Quiz boyfriend girlfriend

73 Great Questions for the Girlfriend/Boyfriend Tag (List)

What would the vlogging world be without cute couples who answer questions about themselves? A lot less entertaining, that’s for sure.

One of the most popular couple’s vlog is the “boyfriend tag” or “girlfriend tag” (depending on if the channel owner has a girlfriend or boyfriend).

In this tag, the girlfriend or boyfriend of the channel owner answers questions about the relationship and their partner to prove how much they really know about them.

Here’s an example of the Boyfriend Tag by LaurDIY:

If you can’t wait to record your first girlfriend or boyfriend tag video, but haven’t found the right questions yet, you’re in luck: I’ve put together a list with 73 questions for couples in any stage of their relationship. Feel free to pick your favorite questions for your video and leave your own question ideas in the comments:


  • 1. When/where did we meet?
  • 2 Where was our first date?
  • 3 Where/when was our first kiss?
  • 4. Who said “I love you” first?
  • 5. When is my birthday?
  • 6. Where was I born?
  • 7. What color are my eyes?
  • 8. Which food do I like/hate?
  • 9. I’m sitting in front of the TV. What’s on the screen?
  • 10. What’s my favorite band/musician?
  • 11. When/where did you meet my parents?
  • 12. What’s my shoe size?
  • 13. What’s my weirdest habit?
  • 14. What am I good at?
  • 15. What am I okay at?
  • 16. What am I really bad at?
  • 17. Which sport do I like the most?
  • 18. What’s my favorite song?
  • 19. What film always makes me cry?
  • 20. What drink do I always order?
  • 21. If I was collecting something, what would it be?
  • 22. What is something you wish I didn’t do?
  • 23. Where would I love to travel to?
  • 24. I’m ordering a pizza. What toppings does it have?
  • 25. I’m making a sandwich. What’s on it?
  • 26. If I could, what candy could I eat all day long?
  • 27. If I could live anywhere in the world, where would I live?
  • 28. What weird talent do I have?
  • 29. Where does my family come from?
  • 30. What am I deathly afraid of?
  • 31. What’s my nickname?
  • 32. What is my favorite author?
  • 33. What’s my favorite book?
  • 34. What’s my favorite color?
  • 35. What kind of films do I like?
  • 36. What is the first thing that I do in the morning?
  • 37. Complete this sentence: “My girlfriend/boyfriend is ______”
  • 38. What’s my middle name?
  • 39. What’s my best friend’s name?
  • 40. Where was our first trip together?
  • 41. How do I drink my coffee/tea?
  • 42. Who is the dominant one in our relationship?
  • 43. What’s my favorite video game?
  • 44. Which of my hobbies do you find the least interesting?
  • 45. Who usually wins our arguments?
  • 46. What do we usually argue about?
  • 47. What’s my favorite clothing item?
  • 48. How long do I need in the morning to get ready?
  • 49. Am I a morning or an evening person?
  • 50. If you could change anything about me, what would it be?
  • 51. What’s my favorite type of junk food?
  • 52. I am at the zoo. Where will I spend all of my day?
  • 53. What’s my favorite city?
  • 54. Am I a mountain or a beach girl/boy?
  • 55. Have I ever practiced an instrument? Which one?
  • 56. What was my first job?
  • 57. What was/is my least favorite subject in school?
  • 58. When do I become the biggest fangirl/fanboy?
  • 59. Where am I on a Friday night?
  • 60. How do I spend my vacations?
  • 61. What is my weirdest interest?
  • 62. What’s my favorite song right now?
  • 63. What is one thing I love doing but most people don’t?
  • 64. I’m going to Starbucks. What will I order?
  • 65. What did you learn from me?
  • 66. What’s our song?
  • 67. What TV show do I like that you hate?
  • 68. Who is the organized one in the relationship?
  • 69. Who is more jealous?
  • 70. I won $1,000. What will I spend it on?
  • 71. Who’s my favorite YouTuber?
  • 72. What celebrity would I love to meet the most?
  • 73. If I was an animal, which one would I be?

FAQ: Boyfriend Tag/Girlfriend Tag

Which questions should I choose?

I’d recommend starting with a few more general questions and then getting more into the specifics. However, the most important thing is that you have fun. So just pick questions that seem fun to you. 🙂

How long should a Boyfriend Tag or Girlfriend Tag video be?

Most bf tag/gf tag videos are between 7 and 15 minutes, but there is really no rule. This boyfriend tag video by Zoella was almost 25 minutes long:

In general, though, it makes sense to shoot a shorter video if you’re a lesser known channel and a longer video if you already have some fans.

More BF/GF Tag Question Ideas?

If you have more ideas for questions, please put them in the comments! Looking forward to reading about your ideas.

