Anxiety cause breathing problems
What are the symptoms of anxiety?
On this page we explain how anxiety can affect you and the symptoms you might experience. You can also read more about ways to manage anxiety and possible treatments.
On this page:
- How does breathlessness link to anxiety?
- What are the physical symptoms of anxiety?
- How can anxiety affect your thoughts and feelings?
- Panic attacks
How does breathlessness link to anxiety?
Anxiety can affect our body, thoughts, and feelings in different ways. But our thoughts, feelings and behaviour are linked, and can create a vicious circle:
What are the physical symptoms of anxiety?
Anxiety feels different for everyone and can affect our bodies in different ways. These are some of the physical symptoms of anxiety you might experience:
- faster, shallower breathing
- feeling sick
- tightness or pain in the chest
- pins and needles in toes or fingers
- feeling faint or dizzy
- tense muscles and headaches
- sweating
- fast, thumping or irregular heartbeat
- raised blood pressure
- difficulty sleeping
- needing the toilet more frequently
- churning in the pit of the stomach.
How can anxiety affect your thoughts and feelings?
How anxiety affects how you feel varies for everyone. You might:
- fear the worst
- feel tense, nervous and on edge
- feel worried there is something wrong with your lungs or heart
- dwell on negative experiences or thinking over a situation again and again
- feel numb
- feel restless
- feel unable to concentrate.
Panic attacks
Panic attacks are when your body’s normal response to fear, stress or excitement is exaggerated, and you get a rapid build-up of physical responses. Your breathing quickens and your body also releases hormones so your heart beats faster and your muscles tense.
During a panic attack, you might feel you can’t breathe and you:
- have a pounding heart
- feel faint
- sweat
- feel sick
- have shaky limbs
- feel you’re not connected to your body.
Panic attacks can happen regularly or can happen once and never again. They can be very frightening if you feel you can’t breathe. You might also panic if a flare-up of your symptoms includes feeling a lot more breathless than usual. Your anxiety will, in turn, make you feel even more breathless.
During a panic attack, people often over-breathe or hyperventilate. If you start to breathe too quickly in response to a panic attack, you may breathe in more oxygen than your body needs. When you do this, the delicate balance of the gases in your lungs is upset. An amount of carbon dioxide normally stays in the blood. If you breathe in too much air too often, the carbon dioxide is pushed out through the lungs and this affects the messages the brain receives to tell you to breathe.
Mind has useful information on panic attacks and things that help to manage them.
Download our mental health information (PDF, 474KB)
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Is My Shortness of Breath from Anxiety?
Anxiety can cause shortness of breath due to changes in heart rate. There are medications, breathing techniques, and mindfulness practices that can help.
Experiencing shortness of breath (dyspnea) or other breathing difficulties can feel scary. But it’s a common symptom of anxiety.
Many people worry that a symptom affecting their breathing must come from a physical issue. In fact, your mental health affects your physical health in a number of ways.
While anxiety can cause shortness of breath and other physical symptoms, it’s important to acknowledge that experiencing shortness of breath for other reasons may also create anxiety.
Here’s what you need to know about this symptom and when to see your doctor.
Anxiety is your body’s natural fear response. This is known as the fight-or-flight response. Your body reacts in physical and mental ways to prepare you to either fight or run from a threatening situation.
Shortness of breath is one of those responses. You may feel like you can’t catch your breath, tightness in your chest, or like you’re suffocating or hungry for air.
Studies have shown a strong association between anxiety and respiratory symptoms, including shortness of breath.
Other symptoms that can occur during this response and as a result of anxiety include:
- faster breathing (hyperventilation)
- chest tightness
- breathlessness or a feeling of suffocation
- feeling like you have a lump in your throat
- muscle tension
- heart palpitations (feels like a stronger, faster heartbeat)
- feeling faint, dizzy, or unsteady
- nausea or stomach discomfort
- restlessness, irritability, or feeling on edge
Shortness of breath and other physical symptoms happen in the fight-or-flight response to protect you.
With anxiety, you may not be running for your life. But your body still responds as if you are.
You experience chest tightening, shortness of breath, and faster breathing because your body is trying to get more oxygen to your muscles, preparing you to run. Your heart rate increases and you may feel hot as more blood pumps into your muscles, preparing you to fight.
All of these symptoms are normal body responses designed to save your life.
