What is a good conversation topic
166 Conversation Starters For Virtually Any Situation
A good conversation starter can transform an awkward, stilted conversation into an interesting, enjoyable discussion.
That's important in sales, as having several conversation starters up your sleeve will help you form connections with prospects, referrals, and potential partners. In other words, your ability to start a conversation translates to real business.
Take a look at our list of 166 conversation starters and find your favorite one-liner to kick start your next conversation.
Table of Contents
Conversation Topics
Conversation Starters to Use at a Conference
Conversation Starters to Use at an Industry Event
Conversation Starters to Use at a Networking Happy Hour
Conversation Starters to Use at a Social Event
Questions to Start a Conversation
General Conversation Starters
- What's the most interesting thing you've read lately?
- What's a fact about you that's not on the internet?
- Do you listen to any podcasts? Which ones?
- If you were in charge of the playlist, which song would you play next?
- What's the best gift you've ever gotten?
- What's your favorite part about living in [city]? Least favorite?
- Are there any common misconceptions about your job?
- Why did you come tonight?
- If you had to sum up this event in three words, which would they be?
- Are there any upcoming events you're planning on going to?
- What conference — real or imaginary — would you absolutely hate to miss?
- If you were giving a presentation, what would the topic be?
- Great [shoes/haircut/shirt]! Where'd you get it?
- I'm trying to plan my next trip — have you traveled anywhere interesting lately?
What makes a good conversation starter? While there isn't an exact formula, you can tailor your questions for different situations. For instance, the conversation starters you use with your friends will differ from, say, your boss.
Here are the common types of questions:
- Open-ended: A broad, open-ended question typically generates a far more engaging answer than a closed, yes-or-no one.
- Non-routine: Breaking out of the standard weather and job-related questions will jolt the person you're talking to out of autopilot. You'll also make yourself more memorable.
- Professional: Some topics are more suited for your friends and family than strangers or near-strangers. Your questions should never make your conversational partner uncomfortable.
- Relevant: If you can, start a conversation about something timely or specific, such as your location, event, industry, jobs, or current interests. The other person will find it easier to contribute.
Conversation Topics
So, you want to start a conversation. But what should you talk about? Here are some topics to kick off a conversation.
If you're attending a conference or event, you can ask questions about the event itself, its location, your industry, the other person's objectives, what they've learned, and more.
At an industry event, talk about the latest news or technology in your industry. Ask how your industry is evolving, and what changes people are most excited about.
Is a person using a phone, tablet, or electronic device you're interested in? Ask them about it.
Ask if they recommend any books, blogs, podcasts, or videos. You might find a mutual interest that you can talk about.
Fun Facts
Start conversations about where they work, their favorite food and restaurants in the area, or chat about something they learned recently. Fun facts are ideal for networking events or happy hours.
To start great conversations, borrow from this list of 166 conversation starters.
Conversation Starters to Use at a Conference
Conferences are chock-full of opportunities to ask thought-provoking, relevant, and engaging questions. You can discuss the specific event, its location, your industry, the other person's objectives, what they've learned, and more.
Keith Grehan, an account manager in HubSpot's Dublin office says:
"I approach conference introductions the same way I approach outbound calls, by having a reason to call/initiate the conversation. Ideally, I'd know something about the prospect, their company and the challenge/hot topics in their industry and use that as a jumping off point. If, however, I was at an event and didn't have a chance to complete prior research, I introduce myself and ask, ‘What are you hoping to get from the day?' It's a great place to start."
- Which [speaker/panel] are you most excited for?
- Which [speaker/panel] did you most enjoy? Which did you find the most useful?
- If you could meet one speaker from this event, who would it be?
- If you could have your entire company watch a single session from this event, which would it be?
- If you were giving a presentation, what would the topic be?
- How does this conference compare to others you've attended?
- If you were running this conference, what would you do differently?
- What did you think of the talk [length, structure, style]?
- Have you gone to this conference before? What's changed?
- What's the most surprising thing you've learned? (If the conference isn't over, add "so far?")
- Why did you decide to attend?
- Are you planning on coming back next year?
- Are you here with other people? Do you prefer going to conferences solo or with a group?
- Are you doing any non-conference activities while you're here? (Alternatively: "Did you fit in any non-conference activities?")
