Dreaming of floating in the air

Floating in Air Dream Meaning and Symbolism

Are you interested in Floating in Air Dream Meaning? Then this guide is for you!

Most dreams that feature floating in the air have positive meanings. These dreams are common with both men and women.

They indicate that the dreamer is on the right path to achieving their goals.

Dreaming of floating in the air communicates a message of happiness, independence, satisfaction, freedom, and success.

There are different meanings of floating in air dream meanings. This depends on the variation of the dream and your role in it.

Each scenario means something different. It communicates what the dreamer needs to do to make their lives better.

We hope this article will help you to unravel the meaning of your floating in air dream.

What’s the General Meaning of Floating in Air Dreams?

It’s important that you recall the meaning of your dream. This is because different details will point to different aspects of your life.

They will help you in getting a correct interpretation of the dream.

If this dream is accompanied by a good feeling, it means that you feel good about what’s going on in your life.

You don’t feel any pressure to act or behave in a certain way.

A pleasant floating in air dream indicates that you are comfortable in your own element.

Also, this kind of dream indicates your desire to rise above the restrictions in your life.

In this aspect, dreaming about floating in the air symbolizes progress. You desire to feel truly free.

This dream prompts you to let go of any negative energies you’ve been holding on to. You feel more confident and secure about your skills and talents.

With the right effort, you can rise above the issues that have been pressing you.

This dream is about personal development and relief.

If your dream indicates that you are rising over forsaken areas of the landscape, it means that you are successfully dealing with the challenges in your life.

This should inspire you to continue making positive choices.

Some Specific Floating in Air Dream Meanings

#1 – Dream of Floating in Air

This is a sign that you are not scared of moving out of your comfort zone. You are brave enough to explore new things.

This is a good thing, for it allows you access to all the opportunities around you.

Being this brave fuels your ambitions and it helps you to maintain focus on your goals.

Dreaming of floating in air is an indicator of new beginnings.

#2 – Dream of a Dead Person Floating in Air

You need to get ready for challenging times ahead. This dream is a reminder that life is not a bed of roses.

You will encounter good times and trying times. The tough times are slated to come your way in the near future.

You’d better prepare adequately for this.

#3 – Dream of Your Family and Friends Floating

If you dream about a loved one floating in the air, it means that you will achieve a lot working with this person.

You and this person enjoy a unique spiritual connection. This dream is your cue to nurture this special relationship.

#4 – Dream of Floating in Space

This is a sign that you need to effectively deal with the troubles in your life. You need to work fearlessly to achieve this.

What you do today will determine the kind of results you will achieve tomorrow. The good news is that you have the skills to make it happen.

Don’t fear taking positive action.

#5 – Dream of Floating Above Your House

This is an indicator that many good things will happen in your life. In particular, your family will achieve the success you’ve been working so hard for.

This sign asks you to keep working hard for what you believe in.

#6 – Dream of Floating with Wings

This dream is assurance that your positive attitude will lead to success.

You are being urged to couple this with hard work. Nothing will be able to stop your meteoric rise to greatness.

#7 – Dream of Floating Down in the Air

This is a sign that you are battling negative emotions. This dream encourages you to let go of anger, hatred, and resentment.

It emphasizes your strength to deal with depression and other such negative emotions.

#8 – Dream of Uncontrollable Floating

This is a sign that you are moving too fast for your own good. You run the risk of getting burn-out.

This dream encourages you to slow down. Get away from your busy schedule and create the time to rest and relax.

Remember, this life is not a competition. Don’t be afraid to move at a slower pace as long as you are comfortable.

#9 – Dream of Being Scared of Floating

This means that you have doubts about your skills and abilities. You suffer from a lack of self-confidence.

This is robbing you of the opportunities to progress in life. You need to have a more optimistic and hopeful outlook on your life.

#10 – Dream of Floating Over a Place of Worship

This is an indication that you need spiritual healing. You have been struggling with spiritual problems – but you are now ready to face them head-on.

This dream is a gentle reminder that you are not alone. Reach out for spiritual support so that the problems in your life don’t bring you down.

#11 – Dream of Animal Floating in Air

This is a sign of success, joy, and peace. It encourages you to keep working hard to invite these qualities into your life.