Also check out my list of questions for the sibling tag!

180+ Amazing Boyfriend & Girlfriend Tag Questions [2022 Quiz]

If you’re regularly watching YouTube, I think it’s pretty clear to say that vlogs are taking over and question games are a wonderful way to connect with your audiences.

Free download pdf user manual for vision fitness st750 home gym 15008 buy Trenaject in uk anabolic steroid wikipedia, buy testosterone bodybuilding. No matter if you are a YouTuber that bakes pancakes with faces of Jesus, or a magician that can only pull marshmallow bunnies from your hat, making this kind of girlfriend and boyfriend tag question videos is going to get you traction and views.

And the reason for that is simple, people love to get to know you better, and the best way to do that is to answer questions in a video!

In this article, we are talking about the boyfriend tag questions.

We prepared a list of questions and tips, so prepare to have some fun?


What is a Boyfriend/Girlfriend Challenge?

Boyfriend tag questions are a series of questions you ask your boyfriend that he must answer, revealing exactly how much he knows about you.

That’s also a great opportunity for him to get to know YOU better, so if you have problems convincing him to go on a video, make sure he understands how important this can be for your relationship.

Just to let you know, the girlfriend and boyfriend tag challenge is nothing new, they just recently hit trends on YouTube but they’ve been around for a long time and have always served the same simple purpose.

How to Ask BF & GF Couple Tag Questions?

Pretty simple:

Make sure your equipment is working, your BF is ready, and just ask him the questions!

We linked a few YouTube videos of the boyfriend tag in action. Use these as an example to become familiar with it, but be sure to be creative and think of your own video script.

Also, we like to believe that this is the biggest list of questions for boyfriend girlfriend challenge online, so it would be absurd and the video would be over an hour if you went to ask all the questions, so that’s why it is recommended to choose 10-20 that you like the most, depending on the length and depth of your relationship.

118 Boyfriend Tag Questions List:

  • Who is my celebrity crush?
  • Where do I shop for my clothes?
  • What town did I grow up in?
  • Would I rather write a poem or sing a love song to you?
  • What color are my eyes?
  • What is my weird behavior?
  • What are the three favorite things I like about you?
  • Which was my favorite date night with you?
  • Which drinks do I like?
  • Would you take a bath with me?
  • Which is my favorite place to be massaged?
  • Which is my favorite season of the year?
  • How would you describe our first kiss?
  • Would you like to meet my parents?
  • Do I often make you angry?
  • What is my favorite type of car?
  • How would you describe the way I smell?
  • What is my best personality trait?
  • Would you make out with me if I was all sweaty from the gym?
  • If we got married someday, where would you take me for the honeymoon?
  • If we were stuck on a boat with only one life jacket, would you let me have it?
  • What is my dream or goal in life?
  • What is the craziest thing I have ever done?
  • What is my college major?
  • How many languages do I speak?
  • What was your favorite TV show as a kid?
  • Do you remember the first thing I said to you?
  • What is my shoe size?
  • Would I prefer a silver or gold ring?
  • What is my favorite brand of chocolate?
  • Would you sleep with my sister to save my life?
  • What is my best childhood memory?
  • Why do you think you were attracted to me?
  • When did you meet my parents?
  • What type of flowers do I like?
  • Would I rather hug or kiss?
  • What do I dislike most?
  • What I often do in my free time?
  • What is my best feature?
  • If you were stuck on a deserted island with me for a day, what would you do?
  • What is my favorite color?
  • What part of your body is my favorite?
  • Which is my favorite type of clothing?
  • Would you notice if I did not wear pants?
  • Who is my best friend?
  • What is my favorite food?
  • What would my ideal breakfast in bed be?
  • What is my greatest fear?
  • Do I love kids?
  • Where is the most public place we have had sex?
  • Would I prefer a dream wedding to be simple or luxurious?
  • Do I have any birthmarks? If so, where?
  • Which is my all-time favorite restaurant?
  • How long have we dated?
  • Do you believe in soul mates?
  • What is the first thing I wish you didn’t do?
  • What is my middle name?
  • Would I enjoy breakfast in bed?
  • Would you kiss me in front of your mother?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, rate my sex game.
  • Do I prefer cuddling on the couch to a dinner date?
  • What is my favorite sex position?
  • Which kind of music do I like most?
  • Which is my favorite ice-cream flavor?
  • Which is my sexy lingerie that you love the most?
  • Which song reminds you of me?
  • Which is my favorite read?
  • How do you feel when you think of me?
  • Which drink do I hate?
  • What am I great at?
  • How did we meet?
  • What was your favorite subject in school?
  • How many siblings do I have?
  • Which is my ideal house?
  • What are the three countries that I really would like to visit?
  • Would you take me to meet your mother?
  • Which is my favorite pet name?
  • When was the first time you said “I love you” to me?
  • What part of my body is your favorite?
  • Where was our first date?
  • Describe me in 3 words.
  • What is the first thing that you ever gave me?
  • Where does my family come from?
  • Which three things could make me laugh till I cry?
  • Do I like kissing or cuddling more?
  • What is your favorite takeout place during this quarantine?
  • Which song do I like most?
  • When is my birthday?
  • Where was our first public kiss?
  • What grade was I when I had my first kiss?
  • If I was critically ill, would you donate your organ to save my life?
  • What are my deal breakers?
  • Which part of my body do I like being kissed most?
  • If I moved to another city, would you relocate with me?
  • What eye color did you wish I had?
  • What is the one soft spot I have?
  • Where was our first kiss?
  • Do you like it when I wax?
  • Which sport do I like?
  • What would I eat every day if I could?
  • Do I have any allergies?
  • What outfit of yours do I like the most?
  • Coffee or tea?
  • Which film do I like most?
  • Who is my closest female friend?
  • What is your favorite memory of me so far?
  • What is the one thing that you love most about me?
  • What is something you wish I didn’t do?
  • At what point did you decide to make us “official”?
  • Which religion do I profess?
  • Do I prefer the lights on or off during sex?
  • Do I love being kissed in public?
  • Do you think I am your soul mate?
  • Where did we take our first picture together?
  • What is my ideal vacation?
  • Do you remember the day when we first met?
  • How would you describe the way I kiss?
  • Can you read me by looking into my eyes?