- Is this your first time in [city]? What do you think of it?
- Are you from the area? (If yes: "Do you have any [food, museum, shopping, music] recommendations?" If no: "Where are you from?")
- Do you think the conference could benefit from being a day [shorter, longer]? Why?
- I wonder how many people would have attended this conference eight years ago — what do you think?
- I wonder how many people will attend this conference in eight years — what do you think?
- Do you go to a lot of conferences?
- What's the first conference you ever attended?
- Would your company ever host a conference? (Or if they're from a large organization: "Does your company host conferences?")
- What conference — real or imaginary — would you absolutely hate to miss?
- Do you think [industry] needs more conferences? Less?
- What's the primary reason you chose to attend [conference name]?
- Do you have any plans to explore [city]?
- What's your biggest takeaway from [speaker/panel]?
- Will you come back to this event next year?
- Have you met/seen any of the speakers before?
Conversation Starters to Use at an Industry Event
Attending a highly specific event like a forum comes with some advantages. For one, you usually have a pretty good sense of which roles and interests the other attendees hold. When you're blanking on topics, use this information.
- Have you been to any events hosted by [organizer] before?
- Why'd you decide to come to this forum?
- Is [theme of event] a major professional focus of yours?
- Why do you think they chose this specific theme?
- By any chance, have you read anything good about [theme of event]?
- Do you attend any other forums?
- Are there any upcoming events you're planning on going to?
- Had you heard of [speaker] before this?
- Why do you think they chose [speaker]?
- Have you ever organized an event like this? What surprised you about running the scenes?
- If you could only remember one fact or insight from this [morning, afternoon, evening], what would it be?
- What were your thoughts on [specific point speaker made]?
- Do you have any predictions for how the discussion will go? (Or if the event is wrapping up: "Did the discussion meet your expectations?")
- You look so familiar! Did you go to [previous event]?
- What are your favorite and least favorite things about working in [industry]?
- How long have you been in [industry]? Have there been any significant changes since you entered this space?
- If you could spend an entire day talking to any expert in our industry, who would it be?
- If you were in charge of this forum, and you had an unlimited budget, what would you do differently?
- Did you disagree with any of the points made?
- Did this event change how you think about [industry] and/or your role in [industry]?
- Do you frequently go to these types of events?
- How'd you learn about this forum?
- I'm in the market for a new [phone, computer, notebook, etc.
], and I noticed you're using an [iPhone 12, Moleskine notebook, etc.] — would you recommend it?
- If you had to sum up this event in three words, which would they be?
- What new projects do you have lined up?
- Which skills in [industry] do you think will be most in demand in the next five years?
- Do you listen to any [industry]-specific podcasts?
- Where do you like to get your [industry]-related news?
Conversation Starters to Use at a Networking Happy Hour
Socializing with strangers who already express an interest in connecting is always a little easier — or at least, more relaxed — at the end of the day. And, in the case that the majority of attendees are local, you've got a ton of built-in questions about the city, how long they've lived here, what they like to do in the area, and so on at your disposal.
As a general rule, your questions should be a little lighter than the ones you'd use at a conference or speaker event. Happy hours are for mixing work and play, so match your tone accordingly.
Grehan has advice for those preparing for networking happy hours as well. He says:
"At a happy hour, it's important to be more informal. People have had a long day of research and attending seminars, so having someone open with a different topic than the event or what they do for a living can be a breath of fresh air. If anything funny happened or if something didn't go well during the event, a joke about it is a good opener -- nothing brings people together like complaining after a long day!"
- What's keeping you busy lately?
- Did you come here from work?
- What's your favorite part about living in [city]? Least favorite?
- What do you think of this venue?
- If you could only attend one type of networking function for the rest of your life, would you choose breakfasts or happy hours?
- Have you tried any of the food? What's good?
- What did you get done today?
- Why did you come tonight?
- How long have you lived in [city]?
- Why did you move to [city]?
- Do you think [city] is a place most people move to, or from?
- Where did you move to [city] from? What do you miss about your last town — and what were you happy to leave behind?
- If you could recommend only one [restaurant, coffee shop, bar] in [city], which one would you choose?
- As [day of the week]s go, how was yours? (For example, "Did you have a good Monday, as Mondays go?")
- At this time on a typical [day of the week], what would you be doing?
