Controlling relationships quiz
Am I Controlling In My Relationship Quiz (+FREE Relationship Worksheets)
Quizzes, Relationships / December 5, 2022 March 11, 2023
This post contains “Am I controlling in my relationship quiz”.
- Am I Controlling In My Relationship Quiz
- FREE Printable Relationship Worksheets (PDF)
#1. Do you often dictate what your partner does, who they spend time with, how they dress, and more?
No#2. Are you always quick to criticize?
No#3. Are you isolating your partner from their friends and family by not wanting them to focus on these relationships or asking them to spend more time with you instead?
No#5. Do you often look through their phone or social media accounts?
No#6. Do you feel uncomfortable with your partner making decisions or doing things without you?
No#7. Do you ask a lot of questions to the point of smothering your partner?
No#8. Do you often make your partner feel guilty by blaming them for your problems?

No#10. Do you often become defensive at the smallest sign of conflict?
Note: This test is not meant to act as a substitute for proper assessment.
ResultsThe questions above represent common signs you could be controlling in your relationship. If you answered yes to most of these questions, then you might have control issues.
It’s important to note that it’s the behavior itself that indicates controlling issues, but what motivates the behavior.
When such behaviors are motivated by fear of losing the person, distrust, personal insecurities, etc.
then the behavior becomes a sign of trying to control someone else.
If you suspect you might be a controlling person, consider seeing a therapist to help you figure out how best to address your behavior.
Related: Top 10 Powerful Strategies To Stop Being An Abusive Person
FREE Printable Relationship Worksheets (PDF)References
- Signs of a Controlling Relationship | Relationships Australia QLD (
- Signs You’re Being Too Controlling (
- 20 Signs Your Partner Is Controlling | Psychology Today
- What If You Are a Controlling Partner? | Psychology Today
- 16 Ways To Stop Being Controlling In A Relationship (
Emotional Abuse Test: Am I In an Abusive Relationship?
Relationship abuse isn’t always easy to spot — even if you’re in the relationship.
While physical violence is the first thing to come to many people’s minds, abuse often involves other types of maltreatment. Sometimes it’s subtle manipulation, cruel words, giving the “silent treatment,” or taking extreme control of the finances.
Recognizing abuse when you see it is the first step toward helping yourself or someone you love stay safe.
Relationship abuse, or intimate partner violence (IPV), is quite common, affecting more than 10 million people per year in the United States.
In many cases, IPV falls under the umbrella of domestic violence, which is any violence within a family unit. However, IPV can also happen among couples who are not living together.
IPV may involve emotional or psychological aggression, physical or sexual violence, financial abuse, or stalking behaviors.
The frequency and severity of abuse in relationships can vary widely from occasional instances to daily maltreatment. A common thread among all cases is the abusive person’s attempts to control their partner.
There are several types of abuse:
- Physical abuse. Physical abuse involves intentional bodily harm.
This could include slapping, punching, choking, kicking, pinching, shoving, forcing drugs, or physically restraining a partner against their will.
- Emotional abuse. Emotional or verbal abuse involves cruel words or attitudes meant to control, demean, or punish in some way. (eg. calling a partner worthless or stupid, or giving the “silent treatment”) Research shows that emotional abuse may be a contributing factor to the development or severity of illnesses, such as chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Psychological abuse. Psychological or mental abuse involves the slow wearing down of a person’s sense of self over time, and may even make them doubt their sanity. Gaslighting falls under this type of abuse.
- Sexual abuse. This involves any type of sexual assault, rape, or the weaponizing of sex.
- Financial abuse. This involves the controlling of money so the partner is unable to have or spend money without the other’s permission.
Research suggests there are several reasons why abusers attempt to control their partners:
- jealousy
- anger problems
- feeling inferior
- poor self-esteem
- cultural beliefs they have the right to control their partner
- personality or mental health disorder
- learned behavior from growing up in an environment where IPV was accepted
- alcohol and drug use
In general, abusive behaviors are those that intend to:
- harm
- control
- intimidate
- threaten
- humiliate
- manipulate
- degrade
- blame
- harass
- isolate partner from others
IPV can be difficult to identify. There are many things a partner can do to act in an abusive manner. These are some of the more common ones.