62 Girlfriend Tag Questions List:

  • Do you remember who said the first “I love you”
  • Which one is my favorite: Coffee or tea?
  • Will you love no matter my wealth and health?
  • What is my favorite movie and why?
  • Here we ever tried to kiss each other in awkward situations?
  • Mostly what do you love in me and please tell me why?
  • Which one is my favorite – watching movies or reading books?
  • Going with your friends or going with me?
  • Whom do you hate the most from my friends?
  • Do I prefer Pizza or burgers?
  • Do you know my favorite drinks?
  • Do you remember what I was wearing on our first date?
  • Do you remember the background music on our first date?
  • Do you remember the exact date of our first date?
  • What is our favorite song?
  • Which sports do I like?
  • What is the best way to get my attention?
  • What do I like the most in people?
  • What is my favorite – Rap or Rock music?
  • Do you know what my favorite car is?
  • Please tell us how many languages do I know?
  • How many children do I want?
  • Have you ever regretted my behavior?
  • Have you ever hidden something from me?
  • Would you rather be on social media or play a video game?
  • Have you ever hidden food from me?
  • What are your favorite home date night ideas during this stay at home order?
  • Have you ever lied to me about your location?
  • Have you ever wanted to end our relationship?
  • Do you know what my father’s age is?
  • Do I like dogs or cats? And please tell me why?
  • Have you ever wished me to be taller?
  • Have you ever regretted my company with you?
  • How would you recognize me in a crowd if you couldn’t see my face?
  • How would you describe me with just only one word?
  • Would you live your whole life with me?
  • What I love most about this life?
  • Do I prefer Italian cousins over Chinese?
  • What is my favorite snack and why?
  • What’s the favorite gift you got from me?
  • What is your weirdest habit?
  • Do you love me more than your parents or siblings?
  • Would you die for our love?
  • How many grandchildren do I want?
  • What is your favorite Netflix show to binge on during covid?
  • What do you like about my parents?
  • Have you ever lied to me about the sex?
  • What’s my favorite place on vacation?
  • Do you often get angry with my behavior?
  • Do I play sports and If yes, which one?
  • What is your favorite sports team?
  • What do you think is my favorite thing about you?
  • Do you think we can have more than 5 children?
  • What do you think I love most about your parents?
  • What do you think I love most about your siblings?
  • What do you think I love most about your friends?
  • Who do I like more – Kobe Bryant or Lebron James?
  • What type of chocolate is my favorite and why?
  • What are my favorite hobbies and why?
  • What is my favorite book and which one is the latest I’ve read?
  • Do you know what my dream job is?
  • Do you know my favorite actor and actress and why?

Boyfriend Tag Video Examples:

Hope you guys liked this one, if you end up making a video about GF or BF Tag, please let us know and we’ll post it here!

Make sure to check out Best-friend Tag and Never Have I Ever Questions.

Thanks for reading and have fun making this boyfriend tag video!

250+ questions to get to know someone

📖 Content:

  • Why ask questions?
  • 50 Questions to ask a guy
  • 50 questions to ask a girl
  • 50 questions to ask friends
  • 50 Funny questions
  • 25 deep questions
  • 25 BONUS ATSUMENTIONS: Best 20 questions of the game

Why ask questions ?

