Dreams your boyfriend cheats on you
What It Means If You Dream Your Significant Other Is Cheating On You, According To Experts
Perhaps the only thing that could feel worse than having dreams about your partner cheating on you is having it happen in real life. When a bad dream about cheating hits close to home, it can bring up all the same negative emotions, trust issues, and insecurities that we’d feel if we’d actually experienced the events in our waking life — even if there's no doubt in your conscious mind that your partner is true to you. But what does it mean to dream of your partner cheating?
Just because a lover is unfaithful to you in dreamland doesn’t necessarily mean you need to be suspicious of any indiscretions. In fact, dreams about being cheated on are among the most common types of nightmares: Studies have shown that nearly one in four Americans have had a dream about cheating or being cheated on. While it might feel like a horrible betrayal when the dream is still fresh, it doesn’t indicate that you’re picking up on any subtle signals.
"Dreams are not predictions — they are metaphors and symbols for conflicts that we are struggling to wrestle with, make sense of, and resolve," relationship expert and psychotherapist Dr. Fran Walfish tells Bustle. "How you feel in the dream is the key to how you are feeling in real life." That said, paying attention to how a cheating dream makes us feel is more important than fixating on the nitty-gritty details — as this could point toward repressed feelings that we’re struggling with in our waking life. It's important to reflect and try to identify the source of those feelings, as they can reveal a lot about our emotional state. And ultimately, you might find that they aren’t actually related to your partner at all.
So what does it mean when you dream about your partner cheating on you? Here are a few common cheating dream meanings — plus how to handle it if happens to you.
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You’re Having Trust Issues
While dreaming of an unfaithful partner doesn’t mean they’re untrustworthy in waking life, it could mean you’re struggling with some fears about the relationship or trust issues in general. "Bad dreams are hypothesized to be a form of emotional release, [so] dreaming about your partner cheating is likely related to a deep fear you have," certified sleep science coach Chris Brantner tells Bustle. “Maybe it's an actual fear of cheating or maybe it's some more abstract form of mistrust.”
Trust issues can take on many forms, so even if you’re not consciously worried about cheating in a relationship, it’s helpful to examine any other part of your life where you’re afraid to be vulnerable or honest. "Take a look inward and try to identify where your trust issues could stem from,” Brantner says. “That mistrust may have to do with your partner, [but] it could even be mistrust in yourself."
You’re Processing Other Big Feelings In Your Relationship
As crappy as cheating nightmares might feel in the moment, they can actually help you process feelings when you're upset, stressed, or adjusting to life changes.
"While nightmares can be anxiety-inducing, they can be good for you," Brantner says. "Your brain is able to sort through and process your day's activities [and] it's during this time that insights can be made and problem-solving can be honed for daytime performance.”
That said, cheating in a dream may simply be a symbol for any other struggle or stressor you’re experiencing with your partner — and the dream itself could be a way for your brain to work through the emotional ups, downs, and changes with your relationship. “Some experts believe that dreaming is ... a way for your brain to prepare for difficult encounters later on,” Brantner says. “You can think of dreaming almost as an overnight therapy."
You’re Feeling Betrayed In Other Parts Of Your Life
The betrayal and pain we feel when we have dreams of a partner cheating can be visceral. And while it’s important to pay attention to the feelings these dreams trigger, we should keep in mind that it could point to issues happening outside of the relationship.
“If you dream that your significant other is cheating and in the dream you feel betrayed, hurt, and angry, you need to ask yourself where in your current life you are feeling betrayed, hurt, and angry, too” Walfish says. “You may be surprised that it has nothing to do with your significant other. You may be feeling these emotions with a coworker or employer, or your mother!" Analyze where these feelings are showing up in your waking life, and don’t limit yourself to your romantic partnership. A cheating dream could indicate that there are other situations in your life that have left you feeling betrayed or frustrated.
