Anxiety dog certificate
How to Certify an Emotional Support Dog
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The world can be a stressful place, and the worries of everyday life can be overwhelming. To help cope with these feelings, many people turn to pets as a source of comfort. But an Emotional Support Dog (ESD) is much more than just an ordinary pet.
Individuals that suffer from a disability in the form of a mental illness have found that the presence of a loving, devoted dog can help them navigate their way through the struggles that arise from their condition.
In this article, we will dive into what it means to have an Emotional Support Dog, how you can go about qualifying for one, and how to “certify” an Emotional Support Dog. We will explain how to legitimately qualify your animal companion as an ESD.
Emotional support dogs can live in “no pets” housing and cannot be discriminated against based on breed, age, or weight.If you are suffering from mental health issues and would like to see if you qualify for an Emotional Support Dog, but you do not have access to a licensed therapist, we can help connect you to one at the link below.
Many people who suffer from various illnesses, including mild to severe depression, phobias, PTSD, anxiety, and panic attacks, have found relief with the companionship of an Emotional Support Dog, sometimes when the use of prescription medications failed or had adverse side effects.
To qualify for an ESD, your therapist or other licensed healthcare professional will determine whether you have a disability and whether an ESD would help alleviate symptoms of your condition. A “disability” for purposes of qualifying for an Emotional Support Dog means a mental health condition like depression or severe anxiety that substantially limits one or more major life activities, like the ability to sleep, work or learn.
Please note that under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Emotional Support Dogs are not considered Service Dogs and are therefore not given the same rights and privileges. Service Dogs have the right to go places Emotional Support Dogs may be disallowed, such as restaurants and grocery stores.
Emotional Support Dogs have the right, however, to accompany their owners in their home pursuant to the Fair Housing Act, without having to pay any fees or deposits. Emotional Support Dog owners have that right even if their building has a “no-pets” policy. Certain airlines will also allow your ESD to board the plane free of charge.
How Do I Get an Emotional Support Dog?You can find great emotional support dogs in shelters and rescues. You can get your ESA letter before or after getting a dog.An Emotional Support Dog can be any type of canine companion that helps alleviate symptoms of the owner’s mental illness or emotional distress. An ESD can give its owner the confidence and support they need to live a normal and productive life.
Any breed of dog could make a wonderful Emotional Support Dog. You can find dogs in shelters and rescues that could potentially make great Emotional Support Dogs.
You can qualify for an ESA letter before or after adopting a dog. Unlike a Service Dog, Emotional Support Dogs do not need to be specially trained to perform tasks for their owners; they are intended instead to provide comfort and support through their companionship.
Any breed can be an Emotional Support Dog, but when searching for the perfect companion, be sure to look for a dog that is manageable for you. For example, if you live in an apartment, a small dog may be easier to handle versus a large dog that may need greater amounts of exercise and room to roam.
You will also want to consider how the dog may affect you. For example, if you have severe anxiety, a canine that is hyperactive may not be the best choice, and you may want a dog that has more of a calming influence. Visit a number of canines and ask questions about different breeds until you find a dog that is right for you. It is important to find the right type of dog for you, and also to be able to provide the right type of environment for the dog.
Some people use the phrase “certifying a dog” interchangeably with getting an ESA letter. Here is a spoiler: you do not actually “certify” an Emotional Support Dog! Certifications are meaningless when it comes to qualifying your dog as an ESD. This is a common mistake, and there is a very important distinction between “certifying” a dog and obtaining an ESA letter.
There is no such thing as a certificate or a certification program that officially qualifies a dog as an emotional support animal under law. The only legitimate way to qualify your dog as an Emotional Support Animal is by obtaining a legitimate ESA letter from a licensed mental health professional. If you do not have a therapist or are having trouble finding one, you can connect with a mental health professional through the online platform here.
A landlord or anyone else that asks you for a registration number, certificate, or ID proving your dog is an emotional support animal is misinformed. The only proof you need is the ESA letter written by a licensed professional stating your need for an emotional support dog.
