Examples of self care plans
Developing a self-care plan | Teacher wellbeing
A self-care plan can help you enhance your health and wellbeing, manage your stress, and maintain professionalism as a worker with young people. Learn to identify activities and practices that support your wellbeing as a professional and help you to sustain positive self-care in the long-term.
This will help you to:
- understand self-care
- develop your self-care plan
- put your self-care plan into action.
Aspects of self-care
Self-care is a personal matter. Everyone’s approach will be different. It relates to what you do at work and outside of work to look after your holistic wellbeing so that you can meet your personal and professional commitments (find out more). Below are the different aspects to self-care and example strategies that other people have found useful:
- Workplace or professional
- Physical
- Psychological
- Emotional
- Spiritual
- Relationships.
NOTE: The activities and suggestions below are a guide only and it is important to choose activities that are meaningful to yourself and your own goals.
After discovering the different aspects of self-care, complete the self-care plan activity below.
Workplace or professional self-care
This involves activities that help you to work consistently at the professional level expected of you. For example:
- engage in regular supervision or consulting with a more experienced colleague
- set up a peer-support group
- be strict with boundaries between clients/students and staff
- read professional journals
- attend professional development programs.
Physical self-care
Activities that help you to stay fit and healthy, and with enough energy to get through your work and personal commitments.
- Develop a regular sleep routine.
- Aim for a healthy diet.
- Take lunch breaks.
- Go for a walk at lunchtime.
- Take your dog for a walk after work.
- Use your sick leave.
- Get some exercise before/after work regularly.
Psychological self-care
Activities that help you to feel clear-headed and able to intellectually engage with the professional challenges that are found in your work and personal life.
- Keep a reflective journal.
- Seek and engage in external supervision or regularly consult with a more experienced colleague.
- Engage with a non-work hobby.
- Turn off your email and work phone outside of work hours.
- Make time for relaxation.
- Make time to engage with positive friends and family.
Emotional self-care
Allowing yourself to safely experience your full range of emotions.
- Develop friendships that are supportive.
- Write three good things that you did each day.
- Play a sport and have a coffee together after training.
- Go to the movies or do something else you enjoy.
- Keep meeting with your parents' group or other social group.
- Talk to you friend about how you are coping with work and life demands.
Spiritual self-care
This involves having a sense of perspective beyond the day-to-day of life.
- Engage in reflective practices like meditation.
- Go on bush walks.
- Go to church/mosque/temple.
- Do yoga.
- Reflect with a close friend for support.
Relationship self-care
This is about maintaining healthy, supportive relationships, and ensuring you have diversity in your relationships so that you are not only connected to work people.
- Prioritise close relationships in your life e.g. with partners, family and children.
- Attend the special events of your family and friends.
- Arrive to work and leave on time every day.
Create your own self-care plan
For each category above, select at least one strategy or activity that you can undertake. You might notice areas of overlap between these categories. It is important to develop a self-care plan that is holistic and individual to you.
- Download the self-care plan template or create your own.
- Fill your self-care plan with activities that you enjoy and that support your wellbeing. Here are some suggestions.
- Keep this in a place where you can see it every day. Keeping it visible will help you to think about and commit to the strategies in your plan. You can also share it with your supervisor, colleagues friends and family so they can support you in your actions.
- Stick to your plan and practice the activities regularly. Just like an athlete doesn’t become fit by merely ‘thinking’ about fitness, as a worker you can’t expect to perform effectively without putting into practice a holistic plan for your wellbeing.
- Re-assess how you are going at the end of one month and then three months. Plans can take over a month to become habits, so check-in and be realistic about your own self-care plan. After a while, come back and complete the self-care assessment again to find out how you are going with your new habits.
A word of caution:
Once you have created a self-care plan it is important to ask yourself, “what might get in the way?” What can you do to remove these barriers? If you can’t remove them you might want to adjust your strategies. Think honestly about whether any of your strategies are negative and how you can adjust your plan to avoid or minimise their impact.
It can be challenging if your workplace is not supportive of self-care activities, but you can still do things outside of work to help yourself. It is import that your plan resonates for you and that you put it in to action starting now.
13 Examples of Self Care and How to Create Your Own Plan
Taking some time out of our busy schedules to rest, recharge, and unwind is essential for both our physical and mental wellbeing.
But, what should you do when you take that break? Here are a few examples of self care activities to inspire you.