Does your partner…
- blame you for how they act or feel?
- say that you’d be nothing without them?
- make you feel like there’s no way out of the relationship?
- blame alcohol or drugs for their behavior?
- act extremely jealous or possessive?
- call you numerous times to make sure you’re where you said you’d be?
- say cruel things to you or call you names?
- intimidate or threaten you to get what they want?
- embarrass you in front of your friends and family?
- make you feel like you can’t take care of yourself or make decisions?
- pressure you into sex?
- minimize or make fun of your accomplishments?
- prevent you from doing what you want?
- keep you separated from your family and friends?
- control all the money?
- interrogate you about where you’ve been?
- threaten you with violence?
- treat you in a rough way: push, grab, shove, or hit you?
This brief, time-saving questionnaire is designed for anyone looking to find out whether they may be in an abusive relationship.
If you’re in a domestic violence situation, knowing the signs can help you navigate the situation.
Even if it’s not a domestic violence situation, a mental health professional can help if you’re having trouble with conflict resolution and establishing healthy relationship boundaries.
This online screening is not an official evaluation of your relationship or your partner’s behavior.
It’s a tool to help you better understand whether you may be involved in a relationship that could be considered abusive — emotionally, physically, or both.
If you’re in a domestic violence situation, knowing how to navigate the situation safely is crucial.
When you’re ready, consider reaching out to a mental health professional or social services about next steps. You’re not alone, and help is available.
If you feel you’re in danger and need help immediately, call 911. You can also call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233 (SAFE) or text “Start” to 88788 for help.
There are numerous resources available to you if you’re experiencing IPV. Here are a few:
- National Domestic Violence Hotline. Free, confidential hotline to get non-judgmental support for both survivors and perpetrators.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Preventing stalking. Fast facts on how to prevent stalking.
- The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV). Personalized safety plan.
- Stalking Prevention, Awareness, & Resource Center (SPARC). Information for targets of stalking.
- Help for male victims of domestic violence.
Interactive game - quiz "State Symbols of Russia" - Turin Regional Territorial Electoral Commission informs!
Information for the public.
June 20, 2016
Interactive game - quiz "State symbols of Russia""
TEC informs!
was held in the Turin Regional Library named after. I.I. Pushchin for the children of the summer health camp at secondary school No. 3. The event dedicated to June 12 - the Day of Russia, was prepared by library staff Nikitenko O.I. and Kalinin V.B.
On June 12, our country celebrated an important public holiday - the Day of Russia, or the Day of the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia, as this holiday was called until 2002. This is one of the "youngest" public holidays in the country. 12 June 19In 1990, the first Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Russia, in which the supremacy of the Constitution of Russia and its laws was proclaimed. In 1998, B.N. Yeltsin, the first President of the Russian Federation, proposed to rename the most important public holiday as the Day of Russia and thereby make it understandable for all generations. The changed name really appealed to all citizens, it united both the importance of the event, the solemnity of the date, and the unity of all the inhabitants of the vast territory.
In modern Russia, which has already managed to get stronger and gain world recognition, June 12 - Russia Day continues to be one of the main public holidays.
The children, participants of the event, answered the questions of the quiz game on the history of Russia and its main state symbols. Interesting competitions, tasks and questions on knowledge of the foundations of statehood did not leave anyone indifferent. Lidia Fyodorovna Nakariakova, Chairman of the Turin District Electoral Commission, welcomed the participants, summed up the results of the quiz, and presented certificates to the winners of the State Symbols of Russia quiz game.
L.F.Nakariakova, Chairman of TEC
Back to list
- June 20, 2016
- Election campaign started in Russia and Sverdlovsk region
TEC informs!
- June 10, 2016
- Quest game "My Russia" for children from the summer camp of school No.
Turin TEC informs!
- June 9, 2016
- Internet summer school for young voters started work
TEC informs!
