How well do you know your girlfriend questions

How Well Do You Know Me Questions: 25 Questions For Couples

"How well do you know me" questions are a great way to gauge the closeness of a couple or learn new things about your partner that you have never discovered before. These questions can be a fun way to test your partner to see how wise they are toward your quirks, preferences, and habits. Whether you are just getting to know someone you're interested in or have been married for decades, there's always something new to learn about the other person.

Keep Your Relationship Fresh. Find New Ways to Get Closer to Each Other

Talk About Your Love Life With An Online Therapist.

"How well do you know me" questions can give each person in the relationship a sense of how attentive they are towards their significant other. If you're wondering whether or not a relationship is headed anywhere or headed in the right direction, this can be a great place to start (online therapy can also help). No one wants to waste their time on something that is stagnant or doesn't have potential. On the other hand, maybe you are in a long-term relationship and are curious about how much your partner knows about you. You may be finding it difficult to find the right place to start. These questions are a great way to start that conversation with your partner in a fun and light-hearted manner.

Regardless of if you're in a new or long-term relationship, "how well do you know me" questions are a great way to get to know someone better, whether or not you've known them for a long time or just a short while. Even if you've known your partner since childhood and think you know everything about each other, there's always more to learn. Your questions could take them by surprise and teach you both things about the other you didn't know before. Part of building intimacy with another person is being open about your thoughts and feelings and never stopping asking good questions. The whole point of asking these questions is to try and build an understanding of where the other person is coming from and, more importantly, why they're coming from that perspective.

Does Not Knowing My Significant Other Spell Doom for the Relationship?

Those new to a relationship, and even those who have been together for years, may not always be aware of some of the deeper aspects of their partner's personality. Some wants, needs, and desires may go completely under the radar or may show up so sporadically that you miss or forget about them. When this happens, it can create an unhealthy distance in the relationship. One or both people may start to feel unknown, unloved, or like they aren't being seen for who they are. Partners in this position will often wonder, am I a bad partner?

Not knowing everything about your significant other does not mean your relationship is destined to fail. There are plenty of other people out there who do not know everything about their partner or may slip up sometimes. It simply means you just need to take some more time to learn and absorb that information.

Remember, too, that you don't have to tell your partner everything and that they probably won't tell you everything either. Every individual has boundaries, a mind of their own, and the ability to withhold or share what they wish to. Although it's likely that the closer you get and the longer you know one another, the more you'll come to find out about them, there will always be something you don't know about them. It would simply be impossible to know everything about another person, though you can come close.

"How well do you know me" questions can be a light-hearted and fun way to learn more about your partner, no matter what stage you are in the relationship. If you have been together for a long time and feel as though you and your partner know a lot about each other already, maybe start with harder and more personal questions to make it more of a challenge or turn it into your next date night idea. 

25 "How Well Do You Know Me" Questions for Couples


  1. What is my full name?
  2. When is my birthday?
  3. What am I insecure about?
  4. What is my favorite food?
  5. What food do I hate?
  6. What is my biggest pet peeve?
  7. What's my favorite TV show?
  8. What's something that always cheers me up when I'm sad?
  9. What did we do for our first date?
  10. What is my biggest fear?
  11. If I could travel anywhere, where would I go?
  12. What are my long-term goals?
  13. What are my main career goals?
  14. What three things do I like most about you?
  15. What is my favorite song or artist?
  16. What are my talents?
  17. What's my favorite smell?
  18. What are my parents' names?
  19. What are my favorite pastimes?
  20. What is one of my best childhood memories?
  21. Am I a dog or a cat person?
  22. Do I have any allergies?
  23. If I could bring a famous person back to life, who would it be?
  24. What is something that I would never admit to anyone else?
  25. If I could be any animal, what would it be?

By answering these questions about each other, you and your partner will have a better idea of whether there is a high amount of intimacy and knowledge in the relationship. If they answer many questions correctly, that may mean they pay close attention to your needs, habits, preferences, feelings, and the things you say regularly. That's a good thing! These questions can also help you two connect on a deeper level as a couple and with yourself.