What is Self Care?What exactly is self care? Put simply, it’s taking time for you. Pausing your current responsibilities, even for a short time, is one of the top methods that counselors and therapists recommend when you’re determining how to reduce stress. In fact, the World Health Organization recently recognized self care as an essential need in order for us to care for ourselves and our communities, prevent disease, and promote healthy lifestyles.
Examples of self care activities cover a variety of social, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual pursuits, but what’s most important is to find what works for you. Self care should be worked into your daily life as much as possible, even if you only have a few minutes to spare. It’s about making intentional choices to enhance your mind, body, and soul in ways that feel good.
Start Your Day The Right Way
The Ultimate Morning Routine for Productivity and Self Care.
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13 Examples of Self Care1. Move Your BodySimple stretches and yoga are a great way to move your body every day when you don’t have time for more extensive exercise.Moving your body doesn’t always need to be about strenuous exercise. Something as simple as a short yoga routine or stretching can be just as beneficial, and there are plenty of classes online to help you get started.
2. Write It DownBy writing down your thoughts and feelings in a journal, you’re able to solve problems and process information more effectively. If your top priority is figuring out how to reduce stress, writing in a planner is a great way to keep on top of your responsibilities without needing to rely on memory.
When most people think of self care examples, the first that comes to mind is often meditation. This usually incorporates focusing on a specific object, mantra, or your breath in order to block out everything else, leaving your mind clear and calm. If you’re new to the practice, meditation apps—or even sitting quietly with your eyes closed—can be the perfect starting point.
4. Get OutsideStudies have proven that spending more than two hours outside every week is excellent for your wellbeing. Whether it’s playing with your dog, doing some exercise in the park, or simply taking a stroll through your city, spending time in nature is one of the easiest (and cheapest!) ways to take a break.
5. Flex Those Mental MusclesMind-focused activities like puzzles and chess help to keep your brain agile and alert.
Challenging your mind doesn’t necessarily sound like a relaxing activity, but it can be. Playing chess, reading a book, or working on a crossword puzzle can be the perfect opportunity to focus on what you’re doing in the here and now, rather than your to-do list.
6. Create Something for FunHumans are creative creatures, but we’ve found ourselves at a point in time when many of us are constantly asking “what’s next?” Work on a new painting, a short story, or even a holiday ornament to get back in touch with your creative roots and have fun with no fixed goal in mind.
7. Explore Your NeighborhoodGalleries and museums can inspire your own creations and give you time to reflect as you move from room to room.Exploring an art gallery or museum can be just as relaxing as working on your own creative project. If you’re not able to visit in person, many museums offer virtual tours of their exhibitions that you can view from your own living room.
Make plans to have a night out with a significant other or a dear friend. There are plenty of activities that you can do with a partner, from life drawing classes to outdoor dining at your favorite restaurant. It’s also perfectly fine to have a solo date night! Take yourself off to a drive-in movie, complete with your favorite snacks.
9. Rest and RechargeNot getting enough sleep can have a negative impact on our emotional and physical wellbeing, along with causing a number of serious medical issues. Implement a nightly routine that helps you to unwind and create a sleeping environment that’s calming. Try to keep cellphones and laptops out of the bedroom and make sure that any window coverings keep the sunlight out in those early morning hours.
10. Call Your Loved OnesWhen you have too much on your plate, the first activity that we usually say goodbye to is time with our friends and family.
But maintaining these relationships is vital to our health. If you don’t have the time or live far from your loved ones, check in with them via text or call to continue building positive and nurturing connections.
Taking time to listen to your inner self through breathing exercises or self reflection can ease anxiety. Many of these activities are considered to be spiritual self care examples, but they don’t have to be religious if that isn’t a factor in your own life. The importance of these practices is thinking about something bigger than yourself, focusing on the world around you as you nurture your soul.
12. Try Something NewBe adventurous and try an activity you’ve been interested in but too nervous to explore, whether that is learning a new language, taking up a creative passion, or volunteering at your local animal shelter. There are plenty of classes to help you get started from the comfort of your own home!
The goal of self care is to set you up for success in all aspects of your life. Acknowledging that you can’t achieve everything on your own and letting go of the perfectionism that comes with that is a sign of strength, so reach out to a trusted friend or mental health professional any time you’re in need of a helping hand.
What Isn’t Self CareIt can be difficult to draw the line between self care and extra work or unhealthy avoidance habits, so it’s important to be aware of how you’re feeling. Listen to how your body feels and understand the cues that might be signalling that you’re pushing yourself too hard or practicing habits that take away from genuine renewal.
