Emergency therapist near me

Emergency Mental Health Services in Raleigh, NC

In a medical emergency, dial 911 immediately.

If you or a loved one is experiencing a medical emergency, including a drug or medication overdose, call 911 immediately.

For a mental health or substance abuse crisis, contact us 24/7 for immediate access to care.

We provide emergency mental health services for adults ages 18+, including those who are experiencing a mental health or addiction crisis, such as risk of harm to self or others, significant emotional or behavioral changes, or impending or active withdrawal symptoms.

Call 24/7

What We Treat in Emergency Mental Health Care

Like medical emergencies, mental health emergencies can occur unexpectedly. Emergency psychiatric help is necessary for those whose clinical presentation requires treatment in an inpatient setting for their health and safety, such as:

Suicidal or homicidal thoughts or gestures

Chronic and continuing self-destructive behaviors (including substance abuse) that pose a significant and/or immediate threat to life, limb or bodily function

Admissions Process: What to Expect

Check In

Upon arrival, our staff will help you feel welcome and comfortable while we verify your identification and collect basic demographic information, as well as health insurance information, if applicable.

Vital Signs

Next, our team will perform a vital signs assessment that includes temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate, blood pressure, and pain assessment. If vital signs values are within guidelines, our team will conduct a mental health assessment.*

*However, if vital signs point to an existing medical condition requiring treatment, a transfer will be made to a local emergency department for evaluation and necessary care. Once medically stabilized, you or your loved one will return for mental health assessment. If vital signs values are within guidelines, our team will conduct a mental health assessment.


Effective mental health care, including emergency psychiatric help, begins with a confidential assessment to discuss your physical, mental, social and emotional health history with a member of our experienced, licensed staff. The initial assessment will help us understand what brought you to our care and how we help you find your path to mental wellness. If you choose, you may request assistance from an accompanying family member or friend. It is important to share accurate and thorough information in order to connect to best care for you.

Treatment Plan

Upon completion and review of the assessment, our medical and clinical team will recommend an appropriate plan of care to ensure your safety and well-being. In the case of a mental health emergency, care may begin immediately.

We offer a range of programs from inpatient mental health stabilization and addiction treatment with around-the-clock care to outpatient programs of varying lengths. Treatment is designed to stabilize your mental health, understand the root cause of your concerns, and develop healthy coping and maintenance skills to move forward.

Upon completion of our treatment plan, we will connect you to the appropriate network of continuing care in the community so you can maintain a happier and healthier life.

I'm looking for mental health help for someone else

I'm looking for mental health help for someone else

If you or someone you know is in crisis, please seek help immediately.

Below are some options for immediate support.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Text MHA to 741741 to connect with a trained Crisis Counselor from Crisis Text Line.

Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.

If you are in need of support, but not in crisis, consider reaching out to a warmline. Warmlines offer a place to call when you just need to talk to someone. Speaking to someone on these calls is typically free, confidential, and run by people who understand what it’s like to struggle with mental health problems.

Find a warmline at mhanational.org/warmlines.

Mental health is a critical part of overall health. If you're feeling distressed, there is hope.

If the person you care about is still in school, our Back To School or Life On Campus materials may better fit your needs.

Which best describes the person you care about?

The person I care about doesn't have any concerns right now, but they would like to stay mentally healthy.

  • Encourage them to monitor their mental health regularly by taking one of our Nine Validated Screens.
  • Learn about ways to live well and stay well. Follow these tips yourself, or share with the person you care about.
  • Read up on risk factors and early warning signs.
  • Get tips for boosting mental health.

The person I care about is showing symptoms of a mental health condition. They are doing okay at home, work, or school, but not as easy as before. Something is “not right.”

  • Encourage them to take a mental health screen, print the results out, and bring them to a doctor or a mental health provider.
  • Suggest our interactive "where to get help” feature.
  • Find an affiliate in your community. You can contact an affiliate as a concerned party or encourage the person you care about to do so. There may be limits to what someone else can share.
  • Learn more about mental health conditions. Get informed so you can be a good caretaker.
  • Read up about the different treatments.
  • Find a therapist.
  • Use this worksheet with a friend or loved one to think ahead and map out steps they can take to get help and feel better.
  • If you are the parent of a child or teen who is showing signs of a mental health problem:
    • Get tips for starting a conversation
    • Learn more about what to do and where to go

The person I care about is starting to have trouble with family, friends, work, school or other areas of his or her life. Things are getting worse, and sometimes multiple problems are developing.

  • Take a mental health screen, print the results out, and bring them to a doctor. Or discuss the results with a family member or close friend.
  • Try out our interactive “where to get help” feature.
  • Look up your local MHA affiliate.
  • Find a therapist.
  • Find a support group.
  • Learn more about mental health conditions.
  • Find strategies to support a friend or loved one who is dealing with a mental illness.

Things are getting bad for the person I care about. He or she appears to be losing control of his or her life and ability to work, go to school, or be there for friends and family.

  • Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org or text MHA to 741741 if you are in crisis.
  • Look up your local MHA affiliate for services in your area.
  • Find a therapist.
  • Find a support group.
  • Plan for crisis by setting up a Psychiatric Advance Directive.
  • Is hospitalization necessary?
  • Read more about inpatient options.
  • Learn about how you can support a friend or loved one who is dealing with a mental illness.
  • Tips for being an effective caregiver

The person I care about is in crisis.

  • Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline. org to reach a 24-hour crisis center, text MHA to 741741, call 911, or go to the nearest emergency room.
  • Find a local MHA affiliate who can provide services.
  • Find a therapist.
  • Find support groups.
  • Find a hospital.
  • Learn about rights and resources as a caregiver of a person with a mental illness

Reviews of 74 patients about the ambulance station in Nizhny Novgorod


March 16 at 18:02

+2.0 Great

Building and premises

Equipment and medicines

Attitude of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Food Quality






Checked (2)

Visited March 2023

st. Chachina, d. -2.0 terrible

Attitude of medical staff


Checked (3)

Visited in August 2022

st. Chachina, d. +2.0 Great

Building and premises

Equipment and medicines

The ratio of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality






Retrieved (2)

Visited in March 2022

st. Chachina, d. +2.0 Great

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

The ratio of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality





Verced in October 2021

st. Chachina, 24


October 4, 2021
at 22:46

-2.0 terrible

Attitude of medical staff


Checked (1)

Visited in October 2021

st. Chachina, d. +1.2 Great

Building and premises

Equipment and medicines

Relationship of the medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality






Retrieved (1)

Visited in September 2021

st. Chachinoy, d. -2.0 terrible

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

The ratio of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality

is terrible




Retrieved (1)

Visiting June 2021

st. Chachinoy, d. 0.0 Fine

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

Relationship of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality





Verced in June 2021

st. Chachina, d. +1.0 Fine

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

The ratio of medical personnel

Comfort of stay

Power quality





Verced in April 2021

st. Chachinoy, d. +2.0 Great

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

Relationship of the medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality





Verced in April 2021

st. Chachinoy, d. +2.0 Great

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

Relationship of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality





Verced in December 2020

st. Chachina, d. +0.4 Fine

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

The ratio of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality





Verced in January 2021

st. Chachina, d. +1. 6 Great

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

The ratio of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality





Verced in January 2021

st. Chachinoy, d. -2.0 terrible

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

The ratio of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality

is terrible




Retrieved (1)

Visiting in December 2020 9000 9000

st. Chachinoy, d. -0.6 Badly

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

The ratio of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality





Verced in October 2020

st. Chachinoy, d. -2.0 terrible

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

The ratio of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality

is terrible




Retrieved (1)

Visiting February 2020,000 9000

st. Chachina, d. +2.0 Great

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

Relationship of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality





Verced in December 2019

st. Chachina, d. +2. 0 Great

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

Relationship of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality





Verced in November 2019

st. Chachina, d. 0.0 Fine

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

The ratio of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality




Normal 9000

st. Chachinoy, d. +1.0 Fine

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

The ratio of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality




normally 9000

st. Chachinoy, d. +0.8 Fine

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

Relationship of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality




st. Chachina, d. +2.0 Great

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

Relationship of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality





checked in August 2019

st. Chachina, d. +1.0 Fine

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

Relationship of the medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality





Verced in July 2019

st. Chachina, d. +1.0 Fine

Buildings and premises

Equipment and medicines

Relationship of the medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality





Verced in July 2019

st. Chachina, d. -0.4 Fine

Building and premises

Equipment and medicines

The ratio of medical staff

Comfort of stay

Power quality


is terrible


st. Chachina, 24


March 24, 2019
at 16:09

-2.0 awful

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, 24


February 1, 2019
at 04:35

0.0 ok

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, 24


January 14, 2019
at 21:17

-2.0 awful

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, d. bad

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, d. excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, d. excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, 24


September 28, 2018
at 08:21

+2.0 excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, d. awful

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, 24


September 21, 2018
at 17:03

+2.0 excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachinoy, d. excellent

st. Chachinoy, d. awful

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, 24


June 5, 2018
at 02:14

-2.0 awful

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, d. excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, d. 24


April 16, 2018
at 20:44

-2.0 awful

st. Chachinoy, d. excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, 24


March 5, 2018
at 20:25

-2.0 awful

st. Chachina, 24


February 25, 2018
at 12:38

+2.0 excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, 24


January 19, 2018
at 13:17

+2.0 excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachinoy, d. awful

st. Chachina, 24


November 1, 2017
at 11:32

-2.0 awful

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, d. 24


October 20, 2017
at 00:50

+2.0 excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachinoy, d. awful

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, d. 24


August 12, 2017
at 10:21 pm

+2.0 excellent

st. Chachina, d. awful

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, d. 24


June 16, 2017
at 10:29

+2.0 excellent

st. Chachina, d. excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachinoy, d.0004

+2.0 excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, 24


February 3, 2017
at 12:04

+2.0 excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, 24


January 27, 2017
at 11:39

+2.0 excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachinoy, d. awful

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, 24

Fedor S.