These questions can also just be a starting point to a larger conversation. Perhaps you have been in a relationship with your partner for a while, or even just got engaged, but are still unsure of where they stand on certain issues or values that are important to you. Maybe you feel as though you missed the right time to ask some more personal questions or that you don't know each other on a deeper level. Set a game night with your partner where you both ask "how well do you know me" questions or use them on your next date. These questions can be a light and fun way to get the conversation started on a more serious topic, especially if you struggle as a couple to talk about the harder things of life.

More Ways To Use The How Well Do You Know Me Questions

While these questions seem straightforward, there are a few different ways you can use them. Listed below are some ideas to get you started. However, it is important to remember that you can be as creative as you want with this exercise because the whole point is to have fun and get to know the other person better:

  • Ask the questions exactly as they are: When you follow this strategy, you will be asking your significant other to answer the questions about you. This can be fun, almost like a game show if you've been together for a while. However, if you don't know each other very well, it can be frustrating to ask them this way.
  • Have a conversation about the questions: Instead of asking them "how well do you know me" questions, you can simply state your answers to each other. That way, no one has to guess or remember what the other person's answer is. You can both simply relax and talk about your answers together. Doing it this way leaves little room for error or possible arguments if someone doesn't answer correctly.
  • Answer the questions all at once: You can make a whole date night out of the "how well do you know me" questions. Go out to dinner and discuss your answers over your meal. You can have one person answer all the questions simultaneously, or you can simply answer them together. Note that vulnerability breeds vulnerability, and it may be hard for just one partner to take on the task of answering the questions on their own. That being said, if one partner struggles with being vulnerable, the other can sometimes take the lead and will naturally make the other less nervous about sharing what's on their mind.
  • Write your answers down: If you don't want to take the chance of impacting one another's answers by whoever responds first, you can both go through and write down your answers to the questions. Then, when you are finished, you can discuss your answers together. You both might be more willing, to be honest, and open about your answers if the other person's response does not impact them.

Choose one question at a time: Instead of going through the whole list in one sitting, you can use this as an ongoing exercise. Put a handful of questions into a jar or hat and draw them out once a day or on date nights. Place them on the kitchen table or in the family room, where they're easily accessible. When you're ready to discuss one of them, simply draw one out of the jar and start talking. 

Things to Keep in Mind When Asking Questions
  • Remember that everyone is different. It's okay if you're a dog person and they're a cat person. It doesn't mean you can't be happy together! It makes the relationship more exciting when there are lots of differences. That doesn't mean you shouldn't share the same goals and values (because those are important to have in common), but it does mean that your differences can be a catalyst to bring you closer to one another and spark interesting conversations.
  • Don't try to influence the other person's answers. Allow them to answer the "how well do you know me" questions on their own. You want to get to know them without any outside influences impacting their answers.
  • Don't interrupt. Sometimes it may be hard for your partner to answer the "how well do you know me" questions, especially if they are more personal. The goal of the questions is to allow you and your partner to get closer and learn more about each other, so make sure you give them the proper space and time to answer.
  • Remember that you might not know the person as well as you think you do. Don't get frustrated if they answer one or more of the questions you didn't expect. Some of these questions may be about things that you and your partner have never thought about or discussed. They can be a great start to open up a larger conversation between the two of you about important things such as values and your future together.
  • Ask questions. These questions can start entire conversations that allow you to go deeper. Even the simple question of 'what's my full name?' can go into a deeper discussion if you ask follow-up questions. You could ask things like, "Is there a story behind your name?" or, "Did you like your name growing up?" or, "Have you ever wanted to change your name and, if so, what did you want it to be?" In other words, the questions and answers should be the start of the conversation, not the end of it. Talk as long as you'd like between asking new ones.
  • Add new "how well do you know me" questionsIf you make it through this list of 25 questions, you can try making up new ones to ask each other, such as:
    • Would you rather be able to fly or read minds?
    • If you were on a deserted island, what three things would you want to have with you?
    • What's your favorite school memory?

