this is, in fact, the most emotional of the four personality types. Their highs are high, and their lows are low, but it may appear as if nothing rattles them on the surface. That is because they will usually try to keep their feelings hidden, whether good or bad. They do not want to let anyone down with what they are feeling, and so they will keep things bottled up until they build up enough pressure to be released in an outburst.
This can serve them well when such feelings are patiently held until the right time, but they may let their emotions get the best of them. They may have trouble expressing themselves with words, instead choosing to show their feelings through actions.
#4 Is Creative
When you need an innovative problem solver, go to a melancholic person. They will often find a solution that no one else would think of. They love working outside the box in their work, with their hobbies, and even in their relationships.
This unorthodox approach may seem scatterbrained, but it is simply their way of finding the best way to make things better. When they allow themselves to use this inclination for creativity, they can be prolific in art or music as an expression of their need to find beauty in order.
#5 Is Focused on the Right Solution
Melancholic people want to do their very best, but they also want to be right. If you have a repetitive task that you find tedious, give it to a melancholic person. They thrive on routine, discrete processes, and clear directions. It becomes a game for them, trying to make each repetition better than the last.
This powerful self-motivation is useful in work and school. They rarely have to be reminded of deadlines or requirements, instead striving to reach the goal as quickly and efficiently as possible.
#6 Is Risk-Averse
This comfort with routine can make them fearful of the unexpected. A melancholic person sees purpose and order in most things, so wildcards can make them confused or uncomfortable. They typically keep to a strict schedule, maybe doing the same activities or eating the same foods. This may seem like dull monotony, but this can simplify some aspects of their life so their brainpower can be freed up in order to solve other problems.
They will also be more cautious than others, going with a safer bet instead of taking a risk. They will usually take the path with the most known facts, skipping over options with too many unknown variables.
#7 Is Cautious and Can Be Slow
A melancholic person is cautious by nature, always following every rule and cringing at attempts to forge a new path. Because of this, they can be slow to adopt new systems or adapt to new leadership or environments. Be patient and give them time and space to learn the changes they will need to adapt to.
#1 Is a Peacemaker Who Values Harmony
The phlegmatic temperament is the most stable of the four personality types. They find a natural equilibrium with their life, their environment, and the people around them.
This expresses itself in a peacemaker mentality. They will actively try to deescalate arguments or disagreements, trying to establish a feeling of harmony and mutual respect. If the balance around them is upset in any way, they will naturally try to restore it.
#2 Is an Introvert
A phlegmatic person is usually an introvert. They do not gain joy from social gatherings; in fact, interacting with others drains them of their energy, making them tired. The ideal remedy is time to recharge alone. They are not antisocial, but they need time to process what they have experienced.
They will have and will develop relationships with others, which sometimes will be deeper with more emotional investment than you would get from another personality type. However, they will also need time to themselves to restore their own equilibrium.
#3 Has Strong Fact-Gathering and Classification Abilities
Phelgmatic people find system and order everywhere. It is very easy to make general assumptions based on the facts, and they will naturally classify things in order to make sense of them. They will be sure to gather as many facts as possible first, but they will also try to assign some meaning or classification in order to make sense of something.
#4 Tends to Be Conservative and Practical
Phelgmatic people are not flashy, but choose practical options. They much prefer function over form, seeking things that provide the greatest use rather than simple amusement or pleasure. They know what works for them and are happy with their own choices.
Like melancholic people, they are also averse to risk-taking. Not only do risks put them under greater social pressure, they lose energy by trying to assimilate to new ideas or surroundings. When they do make a choice based on personal preferences, comfort and dependability are of the utmost importance.
#5 Likes to Follow, Not Lead, and Be Supportive and Passive
A phlegmatic person will never seek out the spotlight; they never want attention focused on them. They are perfectly happy to operate behind the scenes, instead preferring that their accomplishments speak for themselves.
They are loyal spectators, content to stay on the sidelines rather than join in. When they do participate, they never assume a leadership role; if they must do anything, it will be in support of the team as a whole or taking an unassuming back seat to the bolder personality types.