To be absolutely clear, if you do obtain an ESA letter, you are also not required to “register” your dog on any website. The Fair Housing Act and related guidance from the U.S. Department of Housing do not recognize certifications or registrations of emotional support animals.
Steps to Certifying your Emotional Support Dog- Recognize your need for an ESA
- Connect with a licensed therapist/doctor
- Demonstrate your need for an ESA
- Get your document(s)
- That’s it. No need to register your dog.
Note, however, that sometimes landlords and airlines may require additional forms regarding your ESD to be submitted in addition to the ESA letter.
Click here to get started on qualifying for your ESA letter.
The ESA LetterTo make your dog an Emotional Support Dog, you must qualify for an ESA letter written by a licensed health care professional.
If you qualify, the ESA letter from your licensed mental health professional (LMHP) will:
- Be written on your LMHP’s letterhead
- Establish that you have a disability
- Recommend an emotional support animal to help alleviate symptoms of that disability
- Contain the LMHP’s license number
- Contain the LMHP’s signature and date
Note that for purposes of air travel, the ESA letter is only valid for one year and must be renewed after that.
Having a valid ESA letter is necessary for ensuring that your Emotional Support Dog is accommodated in housing with “no pets” policies and in the cabin of an aircraft without paying additional fees (for airlines that accept ESAs). Normal policies that apply to pets do not apply to Emotional Support Dogs. That means if your building restricts dogs because they are a certain weight or breed or charges fees or deposits for pets, those restrictions, fees, and deposits cannot be applied to an Emotional Support Dog.
If you are interested in seeing if you qualify for an Emotional Support Dog, you should speak to your existing therapist. If you do not have a therapist, you can look for a therapist in your area or connect to a licensed professional through a website like
Emotional Support Dog RightsEmotional support animals are protected by federal and state laws when it comes to housing. Some airlines also accommodate valid emotional support animals as a courtesy.
Housing RightsIn January of 2020, the U.S. Department of Housing released new guidance regarding the accommodation of Emotional Support Dogs in housing. HUD’s guidance affirms that landlords must provide reasonable accommodation to tenants who have valid ESA letters from a licensed health care professional. HUD specifically warns against sites that sell certifications, licenses, and registrations to qualify emotional support animals. In addition, HUD also confirmed that licensed health care professionals can provide ESA-related services remotely, including online. That is great news for anyone suffering from a mental illness that is unable to see a therapist in person for any reason, including due to cost or a busy schedule.
The U.S. Department of Transportation issued new rules for ESAs on flights that went into effect on January 11, 2021. As a result of these new rules, airlines are no longer mandated to accommodate emotional support animals by law but can do so on a voluntary basis. All airlines are required to grant access to Psychiatric Service Dogs.
Many airlines have ended their ESA programs as a result of this rule change. For airlines that no longer accept ESAs, your animal companion may only board the cabin if it meets the airline’s requirements for pets and if you pay a pet fee each way. It’s important to check with your airline before booking to see what their latest policy is regarding Emotional Support Dogs.
If you are interested in learning more about qualifying for a Psychiatric Service Dog, you may find this article helpful.
There’s no shame in needing an ESA to deal with your mental health issues and emotional distress. Emotional Support Dogs are giving a new lease on life to many suffering individuals, and the effects ESDs have can be profound.
If you think you could benefit from the presence of an Emotional Support Dog, talk to your doctor or mental health professional. If you do not have access to a doctor or mental health professional, ESA Doctors can help connect you to a professional licensed for your state. To begin the process, you can click the link below.
Get your emotional support dog letter online
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How to Get a Legitimate Emotional Support Animal (or ESA Letter)
What is an Emotional Support Animal?
An emotional support animal aka esa dog is a type of assistance animal that helps mitigate the symptoms of mental or emotional disabilities such as depression, anxiety, and post traumatic stress. Such assistance animals are typically prescribed by a licensed mental health professional as part of an individual’s treatment plan. The prescription takes the form of an official document called an emotional support animal letter, also known as an ESA Letter. This document confirms that an individual has a legitimate need for the support that their companion animal provides and entitles them to certain rights under federal law.