This dream encourages you to use your skills and talents to create the kind of life you envision for yourself and your loved ones.

#12 – Dream of Floating on Air Waves

This dream indicates that you will encounter many trials and temptations in the days to come. This is a call for you to face the events ahead with courage and confidence.

Also, this dream is indicative of the struggles you have to contain your emotions. You are being encouraged to tame your anger and resentment.

Embrace a positive attitude in everything you do. This is the key to achieving your goals and objectives in life.

#13 – Dream of Floating in an Air Balloon

This is a reminder that you are not alone. This dream encourages you to seek help from your family, friends, and colleagues when you need it.

Do not suffer in silence. Do your best to locate your destiny helpers.

What’s the Spiritual Interpretation of Floating in Air Dreams?

A dream of floating in air is a sign of a fresh start.

The spiritual symbolism of this sign is that you are getting new freedom to achieve your goals and objectives.

Those who experience this dream can deal with a variety of circumstances and situations. They are likely to progress fast in life.

This is more so because they are not afraid of reaching out.

They are quick to take up new opportunities when such opportunities are presented to them.

Dreaming of floating in air indicates that you are beginning on a new path. This is good for your overall growth and development.

This dream is pointing you in a new, exciting direction. This will have a positive impact on your health, career, and love life.

Having this dream is suggestive of peace, calm, and harmony in your waking life.

You are about to get into a period where you will have total control of your feelings.

There’s no need to panic when you experience this dream. It indicates that everything will be okay at the right time.

What’s the Hidden Meaning of Floating in Air Dreams?

Dream of floating in the air has strong hidden meanings. Its interpretation depends on the nature and context of the dream.

If the dream feels positive, this is a reflection of your creative personality. It is a call for you to use your imagination to create solutions to your problems.

Having this dream shows that you have limitless potential. As such, don’t allow anyone or anything to limit what you can do with the resources at your disposal.

This dream challenges you to explore your world. You will discover that you are capable of achieving great and wonderful things.

If you are going through tough times, this dream reflects on your circumstances.

It is indicative of the hopelessness, loneliness, helplessness, and sadness you feel.

This is not meant to discourage you. On the contrary, it should fill you with the inspiration to take positive action to transform your life.

When you experience this dream, take it as a challenge to decide your fate. Take control of your life. You are in charge of your destiny.


There an important difference between controlled floating and uncontrolled floating.

Dreaming of uncontrolled floating usually indicates that you have less control of your life.

You need to take fast action to set things right before the problems you are going through become insurmountable.

Dreaming of controlled dreaming means that you are on the right path to accomplishing your goals. This is a wake-up call to your spiritual being.

This is a sign that you need to establish strong links with the spiritual realm.

Floating in the air brings a message of peace, happiness, and growth. It enables you to enjoy the rewards you have been working for.

This can only be good news for you and your loved ones.

Dreaming of floating in air is a sign that you will overcome the difficult situation in your life. You just need to have the right mindset.

If you want custom dream interpretation or specific advice on your situation, speaking to someone with special intuitive gifts can be very helpful.

These highly intuitive people can assist you when you struggle with difficult life situations.

Whatever the case, you’re just a click away from getting unstuck with tailor-made advice from a kind, empathetic, helpful psychic.

Floating Dream Dictionary: Interpret Now!


Uncover Hidden Dream Meanings

Floating dreams are a wake-up call to your spiritual being. In order to understand this dream we need to look at the difference between normal and spiritual dreams.

To dream of floating is a spiritual dream. It is generally a positive one. To see animals floating on water denotes happy times. Floating is connected to calmness in the waking world. It is time for peace and change. To see yourself floating on water in your dream is a sign that you are trying to accomplish something which is proving to be difficult.

Seeing a dead body floating is associated with difficult times ahead. To float and not be able to stop (uncontrollable floating) indicates the need to slow down in waking life. To see yourself floating in a swimming pool means that times are good.

For the dream meaning of swimming pool please click here.