In order to meet new people and strengthen relationships with them, it is important to ask the right questions. By exchanging your darkest thoughts, deepest desires, and greatest dreams with each other, you simultaneously take your relationship to a whole new level. These questions are the perfect conversation starter to dive into a deep conversation with the person of your choice. nine0025

Our collection of 250+ questions is divided into six different categories so you can find the right questions for your specific situation. Check them out and have fun!


Which Vampire Diaries character are you?

Mystic Falls is not a place for everyone. But do you still think you could survive? Find out which Vampire Diaries character you are now!

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Our collection of 250+ questions

Let's start with our collection of 250+ questions to get to know someone better. First we put together 50 questions to ask a guy and then 50 questions to ask a girl. These two categories are perfect if you want to connect with the opposite sex on a more personal level. I mean, doesn't every guy want to know what the girl of his dreams thinks? Or every woman, how does the boy of her dreams feel? The third category is filled with questions for your friends.

Whether they are old friends or you have just met them, you will learn something new. The last three categories are made for very fun, deep and thoughtful conversations. These thought-provoking and deep questions are made for a night full of conversation. And if you're missing these six categories: In the latest list, we've rounded up the top 20 questions for your 20-question game! nine0025

50 questions to ask a guy

  1. What do you find attractive in a woman?
  2. Would you rather always stare for six hours or have sex for less than 7 minutes?
  3. Would you prefer a bubble bath or a shower?
  4. What turns you on?
  5. Have you cooked breakfast in bed for your girlfriend?
  6. What do you like most about sleeping with a girl?
  7. What makes you insecure?
  8. What makes us girls so excited? nine0006
  9. Would you rather be with your cousin or be the one who ends the relationship with your true love?
  10. How attractive do you think you are on a scale of 1 to 10?
  11. Would you rather be with someone shorter than you or taller?
  12. Which Disney prince are you?
  13. What is your definition of a “real man”?
  14. Would you rather have your nude photos sent to your family or to the entire internet?
  15. If you were a girl during the day, what would be the first thing you would do? nine0006
  16. Would you rather wear sweatpants for the rest of your life, or would you never wear sweatpants again?
  17. Would you like a girl if she was taller than you?
  18. Are women equal to men?
  19. Would you rather be chronically underdressed or overdressed?
  20. What is the first thing you notice in a woman?
  21. Which actor will play you in a film about your life?
  22. Would you rather swim in a Nutella pool or a maple syrup pool? nine0006
  23. What is the worst and best thing about being a man?
  24. Would you rather marry the living person or marry the living person?
  25. Would you rather find true love today or win the lottery next year?
  26. What would you do if a guy asked for your number?
  27. Have you ever had a sexual dream?
  28. Would you rather take a picture of a body, or would one take a picture of you?
  29. What are some unfulfilled things in your life? nine0006
  30. Where do you see yourself in retirement?
  31. What would you like a girl to know before dating you?
  32. Would you rather have a baby every year for 20 years or never have a baby at all?
  33. Who is the woman of your dreams, dead or alive?
  34. What does it mean to you to cheat?
  35. What do you personally think of your friend's relationship?
  36. Would you rather be an extra in a really good movie or have a big role in a really bad movie? nine0006
  37. What do you think of hairy legs?
  38. Would you rather always have a small stone in your shoes or always have mud in your shoes?
  39. What is your favorite song?
  40. Would you rather be happy or rich?
  41. Is there anything you have long dreamed of doing? Why didn't you do it?
  42. What is the sweetest thing you have ever done for a girl?
  43. What do you think about having children?
  44. What does love look like for you? nine0006
  45. Would you like to always know what time it is or always have the exact changes?
  46. What is it about the opposite sex that attracts you?
  47. Would you rather be an unknown superhero or a famous villain?
  48. Would you like everyone you know to be able to read your mind, or would you like everyone you know to have access to your Internet history?
  49. Do you believe in God?
  50. What was the best day of your life?