#6 Is Cool, Calm and Easygoing
The balance and steadiness of phlegmatic individuals make them naturally easygoing, willing to follow the crowd rather than stand out in front. This may make them seem aloof or uninterested, but they simply want everyone to be happy and wouldn’t dare try to rock the boat by disagreeing with others.
Their aversion to risk in social situations may make them slow to enter into a relationship with someone. However, once they reach a comfort level with someone, they can return to that person with greater ease over time.
#7 Is Complacent and Generally Not Self-Motivated
Because they do not like confrontation and do not seek the spotlight, they can lack the motivation to reach great achievements. They do not typically present with high levels of energy or emotion, which can make them seem lethargic or disinterested. Remember that they are drained by social interaction; leaving them alone is not harsh treatment for them, but rather it is understanding what they need to be satisfied.
They also may not be the most engaged in their friendships or personal relationships. Their pursuit of harmony may make them complacent and willing to accept the average over the outstanding. They will need to work on this issue in order to invest in the most important relationships in their lives.
ConclusionAncient Greek philosophers believed that the balance of these four personality types was present in everyone, and we can still see today that these basic personality traits are present in each of us at different moments in our lives. However, we can probably identify with at least one of these temperaments more than the others.
As long as we can be honest about the strengths and weaknesses we have, we can improve ourselves and become better friends, coworkers, and people in the process.
4 types of temperament and how they manifest themselves in men
Man and woman A man among people Know yourself
Temperament can be defined as "psychic constitution". If the physique is the shape of the body that we inherited from our parents: height, width of the pelvic bones (as well as the length of the nose, eye color, and so on), then the psycho-construction is the same “inheritance”, only in the field of the structure of the psyche. Temperament is given by nature, and it can only be corrected by character.
Types of temperament were discovered by Hippocrates, and then the theory was refined by many: from the ancient Roman physician and philosopher Galen to the Russian academician Pavlov. There are many approaches to the theory of temperament in psychology, but we will analyze the most practical, although somewhat simplified. nine0003
Types of temperament differ according to two criteria: the speed of emotional reactions and the area of these reactions - outside or inside.
1. Sanguine
His reactions are fast and take place outside. Emotions change quickly and are expressed vividly: laughter, tears, lively facial expressions, gestures. Sanguine people have a positive attitude. This is a light, lively temperament: if such people are offended, they easily forgive. Often a sanguine person is rather superficial, quickly establishes social contacts, but cannot experience deep feelings for a long time. nine0003
Sanguine man - energetic, positive, light, romantic, usually not very practical, artistic, with quick speech and a smile on his face. He can easily and passionately fall in love, and then just as quickly get carried away by another. At the same time, the emotions of the abandoned woman will be completely incomprehensible to him: “Why cry? There are plenty of other men around!”
Such men are fun, easy, they are addicted, mobile, creative, open, but not always able to be faithful. They need to learn stability and practicality, develop empathy - consider the emotions of other people. nine0003
2. Choleric
His emotional reactions are slow, they flow outside. Moreover, “slow” does not mean sluggish: it’s just that switching from emotion to emotion is much harder than for sanguine people. If the choleric person is offended, then for a long time, if he is angry, then he drives himself into a rage.
Choleric "sticks" in emotions, it is difficult for him to switch, because emotions are strong, deep, pronounced, often negative. If the choleric loves, then with insane jealousy, if he hates, then to the gnashing of teeth. It is difficult for him to trust others, but if he trusts, then without looking back. nine0003
A sanguine person easily boils and cools down, while a choleric person slowly boils inside, explodes and then leaves for a long time
The biggest problem of choleric people is the lack of control over emotions. Such people should learn to restrain themselves, be flexible, listen to others, and not succumb to emotional impulses.
Choleric men are active, charismatic, emotional, prone to strong feelings and decisive actions, reckless, persistent (or even stubborn), vindictive, vengeful. If they are with you, you are behind a stone wall; if they are against you, you will be in trouble. nine0003
Often choleric and sanguine people are confused due to the similarity of emotional reactions. The difference is in the depth of feelings: a sanguine person easily boils and cools down, and a choleric person slowly boils inside, explodes and then leaves for a long time.