- All news in category
- Information resource "Year of memory and glory"
- In order to inform citizens about events, projects and activities The official website of the Year of Memory and Glory is functioning on the Internet:
- Cinema "Iskra"
- Cinema hall "Iskra" of the Central Biodiversity Plant invites guests to watch films of domestic and foreign production; movie premieres; the smallest viewers will be able to watch their favorite cartoons, both in 2D and 3D.
- Electronic information and educational complex of the Sverdlovsk region
- An educational portal containing practical advice for all categories of the population on the rules of conduct in various emergency situations.
- Catalog of agricultural products
- The online catalog allows agricultural cooperatives to present products on the Internet and get additional marketing opportunities
- Agricultural cooperation support measures navigator
- Contains information on the measures of credit-guarantee and leasing support available to agricultural cooperatives, support measures of the Ministry of the CXRF, as well as opportunities to promote products on the Internet
- Victory Family
- Anyone can send to this section the history of their relatives and friends who survived the Great Patriotic War.
Tell about the military and labor exploits of the people!
- Free legal assistance
- 1) legal advice in oral and written form; 2) drawing up applications, complaints, petitions and other documents of a legal nature; 3) representing the interests of a citizen in courts, state and municipal bodies, organizations
- Department for ensuring the activities of justices of the peace of the Sverdlovsk region
- Provision of free legal assistance in the territory of the Sverdlovsk region
- Information about the points of provision of free legal aid by legal clinics.
- Personal account of JSC "Oblkommunenergo"
- In your Personal Account, you can apply for technological connection to the electric networks of JSC "Oblkommunenergo" via the Internet
- Personal account of OAO IDGC of Urals
- In your Personal Account, you can apply for technological connection to the electric grids of OAO IDGC of Urals for power receiving devices with a maximum power of up to 8900 kW and a voltage level of up to 10 kV.
- Information on investment activities in Turin GO
- Budget for citizens
- Budget for citizens Budget of the Turin city district
- Municipal programs
- List of municipal programs currently in force on the territory of the Turin urban district
- PFR mobile office in your smartphone
- Government and PFR services are now available on your smartphone! Download the app for your phone right now!
- CJSC "Turinsky TsBZ
- Official site of CJSC "Turinsky TsBZ".
- Thermal complex "AQUARELLE"
- Healing Turin water has a positive effect on the human body and heals many ailments.
- Information about regular transportation routes
- Register of routes of regular passenger transportation by public motor transport in the territory of the Turin urban district
- All-Russian competition "Russian organization of high social efficiency"
- Participation in the competition is an opportunity for organizations to demonstrate an active internal corporate policy, achievements in working with personnel, improving working conditions and labor protection, developing social partnership, and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
- Digital terrestrial television
- Website of the Sverdlovsk branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Development of TV and radio broadcasting in the Russian Federation"
- Sverdlovsk Regional Center for Prevention and Control of AIDS
- On this site, each resident of the SO can get information on how to find out their HIV status, where to get tested for HIV, helplines, and the schedule of mobile HIV testing points.
- Information portal "Work in Russia"
- The all-Russian database of vacancies provides access to information from the state employment service for a wide audience of job seekers and employers.
- Electronic government
- On this portal you can find information about the state and municipal services you are interested in and learn how to get them.
- Poll
- Here you can take part in current sociological surveys conducted by the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region, reflecting the satisfaction of the population with the quality of services in various fields of activity.
- Multifunctional center
- Official website of the State Budgetary Institution SO "Multifunctional Center"
- Russian public initiative
- Internet resource for the submission and voting on the proposals of citizens of the Russian Federation on the Internet
- Turin TEC
- Turin District Territorial Electoral Commission
- Open Government of the Sverdlovsk Region
- The portal "Open Government" of the Sverdlovsk region is a fundamentally new platform for social partnership between society and authorities, which ensures a high level of transparency of state power and a free exchange of information between the state and citizens.
- Official Russia
- Server of state authorities of the Russian Federation
- Consumer Protection
- Consumer protection is the most important socio-economic issue, because each of us is a consumer of goods and services.