Of course, you probably aren’t often running or fighting for your life — from wild bear attacks or men with chain saws. But your body still reacts to your trip to the crowded grocery store, your work presentation, and other anxiety-provoking events as if you were.
When you’re experiencing shortness of breath from an anxiety attack, it may seem counterintuitive that your breathing is what you should focus on.
But by focusing on your breathing, you can get it under control and the right amount of oxygen into your lungs.
Experts recommend practicing diaphragmatic breathing. This is a type of breathing technique that uses your diaphragm — the most efficient breathing muscle we have.
When you’re experiencing shortness of breath, you’re generally breathing from your mouth or chest. But diaphragmatic breathing can:
- slow your breathing rate
- decrease your demand for oxygen
- use less effort and energy to breathe
Here’s how to practice diaphragmatic breathing:
- Sit up comfortably in a chair or lie back on a flat surface, like your bed, with your head supported.
- Place one hand on your upper chest and the other below your rib cage. This will allow you to better feel your diaphragm as you breathe.
- Breathe in slowly through your nose so your stomach moves out against your hand.
- Tighten your stomach muscles. Let them fall inward as you exhale through your nose or your mouth (depending on what’s easier for you).
- Continue to take deep breaths in and out, feeling your stomach rise in and out.
Do this for 5 to 10 minutes a day.
Tips: You’re less likely to experience shortness of breath or hyperventilation while breathing in and out through your nose. It’s also normal to get tired or feel like it’s a lot of effort when you first begin this breathing practice. With more practice, this breathing technique will become automatic and easy.
“The more you can slow down the physical sensations during periods of high anxiety, the more you can use your rational mind to assess what is going on.”
- Elke Zuercher-White in “An End to Panic”
You can also try these anxiety-relieving techniques:
- Grounding techniques. One type of grounding technique (progressive muscle relaxation) involves clenching muscles and slowly releasing them. Focus entirely on these sensations.
- Mindful distractions. Find something to distract your mind from panicking to help you calm down.
Try describing things around you to keep your focus on something else. What color is your couch? What is its texture?
- Talk with yourself. Now that you know these symptoms are a part of your body’s automatic response, remind yourself of this. In the moment of panic or anxiety, tell yourself “I can’t breathe because my body is trying to get more oxygen” or “I’ve been evaluated and my heart is fine.” Talking with yourself rationally can pull you out of the anxiety.
- Exercise. It may seem strange to exercise in the midst of an anxiety attack, but going for a quick run or expending some of that built-up energy may actually work for you. Your body is preparing itself to run anyway — you might as well take advantage of it.
- Self-care. You can practice self-care in simple ways. Drink herbal tea (but avoid caffeinated tea, as it can increase anxiety). Light candles with a pleasant aroma. Write down your feelings. Turn on some soothing music.
- Shock yourself. Shocking your system by dipping your face in a bowl of ice water is actually a technique recommended by therapists to help pull you out of a thought spiral.
If you notice shortness of breath before experiencing a full-blown panic attack, learn to recognize it and don’t ignore it. Start focusing on your breathing before the anxiety escalates.
For long-term strategies, consider seeing a mental health professional. They can evaluate your needs and help teach you coping mechanisms that’ll work for you.
Practicing your breathing daily, other forms of mindfulness, and taking up relaxing yoga may also help.
The main way to prevent shortness of breath and other physical symptoms of anxiety is to practice techniques and learn your triggers when you’re not experiencing them.
You don’t prepare for an earthquake during an earthquake; you prepare beforehand. Anxiety is the same.
One of the most helpful preventive techniques is to maintain a thought log. In a thought log, you write down the automatic thoughts you had in your last moment of anxiety or panic. It’s helpful for discovering triggers as well as helping you reflect on your anxiety in a calmer state.
You can also write down what sensations you’re experiencing while you’re experiencing them. This can help your doctor understand what’s going on.
There are several types of thought logs. Check out this one focusing on dysfunctional thinking or a general anxiety tracker. You can even make your own by recording:
- the date
- the specific trigger (the situation or physical symptom, such as shortness of breath)
- the automatic thought (what you think will happen due to this physical symptom or situation)
- how strongly you believe this thought (1 to 100 percent)
If you’re experiencing shortness of breath, your automatic thought may be that you must have a serious health condition. At the moment, you may have believed it — almost 100 percent.
However, after challenging this thought now in your recording, you only believe it 20 percent. Recording, reviewing, and challenging these thoughts is an essential way to prevent future anxiety.