Secrets of calming choleric people
Since the choleric person slowly switches from emotion to emotion, his mood does not change quickly either. If he is angry or offended, do not expect him to quickly come into a good mood, forgive you and hug you, as a sanguine person does - he needs time to cool down, grumble. nine0003
Tell an angry choleric person, “I'm sorry this happened. You're right, I want to discuss this with you a little later" - and leave him alone. Don't expect him to accept your apology right away. He may even reproach you. He needs time to calm down. After 10-30 minutes, he will be able to calmly discuss the situation.
An angry and rejected choleric will wind himself up even more, and it will be worse
The first mistake is to reproach the choleric that he does not accept an apology immediately: “Well, I apologized! What are you going on?!" Remember, a choleric person cannot switch quickly. It's like a steam locomotive: it takes time to stop. nine0003
The second gross mistake is not to apologize at all, but to wait for him to cool down by himself. An angry and rejected choleric will wind himself up even more, and it will be worse.
Choleric calming algorithm: apologized, left him alone, waited, reconciled. Do not find out with the choleric who is right and who is wrong while he is on emotions. At this moment, he is simply not capable of sober judgments. Let him calm down - then he will be able to talk to you normally and admit if he was wrong. nine0003
3. Phlegmatic
Emotional reactions are quick and internal. His emotions are hidden inside, but that doesn't mean they don't exist! In the soul, a phlegmatic person can boil, worry, love ... But on the outside he will not show this in any way - such is his temperament. From the phlegmatic one should not expect passions, serenades and chivalrous feats (however, he is still capable of feats, but without pomp, theatricality).
Such a person may seem slow, sometimes gloomy, and sometimes serene. A phlegmatic man slowly courts and waits in the wings, rarely taking the initiative. But with him you will be "like behind a stone wall." It is wrong to think that a phlegmatic person is more reliable than a choleric or sanguine person, he is simply slower in decisions, in movements, in expressing feelings, therefore an impression of solidity, solidity, authority and even wisdom is created. With a phlegmatic, “quiet family happiness” is possible, but it can be very boring with him. nine0003
Sanguine and choleric people admire the outward restraint and calmness of phlegmatic people. It seems to them that Stirlitz is in front of them, who keeps his thoughts and emotions under control. But phlegmatic people themselves envy the emotionality and creative impulses of choleric and sanguine people, their life "to the fullest."
His emotions are inside and switch slowly. Closed, easily vulnerable, subtly feeling, sluggishly reacting outwardly, the melancholic tends to “stick” in negative emotions for a long time. Melancholy people are often very creative, among the brightest representatives are Tchaikovsky, Gogol, Yesenin, Gumilyov. And at the same time - gravitating towards self-digging and even self-destruction (Eeyore the donkey). nine0003
In a familiar, calm environment, a melancholic feels at ease and becomes a good listener, a pleasant conversationalist, a creative person, a true friend. The problem is that he often finds himself “out of his element”, and then the interlocutors get complaints, groans, reproaches, insults.
A melancholic man is in great need of support. In return, you will get a faithful partner-friend
Melancholics are more likely than other types to be prone to prolonged depression, but if they work on their character, they become extraordinary people who see the world differently from the rest (Descartes, Darwin). nine0003
Melancholic men are apathetic, timid, lack of initiative, more often representatives of other temperaments turn into "mama's sons" or "henpecked" (and melancholic women often become victims of domestic violence).
A melancholic man is in great need of support. In return, you will receive a faithful partner-friend.
They say that opposites attract. This is not entirely true, and if, as such, the “attraction” of opposite temperaments to each other is possible, then a harmonious life is hardly. nine0003
People with the same temperament are well compatible: two sanguine, two choleric and so on. The union of neighboring temperaments is also possible: sanguine and choleric, choleric and phlegmatic, phlegmatic and melancholic. But the combination "through temperament": sanguine and phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic - is already explosive. Mobile sanguine people are annoyed by the impenetrability of phlegmatic people, and quick-tempered choleric people scream furiously at frightened melancholic people, forcing them to close even more.
What helps balance relationships? Character - it can compensate for the peculiarities of temperament: choleric people can learn restraint and eco-friendly expression of emotions, sanguine people - empathy and depth, phlegmatic people - openness and trust, melancholic people - positive thinking. nine0003
The difference in temperaments is not a sentence. It can be compensated by learning communication techniques. But it's still easier to build relationships with someone who looks like us than with a person "from another planet. "
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Does the child's temperament affect his development?
