Definition of insanity meme
The Definition of Insanity / Did I Ever Tell You The Definition of Insanity?
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- Far Cry 3
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- insanity, far cry 3, catchphrase, vaas, vaas montenegro, far cry
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- Urban Dictionary
The Definition of Insanity refers to a memorable quote uttered by Vaas Montenegro, one of the primary antagonists from the video game Far Cry 3. The quote is often used online as an allegory for repetitive events or actions, particularly in politics and media franchises.
The quote is heard during a cutscene in Far Cry 3 in which the protagonist, Jason Brody, is kidnapped by Vaas Montenegro's troops and is due for execution by drowning (shown below).[1]
Before Jason was thrown into a river while tied to a rock, Vaas gives a speech to Jason featuring the quote, which in itself is an alteration of a definition of insanity as provided by Albert Einstein,[6] which states: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact… same fucking thing… over and over again, expecting… shit to change.That… is crazy; but the first time somebody told me that…I dunno, I thought they were bullshitting me, so boom – I shot him. The thing is, okay… He was right.
And then I started seeing: everywhere I looked, everywhere I looked, all these fucking pricks, everywhere I looked, doing the exact same fucking thing… over and over and over and over again thinking: "This time, it's gonna be different; no, no, no, no, no, please… This time it's gonna be different." …I am sorry, I don't like the way you are looking at me… Okay, do you have a fucking problem in your head? Do you think I am bullshitting you? Do you think I am lying? Fuck you! Okay? FUCK. YOU! It's okay, man. I'm gonna chill, hermano. I'm gonna chill… The thing is… alright, the thing is: I killed you once already… and it's not like I am fucking crazy. It's okay… It's like water under the bridge. Did I ever tell you the definition… of insanity?
On December 30th, 2012, a definition for the term was submitted to Urban Dictionary by a user called Vaas Montenegro, with the definition referring to the quote from the game.[2] There are various results for the tag "The Definition of Insanity" on Tumblr,[3]
alongside many posts on 4chan's /v/ quoting the phrase[4] as well as also being posted multiple times on other 4chan boards. [5] There are also various re-uploads of the cutscene where the quote originated from, as well as videos related to the quote.[7]
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External References
[1] Far Cry Wikia – Vaas Montenegro
[2] Urban Dictionary – Insanity, defined by user Vaas Montenegro
[3] Tumblr – Search Results for The Definition of Insanity
[4] Fireden – Search Results on /v/ for The Definition of Insanity
[5] 4plebs – Search Results for The Definition of Insanity
[6] Brainy – Insanity definition
[7]Youtube – Search Results for The Definition of Insanity
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Do you know what madness is? Iconic video game quotes
Giorgi Gabriadze
July 14, 2020 09:15
Photo: © Ubisoft Entertainment
Be careful, spoilers are possible.
Carefully, spoilers are possible.
Video game characters gave the world a lot of catchphrases, lines and monologues, which were taken apart into quotes and jokes. And sometimes one good line can succinctly explain the whole meaning of what is happening in the game. In this collection, we will talk about some of them.
Witcher III Wild Hunt
Move Roach!
Photo: © CD PROJEKT S.A.
During all the time of his adventures, the witcher Geralt changed far from one horse, and each, regardless of gender, became a Roach. Geralt calls his horse with a whistle, and it instantly appears next to him, even if she stayed in another city. And when sitting in the saddle, the witcher always says: “Move, Roach!”.
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Teleportation from one location to another and the love of the gray-headed witcher for the name Roach gave rise to a bunch of funny pictures with this quote among fans.
Hotline Miami
"Do you enjoy hurting others?"
In the course of the story, in dreams or delirium, a mysterious man in a rooster mask named Richard comes to the heroes and at first glance speaks incoherent nonsense. In fact, Richard's speeches are directly related to the plot.
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In one of his monologues, the rooster asks: "Do you like hurting people?" Due to the overall atmosphere of the game and Richard's charismatic mystique, the quote has added to the list of catch phrases from Hotline Miami that players remember even years after its release.
Metal Gear Solid
Snake! Snake? Snaaaaaaake!”