- I have a semi-important decision to make, and I'd love your input: Should I have [appetizer #1] or [appetizer #2]?
- I just learned "happy hours" were invented in the 1920s on naval ships.
To make sea life a little less boring, sailors got daily breaks for wrestling and boxing matches. Do you prefer the modern or original version?
- If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
- What's the last new skill you learned?
- Are there any skills you thought would be crucial to your job that turned out to be unimportant?
- Are there any common misconceptions about your job?
- I read an article claiming nowadays everyone has a side project (or four). Do you agree? Are you working on anything on the side?
- Wow, I see a lot of phones out — the email addiction is real! Do you think your company could survive if your CEO banned internal email?
- Do you think you're the only [title] in the room?
- If someone was making a movie about your current job, what genre would it be? What would they call it?
- I love your [tie/bracelet/shoe/attire]! Where did you get it from?
- What would you be doing at this time on a normal day?
- It's nice to meet you.
How has your day been?
- Wow, that drink looks good. What is it?
- What a great place for an event, right? Have you ever been here before?
Conversation Starters to Use at a Social Event
You might not think of your friend's BBQ or neighbor's block party as prime networking events — but as the most successful reps know, great sales opportunities can appear in unlikely places.
However, steer away from job, career, or industry-related questions. Since you're at a social event, less serious subjects are far more appropriate (and fun). Building rapport is your primary mission — after the party, you can figure out which new connections might benefit from your product.
- If you were in charge of the playlist, which song would you play next?
- You look like you could be in [random occupation]. Am I anywhere close?
- If there was $200 at stake, would you be willing to prepare the food using only lunch meat, the contents of the freezer, and basic kitchen staples?
- Have you tried any of the [appetizers, drinks, sides, etc.
]? Any recommendations?
- Do you have a signature drink? (Gesture to their glass.)
- Is your [day/night] going like you expected?
- Do you prefer hosting events or attending them?
- Games at parties: Yay, or nay? Why?
- Are you a cat or dog person? Do you have any pets?
- If you had to switch outfits with one person here, who would it be?
- Do you know most of the people here?
- If you could invite anyone to this party and they were guaranteed to show up, who would you ask?
- I'm trying to plan my next trip — have you traveled anywhere interesting lately?
- What do you think are the top three ingredients for a successful party?
- Would you rather only host fancy dinner parties or theme parties for the rest of your life?
- Great [shoes/haircut/shirt]! Where'd you get it?
- What are you reading?
- Are there any Netflix/Hulu/television series you'd recommend?
- If you were stuck on a desert island with four items of your choice from this room, what would you bring?
- What's the last movie you saw in theaters? Was it worth the trip?
- What do you not do? (Smile while you ask to show you're being humorous.
- Have you been to any great restaurants lately?
- Where's your favorite vacation spot?
- Got any fun plans for the weekend? I need some inspiration so I don't end up on the couch with some Netflix and Ben & Jerry's.
- Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin?
- Did you fulfill your childhood dream?
- What's the best gift you've ever gotten? My friend's birthday is coming up and I'd love some ideas.
- Are you looking forward to anything in the next few weeks?
- Are you looking forward to anything in the next few weeks?
- How do you know the host?
- Are you keeping up with [sports team/TV show/news] recently?
- Have you tried any new restaurants lately?
- [For couples] How did you two meet?
- Are you having a good time?
Questions to Start a Conversation
Sometimes, a simple introduction is the best way to proceed. But, then what? Open-ended questions are your friend, in these situations. Sales expert, and author of "Networking in the 21st Century," David J.P. Fisher explains his strategy for navigating professional gatherings:
"The most powerful way to start a conversation at industry events is the simplest: introduce yourself! Simply saying, ‘Hi, my name is ______' invites them to respond with their name, and now you have a conversation. It helps to have an open-ended question for follow up after that. Something like, ‘What do you think of the event so far?' or ‘Which has been your favorite session?' works well."
- What's the most interesting thing you've read lately?
- How many days do you think it takes you to scroll a mile on your phone? One day? One week?
- What's a fact about you that's not on the internet?
- If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
- Do you have a go-to conversation starter for these types of events? What is it?
- Which blogs do you read?
- Do you listen to any podcasts? Which ones?
