Definition of study habit

International Journal of Library and Information Science


The study was on study habits, use of libraries and students’ academic performance in selected secondary schools in Ondo West Local Government Area of Ondo State. Survey technique was adopted for the study, and the instrument for data collection was questionnaire. Complete enumeration was the procedure used for the study. 296 copies of questionnaire were administered and retrieved but 14 copies were invalid. Thus, 284 (95%) copies were valid for analysis. Major findings of the study revealed among others that irregular use of school libraries by the students was one of the factors for poor scores in test and examination, many students did not study outside the school, and academic performance of the students was poor in Mathematics and English Language. The study concluded that study habits of the students were bad and academic performance of the students was poor. Based on the findings, the study recommended among others that library study hours should be included on the school time table to allow students to have a specific time to use the school library on a regular basis; school libraries should open beyond school hours to enable the students the opportunity to study after school hours, students should find suitable and comfortable places to study outside the class each day, and amount of time used by the students for study must be increased both at school library and at home in order to devote quality time to study.


Key words: Study habits, academic performance, library influence, reading and learning, access, information.


A good study habit is very important for good academic performance, and such every parent and teacher would desire their children to be avid and excited readers.  Therefore, it is essential to create captivating, inviting and comfortable place for the students in order to help them cultivate good study habits.  Library, more than any other place, provides ideal environment and vital information resources for students to develop and sustain good study habits necessary for excellent performance in academic works.  Thus, it is imperative for the students to cultivate good study habits that will equip them for excellent performance in their academic work through the use of a school library.  A habit is a settled or regular tendency or practice, especiallyone that is hard to give up. Alex (2011) described a habit as something that is done on scheduled, regular and planned basis that is not relegated to a second place or optional place in one’s life. It was further stated that a habit is what is simply done, no reservation, no excuses and no exceptions. Thus, the habit formed can be improved upon by constant practice; and it is very hard to give up a habit once it is formed.

According to Alex (2011) … to study is to buy out the time and dedicate self to the application and task of study, and to become engrossed in a process of learning, practice, enlightenment and education of one’s self. Therefore, study habit can be derived from the above as buying out a dedicated schedule and uninterrupted time to apply one’s self to the task of learning.  Study habit is an action such as reading,taking notes, holding study groups which the students perform regularly and habitually in order to accomplish the task of learning.  Study habits can be described as effective or ineffective depending upon whether or not they serve the students well.  Many of the issues concerning success in school revolve around developing good study habits. Reading habit refers to the behavior which expresses the likeness of reading of individual types of reading and taste of reading (Busayo, 2011 cited in Sangkaeo, 1999). It is a pattern with which an individual organizes his or her reading in order to cope with new knowledge in the ever changing world. African, and indeed Nigerians are not used to reading because the predominantly medium of communication is oral. Africans are not reading society, but chatting society; the background of learning through culture, the cultural habit of people… prefer listening and chatting to reading (Busayo, 2011,cited in Sangkaeo, 1999). In the light of this, creating good study habits is very germane to African children/students’ success in schools. Traditionally, parents are often advised to have a particular study area in their home for their child’s home work, stick to a specific schedule, and do one task at a time (Stephens, 2010). Parents can certainly play a major role in providing the encouragement, environment, and materials necessary for successful studying to take place at home. However, at school, library provides a quiet, well-lit study place and environment that is conducive to mental concentration. Adesoji (2007) cited Omoniwa (1995) to posit that libraries have been associated with the concept of life-long reading and learning. It was stated further that library especially school libraries are desirable in order to inculcate into the students very early in life the habit of reading for various purposes, education, pleasure, information, culture etc.

Students’ academic performance is predicated on study and reading skills. There is a direct correlation between study habits and students’ academic performance. Without good study and reading habits, students would not be able to perform excellently in their tests and examinations. According to Bakare (1994) as cited by Asikhia (2010) poor academic performance is any performance that falls below a desired standard. Poor academic performance of students in promotion examination or terminal examination will hinder the students from being promoted to the next class or securing admission to higher institution of learning. Poor academic performance can make the students to become frustrated. It can also lead to students’ drop out especially if the poor academic performance persists for a long  

Statement of the problem

Secondary school education is supposed to be bedrock and foundation toward higher knowledge in tertiary institutions. The National Policy on Education {2004} stipulated that secondary school education is an instrument for national development that fosters the worth and development of the individual for further education and development, general development of the society and equality of educational opportunities to all Nigerian children, irrespective of any real or marginal disability.   However, the above mentioned aim of secondary school education is being threatened by students’ poor academic performance. Asikhia (2010) attested to this and affirmed that the poor performance of secondary school students in examinations hampers the realization of aims of secondary school education in Nigeria. Poor performance in test and examination is caused by poor and defective study habits employed by the students. De Escobar (2011) argued that students need to be familiar with the relation that good study habits and academic achievement have to accomplish great success. Moghadam and Cheraghia (2008) submitted that academic performance is affected by a lot of factors; study habits is one of them. Williamson (2010) contended that many students suffer low grade in schools because of bad study habits. Also, students’ failure to use the school library and its’ resources to expand their study habits has a negative effect on their academic performance. Dent (2006) reported a study conducted by Lance (2000) to show that students in middle school with libraries had 18 percent higher achievement test scores than their counterparts without a library. Therefore, this study examines study habits, use of school library and academic performance of senior secondary school students to show the current trend of these variables in the secondary schools. 

