Doctor quiz buzzfeed



Naoko Iwanaga

"I bawled my eyes out when I left there."

Fabiana Buontempo

"Once I finally got my diagnosis, I wanted to throw the test results in my doctor's face."

Maya Ogolini

"He then spent the next 49 minutes trying to convince me to get lap-band surgery."

Maya Ogolini

"The doctor owes me an apology. "

Maya Ogolini

"Not being heard feels less than human."

Simrin Singh

"We took off the cast, and there were maggots eating away at her exposed bone."

Spencer Althouse

"It's not always feedback." —Audio engineer

Ryan Schocket

"They should not be so afraid of pregnancy that they feel pushed to this."

Victoria Vouloumanos

"Strawberry milk. "

Alexa Lisitza

If you've ever struggled with getting a spot-on diagnosis, you're not alone.

Madison McGee

"The fact that existing customers aren’t automatically moved to better deals once their contract ends."

Morgan Sloss

"Why do people keep putting non-skincare products on the skin? Oh wait, to go viral!"

Alexa Lisitza

Including waiting times, dismissing pain, and more.

Ryan Schocket

Poolside Halloween parties are severely underrated.


No te de pena, échale un ojo a esto.

Lara Parker

Let's figure out what your future holds...


Those ear bubbles tho.

Shelby Heinrich

A lot of people stick weird things up their butts.

Alexa Lisitza

Wouldn't you rather stay home? Nah, I prefer the hospital...

Krista Torres

"You're not depressed, it's your personality. "

Alexa Lisitza

The anus cramp explainer we all needed.

Alexa Lisitza

The first step to negotiating bills is to always get an itemized bill to see if the charges are fair.

Krista Torres

You could be the next president!


I bet you know more medical jargon than you're letting on!


Dr. Gary Linkov, MD answers your burning question about hair loss.

Farrah Penn

"I want anyone who is struggling with accepting their identity to see that you can be out and proud and thriving in life."

Alexa Lisitza

"Boomers like to harp on us for not letting our kids 'be kids,' and this is why. We just can’t afford for them to get even minor injuries."

Morgan Sloss

"Diarrhea flew out of her butt and splashed into my face."

Alexa Lisitza

This makes so much sense.

Shelby Heinrich

I think I just fainted.

Alexa Lisitza

This hack is doctor-approved!

Alexa Lisitza

I feel so seen!

Alexa Lisitza

Alexa, play "Work" by Rihanna.


A clash between motorists and so-called squeegee kids in Baltimore quickly spread on Twitter after a respected doctor falsely described it as an attack by Black Lives Matter protesters.

David Mack

Is it too late now to say sorry?

Terry Carter Jr.


Krista Torres

A TikTok from a white physician is making people suddenly aware of an issue that's long affected Black patients and doctors.

Tanya Chen

An easy way to see the world through someone else's eyes.

Krista Torres

A viral video in which Dr. Annie Bukacek questions the severity of COVID-19 has given anti-lockdown activists across the country a sense of validation.

Anne Helen Petersen

"This is the new normal after a shift — blisters on the nose and irritation to my face."

Krista Torres

“Today we feel like one big army devoted to one fight. Today it feels like maybe, just maybe, we can keep up.”

Jason Hill

"We’re not a shipping clerk,” Trump said last week. But in times of national crisis, that's exactly what the federal government needs to be.

John McQuaid

A physician from San Francisco, Rosny Daniel, attended a conference for ER doctors in New York City. Two days later, he tested positive for the coronavirus, suggesting that dozens of frontline health care workers could have been exposed.

Albert Samaha

Are you ready to head in to the OR?


Working hard or hardly working, eh?


After going to a fertility specialist, one of the women discovered "both fallopian tubes were burnt down to nubs, making natural conception impossible."

Julia Reinstein

Disclaimer: Medicine in Medieval Europe was bad, which is why the plague went so poorly.

Tessa Fahey

Doctor or teacher?


Are you more of a Derek Shepherd or a Meredith Grey?


Somewhere over the rainbow...


Work hard. Play harder.


One wrong answer and you're under arrest.

Stephen LaConte

Your dream job awaits.


Yes, we know.


You're hired!


"I'm no Superman..."


From mico-penises to butt augmentation.

Morgan Murrell

Dr Mags Portman, a hero of the LGBT and HIV community, leaves behind a husband, two children, and a legacy: getting PrEP into the hands of those who need it.

Patrick Strudwick

The California doctor had been suspended before for allegedly giving undercover cops medicinal marijuana recommendations.

Salvador Hernandez

“My life could have been 100% different if one person would have told me the truth,” Irene Kuzemko told BuzzFeed News.

Patrick Strudwick

What will I do with all my time?

Brianna Holt

"It can't become something that defines us."

Morgan Murrell

The family of the Soundgarden frontman, who died in May 2017, allege a doctor failed to monitor Cornell's use of a prescribed drug.

David Mack

Let's get this bread.


"I can still remember her vividly in my mind now. She was so happy."

Lane Sainty

This is a really important and tricky thing to gauge.