You can also use an app to track your anxiety.
Practicing regular meditation may also help you reduce your anxiety. Numerous studies have shown that meditation can reduce anxiety symptoms and help treat anxiety.
You can also practice mindfulness in everyday activities to help you become more aware of your body and what makes you anxious. Try a mindful eating exercise or a mindful walk around the block.
Finally, consider working with a mental health professional to come up with more strategies. They can help you work out negative thought processes that occur when you’re experiencing anxiety, especially if this anxiety is severe or causing you great distress.
Various forms of psychotherapy may be recommended to ease anxiety and reduce symptoms like shortness of breath, including cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).
Certain medications may also be beneficial, including:
- Antidepressants. These medications affect levels of certain neurotransmitters to treat anxiety and depression. They are often used as a long-term solution, as it may take several weeks before you notice any benefits.
- Benzodiazepines. This class of medication includes drugs like Xanax and Valium, which act as a sedative to calm you down when you’re feeling anxious. However, they are only recommended for short-term use, as they can also cause side effects like drowsiness.
- Beta-blockers. Though typically used to treat high blood pressure, beta-blockers like propranolol can also reduce short-term physical symptoms of anxiety.
- Buspirone. This medication is sometimes used to treat anxiety when antidepressants don’t work. Though buspirone is as effective as benzodiazepines and is associated with fewer risks and side effects, it may take 2–4 weeks to take effect.
Shortness of breath and other symptoms of anxiety can mimic other conditions. So, it’s a good idea to monitor your symptoms and get a checkup with your doctor to rule out any other conditions.
Getting a physical to ensure you don’t have any other issues can also alleviate some of your anxiety. For instance, in a panic attack, many people believe they’re having a heart attack. This fear only increases their panic.
Other causes of shortness of breath include:
- exercise
- altitude changes
- tight clothing
- a sedentary lifestyle
Other conditions where you may experience shortness of breath include:
- asthma
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- heart failure or heart attack
- pneumonia
- low blood pressure
- upper airway obstruction
If you experience shortness of breath consistently, or when unconnected to anxiety, see your doctor.
Seek emergency medical attention if you experience symptoms of a heart attack, including:
- tightness or pain in the chest, neck, jaw, back, or arms
- fatigue
- lightheadedness, nausea, or vomiting
- discomfort in your arm or shoulder
- sweating more than usual without a logical reason
When is shortness of breath serious?
If shortness of breath is accompanied by other symptoms like pain or discomfort, tightness in the chest, lightheadedness, nausea, or vomiting, it’s important to seek medical attention immediately.
You should also talk with a doctor if you have experienced shortness of breath for over 1 month or if other symptoms like persistent coughing or swollen ankles are present, as it could be a sign of a more serious condition.
Is my shortness of breath an anxiety attack or Coronavirus?
Shortness of breath caused by an anxiety attack typically peaks within a few minutes and may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea, heart palpitations, and sweating.
On the other hand, shortness of breath caused by COVID-19 lasts for a longer period of time and may be tied to additional symptoms, including fever, dry cough, chills, muscle pain, and a sore throat.
Why do I have shortness of breath and anxiety at night?
Many people experience panic or anxiety attacks at night, which can cause shortness of breath and may occur without any obvious triggers. Similar to daytime anxiety attacks, there’s no known cause, but a variety of factors could contribute, including stress and genetics.
It’s important to remember that anxiety attacks can’t kill you. You won’t suffocate, won’t stop breathing, and won’t die from an anxiety attack. An anxiety or panic attack won’t turn into a heart attack, either.
If you’re worried about your physical health, get checked out. Once you’ve been cleared of any physical reasons for your shortness of breath, hold onto that clean bill of health as a reminder when you’re back in an anxious moment.
See a mental health professional for further help and assistance with coping techniques.
Anxiety and panic disorders | Articles by doctors of the EMC Clinic on diseases, diagnosis and treatment
Anxiety treatment at the European Medical Center:
Thorough diagnosis of the patient's mental state, identification of risk factors.
Drawing up an individual treatment program, including pharmacotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, if necessary, TMS. nine0007
The Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy constantly organizes trainings that teach relaxation skills and coping with anxiety symptoms.
Major anxiety disorders include:
Panic disorder - the main symptoms of the disease include recurring attacks of irrational anxiety (panic), not limited to a specific situation or any specific circumstances.