Objectives of the study     

The objectives of this study are to find out:

1.      Whether school libraries have professional staff

2.     Whether the school libraries are connected to the internet

3.     Find out the students’ study habits.

4.     Determine the pattern of students’ use of school library.

5.     Investigate the relationship between study habits, use of school library and students’ academic performance.

Research questions

1.     Are there professional staffs in the school libraries?

2.     Are the school libraries connected on the internet?

3.     What are the study habits employed by the students for their academic   works?

4.     What is the pattern of students’ use of the school library?

In what ways do the study habits and students’ use of library influence students’ academic performance?


Studies have shown that there is strong connection between the students' use of school library and their academic performance. Students that use the school library often perform better in test and examination than students who fail to use the school library. For instance, Wikipedia the free encyclopedia (2010) stated that researchers have demonstrated that school libraries have positive impact on students’ achievement. It contended that more than sixty (60) studies have been conducted in nineteen (19) U.S. States and one Canadian province. It maintained that the major finding of these studies is that students with access to well-supported school library media programme with a qualified school library media specialist scored higher on reading assessments regardless of their socio-economic statuses. Also, it observed that a study conducted in Ohio revealed that 99.4% of students surveyed believed that their school librarians and school media programmes helped them succeed in school. It cited Lonsdale (2003) who reported a similar conclusion in Australia.

In addition, eHow (2011) posited that extensive, modern research that controlled for confounding variables such as socioeconomic students shows a positive correlation between school libraries with qualified librarians and high students’ performance. Moreover, Dent (2006) conducted a research on the observations of school library impact at two rural Ugandan schools and submitted that the purpose of the study is to explore connections between the presence of a library and certain students' academic engagement indicators, such as scholastic performance, reading and library use patterns.

Research findings have revealed that there is a strong connection between the students' study habits and their academic performance. Good study habits lead to good academic performance but bad and defective study habits result to poor academic performance. Moghadam and Cheraghian (2008) corroborated the assertion andposited that academic performance is affected by a lot of factors; study habit is one of them. They claimed that considering the importance of study habits in academic performance, they embark on a research on study habits and their relationship with academic performance. De Escobar (2011) observed that students need to be familiar with the relation of good study habits and academic achievement to accomplish great success in any level of education. She contended that by learning good study habits students tend to perform better than struggling students. Also, Gettinger and Siebert (2002) asserted that effective study skills are necessary for a college student to excel academically. They further stated that student must develop these skills in order to retain information learned in the present for their future benefit. In addition, Igun and Adogbeji (2007) observed that study habits have been taken for granted, particularly in developing countries. According to them, in Africa, there is wide spread reading in all scholarly fields, but less is being achieved in writing and publication. They argued that efficient study habits can strengthen writing. They stated further that study habits and skills are particularly important for students, whose needs include time management, note taking, internet skill, the elimination of distractions, and assigning high priority to study. Moreover, they cited Fielden (2004) to state that good study habits help the student in critical reflection in skills outcomes such as selecting, analyzing, critiquing and synthesizing.

Good study habits are study techniques that enhance the students to realize their full potentials. There are tips for good study habits. The highlights of such tips as given by different researchers will be listed. Escobar (2011) listed good study habits among which are:

1.     Do your home work at school

2.     Prioritize your tasks

3.     Involve yourself in sports/arts

4.     Prepare for tests ahead of time

5.     Clutter free study place

Fleming (2010) enumerated what she described as great study habits; the highlights of many of them include:

1.Write down every assignment

2.Communicate with your teacher

3.Establish a study zone at home

4.Know your dominant learning style

5.Take fabulous note

Many students suffer low grade in schools because of bad study habits. Williamson (2010) posited that some negative study habits are difficult to break and can seriously affect students grades. According to her, the followings are bad study habits that students should avoid in order to break up the bad study habits listed above; she suggested among others that students should:

1.      Set a schedule

2.     Get rid of distractionsGet enough sleep

3.     Study soon after class

4.     Teach others

Other tips that can enhance good study habits are:

1.Students need to develop good time management

2.Students should acquire a vision

3.Students must choose best study schedule

4.Students must take note and rehearse them regularly

Students must not be afraid to ask for help (Wiki answer, 2011). Alegbeleye (2008) identified stages of  reading skills and posited that at the secondary school level, both cognitive and affective development are unifying concepts that are considered in the reading of the secondary schools students.  In addition, the following submissions were made among others:

1.     Secondary school students must build a large repertoire of vocabulary and recognize tenses that are unique in specific subject area they learn at school. 

2.     Students develop the habit of extensive and intensive reading in content field areas and other interesting materials for greater cognitive and affective development.  

3.     Students learn and develop the ability to adjust reading speed according to the purpose for reading and the difficulty of materials read. 

4.     Students read silently and develop the habit of building more vocabulary, learning to concentrate and develop the idea of note taking. 

5.     Students take adventure to the library to read for pleasure in novels, comics, journals, newspapers and other materials of interest for recreation. 

However, students use and process information better with the help from a school librarian. School librarians guide students through their reading and research process as well as helping them to choose books that fit their interests.