50 questions to ask a girl

  1. What would you do if a girl asked for your number and hit you?
  2. How do you know when you are in love?
  3. Would you rather take amazing selfies but look terrible in every other photo, or be photogenic in everything but your selfies?
  4. Would you rather have a dog treat with every meal or with every meal?
  5. What do you think of feminism?
  6. Would you rather forget how to speak or forget how to read? nine0006
  7. If you were pregnant today, what would you do?
  8. What would you like a guy to know before meeting you?
  9. Would you rather throw yourself into an uncontrollable dance every time someone hums, or will you never be able to sing again?
  10. What is the most important thing that guys need to understand about a girl that you think they don't understand?
  11. Would you rather be in prison for five years or in a coma for a decade?
  12. What is your favorite scent? nine0006
  13. What is the worst and best thing about a woman?
  14. Would you rather wear stilettos to sleep or slippers everywhere you go?
  15. What is the worst thing about relationships?
  16. Would you rather have the light on or off?
  17. What do you think about marriage?
  18. Would you rather exchange some intelligence for views or views for intelligence?
  19. Would you still like a guy if he was much shorter than you?
  20. How much honesty do you need in a relationship? nine0006
  21. If you were a boy during the day, what would you do first?
  22. Would you rather be trapped in the middle of a food fight or a balloon fight?
  23. What is your opinion about men who refuse to use condoms?
  24. Would you rather be above or below?
  25. Do you believe that the saying "the good guys finish last" has any meaning?
  26. Will you date two guys on the same day? nine0006
  27. Would you rather eat as much chocolate as you want, forever, without any negative side effects, or get $1 million?
  28. Which Disney princess are you?
  29. What are you completely done with?
  30. What memory are you just returning to?
  31. What qualities do you look for in a man?
  32. Would you rather go on a cruise with your boss or never go on vacation again?
  33. Do you think older men are sexy? nine0006
  34. Would you rather be accused of a murder you didn't commit or frame your best friend for a murder you did?
  35. Can I call you when I want to hear your voice?
  36. Which actress will play you in a film about your life?
  37. Have you ever lost someone close to you?
  38. What was the last concert you attended?
  39. How attractive do you think you are on a scale of 1 to 10?
  40. Would you rather play chess or checkers? nine0006
  41. What is romanticized in modern culture but shouldn't be?
  42. What is the worst thing you have ever done in your life?
  43. Do you think the bald man is sexy?
  44. Would you rather die in 20 years with no regrets or live to 100 with more regrets?
  45. What is the ugliest piece of clothing you own?
  46. What language would you like to speak fluently?
  47. What do you like about yourself?
  48. Would you prefer universal respect or unlimited power? nine0006
  49. Have you ever had unrequited love?
  50. Would you rather die before or after your partner?

50 questions to ask friends

  1. What is the most illegal thing you have done?
  2. Would you rather lose your eyesight or your memories?
  3. What was the best gift you have ever given to someone?
  4. What food would you never try?
  5. What was/is your favorite subject at school?
  6. Would you rather give up air conditioning and heating for the rest of your life, or give up the Internet for the rest of your life?
  7. What is your ideal burger?
  8. Did you have an experience that you could not explain?
  9. Would you rather never stop growing taller or never need to sleep?
  10. How many phones have you broken or lost?
  11. What is the most useless thing you have ever learned in school?
  12. Would you rather spend a year in the war or a year in prison? nine0006
  13. What would be the exact opposite of you?
  14. How would you save the world?
  15. What scares you the most about the future?
  16. Would you rather spend another 10 years with your partner or spend one night with your celebrity?
  17. What country can you name but don't know anything else besides the name?
  18. What is the best advertisement you have ever seen?
  19. How would you explain what "love" is?
  20. Would you rather forget your partner's birthday or anniversary every year? nine0006
  21. What was the worst thing you ever tried?
  22. What can completely relax you when you are under stress?
  23. What did you really emphasize, it turned out that there is nothing special?
  24. Would you rather breathe underwater or fly?
  25. What would your dream bedroom look like?
  26. What makes you special and unique?
  27. What were some of the turning points in your life?
  28. Would you rather be unable to read or be unable to speak? nine0006
  29. Would you rather go to the cinema or to a concert?
  30. What was your favorite toy as a child?
  31. What would you take if your house was on fire?
  32. Would you rather invent a new gadget or discover a new species?
  33. What was the biggest mistake in history?
  34. How did you meet your best friend?
  35. What book have you read more than once?
  36. What would be your ideal breakfast?
  37. What makes you the most evil? nine0006
  38. What keeps you up at night?
  39. Would you rather have each movie spoiled for you before you watch it, or would you not be able to watch a new movie until it's released within a year?
  40. Have you ever broken your heart?
  41. Would you rather never be able to leave your house or be in your house for only five minutes at a time?
  42. When was the last time you cried and why?
  43. At what age would you like to be forever? nine0006
  44. Would you rather wash your hair with dish soap or shampoo?
  45. When does time go by the fastest and when does it go slowest?
  46. What do you like to do that is traditionally considered feminine?
  47. What is the real story behind your last Instagram post?
  48. Who is your favorite fictional character and why?
  49. Would you rather walk in heels or drive backwards to work?
  50. What is your most unusual fear?