What is an ESA Letter For?
An ESA letter is an official document signed by a licensed mental health professional. An ESA letter can also be prescribed by other health professionals who have familiarity with an individual’s medical condition or a person’s disability, such as a general practitioner or a psychiatrist.
Essentially, an ESA letter takes the form of a prescription. It recommends the use of an emotional support animal as part of a person’s treatment plan when it comes to managing their mental health. This means that the mental health professional believes their client can benefit from the therapeutic relationship and emotional comfort that emotional support animals provide.
ESAs are commonly prescribed to those living with mental disabilities or emotional conditions such as anxiety, depression, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), and other types of mental disorders which can be found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, a handbook published by the American Psychiatric Association and used by mental health professionals all over the world to establish reliable diagnoses.
When a mental health professional has determined that a person can benefit from the companionship of a support animal, they will issue that individual an ESA letter. A legitimate ESA letter will be printed on the licensed professional’s letterhead and include their licensing information in addition to being signed and dated by the prescribing professional. The ESA letter will clearly establish that the patient in question has a confirmed disability and that an emotional support animal provides them with needed support.
These days, the internet is rife with scams when it comes to fraudulent ESA websites and fake ESA letters. As a result, it’s absolutely essential for those in genuine need of an emotional support animal to understand what a legitimate ESA letter contains as to avoid getting scammed by services that don’t comply with federal and state regulations. Only a legitimate ESA letter is recognized under federal law, and only a legitimate ESA letter entitles an individual to certain rights when it comes to reasonable accommodation from housing providers while also permitting an individual to travel with their animal on ESA-friendly airlines.
It’s important to note that an ESA letter does not designate a companion animal as a service animal. Emotional support animals and service animals both provide assistance to their handlers, but they hold different designations under federal regulations and are entitled to different kinds of rights.
Ready to Get Started?See if you qualify for an Emotional Support Animal right away! Take the free, 5-minute pre-screening test right now and receive instant results. If you qualify, you’ll have the option to move forward with an ESA Letter Consultation with a licensed mental health professional!
Emotional Support Animals vs. Service Animals
There are all kinds of assistance animals in the world today that provide a great service to those who rely on their support.
Emotional Support Animals, also called ESAs or comfort animals, are companion animals that offer comfort and support to those living with emotional disabilities such as anxiety, depression, social phobias, and other mental health disabilities.
The most common type of emotional support animal is an emotional support dog, and there are many popular dog breeds commonly used for their natural talent for providing emotional comfort, but there are no federal regulations stating that only dogs are permitted to provide this service. Emotional support animals can also include cats, rabbits, and other types of pets. The animal simply needs to be able to provide emotional support to an individual in order to be recognized as an ESA.
ESAs aren’t individually trained to perform tasks the way service animals are. As a result, their rights are limited when it comes to certain types of public access and, in some cases, air travel.
Service Animals, on the other hand, receive extensive training (and often highly specialized training) in order to provide assistance to their handlers. The most common types of service animals are service dogs.
Service dogs are commonly trained to perform a specific task or a set of tasks. A seeing-eye dog, for instance, helps a visually impaired individual or fully blind person navigate life in a safe manner that gives them their independence back. Other types of service dogs include diabetic alert dogs, hearing dogs, and mobility assistance dogs, among many others.
Because service dogs provide assistance for major life activities such as getting around throughout the day, opening doors, turning on lights, setting off alarms, and in some cases alerting a person to potentially-deadly blood sugar levels, they’re entitled to the broadest possible range of privileges and rights under federal law.
Psychiatric Service Dogs are another type of service animal. A psychiatric service dog is a type of service dog that has been individually trained to perform tasks that help with the emotional issues of a person’s disability.
A specific task may entail a psychiatric service dog providing deep pressure therapy to help their handler through a panic attack. Psychiatric service dogs may also help with assistive actions such as waking up their handler from a night terror or guiding their handler to a safe space during an anxiety episode. The U.S. Department of Justice also offers the example of a psychiatric service dog reminding their handler to take their medication, which is considered a ‘Medical Reminder’ task.