This dream also shows that you have a great desire for independence, and it is important to recognize that you need to understand what ties you down in life. Do not use something to destroy a relationship that is good. The dream interpretation of floating can also be connected with the fact that that you will victoriously overcome some difficult obstacles which are seemingly overwhelming you. If the water is muddy, this is a negative omen. Dreaming of floating in the sea indicates that you need to face your fear. If you are floating extremely high above water, such as in a dam, this dream indicates there is a lot of happiness, contentment and success in your life to come. If you are floating on waves suggests that you need to think of the waves as emotion. Times may be difficult in the future.

If you dream of floating past objects (for example rubbish or people), according to the old dream interpretations this indicates disappointments in world affairs. If you have wings (like a swan or a duck) in your dream, it is generally positive omen. If the wings are black, it means there are likely disappointments in the near future.

If you are floating from one city to another, declarations of love are likely in the future. If you are threatened while you are floating, somebody needs you in your waking life. If you are shocked by floating or in any way during this dream, and the event is disappointing, this shows that you are going to have to overcome a disturbing and worrisome situation in the near future.

If you see any birds in the sky while you are floating, it suggests that you are going to enjoy social gatherings with others. This dream also signifies that if you are involved in a legal case, it is a sure sign that justice will prevail.

If you are able to freely float shows that your home life will be positive. If you try to keep afloat due to an accident in your dream, and you are unable to communicate with people at the moment, it means that you have been struggling to get freedom in a situation requiring it.

If you are in a bed, chair, or boat while floating, this signifies that great things are seen on the way. Another key message of this dream is that it is important you look after yourself and your health at the moment. If you are floating with a group of people or they are watching you in amazement, this indicates that you are going to find a release from a responsibility that is important to you.

If you are floating through space, this suggests that you are going to overcome any material difficulties. The landscape in your dream is important, and it is recommended that you seek meaning within this dream dictionary.

If you are floating on a river, this dream usually indicates that there are going to be some difficult situations in the near future around you. This is a wake-up call to look after your body a lot more. If you are floating over muddy water, it indicates you must keep your personal life to yourself as your enemies are watching you. To float over green trees and vegetation generally foretells that a situation is likely to be embarrassing in the future. Having experienced floating in your dream is a true characteristic of lucid dreaming. This is a common dream which shows that you have a sudden realization being in a dream because floating is unnatural in waking life.

To dream of floating is also connected to some practical difficulties in your waking life. These difficulties could involve a lack of financial security, difficulty in expressing yourself at work, creativity in your life, micromanagement from a boss or colleague, or a general lack of belief in your own abilities. Any of these situations could result in you feeling oppressed, and it is time to have a solid belief in yourself. The key message of this dream is that you need to understand the bigger picture, and you need to have more confidence in your ability moving forward.

If you are floating upwards it indicates that you are trying to release yourself from limitations which have recently affected your life in some way. If you are floating downwards, this indicates that there may be an attempt to understand your subconscious mind. This is a wake-up call to manage events in your life. If you have been feeling the weight of responsibilities recently in your waking life, this dream indicates that you need to have more faith in your ability.

Theorists such as Freud believed that this dream was connected to a sexual need, and that the dream is a product of your own childhood in which you felt free and had no responsibilities.

This dream could have included

  • You floating on water.
  • The ability to control the speed of your floating.
  • The sensation of floating during a dream.

This dream is in association with the following scenarios in your life

  • You have lacked money, so this dream indicates that you are trying to escape from the situation.
  • You have some untapped creative talent in your job which you have not been able to use.
  • Your boss has been micromanaging you recently and this dream has occurred in order for you to recognize the need to escape from this person.
  • You have been feeling that there are a number of family commitments around you.
  • This dream could indicate that you have been thinking about your own independence recently.
  • It is time to make sure that you allow events to occur at the right pace.
  • You have been letting things partially pass by without thinking about them deeply.
  • Other people have been interfering with your business and you have been trying to keep matters important to you to yourself.

Time to change things in your life if

  • It is time for a new change in your life and you are aware that you need to find the strength in order to see that change through.
  • If you are feeling uncomfortable in your dream about the experience, it is time you take charge of your own life.

Feelings that you may have encountered during a dream of floating

Furious. Tired. Lazy. Confused. Upset. Overwhelmed. In a bad mood. Offended. Insecure. Upset. Angry.