Additional Tips to Improve Your Relationship

Relationships are hard work, and just getting to know each other won't be enough to help you get through difficult points. Along with these "how well do you know me" questions, it can be helpful to make other things a priority in the relationship. Consider the following tips:

Apply What You Learn to Show Appreciation

Knowledge is only power when it has been applied to what you have learned. Don't let your newfound knowledge of your partner go unused. Leverage their likes and needs to your advantage by setting update nights or making presents that show you care. Take what you learn from your "how well do you know me" questions and conversations and apply your knowledge to show that you're listening to their responses.

More serious conversations will likely come up when discussing these questions. This is a good thing and will allow you to apply what you learn even more. For example, if you learn that your partner grew up in a home where shouting and throwing items was the common response to conflict, you'll know that raising your voice isn't the way to go when you two get in a fight. If getting to know each other more isn't creating actual change in the relationship, consider that one or both of you is withholding too much information, not being vulnerable, or even being dishonest.

Accept That You May Not Always Have the Same Hobbies or Likes

Some people believe you have to enjoy the same things as your partner to be compatible. While you should have some things in common, not having things in common can keep a relationship going even more and allow you to explore things you didn't even know about. Accept (and embrace) that you and your partner are two different people. A relationship can thrive without you having the same personality. While you're answering each other's "how well do you know me" questions, remember that it's a good thing to be still learning about each other. If you find that there are some things you disagree on, understand that that's okay, too. As long as you share the same morals and values, don't sweat the small disagreements.

Make Communication a Must

Many people will make communication a priority at first and then let it slip away over time. The reality is that communication is always necessary, and you must keep it open. There should be times when you feel comfortable discussing whatever is on your mind with your partner throughout the week. These should be uninterrupted moments of quality time spent together. Remember to prioritize communication even if your communication styles are different from one another. 

Respect Each Other's Boundaries

The newer your relationship is, the more you're still figuring out one another. If you ask a question and the other person feels uncomfortable, caught off guard, or doesn't want to answer that specific one, respect their wishes. They might divulge that information to you in the future but just aren't ready to at the moment. When you show respect for a person's decisions, you'll grow the trust in the relationship and often cause that person to appreciate you even more.

Keep Your Relationship Fresh. Find New Ways to Get Closer to Each Other

Talk About Your Love Life With An Online Therapist.

Questions When Reaching Out To BetterHelp

Do you still feel like things are up in the air between you and your significant other? Are you struggling with vulnerability or intimacy? If you aren't sure if you're in a healthy relationship, online counseling services like BetterHelp are a great way to discuss those concerns. You'll be matched with an impartial counselor who can help you gain the insight you need moving forward.

Perhaps you learned during your "how well do you know me" conversations that you're not on the same page about how to split finances, or maybe you found out that one person wants to wait ten years before having kids, while the other only wants to wait a few years. Licensed therapists can take these disagreements and help you focus on healthy communication, compromise, and commitment (if both partners want the relationship to last). 

Couple counseling can often be overwhelming, but with this option, you and your partner can work around any scheduling or travel issues that would come up with traditional therapy. Every relationship has its problems, but you don't have to face them alone. Anyone can benefit from therapy, whether you're in a new relationship or have been in a committed marriage for years. Read below for some reviews of BetterHelp counselors from people experiencing similar issues.

Therapist Reviews

"Stephanie is a gem! She's very thoughtful, thorough, honest, insightful, and most of all helpful. This is coming from a person that never wanted to do counseling and just "knew" I didn't need it. She's been key in helping my wife and me find our better place. She made us grow as a couple and individually. Thanks, Steph!"

"Emily has been very helpful to me in my communication challenges with my partner. She took the time to understand in my past counseling and counselors what worked well and what didn't. She respected that input during our sessions. I appreciated it because we were able to get down to why I was using BetterHelp quickly, and she had an idea of what would work for me."