Activities that might seem like acts of self care, like lounging on the couch in front of the television all day, can actually cause more harm long-term than the initial benefits. Some spiritual self care examples, such as taking a class on meditation or personal growth, can quickly become additional responsibilities. Take some time to evaluate if these additions to your schedule are truly restful for you.
Start by creating a list of activities that you want to incorporate into your new routine, like the self care examples outlined above. It can be useful to break these into categories such as physical health, social and community involvement, creative arts, and mental health.
Identify any issues that you may have completing these activities—like finances, accessibility, or scheduling conflicts—and brainstorm how you could overcome these issues.
If you live by your calendar, schedule in set times during your week for self care as if it were a meeting. Be sure to tell your partner or a friend about your new goals so that they can help keep you accountable, especially on weeks when you don’t want to stick to your plan. Soon, your new self care routine will become second nature!
Embrace Nature’s Healing Properties
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Weekly self-care plan
Every woman dreams of impeccable appearance, excellent health and natural beauty. It goes without saying that in order to maintain all these parameters at a high level, you will have to take care of yourself at least minimally throughout your life. Without a well-designed personal care plan, maintaining beauty and health will be very difficult.
How not to make a mistake with the choice of a plan
First of all, you should decide on the specific goals that you want to achieve. Of course, a personal care plan for every day is created not only to keep the body in good shape, but also to correct and improve certain parameters.
It is likely that such a plan could include items for face tightening, hair improvement and restoration, fat burning and belly reduction, getting rid of acne on the face and body. These are the very goals that will help to emphasize when drawing up a schedule.
How to make a plan
Be sure to coordinate your plan with household chores, work, and other responsibilities and entertainment. You can draw up a plan both on a piece of paper and in any suitable smartphone application. Here, the only criteria will be ease of viewing and editing, coupled with recording results and tracking progress.
All daily routines in your beauty plan should be set aside from 30 minutes to one hour. It is enough to look at a lot of plans on the Internet, find the most useful and suitable procedures and carefully and evenly distribute them over seven days of the week.
The main rule is that the plan should be unobtrusive and light. You should not immediately perform unthinkable feats, because after a few days or weeks of such tests, such self-care can backfire and cause complete apathy for any such procedures.
How to make a plan
If we talk about personal care for every day, the plan is made up of dozens of different procedures, most of which can be distributed in any way. In this case, of course, it is worth following the logic of distribution. For example, if you plan to apply a face mask twice a week, then it is better to do it at approximately equal intervals, that is, on Wednesday and Saturday (Monday and Thursday, and so on).
A minimum self-care plan typically includes the following items:
- Facial masks,
- Hair masks,
- Pedicure and manicure,
- Rapival,
- Foot massage,
- Facial massage,
- Back massage,
- Anti -cellulite massage,
- Sports,
- Sports,
- Sports.
- runs.
Face and hair masks
Both are recommended to be applied twice a week. Also, all visits to hairdressers and beauty salons that will be associated with cutting, dyeing, styling and other care and restoration procedures can be attributed to this item.
For the face, there are a huge number of masks that are made at home. But if there is no time for preparation, then the stores will offer a wide range for any purpose. The face masks used in the weekly self-care plan are divided into moisturizing, nourishing, whitening, anti-aging and lifting effects, as well as purifying peels and anti-acne masks.
Hair masks, like facial masks, are easy to make from improvised products right at home. In the plan, it would be best to alternate the application of different compositions, but you need to look at the situation. In some cases, frequent use of certain hair masks is required to achieve a goal such as thickening, improving color saturation, preventing hair loss, or moisturizing dry hair.
Manicure and pedicure
Both procedures are mandatory in the schedule of the vast majority of modern women. Professionals advise updating a salon manicure every 7-10 days, and if a girl takes care of her nails on her own, then manicure procedures should be included in the weekly plan.
Due to physiological characteristics, pedicure does not require such vigilant attention, therefore, in terms of self-care for a month, it can be assigned to only one specific day. Of course, this takes into account the proper care of the feet and toes throughout the month.
Epilation procedures
They are done as needed, that is, the frequency of procedures directly depends on the rate of hair growth and the type of epilation itself. Some prefer visiting salons that provide wax, sugar, laser or any other hair removal services, while others shave on their own with special epilators or ordinary razors.