- You remind me of a celebrity, but I'm having trouble remembering their name… Whom are you normally compared to?
- Did you hear about the trend of dinner party hosts banning small talk? Would you ever try that?
- Would you recommend the last documentary you watched? Why or why not?
- What's something in your industry you consider underrated?
- What are your company's unique traditions?
- If you could only [read, watch, listen to] one genre of [books, shows, music] for the rest of your life, which would it be?
- On what topic do people always come to you with questions?
- If you could spend one month at any period in the past — and you were guaranteed not to suffer any harm or change the course of history -- when would it be?
- If you weren't in [X profession], which one would you be in?
- Who was your childhood hero?
- Do you have a secret talent?
- What's the best event freebie you've ever gotten?
- If you could publish a book on any subject, what would it be?
- Let's say you could invite any three people in [industry, role, organization] to dinner.
Who would you ask?
- What's the last thing you learned outside of work?
- How do you feel about unlimited vacation policies? Do you think they work as intended?
- What's one company perk you'd love to have?
- Have you taken any professional development courses lately?
- If you could be a fly on the wall for a C-suite meeting at any company, which company would it be?
- Do you prefer working remotely or in-person — and why?
- What's one thing you'd love to be an expert at?
- If there were no dress code, how would you dress for work?
- Tell me about the best boss you ever had — what made them so great?
- What’s the quality that people admire most about you?
- What is one non-work related goal that you would like to achieve in the next five years?
- Suppose you get to redecorate the conference room — what would you do?
The Ultimate Conversation Starter
Last but not least, the ultimate networking question that you can ask anyone, anywhere, anytime:
What do you love about what you do?
This question gives people the chance to dig into their passions — automatically putting them in a good mood and making them more likely to enjoy your conversation. Plus, it's a fresh twist on an old standby. You'll instantly stand out from the hordes of other people making small talk.
99 Mindful Conversation Topics For Deeper Connections
Good Conversation Starters For Everyone
Mindful conversation topics are perfect for deepening relationships and fostering meaningful discussions—whether with strangers, family members, romantic partners, or friends old and new. Whether you use a conversation deck, pull from the questions below, or create your own list, here’s to never wondering what to talk about again!
Have you had a good conversation lately? Jump to the comments below and share your favorite topics!
And for more everyday inspiration, subscribe to The Daily Good—a 30-second newsletter delivered to your inbox each morning with tips for self-care and sustainable living. 🌿
Conversation Topics For Anyone
1. Which scent do you find the most soothing?
2. What is a language you love to listen to even if you don’t speak or understand it?
3. Oceans or mountains? Why?
4. Describe the most captivating painting or artwork you’ve ever seen.
5. Do you remember the first novel you ever read? If so, what was it?
6. What is your favorite thing about your personality?
“What is your favorite thing about your personality?”
7. If you could have a fictional superhero for a best friend, who would it be?
8. What color would you choose to describe yourself?
9. What is something you have accomplished as an adult that your younger self would be proud of?
10. Is there a place in the world that you feel most represents who you are?
11. Where is one place you’d love to travel to again?
12. If your pet could talk, what would their voice sound like? What would they say about you?
13. What does your name mean?
14. What tasks make you feel like your best self?
15. What’s your Enneagram number and how does it influence your self-care practices?
16. Where do you feel most centered and happy?
17. What’s your favorite comfort food?
18. What do you wear when you’re feeling your very best, and why?
19. What is the best meal you’ve ever had, and what’s the best meal you’ve ever cooked for yourself?
20. What do you love most about your home?
“What do you love most about your home?”
21. What’s a yearbook-style superlative you’d give to your high school self? What’s one for your current self?
22. What gives you goosebumps?
23. Do you know your astrology sign? How about your birth chart?
24. How are you consciously practicing sustainability?
25. Do you have any tattoos?
26. Scuba diving or skydiving?
27. What are you most grateful for in this season of life?
28. Do you give back or volunteer with any organizations?
29. What’s your love language?
Conversation Topics For Friends
30. What do you look for and need in your friendships?
31. How do you feel that you best offer love and support to your friends?
32. Tell me about your childhood best friend.
33. When do you feel most authentically yourself?
34. What’s one form of self-expression you’ve been too hesitant to explore?
“What’s one habit you want to get rid of and one habit you want to keep?”