By Flo Saul
Oct 12, 2012

Dream to fly!

I am writing for those who dream about it, and for those who never dream about it - just so you can know how it is) In general, the article is for everyone.
(no, I'm not talking about skydiving!)

There is something that you always want to remember. And not vaguely, through the web of past days, but juicy and bright, as if it were only yesterday. First impressions are the most powerful thing in the world, which is why I am now talking about my first steps towards a dream, forgive me all those who are waiting for a photo. Processing will have to wait. A little bit) nine0003
Since childhood, I dreamed not only of taking pictures, but also of flying. I wanted to take pictures beautifully, professionally, as others do, the masters of this business. I dreamed of flying like no one else, or rather, like no other person in the world - to soar like a bird, arms outstretched to catch the wind, squint at the sun ... So I could soar only in a dream, but I knew from childhood that I never will be, because people do not fly like birds ...
I did not want to be a pilot or an astronaut, it was not at all the same. But I was close friends with a boy who just dreamed of flying like an adult, piloting airplanes . .. He tried to climb higher as soon as he learned to walk. The very first time, when they let him go for a walk in free swimming, he climbed a tall tower, firefighters with a ladder removed him from there, under the clucking of all the assembled people. His parents gave him a good deal for this and excommunicated him from walks without supervision for a long time. But as soon as they released him again, he repeated his trick again and again got hit in the neck. He repeated it over and over, and over and over he was punished. The point of his actions was that he wanted to be in the sky, or at least as close to it as he could. When he turned 16, he left for another city and entered a flight school, years later he became a pilot and now lifts huge airbuses into the sky, flies and is happy. Well, I ... I didn’t grow wings, I never soared in reality and became a photographer. nine0004

Years passed. One day, my flying friend brought me incredible news - it turns out that people can fly like birds! Especially for this they invented a paraglider and now they rise into the sky, soar, catch the wind . .. This was news from the category of “it can’t be!”, but, as it turned out, it can be!

A paraglider looks like a sports parachute, but is aerodynamically designed in such a way that it is possible to fly up using only air currents and soar as much as you like through it, through the air. Of course, I immediately scouted the situation and urgently wanted to master paragliding. Alas, I could not do this in Belarus, and only quite recently, already in Ufa, I finally entered a flight school. nine0004

I remember that day very clearly. It was May, I came to the delta and paragliding club, and after a short conversation with the director without hesitation (I had already decided everything a long time ago), I filled out the documents and received a training manual, Volkov's book "A Dream to Fly". I dreamed of flying for a long time, so I found this book on the Internet a long time ago and read it, but that day, holding it, real, in my hands, in reality, and not in virtuality, I trembled with joy and anticipation. Holding the book tightly under my arm, I ran to the stop, jumping over puddles, the sun was setting and tangled in the foliage, it was beautiful around, inside it was exciting and joyful - I was approaching my dream and triumphing. nine0004

Then the training began. I listened to lectures, hung out in the club's simulator, and tried to cope with the dome on the ground. It turned out that I thought it was simple. Everything was clear and easy only in theory, but in practice I tried my best, puffed up, exhausted myself, but instead of confidently holding the canopy over my head and leading it along the field, I rolled around the field behind it. Of course, before taking to the skies, I had to learn how to fly a paraglider on the ground. Therefore, constipation another attempt, I started again. Wet like a mouse and tired like a loader after a night shift, I stubbornly “tumbled” with the dome on the ground. After some time, I began to succeed, and after some time, the most important chief Timur said: “Get ready, now you will fly in tandem, take control and if everything goes well, we will let you go on your first solo flight. ” I joyfully jumped to prepare, and then joyfully flew twice in tandem with an instructor. Feelings are cosmic! unbelievable, but true - people can soar like birds, I could not even hope that a pipe dream could come true. It turned out that it can! You just need to really, really want! I soared, admired the beautiful views, felt the wind, squinted at the sun - just like in my dreams! nine0004