Choosing the right type of hair removal is necessary not only according to the availability of free time in the plan, but also according to your own pain threshold, since some types of hair removal are very painful. Hair removal will have to be included in the personal care plan based on the type of procedure itself and the physiological characteristics of the body.
Face and body massage
This method of skin care was used by the ancient Egyptians, who considered it to have a beneficial effect on human health and beauty. Now facial and body massage is generally recognized as an excellent method of increasing the elasticity, smoothness and softness of the skin, as well as calming the nervous system and improving the general condition of the body.
No daily self-care plan is complete without a massage. A definite plus would be to include foot massaging every evening in the schedule if you often have to wear high-heeled shoes for a long time. Relaxing back massage, facial and anti-cellulite - once a week. The latter is also well combined with a visit to the bath.
Sports and running
A daily self-care plan will not be effective enough without regular exercise. It is worth noting that we are not talking about a mandatory visit to the gym or fitness center. Enough of simple basic training and exercise on a stationary bike several times a week (but not less than two). If possible and desired, one dance class per week is recommended.
Jogging has always been good for health, of course, subject to the measure of exercise. You can run only two days a week, and the training time and distance covered should be adjusted according to the state of health. Adequate substitutes for running are skiing, skating and simple long walks in the fresh air.
Example of a weekly plan
The self care plan is for one week and can be used without changes for one or more months. Nevertheless, the achievement of the desired results in some areas and other nuances allow you to adjust this and any other plan at any time.
- Monday. Fitness or any other sports activities. We apply face and hair masks. We apply a scrub for the face and hair. We take care of the feet and massage the problem areas of the body.
- Tuesday. We use eyelash oil. We massage the head and then carry out hydromassage. Apply the oil on the body and rub the cream on the hands and feet.
- Wednesday. I'm going for a run. We apply face and hair masks. We apply a scrub for the face and hair. We take care of the feet and massage the problem areas of the body.
- Thursday. We use eyelash oil. We massage the head and then carry out hydromassage. Apply the oil on the body and rub the cream on the hands and feet.
- Friday. I'm going for a run.
We apply face and hair masks. We apply a scrub for the face and hair. We take care of the feet and massage the problem areas of the body.
- Saturday. We do manicure and pedicure. We apply the cream all over the body. We do hydromassage. We use scrubs for the head and lips. We lie in a hot bath, apply clay to the body and completely relax for a while.
- Sunday. We apply face and hair masks. We apply a scrub for the face and hair. We take care of the feet and massage the problem areas of the body. We color and pluck the eyebrows. We carry out epilation or depilation.
It is always worth imagining the future result, but in this case it is one hundred percent worth it. In just a month, the reflection in the mirror will become noticeably fresher, and in two months the flow of compliments to the new toned look will be truly inexhaustible.
Personal care by day of the week. Self care plan for every day.
- Personal care by day of the week.
Self care plan for every day.
- Personal care by days of the week at home 33 years old. Weekly self-care plan in 30 minutes a day
- Personal care by day of the week for a month 36 years. Personal care plan for every day
- Personal care by days of the week for a month. Personal care: weekly plan
- A day a week for self-care. Beauty demands.... or weekly self-care plan
- Personal care item by item. How to start taking care of yourself?
- Watch your diet
- Go in for sports
- Take care of your skin
- Pamper yourself with spa treatments
- Love yourself
Self care by day of the week. Self care plan for every day.
Absolutely any representative of the beautiful half of humanity wants to look gorgeous, shine with health and beauty. But, unfortunately, not everyone is half the force. Daily fuss, sometimes, does not leave us time, strength, desire, in order to devote quite a bit of time and take care of ourselves.
A working woman puts a lot of work on her shoulders, because housework must be done every day, and if there are still children who need attention, then it makes no sense to talk about a free minute for yourself. But let's not talk about sad things. There is always a way out and there is planning. The reason you don't take care of yourself is because you don't have an orderly plan of action. I will show by my example how to compose your daily beauty routines.
Read here how to plan your day to get everything done.
Self care plan for every day.
This is very easy and simple. First of all, think carefully about what you want to achieve. For example, to lose weight, tighten the skin of the face, get rid of acne, remove the stomach, restore the normal condition of the hair, and the like. On a separate piece of paper, write down all your self-care goals.
Next, on a separate piece of paper, we write all the procedures that you want to do, based on your goals and mandatory daily and weekly activities.