Just like any other service animal, psychiatric service dogs receive extensive training to perform tasks that assist their handler and are commonly prescribed to those living with post traumatic stress, anxiety, and other types of emotional disabilities. Because being separated from their psychiatric service dog substantially limits an individual’s ability to thrive as much as possible, psychiatric service dogs are also entitled to the same privileges and rights as any other type of service dog. Some of the most common dog breeds used for psychiatric service include Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, and German Shepherds.
Therapy Animals aren’t entitled to special rights the way emotional support animals or service animals are, but they still provide an incredible service to those on the receiving end of their attention. Therapy animals are commonly found in hospitals and nursing homes and their task is simple: to comfort people. Therapy animals can also be found on-site after major tragedies or natural disasters to offer emotional support to those in need.
Service Animal and Emotional Support Animal Laws
It’s helpful to understand the difference between service animals and emotional support animals when it comes to important issues such as the basic requirements of their training regimen, the functions they must perform to uphold their designation as an assistance animal, and how an individual can qualify for one or the other.
Another important distinction between service animals and emotional support animals are the rights and privileges each is entitled to under federal regulations.
What is the Americans with Disabilities Act?
The Americans with Disabilities Act became law in 1990 and prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. This protection extends to all areas of public life, including employment, education, transportation, and public accommodations. For instance, The United States Department of Transportation ensures that transit agencies comply with the ADA to make public transit vehicles and facilities accessible to those with disabilities, and the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) also enforces the ADA by prohibiting employers from discriminating against qualified individuals on the basis of a disability.
When it comes to service animals, the Americans with Disabilities Act is the most important piece of legislation to be familiar with. This piece of legislation states that “Under the ADA, state and local governments, businesses, and nonprofit organizations that serve the public generally must allow service animals to accompany people with disabilities in all areas of the facility where the public is allowed to go.”
This law extends to public access rights (meaning service animals can accompany their owner in public places such as restaurants, malls, local government agencies, and stores where animals are not normally allowed) and educational facility access rights (meaning service animals are permitted to accompany their owners into schools, colleges, and universities).
In addition to the Americans with Disabilities Act, there are two federal statutes that those with service animals and emotional support animals should be familiar with.
What is the Fair Housing Act?
The Fair Housing Act applies to both emotional support animals and service animals. It was signed into law in 1968 and protects people from discrimination during housing-related activities such as renting when it comes to race, religion, or disability. The Fair Housing Act ensures that an individual with a mental illness or mental disability does not experience housing discrimination because of their need for an emotional support animal or service animal. Housing providers must instead provide reasonable accommodations for these individuals and are not allowed to charge the individual any type of fee, such as pet deposits.
Those with emotional support animals will need to present their landlord with an ESA housing letter to demonstrate their need for the animal’s support. This is why it’s essential to seek out a legitimate ESA letter, as only a legitimate ESA letter is recognized under law. Legitimate ESA letters must be signed and dated by a licensed mental health professional, must include the professional’s licensing information, and must be printed on the practitioner’s professional letterhead.
Just like with the ADA, there are local government agencies and other federal departments that work to ensure fair and equal housing opportunity for all, such as The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, which provides comprehensive resources on tenant rights, laws, and protections.
What is the Air Carrier Access Act?
The Air Carrier Access Act went into effect in 1986 and prohibits discrimination in air travel on the basis of a person’s disability. This law requires air carriers to accommodate the needs of passengers with disabilities, including the accommodation of service animals. Because of the Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA), service animals are permitted to ride in the airline cabin with their handler (provided the animal is not too large or too heavy) and a person with disabilities cannot be charged a pet fee when traveling with their service animal. This law applies to all flights of U. S. airlines as well as flights to or from the United States by foreign airlines.
Airlines may, however, request specific documentation and/or 48-hour advanced notice if a service dog is boarding a flight, such as an official document from a licensed mental health professional confirming an individual’s mental or emotional disability and their need for their assistance animal.