Additional "How Well Do You Know Me" Questions

If you would like to ask your partner more "how well do you know me" questions, here's a list to start with:


  1. What is your favorite restaurant to go to?
  2. What household chores do you hate the most?
  3. What type of music makes you happy?
  4. Who is your celebrity crush?
  5. What is your favorite childhood memory?
  6. Who is your favorite author?
  7. What's your favorite meal for me to make?
  8. What's your favorite outfit to wear during dates?
  9. Do you feel you're organized or messy?
  10. What would be the meal of the day each week if you could choose one?
  11. Which family member on my side annoys you the most?
  12. If you could ask me random "how well do you know me" questions, what would it be?
  13. What was your favorite subject in high school?
  14. Do you think you curse a lot?
  15. How do you feel about your parents?
  16. Do you want to go to your high school reunion?
  17. If you had a million dollars, what would be the first thing you would purchase?
  18. If you could play any instruments, what would you play?
  19. Would you go to your partner's school reunion?
  20. Would you rather stay at home or go out on a date?
  21. What is the one weakness in our marriage?
  22. What's the worst trouble present in our marriage?
  23. If your partner was sick, would you stay awake for 24 hours?
  24. Do you brush your teeth twice a day or once a day?
  25. What is your favorite social media?
  26. Is it something you could do for hours straight?
  27. If you could get a tattoo on any part of your body, where would you get one?
  28. Do you make sure to let the family know when you run late at work?
  29. How much stress do student loans put on you?
  30. What are your thoughts on open relationships?
  31. Would you like to be engaged and get married someday?
  32. Would you rather be poor but be close to family, or rich but far away?
  33. Who is your favorite pop culture personality?
  34. Do you have any fond memory of summers as a child?
  35. Have you been anywhere outside of the United States?
  36. If you could have sex with your celebrity crush, would you?
  37. What type of music do you like to listen to while having sex?
  38. What's the one issue with social media that you have?
  39. Which family member annoys you the most?
  40. What was your favorite subject as a child?
  41. Who is your favorite author?
  42. Do you have any questions about childhood that remain unresolved?
  43. Do we need to do more couple stuff, or are you happy with what we do?
  44. Where do you want to go on vacation?
  45. Do you love cats or dogs more?
  46. What position do I sleep in?
  47. Do you love simple or luxurious things?
  48. Do you love store-bought or homemade gifts?
  49. What was your favorite sexual experience?

These are all good questions to ask, and while some of them may highlight the good or bad in the relationship, they're worth asking. Some of them are great questions to probe your partner's mind and get a good idea of what they're thinking. For example, consider the idea of open relationships; your partner may be curious about exploring the option, but you're not so sure how you feel about them. If you're both honest about your feelings, you can come to an understanding together. These questions are designed to enhance your relationship. You can pick a couple to get started with and go from there.

Questions Conclusion

Regardless of how long you've been in a relationship, learning more about your partner will help to strengthen your bond and keep the mystery going. Hopefully, this stronger bond will help you fall more deeply in love with your partner. Knowing someone better normally has that effect fairly naturally. A lasting, fulfilling relationship is possible with the right tools. Take the first step today and figure out what growth opportunities exist within your relationship.

Therapy is a personal experience, and not everyone will go into it seeking the same things. Still, you can get a lot out of online therapy, regardless of your specific goals. If you're still wondering if therapy is right for you and how much therapy costs, please contact us at [email protected]. BetterHelp specializes in online therapy to help address all types of mental health concerns. If you're interested in individual therapy, please reach out to [email protected].

If you need a crisis hotline or have questions about therapy, please see below:
  • RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) - 1-800-656-4673
  • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline - 1-800-799-7233
  • NAMI Helpline (National Alliance on Mental Illness) - 1-800-950-6264

For more information or questions on mental health, please see:
  • SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) SAMHSA Facebook, SAMHSA Twitter
  • Mental Health America, MHA Twitter, MHA Facebook, MHA Instagram, MHA Pinterest
  • WebMD, WebMD Facebook, WebMD Twitter, WebMD Pinterest
  • NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health), NIMH Facebook, NIMH Twitter,NIMH YouTube
  • APA (American Psychiatric Association), APA Twitter, APA Facebook, APA LinkedIn, APA Instagram

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201 How Well Do You Know Me Questions To Ask Your Partner

Get ready for a fun and memorable time with your partner.