The next step is to determine a part of the body for each day of the week. It sounds very strange, but here's an example:
We dedicate Monday to face and neck care.
Tuesday - take care of hair.
Wednesday - care for hands and body.
Thursday - we take care of the face and neck.
Friday - take care of hair.
Saturday - foot care.
Sunday - wellness procedures.
So, if you don't want to bother yourself on weekends, please, but I don't advise you to miss a single day, after all, these classes are very pleasant and necessary.
So, here's my list of self-care goals: hair, skin and hands, get rid of the tummy, prevent cellulite, tighten the buttocks. Everything is clear with my desires, now let's think about what is needed for the prevention of cellulite. As far as I know, these are massages and body wraps. Skin care, in addition to daily procedures (cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing), also requires the application of masks and scrubs. We will do this twice a week. The same applies to hair. I hope you get the basic idea of making a self-care plan. Now consider each day separately in detail. I'll start with the mandatory and elementary actions that you need to perform every day, regardless of your mood, employment, day of the week, and so on. This, as they say, is the foundation of the basics of self-care. For convenience, I will divide the procedures by time of day.
Daily personal care.
Morning self-care plan.
Charging - 10-15 minutes.
Brushing teeth, washing, shower (if you want, then contrast.
Wiping the skin with tonic, applying cream. Make-up.
Hairstyle or simple combing of hair.
Evening self-care plan.
Teeth cleaning
Nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the face and neck
Combing hair
All this may seem banal and silly, but believe me, sometimes even half of the above is not always possible to do, because there is no clear and consistent plan Let's move on to self-care by the days of the week. 0141 Weekly personal care.
Monday - face and neck care.
Cleansing and exfoliation of the skin of the face and neck with a scrub.
Steam bath for the face with herbs.
Face and neck mask.
Cream application.
Face and neck massage.
Tuesday - hair care.
Scrub for the scalp.
Hair mask.
Hair wash.
Aroma Combing.
Wednesday - we take care of the body and hands.
Nail bath.
Scrub for hands and elbows.
Applying a cream or nourishing hand mask that does not need to be rinsed off.
Body scrub.
Anti-cellulite wrapping or cupping massage.
Thursday is the same as Monday.
Friday - everything is the same as on Tuesday, but instead of aroma combing, do self-massage.
Saturday - foot care.
Foot bath.
Removal of dry calluses.
Epilation or shaving of legs.
Sunday - wellness treatments.
Intense physical activity - running, jumping rope, swimming, etc.
Anti-cellulite body wrap or cupping massage.
Taking an aroma bath with salt.
This is only a rough beauty plan to guide you. Naturally, it can be adjusted by you depending on your goals and capabilities. For example, if you like to go to the bathhouse, swimming pool, fitness club or gym, then be sure to display everything in your weekly and daily self-care plan. And if money allows, some procedures can be done in beauty salons.
All this, with regular performance of actions, will soon give results. But be that as it may, remember about proper nutrition, healthy sleep and the dangers of bad habits. I wish you to be beautiful and happy!
Personal care by days of the week at home 33 years old. Weekly self-care plan in 30 minutes a day
You can vary the list of procedures during the week, adjusting to your own needs, add some of your own activities to your self-care plan.
The essence is the same: to allocate a strictly defined time every day for easy and relaxed self-care.
In a month you will noticeably freshen up, and in two you will get tired of compliments.
Do not believe - check.
Monday. Face and neck.
- We wash ourselves with milk or foam;
- Apply a cleansing express mask or scrub;
- Apply a mask around the eyes;
- After a couple of minutes, wash off the masks;
- We wipe the face with tonic or lotion;
- Apply eye cream;
- Apply face cream and do a light massage;
- Apply nourishing oil to the eyelashes;
- Apply a balm to the lips.
The timer is ringing. 30 minutes was enough.
Tuesday. Body.
- We get up under the shower, soak for a couple of minutes;
- We actively smear ourselves with a scrub for a couple of minutes;
- Wash off the scrub;
- Three problem areas with an anti-cellulite washcloth;
- Rinse, apply body balm or anti-cellulite cream.
Again, it took no more than 30 minutes.
Wednesday. Arms.
— We make a hand bath for 5-7 minutes;
- Remove cuticles;
— We clean and file nails;
- Apply a nourishing or moisturizing hand cream;
– We apply healing enamel or special oil on the nails.
Thursday. Legs.