School library according to Busayo (2011) is an integral part of educational system that cannot be ignored without jeopardizing the quality of education in schools. The school library is an important part of elementary, middle and high school progammes without which students would not thrive academically and invariably find it most difficult to conduct academic research before they reach college level. Adefarati (2002) highlighted the following as the aims of a school library:

1.     To encourage the development of skill in reading

2.     To prompt the readers to some literacy appreciation

3.     To be a source of subject information centre and support the school curriculum

4.     To be a clinic for intellectual development

According to International Federation of Library Association (2009) the followings are essential to the development of literacy, information literacy, learning and culture; and are core school library services:

1.     Supporting and enhancing educational goals as outlined in the school mission and curriculum.

2.     Developing and sustaining in children the habit and enjoyment of reading and learning, and the use of libraries throughout their lives.

3.     Offering opportunity for experiences in creating and using information for knowledge, understanding, imagination and enjoyment. 

4.     Supporting all students in learning and practicing skills for evaluating and using information, regardless of form, format or medium, including sensitivity to the mode of communication within the community.  

5.     Providing access to local, regional, national and global resources and opportunities that expose learners to diverse ideas, experiences and opinions. 

6.     Organizing activities that encourage cultural and social awareness and sensitivity.

7.     Working with students, teacher, administration and parents to achieve the mission of the school. 

8.     Proclaiming the concept that intellectual freedom and access to information are essential to effective and responsible citizenship and participation in a democracy

9.     Promoting reading and resources and services of the school library to the whole school community and beyond.

School library is very important in shaping students’ habit as regard reading for leisure, to pass examinations and to obtain information on different aspects of life (George, 2011). It is an inexhaustible store house of unrestricted information resources in diverse formats systematically organized for users.  Thus, a school library cannot be separated from the school – parent institution and expect all round development of the students. Library users make use of library for different purposes. While some users use it for reading their notes and personal books, others use library to do assignments. Yet, others visit library to prepare for examination, recreation and relaxa-tion.  Ogunbote and Odunewu (2008) cited Kumar (1991) and stated that the performance of students could be improved considerably if they use the library regularly.  Students should therefore maximize the use of school libraries to their advantage since school libraries provide favourable environment where the students can discover and develop their abilities and talents as well as improving their reading and study skills.


Descriptive survey research was adopted for this study. The researchers used questionnaire instrument for data collection. The population of this study consists of students from four secondary schools. The target population comprises senior secondary students, one to three (SSS 1-3). These levels of secondary school students were able to respond appropriately to the questionnaire of the researchers because they had spent three years in the school system. There were twenty seven arms out which nine were randomly selected. The total population of the nine classes was two hundred and nine eight. Complete enumeration was the sampling technique employed for this study.  The researchers used all the students in the nine classes selected because the academic records of the students were done on class basis.  The academic records of the sample students were one of the data needed for this research; and they were obtained from the school authorities of the respondents. The instrument for data collection for this research work is a slightly modified   standardized study habits inventory devised by Muskingum College-Centre for Advancement and Learning and Cook Counseling Centre. The administration of the questionnaire took place in the classroom of the students.

Data presentation and analysis

The data collected were presented in table form with columns for frequency and percentage. Analysis was done in simple percentage

The researcher retrieved all the two hundred and ninety eight (298) copies of the questionnaire they administered on the students (respondents) used for the study. Fourteen (14) of the retrieved copies of the questionnaire were invalid. Thus, two hundred and eighty four (284) copies were valid for analysis. This represents approximately ninety five percent (95%) of the respondents.

Table 1 reveals that the majority of the respondents’ schools libraries had professionally qualified librarian (72.54%). 78 respondents (27.46%) indicated that their school libraries had no professionally qualified librarian. School libraries of most respondents had professional librarian who systematically organizes the resources of the school libraries for ease of access and use. The finding is in tandem with the recommendation of Ogunniyi et al., (2011) that school library should be manned by professional librarian



It could be observed from Table 2 that the school libraries of the majority of the respondents were not connected to the internet (76.41%). Only 67(23.59) respondents indicated that their libraries were connected to the internet. Majority of the school library of the respondents did not have access to the wealth of the information resources on the net. Ogunniyi et al. (2011) found out that most school libraries were not hook on the internet, and therefore recommended that school libraries should be connected to the internet.



Table 3 shows that 98 (34.51%) respondents used the library once in a week. 31 (10.92%), 62 (21.83%) and 35 (12.32%) respondents used the library twice, thrice and more than three times respectively in a week. 58 (20.42%) respondents did not use the library at all in a week. Majority of the respondents did not use the library regularly. The researchers observed that there was no library period on the school time table. The schools opened 8:00 am and closed at 2:00 pm.



Table 4 reveals that 124 (43.66%) respondents visited library to read library books and 84 (29.58%) visited the library to read notebooks. Only 12 (4.22%) visited the library to do assignment. Majority of the respondents visited the library to read library books and notebooks.



Table 5 shows that 94 (33.10%) respondents never study outside of class each day but 90 (31.69%) respondents always study outside of class each day. While 194 (68.31%) respondents always keep up to date in assignments, 20 (7.04%) respondents never keep up to date in assignments. Majority of the respondents (203 or 71.48%) made specific preparations for exams. Only 24 (8.45%) respondents indicated that they never made specific preparations for exams. 123 (43.30%) respondents never knew what was covered in each exam but 79(27.82%) respondents knew.