It feels like a blessing when your partner knows and understands all your moods and mood swings. But sometimes, you need that extra reassurance to feel sure about it. In such cases, you may consider asking ‘how well do you know me questions’ to your partner. You may even answer these questions about your partner as well.

Knowing your partner’s likes, dislikes, and personality traits brings you closer than you were before. You may use these questions on various occasions and circumstances, strengthening your bond further. Read on and choose the questions that you like.

How Well Do You Know Me Questions For Couples

  1. What is my zodiac sign?
  2. What is my favorite color?
  3. Which foods do I hate to eat?
  4. What is the name of my high school best friend?
  5. What is my favorite vacation place?

Image: iStock

  1. What is the color of my eyes? (say without looking into my eyes)
  2. What dress am I most comfortable in?
  3. What was the name of my high school?
  4. How many first cousins do I have?
  5. What is my favorite restaurant?
  6. What is the best thing about me?
  7. What was the name of my first dog?
  8. What is the biggest relationship deal breaker for me?
  9. What is one thing I adore in you?
  10. Am I a dog person or a cat person?
  11. Which habit of yours irritates me?
  12. What is my favorite TV show?
  13. Who is my favorite actor?
  14. Which flowers do I like?
  15. Who is my favorite superhero?
  16. What is my weakness?
  17. What is my strength?
  18. Am I an extrovert or an introvert?
  19. Which season do I like the most?
  20. Beach vacation or skiing in the snow which one would I pick?
  21. What is my comfort food?
  22. Which outfit looks best on me?
  23. What is the first thing I do as soon as I wake up?
  24. What is my brand of deodorant?
  25. What is the color of my toothbrush?
  26. What is the registration number of my car/bike?
  27. Which part of my face do you find attractive?
  28. What are the three things I like about you?
  29. What is my worst nightmare?
  30. When I look at a woman, what is the first thing I notice?
  31. What are the three things you like about me?
  32. What are the three things you least like about me?
  33. How do you know when I am angry?
  34. How do I handle my anger?
  35. When do I get jealous?
  36. What is my long-term aim in life?
  37. Which insect terrifies me the most?
  38. Name three important people in my life.
  39. What is my favorite song?
  40. What is my favorite sleeping position?
  41. What is that one thing about me which only you know?
  42. Which habit of mine annoys you the most?
  43. How do you know I am upset?
  44. What are the things I do not share with others?
  45. What did I want to be when I was a child?
  46. What is my favorite weekend past time activity?
  47. When we are together, what is one thing I love to do?
  48. How much do I love you?
  49. How do I like to relax?
  50. Describe my work in two sentences?
  51. What is my dream destination?
  52. What is my favorite breakfast?
  53. What is my favorite dessert?
  54. How do I like my coffee?

Image: iStock

  1. What is my favorite alcohol?
  2. Who is a picky eater among the two of us?
  3. If I was stranded on an island, what are the three things I will miss the most?
  4. What do I like the most pizza or pasta?
  5. What is the best gift I gave you so far?
  6. How much have I changed from the day we got married?
  7. What is that one thing that can make me weak in the knees?
  8. How do I show if I love someone?
  9. When did I begin to fall in love with you?
  10. When did you begin to fall in love with me?
  11. What was the moment when you decided I was the one?
  12. Between the two of us, who is better with money?
  13. What is the one thing you would change about me?
  14. If I would get a tattoo, what/where would it be?
  15. What was my nickname in high school?
  16. What is the one word that describes me?
  17. Do I prefer hot or cold showers?
  18. What is a pet peeve that I have?
  19. Name some of my insecurities?
  20. Of all the people near to me, whom do I respect the most?
  21. How many birthmarks do I have?
  22. Would I rather live in a big city or a farm?
  23. Do I sing in a shower?
  24. Do I snore in bed?
  25. What is the nicest thing that I have done for you?
  26. How can you tell when I am having a bad day?
  27. Do I prefer to go out on a Saturday night or stay at home?
  28. Who is my favorite writer?
  29. What is my favorite book?
  30. What is one of my biggest regrets in life?
  31. Do I like to read newspapers?
  32. What is my idea of a perfect date?