For a psychiatric service dog, this document will take the form of a Psychiatric Service Dog Letter, also called a Psychiatric Service Dog Travel Letter. For emotional support animals, this document is commonly referred to as an ESA Letter, or more specifically, an ESA Travel Letter. The allowance of emotional support animals onboard flights varies from airline to airline, however, so travelers should always contact an airline in advance to confirm any policies or restrictions when it comes to emotional support dogs and other types of assistance animals. Travelers may also opt to book their flight with an ESA-friendly airline to better suit their travel needs.
If at any time, an airline staff member is violating a disabled person’s rights under the ACAA, that individual has the right to speak with a Complaints Resolution Official (CRO). The U.S. Department of Transportation advises that “A CRO is the airline’s expert on disability accommodation issues. Airlines are required to make one available…at no cost, in person at the airport or by telephone during the times they are operating.”
Ready to Get Started?See if you qualify for an Emotional Support Animal right away! Take the free, 5-minute pre-screening test right now and receive instant results. If you qualify, you’ll have the option to move forward with an ESA Letter Consultation with a licensed mental health professional!
Are Emotional Support Animals Allowed on Flights?
As of January 11, 2021, the U.S. Department of Transportation allows each individual airline to determine its own policies and regulations when it comes to emotional support animals.
While airlines such as Delta, United, and Air Canada no longer recognize emotional support animals as a type of assistance animal, these air carriers may still permit individuals to travel with their comfort animal as long as the individual pays a pet fee, the way pet owners typically do when traveling with a companion animal.
There may, however, be restrictions in place in terms of an animal’s weight, size, or breed, so ESA owners should always contact their airline of choice ahead of time for more information about the air carrier’s policies. Those with concerns can also opt to travel with one of several ESA-friendly airlines that still permit emotional support animals onboard flights. These airlines will require proper documentation (in the form of an ESA letter) in order to confirm that the animal’s presence is required to help with emotional conditions or a mental disability.
How to Qualify for an ESA Letter / Emotional Support Animal
As previously mentioned, comfort animals like emotional support dogs are commonly prescribed to those living with mental disabilities or emotional conditions such as anxiety, depression, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), and other types of mental disorders. A person’s disability must be one that’s found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, also known as the DSM. Mental health professionals all over the world commonly refer to this handbook to establish reliable diagnoses.
To qualify for a comfort animal, therefore, a licensed mental health professional must first determine that an individual has a mental disability or mental illness as classified by the DSM. Apart from mental health professionals such as psychologists and licensed counselors, this determination can also be made by an individual’s general practitioner.
For those who may not already have access to a mental health professional or physician, telehealth can help make the process of getting an emotional support dog easy. Telehealth platforms such as CertaPet improve access to mental health care, with a focus on providing services to individuals who are seeking animal assisted interventions as part of their treatment plan.
Typically, the process of getting an emotional support animal letter from one of these telehealth platforms will begin with an online questionnaire. The online questionnaire serves as a pre-screening to determine if an individual qualifies for an emotional support dog or cat (although other domestic animals like rabbits are also a common option).
The online questionnaire takes only minutes to complete, and if the pre-screening determines an individual qualifies for an ESA, they are then connected to a licensed mental health professional for a consultation. The mental health professional will speak with the individual about their needs, and if the professional believes an ESA will be a beneficial part of the patient’s treatment plan, they will issue an emotional support animal ESA letter. An individual will typically receive immediate access to a PDF version of their emotional support animal letter, which they can print from a home computer. Most telehealth platforms also offer the option of mailing an ESA letter.
A legitimate ESA letter will always be printed on the licensed professional’s letterhead and include their licensing information in addition to being signed and dated by the prescribing professional. The ESA letter will clearly establish that the patient in question has a confirmed disability and that an emotional support animal provides them with needed support.
The ESA letter entitles its holder to reasonable accommodation when it comes to housing (meaning an individual cannot be charged a pet fee or pet deposit for having an ESA, nor can they be denied housing in a no-pets property). This reasonable accommodation is made possible because of the Fair Housing Act. An ESA letter also provides the proper documentation required when traveling with an airline that permits emotional support dogs and other types of ESAs onboard flights.