Then I was told to prepare for a solo flight, and then the unforeseen happened - my knees began to give way from fear)) I became scared and, looking pleadingly into the eyes of the instructor, asked to join the tandem again)) I was allowed and I soared again and again it was incredibly good. I trust the instructor absolutely, like the ground under my feet, so flying in tandem is a real pleasure. Looking ahead, I’ll say - I like my flight school, its staff and approach to training - without exception, all the guys are friendly and responsive, they don’t force me to do what I’m not ready for, besides, they take care of me (as well as other cadets) about us and our safety, in inappropriate weather they don’t even allow ground training, let alone flight practice, and if we need extra time, they give it to us. In addition, before you start training, you can take a flight in tandem with an instructor to understand if you need it, if the flight touches the strings of your soul, makes you tremble, does your heart beat faster. You can not study and just enjoy flying in tandem with an instructor. nine0004

And so, I stood at the start in full readiness for my first solo flight. I had to take to the air on a winch, this is a device that, with the help of a cable, helps paragliders gain the desired height. Experienced paragliders can start from a hill, they can feel the air, catch updrafts and gain altitude without any additional means, these skills come with experience and knowledge of meteorology, for completely green beginners it is still a dark forest, so even when they train on a hill, the first for a while, they only manage to fly down, perhaps rising up a little, but then falling again - it’s not enough to accidentally fall into the updraft, you still need to be able to stay in it, “process” it, and first be able to find it. nine0004

My first solo flight was scary. No, nothing happened to me in the air, everything went perfectly and I even sat down softly and correctly, but only in the air it was so scary that I didn’t have time to enjoy soaring))) Nothing difficult was required of me - to unhook from the cable winches after dethrowing at the command of the instructor in the radio, turn around, fly to the start and land in eights ... I knew the theory by heart, but being in the sky, I got worried, I did not trust myself and my knowledge enough to feel safe, therefore the whole flight she was afraid that something would not work out and pondered her actions in the event of this or that “something”. nine0004

The whole flight, like all subsequent flights, I was guided by radio by instructor Lena. It's amazing - when I was in the sky, the instructor's voice calmed me and instantly reduced the level of fear, as if my personal psychologist was talking to me) It seems that simple words-commands, but my soul becomes easier. The voice of the instructor is calm and confident, and you understand that everything is fine, there is nothing to worry about. It would seem that a person’s profession is quite nervous when you watch from the ground what novice pilots sometimes do in the air, you want to tear your hair out and yell furiously at them into the radio. I can’t even imagine what kind of anxiety and emotional stress the instructor responsible for the cadet in the sky is experiencing, but no matter what happens inside, outwardly the instructor is always collected, confident and calm, I don’t know how much effort it costs him, but issuing a command over the radio, he never raises his voice and betrays his excitement (and he does the right thing, an excited voice I don’t know about others, but it would scare the hell out of me and with a fright I could not only not correct the situation, but also aggravate it). nine0004

I remember when I landed for the first time, instructor Lena happily and enthusiastically congratulated me, and I gloomily and silently got out of my equipment, went to my tent and lay in bed for several hours, looking at one point. I still can't explain why this happened. I lay there, completely empty, not a single thought flashed through my head. The first thing I thought about then was: “it turned out ugly ... people were messing around with me, worried about me and rejoiced, but I, like a dull plankton, washed away, and didn’t even say thank you.” I crawled out of the tent and reached for the fire to say thank you, but again I said nothing. I didn’t feel like talking, eating or drinking ... and only in the morning of the next day, when my appetite finally cut through and I went to the tent with a field kitchen, I ran into Lena there and thanked her. nine0004

Since then I have made about a dozen solo flights, I'm not so scared anymore, but I'm still excited and restless, I still like the instructor's voice and I would like to hear it more often)) My dream has not yet been fully realized - I'm already flying, but I'm not soaring like a bird yet, and it's great, because for me everything is just beginning, everything is ahead, but I'm already on the way to my dream and I really like this way!

My topic on the UM forum: photographer Alena Valkovich nine0003

How Indians sit in the air.

The secret of street yogi levitation. Disappearance of the Statue of Liberty

Walking through the busy tourist streets in Rome, I very often met levitating street types.

Judging by the reaction of some people, they really believe in the supernatural powers of these tricksters. For example, the man in the background tried to understand and explain to his wife that this is not magic.