Table 6 reveals that 159 (55.99%) respondents indicated that there were few distractions in the places they study, but 125 (44.01%) respondents admitted that there were no distractions in the places they study. The temperature of the places of study of the majority of the respondents (174 or 61. 27%) was very comfortable for studying. The chairs and tables in the places of study of most of the respondents were suitable for studying, 187 (65.85%) and 197 (69.37%) respondents respectively. 185 or 65.14% of the respondents indicated that the lighting in the places of study was conducive to studying but 99 or 34.86% of the respondents had the contrary opinion.



Table 7 reveals that 46.48% of the respondents scored less than 40 marks in English Language. 7.37% of the respondents scored between 60-69 and only 3.17% of the respondents scored between 70 and above.



In Mathematics, 50.70% of the respondents scored less than 40 marks and only 13.38% respondents scored between 70 andabove. 47.54% of the respondents scored less than 40 marks in Biology and 12.32% of the respondents scored between 70 and above. In Economics, 41.90% of the respondents scored less than 40 marks and only 5.63% scored between 40-49 marks. 33.45% of the respondents scored less than 40 marks in Yoruba and only 7. 04% of the respondents scored 70 and above.

The academic performance of the respondents as shown above was poor. Awosiyan and Opki (2012) cited West African Exami-nation Council analysis of candidates’ performance for 2008, 2009 and 2010; and only 23, 21 and 20% respectively passed.  The poor academic performance of the students could be attributed to the failure of the students to study outside of the class each day (Table 5). Another reason is that students studied in places where there were distractions (Table 6). In addition, students did not use the school library regularly nor spent quality time in the library (Tables 3 and 5). Demola (2012) reported that ‘Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter, MySpace, English Premier League, European Football Leagues among other things have taken over the time students could have used for  reading and studying.


Professional staffs were employed to manage most school libraries; and this would ensure the systematic organization of the resources and efficient services to the users. The finding is in tandem with the recommendation of Ogunniyi et al. (2011) that school library should  be manned by professional librarian There was no internet access in most school libraries, and thus denied the students’ access to vast information resources on the net. There was no library hour on the school time table; theschool opened by 8:00 am and closed at 2:00 pm; and the school library opening hours is the same with that of the school.

The irregular use of the school libraries by the students of secondary schools could lead to poor scores in test and examination. Dent (2006) reported that a study conducted by Lance (2000) showed that middle level class that used school library regularly had 18 percent higher achievement tests scores than their counterparts without a school library. The findings of Acido (2010) also revealed that two students who scored above average in reasoning skills studied regularly. The academic perfor-mance of the students was poor, especially in English Language and Mathematics. The implication of this is that many students would not have the basic requirement for tertiary education. The result supports the findings of Asikhia (2010) that showed that the poor academic performance of secondary school students in examina-tion and test hampers the realization of aims of secondary school in Nigeria which is the provision of basic qualification for further education at tertiary level.


The school library opening hours was tied to school opening hours- 8:00am- 2:00pm besides the non inclusion of library period in the school time table; these arrangements did not afford the students ample opportunity to study in the library. The absence of internet access in most school libraries poses a grave danger to students’ access to unrestricted resources around the world in this digital age. The responses of the respon-dents have shown that majority of secondary school students did not use the school libraries regularly and many others did not use the school libraries at all. Students use the school libraries to read notes and library textbooks. Many students neverstudy outside of the class each day, and never know what was covered in exam. The study habits of the students were bad and the academic performances of the students were also poor.


Based on the findings, the following recommendations were made:

1.     There should be a library study hour on the school time table to enable the students to have a specific time to use the school library regularly

2.     The inclusion of library study hour on the school time table would afford the students the opportunity to study more than thirty (30) min in the library on regular basis.

3.     The library opening hours should be extended beyond school hours- 2:00 pm to give students the opportunity to study in the library after school hours

4.     School libraries should compulsorily connect to the internet to enable the students to explore the wealth of information resources worldwide.

5.     Students should find suitable and comfortable places to study outside the class each day, especially at home to compliment the study at school.

6.     There is need for the students to study and cover the syllabus on each subject in order to know what will be covered in each exam.

The amount of time used in studying must increase in order to devote more time to quality study both at school library and at home to prevent poor academic performance currently being experienced in the secondary schools.


 The authors have not declared any conflict of interests


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5 Areas to Focus On

Growing up, I learned the importance of good study habits early.

I was responsible for writing down my homework assignments each day, checking I had all the right books the night before school, and making flashcards to study spelling or vocab words. If I didn’t stay diligent in these study habits, then I was bound to hear about it from my mom.

Establishing good study habits at an early age paid off. In high school and college, I was able to focus on learning the material instead of learning how to study. I never got bad grades because I forgot to turn in homework, and if I ever did poorly on a test I had no one to blame but myself.

However, I recognize that not everyone has the benefit of learning good study habits early in life. For many people, college is the first time you even have to think about how to study and manage a schedule all on your own.

To bridge the gap, I’ve put together the following guide to good study habits. First, we’ll look at what good study habits are and why they matter. Then, we’ll give some practical examples of good study habits in action (and how they can solve some common academic issues).

What Is a Good Study Habit?

Before we go any further, we need to define what a good study habit is. To start, we should define “habit”.

A habit is an action (or series of actions) that you perform automatically in response to a particular cue. For instance, the sound of your alarm going off might cue the habit of getting out of bed and walking into the kitchen to make coffee (or, for some of us, hitting the snooze button).