Dominant symptoms : sudden onset of tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), sweating, tremors, dry mouth, chest pain, difficulty breathing, feeling of choking and nausea, as well as dizziness and a feeling of unreality of what is happening. nine0007
Agoraphobia is a group of anxiety disorders that encompasses a range of phobias, which include a morbid fear of open spaces and public places. Patients experience uncontrollable anxiety when they are in a crowd, refuse to visit shops and other crowded places, limit their exits from the house unaccompanied, and have difficulty using public transport on their own. Agoraphobia is one of the most maladaptive types of phobic disorders. nine0007
Dominant symptoms : when immersed in a frightening situation, anxiety increases sharply in patients, heartbeat and breathing become more frequent, sweating and dizziness appear, in some cases a panic attack develops. As a rule, such patients try in every possible way to avoid those situations that cause them a panic attack, which contributes to the consolidation of an anxiety disorder, changes their usual lifestyle and interferes with normal life.
Dominant symptoms : the most typical complaints are a feeling of constant nervousness, trembling, muscle tension, sweating, tachycardia, dizziness, discomfort in the epigastric region. Often the patient experiences fear for his loved ones, suffers from gloomy forebodings. For a diagnosis of generalized anxiety disorder, the symptoms described must have been present for at least 6 months. nine0007
Social phobia - this anxiety disorder is based on the fear of being seen by others, as well as being in an awkward position, being ridiculed or humiliated, which leads to the formation of a reaction to avoid such situations. Often this disorder is combined with low self-esteem and fear of criticism. Fears can manifest themselves when eating in a public place, the need to maintain a conversation during a casual meeting with friends in the presence of strangers, visiting public places and group activities. nine0007
Dominant symptoms : hand tremor, nausea (fear of vomiting may be present), urge to urinate or defecate (or fear of such urge), flushing of the face. Sometimes the patient takes one of these side manifestations of anxiety for the underlying disease. Avoidance of frightening situations causes significant psycho-emotional stress, since the person himself realizes that his reaction is excessive and has no reasonable grounds. nine0007
Specific phobias are fears limited to narrowly specific situations, such as, for example, being in close proximity to animals of a certain biological species, being in the dark, at height, in a confined space. Specific phobias also include fear of air travel, fears of eating certain foods, visiting a doctor, medical procedures, and the sight of blood. When confronted with fearful stimuli or when thoughts about them arise, the person "triggers" anxiety and the symptoms described above are observed. nine0007
How to calm down: 10 ways to quickly pull yourself together
When terrible events happen in the world, it is common for a person to experience stress, shock and panic from receiving bad news. Now we all constantly read and listen to the news, trying not to miss a single detail of what is happening. The information field inflames the nervous system, therefore, together with psychologists, RBC Style prepared instructions on how to calm down when a feeling of anxiety appears.
If we receive a large amount of negative information at once, panic and terror can set in. They are easily identified by a rapid pulse, shortness of breath, and a feeling of tightness in the chest [1]. Often, along with anxiety come sweating, chills and tremors inside. The symptoms are somewhat similar to a panic attack, but are not as pronounced. The hormone cortisol is responsible for this response. The task of this steroid is to give us strength in case of severe danger. It increases blood pressure and blood sugar levels [2] and also helps to survive pain. nine0007
© unsplash
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Experts in the article:
Anastasia Afanasyeva, psychotherapist, clinical director of the online platform for the selection of psychologists and psychotherapists Alter;
Olya Osokina, founder of health-tech company AIBY;
Sofya Khasieva, therapist, leading specialist of the Semeynaya clinic network
The release of cortisol in itself is not harmful, but on a “regular basis” it can lead to various psychological disorders. Therefore, it is very important to be able to cope with anxiety attacks. But what methods really work? nine0007
1. Breathe
The body copes with muscle spasm due to the release of hormones through rapid breathing. Our body at this moment is ready for decisive action. There is no need to run headlong, you need to concentrate and restore your breath. Scientists have described effective techniques [3]:
- inhale slowly and for a long time through the nose;
- exhale even more slowly and deeply through your mouth;
- close your eyes and focus on your breath; nine0095 you can start counting your breaths.
This technique will help you switch your attention to your own body, which means you can relax a little. Moreover, self-regulation of breathing is recognized by scientists as the primary treatment for anxiety disorders [4].