Absolutely all the girlfriends with whom I saw these street performers did not know how everything works, and I was surprised by this. nine0052 Did you guess? If not, then go under the cut, I painted everything in detail there and drew a visual illustration.

Three of them work in a team (or five of them, if two are involved at once), since it is difficult for one to sit for a long time in an uncomfortable position without moving. Yes, and you need to protect, otherwise you never know who wants to push.

The whole team is in the photo: the first yogi, who has just changed his partner, the watching guard and the sandals of the second yogi.

This is how the partner changes so that no one understands the essence of magic. It lasts about 10-15 minutes, since first one needs to get out of this structure, and then the other must change it. The secret of levitation is very simple. This is a one-piece structure, with a support platform under the rug, which should hold the person, then there is a staff leg passing through the sleeve, connecting to the second seat stand on which the fake yogi sits. Loose clothes hide it all. I would like to suggest that it is very difficult to sit still on such a structure for a long time. In the photo, I drew a visual illustration. nine0004

Does everyone know how he does it? Think... think... guess what? Look under the cut for a couple more examples, but at the end of the exposure.

Well, now, in general, the exposure itself ...

This trick is quite simple, and I'm sure some people even know the trick. However, in the past, such spectacular illusions could impress overly gullible people, and perhaps some people even strengthened their faith in the unlimited possibilities of yogis and levitation in this way. nine0004

The essence of the trick that street magicians demonstrate in the photo is simple: the cunning one-piece construction begins with a massive stand under the “yogi” sitting on the ground, after which the metal frame is neatly hidden in long and spacious sleeves specially sewn for this purpose, cane, which connects one fakir with another, and then, again passing through the sleeves, ends exactly the same as at the beginning, with a stand, on which the second illusionist is directly located. For clarity, we can give such an illustration. nine0004

It is noteworthy that this trick, which has its roots in the distant past, has been repeatedly repeated and is still repeated by modern magicians. This illusion is also used in advertising.

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It's hard to believe, but the most spectacular and inexplicable tricks have a clue on the surface. nine0004

We are in site have taken a closer look at the well-known tricks and are ready to expose them.

10. Disappearance of the Statue of Liberty

In 1983, David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear. The secret of the trick is explained simply. The monument was covered with a cloth and turned off its illumination, leaving the light of the spotlights , which created the illusion of emptiness and blinded the audience. After the veil fell off, people could not see the outline of the statue in the dark, as their eyesight had not had time to adapt. nine0004

9. Disappearance of a truck

How to make a truck covered with a cloth (wagon or plane) disappear if it is surrounded by spectators? Easy! just need to attach the cover to the special design to keep it in place, invite fake observers and take the truck to the back room . Therefore, we can only see this trick on TV and never live.

8. Levitation

A person frozen in the air is neither a magician nor a yogi. Under layers of clothes at the magician hidden support , thanks to which you can hang out for several hours in a row without getting tired.

7. Passing through a mirror

To pass through a mirror, the magician needs special screens with cuts in the middle. The one that attaches to the back of the mirror hides two mirror panels. The design allows to move a real mirror, putting two fake ones in its place , and crawl through the hole. At the end of the trick, the assistants put the real mirror in place. nine0004

6. Turning a banknote

To turn $1 into $100, magician folds a smaller denomination banknote in a special way and hides behind the fingers. Then, in the process of focus, he replaces one bill with another, demonstrating a miraculous transformation.

5. Walking on water

Focus is performed in a pond with muddy water or in a pool where people swim and create waves. The main goal is to divert attention and hide from the cameras a transparent platform on which the illusionist walks. nine0053 .

4. Release from chains under water

The secret of the trick lies in the physical preparation of the magician and in the locks. The task of the assistants is to discreetly pull the rods out of the loops , holding the locks, and the illusionist - to strain, wriggle out of the fetters and get out of the water tank.