But what makes a habit “good”? Generally, we define a good habit as one that helps you achieve your goals and live in line with your values. A bad habit, meanwhile, is detrimental to your goals and values in the long-term (even if it relieves pain or provides pleasure in the short-term).

A good study habit, then, is a habit that helps you achieve your academic objectives while still supporting your broader goals and values.

3 Reasons Good Study Habits Matter

Good study habits matter for three main reasons: focus, grades, and mental health.


Starting with focus, having the right study habits in place frees up your mind to concentrate on the material you’re learning.

Instead of having to think about how to create flashcards, for example, you can focus on using flashcards to learn a new language.

If your study techniques aren’t automatic, meanwhile, they can distract you from the larger work you’re trying to do.


While good study habits won’t automatically raise your GPA, they’ll certainly improve your chances.

As an example, you’re likely to perform better on an exam if you’re in the habit of studying for it over several days (or weeks) instead of the night before.

Mental Health

Most important of all, however, is the benefit good study habits have for your mental health.

No matter how much “raw intelligence” you might have, poor study habits will make college stressful and anxious.

If you aren’t in the habit of starting research papers well in advance, for instance, then you’ll be in for some sleepless, caffeine-fueled nights. But if you habitually start your research papers early, then you can avoid the unnecessary stress that comes from procrastination.

5 Types of Good Study Habits (and How to Build Them)

Originally, this section was going to contain a long list of good study habits. But since we already have an extensive list of study tips, many of which are specific study habits, I decided to do something different.

Instead of listing yet more study tips, I’m going to examine some common college academic struggles that good study habits can help eliminate or avoid. This way, you can get some practical tips for building good study habits and putting them into action.

This section focuses on how to build good study habits, specifically. For a more general overview of how to build good habits, read this.

Study Habits for Doing Better on Exams

Are your exam grades lower than you’d like? If so, your study habits could be the culprit.

When it comes to studying for exams effectively, here are some habits to keep in mind:

Go to Review Sessions

Usually, your professor and/or TA will hold a review session before each exam. This review will only be helpful, however, if you attend it. Therefore, make a habit of going to any scheduled exam review sessions, especially in classes you find difficult.

How to build the habit: This is one of the easier habits on this list to build. All you have to do is put the review session on your calendar and then be sure you go to it. To make this easier, pay attention in class for any announcements of review sessions.

Make and Study Flashcards

If you’re studying for an exam that requires you to memorize lots of information, then flashcards are your friend. In particular, building a habit of daily flashcard review leading up to an exam can help your performance greatly.

How to build the habit: First, be sure you understand the best ways to make and study flashcards.

From there, we recommend using a flashcard app that reminds you to study the cards each day (and focuses your efforts on the cards you struggle with). This is a case where notifications on your phone can be a study aid instead of a distraction.

Study Habits for Writing Better Papers

No matter your major, you’ll have to write a paper at some point in college. And having the right study habits will make the process much easier and less stressful. Here are some study habits that will help you write better papers:

Don’t Procrastinate on Writing

I won’t deny it: I pulled my share of all-nighters in college. And usually, I was staying up late to finish a paper I’d procrastinated on.

While you can certainly write a paper in one night, it’s unlikely to be your best work. Instead, make it a habit to work on your paper a little bit each day in the week before the due date.

How to build the habit: If you’re struggling with procrastination, then read into the science behind why we do it.

From there, consider the stress and pain that will come from writing a paper in one night. Use that as motivation to work on your paper a little bit at a time.

Once you’ve done this for one paper and seen how much better it makes your life, you’ll be more inclined to do it with future papers.

Visit the Writing Center

While procrastination is a common issue with writing papers, you may also struggle with the writing itself. Depending on where you went to high school, in fact, you might never have learned how to write the kind of papers college requires.

If this is the case, get in the habit of visiting your college’s writing center when you’re working on a paper. The staff there would be more than happy to help you improve your writing.

How to build the habit: Going to the writing center is a fairly easy habit to build if you schedule your writing center appointments in advance.

This should be possible at most colleges, and it’s often required during high-demand times such as finals season. Making an appointment in advance adds some external accountability, so you’re more likely to show up.

For more paper writing tips, read this.

Study Habits for Completing Homework Faster

Homework is important for practicing and solidifying the concepts your professor discusses in lectures, but that doesn’t mean you should spend all your time outside of class doing it.

Here are some study habits to help you complete your homework faster, without sacrificing quality:

Schedule Your Homework Time

If you can fit all of your homework into a defined block each day, it will be much easier to get started on it. Plus, knowing that you only have to spend a defined amount of time working will reduce the dread that generally accompanies homework.

How to build the habit: First, find a time each day that’s free of obligations. Evenings will work well for some, while mornings are better for others; it depends on your schedule.

Then, put that block of time on your calendar with the title “Homework Time.” If you like, you can also break that block down into smaller chunks for each of the courses you’re taking.

Next, decide on a study space where you’ll do your homework: dorm room, library, student center, etc. Note that location on your calendar as well.

Finally, treat this block of study time like any other class, meeting, or appointment. If someone tries to schedule something during that time, tell them you already have an obligation.

Focus Completely On Your Work

You’ll get your homework done much faster if you only focus on the assignment at hand. But if you’re checking social media and your phone as your work, the process will take longer overall.

