Examples of validation statements
Why use validating statements? | Embrace Caregivers
Validation is a valuable tool in the family caregiver’s repertoire. Imagine being on the receiving end of a constant stream of negative statements. Then imagine what it feels like to hear, “I appreciate how hard this is for you. I can see that you are really trying.”
It doesn’t take long to figure out that validating statements can go a long way to supporting a loved one through difficult times.
Emotional validation is the process of learning about, understanding and expressing acceptance of another person’s emotional experience.
According to Psychology Today, “Learning how to use validation effectively takes practice.” It is also important to understand that validation does not have to mean that we agree with our loved one. Think of this skill instead as a way to recognize and understand your loved one’s thoughts, feelings, sensations and behaviours.”
Examples of validating statements
- I can see that you are very (upset, sad, frightened, scared).
- Here’s what I’m hearing you say. (summarize with fact checking)
- I guess that must have been hard for you.
- I can see you are making an effort.
- I can see how hard you are working.
- Wow, that/she/he must have made you feel really angry/sad.
- I can see this is important to you.
- What a frustrating situation to be in!
- It must make you feel horrible to have someone do that.
- That’s got to be so (difficult, upsetting, frustrating, etc.) for you.
- Wow, how hard that must be.
- That really stinks!
- That’s messed up! (or stronger language if you are so inclined)
- How frustrating!
- Yeah, I can see how that might make you feel really sad.
- It makes sense you would be so upset about that.
- What a horrible feeling that must be.
- What a tough spot.
- It sounds like you feel that’s really unfair and you shouldn’t be asked to do that.
- That must be really discouraging.
- I bet you feel disappointed.
- Darn, I know how much that meant to you.
- Tell me more. (shows interest)
- I would be (upset, nervous, sad, scared, frightened) too!!
- I can see you’re overwhelmed. Let me help you with that. Can we talk?
- I know you’re scared. It’s going to be hard… and I know you will figure it out.
- That must have been very upsetting for you.
- I’m thinking this must have been (upsetting, sad, frightening, scary) for you.
- I’m thinking you must have been (upset, sad, frightened, scared, etc.)
- I would have been (upset, sad, frightened, scared, etc.) too. (self-disclosure)
- Of course… me too! I would have felt the same way. (self-disclosure)
- I don’t have the same beliefs as you but I can see this is important to you.
- We are both feeling sad… we are suffering together.
- Your suffering is my suffering (because I love you).
- Fair enough.
- You may be right!
Learn more: Understanding Validation: A Way to Communicate Acceptance.
25 Examples of Validating Statements to Show Empathy
by Alexander Draghici
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“Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another.”
I believe this quote by Alfred Adler perfectly represents what empathy should look like.
In other words, to empathize means to put aside your views, opinions, and impressions so that you can create enough mental space to see and understand a situation the way another person does.
Empathy facilitates emotional validation and creates a fertile ground for meaningful interactions.
By validating someone’s feelings, you let them know that it’s ok to experience a certain range of emotions.
That goes a long way towards overcoming life’s unexpected hassles.
Depending on the person whose emotions you validate, this process can generate numerous benefits that contribute to your overall sense of happiness and well-being.
In relationships, validating your partner’s feelings is a foundation for intimacy, while at work, emotional validation can build trust among team members.
Table of Contents
1. I too would feel that way if I were in your situation.
2. I’m truly sorry you had to deal with…
3. I appreciate that you feel comfortable enough to share this with me.
4. I know it’s tough to make a choice when you have so many options, and even though I can’t decide for you, I’ll do my best to help you gain some clarity.
5. I want to make sure I understand this correctly. So, what I’m hearing is that…
6. It must have felt difficult to open up about… Thank you for sharing!
Wow, I can understand why you felt…
8. That doesn’t sound right/fair/respectful at all. I’m truly sorry you had to deal with…
9. Considering everything that you’ve been through, it’s incredible that you’re still…
10. I would probably feel the same way if I were in your situation.
11. Even though I might not fully comprehend the gravity of the situation, I can see that you’re going through a rough patch, and I’m here for you. So tell me what you need.