3. Restoring a signed card

As children, we didn't think about how circus tricks work - we just believed in them. Surprising an adult is much more difficult, here it is not enough just to get a rabbit out of a hat. Illusionists such as David Copperfield and David Blaine work in this field - and then we observe levitation, the disappearance of the Statue of Liberty and other impressive tricks. Sometimes magicians reveal their secrets - and it turns out that every trick has a perfectly reasonable explanation

1. Classic of the genre: sawing a woman in half
The assistant climbs into a long, coffin-like box. Then the magician announces that now he will saw this lady in half right in the box - and he successfully does this without any harm to her health!

There are several ways to perform this trick. The classic method, described in 1923, is shown in the picture below.

The box is actually a secret, just enough for the assistant to put her legs up. And in the role of cut off legs are fake ones (they were controlled using a special mechanism to imitate movement). Therefore, they must have shoes on in order to close them to the maximum. nine0004

And this is a more modern way, when not one assistant takes part in the focus, but two. Just one is hidden in advance in a box. After “sawing”, one smiles, and the second moves her legs.

2. Levitation
The trick begins with the assistant lying down on the table in front of the magician. The crowd gasps in surprise as the magician suddenly clears the table and the woman continues to float in the air.

The assistant who assists in this trick is usually dressed in a long, flowing dress with which the magician hides the real magic: a mechanical “levitation” device attached to the magician and with which he holds the assistant. And here sleight of hand comes into play: in order to divert the attention of the viewer, the magician takes out a hoop and begins to hold it, showing that supposedly nothing is attached to the woman’s body. nine0003

3. Levitation of street "fakirs"

It would seem that if he actually levitates, why does he need a staff?

And this staff is the whole point: it is a very strong structure that holds a secret platform on which a person sits.

Here is how it works

4. Michael Jackson tilt
Remember that incredible 45-degree tilt that Michael Jackson and his dancers did? They wore special shoes with a specially shaped heel: at the right moment, pegs appeared on the surface of the stage, for which the heel caught. nine0004

Here you can see how it works

5. The most famous trick of all time: pulling a rabbit out of a hat
A rabbit can hardly be hidden in a hat, but where does it come from? There must be a simple explanation.

Well, there are three ways to hide the rabbit:
1) In a secret hole in the table. When the magician puts down the hat, he aligns it with the secret door.
2) He's really wearing a hat! But the hat has an ingenious flip-up flap. nine0004

3) In a linen bag hung from the edge of the table and covered with a long fringed tablecloth.
While the magician shows the crowd that the hat is completely empty, the rabbit is hidden under the table. The hard part starts when you pick up your hat and discreetly hide the rabbit underneath.

6. Zigzag girl

To perform this trick, first of all, you need a skilled assistant, because her task is to properly position yourself in a cramped closet. It is necessary to position yourself in such a way that the face, hand and foot retain the natural position of an upright person, and the audience does not suspect anything. nine0004

7. David Copperfield's trick with the disappearance of the Statue of Liberty

In 1983, David Copperfield convinced a crowd of spectators for a few minutes that the Statue of Liberty had disappeared. He did this trick once and never did it again.

The disappearance of the Statue of Liberty
There are two towers in front of the Statue of Liberty. Against the background of the night sky, a brightly lit Statue is visible, a mark from it is visible on the radar. A blanket rises on the towers, David closes the radar, the blanket falls - the statue has disappeared, only a ring of lights around it is visible. The radar marker also disappears. The veil rises and falls again - the statue appeared as if nothing had happened. nine0004

There are some speculations about how this was done.

a) Turntable

The spectators didn't notice this, but their seats were on a giant rotating platform. After looking at the statue at the very beginning, they were slowly turned to the point where it was no longer visible. How did they not notice the rotation? Everything happened at night, the statue is on the island, there are no identification marks there.

b) Light curtain
At the appointed time, the statue's autonomous lighting turned off. Only 2 spotlights remained on the island, crossing behind the towers, and spotlights on the towers, blinding the audience and not allowing them to see anything in detail. In fact, the spotlights did not illuminate the statue, but were directed upwards and away from it.

c) Staging
That is, simply a deception, a hoax, and hired actors as spectators. Skeptics usually lean towards this view. nine0004