Image: iStock

  1. What do I find hilarious but most people don’t find funny?
  2. What’s my favorite thing to do on the internet?
  3. What is that one event that has changed the course of my life?
  4. What’s my favorite thing to shop for?
  5. What is the most ridiculous rule that I follow?
  6. What do I have a hard time with but most people find quite easy?
  7. Do I look like my mother or father?
  8. What is my natural hair color?
  9. What is my shoe size?
  10. Which is my favorite ice cream flavor — vanilla or chocolate?
  11. Do I have a sweet tooth?
  12. Am I a morning person or a night owl?
  13. Do I love watching sunrise or sunset?
  14. How long have we been in a relationship?
  15. How many aunts do I have?
  16. Which animal do I remind you of?
  17. Am I a rebel or a rules person?
  18. If I ask you to give me a nickname, what would it be?
  19. Do you think I have ever lied to you?
  20. What was one occasion you knew I lied to you?
  21. How many kids do I wish to have?
  22. What is my favorite sport?
  23. What was the worst fight we had till now?
  24. Am I happy with our relationship?
  25. Do you consider me romantic?
  26. What is the last book I read?
  27. Do I like seashores or mountains?
  28. Where do I feel the safest?
  29. How many credit cards do I have?
  30. In which banks do I have my accounts?
  31. Do I ask strangers for directions when I am lost?
  32. How tech-savvy am I?
  33. Do I keep a journal or a diary?
  34. Am I organized or messy?
  35. Do I like my life to be simple or luxurious?
  36. What is my favorite dog breed?
  37. What are my allergies?
  38. What are the three things you will find in my handbag?
  39. Do I have your picture in my wallet?
  40. From which college did I graduate?
  41. Do I watch cartoons?
  42. Name two things on my bucket list?
  43. Have I ever shoplifted?
  44. Would I rather have a lot of money and not talk to my family or be poor but be close to my family?
  45. What do I want to do after retirement?
  46. How many languages can I speak?
  47. What is my dream car?
  48. Where were my grandparents living when I was a child?
  49. Who is my favorite author?
  50. What is one household chore that I hate to do?
  51. What is the first movie you watched with me?
  52. What is the one thing that I want to accomplish before I die?
  53. Do I curse a lot?
  54. Which genre of movies do I prefer — horror or comedy?
  55. What is my height?
  56. What is my weight?
  57. What was my first job?
  58. What do I like to do on a rainy day?
  59. Do I like public displays of affection?

Image: iStock

  1. How many people have I dated before you?
  2. What makes me different from you?
  3. Do I think men and women can just be friends?
  4. What is the worst trouble that I got into as a child?
  5. In which city/ place did I live as a child?
  6. What was my favorite subject at school?
  7. Who was my favorite teacher?
  8. What is something I don’t like about my childhood?
  9. What is my salary?
  10. How close am I with my siblings?
  11. How do I feel about your parents?
  12. Who do I like more? Mother or father?
  13. Would I go for my high school reunion?
  14. If I could get on a plane to anywhere in the world, where would I go?
  15. Do I like to go on road trips?
  16. Can I change the tire of my car?
  17. How do I like my coffee — hot or cold?
  18. Do I prefer to eat out or at home?
  19. What are my favorite pizza toppings?
  20. What is my favorite meal of the day?
  21. Do I like you with a beard or clean-shaven?
  22. What is my favorite outfit of yours?
  23. What do I think is the greatest weakness in our marriage?
  24. How did my last relationship end?
  25. If we had to pick a couple to go on double dates with, who would I choose?
  26. What is the worst date I have been on?
  27. Do I like store-bought gifts or handmade?
  28. Something that I always wanted when I was a child but never had?
  29. If I could travel back in time, what would I change?
  30. What is my sexual fantasy?
  31. What do I love to do, but never admit in public?
  32. Which unconscious gesture reveals that I feel uncomfortable with the situation or conversation?
  33. Do I finish my work ahead of time or procrastinate?
  34. What was the first meal I cooked for you?
  35. When do I get into the fight mode and when into the flight mode?
  36. Do I argue too much?
  37. Do I take long to get ready?
  38. Who is a better cook, you or me?
  39. Can I dance?
  40. If I could eat one food for the rest of my life, what would it be?