Even though I might not fully comprehend the gravity of the situation, I can see that you’re going through a rough patch, and I’m here for you. So tell me what you need.”
12. Unbelievable! It angers/disappoints/saddens me to hear that…
13. You might feel like no one understands what you’ve been through, but if you choose to share your story with me, I promise I’ll do my best to hear it.
14. I’m not an expert in… , but it sounds like you did the best you could.
15. Is there any way I can help you with this?
16. If it’s comfortable for you, I would like to hear more about…
17. Yeah, I know exactly how it feels when someone/something is…
18. I think it’s normal to feel… when someone/something is…
19. I’m sorry for… I should have listened more carefully when you told me how you felt.
20. How long have you been dealing with this situation?
21. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?
22. Now that you told me this, I can totally understand why you left…
23. That’s outrageous. Why would someone do such a thing!?
24. Damn, so sorry to hear that. Tell me everything.
25. Don’t worry, we’re going to get through this together.
Validating someone’s feelings is an act that requires active listening, empathy, and acceptance.
It is a process in which you put aside your views, impressions, and opinions to fully understand what the other person is going through and provide the comfort they need to navigate a difficult period.
To come up with a validating statement, all you need to do is get in touch with the other person’s feelings and reflect them back.
You would be amazed how much you can change a person’s perspective with just a few kind words.
Alexander Draghici is a licensed Clinical Psychologist, CBT practitioner, and content writer for various mental health websites. His work focuses mainly on strategies designed to help people manage and prevent two of the most common emotional problems – anxiety and depression.
Finally, if you want to increase your happiness and life satisfaction, then watch this free video that details the 7-minute habit for planning your day to focus on what's important.
Common claims transformation examples for custom policies - Azure AD B2C
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- Reading takes 2 minutes
This article provides examples of how to use Azure Active Directory B2C (Azure AD B2C) Custom Policy Common Claim transformations. For more information, see Claim Transformation.
Copies the value of a claim to another claim. Both statements must be of the same type. Check out transforming these statements into live demos.
Item | TransformationClaimType | Data type | Notes |
Input Claim | Input Claim | string, int | The approval type to be copied. |
output Claim | output Claim | string, int | The claim that is generated after calling this claim transformation. |
Use this assertion transformation to copy a value from a string or numeric assertion to another assertion. The following example copies the value of the externalEmail claim into the email claim.
CopyClaim example
- Incoming claims:
- inputClaim : bob@contoso.
- inputClaim : bob@contoso.
- Outgoing claims:
- outputClaim : [email protected].
Checks if there is an input claim and sets the output claim to true
or false
, respectively. Check out transforming these statements into live demos.
Item | TransformationClaimType | Data type | Notes |
Input Claim | Input Claim | Any | The input assertion whose existence is to be checked. |
output Claim | output Claim | Boolean | The claim that is generated after calling this claim transformation. |
DoesClaimExist example
Use this conversion to check if a claim exists or contains a value. A boolean value is returned indicating whether the assertion exists. The following example checks if an email address exists.
- Incoming claims:
- inputClaim : [email protected].
- Outgoing claims:
- outputClaim : true.
Hashes the provided plain text using a random value and a secret. For hashing, the SHA-256 algorithm is used. Check out transforming these statements into live demos.