Elfy Scott

"I was just convinced that I was bipolar or really depressed."

Emily Erhart


Saori Ibuki

Houston’s police chief said Joseph James Pappas, wanted for shooting Dr. Mark Hausknecht as he rode his bike, killed himself after being confronted by officers.

David Mack

The doctor's 20-year career at the university is under investigation in a scandal that also includes a lawmaker.

Blake Montgomery

BBC America dropped the first trailer for the upcoming season of Doctor Who at San Diego Comic-Con.

Michael Blackmon


Saori Ibuki

Because it's not like they work under near-apocalyptic conditions, right?

Jemima Skelley

"You were shot in the abdomen while holding your infant daughter. I repaired your stomach and liver and removed your kidney and part of your pancreas. It’s been 10 years. You still send me a Christmas card every year."

Farrah Penn

Too real.

Farrah Penn

Trust me, I'm a doctor.



Ryosuke Kamba

You can do it!


The committee said last week that if all remaining USA Gymnastics board members did not resign promptly, their status as the sport's national governing body would be terminated.

Michelle Broder Van Dyke

"I used to joke that I had boob bangs."

Caitlin Cowie

*doctor leaves room* *touches all of the things*

Caroline Kee

Either way, you're gonna be surrounded by hot people and drama.


Why so serious?

Brad Esposito

Featuring leeches, pelvic douches, and creative hemorrhoid cures!

Sally Tamarkin

"Tengo hernia de boniato".

Beatriz Serrano

"It's like someone is gently skinning me alive."

Kelly Diamond

An unmarried woman’s sexuality is so terrible, so unimaginable, that it is completely written out of our language – in movies, in media, and even in the doctor’s office.

Sheena Raza Faisal

"A lot of us suffer from migraines…can Botox actually help?"

Becky Catherine Harris

BRB, flying to New York for a flu shot.

Stephen LaConte

"Is this normal?!"

Crystal Ro


Kelly Diamond

Because you can't learn everything from work experience.

Aemun Reza

"Is this normal?!"

Farrah Penn

"We can never apologize enough for what occurred."

Michelle Broder Van Dyke

The Court of Protection ruled that David Waghorn, who was struck off for misconduct, could not perform the procedure – which carries "a significant risk of mortality" and is not performed by the NHS.

Emily Dugan

"It looks like a cockroach!"

Alex Choi

Just when you thought your skin routine was long. ..

Cissy J. Worstell

Painfully relatable.

Crystal Ro

Next page >

The Good Doctor

"A character has NEVER made my blood boil as much as him."

Isha Bassi

"You don’t continue a show when the person the show is about in the first place is gone."

Hannah Marder

If you take anything away from this post, it's that you need to watch Hacks.

Nora Dominick

"They need to STOP with the remakes. "

Amatullah Shaw

I'm stressed out just reading these.

Hannah Marder

"I cared about the whole world because of you."

Nora Dominick

Young Sheldon gave us an adorable Sheldon and Amy update.

Nora Dominick

"I want those people to know that I’m not a joke. And that I’ve won."

Nora Dominick

"Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."

Stephen LaConte

“Keep the change, you filthy animal."

Kaleb Mayer

"I'm no Superman..."


Take this quiz, STAT!

Ehis Osifo

"Hey bae what would you like for Christmas?" "I would like for Shaun Murphy to be happy and at peace."

Kristin Harris

Shows like Speechless and Switched at Birth have helped shift portrayals of disabled characters who have historically been depicted as pity-evoking “Tiny Tims” and vengeful “Captain Ahabs. ” But there's still room for improvement.

Laura Dorwart

Superhero Bob Newby in Stranger Things stole our hearts.

Connor Dunlap

Streaming and cable may have gotten political, but the big networks are betting that in the Trump era, viewers want the familiar.

Alison Willmore

Quiz based on A.P. Chekhov's story "Surgery" (with answers)

Chekhov's conscientious, honest attitude to literary activity, his outstanding talent - all this contributed to the fact that the writer became successful, famous, loved. Since Chekhov was a doctor by education, plots related to medicine were not alien to him. The action of the story "Surgery" takes place in a zemstvo hospital, in an environment familiar to Chekhov from medical practice.

Quiz on the story "Surgery" will help you remember the characters of this story and the history of their relationship. All quiz questions are answered.

1. When was the story "Surgery" written?
May 22, 1883
July 15, 1885
August 8, 1884 +

2. What foreign languages ​​was the story "Surgery" translated into during the writer's lifetime?
Bulgarian +
Polish +

3. Is the plot of the story "Surgery" connected with Chekhov's real medical activity?
Yes +
In the summer of 1884, Chekhov worked at the Chikinskaya zemstvo hospital.