Olya Osokina, founder of health-tech company AIBY:
“It's better to breathe this way: the exhalation is longer than the inhalation. For example, for four counts - inhale, for eight counts - exhale. Gradually increase the number of exhalation counts, bringing their number to 16. In a minute, you need to take 12 breaths and exhalations. There is another useful exercise. When you are calm, not anxious or afraid, try to get scared. You will feel surprised and maybe even laugh. With the help of this exercise, you will train yourself and at the moment of fear you will perceive it differently and it will be easier to live. nine0007
Anastasia Afanasyeva, psychotherapist, clinical director of the online platform for the selection of psychologists and psychotherapists Alter:
“In fact, there is no right and wrong method of breathing to cope with panic. Moreover, it is important to understand that breathing practices should not become "protective" behavior, that is, a way to avoid anxiety. We use breathing practices to allow us to "ground ourselves" and return from anxiety to the present moment. To do this, you should pay attention to breathing, without changing it in any way, just noticing the inhalation, exhalation, the way the air passes through the respiratory tract. nine0007
Sofya Khasieva, therapist, leading specialist of the Semeynaya clinic network:
“Proper breathing plays a great role in reducing anxiety levels. Being in a state of panic and fear, we may not notice how our breathing has become frequent and shallow - chest. Here the technique of diaphragmatic, abdominal breathing with a long exhalation will come to the rescue. It is the most physiological for a person, as it provides optimal gas exchange in the lungs, and also stimulates the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxing the body, including slowing down the pulse, normalizing intestinal motility, and improving blood supply. nine0007
Breathing practices are the basis of meditation. Her task is to build relationships with her body. There are many meditation techniques, and they will be useful to any person: the main thing is to find the right one for yourself. You can start just with conscious breathing.
Breathe Properly: How Mindful Breathing Can Improve Your Health
2. Stop Doomscrolling
The term doomscrolling is relatively recent, and refers to the continuous browsing of feeds in search of bad news. Surely, you forced yourself to do this. Unfortunately, it can only increase anxiety and cause negative consequences [5]. Psychologists recommend limiting the consumption of news content to individual hours, if you can’t refuse it altogether. nine0007
“Make time for yourself during the day when you read the news: for example, 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes in the evening. The rest of the time, turn off notifications from news channels, remove them from the visibility zone. In Telegram, these channels can be archived,” Anastasia Afanasyeva advises.
“Consuming the news is the most popular activity for everyone these days, whether it's watching TV, reading news feeds, or surfing social media. I recommend prioritizing and choosing yourself over the news. It's important to set boundaries. For example, today I will watch the news for 2 hours, but the rest of the time I will devote to myself and pressing issues,” says Olya Osokina, founder of AIBY’s health-tech company. nine0007
3. Use fragrances
Known fact: the smell of lavender has a positive effect on the body and promotes relaxation. Some studies have shown that inhaling the aroma of this plant helps with anxiety disorders [6]. You can light candles, buy a diffuser, or take a warm bath with lavender salt.
© unsplash
4. Write down your experiences
Doctors recommend using the expressive writing technique for prolonged stress. Dr. Pennebaker found that journaling can help relieve stress and combat the effects of mental trauma [7]. But even with sudden attacks of anxiety, this technique can help relieve tension. In fact, this is the same as speaking out - voicing your fears and leaving it on paper. You don't have to think about what you are writing about. Just set a timer for 20 minutes and start writing down everything that bothers you, regardless of mistakes and punctuation. nine0007
5. Take a walk
In a situation where your heart rate and blood pressure are high, exercise is not a good idea. This will be an additional burden on the body. Walking, on the other hand, can help calm you down. What’s more, walking in the woods has been found to help reduce anxiety [8]. In the conditions of the city, a park can become a substitute for a forest.
6. Drink water (not alcohol)
Many people report that they lose their appetite when they are stressed and panicked. This is explained by the same release of hormones that prepare the body for an attack and turn off functions that are unnecessary at the time of danger, such as hunger. A glass of cool water, on the other hand, can help relieve symptoms of anxiety, especially if you're not hydrated and not drinking enough fluids. Scientists have found that there is a link between water deficiency and depressive and anxiety disorders. Dehydration can exacerbate stress symptoms [9].
It is important to remember that caffeinated beverages and alcohol can only worsen your condition. Try to avoid them.
