Does sex relieve stress and anxiety
10 Health Benefits of Sex
Reviewed by our clinical team
Let’s talk about sex, baby… Not only is it fun and makes us feel great, but it also turns out sex can boost our health.
With many of us leading hectic lives, intimate time with our partner can be few and far between. Daily stresses centred on work, family and limited free time means we often put sex on the back burner. But perhaps if more of us knew of the fantastic health benefits to having sex, we’d prioritise it.
Like running or going to the gym, sex is an aerobic form of exercise that unleashes a dose of the body’s feel-good hormone serotonin – except this workout is much more enjoyable than 30 minutes on a treadmill.
Not only can sex help to improve our relationships, but science shows us that it can help to keep us healthy in both the emotional and physical sense too.
Here are some of the health benefits that come from heading to the bedroom, besides putting a smile on your face.
Sex is good for the heart
Around 30 minutes in the bedroom increases your pulse rate and helps keep your ticker fighting fit.
This is because sex is a good form of exercise: on average, men burn 4.2 calories per minute during sex, and women burn 3.1 calories per minute.
Sex reduces stress
Sex can help you to relax, and take your mind off everyday worries and anxieties.
During sex your body releases endorphins and oxytocin, and these feel-good hormones create feelings of relaxation and intimacy, as well as helping to stave off anxiety and depression.
Sex could stop us getting sick
One study in Pennsylvania found that weekly love-making aids the body’s production of immunoglobulin A.
This is an antibody that strengthens our immune systems, therefore helping us to ward off disease.
However, more research is needed to work out whether sex really could stop us getting sick.
Sex stops us getting headaches
Although headaches and migraines are often used as an excuse not to head under the covers, orgasms actually provide a quick rush of blood to the head that keeps those brain aches away.
In study of people who were complaining of migraines or cluster headaches, 60% reported relief after sexual activity.
Sex helps you sleep
Women often complain about their partners nodding off after intercourse, but science is actually on men’s sides.
Oxytocin, a hormone that promotes relaxation, is released by both sexes when they get passionate, research has found.
Sex improves fertility
Experts have shown that frequent ejaculation reduces damage to sperm. They think that this happens because the longer sperm stays in the testes, the more chance there is of its DNA becoming damaged.
Sex makes our brains sharper
A study from the University of Pavia in Italy found that regular sex encourages new nerve growth, which in turn makes us more alert. This is particularly so during the early stages of a relationship.
Sex prevents incontinence
Having sex is great exercise for women’s pelvic floor muscles.
They’re the ones that, among other things, help to control the flow of urine, so the stronger they are, the less likely it is you will become incontinent in later life.
Sex improves wellbeing
Like meditation, sex gives us a good, all-round feeling of being healthy and happy.
Sex makes you happier
Endorphins are hormones which are naturally released during sex. They are known to improve your mood, thereby boosting your happiness levels, and helping you to stay emotionally healthy.
Remember that good sex – and good sexual health – should be an all year-round practice. Remember to use contraception and that LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor provides discreet, reliable home STI kits for when you need peace of mind.
What Happens When You Stop Having Sex
Medically Reviewed by Jennifer Robinson, MD on April 21, 2021
Maybe sex is the last thing on your mind when you’re stressed out. But it might help lower your anxiety. Sex seems to lessen the amount of hormones your body releases in response to stress. And an active sex life can make you happier and healthier, which might also help keep anxiety at bay.
Research says people who have sex once a month or less get heart disease more often than those who have it twice a week or so. Part of the reason could be that you get a bit more exercise and are less likely to be anxious or depressed. But it could also be that if you have more sex, you’re physically and mentally healthier in the first place.
Sex typically burns about 5 calories a minute. That’s about equal to a brisk walk. And you use a bit more oxygen too -- about the same as digging in the garden or walking down the stairs.
That may not seem like much, but it starts to add up over the long term. And because sex can improve your mental health, you might be more likely to do other types of exercise like the neighborhood kickball team, hiking, or housework.
Well, not so much lose them as forget where you put them. That’s because regular sex seems be linked to improved memory, especially if you’re between ages 50 and 89. It’s not clear why.
Weekly sex seems to boost your immune system compared to those who have it less often. Part of the reason may be that it raises levels of a germ-fighting substance called immunoglobulin A, or IgA. But more is not always better here. People who had sex more than twice a week had lower levels of IgA than those who had no sex.
Sex bathes your brain in a chemical “afterglow” that lasts about 2 days and helps to bond you to your partner over the long term. Without it, you could lose some of the satisfaction of your relationship. A healthy, happy sexual relationship -- couples who do it at least once a week seem to be happiest -- can help build trust and understanding between you and your partner.