4. Why was there no doctor in the Zemstvo hospital in the story “Surgery”?
Due to illness
Due to vacation
Left to get married +

5. How old was paramedic Kuryatin?
Thirty-five years old
Forty years old +
At a respectable age

6. What attitude did Kuryatin show towards surgery at the beginning of the story?
“Surgery is the queen of medicine”
“Surgery is nothing” +
“Surgery is not a joke”

7. With what problem did deacon Vonmiglasov come to paramedic Kuryatin?
With a bad tooth +
With a backache
With a bruised leg

8. Phraseologisms of what language is the speech of the character of Vonmiglasov's story saturated with phraseological units?
Church Slavonic +

8. What is the relationship between the paramedic and the patient in the beginning of the story?
Benevolent +

9. There is a phrase in the story - “You were not treated with birch in the bursa”. What is a bursa?
Establishment of public catering
Forest nursery
Preparatory school of theological seminary +

10. What was paramedic Kuryatin wearing?
White robe
Neat suit
Worn jacket and frayed tribal trousers +

11. On what basis did Kuryatin choose the instrument for tooth extraction?
Random +
Based on the specifics of the case
By the size of the instrument

12. Did you manage to remove the diseased tooth the first time?
No +

13. Was the second extraction successful?
The tooth was successfully extracted
The tooth remained in the same place
Two protrusions remained from the tooth +

14. How did the story "Surgery" end?
The paramedic helped
The paramedic failed to “defeat” the tooth
The question remained open +

Category: Quizzes Tags: quiz with answers, Chekhov Permalink

Quiz in the Artifact

Start againAbout the quiz

1 of 10

Scheme "Functions of the Apothecary Order"

The order existed until the beginning of the 17th century, and was abolished in the Time of Troubles. It was restored in 1620 by Mikhail Romanov - as the highest body for the management of medical affairs in Russia.

What did this unit not do?

did not control the pharmacies and pharmacist gardens

did not certify the doctors and pharmacists

did not conduct studies in the field of anatomy

did not distribute the doctors in the


troops did not bred medicinal herbs





2 out of 10

Scheme "Rivers of Diseases..." Malakhov V.P. Frolov L.

In 1820, the military doctor Vasily Malakhov compiled one of the first scientific and practical classifications of diseases - "Rivers of diseases flowing in their natural course from the abyss of life's errors through the fields, depicting the vitality of a person."

What are the three main causes of illness he called?

Excessive treatment with herbs and vodka

Violation of the components of air, food and water

Medical negligence and inattention

Man-made microbes and Divine Providence

Touches that transmit diseases Reply


Scheme "Rivers of Diseases. .." Malakhov V.P. Frolov L.

3 out of 10

Atlas "Topographic Anatomy" Pirogov N.I.

In the 1850s, Nikolai Pirogov figured out how to create "excellent preparations, extremely instructive for physicians", which preserved the natural arrangement of organs for later study. He froze the bodies in the anatomical theater, and then sawed them into thin layers.

Pirogov's invention became the prototype of what diagnostic tool?


Diagnostic surgery

Computed tomography




Atlas "Topographic anatomy" Pirogov N.I.

4 of 10

Surgeon Ilya Buyalsky's set of tools

Surgeon Ilya Buyalsky's set of tools included saws, amputation and resection knives, a scalpel and bone nippers. But it does not have a special blade - the invention of Buyalsky himself.

What is it for?

Put away organs and tissues, without damaging them

, scoop up the contents of the hollow organs

to press the tongue when examining the throat

Rub the anesthetic into damaged fabrics


set of tools of the surge Ilya Buyalsky

9000 5 of 10

9 Mask "Rylce"

The mask, which was invented by engineer Nikolai Prokofiev, became one of the first personal protective equipment against chemical weapons. It consisted of 30 layers of gauze, impregnated with anti-gas liquid and sewn in the form of a “stigma” - with an elongated front.

How did such a form help?

had a psychological impact on the enemy

served with camouflage during intelligence

on it was convenient to sew glasses in the rimal

allowed the soldier in the mask to breathe freely


Mask Zhilets

of 10

Portable x-ray machine

During which war did doctor Vladimir Kravchenko examine 40 wounded patients at one time using a portable x-ray machine?


First World War II


Great Patriotic War



A portable X-ray apparatus

7 of 10

Ampulament for blood transfusion

Blood transfusion, consisting of trumpets consisting of trumpets, needles, needles , pressure gauges and ampoules with canned blood were in use during the Great Patriotic War.

What is the name of the transfusion method for which they were used?



9000 -sanitary trains, which were called "permanent".

What else did such a train serve?

Armored train for transporting weapons and troops

Autonomous hospital with operating cars

Postal train with freight wagons

Front campaign center



Military-sanitary train model

9 of 10

Bag for the Sanitary-Western dog

from 1945 from the army served more than 60 thousands of dogs - many of them were trained as orderlies.

How did the dog inform the instructor that he had found the wounded?

Barked briefly and abruptly

Tore off the signal light sewn to the pouch

brought a bloodied thing of the wounded

Enchant a wooden block on the collar



Bag for the sanitary-search dog

10 of 10

Panama Ivan Kosachev

Professor Ivan Kosachev, Chief Surgeon 40 army of the USSR Ministry of Defense, developed new methods for the treatment of dangerous injuries, very common during the Afghan war.

Learn more