- Making a hot bath;
- Gently with three pumice stone or heel scrub;
— We clean and file nails;
- Apply moisturizer;
- On nails - nourishing oil or healing enamel.
Friday. Hair.
- We wash our hair;
- Apply a nourishing hair mask for 15 minutes;
- Wash off the mask;
- Apply balm or oil.
Saturday. Solyanka collection.
- Bath with sea salt and aromatic oils;
- Mud body mask;
- Epilation;
- Self-tanning balm.
We leave it to consolidate the result - we dress nicely and go for a walk.
Walk through the park, breathe in the fresh spring air, treat yourself to ice cream, please yourself with a little new thing.
Be beautiful and desirable!
Personal care by days of the week for a month 36 years old. Daily Self Care Plan
It's very easy and simple to do. First of all, think carefully about what you want to achieve. For example, lose weight, tighten the skin of the face, get rid of acne, remove the stomach, restore the normal condition of the hair, and the like. On a separate piece of paper, write down all your self-care goals.
Next, on a separate piece of paper, we write all the procedures that you want to do, based on your goals and mandatory daily and weekly activities.
The next step is to determine a part of the body for each day of the week. It sounds very strange, but look at an example:
- Monday we devote time to our face and neck.
- Tuesday – hair care.
- Wednesday - we take into account the hands and body.
- Thursday - again dedicate all of ourselves to the face and neck.
- Friday - beauty treatments for hair.
- Saturday - foot care.
- Sunday - wellness procedures.
If you don't want to bother yourself on the weekends, please, but I don't advise you to miss a single day, after all, these activities are very pleasant and necessary.
So, here's my list of self-care goals: hair, skin and hands, get rid of the tummy, prevent cellulite, tighten the buttocks. Everything is clear with my desires, now let's think about what is needed for the prevention of cellulite. As far as I know, these are massages and body wraps. Our skin, in addition to daily procedures (cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing), also requires the application of masks and scrubs. We will do this twice a week. The same applies to hair. I hope you got the basic idea of drawing up a transformation plan. Now consider each day separately in detail. I'll start with the mandatory and elementary actions that you need to perform every day, regardless of your mood, employment, day of the week, and so on. This, as they say, is the foundation of the foundations of beauty. For convenience, I will divide the procedures by time of day.
Personal care by days of the week for a month. Self Care: Weekly Plan
This plan is very useful for those who have decided to seriously take care of their beauty and appearance, but do not fully understand where to find time for themselves and how to practice self-care. And for a woman, this is extremely necessary - after all, self-love begins with attention to your needs, taking care of your body and inner comfort.
Daily self-care procedures perfectly fill the energy that women so generously distribute to their loved ones. It is impossible to give all the time (after all, we don’t need exhaustion and depression?!) – we need to replenish the expended energy in time. For me, for example, 15-30 minutes before going to bed for a procedure for myself is enough to feel a surge of strength and feel renewed, filled, calm.
The weekly self-care plan is not my invention. I first heard about it from the Fly Lady system, but I reworked it and decided to create a project to implement it. But first things first.
The plan itself is designed to remember to do regular self-care routines. In order not to miss anything, care for each part of the body is divided into days of the week.
So, in addition to the basic daily morning and evening care, on certain days we will perform procedures (at home or with specialists - if desired) for the following parts of the body:
- Monday - facial treatment .
Treatment options: peelings, cleansing, masks, eyebrow correction, sponges, eyelashes - everything that your face needs. (Interview with a beautician about facial care can be read here)
- Tuesday - hand care. Treatment options: peeling, masks, oil baths, manicure, masks.
- Wednesday - foot care. Procedure options: baths, peelings, body wraps, pedicures, heel moisturizing.
- Saturday - bath. Options: spa, sauna. Or maybe it's time to organize a bachelorette party in a bathhouse with herbal teas, fresh juices and scrubs?!
- Sunday - Day of renewal of the soul.
When the external order is put in place, it's time to take care of the inner beauty! It's time to analyze the past week, plan the next one, listen to your inner voice, do your favorite hobby or read an interesting book - in general, whatever your heart desires! Listen to yourself, to your feelings - are you calm? Is there any discomfort? If yes, where and why? Eliminate from your life everything and everyone that brings negativity - strive for lightness! After all, the main duty of a Woman to herself is to be Happy!