The reasons aren’t exactly clear, but in at least one study, men who ejaculated less than seven times a month were more likely to get prostate cancer compared to those who did it at least 21 times a month.
But unprotected anonymous sex and multiple partners can also raise your chances for the disease, so when you do have sex, take care.
Without sex, you’ll miss out on the hormones that promote restful sleep, like prolactin and oxytocin. Women get an estrogen boost that helps even more. The reverse is true, too: If you decide you want to start having sex again, a good night’s sleep is just the thing to keep you feeling frisky.
Sex can be a good way to take your mind off of any aches and pains you have. But it does more than that. Orgasm causes your body to release endorphins and other hormones that can help ease head, back, and leg aches. They may help arthritis pain and menstrual cramps, too.
It may seem odd, but “use it or lose it” may apply here. For women at menopause, vaginal tissue can get thin, shrink, and dry out without regular intercourse. That can make sex painful and weaken your desire. And some research says men who have sex less than once a week are twice as likely to have erectile dysfunction (ED) as those who have it weekly.
Sex seems to help keep your blood pressure down. That makes sense when you consider what it does: It adds a bit of aerobic and muscle-building exercise, and it can ease anxiety and make you feel better. Both of those can help keep your numbers where they need to be.
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AARP: “8 Reasons Sex Improves Your Health. ”
American Academy of Family Physicians: “Health Benefits of a Good Sex Life.”
American Family Physician: “Diagnosis and Treatment of Atrophic Vaginitis.” “Why having more sex may lead to a healthier mind and body.”
Arizona State University Healthy Lifestyles Research Center: “Compendium of Physical Activities.”
Association for Psychological Science: “A 48-Hour Sexual ‘Afterglow’ Helps to Bond Partners Over Time.”
Cleveland Clinic: “Vaginal Atrophy,” “Menopause & Sex,” “Why Sex Is Good for Your Health, Especially Your Heart.”
European Urology: “Ejaculation Frequency and Risk of Prostate Cancer: Updated Results with an Additional Decade of Follow-up.”
Harvard Health Publishing: “Exercise is an all-natural treatment to fight depression,” “Is sex exercise? And is it hard on the heart?”
International Society of Sexual Medicine: “Can Sex Increase the Risk of Prostate Cancer?”
Mayo Clinic: “Depression and anxiety: Exercise eases symptoms. ”
National Health Service: “Benefits of love and sex.”
Psychological Reports: “Sexual frequency and salivary immunoglobulin A (IgA).”
PNAS: “Pleasurable behaviors reduce stress via brain reward pathways.”
The Journal of Sexual Medicine: “Sexual Activity and Risk of Prostate Cancer: A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis,” “Regular Intercourse Protects Against Erectile Dysfunction: Tampere Aging Male Urologic Study,” “The Relative Health Benefits of Different Sexual Activities.”
The North American Menopause Society: “Decreased Desire,” “Changes in the Vagina and Vulva.”
National Health Service: “Why lack of sleep is bad for your health,” “Frequent ejaculation may decrease prostate cancer risk.”
Psychological Science: “Quantifying the Sexual Afterglow: The Lingering Benefits of Sex and Their Implications for Pair-Bonded Relationships.”
Sexual Medicine Society of North America: “Health Benefits of Sex.”
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Sex is, of course, nice. It has long been considered a cure for almost all diseases: from migraine to depression. Of course, not all ailments are cured with the help of a regular sexual life, but there are a number of pathologies and ailments that sex really helps to prevent.
Sex from problems with the cardiovascular system
The heart and blood vessels are among the first to experience all the advantages of a regular sexual life. Clinical studies compare sex to moderate physical activity, such as climbing a couple of flights of stairs or brisk walking. During such a “training”, the heart rate rises to 130 beats per minute, such an increase in the activity of the heart muscle can reduce the risk of a heart attack. nine0007
Regular physical activity also increases the production of nitric oxide in the human body. This substance promotes vasodilation, which improves the transport and absorption of oxygen by tissues, thus keeping them healthy and plastic.
Both empirical and theoretical studies on the effects of sexuality on cardiovascular health are still rare. Moreover, current empirical evidence on this topic is limited to small non-representative clinical or community samples. For example, Welsh Study 914 men aged 45-59 years, recruited between 1979 and 1983, showed that men with more frequent intercourse tend to have a lower risk of developing ischemic stroke and cases of coronary heart disease over a twenty-year follow-up period. Another study based on the same Welsh dataset shows that men who experience more orgasms have a lower risk of dying from coronary heart disease.