To avoid this issue, make a habit of distraction-free homework. When you’re working on homework, let nothing else fragment your attention.

How to build the habit: First, turn off your phone and put it away. If you can’t do that, then at least take some steps to make it less distracting.

Next, try to work without an internet connection whenever possible. If that isn’t practical, then use an app like Freedom to block distracting sites and apps.

If that still isn’t enough, then you can also try the Pomodoro technique.

Study Habits for Being Less Stressed

As I mentioned earlier, one of the main advantages of good study habits is reduced levels of stress.

Some study habits, in particular, are great at making the studying process less stressful. Here are a couple to try:

Use the Fudge Ratio

Due to something called the planning fallacy, humans are terrible at estimating how long things will take. The fudge ratio is a solution to this problem. It helps you create more accurate time estimates for tasks, using a simple formula that we’ll explain below.

Applying the fudge ratio to your studies will help you be less stressed since you’ll be in the habit of planning more time than you need to do assignments. If you get done early, then you’ll get a great sense of accomplishment. But if something takes the full time you “fudged,” then you won’t be caught off guard.

How to build the habit: To work the fudge ratio into your planning, you’ll need to keep track of how long you think tasks take vs. how long they truly take. Record these numbers somewhere you can review them regularly. For an accurate measure of how long tasks actually take, you can use time-tracking software.

Once you’ve done this for a bit, you can then compare your estimated times to your actual completion times. This will allow you to calculate a literal ratio that you can use to make future time estimates.

To calculate the fudge ratio for a task, use this formula:

Estimated completion time / Actual completion time = Fudge ratio

For instance, if you think it will take you 30 minutes to finish your Intro to Sociology reading but it actually takes you 45, then your fudge ratio for these reading assignments is 45/30 = 1.5. Now, you know that whenever you’re estimating how long reading will take for this class, you should multiply your estimate by 1.5.

Doing this for each class and assignment can be time-consuming. But with time, using the fudge ratio will help you get into the habit of making better time estimates overall. Eventually, you won’t need to do the tracking and math described here.


Not all classes are created equal. Sure, each instructor thinks their class is the most important on your schedule, but we all know that isn’t true. Some classes require more time and effort than others, and how you study should reflect that.

Specifically, you’ll be much less stressed if you prioritize studying the subjects that take the most work.

How to build the habit: During the first couple weeks of the semester, pay attention to how much work each class on your schedule will require. From there, you can decide where to prioritize your attention.

Then, spend most of your study time on the most difficult classes. Of course, you’ll still need to spend some time on your easier classes, but not nearly as much. Doing this will give you more free time and reduce your general stress levels.

Study Habits for the Forgetful

For our final area of habits, we turn to the pernicious problem of forgetting. Whether you’re having trouble remembering homework assignments or even showing up for class, these habits will help.

Keep a List of Your Assignments

If you’re having trouble remembering your assignments, then build the habit of keeping them on a list. This is a classic piece of advice. But if you put it into practice, it can change your life.

How to build the habit: First, decide where you’ll write down your assignments. We’re a big fan of to-do list apps for this purpose. But you could also go analog and use a paper planner. Just make sure it’s something you can easily carry with you to class.

Then, write down assignments as the professor gives them. In many cases, of course, the professor will expect you to refer to the syllabus for homework assignments. So be sure to review your syllabus each week (and bring a copy to class so you can note any changes).

Finally, review your list of assignments at the start of each homework session. As you complete an assignment, cross or check it off the list. With this habit in place, you’ll be much less likely to forget assignments.

Put Your Classes on Your Calendar

Unlike in high school, where your schedule is regimented and closely supervised, college offers more independence. While this can be exciting, it also means greater responsibility. And one of the first responsibilities you’ll face as a college student is showing up for class at the right time.

While simple in theory, it can be challenging to remember the time and location of all of your classes. Especially during the first couple weeks of class. To ensure you don’t forget when and where your classes are, put them on your calendar.

How to build the habit: Leading up to the first week of school, go online and consult the syllabus for each of your classes.

Note the class times and locations, and put that information on your calendar in recurring events. Make sure your calendar is set up to send you event notifications on your phone, and you should be able to remember each class no problem.

With time, of course, you’re likely to memorize you schedule and won’t need to consult the calendar. But having your classes on your calendar will still be helpful for planning, ensuring you don’t schedule a meeting or other event during a class.

If you’ve never set up a digital calendar, check out this guide to using your calendar efficiently in college.

Good Study Habits Aren’t Built in a Day

I hope this article has shown you the importance of good study habits, as well as how to start making them a part of your academic life.

As with any new habit, forming good study habits takes time and focus. For greater odds of success, work on forming one or two of these habits at a time. When they’re a solid part of your routine, you can add new ones.

Habit formation is such a vast topic, there was no way we could cover all the details in one article. For a deep dive into building habits that last, check out our habit-building course:

Take My Free Class on Mastering Habits

Building habits isn’t just about discipline; there are real-world steps you can take to set yourself up for success! In this course, you'll learn how to set realistic goals, handle failure without giving up, and get going on the habits you want in your life.

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7 useful educational habits

The international educational platform Global Education Futures and the international association WorldSkills Russia have prepared a report on the skills that a person will need in the future.

Among the basic skills of the 21st century, experts named the ability to (self) learn: “In a rapidly changing world, a person will have to continue learning throughout his life, sometimes mastering new skills on his own.” So, now is the time to introduce useful educational habits into your life.