35. What’s one habit you want to get rid of and one habit you want to keep?
36. What was your first experience with sex like?
37. If you were to perform a duet with a famous musician, who would it be and why?
38. Do you have any recurring dreams? If so, what do you think they are trying to tell you?
39. Who do you most admire, and how has that impacted the way you live your life?
Mindful Conversation Topics for Your Parents
40. What’s one thing you’d tell yourself at my age? What’s one thing your younger self would tell you?
41. What do you wish you’d known before having kids?
42. What was the first big purchase you made as an adult?
43. How did you know when you fell in love?
“What was the first big purchase you made as an adult?”
44. Have you kept any memorabilia from your childhood?
45. What do you miss most about being a child? A teenager? My age?
46. What about the current world would be most surprising to your younger self?
47. If you could travel back in time, which part of your life would you go back to?
48. Who did you vote for in past elections? Why?
49. What are some of your favorite memories about your parents?
Conversation Topics For Kids
50. If you could have one cartoon character be your real-life best friend, who would you choose and why?
51. What’s your earliest memory?
52. What do you love most about school?
53. Who are your best friends?
“What does a perfect day with the family look like?”
54. What is your favorite season?
55. What superpower do you wish you had?
56. What do you want to be when you grow up?
57. If you could have any animal as a pet, which would you choose and why?
58. What does a perfect day with the family look like?
59. What do you love most about our house?
Conversation Topics For Date Night
60. How do you feel best supported in hard times?
61. What does “alone time” look like for you?
62. Dogs or cats (or rabbits)?
63. What do you wish people better understood about you?
“What does ‘alone time’ look like for you?”
64. What lessons from your childhood have most impacted your worldview?
65. If we could live in another country for a year (no strings attached), where would we go?
66. What do you love most about our relationship? What do you wish to work on?
67. What small joys bring light to your day?
68. How can we better practice sustainability as a couple?
69. What’s a favorite memory you have of us together?
Conversation Topics For Siblings
70. What’s one of your favorite memories from our childhood?
71. What do you think everyone in the family will be doing 10 years from now?
“Which characteristics do you think you inherited from our parents?”
72. Do you have a morning routine?
73. What was your favorite subject in school? Favorite teacher?
74. Which characteristics do you think you inherited from our parents?
75. If you could return to school, what would you study?
76. What Netflix show or movie are you watching?
77. What are you currently reading?
78. What food reminds you most of home?
79. What do you love most about yourself?
Conversation Topics For Work
80. What accomplishments are you most proud of?
81. What projects are you working on right now that bring you joy?
82. How do you unwind after work?
83. Do you listen to any podcasts during your commute? If so, which ones?
“How do you track your work goals and accomplishments?”
84. What do you enjoy most about our company?
85. Where do you need support that you’re not getting it?
86. How do you track your work goals and accomplishments?
87. Do you enjoy networking? Why or why not?
88. What was your very first job?
89. What skills are you focused on cultivating right now?
Conversation Topics For Strangers
90. How are you truly doing?
91. What’s one act of kindness you experienced today?
92. What do you do for enjoyment?
93. Do you recharge by being around other people or by spending time alone?
“What is the compliment you receive most often?”
94. If you had a day to yourself, what would it look like, where would you go, and what would you do?
95. What is the compliment you receive most often?
96. Do you collect anything?
97. What was the last movie you watched?
98. What’s one thing your loved ones would be surprised to learn about you?
99. If you woke up one morning and all your problems were solved, how would go about your day?
Kayti Christian (she/her) is a Senior Editor at The Good Trade. She has a Master’s in Nonfiction Writing from the University of London and is the creator of Feelings Not Aside, a newsletter for sensitive people.
Interesting topics for conversation – Inspiratedd
Are you getting ready to meet your friends? Or maybe you have a date? In any case, you will communicate. And if you think what to talk about , then quickly read this article! I have prepared for you interesting topics for conversation that will not leave the interlocutors indifferent. Also, a few life hacks for a successful conversation are waiting for you below.