At the same time, there are some concerns that sexual activity can cause acute heart attacks, especially in patients with a history of cardiovascular disease. However, most clinical studies conclude that the triggering effect of sexual activity on acute heart attacks is minimal and can be reduced with regular exercise. nine0007
For stress and anxiety
Of course, sex does not affect the cause of stress and anxiety, but it helps to deal with the consequences and manifestations of these conditions.
Stress causes the sympathetic nervous system to metabolize glucose and provokes the release of stress hormones, in particular catecholamines and cortisol, which in turn leads to increased blood pressure and heart rate, rapid breathing and narrowing of blood vessels. This is the “fight or flight” state, a defense mechanism that we have inherited from our most ancient ancestors. Such a mode of combat readiness is needed for a short-term episode, but if stress becomes chronic, then gradually the regulatory mechanisms in the human body begin to wear out. Muscle strain, vasoconstriction lead to chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and hypertension. nine0007
Clinical scientists say that exercise, including sexual activity, can help reduce stress hormones in both women and men (e.g., adrenaline, cortisol) and stimulate the production of endorphins, a natural mood booster. Sexual activity, especially orgasm, also triggers the release of oxytocin, which enhances social bonding and can help relieve stress, thereby improving cardiovascular health. nine0007
Orgasm not only instantly relieves stress, it also has a long braking distance in the form of increased mood, and also improves the quality of sleep
The effect of sex can also be manifested indirectly, practically without directly involving the nervous and endocrine systems. During physical and emotional intimacy, people feel more secure, more confident, they feel supported and accepted by a partner, which is one of the most important tools in defeating stress.
However, this does not mean that in any incomprehensible or stressful situation you need to lay your partner down and have sex with him, especially if neither you nor he wants to. Not all people are ready to indulge in love pleasures in a state of stress: for some it really helps to get distracted, switch and calm down, but if you are too immersed in stress and cannot concentrate on your partner, you better choose another practice to overcome anxiety.
Alexandra Ivanitskaya
Regular sex relieves stress and enhances the growth of nerve cells
American researchers have found that sex has a beneficial effect on the growth of nerve cells and reduces anxiety affects the growth of nerve cells and reduces anxiety.
Researchers from the Institute of Neurology at Princeton University conducted a series of experiments on rats and found that regular sexual activity has a beneficial effect on brain function. nine0007
According to an article published in the journal PloS ONE, there are 2 types of stress: positive and negative. Negative, as a rule, is associated with increased levels of anxiety and increases the risk of affective disorders. In addition, tension during negative stress suppresses neurogenesis in the brain (the formation of new nerve cells). Most of the effects of negative stress are realized by increasing the level of adrenal hormones - glucocorticoids - and stop when the level normalizes. In addition, there is positive stress that occurs, for example, during sexual activity. nine0007
Scientists analyzed the effects of positive stress on neural activity and neurogenesis. For this, 2 groups of rats were selected, one of which escaped with females once a week, and the other daily. After that, the animals were placed in stressful conditions: driven through the maze and fed with unfamiliar food.
It turned out that the presence of acute positive stress (in males who had sex once a week) increased corticosterone levels and increased neurogenesis. At the same time, chronic positive stress (with daily sex) did not cause a further increase in corticosterone levels, but continued to further enhance neurogenesis. In practice, this was reflected in the fact that rats that had regular sex showed much less anxiety and performed better on all tasks of scientists. nine0007
As reported to, a stable, active and happy sex life helps not only to cope with excess weight and improve shape. Daily sex also improves sperm quality and makes sperm more active, prevents osteoporosis, heart attacks and prostate cancer, and stimulates gray matter cells in the brain. At the same time, the idea that each orgasm shortens a man's life, fortunately, turned out to be wrong.
In addition, sex is good for academic performance during the session, helps to feel safe and, in combination with drinking coffee and smoking cigars, increases life expectancy and protects the heart even after a heart attack. nine0007
At the same time, a variety of factors can influence a person's sexual activity. So, Australian scientists have found that the level of sexual desire in men directly depends on sunlight, and according to researchers from Israel, sexual desire or its absence can be embedded in the genes.
It has also been found that the increase in female sexuality after 30 years of age is due to the evolutionary desire to give birth to as many children as possible before menopause. But in the last years of life, as in adolescence, men show great interest in sex. nine0057 At the same time, women also experience the greatest pleasure from sex, work and personal life closer to 30 years. And recently, experts found that at the same age, about 60% of women change their sexual orientation.
At the same time, special sex chips implanted in the brain, which have already been tested in practice, will be used to increase libido in the near future. And the founder of the European Robot Research Network, Henrik Christensen, predicts that as early as 2011 full-fledged sex cyborgs will appear.