Always set yourself up for success

Some people fail to achieve high results because they treat their studies as an unpleasant duty.

The learning process is really often associated with routine and requires hard work. And the most annoying thing is that the result of this work is not tangible and appears only later.

The first and most important rule that you should introduce for yourself is: no matter how hard it is, look for the positive aspects of the educational process.

Stop labeling yourself ("I'll never understand algebra!", "I'm too stupid for that," and so on). You can't prepare to lose!

Good attitude - 50% success! Instead of thinking, "I won't have enough time to prepare," say to yourself, "If I start teaching right now, I'll be able to learn most of the material."

Take notes

Notes help you comprehend and remember information. The main thing is to make notes correctly:

  • Do not take shorthand after the teacher. Highlight the main ideas and write them down in your own words.
  • Try different note-taking techniques such as Cornell note-taking, sketchnoting, or mind maps. Choose the one that works best for you.
  • For the classic method, use abbreviations, colored pens and underlining. This contributes to better assimilation of the material and helps to navigate the records.


Train your memory

You must have heard that people who master mnemonics miraculously remember large amounts of information. In fact, there is no magic. You just need to learn how to work with associations and master several memorization techniques.

A popular technique is the mnemonic room, or the Cicero method. According to legend, the philosopher never used cheat sheets in his speeches. He reproduced many facts, quotations, historical dates and names from memory. In preparation for performances, Cicero walked around his house and mentally placed in it the key points of the speech.

Try also to “attach” objects to the familiar area that you need to remember. It can be anything - from poetic lines to chemical formulas.

Review the material

Just reading the material is not enough. To master it qualitatively and for a long time, you need practice (problem solving or applied application), as well as regular reproduction.

Psychologists believe that it is most rational to repeat the material in a certain pattern. For example like this.

  • First repetition 15-20 minutes after class.
  • Second repetition - after 2 hours.
  • The third repetition - the next day or a day later.
  • Fourth repetition - after 3 days.
  • Fifth repetition - in a week.
  • Sixth repetition - in a month.
  • Seventh repetition - after six months.
  • Eighth repetition - in a year.

Repetition with cards and work in groups are equally effective. Group discussion helps to clarify difficult points and structure knowledge. In addition, this approach gives more motivation - you are unlikely to want to lose face in front of other participants in the discussion.

Stick to the schedule

If you manage your time properly during the school year, you won't have to arrange many hours of marathons with textbooks before exams. If you stop procrastinating, you won't have to rush.

Stress-free study means punctuality and discipline. Proper time management allows you to keep up with everything and frees up time for hobbies.

Set a schedule that you can actually stick to. Be sure to make time for proper sleep and walks. It is convenient to follow the schedule through a mobile application.

Keep a balance between workload and rest

One should not get hung up on studies (as well as “forget” about it). Strive for harmony! Here are the basic rules that will help you:

  • Try to get up and go to bed at the same time. Sleep 7-8 hours a day.
  • Eat right. In your diet all year round should be vegetables and fruits.
  • Exercise. Some proteins necessary for the brain are intensively produced only during physical activity. It is not necessary to go to the gym - a simple exercise and a walk already significantly improve cognitive functions.
  • Take a five-minute break every 25-30 minutes of intense mental activity. Studies show that after about half an hour, concentration drops, and it becomes difficult to remember something. During breaks, the brain “transfers” information into long-term memory. You should not open social networks or watch TV shows during your vacation - a new flow of information will not allow you to relax. It is better to drink tea or just lie down with your eyes closed.

Reward yourself for success

When you achieve an educational goal, no matter how big, reward yourself. We closed all the debts for homework, wrote a test with a "five" or perfectly passed the exam - praise and treat yourself. You can buy your favorite chocolate bar, play a computer game or spend the whole day with friends.

Even small but real rewards will increase your motivation to study and reinforce the habits you develop.

10 habits for learning and self-development


  • Psychological mood
  • Environment
  • Time management
  • Mnemonics
  • Note-taking
  • Discipline
  • Useful content
  • Reward yourself
  • Stop criticizing yourself
  • Leisure

Photo: fizkes / Shutterstock

Mental attitude

In order to develop good habits for studying, you first need to properly prepare yourself psychologically, that is, mentally prepare for classes. This will help certain rituals that will accompany your training.

For example, place a cup of your favorite tea on the table every time or light a candle. This will mean that now is the time for productive work. When such a ritual becomes a habit, it will be easier for the brain to tune in to learning.


The environment is no less important for the process of self-development. For example, the famous psychologist V.G. Maralov in his scientific work notes that cramped living conditions can become an obstacle to learning. Therefore, try to free up the workplace and create as much free space as possible.

Make it a rule to clean up your desk and leave only what you need right now. Hang a picture above your desk that you associate with productivity, such as a picture of Moscow City or another business district.

Turn off the TV and put your phone away to avoid distractions.

Time management

Planning your time is a guarantee that you will definitely be on time for the most important things. Time management helps to save time and resources, as well as to distribute them wisely.

If you have too much material to study and don't know what to do first, prioritize. Determine what needs to be learned as quickly as possible and what can be left for later. Making plans in advance will help you sit down and get down to business, and not think about what exactly you will study now.

It is equally important to allocate a time block that will be the time of "meeting" with the training materials on your calendar. You can set aside a few hours after work for studying, or you can devote part of your lunch break to this.