- Ministry of Energy, Housing and Communal Services of the Sverdlovsk Region
- The Foundation for Assistance to the Reform of Housing and Communal Services has prepared video materials on the new procedure for the overhaul of common property in apartment buildings
- Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation
- Public discussion of the draft strategy (program) "Russia without orphans" for 2013-2020
- Office of the Federal Bailiff Service
- Citizens and representatives of legal entities can receive information about the enforcement measures taken.
- Social Security
- Department of Social Policy of the Ministry of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region for the Turinsky District
- Public consultations within the framework of RIA
- RIA is a procedure during which draft regulatory legal acts are analyzed in order to identify provisions in them that lead to excessive administrative and other restrictions on the activities of entrepreneurs, as well as to unreasonable expenses, to establish whether existing problems are being solved.
- Forming the Investment Strategy of the Sverdlovsk Region-2030
- The investment strategy of the region is the basis of a favorable investment climate and the key to ensuring the competitiveness of the region and a high standard of living for the population.
- Portal of small and medium enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region
- The portal is dedicated to the issues of small and medium-sized businesses
- Information base of the investment potential of the branches of the regional economy and the social sphere "REGIONS OF RUSSIA"
- The database includes free information on the practical achievements of regional authorities and municipalities in matters of socio-economic and investment development of territories, renovation of industry and infrastructure, etc.
- GKU "Turin Employment Center"
- The official website of the State Institution "Turin Employment Center" - assistance in finding employment.
- Management personnel reserve
- Information on the procedure for the formation, training and exclusion from the managerial personnel reserve of the Sverdlovsk Region
- Action strategy for children
- Results of the implementation of the Action Strategy for Children and Action Plan for 2016-2017
- Report violation of competition
- Report a violation of competition on the website of the Ministry of Investment and Development of the Sverdlovsk Region
- Independent system for assessing the quality of services provided by social organizations
- Official website for posting information about state (municipal) institutions
- pension reform
- Information for citizens about the new pension reform
Websites and Internet pages of organizations
- State bodies of the Russian Federation
- Executive bodies of state power of the Russian Federation
- Executive bodies of state power of the Sverdlovsk region
- State bodies of the Sverdlovsk region
- Municipal formations of the Sverdlovsk region
Websites and Internet pages of organizations
- President of Russia
- State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
- Government Services Portal
- National Anti-Terrorism Committee
- Plenipotentiary Representative of the President in the North Caucasus Federal District
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- Government of the Russian Federation
- Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation
- Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (MVD of Russia)
- Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MFA of Russia)
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- .
- Ministry of Finance of the Sverdlovsk Region
- Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region
- Ministry of Industry and Science of the Sverdlovsk Region
- Ministry for State Property Management of the Sverdlovsk Region
- Ministry of Social Policy of the Sverdlovsk Region
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- .
- Commissioners for the rights of entrepreneurs of the Russian Federation
- Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Sverdlovsk Region
- Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Sverdlovsk Region
- Accounts Chamber of the Sverdlovsk Region
- Election Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region
- 1
- 2
- Serov
- Kushva
- Aramil
- Artemovsky
- Asbestos
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- .
Individuals who for the first time have grounds for using benefits for land tax, property tax for individuals, transport tax, submit an application for a tax benefit, and are also entitled to submit documents confirming the right to a benefit.
01/25/2023 On account of which payments and in what order is the single tax payment credited
Based on the total obligation of the organization, the IE inspectorate reads the EPP against payments to the budget in the following sequence:
• first of all - on account of arrears starting from the earliest moment of its detection;
01/23/2023 How the single tax payment is paid Organizations, individual entrepreneurs in the general case pay taxes, advance payments, fees, insurance premiums, penalties, fines, interest by transferring funds as an EPP.
Due to the introduction of the system of a single tax account and a single tax payment, the reporting deadlines were unified. Now it is handed over no later than the 25th (with a possible shift due to the weekend). Previously, the deadline for annual 6-personal income tax was March 1. As part of the calculation, a certificate of income and tax amounts of an individual is submitted.
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