Item | TransformationClaimType | Data type | Notes |
Input Claim | plaintext | string | Encryption incoming assertion |
Input Claim | salt | string | The salt parameter.![]() CreateRandomString . |
InputParameter | randomizerSecret | string | Points to an existing Azure AD B2C policy key . To create a policy key, in the Azure AD B2C tenant, under Manage , select Identity Experience Framework . Select Policy Keys to view the keys available in the tenant. Select Add . In item Options , select Manual (Manual). Provide a name (prefix B2C_1A_ can be added automatically). In the Secret field, enter any secret you want to use, such as 1234567890. For Key Usage , select Signature . Press button create . |
output Claim | hash | string | The claim that is generated after calling this claim transformation.![]() plaintext . |
Hash code example
The following example shows how to hash an email address. When transforming claims, random data is added to the email address before the values are hashed. To invoke this assertion transformation, set the value for the mySalt assertion to
- Incoming claims:
- plaintext : [email protected].
- salt : 487624568.
- randomizerSecret : B2C_1A_AccountTransformSecret.
- plaintext : [email protected].
- Outgoing claims:
- outputClaim : CdMNb/KTEfsWzh9MR1kQGRZCKjuxGMWhA5YQNihzV6U=
What to do next
- For more claims transformation examples, see the Azure AD B2C Community GitHub repository.
Examples of transforming date claims for custom policies
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- Reading takes 5 minutes
This article provides examples of using Identity Experience Framework schema date claim transformations in Azure Active Directory B2C (Azure AD B2C). For more information, see Claim Transformation.
Asserts that one date is later than the second. Determines whether
is greater than leftOperand
. If yes, throws an exception. Check out transforming these statements into live demos.
Item | TransformationClaimType | Data type | Notes |
Input Claim | leftOperand | string | The type of the first assertion, which must be greater than (later) the second assertion. |
Input Claim | rightOperand | string | The type of the second assertion, which must be less than (before) the first assertion. |
InputParameter | AssertIfEqualTo | Boolean | Indicates whether this assertion should throw an error if the left operand is equal to the right operand. Possible values: true (default) or false . |
InputParameter | AssertIfRightOperandIsNotPresent | Boolean | Indicates whether this statement is executed if the right operand is missing.![]() |
InputParameter | TreatAsEqualIfWithinMillseconds | INT | Specifies the number of milliseconds between two dates and times after which they are considered equal (for example, to account for clock differences). |
Assertion transformation AssertDateTimeIsGreaterThan is always performed from a validation technical profile invoked with a self-asserted technical profile. The self-validated technical profile DateTimeGreaterThan metadata specifies the error messages that the technical profile displays to the user. Error messages can be localized.
Example AssertDateTimeIsGreaterThan
The following example compares assertion currentDateTime
with assertion approvedDateTime
. The error occurs when currentDateTime
is greater (later) than approvedDateTime
. The transformation considers values equal if they differ by no more than 5 minutes (30,000 milliseconds). Equal values will not raise an error because
is false
In the above example, if the input parameter AssertIfEqualTo
is removed and currentDateTime
is approvedDateTime
, an error will be thrown. By default, AssertIfEqualTo
is true
- Incoming assertions:
- leftOperand : 2022-01-01T15:00:00.
- rightOperand : 2022-01-22T15:00:00.
- leftOperand : 2022-01-01T15:00:00.
- Input parameters:
- AssertIfEqualTo : false.
- AssertIfRightOperandIsNotPresent : true.
- TreatAsEqualIfWithinMillseconds : 300000 (30s).
- Result: An error has occurred.
Invoke assertion transformation
The following technical validation profile Example-AssertDates
invokes assertion transformation AssertApprovedDateTimeLaterThanCurrentDateTime
Unit test
Self-asserted technical profile invokes technical validation profile Example-AssertDates
User ID signup ... - api.selfasserted
- Custom error message if the provided right operand is greater than the right operand.
Converts claim type DateTime
to claim type Date
. The assertion transformation excludes the time format from the date. Check out transforming these statements into live demos.
Item | TransformationClaimType | Data type | Notes |
Input Claim | Input Claim | dateTime | The assertion type to be converted.![]() |
output Claim | output Claim | Date | The type of claim that is generated after this claims transformation is called. |
Example ConvertDateTimeToDateClaim
The following example converts a systemDateTime claim
(dateTime data type) to another systemDate claim
(date data type).
