Book on mindfulness for beginners

6 Essential Books On Meditation & Mindfulness For Beginners

April 5, 2018 | written by Our Editors

“The present moment is the only time over which we have dominion.”

– Thich Nhat Hanh

Meditation and mindfulness are ancient traditions rooted in Eastern spirituality. And today, people around the world are curious to learn more about these practices. Especially in Western societies, people are craving peace and groundedness amidst fast-paced lives and busy schedules.

Ready to get started on your own mindfulness journey? These books are perfect for beginners! We encourage readers to seek out resources about the ancient Eastern traditions of mindfulness and meditation to cultivate respect for the practices. While they have been modified for today’s society, it’s important to remember these practices are much more than buzzwords or current fads. Readings from Thich Nhat Hanh are a great place to start! 

1. The Miracle Of Mindfulness

Author | Thich Nhat Hanh

Written by the revered Vietnamese Buddhist monk, poet and peace activist, and global spiritual leader, The Miracle of Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Meditation is the best mindfulness guide for beginners. While originally published in 1999, it remains one of the most celebrated and widely known meditation guides on the market.

Review | “Thich Nhat Hanh’s ideas for peace, if applied, would build a monument to ecumenism, to world brotherhood, to humanity.” –Martin Luther King, Jr.

Price | $15, or order secondhand

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2. Start Where You Are

Author | Meera Lee Patel

This bright and calming journal is the perfect introduction to mindfulness. Meera Lee Patel, a Nashville-based author, known for her hand-lettering and success as a stationary artist, invites readers into self-exploration and mindful practices through vibrant imagery, inspirational quotes, and interactive prompts with space for journaling. 

Review | “Meera Lee Patel’s journal for self-exploration is a work of art on its own, filled with lushly illustrated prompts and advice, and plenty of room for you to discover and create your own beautiful revelations. ” –Buzzfeed

Price | $16, or order secondhand

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3. Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind

Author | Shunryu Suzuki

A late Japanese priest of the Soto lineage, Shunryu Suzuki, has been called the true founding father of Zen in the west. He founded both the San Francisco Zen Center and the Tassajara Zen Mountain Center and authored multiple books about mindfulness and meditation. For first-timers, we recommend starting with his classic Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind.

Review | “One of the best and most succinct introductions to Zen practice.” –Library Journal

Price | $19.95, or less secondhand

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4. Real World Mindfulness For Beginners

Author | Brenda Salgado

Real World Mindfulness for Beginners includes expert guidance from leading meditation teachers in the United States.  Readers will find that chapters are aimed at daily struggles and challenges and included exercises that address topics like stress, grief, anger, and more. This book is a wonderful introduction for those who are just beginning their mindful living and meditation journey.

Review | “In a world of increasing tension and confusion, this book is so timely and needed.” –Larry Yang, Founder of Insight Community of the Desert Meditation Center

Price | $14.99, or order secondhand

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5. The Headspace Guide To Meditation & Mindfulness

Author | Andy Puddicombe

Authored by Andy Puddicombe, a former Buddhist monk and founder of Headspace—the world’s largest online meditation platform—The Headspace Guide To Meditation & Mindfulness has one goal: that every person would take 10 minutes a day to be present and mindful.

This excellent guide encourages techniques to help readers be mindful in every area of life—such as in relationships, at work, and while eating.

Reviews | “Discover what neuroscience has known for a very long time…meditation works! A delightfully written and thoroughly enjoyable book.” –Judson Brewer MD. PhD, Medical Director, Yale Therapeutic Neuroscience Clinic

Price | $16.99, or less secondhand

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6. I Am Here Now

Author | Alexandra Frey & Autumn Totton

I Am Here Now is a wonderful book to jumpstart your journey to daily mindfulness. With its simple instructions, hands-on creative activities, and space for journaling, it’s an intentional and practical guide to learning mindful living. It is also one of the most widely accessible as it is available in 19 languages. 