January 6, 2017
at 20:51

+2.0 excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, d. excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, 24


June 9, 2016
at 15:21

+2.0 excellent

st. Chachina, 24

Olga Sh. excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, d. excellent

st. Chachinoy, d. bad

st. Chachinoy, d. excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachina, 24


19July 2015
at 13:50

+2.0 excellent

st. Chachinoy, d. excellent

Checked (1)

st. Chachinoy, d. bad

st. Chachinoy, d. Find a good emergency doctor in Nizhny Novgorod with the cost of an initial appointment and sign up for a consultation with him in two clicks. In Nizhny Novgorod there are also 894 doctors of similar specialties: general practitioner.

1 review

Sofronova Elena Yurievna

Pediatrician, anesthesiologist-resuscitator, ambulance doctor, transfusiologist

Experience 9 years

Private ambulance "Medical Standard"

Park of Culture (782 m)

Kirovskaya (2. 1 km)

Komsomolskaya (3.0 km)

1 review

Lonchakova Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Emergency doctor

Experience 44 years

Ambulance station on Chachina

Gorkovskaya (1.0 km)

Moscow (4.0 km)

Chkalovskaya (4.4 km)

1 review

Tarasova Olga Vladimirovna

Emergency doctor

Ambulance POMC

Gorkovskaya (2.0 km)

Strelka (3.1 km)

Moscow (3.4 km)

1 review

Shchembelev Andrey Lvovich

Emergency doctor

Experience 34 years

Ambulance station on Chachina

Gorkovskaya (1. 0 km)

Moscow (4.0 km)

Chkalovskaya (4.4 km)

1 review

Sergey Vitalievich Galkin

Emergency doctor, oncologist, therapist

Experience 39 years

City hospital №38

Gorkovskaya (1.1 km)

Moscow (2.0 km)

Strelka (2.6 km)

Abrosimova Galina Konstantinovna

Ambulance doctor

Ambulance station on Chachina

Gorkovskaya (1.0 km)

Moscow (4.0 km)

Chkalovskaya (4.4 km)

Arabyan Galust Yerdzhanikovich

Ambulance doctor

Experience 43 years

Ambulance station on Chachina

Gorkovskaya (1. 0 km)

Moscowskaya (4.0 km)

Chkalovskaya (4.4 km)

Arkhipov Vladimir Nikolaevich

Ambulance doctor

9002 Ambulance station on Chachina

Gorkovskaya (1.0 km)

Moskovskaya (4.0 km)

Chkalovskaya (4.4 km)

Darya Pavlovna Baeva

Ambulance doctor

Private ambulance "Medical Standard"

Park of Culture (782 m)

Kirovskaya (2.1 km)

Komsomolskaya (3.0 km)

Vasily Konstantinovich Bakleev

Ambulance doctor 9003

Ambulance station on Chachina

Gorkovskaya (1.0 km)

Moscow (4.0 km)

Chkalovskaya (4.4 km)

Barysheva Alla Vladimirovna

Ambulance doctor

4 years Experience


4 Ambulance station on Chachina

Gorkovskaya (1. 0 km)

Moscow (4.0 km)

Chkalovskaya (4.4 km)

Aleksey Evgenyevich Bibin

Ambulance doctor

Experience 37 years

Ambulance station on Chachina

Gorkovskaya (1.0 km)

Moscow (4.0 km)

Chkalovskaya (4.4 km)

1 review

Bilyalov Rinat Rifatovich

Therapist, emergency doctor

Experience 34 years

Ambulance station on Chachina

Gorkovskaya (1.0 km)

Moscow (4.0 km)

Chkalovskaya (4.4 km)

Biryukov Sergey Viktorovich

Ambulance doctor

Year of experience

Ambulance station on Chachina

Gorkovskaya (1. 0 km)

Moscow (4.0 km)

Chkalovskaya (4.4 km)

Bolonichev Ilya Alekseevich

Emergency doctor

Experience 19 years

Ambulance station on Chachina

Gorkovskaya (1.0 km)

Moscow (4.0 km)

Chkalovskaya (4.4 km)

Boreiko Nikolai Petrovich

Ambulance doctor

years of experience

9000 Ambulance station on Chachina

Gorky (1.0 km)

Moscow (4.0 km)

Chkalovskaya (4.4 km)

Budilina Lyudmila Evgenievna

Ambulance doctor

years 49 years old

Ambulance station on Chachina

Gorkovskaya (1.0 km)

Moscow (4.0 km)

Chkalovskaya (4.4 km)

Butenko Alevtina Grigoryevna

Ambulance doctor

Experience 39 years

Ambulance station on Chachina

Gorky (1.

Learn more