- Incoming claims:
- inputClaim : 2022-01-03T11:34:22.0000000Z.
- Outgoing claims:
- outputClaim : 2022-01-03.
Converts the Date
claim type to the DateTime
claim type. The assertion transformation converts the time format and adds 00:00:00 to the date. Check out transforming these statements into live demos.
Item | TransformationClaimType | Data type | Notes |
Input Claim | Input Claim | Date | The assertion type to be converted. |
output Claim | output Claim | dateTime | The type of claim that is generated after this claims transformation is called. |
ConvertDateToDateTimeClaim example
The following example converts claim dateOfBirth
(date data type) into another statement dateOfBirthWithTime
(dateTime data type).
- Incoming claims:
- inputClaim : 2022-01-03.
- inputClaim : 2022-01-03.
- Outgoing claims:
- outputClaim : 2022-01-03T00:00:00.0000000Z.
Compares two dates and determines if the first date is later, earlier, or equal to it. The result is a new boolean assertion with value true
or false
. Check out transforming these statements into live demos.
Item | TransformationClaimType | Data type | Notes |
Input Claim | firstDateTime | dateTime | The first date to determine if it is later, earlier, or equal. If null, an exception is thrown. |
Input Claim | secondDateTime | dateTime | Second date to compare. The NULL value is treated as the current date and time value. |
InputParameter | timeSpanInSeconds | INT | Time interval to be added to the first date.![]() |
InputParameter | operator | string | One of the following values: same , later than , or earlier than . |
outputClaim | result | Boolean | The claim that is generated after calling this claim transformation. |
DateTimeComparison Example
Use this assertion transformation to determine whether the first date plus the timeSpanInSeconds parameter is later, earlier, or equal to it. The following example shows that the first date (2022-01-01T00:00:00) plus 90 days is later than the second date (2022-03-16T00:00:00).
- Incoming claims:
- firstDateTime : 2022-01-01T00:00:00.
- secondDateTime : 2022-03-16T00:00:00.100000Z.
- firstDateTime : 2022-01-01T00:00:00.
- Input parameters:
- operator : later than
- timeSpanInSeconds : 7776000 (90 days)
- Outgoing claims:
- result : true
Example IsTermsOfUseConsentRequired
Determine if the assertion type dateTime
is earlier or greater than the specified date. The result is a new boolean assertion with value true
or false
. Check out transforming these statements into live demos.
Item | TransformationClaimType | Data type | Notes |
Input Claim | Example termsOfUseConsentDateTime | dateTime | Assertion type dateTime , which checks if this value is earlier or later than the value of input parameter termsOfUseTextUpdateDateTime .![]() true . |
InputParameter | Example termsOfUseTextUpdateDateTime | dateTime | Assertion type dateTime , which checks if this value is earlier or later than input assertion termsOfUseConsentDateTime . The time part of the date is optional. |
output Claim | result | Boolean | The type of claim that is generated after this claims transformation is called. |
Use this assertion transformation to determine whether the assertion type dateTime
is earlier or greater than a specific date. For example, check if the user has agreed to the latest version of your terms of use or terms of service. To check when the user last provided consent, store the time the user last accepted the terms of use in an extension attribute. When your terms of use wording changes, update input parameter termsOfUseTextUpdateDateTime
indicating the time of the change. Then call this assertion transformation to compare the dates. If the assertion transformation returns
, then the termsOfUseConsentDateTime
value precedes the termsOfUseTextUpdateDateTime
value, and you can ask the user to accept the updated terms of use.
Example IsTermsOfUseConsentRequired
- Incoming claims:
- termsOfUseConsentDateTime : 2020-03-09T09:15:00.
- Input parameters:
- termsOfUseTextUpdateDateTime : 2021-11-15.
- termsOfUseTextUpdateDateTime : 2021-11-15.