Instance 1
- Letter for air travel.
- No airline fees for flying with your ESA.*
- ESA flies in cabin, size permitting.*
* Check your airline’s policies based on changes made by the U.S. Department of Transportation as of January 11, 2021.
- All benefits of Housing and Travel Letters combined.
- No pet deposits or monthly fees for housing.
- No airline fees for flying with your ESA.*
- ESA flies in cabin, size permitting.*
* Check your airline’s policies based on changes made by the U.S. Department of Transportation as of January 11, 2021.
- Letter for housing complex.
- No pet deposits.
- No monthly pet fees.
What Types of Pets Can Be an Emotional Support Animal?
Emotional support dogs are the most common type of comfort animal. This is because emotional support dogs tend to be easy to train and because dogs in general are typically allowed in a greater variety of places such as dog-friendly public parks and other dog-friendly locations. However, cats and rabbits can also be ESAs, as can miniature horses.
Exotic animals such as sugar gliders, snakes, and certain types of amphibians, birds, and insects can also be designated as an ESA. However, an exotic animal may not be entitled to the same reasonable accommodation as domestic animals. For instance, airlines that allow ESAs typically only permit dogs or cats onboard, as some animals (especially untrained ones) can pose a risk to public health. For these reasons, mental health professionals will typically recommend that an individual select a domestic animal as their ESA.
Is a Registry Site or Emotional Support Animal Vest Required?
An individual does not need to register with any ‘national databases’ or ‘registry sites’ to prove their animal is an ESA. While many fraudulent sites claim that an ESA will need a registration number to validate its status, this isn’t in any way the case and is simply the rhetoric of typical ESA scams. All that’s required to confirm that an animal is an ESA is a legitimate ESA letter signed by a professional licensed in mental health.
However, many ESA owners still choose to outfit their animal in special vests or harnesses that clearly distinguish the animal from an ordinary pet. An ESA ID card is also a common item these individuals make it a point to have on hand. These items help communicate that a comfort animal is ‘on duty’ and therefore shouldn’t be disturbed. These items also help communicate to personnel such as a landlord or an airline staff member that the animal provides needed assistance that supports certain disabilities.
Ready to Get Started?
See if you qualify for an Emotional Support Animal right away! Take the free, 5-minute pre-screening test right now and receive instant results. If you qualify, you’ll have the option to move forward with an ESA Letter Consultation with a licensed mental health professional!
How to Get an Emotional Support Animal
A pet that an individual already owns can serve as their ESA if the animal is one that already provides emotional comfort and support. For those who don’t already have pets, there are no restrictions as to an ESA’s species, breed, size, or weight, which makes it easier for individuals to select the perfect comfort animal for their unique needs.
Licensed mental health professionals recommend selecting a domestic animal as a person’s ESA, as this makes it easier to enjoy the animal’s constant companionship when it comes to housing and travel situations.
Individuals can easily find a comfort animal through local animal shelters or rescue groups. Most of these organizations will allow a person to interact with their dog or cat of choice pre-adoption to ensure there’s a connection between the two, allowing individuals to select an animal that will provide emotional support and the much-needed comfort they’re seeking.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can you have more than one ESA?
An individual can have more than one ESA if their health professional agrees that more than one animal can help to promote their well-being and that each animal will play a role in the person’s treatment plan. An individual ESA letter will be needed for each animal.
What makes a legitimate ESA letter?
A legitimate ESA letter should be printed on the licensed professional’s letterhead and include their licensing information in addition to being signed and dated by the prescribing professional. The ESA letter will clearly establish that the patient in question has a confirmed disability and that an ESA provides them with needed support.
What if my landlord doesn’t allow pets?
The Fair Housing Act ensures that an individual with a mental illness or mental disability does not experience housing discrimination because of their need for an ESA. Housing providers must allow ESAs to live with their owners, regardless of any no-pets policy in place. They are also prohibited from charging pet-related deposits or fees for the ESA.
Do emotional support animals have a size limit?