Your Relationship May Need Better Communication
When you dream about your partner cheating, it might mean that you need to develop stronger communication skills within your relationship and open up about any beneath-the-surface fears. "[Cheating] dreams could be an indication that trust is deteriorating in your relationship," health and wellness consultant Caleb Backe tells Bustle. "You should address these feelings sooner than later, [as] they can put a great deal of strain on your relationship — you might start to stress and worry about things that aren’t true rather than dealing with them openly in a mature and honest way.
The main reasons why people cheat in real life often boil down to a lack of open communication, so take these dreams as a sign to open up. “Communication is the most important foundation for any relationship,” Backe says. “While dreams might be helpful for working out your own personal feelings, talking to your significant other as often and as honestly as possible is the best way to maintain a healthy relationship."
How To Deal With Dreams About Your Partner Cheating
Dreams about your partner being unfaithful might be unsettling, but it's important to not jump to conclusions or start pointing fingers based on a bad dream alone. "If you're dealing with dreams of your [partner] cheating, resist the urge to be angry with them at all,” Brantner says. “Don't immediately go and make accusations.”
Instead, Brantner suggests looking inward at the feelings of betrayal that came up in your dream, as they probably reflect your own insecurities. It's easier said than done, but asking yourself what might be causing your subconscious brain to feel distrustful or betrayed is imperative. This kind of self-reflection can help you get to the root of the issue — which can ultimately help to heal your relationship and soothe your anxieties instead of worsening them.
Caleb Backe, health and wellness consultant
Dr. Fran Walfish, PsyD, a Beverly Hills, Calif.-based family and relationship psychotherapist
Chris Brantner, certified sleep science coach at SleepZoo.com
This article was originally published on
8 Meanings When You Dream About Your Partner Cheating
Unfortunately, dreams aren’t always pleasant experiences. And dreams about your partner cheating on you aren’t much fun at all.
But the good news is that they’re surprisingly common. And they don’t necessarily mean that your loved one is being unfaithful!
We’re going to look at what dreams of this kind can represent. And we’ll work through some common dream scenarios and their possible meanings.
So if you’re ready, let’s look at eight meanings when you dream about your partner cheating …
Table of Contents
- What’s Behind a Dream of Cheating?
- what does it mean to dream of your partner cheating on you?
- 1. Your Partner Really is Cheating
- 2. Your Partner’s Time or Attention is Elsewhere
- 3. You’re Unhappy About Your Partner’s Flirting
- 4. You’re Tackling Feelings of Insecurity
- 5. You’re Worried You’re Missing Out
- 6. You’re Jealous of Your Partner’s Ex
- 7. You Want Your Partner to Get on Better with Someone Close to You
- 8. If You’re the One Who’s Cheating
- The Varied Meanings of Dreams of Cheating
What’s Behind a Dream of Cheating?
Dreams in which your partner cheats on you often excite strong emotional responses. You may wake feeling upset and aggrieved. And you may have to suppress the urge to take it out on your “unfaithful” partner!
But dreams of cheating don’t always have a literal interpretation. Yes, they can be linked to insecurities in your relationship. But they can also have very little – if anything – to do with your loved one.
In close relationships, our partner may feel like part of ourselves. And their “cheating” on us could be pointing to our own unacknowledged wishes and desires. That doesn’t mean we want to cheat on our partners either! But it could be indicating some kind of emotional deficit.
Working out what’s behind your dream of your partner cheating is something only you can do. It’s important to look at every element of your dream and figure out what it means to you.
And it’s also important to do this in the context of your own circumstances. Look honestly at your own fears and worries, as well as the recent experiences you’ve had. All these will be feeding into the images presented by your dreaming mind.
But while only you can accurately interpret your dream, that doesn’t mean you’re on your own! We’re going to look at eight different meanings that could sit behind a dream of your partner cheating. They can help guide you in your search for the message behind your own dream.
what does it mean to dream of your partner cheating on you?
1. Your Partner Really is Cheating
Okay, let’s start with the worst-case scenario. It’s possible that your dream is showing you your partner being unfaithful because that’s what’s really happening.
It may be that you’ve picked up on hints that something isn’t right in your relationship. And perhaps you’ve spotted clues that your partner is cheating that you haven’t consciously acknowledged.