50 funny questions

  1. What is the strangest dream you have ever had?
  2. What was the most embarrassing moment in your life?
  3. Have you ever been in love with an animated character?
  4. Which alcoholic beverage best describes your personality and why?
  5. How long would you survive a zombie apocalypse?
  6. What have you done wrong for most of your life and only recently found the right way to do it? nine0006
  7. Would you prefer a photographic memory or an IQ 200?
  8. Would you rather walk slowly over hot coals or put your hand on a hot iron for 10 seconds?
  9. What TV shows did you watch as a child?
  10. What's the funniest thing about convincing someone of the truth?
  11. What childish item do you still like?
  12. Would you rather change the outcome of the last election or decide on the outcome of the next election?
  13. What was your most embarrassing moment at school (so far)? nine0006
  14. Would you rather buy all used underwear or all used toothbrushes?
  15. Who is famous for their talent, but really shouldn't be?
  16. What's the worst food combination you can imagine?
  17. What reality TV series would you like to participate in?
  18. What age do you feel now and why?
  19. What's the weirdest hobby you've ever heard?
  20. Do you believe in aliens?
  21. What's the weirdest celebrity crush you've ever had? nine0006
  22. If you could replace the handshake as a greeting, what interesting new greeting would you replace it with?
  23. Would you rather get a paper cut every time you turn a page or bite your tongue every time you eat?
  24. What is the funniest tattoo you have ever seen?
  25. What flavor combination is weird but do you really like it?
  26. What was the strangest thing you ate as a child?
  27. Would you rather get your paycheck in pennies or would you never be able to use cash again? nine0006
  28. What is the strangest way you have become friends with someone?
  29. What is the craziest thing you have ever done?
  30. What is the most ridiculous argument you ever had?
  31. Would you rather wear high heels to bed or slippers wherever you go?
  32. What is the strangest conversation you have ever heard?
  33. What is the strangest gift you have ever received?
  34. What is the most embarrassing thing you have ever done to get someone's attention? nine0006
  35. Would you rather just drink water or never eat cookies again?
  36. What is the worst TV show/movie you have ever watched?
  37. What fictional character would you marry if you had the chance?
  38. What is your most embarrassing sexual history?
  39. What are you too old for, but still enjoying?
  40. If you were a ghost, how would you haunt?
  41. Would you rather be stranded in the jungle or in the desert? nine0006
  42. Do you prefer to always say what you think or never say anything again?
  43. When and how did you know that Santa was not real?
  44. What was the strangest habit you had as a child?
  45. When was the worst time for you?
  46. Would you rather be a brilliant scientist or a world famous artist?
  47. What is the best joke you know?
  48. When was the last time you laughed so hard that you cried?
  49. What's the funniest thing you've done because you were bored? nine0006
  50. If you could be any animal, what would you be?

25 deep questions

  1. How do you think you have changed over the past few years?
  2. Would you rather spend every weekend indoors or spend every weekend outdoors?
  3. What is the most interesting fact you know?
  4. How would you describe your relationship with your family?
  5. How did you deal with your feelings and emotions as a child?
  6. When did you really step out of your comfort zone? nine0006
  7. Would you rather have an eyebrow or a full back?
  8. What is the most important part of friendship?
  9. What is the most important thing you have learned in life?
  10. Would you rather see your future or see the future of everyone but your own?
  11. What is the worst advice someone gave you?
  12. What was the happiest moment in your life?
  13. What are you most grateful for?
  14. Would you rather sleep every day for a week or not sleep at all for four days? nine0006
  15. What always puts a smile on your face?
  16. Would you rather never remember someone's face or never remember someone's name?
  17. How do you deal with difficult situations?
  18. Would you rather go blind young but always have thick hair, or go bald young but never lose your sight?
  19. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  20. What took you too long to understand?
  21. When you were a child, what was the best part of your adult life? nine0006
  22. Have you ever lost someone close to you?
  23. Do you have insecurities in your life?
  24. Would you rather have the legs of a frog or the head of a fly?
  25. If you knew you were going to die in a year, what would you change in your life?

25 thought-provoking questions

  1. What makes a good life?
  2. Would you rather know all the secrets of space or know all the secrets of the ocean?
  3. How do you feel about what happens after your death? nine0006
  4. Why do you think we are dreaming?
  5. If you could move anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  6. Given the choice of anyone in the world, who would you like to be your dinner guest?
  7. Would you rather meet your favorite fictional character or your favorite musician?
  8. What are the top three things you want to do before you die?
  9. What is your very first memory?
  10. What adventures would you like to have before you die? nine0006
  11. Would you rather be in the mountains or on the beach?
  12. What do you miss in your childhood?
  13. What do you hate about politicians?
  14. What is your dream job and why?
  15. Which superpower do you need the most?
  16. What are your dreams in life and what do you want for your future?
  17. Would you like to always have the wrong shoes or earrings?
  18. If you fell into a coma and woke up in the year 2120, what would you like to know first?
  19. Would you always stink and not know it, or would you always smell something that stinks that no one else smells? nine0006
  20. In which game or movie universe would you like to live?
  21. If you could put something on the cover of a newspaper, what would it be?
  22. What did you really wish you knew when you were younger?
  23. Would you rather sleepwalk every night or talk about dreams every night?
  24. If you could look into the future, what would you like to see?
  25. If you had an invisibility superpower, how would you use it?