Reviews | “The book helps me stay calm and curious…It really inspire(s) me to challenge my powers of observation, investigations and bring awareness.” –Zhang K., Goodreads Review

Price | $17, or less secondhand

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Top 10 Best Books on Mindfulness for Beginners —

/ Shamash

In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert's there are few” - Shunryu Suzuki

I love a good book. And I’ve read many books on mindfulness as you can imagine. I remember when I was writing Mindfulness for Dummies, I spent several hundred pounds buying every book even vaguely connected to the topic!

Here’s my top 10 books on mindfulness that I’d recommend for beginners, in no particular order. These make ideal reads to enjoy before drifting to sleep or whilst on holiday, and make great gifts too!

I’ve ensured to chose book written by leading teachers or monastics, like Matthieu Ricard, Thich Nhat Hanh, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Mark Williams and Eckhart Tolle. You’re in safe hands.

1. Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness meditation for everyday life by Jon Kabat-Zinn



2. Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world by Mark Williams and Danny Penman



3. The Little Book of Mindfulness by Patrizia Collard



4. A Mindfulness Guide for the Frazzled by Ruby Wax



5. Mindfulness for Dummies by Shamash Alidina

Full disclosure - I wrote this one!



6. Kindfulness by Ajahn Brahm




The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle



8. Mindfulness in Plain English by Bhante Henepola Gunaratana



9. The Miracle Of Mindfulness by Thich Nhat Hanh



10. The Art of Meditation by Matthieu Ricard

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I hope you discover at least one new book among my list. And don’t forget - the gift of mindfulness is always a good gift for a loved one!

If you’d like to learn more about my approach of combining mindfulness with kindness, consider my free 7 day course. Or my full 8 week program which is currently on sale - includes 60 mini daily videos and over 15 guided kindfulness audio meditations to try.

20 guided Kindful Meditations,
50 High- Definition Videos
200 students have completed the program
5 stars is the average rating!

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The best books on meditation: a list of the most effective

The pandemic and forced self-isolation are sources of stress, anxiety, many additional problems and negative emotions. To successfully cope with daily worries and maintain mental health in quarantine, WHO recommends meditation. Research shows that it reduces stress and improves quality of life. It's time to learn more about this practice with our selection of the best books on meditation.

Awareness Daniel Siegel

Daniel Siegel is an American professor of psychiatry and the author of several studies on brain function and mindfulness. His latest book is about meditation. In it, Siegel makes a scientific case for meditation exercises and talks about his own technique called the Wheel of Awareness. This is not a fundamentally new practice, but rather a useful metaphor that helps to understand the basics of meditation. This is a handy tool for managing attention, emotions, thinking for beginners. An important advantage of the book is specific advice on how to use the experience gained during meditation in everyday life.

One Habit a Week by Brett Blumenthal

Brett Blumenthal is a certified lifestyle coach and consultant for leading American companies. In the bestselling book One Habit a Week, she details her "small change" methodology.

To improve the quality of life, you need to take small steps: develop one simple habit every week. One of the most important is just meditation. She has a detailed chapter. For experienced meditators, the information will not be enough, but for beginners, this is a great start. The book motivates, adjusts to success, energizes.

"Silence", Tit Nat Khan

Tit Nhat Khan is a Buddhist monk, one of the most famous spiritual leaders in the world. During his long life he wrote dozens of books. "Silence" is dedicated to meditation as a way of life.

Tit Nat Khan offers to treat yourself and life consciously, attentively, with joy. To do this, you need to learn to stop the flow of thoughts, fight negative attitudes, listen to yourself, find a connection with other people. The author teaches to treat meditation not as a training for certain achievements, but as a pleasant activity for the soul. "Silence" is not just a useful practical guide. This is a book-meditation, already reading it relaxes, calms, teaches you to simply contemplate.