If that’s the case, your dream may present you with the evidence you’ve been trying to ignore. In other words, there may be details in your dream life that correspond with your real life. Perhaps it featured a receipt for a hotel, or a caller who hung up when you answered the phone.
But remember – nine times out of ten, a dream is symbolizing something rather than representing the literal truth. So if you have no real reason to doubt your partner’s fidelity, don’t let this dream upset you. It will be telling you something different.
Let’s look at what that might be.
2. Your Partner’s Time or Attention is Elsewhere
Dreams of this kind often arise when one partner feels a lack of attention from the other. That doesn’t have to mean that the distracted partner is having an affair! But it does mean that their time and attention is being consumed by something or someone outside the relationship.
That might be anything from a new job to a new puppy, to ageing parents who need increasing support. No matter how deserving the cause to your rational mind, you may still be feeling abandoned.
It’s particularly likely that your conscious brain will suppress those feelings when you feel you’re being unfair. How can you be jealous of your elderly mother-in-law needing help to get to her doctor’s appointment, right?
But your unconscious mind is aware of those feelings and playing them back to you in your dream.
If this strikes a chord, it may be helpful to recognise how you’re feeling – and perhaps talk it through with your partner. Even acknowledging those feelings openly can help to neutralize them. And you may be able to identify strategies to find quality time together.
3. You’re Unhappy About Your Partner’s Flirting
Your partner doesn’t have to be cheating for you to worry about their behavior. And that’s particularly likely to be the case if you’ve had to deal with an unfaithful partner in the past.
Maybe their style of communication is naturally flirty. Maybe they’ve done things they think are fine, but you find upsetting – like complimenting someone on their latest semi-clad Instagram post.
Whatever the specific circumstances, being honest with yourself about your feelings is the first step. That’s what your dream may be trying to help you to do.
The next step is just as important – talk to your partner about it openly. Explain how you feel when they behave in a particular way. But take your share of responsibility too. Not everyone will react in the same way, and behavior that you find disrespectful, others might barely notice.
That doesn’t, however, mean that your feelings aren’t valid or important. And if your partner knows that you’re upset, they should value you enough to adjust their approach. If they don’t, perhaps it’s time to look again at whether this is a relationship you can be happy in.
4. You’re Tackling Feelings of Insecurity
Sometimes your partner in your dream can be representing something – or everything – that’s precious to you. In that case, a dream that they’re cheating may have nothing to do with your relationship at all. It could instead be reflecting a more general feeling of insecurity.
To see whether that’s the case, it’s a good idea to look at what’s been happening in your life lately. Has there been anything that’s made you feel you’re on less certain ground than you’d thought?
Perhaps you’ve been passed over for a job you thought you stood a good chance of getting. Perhaps a good friend or close family member is moving away. Or maybe your landlord is talking about selling up.
Anything that leaves you feeling unsettled could be behind this kind of dream. Your unconscious mind is reflecting your anxiety and fears of abandonment.
As always, talking things through is one of the best remedies for these kinds of feelings. Think about what you could do to boost your self-esteem. Make a plan, then go out and do it. By taking control of your situation, you’ll feel better and get more positive results too.
5. You’re Worried You’re Missing Out
In some cases, dreams of your partner cheating might indicate you’re worried you’re missing out in some way. More specifically, it could mean you’re worried that you’re missing out on some part of your partner.
That’s particularly likely to be the case if you dreamed of them cheating with a former significant other. The good news is that this is a very common dream – and in most cases, there’s nothing to worry about.
Your dream is most likely reflecting your unacknowledged thoughts about your partner’s previous life. That was something you didn’t share with them, so that part of them may feel closed off to you.
But that’s not the case for their former partner. That person shared experiences with them that you weren’t part of. And it’s natural to find that thought uncomfortable.
Your dream may be trying to help you work through those feelings – albeit in a way you may find upsetting!