In Hideo Kojima's spy thriller, the protagonist communicates with his assistant via a walkie-talkie. If the character dies, then on the screen of the end of the game, the ally on the walkie-talkie screams his name in a very emotional way.
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The players liked his intonation so much that they began to make various funny videos with this cry.
Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven
Thomas Angelo Monologue
The first Mafia is inspired by the legendary gangster films The Godfather and The Goodfellas. The project of the 2K Czech studio gives players colorful and memorable characters, an interesting story and well-written dialogues.
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The final speech of the protagonist, Thomas Angelo, is especially memorable: “You know, I think that one should know the measure in everything. Yes, measure, that's a good word. Anyone who wants too much runs the risk of losing absolutely everything. True, whoever wants too little from life may not get anything at all ... ". It beautifully sums up the whole path passed by the character.
Far Cry 3
"Have I told you what madness is?"
The villain of the third part of Far Cry turned out to be very charismatic and immediately fell in love with the players. In one of the scenes, Vaas Montenegro is talking to the connected protagonist, talking in his trademark manner about madness.
“Have I already told you what madness is? Madness is the exact repetition of the same action over and over again in the hope of a change. This. Eat. Madness". After the release of the game, the quote was found all over the Internet and even now it is used as a joke or reference.
Be Kind
Bioshock is a game with philosophical overtones. In the ending, it turns out that the protagonist is the son of another important plot character, Andrew Ryan, a utopian who built the underwater city Rapture.
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The phrase "be kind" controls the hero, depriving him of free will. Ryan's last words convey the main idea of the whole story: "Man chooses, slave obeys."
“War. War never changes.”
Quote from the introductory video for the Fallout games. It implies that the methods and methods of warfare may change, but not its very essence. War always brings death and destruction.
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“War. War never changes" is one of the most famous video game expressions. It seems to tell the user: even after the nuclear apocalypse, everything remains as before.
See also:
- They break mice and gamepads. Compilation of games with high difficulty
- Blast from the past. Worms are back
- Nations Cup, World Championship. How esports works in PUBG
- How esports broadcasts are created. Interview with RuHub General Producer
- Plague escape, bank robbery, Alien hunting. What are masks for in video games
* A social network recognized as extremist in Russia
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Far Cry 3 - Other
“Have I already told you what madness is? Madness is the exact repetition of the same action over and over again in the hope of a change. This is madness. The first time I heard it, I don't remember who told it to me, I - boom - killed him. The point is, okay? - He was right. And then I began to see it everywhere, everywhere you look, these blockheads ... Everywhere you look, they do exactly the same thing. Again and again and again and again and again, and they think - now everything will change. No no no no, please, now everything will be different. I'm sorry, I don't like the way you look at me! OK? Are you having problems with your head? You think I'm hanging noodles on your ears?! You went! OK? Let's go! On the***! It's all right... I'll calm down, brother, calm down. The point is... Okay, the point is I killed you. Already. And it's not that I - ** nut, truncated? Phew... It's like water under a bridge... Did I already tell you what madness is...? - (c) Vaas Montenegro. In the game Far Cry 3, quite a lot of attention is paid to "madness", as well as various hallucinogenic substances. So, for example, on the island, in an estate on a high hill, Dr.
Earnhardt lives. You wouldn't want to be at his reception: Doc gathers mushrooms in a cave under his house and makes drugs out of them, which he sells to pirates (which is why they are all such psychos too). He himself is often applied to them. Jason also has to visit this cave to find one special mushroom. Along the way, he inhales the spores of mushrooms, after which hallucinations begin. Doc also sponsors Jason's friends with wheels while they are in a grotto nearby. After taking the pill, you will find yourself in Jason's memories, of which there are exactly three, and find out how a group of friends ended up on this cursed island.
In addition to the dock, the pirates themselves also grow "grass" on the island, on Hoyt's orders. For export, and possibly for domestic use. Generally speaking, it is difficult to determine which of the characters in the game is of sound mind. Citra, the leader of the Rakiyat natives, every time Jason visits her temple, gives him some new rubbish, almost lethal poisons, from which simply monstrous, life-threatening hallucinations begin.