Bonus: 20 best questions of the game

  1. If someone gave you a million dollars right now, what would you spend it on?
  2. Who is the happiest person you know?
  3. Would you rather have a fully automated home or a self-driving car?
  4. Would you rather marry someone you don't love or someone who doesn't love you?
  5. What is the most paranormal thing that has happened to you?
  6. What do you think your future family will be like? nine0006
  7. What do people selflessly do to make your life better?
  8. What does your name mean?
  9. What was the best meal you have ever eaten?
  10. What do you think is the most useless animal?
  11. What movie have you seen more than seven times?
  12. What pleasant accent do you hear your language with?
  13. What do you think people automatically think of you when they look at you?
  14. Would you never get stuck in a traffic jam or catch a cold again? nine0006
  15. What has been your most difficult decision so far?
  16. Would you rather have a house on the beach or in the mountains?
  17. What is the most beautiful word for you?
  18. What can you talk about all day?
  19. Would you rather be the best at what nobody cares about, or be slightly above average but not the best at what people care about?
  20. Would you rather have everyone stare at you or blend into the background?

N e w !


What would you choose? questions for couples

Stuck at home with nothing else to do? There are many ways to avoid boredom. One of them is to play a game together.

So here's a simple game in which you will focus all your attention on each other.

How to play What would you choose?

Step 1. Sit next to the people you are playing with. The main thing is that you hear each other well so that everyone enjoys the game.

Step 2: Decide how the turns will work. Only one person can ask a group a question like "What would you choose?" so make sure the queues are set up so everyone can participate. nine0025

Step 3. Be creative! It will be more interesting to see how the people you play with try to decide. When everything is ready, you can start the game!

Optional: Choose a topic for questions. It would be easier to follow the thread so everyone is on the same page in what questions to ask.


Which Demon Slayer character are you?

As a Demon Slayer fan, you must pass this test! Find out which Demon Slayer character you are! nine0025

Start quiz

As you can see from the above, questions are the essence of the game. So here are some tips you can use.

Playing with friends or family? You can check out some of the suggestions in this link for other topics. What would you choose? (Funny, for kids, for teenagers, etc.)

What would you choose?

Google Play App Store

📖 Content:

  • What would you choose? questions for a guy
  • What would you choose? questions for a girl
  • Sexual questions What would you choose? for couples
  • funny What would you choose? questions for couples
  • good What would you choose? questions for couples
  • Weird Which one would you choose? questions for couples

What would you choose? questions for a guy

Here are 10 questions that are best to ask your boyfriend. Whether it's just getting to know him better or just having a good laugh, these questions are sure to open your eyes! nine0025

1. Would you rather kiss me on the forehead or on the cheek?

Both are such cute gestures that any girl would love to receive.

2. Would you rather go with friends or stay at home to be with a girl?

The main question. Be careful with your answer! You may start a small argument if you choose the wrong answer. 🤭

3. Would you rather eat at her favorite restaurant or at her own, but she will always ask for some of your food.?

We know this is a problem for most guys; the girls say they are not hungry, but eventually they ask you for food. This question only applies if perhaps you have different taste buds. nine0025

4. Would you rather be funny or handsome?

Let's say you can only choose one, who would you like to be? 🤔

5. Would you rather be Batman or Superman?

Would you rather be dark and mysterious (and insanely rich, by the way) or be the city's favorite hero with all the cool superpowers?

Difficult choice, but maybe you can ask your girlfriend's opinion on this too!

6. Would you rather marry a rich girl or someone you love? nine0043

It's hard to spend the rest of your life with someone you don't love.

7. Would you rather receive gifts or do you give gifts yourself?

This is a difficult choice for many people. It may also depend on the language of love, which can tell you a lot about your partner.

8. Would you rather send her home late at night or stay with her all night?

If you live far apart, traveling can be tiring, especially if you don't have a car. But girls also appreciate it when guys stay with them as it puts them at ease and makes them feel safe. 😊

Although not all girls would also prefer to stay up late with their boyfriend! Maybe after answering this question, you would talk to your girlfriend!

9. Would you rather dress casually or formally?

The way a person dresses can tell a lot about their personality.

10. Would you prefer a candlelit dinner or a 4 course dinner?

Both are great date ideas, it really depends on your preferences as a couple. Which activity would be more enjoyable for both of you. nine0025

What would you choose? questions for a girl

Not quite sure what questions to ask a girl? Below you can find questions that, in the opinion of the team, will not cause you much trouble. 😋

1. Would you rather meet his family or friends?

Sometimes a guy's family can be intimidating, but so can his friends! If you could only choose between two, which would you choose?