There are no restrictions when it comes to an ESA’s species, breed, size, or weight. However, some ESA-friendly airlines may have certain restrictions in place when it comes to a dog’s breed. Other airlines may not allow certain species (such as exotic animals) onboard flights.
Are ESAs allowed in all public places?
ESAs are not entitled to the same public access rights as a service dog and are therefore not always allowed in all public places. A legitimate ESA letter entitles ESA owners to reasonable accommodation when it comes to housing and can also allow the individual to travel with their animal on ESA-friendly airlines. However, ESAs may not be allowed in certain establishments such as restaurants or hotels unless such businesses are already pet-friendly.
Can I bring my emotional support animal on flights?
As of January 11, 2021, the U.S. Department of Transportation permits each individual airline to determine its policies and regulations when it comes to the allowance of ESAs onboard flights. Some airlines still permit animals to fly with their owners but may now require the payment of a pet travel fee. Those traveling with an ESA should contact their air carrier of choice ahead of time to confirm its policies and restrictions when it comes to ESAs.
See if you qualify for an Emotional Support Animal right away! Take the free, 5-minute pre-screening test right now and receive instant results. If you qualify, you’ll have the option to move forward with an ESA Letter Consultation with a licensed mental health professional!
Cynologists told why dogs sometimes behave strangely.
In case of strange pet behavior, RKF President Vladimir Golubev recommends making sure that the dog is physically healthy, and then analyzing what events preceded the changes in its behavior. If it is not possible to independently identify the causes of the strange behavior of the animal, you should consult a veterinarian. According to the expert, there are psychological and physiological reasons for the restless and strange behavior in dogs.
Sleep running
According to experts, if a dog moves its paws and rolls its eyes during sleep, there is nothing to worry about. It happens that the dog wakes himself up with his desire. At this point, he can jump up and continue the activities that he was doing in a dream. Experts assure that this is an absolutely normal condition, there is no need to worry.
“But if you observe intense jerky movements during periods of wakefulness, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics in order to rule out violations of the functions of the central nervous system,” the RKF warns.
Dog rubs muzzle on surfaces
If the pet rubs muzzle on carpet or other surfaces, the dog is probably in the way, or trying to wipe off dirt or dry out the muzzle.
“Try carefully examining the dog's mouth and muzzle. Make sure your pet hasn't eaten anything that could get stuck in its mouth. Also carefully inspect the dog's head for bites, ”the federation recommends.
It is also important to exclude any manifestation of allergy: such reactions can lead to inflammation of the skin and the development of itching.
The dog blinks or squints
If the animal begins to squint or blink for no apparent reason, the pet may have pain in the eye area.
“If you do not pay attention to the first signals in time, the dog's eyes may turn red, discharge from the eyes and other symptoms will appear. It is important not to hesitate and determine the cause of the eye disease, ”experts warn.
A kind dog shows aggression
“A normal dog will not be aggressive without a good reason. A pet can abruptly begin to behave aggressively if he is afraid, tries to protect himself, or he has pain, ”say representatives of the RKF.
According to them, sometimes a pet, experiencing chronic pain, which is difficult to diagnose, begins to behave aggressively towards a loving owner, destructive behavior can be caused even by simple petting.
“The owner can even accidentally stroke the dog on the sore spot, causing such a reaction in the pet. In such a case, it is necessary first of all to exclude possible diseases, you should contact a veterinary specialist, ”experts advise. When the pain is removed, the aggressive behavior will stop.
A dog is chasing its tail
If a pet is biting its paws or chasing its tail, experts say it may be due to pain or health or mental problems.
Experts recommend that you carefully examine your dog to make sure that there is nothing that could irritate his skin: that he does not have fleas or inflammatory ulcers due to allergies.
“If everything is fine with the pet's health, this behavior can be explained by the characteristics of a particular dog. Such a pet can be overly excitable and compensate for excessive excitement with unusual motor activity, ”the experts conclude.