Ask yourself how you could think about your partner’s past in a way that doesn’t feel threatening to you. Perhaps not knowing everything means there’s more fun to be had in discovery? Or perhaps it’s exciting knowing that you too will be sharing things with them that no-one else can.
6. You’re Jealous of Your Partner’s Ex
Another interpretation if you’ve dreamed your partner is cheating on you with an ex is more straightforward. Perhaps you simply admire some other aspect of their ex as a person. Perhaps they’ve got great hair, dazzling wit or amazing dress sense.
Maybe that admiration has tipped across into envy. That envy is then being played out in your dream, as your partner betrays you with the person you subconsciously worry is “better” than you.
Mild envy is a natural part of the human condition. And it’s not surprising that it’s frequently directed towards people we see as our sexual rivals. Working out those feelings in your dreams can be a natural and healthy part of your emotional life.
But if the dream recurs frequently, it may be time to take a closer look at what’s going on. It could be a sign that you’re not working through those feelings of jealousy. Talking them through with your partner may be a good way to get things in perspective and move on.
7. You Want Your Partner to Get on Better with Someone Close to You
If your partner was cheating with someone else you know in your dream, a couple of different interpretations are possible.
Do your partner and the person their dream self is cheating with get on well in real life? If they don’t, your dream might, perversely, be an indication that you want them to get on better.
A good relationship between, say, a partner and a best friend is usually desirable. (Even if the two of them having an affair is probably a bridge too far!) After all, you care about them both and want to spend time with them. That’s considerably easier if they’re not at each other’s throats.
Alternatively, your dream might have the same root as a dream of your ex cheating with a former partner. It could be motivated by envy towards some aspect of your dream rival’s life.
If that’s the case, being honest about the way you feel is the first step to tackling it. Noticing your wish that they’d get a terrible haircut might be enough to give you a laugh and move on.
Or it might be that this person is representing something you want in your own life. Perhaps you see them as having the financial stability you long for. Maybe they’re a parent, and you want a child. Or perhaps they have a great career, where you feel your own is stagnating.
If that’s the case, congratulations! You’ve identified something you want and don’t yet have – and that’s the first step to getting it. Now think through what strategies you can use to help move towards your goal.
You’re taking control of what you want and going after it. That’s great news.
8. If You’re the One Who’s Cheating
If you’ve dreamed that you’re cheating on your partner, the interpretations can be quite different.
This dream can point to feelings of guilt. Perhaps you’ve done something you feel has compromised your integrity. Or perhaps you’re considering doing it, and your dream is a warning of how bad you’ll feel if you do.
Alternatively, the dream can be indicating something you feel you’re lacking in your waking life. The person you’re cheating with may represent some quality or characteristic you feel you need. Dreams of cheating with your boss, for example, could point to a desire for authority and control.
Of course, it’s also possible that the dream is playing out your unacknowledged wishes. But if the thought of it makes your stomach turn when you wake, don’t worry! Remember, in most cases, dreams are symbolic not literal.
The Varied Meanings of Dreams of Cheating
That brings us to the end of our look at the different meanings when you dream about your partner cheating. We hope it’s helped you work through the different interpretations that could apply to your own circumstances.
If you’re happy and secure in your relationship, this isn’t a dream to worry about. It’s pretty common, and it could mean lots of different things. But if you do have trust issues with your partner, your dream could be prompting you to acknowledge and seek to resolve them.
When analysing your dream, think through all the different details and emotions you experienced. All of these are keys to its meaning. You’ll know when you’ve hit on the right explanation – all the parts will come together in one clear story.
Good luck with your interpretation, and sleep tight.
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Why dream of betrayal of a loved one, husband or boyfriend
What kind of emotions do dreams awaken in us! Joy and happiness, anxiety and surprise, fear and despair - this is not a complete list of feelings that can be experienced while in the arms of Morpheus. But perhaps the most unpleasant are dreams of betrayal. For example, you see your husband in bed with another and wake up in a cold sweat. Is it really a dream in hand? Let's find out why the betrayal of a loved one is dreaming.