Thursday - body care. Treatment options: body wraps, peelings, massages, moisturizing - whatever you think of or suggested by our experts. (Body care rules can be found here)
Friday - hair care. Treatment options: masks, nutrition / recovery, coloring, going to the hairdresser, etc. Or maybe it's time to try a different way to style your hair or do your favorite hairstyle? (Interview with a hairdresser about proper hair care here)
A day a week for personal care. Beauty demands.... or a weekly self-care plan
How often do I hear or read that a woman needs to take care of herself and take time for herself, but the modern rhythm and life dictate something completely different. Work, home, children, kitchen and many, many other things that occupy our every day. And when? When in the day can you find time to be alone with yourself?
Probably the first thing to start with is the realization that over the years everything will change and natural beauty will remain less and less, so it's time to start doing something now) Two important words something and now) start from the very small - do not forget to apply the cream on your hands at night, then add lip balm and in the morning you already wake up with soft hands and tender lips. Just 30 seconds of self-care and it's good to start)
As with any holistic approach, it's also worth starting with something simple that's easy for you to do and reinforcing and developing the habit over time. Strengthen without giving up and develop by expanding your care.
For myself, I thought for a long time about how to make my care complete and include both hair and face and body and legs and arms and everything, everything that needs to be given special attention. And I came to this conclusion - every day of the week, starting from Monday, I just take one part of the body from top to bottom and devote time only to it, and this is what I got:
MONDAY: - the very top of the head - - hair day - masks, scrubs, head massage and everything, everything that can be connected with this) I always have several options to choose from - this or I apply warm coconut oil on Sunday night and in the morning it remains just wash my hair or in the evening I do a hair mask and wash after. To this I add a head massage with a massage brush during the mask or after on already dry hair. Hair becomes soft and grows faster due to massage
TUESDAY: - go down - face and neck - turn on fantasy - masks, peels, scrubs, massages. On this day of the week, I mainly do a steam bath, a gentle exfoliation, a scrub and a clay mask - a special favorite of mine lately is white clay - after which I feel very soft and moisturized skin for a long time. After careful care, I apply tonic and nourishing cream. I apply all the care both on the face and on the neck, sometimes on the décolleté area. Also on this day I do correction and coloring of eyebrows and eyelashes
SEDA - whole body - on Wednesdays I use a full body scrub, then remove unwanted hair and moisturize with milk, butter or oil - depending on the season and skin needs. Also, as an option, I can do a clay wrap or honey massage with a hard brush
THURSDAY - pens - on this day I have a peeling or scrub, manicure and maybe home paraffin therapy. Hands are always in sight and it is necessary that they are always well-groomed and neat. Additional daily care helps me to cope with this, which I will write about below and shellac)
FRIDAY - feet - scrub, massage, pedicure, paraffin therapy - choose what you like or come up with your own) If this Friday I did a pedicure, which lasts me a month, then next I will do massage or paraffin therapy.
SATURDAY - mix - I leave this day at the mercy of if I didn’t manage to do something in the middle of the week or I do a complex - for example, a warm bath with salt, foam and candles)
SUNDAY - day off - yes, yes, I even rest from care and just enjoy what I've done this week) and plan procedures for the next ♥
But in addition to the comprehensive care for the week, there are procedures and rituals that I do every day. I will write them down for you in as much detail as possible so that you can choose what is closer to your liking on this particular day.
Morning Base
- Ice Cube Face Wash
- Facial Cleanser/Milk-Tonic-Day Cream
- Light Eye Gel
- Wooden Brush Comb
- Body Firming and Fragrant Spray chest
- lip balm
- favorite fragrance - perfume
- light makeup - mascara, concealer.
Personal care items. How to start taking care of yourself?
Uma Kerimova
We know where to start. And without excuses!
The main problem that everyone faces in personal care is laziness. Yes, she is the one. Admit it, you can spend hours looking at photos of popular girls on Instagram, watching videos of beauty bloggers, staying up on Pinterest and Tumblr in search of inspiration… But at the same time, nothing changes in your life. Believe me, you yourself can become your main example, for this you just need to force yourself to tear yourself away from the screen and start acting!
Watch your diet
No one doubts the benefits of a proper and balanced diet. However, in order to stop putting off the day you start your new life, you need strong motivation and self-discipline. Today there are a huge number of articles, video tutorials and trainings on proper nutrition. Don't be lazy - take time for your health and choose your own way to monitor your diet. Inspiration in this difficult task can be your favorite celebrities or models. Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, for example, completely eliminated gluten, alcohol, dairy and sugar from her diet.