We all know that “smiling makes the world brighter”. But we often forget this simple truth. Do you want to impress? Be sincere, positive and smiling person. Listen to the interlocutor, be interested in the details of his story. If the smile “does not stretch” in any way, and the positive has disappeared somewhere, then why even have a conversation? If you are interested in the interlocutor and vice versa, then the conversation will go “like clockwork”. And if it’s hard to squeeze even a word out of yourself and deliberate silence reigns in the air, then there is only one piece of advice: “Run Forrest, run!”.
Well, now topics for conversation... Do you like sports, reading, drawing? Tell about it! And do not forget to ask the interlocutor.

- Future.
Tell us about your dreams and goals.
- Experiences, thoughts. Share your problems (here it is also important not to go too far), maybe you will get good advice?
- Pets, relatives, mutual acquaintances. This topic is also full of funny (and not so) stories. But it's better to talk about fun.
- Work, study. Quite an important topic, but the main thing is not to get bored.
- Leisure, travel. Share your impressions of your vacation or holidays.
I sincerely hope that exciting communication and positive emotions await you. Good luck!
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How to become an interesting interlocutor and please in communication ✨
How to look confident in yourself ✨
Suitable for the TSE:
Suit off the mess ...
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about Men 9008 My name is Vlad and I am the author of the blog Inspiratedd.

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Interesting topics for conversation with anyone, anywhere
Hello everyone!
Communication can come to a standstill regardless of who your interlocutor is: a new acquaintance or a person with whom you have known each other for a hundred years. In order not to stretch awkward pauses, it would be good to always have interesting topics for conversation at hand.
We have prepared for you a large list of topics and tips for a variety of occasions. Don't forget to save the article so you don't lose it!
Recommendations for interesting communication
Before we go directly to the topics, we would like to dwell on important nuances that will help avoid mistakes in communication:
- a more detailed answer than a monosyllabic “no” or “yes”.
- If you come to a tête-à-tête meeting, do not turn the dialogue into an interrogation with prejudice.
Do not bombard the person with questions as if he came for an interview. When deciding to touch on a particular topic, be sure to tell similar information about yourself. Usually people continue to speak out of inertia and so do not feel discomfort. But pulling the blanket over yourself, forcing you to listen only to your person, is also not worth it. Stick to the golden mean.
- Listen carefully, ask clarifying questions. This is how you show interest and show respect.
- Don't give unsolicited advice, especially to strangers. Even if you think the person needs it. This is extremely insensitive.
- Avoid complaining and pitting anyone. The negative is repulsive.
- Do not be afraid of silence. There can be natural pauses in any conversation. Long conversations are also exhausting. If it is comfortable to talk with a person, then it will be comfortable with him and be silent for a while. At least to finish your salad or finish your cup of coffee, if the circumstances are appropriate.
Topics to talk about
Each situation has its own topics to talk about, so we have divided this article into several categories. Choose your case and take note of what fits.
On a date
Before a date, the main thing to remember is how important it is to be yourself. Do not choose topics that you are not interested in.
If you do not like art, do not study the work of Claude Monet and speak about the work of Pablo Picasso before the meeting.
Look for things you can talk about passionately together.
Otherwise, you shouldn't even get upset if communication doesn't work out.
We did not divide the topics into male and female, but put together a universal list of sample questions, on the basis of which you can develop a discussion with both a guy and a girl. Not only will they help keep the conversation going, but they'll also help you get to know the person well enough to form an opinion about them and decide if they're right for you.
What are some interesting questions for the couple?
We invite you to chat on the following topics:
- How was your day, working week?
- Talk about what helped you get to know each other. For example, if the meeting took place in a group of friends, ask how long the person has known them. If the acquaintance happened on social networks, ask how often the interlocutor makes friends in this way.
- What do you like to do in your free time, what are your hobbies?
- Where are you from?
- What childhood memories do you remember the most?
- What movies do you watch? What was the last time you went to the cinema? What do you recommend to watch from comedies, science fiction and other things?
- What places in the city do you visit most often?
- Where have you rested in your life and where would you prefer to return again?
- How do you feel about sports, art, music?
- Do you like to read books? What genres do you prefer? What publications do you remember the most?
- Do you have dreams?
- Tell us about your profession, study, work.
- How do you feel about alcohol?
- Are there bad habits that you struggle with?
- How do you like to spend weekends and holidays? Do you prefer a relaxing holiday or an active one?
- Do you have any pets?
- What would you like to do if you had no restrictions on finances and resources?