Tags: veterinary medicine, veterinarian, pets, cynologists, rkf, rosselkhoznadzor, russian cynological federation, dogs html
The cynologist named five reasons for the aggressive behavior of dogs
The cynologist named five reasons for the aggressive behavior of dogs0003
Dogs do not show aggression for no reason, any attack or anger of an animal is caused by one of five reasons - pain, the need for self-defense, fear, . .. RIA Novosti, 11.10.2021
Vladimir Golubovich
/html/head/meta[@name='og:description']/@content Dogs do not show aggression for no reason, any attack or anger of an animal is caused by one of five reasons - pain, the need for self-defense, fear, psychological trauma or hormones, President of the Russian Cynological Federation Vladimir Golubev told RIA Novosti. He said that animals often cannot let you know the owner that something hurts them, and when the pain is not accompanied by additional symptoms, it can be very difficult to recognize the disease. “Sometimes an animal, experiencing chronic pain that is difficult to diagnose, begins to behave aggressively towards a loving owner: destructive behavior can be caused even by simple stroking. The owner, not knowing that the dog is in pain, can stroke it in the damaged area,” noted cynologist. In this case, only a veterinarian can help the dog, Golubev added, and after treatment, the dog's aggressive behavior will automatically stop. Another reason for aggression is fear. “You can understand that a dog is scared by the position of its body: it tucks its tail, tenses its body, closes its ears and opens its eyes wide, tries to leave and hide. In this state, the animal can show passive-defensive behavior to protect itself from a threat,” said the dog handler. The third reason for aggression is the protection of resources. It can manifest itself in relation to strangers and even to the owner, when the pet eats or when it feeds or guards its offspring. “In this situation, as a rule, the animal first gives warning signals: growls, tenses, stands up and only after that can go on the attack,” the specialist said. He drew attention to the fact that dogs taken from the shelter most often show aggressive behavior , from the street or from previous owners who abused animals.
“A pet that was beaten by past owners may show aggression at the sight of a raised hand or any other object. It is necessary to work with a trainer with such problems, since such behavior was instinctively fixed in a dog,” the dog handler said. In addition, he noted, some owners dogs face aggressive behavior from a male in the presence of a female in heat. In this situation, even perfectly obedient dogs can be restless and uncontrollable, since the sexual instinct largely determines the behavior of the animal, Golubev said.
RIA Novosti
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Society, Moscow, dogs, Vladimir Golubovich, Russia
Society, Moscow, Dogs, Vladimir Golubovich, Russia
MOSCOW, February 26 - RIA Novosti. Dogs do not show aggression for no reason, any attack or anger of an animal is caused by one of five reasons - pain, the need for self-defense, fear, psychological trauma or hormones, President of the Russian Cynological Federation Vladimir Golubev told RIA Novosti.
"I want to emphasize that there are no aggressive breeds - there are specific aggressive individuals that no one has brought up and trained. Any dog needs education. If a well-bred dog suddenly began to behave aggressively, you need to think about what made the pet change so dramatically. Primary source "All causes of aggression are fear: fear for safety, fear of loss of resources, fear of punishment or pain. Sometimes the owner's misbehavior or health problems can cause such a reaction," Golubev said.
He reported that animals often cannot let their owners know that they are in pain, and when the pain is not accompanied by additional symptoms, it can be very difficult to recognize the disease. “Sometimes an animal, experiencing chronic pain that is difficult to diagnose, begins to behave aggressively towards a loving owner: destructive behavior can be caused even by simple stroking. The owner, not knowing that the dog is in pain, can stroke it in the damaged area,” noted cynologist.
In this case, only a veterinarian can help the dog, Golubev added, and after treatment, the dog's aggressive behavior will automatically stop.
Another reason for aggression is fear. “You can understand that a dog is scared by the position of its body: it tucks its tail, tenses its body, closes its ears and opens its eyes wide, tries to leave and hide. In this state, the animal can show passive-defensive behavior to protect itself from a threat,” cinematographer said.
The third reason for aggression is the protection of resources. It can manifest itself in relation to strangers and even to the owner, when the pet eats or when it feeds or guards its offspring. "In this situation, as a rule, the animal first gives warning signals: growls, tenses, stands up and only after that can go on the attack," the specialist said.