“Catch a big fish. Meditation, Mindfulness, Creativity, David Lynch

David Lynch is a well-known American director, a recognized master of cinema, the creator of the cult films Mulholland Drive, The Elephant Man and the TV series Twin Peaks. Lynch is a fan of transcendental meditation. He described his experience in the 2006 bestseller Catching a Big Fish.

Unlike classical practices, transcendental meditation does not require contemplation or concentration. This technique is characterized by minimal human control. And it is based on the natural repetition of mantras without the use of mental effort.

The main idea of ​​Lynch's book is that all important information is already within us. Transcendental Meditation will help you look deep into yourself to "catch the big fish" - a good idea. This book is ideal for creative people and for those who are in search of inspiration. It also has a lot of autobiographical moments, which will appeal to fans of the director.

“How to turn on awareness. Techniques for Effective Practices and Meditations in the Modern World, Rohan Ganatileik

British developer Rohan Ganatileik is best known for the popular and successful meditation app Buddhify. He also wrote How to Turn on Mindfulness, a useful and practical meditation guide for busy city dwellers.

The purpose of the book is to provide simple, effective and understandable techniques for the so-called mobile meditation, adapted to modern realities. When there is not enough time, you can meditate on the subway, on a walk, while reading, in bed before going to bed. It doesn't take much effort. The author offers several dozen options for mobile meditation - everyone will find something for themselves.

“Meditation and Mindfulness. 10 minutes a day that will put your thoughts in order, Andy Puddicombe

Andy Puddicombe is a former Buddhist monk and promoter of meditation in the modern world. After returning from the monastery to the UK, Puddicombe founded the Headspace interactive meditation training system, and a little later he created the book Meditation and Mindfulness based on it.

This is the perfect book for beginners: it has a solid and understandable theory, some life stories to motivate you, and step-by-step exercises that only take 10 minutes a day. There are also answers to common beginner questions that are so lacking in other books: should I feel something while meditating, that if I fall asleep during practice, do all people have the ability to concentrate? Read and find out.

Silence Speaks Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle is a German writer and philosopher, bestselling author of The Power of Now about living in the moment, awareness, inner transformation. His new work "Silence Speaks" can be called a reprint of the first. In it, the same ideas are succinctly presented in the style of ancient Indian sutras, prompting reflection and discovery with their understatement.

"Silence speaks" will teach you to live in the present, to find joy within yourself, to feel harmony with yourself. This book should be read thoughtfully, with pleasure, completely immersed in the process. It can be re-read many times, returning to the deepest and most exciting moments.

Integral Meditation Ken Wilber

Ken Wilber is an American thinker, the author of an integral approach system that combines all areas of life into a single model. He applied this approach to meditation, combining classical practices with new ideas about the horizontal and vertical levels of consciousness. He outlined his views in the book "Integral Meditation".

Integral meditation promotes both spiritual and personal development: it gives access to the depths of consciousness and helps to better understand oneself, while at the same time establishing relationships with the outside world. This is not a simple reading that requires mental effort. The author offers a fresh and curious approach for experienced meditation lovers.

The Art of Dreaming, Carlos Castaneda

"The Art of Dreaming" is one of the last books of the famous writer, philosopher and esotericist Carlos Castaneda. Like the rest of his bestsellers, this is a completely non-standard and ambiguous book that baffles some readers and delights others.

The Art of Dreaming repeats already familiar terms and ideas of Castaneda, so it is easier to read the book for those who are already familiar with the author's works. But this time, the writer focused on lucid dreams as a way to look at the world and yourself in a different way, in order to gain confidence and peace of mind. In this book, Castaneda, under the guidance of his teacher don Juan, masters the ability to travel in the world of his own dreams and communicate with its inhabitants. This is a comprehensive guide to mastering lucid dreams. It can also be used for mind-expanding meditative reading.

“Buddha, the brain and the neurophysiology of happiness. How to change life for the better, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche is a Buddhist monk from Nepal. In 2002, at the request of the Dalai Lama, he took part in a study on the neurophysiology of the brain. The research was carried out at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

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