Anastasia Afanasyeva:
“Anxiety is best dealt with by experiencing emotions rather than trying to relieve them with drugs or food. This behavior can lead to drug abuse or compulsive overeating. Breathe, walk, talk to your loved ones. Coffee and tea, especially green tea, contain caffeine, which will only increase anxiety. Alcohol, although it can dull the condition for a while, is a depressogen. That is, after the effect of alcohol wears off, the likelihood of a decrease in mood increases greatly. If you feel that it is very difficult to cope on your own, then you can use valerian. nine0007
7. Switch
To get rid of the oncoming anxiety, you should try to switch to another activity, such as cleaning.
Olya Osokina:
“Switching to the body is a good technique, because during a panic, as a rule, a person is “thrown” out of the body and our task is to return to it. There are people who dispose of their emotions (anxiety and fear) while cleaning or washing dishes.
Sofia Khasieva:
“Thanks to Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov's research in the field of physiology, we know that the best rest for the body is a change of activity. Therefore, a pleasurable physical activity or creative process will be useful, singing is especially useful for relieving anxiety (largely, again, due to the influence of respiratory movements on the nervous system). nine0007
© pexels
8. Buy an anti-stress toy
These items are called that for a reason - they can really help. As a rule, such toys involve fine motor skills. You do something with your hands, it calms and distracts from bad thoughts.
Anastasia Afanasyeva:
“They help keep your hands occupied when you're anxious and shift your focus away from destructive behavior like trying to bite your nails, pick at sores, and so on. Of course, they will not be able to remove the main wave of anxiety and stress.” nine0007
Olya Osokina:
“Toys like this work well. But you need to choose an anti-stress item that is right for you, for example, a pillow with balls, where you can use fine motor skills.”
9. Turn on the blue light
Scientists have found that blue light has a calming effect on the nervous system [10]. It is also used to treat sleep problems. But even in the event of an attack of anxiety, it can bring relief. If there is no suitable lamp at hand, doctors recommend going outside. Daylight has a positive effect on our body, thanks to the sun, the hormone of joy, serotonin, is produced, which will definitely help in the fight against fear. nine0007
Anastasia Afanasyeva:
“Color has no effect on the level of anxiety that reigns in society today. Rather, it is important to go outside under natural light to promote the production of vitamin D. It has a positive effect on mood and immunity.”
Olya Osokina:
“In my opinion, color and light should be considered individually for each person. Generally speaking, a soft, unsharp light that doesn't dazzle your eyes works best. People often talk about the color blue because it is associated with calmness and peace and evokes positive emotions.” nine0007
10. Seek help
If you experience uncontrollable panic attacks that recur constantly, you should seek help from a therapist or psychologist.
Sofya Khasieva:
“The ability to feel fears and doubts about future events, based on previous experience, helps to avoid perceived dangers and, ultimately, to survive. However, in today's busy world, the ability to worry can be very maladaptive. Our task is to learn how to regulate anxious reactions and support ourselves in difficult times. nine0007
When acute or chronic anxiety prevents you from adapting to the situation and life in general, communicating with people, building relationships, achieving goals, you need to see a doctor. If your anxiety is so strong that it affects sleep and appetite, you find it difficult to perform routine activities or try new things, and panic attacks make you unable to leave the house, then it may not just be anxiety, but about anxiety disorder.
The spectrum of anxiety disorders is diverse. They are treated by psychotherapists and psychiatrists. They use a combination of non-drug and drug therapies. Choose psychotherapists and psychologists who work in well-researched areas (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy, EMDR) that are highly effective.” nine0007
Anastasia Afanasyeva:
“You should go to the doctor if you have panic attacks almost every day, you cannot sleep and/or eat, your mood has steadily decreased, and suicidal thoughts have appeared. In this case, you should consult a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.
If you feel a surge of panic, remember that panic is a manifestation of intense anxiety and an adrenaline rush. The best thing you can do is get over this anxiety. To do this, you can imagine the rolling of this sensation as a wave that rises and falls, and gradually fades. After all, if we do not reinforce anxiety, then adrenaline stops being thrown out and it recedes. nine0007
Olya Osokina:
“Every person tends to experience fear and anxiety. Panic occurs when several exciting events occur at one moment and the psyche cannot cope. When you feel a seizure, the first thing to do is stop and count the objects around you. The second thing you should pay attention to is breathing, it is important to start breathing in and out slowly.
It must be understood that panic and panic attacks are not a disease that can be treated with pills. If you experience such attacks on a regular basis, you need the help of a psychotherapist to develop the right mechanism to restore mental balance.