The word "temperament" is of Latin origin and literally means "correlation of parts".
There are 4 main types of temperament: sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric.
Every child is born with an inherited temperament.


How can I find out my child's temperament?
Children with choleric. Characteristics:
restless child;
intemperate, irascible;
resourceful in a dispute;
has sharp, jerky movements
tirelessly strives for the new;
aggressive bully;
sharp in dealing with people;
resolute and enterprising;
is sometimes stubborn;
prone to violent mood swings.
quick to act and decide;
has fast, confused speech;
unforgiving and inoffensive;
Children with a predominance of choleric temperament resemble a hurricane and a tornado rolled into one. Possessing extreme nervous and emotional imbalance, choleric people "flirt", that is, they cannot stop in time. They need a change of impressions, but strong impressions quickly tire them. nine0003
Hence their incredible ability to get irritated over trifles, irascibility and almost complete lack of patience. If your choleric kid has drawn some beautiful drawing, he will demand that you stop everything and IMMEDIATELY look at the drawing. If you do not look at the drawing right away, the child will instantly lose his temper.
Cholerics generally resemble a mine in their nervous organization: as soon as you step into the danger zone, an explosion immediately follows. The activity of choleric people is uneven, pulsating. Carried away by something, they act very energetically and intensely, but this does not last long. Choleric people quickly get tired and cannot continue the activity they are interested in. Nervous decline and loss of strength quite naturally “pour out” into irritation, which, as it grows, finds a way out either in conflict or in a nervous breakdown. If the kid fails to build what he has in mind from the constructor, he will soon scatter this constructor around the room with indignation. And he will growl at anyone who turns up to him "under the hot hand." And weep tears of anger and impotence. Or rather, tears of anger at their own impotence. And the misunderstanding of others. For choleric people, the period of early childhood is very difficult, when their skills and abilities are still too far removed from their abilities and desires. So the parents of a choleric person face a difficult task - to dose classes so that the baby can constantly learn something new, but does not overwork at the same time. nine0003
overexcites the child's nervous system
3. Control the violent manifestations of choleric people, calm games help in this, choosing an interesting hobby
4. Pay special attention to cultivating perseverance
5. Strictly and consistently control the actions and actions of the child
6. Accustom the child painstakingly to complete the work begun
7. Due to increased sensitivity, it is necessary to treat choleric people gently, since harshness can disrupt the relationship between the child and parents
8. Do not use physical force when influencing a child, make comments strictly, but calmly
9. Choleric should not be persuaded, he responds better to a calm, tactful demand
10. Cultivate perseverance and restraint, the ability to control oneself, in the beginning it is necessary to extinguish any aggressiveness of the child
11. Pay special attention to teaching politeness, tact
12. It is important for your child to know that his words are listened to
Sanguine children . Feature:
cheerful and cheerful;
energetic and businesslike;
often do not finish what they started;
tend to overestimate themselves; nine0003
are able to grasp new things quickly;
unstable in interests and inclinations;
easily experience failures and troubles;
enthusiastically take on any new business
easily adapt to different circumstances;
quickly cool down if it ceases to interest them;
quickly join a new job and quickly switch from one job to another;
sociable and responsive to new people
hardy and efficient;
have loud, fast, distinct speech, accompanied by lively gestures, expressive facial expressions;
maintain composure in unexpected, difficult situations;
always in a cheerful mood;
quickly fall asleep and wake up;
often not collected, show haste in decisions
Sanguine is a friendly, sociable, cheerful child. At the same time, he is quite accommodating and reasonable. Open and talkative, he loves new faces and new places, he needs a change of hobbies. A sanguine child easily compromises. Not afraid of difficulties. Fails easily. He easily joins any team and adapts to an unusual environment. The curiosity of a sanguine person knows no bounds, it seems that right now he wants to embrace the immensity. He always strives to learn as much as possible and easily absorbs new information. He quickly switches from one to another, is able to do several things at once. A child with a sanguine temperament is active, mobile, impulsive, loves noisy games. If the merry fellow is bored, then he becomes lethargic and cannot concentrate on what is happening here and now. The sanguine reacts calmly to punishment. He is absolutely unforgiving, non-conflict, so it is difficult to quarrel with him. "Life without quarrels" is his life motto. But the flip side of the "sunny" nature, which adults should not forget, is this: a sanguine person is comfortable only if everyone likes him.