Levitation is such an impressive, spectacular and mysterious phenomenon that it is one of the most popular numbers in the field of illusionism. It is no coincidence that the trick with levitation is often one of the highlights of the program of all kinds of illusionists. Meanwhile, in this case, the secret of levitation has long been revealed and is not a big secret. So almost everyone can make small objects soar in the air or even rise above the ground if desired and with a certain skill. nine0004

Levitation of cigarettes and other objects - watch your hands

"Amazing" flights of various things have recently become quite popular on the Internet. It is no coincidence that the number of articles and videos is growing, revealing the secret of the trick - the levitation of a card, corks, paper clips, cigarettes and much more that will turn to people's hands. One of the most common examples is a weightless or flying cigarette, which is able to independently jump into the smoker's mouth and do other aerobatics. nine0004

The secret of cigarette levitation is extremely simple: it requires nylon thread, adhesive tape and a certain manual dexterity.

Nylon thread of the desired color (if the focus is on a dark background - black, if on a light background - flesh) is removed from ordinary stockings. Then, with the help of adhesive tape, it is attached to the cigarette. The length of the thread is adjusted depending on the circumstances. The other end of the thread is tied to the magician's hand, and the thread itself is thrown over the neck. Thus, a “mechanism” is obtained that operates on the principle of tug of war - with the help of the movements of the hand to which the thread is attached, a person can imitate the flight of a cigarette, which can fall and rise, move in different directions or freeze in place. The trick with a cigarette that flies right into the mouth of an illusionist requires practice and dexterity, but there is nothing fantastic or mystical about it either. nine0004

Another levitation trick available at home and therefore fairly common is the flying paperclip. This spectacle looks like this: a person, in front of the audience, ties a paper clip (or other small and not heavy metal object) with a thread. Then he hangs it up, takes out matches or a lighter and sets fire to the thread. The thread burns out - and meanwhile the paper clip continues to hang in the air. The magician can even make it move in different directions, rise or fall. The focus is really quite bright - and at the same time surprisingly simple. It's all about the thread, which is pre-treated with a strong saline solution. The concentration of salt must be very high - it must be so much that it no longer dissolves. Then a thread is placed in this solution for about a day, which should then dry completely and evenly. When the illusionist burns the thread during the trick, the paper clip remains suspended, but now on a chain of salt crystals, which were not affected by the fire, but are invisible to the viewer. nine0004

Yogi levitation secret: foot dexterity and technique

Indian yogis are traditionally famous for their unique, in some ways even supernatural abilities. Moreover, disputes have not subsided for a long time, what is more in the amazing skills of yogis - the jewelry art of illusionists honed over centuries and millennia or really secret occult knowledge. Many abilities of yogis are recognized as phenomenal even by representatives of modern science. But some of the ways in which yogis and people who pretend to be yogis strike our imagination are clearly related to tricks. nine0004

Usually it is with yogis that the secret of focus with human levitation is associated. The most common yogic option for a person to stay in a weightless flight over the earth is as follows. The yogi sits on the ground in the lotus position, holding a cane in his hand. Then he puts the cane on the ground, and he himself begins to slowly rise above this very earth until he reaches a height equal to the length of the cane. In this position, swaying somewhat, the yogi can be quite a long time, although usually only a couple of minutes is enough to make an indelible impression on others. In fact, this focus requires a certain technical equipment. In the wide folds of oriental robes, which yogis are sure to put on, a wooden or metal seat is hidden. Invisibly to the viewer, it is fastened to a cane, which, in turn, is dug into the ground. Thus, the yogi does not float above the ground, he actually sits above the ground, balancing on a secret seat. nine0004

Secret of the trick: human levitation depends on the point of view

Performances by professional illusionists, in which human levitation tricks are performed on a specially equipped stage, are almost always connected with strong invisible cables. With these cables, a person is attached to supports on the ceiling; they are mobile and movable enough so that a person can be moved and rotated in space. But if the levitation of a person is demonstrated by an amateur magician for his friends and acquaintances, a much simpler method is used. nine0004

It is associated with the ability to use the optical features of human vision, the dexterity of a magician and the specifics of spectator perception.

This trick will require wide pants that hide the outlines of the legs, and a certain amount of time required for training. Training should allow the person to rise on the toes of one foot and maintain balance while the second leg is fully raised above the surface and obscures the first leg.

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