- Are you a lark or an owl?
- What do you value most in members of the opposite sex?
- What brings you the most joy?
- What are you looking for in a relationship? What are your goals?
- What do you watch on TV? Who is subscribed to on YouTube? How do you feel about TikTok?
- What is your attitude towards loneliness?
- Do you have childhood friends with whom you still keep in touch?
- What type of personality do you consider yourself: extroverts or introverts?
- How do you feel about self-knowledge, meditation, yoga and other practices?
- What event are you looking forward to? This could be, for example, a festival, a concert of your favorite band, a friend's birthday, a relative's wedding, etc.
These are just examples of some topics.
You can create your own list based on your own interests and preferences.
For example, if you love Italian cuisine, tell us about the most interesting dishes and ask your interlocutor what his culinary preferences are.
In the company of friends
In a noisy company, silence rarely hangs, but you can still make the meeting even more exciting and exciting. And there are countless topics for friendly conversations.
Here are the random options:
- If you were Neo in The Matrix, which pill would you choose: blue or red?
- What superpower would you like to have and why?
- Would you rather be the richest person or the smartest?
- You can discuss some interesting life hacks and suggest trying them.
- New gadgets, mobile applications, news from the world of technology.
- How do you feel about esotericism, predictions, horoscopes? Have you had any experience with similar practices?
- Discussions on adrenaline, extreme sports, climbing, camping, etc.
- Attitude towards various conspiracy theories. For example, the world is ruled by aliens, special services, is mass chipping possible, who killed Kennedy, etc.
- Do you believe in ghosts, afterlife?
- What's the best advice you've ever been given?
- What would you spend money on if you won a very large amount?
- New movies, bloopers, favorite directors, etc.
- Political news.
- Cool memes from the Internet.
- What do you think about gender equality, feminism and other movements.
- Which place of residence would you prefer: city or countryside, coastal resort or mountains, house or apartment, metropolis or province?
- Would you agree to explore a new planet in the event of an impending apocalypse?
- If you had a time machine, where would you go?
- How long could you live without communication and amenities?
- What was the first thing you felt and did if you woke up in an unfamiliar place?
Note! One of the most productive ways to spend time with friends is to organize board games. So you will avoid silence, and stretch your brain.
With strangers
In the company of strangers, topics for communication should be chosen carefully so as not to stumble upon subjects of heated disagreement.
Here are the most neutral questions that can be used for conversation:
- What do you do, what is your occupation?
- Where did you study and why exactly there?
- Do you have a hobby?
- How do you prefer to relax, spend holidays, relax after a working day?
- Where did you spend your childhood, where are you from? How did you get to this city?
- You can discuss the most popular classic questions. For example, talk about the weather, nature and housing and communal services problems.
- If friends introduced you, ask how long they have known each other and what connects them.
As you ask these questions, always remember to be sure to say the same about yourself.
In a conversation with a stranger, do not touch on “slippery” topics . It is undesirable to talk about religion, personal life, political views, finances, health.
Pay attention to the other person's reaction to certain phrases or topics. So you can understand what he is interested in, and what is better not to talk about. In addition, pay attention to how willingly the stranger communicates and whether you are too intrusive.
It may turn out that you are looking for topics to discuss in vain.
For heartfelt conversation
The topics for spiritual conversations usually come up by themselves. The direction will depend on who is in front of you: a close friend or a friend, a loved one, a parent, etc.
The simplest topics will be everyday life, family, relationships with relatives, colleagues, financial issues, health.
If a person is really close, then the range of topics that can be touched upon expands significantly.
You can discuss sex with your partner or spouse. Ask what suits you, what you would like to bring, what fantasies to try to realize.
Here is a list of universal topics that are suitable for heart-to-heart conversations:
- Childhood, youthful, student memories. This is an inexhaustible topic, because everyone will find funny, cute, sad, interesting stories from the past in their memory.
- Dreams of a person: what he dreamed about in childhood, what he dreams about now.
- Friendship: is it possible between a man and a woman, how does the interlocutor look at communication with former partners, etc.
- Esoteric, unknown. As a rule, in large companies, rarely does anyone admit that they believe in ghosts or have ever seen something unusual, because no one wants to be ridiculed. But behind a sincere conversation, such secrets are easier to entrust.