Image: iStock

  1. What is my middle name?
  2. Who eats more? Me or you?
  3. What position do I sleep in?
  4. What do I wish we could do more?
  5. What are my favorite baby names?
  6. What wouldn’t I be willing to do for a million dollars?
  7. Do I believe in saving or spending?
  8. What is the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me?
  9. If I won a lottery, what would I buy first?
  10. What is my favorite cosmetics brand?
  11. When was the last time I was admitted to a hospital?

“How well does my partner know about me?” These questions will help your partner to open up. Choose the right time to get the desired outcome.

1. How do you play “Who knows me better”?

“Who knows me better” is a two-player game that allows you to check how well you know your companion. First, one player can ask questions while the other must guess and write down the answers. They get the point if the response is correct; otherwise, no. Repeat the same with the other players and vice versa. A whiteboard or a blank notebook is required for each player.

2. What are some juicy questions to ask your friends?

Be it at a sleepover or casual friends’ outing, ask some juicy questions to dig out secrets or to make an interesting conversation. Some interesting questions you may ask are – What was the last thing you Googled? Would you ever steal from a luxury store? Would you date someone older if they offered you $100 million?

The list of how well you know me questions is a great icebreaker and an incredible way to learn more about anyone, be it a stranger or a date. These questions are exciting and will keep the listener engaged in the conversation till the very end. So use any of these questions, get to know the people around you better, and share your thoughts and feelings so that it doesn’t become a question and answer session.

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Sanjana did her graduation in Pharmacy from Andhra University and post graduation in management from GITAM Institute of Management. It was during her first job, she recognized her skills in writing and began working as a freelance writer. Later, she completely moved into content writing and began working as a full-time content writer. Sanjana's articles in MomJunction cover topics related to...
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Mary C. Ray has decades of clinical experience in dealing with people and healing their traumas. She supports couples and individuals in opening up to their problems and supports their transformation from conflicts to growth. She got trained/ holds certificates in Imago, EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, and, Relapse prevention. As a Certified Sex and Couples Therapist, Mary helps couples lead better...
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How well do you know your soul mate?

Do you know the names of your partner's parents?


Only one


Do you know your other half's friends?

Yes, we see each other often

Not everyone

No, we spend time with each other more often

What about your favorite band or artist?

Constantly sharing music!

Well, I know my favorite genre

To be honest, I have no idea

Do you know your favorite color?

Of course!

Not sure, but most likely yes

I don't even know...

Do you know what your partner likes to do besides study and/or work?

Yes, we talk about our hobbies all the time and do things together

Know the area of ​​interest, but never got to know the details

No, not at all sure

Do you know about places where your love would like to go on a trip?

Yes, we even planned such a trip sometime

I have an idea, but I won't name the exact places

No, we never talked about traveling

Can you name the phone number by heart?

Of course!

Approximately, maybe I will mix up a couple of numbers

Didn't remember it

Do you share personal experiences with each other?

Yes, never mind a heart-to-heart talk

Basically yes, but I think we try to keep something very personal to ourselves

No, we rarely discuss personal problems

Do you know what makes your significant other nervous or annoying?


Well, I know something basic, but sometimes he (a) gets angry with me because of my some kind of habit or joke


And what can calm and relieve tension, you know?

Yes, I help with this when needed

I can definitely calm down after difficult events

I don’t know about such trifles, if something happens, I will be guided by the fact

Do you know the names of your partner's parents?


Only one


Do you know your other half's friends?

Yes, we see each other often

Not everyone

No, we spend time with each other more often

What about your favorite band or artist?

Constantly sharing music!

Well, I know my favorite genre

To be honest, I have no idea

Do you know your favorite color?

Of course!

Not sure, but probably yes

I don't even know. ..

Do you know what your partner likes to do besides study and/or work?

Yes, we talk about our hobbies all the time and do things together

Know the area of ​​interest, but never got to know the details

No, not at all sure

Do you know about places where your love would like to go on a trip?