1. The main approach in raising a sanguine child is the principle that can be conditionally called "Trust, but verify". A cute sanguine child always promises, but far from always fulfilling the promise, so you need to check whether he fulfilled his promise.
2. Control deeds and actions
3. Raising a child with a sanguine temperament, one should form stable attachments and interests in him. nine0003
4. Teach you to finish what you start.
5. Pay special attention to the quality of activities, avoid superficial and careless performance of tasks.
6. Praise deservedly, because there is a tendency to arrogance.
7. Adopt in communication with a sanguine person the spirit of lightness, fun and humor, which he most likes.
8. Remember that the cheerfulness, sociability and optimism of a sanguine person can turn into the other side of the coin and become a source of both his frivolity and inconstancy. nine0003
Melancholic children. Characteristic.
shy and shy;
are lost in a new environment;
find it difficult to establish contact with strangers;
do not believe in themselves;
easily endure loneliness;
feel depressed and confused when they fail;
tend to withdraw into themselves;
get tired quickly;
have weak, quiet speech, sometimes reduced to a whisper; nine0003
involuntarily adapt to the character of the interlocutor;
impressionable to tears;
extremely susceptible to approval and blame;
make high demands on themselves and others;
prone to suspicion, suspiciousness
painfully sensitive and easily vulnerable
extremely touchy;
secretive and uncommunicative, do not share their thoughts with anyone;
inactive and timid;
meekly submissive; nine0003
Emotional stress for a melancholic child is almost the norm of life, since any little thing can upset and unbalance them.
Melancholics are extremely vulnerable and touchy, they are highly sensitive and suffer from self-doubt.
The melancholic baby will cry for any little reason, and even when we see no reason for crying at all. We do not see, but he will find something. Since we do not see the reasons for his suffering, we do not share the emotions of the baby, which only aggravates the situation, since melancholics are extremely vulnerable and touchy, they have increased sensitivity, and suffer from self-doubt. Melancholics tire quickly, and it takes them quite a long time to restore their nervous and physical energy. That is why participation in long-term games, especially complex ones, brings them to stress. In general, any situation that brings unexpected innovations or includes elements of competition is stressful for them. A typical melancholic reaction to stress is avoidance of communication and the desire for solitude, withdrawal into oneself and one's experiences. nine0003
For parents of a small, pronounced melancholic, the keys to a child may be patience and understanding. It is undesirable to send a melancholic baby to a kindergarten before he is three years old. You need to deal with him in a very dosed manner, carefully selecting tasks so that the difficulties increase gradually and he can cope with everything. This approach increases the child's self-esteem and increases his interest in classes.
Parents who are aware of the problems of their child's temperament help him cope with himself and thus facilitate the task of his inner growth and development as a person. nine0003
1. The main approach in raising a melancholic child is the principle that can be conventionally called "DO NO HARM".
2. In dealing with such a child and in educational influences, take into account the vulnerability of his psyche - do not shout and do not put pressure on him, express your dissatisfaction in an even, confident voice, do not call him names. 3. Remember that a melancholic child needs special attention, warm relations, and help. Be kind and gentle with him. nine0003
4. Praise him more often and be generous with sincere words. Your child has a special intuition, and it is vital for him to feel that he is loved.
5. Encourage him even for minor successes and achievements.
6. Do not miss the opportunity to show your vulnerable child that you greatly appreciate the slightest manifestation of his care.
7. Never make remarks to your child in public - this provokes the development of serious complexes.
8. When communicating with your child, use tactile contact more often: touch him, stroke his head, etc.
9. Do not forget about rapid fatigue due to weakness of nervous processes - do not overload him with developmental tasks, pause while doing homework. Remember that even games tire him and can bring him to stress.