Photo: giphy.com
Go in for sports
Regular exercise makes us stronger, healthier and more resilient. Agree, it's priceless - to feel proud of yourself after a grueling workout. It is enough to devote only 11 minutes a day to sports, as Kendall Jenner does, and in a month you will see the result! By the way, scientists have long proven that exercise causes a surge of hormones of joy. This fact motivates us a lot :) To decide on the type of training that is right for you, take our test.
Photo: giphy.com
Take care of your skin
First of all, choose your personal skin care. To do this, you need to determine its type. If you can’t handle it yourself, we recommend that you take this issue seriously and seek advice from specialists. Every day, morning and evening, it is required to thoroughly cleanse the skin with gels or foams for washing. Once or twice a week, use a peel that suits your skin. And also do not forget about the important stage of moisturizing and toning. Creams and masks will help you with this. Well, about the fight against acne, we wrote a ton of articles, read.
Photo: giphy.com
Pamper yourself with spa treatments
To really relax and pamper yourself, you don't need to spend a lot of money on trips to beauty salons. You can enjoy spa treatments without leaving your home. All you need is to stock up on your favorite masks, scrubs and creams, turn on pleasant relaxing music and light scented candles. Do not look for separate reasons to arrange a holiday for yourself.
Photo: giphy.com
Love yourself
This is perhaps the most important thing in personal care. Yes, we know how difficult it is to stop comparing yourself with insta models and forget about your shortcomings at least for a while. But everything is in your hands. Do you know what Marilyn Monroe said?
"Always believe in yourself, because if you don't believe, who else will?"
Personal care at home for every day.

This plan is very useful for those who have decided to seriously take care of their beauty and appearance, but do not fully understand where to find time for themselves and how to practice self-care. And for a woman, this is extremely necessary - after all, self-love begins with attention to your needs, taking care of your body and inner comfort.
Daily self-care procedures perfectly fill the energy that women so generously distribute to their loved ones. It is impossible to give all the time (after all, we don’t need exhaustion and depression?!) – we need to replenish the expended energy in time. For me, for example, 15-30 minutes before going to bed for a procedure for myself is enough to feel a surge of strength and feel renewed, filled, calm.
The weekly self-care plan is not my invention. I first heard about it from the Fly Lady system, but I reworked it and decided to create a project to implement it. But first things first.
The plan itself is designed to remember to do regular self-care routines. In order not to miss anything, care for each part of the body is divided into days of the week.
So, in addition to the basic daily morning and evening care, on certain days we will perform procedures (at home or with specialists - if desired) for the following parts of the body:
- Monday - facial treatment. Treatment options: peelings, cleansing, masks, eyebrow correction, sponges, eyelashes - everything that your face needs. (Interview with a beautician about facial care can be read here)
- Tuesday - hand care. Treatment options: peeling, masks, oil baths, manicure, masks.
- Wednesday - foot care. Procedure options: baths, peelings, body wraps, pedicures, heel moisturizing.
- Saturday - bath. Options: spa, sauna. Or maybe it's time to organize a bachelorette party in a bathhouse with herbal teas, fresh juices and scrubs?!
- Sunday - Day of renewal of the soul. When the external order is put in place, it's time to take care of the inner beauty! It's time to analyze the past week, plan the next one, listen to your inner voice, do your favorite hobby or read an interesting book - in general, whatever your heart desires! Listen to yourself, to your feelings - are you calm? Is there any discomfort? If yes, where and why? Eliminate from your life everything and everyone that brings negativity - strive for lightness! After all, the main duty of a Woman to herself is to be Happy!
Thursday - body care. Treatment options: body wraps, peelings, massages, moisturizing - whatever you think of or suggested by our experts. (Regulations for body care can be found here)
Friday - hair care. Treatment options: masks, nutrition / recovery, coloring, going to the hairdresser, etc. Or maybe it's time to try a different way to style your hair or do your favorite hairstyle? (Interview with a hairdresser about proper hair care here)
Self care plan for a year. Personal care plan: daily
I thought I thought .. and came to the conclusion that such a thing needs to be clearly planned! Still, my love, I have one at home, it’s time to start preserving beauty and youth, but I take care of myself somehow irregularly, unsystematically, according to my mood, in general, I need to do something)))
As I recently found out, I’m not alone I came to this conclusion, in the internet you can find different variations of such plans.