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Sigmund Freud
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Psychologists say that recurring dreams signal deep problems and experiences that we may not even be aware of in ordinary life. This is especially true of unpleasant dreams in which betrayal or illness is shown. Something that in real life causes severe pain - physical or moral. In reality, betrayal causes rejection and stress, so you really want to find out why the betrayal of a loved one is dreaming? Is it a harbinger of something or just a reflection of experiences?
But even if you had a dream about cheating once, and usually this dream does not repeat itself, it is still worth trying to understand why you saw it. You can use the interpretation of the dream book. Another option: to immerse yourself in your thoughts and think about what your subconscious is signaling and what your husband’s betrayal is dreaming of.
Maybe it's not about him or even about your relationship. “A dream about betrayal can indicate a fear of being abandoned,” says psychotherapist Alex Ribbentrop. This fear can be associated with both current relationships and your past.
Miller's Dream Interpretation: why dream of treason
A dream with such a disgusting event speaks of your gullibility and naivety. Your innocence attracts not entirely conscientious people who use excessive cordiality for selfish purposes. If you dreamed that your husband was cheating, and then repents, especially if such dreams are repeated often, this indicates dissatisfaction with the state of affairs.
It also happens that in a dream the faithful one went to the left on purpose, out of revenge or a desire to annoy you. Paradoxically, this dream promises happiness in family life. And if you heard him calling his mistress (again in a dream), then you feel distrust towards your soul mate. However, this is already so obvious, otherwise you would not have guessed why your husband's betrayal is dreaming.
Take a close look at your surroundings if you dreamed that your husband was cheating. In the near future, there may be an occasion to show your ability to say “no” when it is necessary and convenient for you. We will show you how to learn to refuse without guilt.
Why a woman dreams of betrayal: Freud's version
The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, interpreted the dream of betrayal as a concern about this possible waking event. You involuntarily think that your spouse can leave you, going over to another. The one who constantly dreams of betrayal is not sure of the union and latently expects deception. Perhaps infidelity has already been observed in these relationships, and the fear of the possibility of its repetition terrifies a woman.
Also, the psychologist in his work answers the question of why a guy dreams about his own betrayal in a dream. He is sure that she can be seen by someone who actually thought about it (or even managed to be in someone else's bed). This can be a wake-up call to stop fantasizing about someone else if your soulmate is dear to you.
Another famous psychiatrist leaves a loophole of a different kind when explaining such a dream. If in a dream you are having a great time surrounded by loved ones and suddenly you find out about the betrayal of your loved one, most likely you have accumulated a lot of work. Fears that you may not be in time for the deadline are reflected when you leave for the kingdom of Morpheus. A soothing answer to the question of why a man is cheating, right?
Try to revise your schedule, draw up a plan of action on paper and stick to it. Then you will be able to get into a groove and do everything. Perhaps after that you will stop seeing dreams about betrayal.
Why does a guy dream about cheating on another: Vanga's interpretation It also promises the collapse of big plans. If you don’t know why a guy’s betrayal is dreaming of right in front of you with your girlfriend, Vanga has an interpretation on this. Most likely, in reality, a quarrel with a friend may await you. There is a possibility that in reality she is deliberately trying to destroy your marriage.
Read also: How to live after infidelity: 6 main mistakes women make
. You will show incredible endurance and willpower in difficult circumstances.
It is best to remain calm and temporarily refuse to communicate with a potential love interest. There is a chance that after this the question of what cheating in a dream means will cease to be relevant for you.
Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus: what is the dream of cheating on a loved one
The Prophet saw in dreams about adultery imminent changes in life. If the husband is close in a dream with an outside lady, most likely the overbearing spouse does not want to delegate authority to her soul mate. Nostradamus tells why he still dreams of betrayal: mutual understanding has disappeared in the family. Perhaps a woman is angry with a man, not wanting to share her feelings and holding a grudge.
Attracting attention with a pout is a "bearded" technique that women have been resorting to for hundreds of years. But rather than manipulate, and then guess what the betrayal of a loved one is dreaming of, it is better to discuss the problems that concern you, without accumulating them in order to improve relations. Unless, of course, you need them.