10. Any competitive situation is stressful for a melancholic child, try to avoid them.
11. Do not demand from a melancholic that which is impossible for him. Aim him at feasible activities and help them complete them on time, avoiding overwork in a timely manner. nine0003
12. Avoid giving orders to your child. they only slow it down.
13. Develop independence by giving your child what they can. With every manifestation of independence, encourage your baby, encourage with a warm word.
14. Be patient in developing activity, courage.
15. Encourage your child to take the initiative.
16. Develop your child's sociability.
17. Do not scare or bully your child. Scary stories, disturbing films and programs are contraindicated for a melancholic child. nine0003
18. Help get rid of fear by talking to your child about their feelings. Don't make fun of your fears.
19. When choosing an educational institution, remember that a melancholic is most suited to a smooth activity that requires perseverance and patience (work). Even monotonous work does not bother him.
20. In a familiar environment, in a friendly team, he successfully performs the assigned work, studies.
Remember that if you do not take measures to mitigate the extremes in the behavior of a melancholic, then there may be a danger of developing isolation, aloofness, extremely pronounced vulnerability, a tendency to experience everything, even the most ordinary phenomena, with unusual acuteness. nine0003
Phlegmatic children. Characteristic.
calm and cool-headed;
consistent and thorough in business;
cautious and prudent;
know how to wait;
do not like to talk in vain;
have a calm, even speech with stops, without sharply expressed emotions, gestures and facial expressions;
restrained and patient;
bring the work started to the end;
do not waste energy;
strictly adhere to the developed routine of life,
are able to restrain impulses;
less receptive to approval and blame;
not malicious, show a condescending attitude towards taunts addressed to them;
permanent in their own interests;
slowly get into work and switch from one thing to another;
equal in relations with everyone;
love punctuality in everything;
find it difficult to adapt to a new environment; nine0003
Children with a predominance of phlegmatic temperament are the calmest children in the world. They are balanced and unruffled. They study and explore the world gradually, slowly and measuredly. Phlegmatic people cope well with difficulties.
They really like tasks where they have to sit, think, reason, and be wiser. Already at the age of four, your phlegmatic baby can play chess with pleasure and read his first books. He will look at pictures for hours. And listen to your stories too. He really likes to talk, although any conversation with a phlegmatic child is more of an adult monologue. Do not be alarmed if it seems to you that the child starts talking later. It has nothing to do with the problem of intelligence. He just doesn't rush to speak. nine0003
The only thing that can shock a phlegmatic is speed tasks. They need time and rest to be successful. Keep this in mind when working with a child, never try to "speed up" or "adjust" him. As soon as you demand from the little phlegmatic to do something quickly, especially immediately, you will get an unfortunate crying child, completely unable to do anything.
1. The main approach in raising a phlegmatic child is the principle that can be conventionally called "DO NOT Rush". Remember that such a kid can work under time pressure, he needs an individual pace, he cannot be adjusted, he will calculate his time and do the job. Do not demand cosmic speeds from your child. nine0003
2. Teach your child how to manage time wisely.
3. Do not put pressure on your child. under pressure from adults, he only becomes more clumsy and passive.
4. Don't call your child "kopush", especially in front of other people.
5. Remember that phlegmatic children are in great need of approval.
6. When educating a sedentary phlegmatic person, it is important to develop interest in movements, play games with him where speed of movement, accuracy, dexterity are necessary, and encourage him when he fulfills any rules of the game. nine0003
7. Slow phlegmatic people should try to gradually develop the ability to quickly switch from one type of activity to another. Learn to switch attention when performing various tasks
8. Try to develop the child's curiosity (read interesting educational books with him, watch scientific and educational films, visit museums, discuss the information received).
9. Encourage your child to take the initiative.
10. Teach your child to express his emotions and feelings more fully: if he is sad, do not forbid him to cry, if he is happy, allow him to rejoice to the fullest, etc.
11. Involve your child in joint activities (both in children's and adult groups).
12. Teach your child social skills.
One cannot say that some type of temperament is better and some is worse. Not one temperament loses or yields to another, they are completely different types. It’s just that one temperament can be won in some specific life situations than another. Temperament is an innate personality trait and does not change throughout life. In conclusion, I want to remind you that you need not to suppress the temperament of your child, but to learn how to manage it.