- Children: attitude towards children, large families, childfree.
- Intimate Such issues can be discussed not only between partners, but also between two friends. What is acceptable and what is not. You can share some funny cases from the past. But for this it is necessary that the interlocutor be really congenial and open enough for such topics.
Intimate conversations are best conducted in the evening over a cup of aromatic tea or wine to create a special intimate atmosphere.
List of deep philosophical questions
If you want something more intellectual and serious, you can discuss the following questions:
- Are we alone in the universe?
- When will people be able to fly freely into space? Is it necessary?
- What will happen to our planet if all people disappear? How quickly and to what extent will structures, nature, wildlife be changed?
- What books have had the greatest impact on modern civilization? If you want to show off your intellect, you can, for example, compare the Bible, the Koran, the Torah and other religious works, or share your opinion about literary classics.
- What events of world history were the most striking and significant? You can discuss the great commanders, the overthrow of empires, the conquest of new lands, etc.
- Medical novelties, the latest news from the world of pharmacological technologies, medieval and modern methods of treatment.
- The theme of immortality. Would you like to live forever, would you agree to cryogenic freezing for 200 years?
- If you could choose an era in which to live, what would it be?
- What would heaven and hell look like if you invented them?
- Is there a destiny? If so, how then freedom of choice?
- What is the meaning of life?
- Where did self-esteem come from if man evolved from apes?
- Will religion as an institution last forever or will it ever become obsolete?
- How would the world change if life expectancy increased to 500 years?
- Living life to the fullest - how is it?
- Do animals have a soul and how does it differ from a human one?
- Is poverty inevitable?
- Do weapons protect or destroy?
- Why are the dead more respected than the living?
- How relevant is the institution of marriage and family in the modern world?
- If we learn from mistakes, why are we so afraid of them?
Such topics can be discussed in company with friends, in correspondence with a new acquaintance, in the family circle, with a beloved man (woman), even with teenage children.
You can come up with your own questions and google them first, and then show off your knowledge and thoughts in the company.
Married couple
Married life is often absorbed by routine, and over the years it is more and more difficult to find topics for communication that have not yet been ridden.
If you haven’t talked about anything other than everyday life and children, here is an approximate list of topical topics and questions that will not only dilute the family evening, but also help you get closer:
- What are the most joyful or funny moments in your life (not necessarily together) that you can remember?
- Plan a vacation and discuss the necessary details.
- Rate how the two of you have changed since you met and why.
- What was the most difficult event in your married life for each of you?
- What annoys you the most at work?
- What brings joy and what brings sorrow?
- When did you first feel like an adult?
- What details would you change about your own appearance?
- How do you see your old age?
- What act, from your point of view, was stupid or wrong, do you regret the most?
- How did you imagine your life when you were little?
- What dreams had to be abandoned and is there a chance to fulfill them now?
- What skill would you like to acquire, what to learn?
This is only a modest part of everything that you can discuss with your soulmate. You can easily choose any topic from the section of philosophical questions or for a sincere conversation. Family psychologists also recommend sharing secrets.
You can play a game: one spouse asks any 5 questions, and the other must answer them honestly.
It would also be very good to remember what you talked about in the first days and weeks of your acquaintance. This will help to nostalgic and refresh the senses.
How to become a good conversationalist
In conclusion, here are some generally accepted rules of communication:
- If the interlocutor is talking, do not interrupt with questions, let him finish his thought. Perhaps you have found a topic that is interesting for a person and new subjects for discussion will naturally be born from it. The conversation should not be forced. The key to good dialogue is ease.
- Call your interlocutor by name. This helps to establish trust and sympathy.
- Do not use obscene language, jargon, parasitic words in company with unfamiliar people.
- Be respectful even if you disagree with something said.
- Keep your distance. Not all people like it when someone breaks into their personal space.
- Avoid distractions while talking on your smartphone. This is not appropriate.
We also recommend that you check out our other publications:
- How to Learn to Learn
- How to learn to control your emotions and feelings
- How to keep up a conversation
- How to learn to say NO
- Where to find motivation and how to motivate yourself: effective methods and pitfalls
- How to learn to remember better: mnemonics
- How to deal with stress: useful techniques
- How to ask questions
We have sorted out the best topics for conversation. Use them as a hint, not as a guide to action.