Why dream of cheating on her husband according to Loff's dream book
David Loff's work is more modern and describes the smallest details. The author lives in the USA and is a certified psychotherapist. In his dream book, the interpretation of what betrayal is about in a dream is quite rosy and optimistic. At least partially.
Let's start with what dreams of cheating on your wife, that is, yours. So, betrayal in a dream out of a sense of revenge promises a strong and harmonious marriage. But regret about the deed speaks of dissatisfaction with the current life. Perhaps you will be ready to go to any tricks to turn the situation in your favor.
Why in a dream, besides these options, does a guy dream of cheating? In the case when you accidentally found out about infidelity, the dream broadcasts that you are unhappy with your partner. Your union has cracked, and it no longer suits you either physically or morally.
When in a dream we are talking about an ex-wife, it is likely that he will soon appear on the horizon in reality. He will most likely need your help. By the way, you can find out not only why cheating is dreaming, but also why the subconscious mind sends dreams about the former.
Whatever betrayal in a dream means, the psychotherapist does not recommend entering the same river again, just as you should not help your ex-husband or try to improve relations.
Why dream of betrayal: that Tsvetkov is talking about such a dream
Scientist and astrologer Evgeny Tsvetkov is also famous for his interpretation of dreams. His explanation of why a guy is cheating on another dream is quite logical, although poignant. According to his observations, only a person with a bad conscience can see this.
In addition to "stigma in the cannon", what else is the dream of cheating on her husband and what can such a dream promise? In reality, you could sort out a clever plan in some area, but it turned out to be beyond your power. What was conceived risks being destroyed in the bud, because you did not take into account important details and risks.
According to Tsvetkov, in case of betrayal, one should not engage in self-flagellation, tormented by the burden of guilt. It is better to get rid of the fear of being rejected, confess your deed to your spouse and repent.
Cheating on a husband with another: what is the dream about according to the esoteric interpretation
Betrayal in a dream tells about a favorable situation in the family in reality. The subconscious fear of this possible fact migrates into your dreams. This is a reflection of insecurity in a person. Therefore, you should not be surprised why you suddenly dream of cheating on your husband or boyfriend. If the dreamer sees several mistresses, she will not do without a series of endless affairs and negotiations. In general, in fact, a lot of work piled up, not girls.
Read also: How to avoid cheating: 5 working tips from experts
The esoteric dream book also finds an answer to the question of why a girl dreams of cheating with another man. Most likely, you did something for which you are now ashamed and embarrassed. And it's not necessarily about adultery.
First you need to get rid of excessive suspicion and stop seeing everything in black. You need to learn to trust a loved one, otherwise you can go crazy! And by the way, it is advisable to share the work with colleagues or reconsider the workload.
What does cheating in a dream mean: psychologists' opinion
Often we don't remember our dreams because we wake up a few minutes after they end. The images disappear from the memory too quickly, it seems that nothing was dreamed of. But it’s not easy to forget a dream (or a nightmare!), If you dreamed that the guy cheated. And the woman begins to panic, thinking about what this betrayal is dreaming of, which happened right before her eyes. So obvious that the mood is spoiled for the whole day.
Psychologists believe that it is not worth driving yourself because of dreams. You remember that a large proportion of them are the impressions received, the pictures and people seen in reality. And if in a dream a woman dreams of betrayal, there is an explanation for what it would be.
- A picture of betrayal on the night after a quarrel means that you will soon make peace. You are worried about a quarrel and think that your boyfriend will go looking for entertainment on the side.
- Constant dreams about betrayal indicate fear for your relationship, you are afraid of losing it, doing something wrong, you are worried. Here you need to cope with self-doubt, and not torture yourself with doubts about his fidelity.
- Why do you dream of cheating with a friend of your beloved or another man? Your own trips to the left may indicate that you lack thrills.
You can try a change of scenery. For example, go somewhere for the weekend, arrange a romantic surprise evening.