Mnemonics are techniques that help memorize information quickly and efficiently. For example, with the help of an abbreviation, you can remember a long phrase (VDNKh - an exhibition of achievements of the national economy).

At school, we often learned the rules with the help of funny rhymes and phrases: “The bisector is a rat that runs around the corners and divides them in half”, “Pythagorean pants are equal in all directions”, “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting” etc.

You can create your own abbreviations, rhymes, associations, etc. If you need to learn foreign words, try to associate them with various objects: bed (bed) - I spent the whole lunch in bed.

Using these habits for self-development, you will be able to absorb the material more easily. I recommend developing this skill every day for 5-10 minutes. The main thing is to accurately determine the time and place of classes.

Photo: Dragon Images / Shutterstock


Note-taking can be beneficial for self-development only if you do not just copy the material, but pass it through yourself.

My recommendations for taking notes:

  • first read the text or watch the video, and then, closing the book or video, write down what you consider important and necessary;
  • use various schemes, tables for structuring the material;
  • highlight the main thoughts with a marker or colored pens so that when viewing the abstract they catch the eye and serve as reference points for remembering the material;
  • record only the material you plan to use, don't try to record everything.

Also read:
10 daily habits that will make your life much better

15 healthy habits that will come in handy in 2021

9 habits that will make you more energetic


Discipline is an important habit for those who want to achieve serious results. And here you need to clearly understand why you need self-development, what global goal ignites you for this activity. For example, learn English and Spanish to travel around the world.

Also a necessary condition for good discipline is the resource state. If you are filled with energy, it will be easier for you to take actions, even if at the moment they are boring and uninteresting. These useful habits for self-development will allow you to competently organize the learning process.

To develop discipline, create for yourself the right conditions for learning: mental attitude, environment, time allocated according to the plan, necessary materials. Try to build perseverance and diligence. Always keep motivation in mind and do not forget about the goal. This will help to avoid lengthy preparation and, as a result, postponing important tasks.

Move towards the goal in steps: set yourself mini-tasks and deadlines for their implementation (for example, read four books in a month, that is, you need to read one book a week). If you can’t become disciplined, work on bad habits: gadget addiction, entertainment abuse, etc.

The Pomodoro Technique will help with this: set a timer for 25 minutes and do only one thing during this time, then take a break for five minutes, during which you can relax, scroll through the Instagram feed and reply to friends' messages. By setting aside time for everything that distracts you from your studies, you can focus on learning.

Useful content

Let's go back to the importance of understanding what exactly you will study in order to achieve a certain goal. Educational materials must be well-selected so that you receive only reliable information. Use the libraries of the area in which you want to develop. Listen and even ask for recommendations from those who have already achieved some success in your industry.

I took up psychosomatics to deal with health problems in my family. At first she studied literature, took courses, and then received a higher education in the field of clinical psychology. Now I continue to attend lectures and master classes from leading Russian experts and constantly improve my skills.


Podcasts are a modern and convenient way to learn material for those who are constantly on the move. You can subscribe to podcasts on a topic of interest and listen to them while walking, in the car or at home while cleaning.

This option is for people who are better at listening or who don't have time to read books or watch videos.


Books are a source of endless information and new knowledge. Reading literature allows you to broaden your horizons and form your own opinion on certain things. Choose the right time (for example, in the evening before going to bed), create a comfortable environment and start learning the material.

You can find an interesting author and study all his works or take a study guide with a list of used literature, and then start studying these books.

Documentaries and webinars

Watching documentaries can help you learn a lot of interesting things. Such content is suitable for those who better perceive information in combination with a visual picture. And on webinars, you can ask questions of interest to specialists and receive feedback.

Photo: Alex from the Rock / Shutterstock

Reward Yourself

Rewarding yourself can be another healthy self-improvement habit. Our brain loves to be praised. So, as a result of a study from the BBC, it turned out that compliments make a person feel better and become more productive.

Set yourself rewards for learning blocks of information (for example, for reading a book). As a reward, you can buy something for your collection (a new pen, an elephant figurine, etc.), visit a relaxing procedure (massage, body wrap, bath, sauna). It can also be a walk with friends, a trip to the forest or to the river.

It is important that the reward is something desired but not necessary (going to the cinema, meeting friends, attending a concert, etc.). Then you will feel sincere joy. Do not set food as praise: you should always eat well, regardless of training.

Stop criticizing yourself

Self-criticism is not always a good habit. Sometimes it can lead to anxiety and depression. The more we blame ourselves for our own failures, the worse our mood and well-being, and this is a direct path to serious psychological problems. Therefore, do not reproach yourself too much for the difficulties that arise in your studies.

Analyze your actions by asking yourself: “What can I do better next time? What other topic do I need to study to make this question more clear? Who can help me to study this topic? This method will help you stop criticizing yourself if you made a mistake or did not take the time to study a certain issue.


Despite the fact that useful habits for self-development should be present in our lives every day, a person cannot study around the clock. There is so much information in the world now that is constantly updated, so no one's life is enough to find out absolutely everything.

If the brain is constantly overloaded, problems with productivity, health and emotional state can begin. Therefore, when planning a day, determine the time not only for training, but also for rest. Don't forget about proper sleep, walks in the fresh air and meetings with friends. Do not get too carried away with gadgets and alcohol.

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