Yes, we even planned such a trip sometime

I have an idea, but I won't name the exact places

No, we never talked about traveling

Can you tell me the phone number by heart?

Of course!

Approximately, maybe I will mix up a couple of numbers

Didn't remember it

Do you share personal experiences with each other?

Yes, never mind a heart-to-heart talk

Mostly yes, but I think we try to keep something very personal to ourselves

No, we rarely discuss personal problems

Do you know what irritates or irritates your significant other?


Well, I know something basic, but sometimes he (a) gets angry with me because of my some kind of habit or joke


And what can calm and relieve tension, you know?

Yes, I help with this when needed

I can definitely calm down after difficult events

I don’t know about such trifles, if something happens, I will be guided by the fact

You know your soul mate very well!

You understand all the little things about the chosen one or the chosen one, you know about preferences, tastes, family, personal experiences and a little more. This is very important for a strong and lasting relationship! Most importantly, do not forget to be interested in new things in the life of your rugs, because people change! Show this test to your soul mate and find out how he or she understands you! And share it with your friends, let them check their relationship too :)

You know a lot, but there is still a lot of discoveries ahead!

You know a lot of important things, but you can't always understand your partner. It's never too late to learn something new! Talk heart to heart, discuss exciting topics, and just go to the movies :) The more you learn about your partner, the stronger and more durable your relationship. Show this test to your soul mate and find out how he or she understands you! And share with your friends, let them test their relationship too :)

Looks like you should learn more about your soul mate!

Maybe you've been dating for a short time, or maybe you don't pay enough attention to your soul mate! To maintain and continue the relationship, be interested in all the little things in their lives, talk about yourself, go somewhere together more often. All the time spent with each other will help you learn important details about your personalities and develop relationships. Show this test to your soul mate and find out how he or she understands you! And share with your friends, let them check their relationship too :)

The dark side of the wife. How well do your couples know each other Quiz

Men's RulesTestsBest

Not only is this quiz a great way to find out what you really know about each other, it's also a great excuse to get to know each other better!

Even if you and your partner raised three children together (by the way, whose children are these?), it is not a fact that you know each other's habits well. And without this knowledge, relationships will never be as productive and happy as possible, says Dr. John Gottman, author of The Seven Principles That Make Marriages Work. From this book, we borrowed a test that we recommend that all couples pass. Does your girlfriend think you're not interested in her life? Thanks to our test, you will have the opportunity to prove that this is true!

How the test works

You will need five sheets of paper and two pencils. Okay, from one sheet - it's superfluous - make a paper boat. And pencils can be replaced with pens or, what the hell is not joking, with felt-tip pens. You will take the test one by one. One asks a question aloud, both silently write down the answer, without looking at each other's papers. For example, you ask a girl: “What am I most afraid of?” She writes down her answer: "Giant spiders with tentacles and light music." In the meantime, you write down your correct version: “Your mother.” And so you report on all twenty-five questions. Then flip the paper over and set it aside.

Take the next two pieces of paper and follow the same procedure, but with the girl as the defendant. She asks, "What am I most afraid of?" You silently write down: "Your mother." The girl silently writes: "My mother." And so on for all questions.

When you have finished interviewing each other, turn over the papers and compare the results (but first, of course, be horrified by the answers). Count the number of exact matches. Accurate in semantic meaning, and not in the form of a statement. For example, if you answered the question about your hobby “badminton”, and the girl answered “a ridiculous game with a net, rackets and such funny balls in skirts”, then this is still a coincidence. It counts. For each correct answer - 1 point.


1. My favorite dessert.

2. What is my shoe size?

3. What am I most afraid of?

4. How old is my mother?

5. What is my blood type?

6. What turns me on in sex?

7. Name my two closest friends

8. Do I have a hobby? Which?

9. What will I take out of the fire first, besides you, documents and pets?

10. My favorite movie.

11. My worst childhood memory

12. What time of day do I like to have sex the most?

13. How do I like to spend my evenings?

14. How do I want to be buried?

15. A dish I can't live without

16. What gift would I like best?


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