American psychotherapist, clinical psychologist Sarah Gundle notes that dreams about betrayal are quite common, but they should not be considered as indicators of desires. Rather, dreams about betrayal act as metaphors, pointing to some truths that you are avoiding, some secrets that you have to uncover.
If a wife dreams of her husband's infidelity, such a dream does not necessarily have to lead to something. This is not the final and not a prophetic dream. Relationships do not end because someone saw this picture in the arms of Morpheus. Talk heart to heart with your loved one, tell about what worries you. You can share your feelings about sleep - this will help relieve tension and laugh together at the absurdity of what you see. The main thing is to get rid of the discomfort that has appeared and not to transfer the emotions of sleep into real life.
interpretation of dreams about cheating boyfriend
Man cheating in Miller's dream book Psychologist Gustav Miller recommends the following: first, start working on yourself, learn to refuse. Secondly, he is not so trusting of others, so as not to become a victim of manipulators.
Also, dreams about a cheating boyfriend can be a reflection of the situation in your personal life. Relationships will develop harmoniously if the betrayal in a dream was indicative, so that you would know for sure about it. A dream will tell about problems in the family and at work, in which the guy will regret the betrayal and apologize. But to catch a guy calling his mistress in a dream is a wake-up call for you. If you don't want your relationship to crack, stop being distrustful of your loved one. Better just talk to him heart to heart about what's bothering you.
Cheating guy in Vanga's dream book
In general, dreams associated with infidelity do not bring anything good. Cheating a guy is a harbinger of a very difficult period in life. Plans will collapse, and from the fact that everything is falling out of your hands, you will become depressed. If at the last moment the betrayal did not take place, then this also speaks of serious problems, but you have the willpower and patience to cope with them. The reason to take a closer look at your surroundings is a dream in which your girlfriend acts as a rival. It is possible that in reality there is an envious woman trying to destroy your couple. If you realize that such a woman really exists, do not panic and do not be nervous, just protect yourself from communicating with her.
Cheating guy in the Islamic dream book
Infidelity symbolizes interference in your life, which will cause moral discomfort.
When interpreting dreams about betrayal, it matters how you found out about it. If you were given a note with this information, then some woman, voluntarily or unwittingly, can provoke a scandal with your soulmate. But in your relationship there is already distrust and misunderstanding. If, however, traces of lipstick on the shirt of a lover eloquently spoke about betrayal, then there is a need to talk with him and share your feelings. The main thing is to do it calmly and politely, if you do not want a scandal up to parting.
Cheating guy in Freud's dream book
Usually, the interpretation of Freud's dreams has very unexpected associations, but in the case of cheating, the psychoanalyst gives a simple explanation: you are so afraid of the infidelity of your loved one that you cannot sleep peacefully. It is unlikely that there are real reasons for suspicion and worries, but it is better to discuss this problem with a partner.
Cheating guy in Loff's dream book
Dreams about cheating can be divided into two large groups: those that prophesy a strong, trusting, harmonious union (if your partner has taken a mistress in order to avenge something), and those that signal about moral and physical dissatisfaction in a relationship (if you yourself saw him in an embrace with another or someone told you about betrayal).
Cheating guy in the dream book of Nostradamus
Infidelity of a partner usually dreams before global changes in life. Did you personally catch your lover with another? We urgently need to improve the atmosphere in the house. Most likely, to eliminate problems, it will be enough just to have a sincere conversation with your soulmate. But during the conversation, try not to stick out your desire for independence and unwillingness to accept the power of a man.
The betrayal of a guy in Tsvetkov's dream book
The scientist speaks rather streamlined about such dreams - various kinds of problems await you, up to a fire in the house.
Cheating guy in Hasse's dream book
Such an extremely unpleasant situation in reality in a dream takes on the opposite meaning: cheating symbolizes sadness and longing, which will leave your life for many years.
Infidelity of a partner usually dreams before global changes in life. Photo: pixabay.com.Psychologist's comment
Olesya Kalyuzhina, family psychologist, IAC-therapist, specialist in psychosomatics:
After such a dream, do not rush to interrogate or execute an unsuspecting lover.