N e w !


2. Would you rather see him only once a week or an hour every day.? nine0043

We know this is a tough question 😩 But just in case, and you really have to choose, what will mean more to you?

3. Would you rather spend Christmas or New Year with him and his family?

We all know that such events are a big deal for any couple; especially if you're spending it with your partner's family. This can make a big impression on them!

4. Would you rather go with him or stay at home to relax?

One of the most common questions. Don't forget that everyone has their own preferences. nine0025

5. Would you rather have a candlelit dinner or a really expensive and trendy one?

Not all girls like it when guys waste money on them. There are girls who prefer small and intimate dating ideas.

6. Would you rather be Wonder Woman or Super Girl?

That's a funny question! Feel free to ask your boyfriend's opinion on this if you're not sure. Thanks to this, you can even have a great conversation!

7. Would you rather have a date at an amusement park or a water park? nine0043

Both are great date ideas that can leave you both with amazing memories.

📖 We offer you: 150+ Most likely questions for couples

8. Would you rather have a picnic with him or go on a trip?

These are some of the most relaxing date ideas, and also the cutest! 😍

9. Would you rather dress casually or formally?

Some girls feel more confident when they dress casually, but again, formal wear has a different effect. Either way, we're sure your partner thinks you look amazing! nine0025

10. Would you rather give gifts or receive them?

This can reveal a lot about the person's love language. Not everyone likes to receive gifts, and there are some who simply need to show their love by giving gifts.

🔞 Sexual questions What would you choose? for couples 🔞

There's nothing wrong with knowing your partner's preferences when it comes to the bedroom. In fact, it's even recommended that you both have a great time!

Ask a few questions below to find out what your partner prefers. Who knows, maybe you will end up well in each other's bedroom. 🤫

1. Would you rather do this with the lights on or off?

It can be very sexy when the lights are off or with little light in the room. Might even revive you guys!

2. Would you rather be upstairs or downstairs?

This is a common question that can greatly affect your sex life. 😉

🤓 We offer you: 101 I Never Question for couples


Would you rather do it in the locker room or at the fire exit?

Both are incredibly weird, which is even more exciting.?

4. Would you rather kiss in public or at a family gathering?

It can be a strange feeling when people look at you guys when you share an intimate moment.

5. Would you rather do this with or without clothes?

There are people who actually prefer to do it in at least some clothes. nine0025

6. Would you rather role play or S&M?

Here it is important to know what will both of you like?

7. Which would you rather do: speed or performance?

There are some girls who really like performing and don't really care how long it takes. But again, just don't be surprised by your partner's response.

8. Would you rather have multiple one-night stands or friends with benefits?

Personally, we like to ask this question to everyone. It can tell a lot about a person.

9. Would you rather do this with your partner before or after marriage?

It may be taboo in many countries, but I personally think that doing it before marriage is actually beneficial, as you can find out if you're sexually compatible.

Imagine spending the rest of your life with someone with whom you are truly incompatible. It's more difficult.

10. Would you rather be each other's first sexual partner or do you already have each other's experience? nine0043

There are people who really want to prepare themselves for the right person, to make sure they can please their partner well.

If you're looking for a little more flirtatious questions, you can check out this link to give you some ideas.

funny What would you choose? questions for couples

Just looking for questions to make you both laugh? Here are 10 tips that can definitely ensure that you have a great time playing this game. nine0025

1. Would you rather see your partner at their worst or learn something really disgusting about them?

The question here is, what can you tolerate or accept? 😂

2. Would you rather lose your eyebrows or your teeth?

It must be strange to see someone without. 😖

3. Would you rather your partner be completely hairless or very hairy?

Being completely hairless is not as weird as you might imagine.

4. If you woke up one day as a member of the opposite sex, would you rather have just a few hours to experience it, or a whole week.?

Spending so much time as the opposite sex can be scary, so some people will actually be fine if you have a few hours to study.

5. Would you rather use their toothbrush or wear their underwear?

I can't imagine what's more unsanitary…

6. Would you rather your partner snore or drool?

Both options have their drawbacks, but if you're a light sleeper, having a snoring partner can be a challenge.

7. Would you rather have a date in a haunted house or in the middle of a forest?

If you have a weak heart, it's better not to go on this date at all 😣

8. Would you rather smell fish or your partner's socks?

I wonder which option is more tolerable 🤔


Would you rather have your most hated song repeated or have your partner sing your favorite song?

This question may not work if your partner has an angelic voice.

10. Would you rather be the weird but fun couple at school or the cool and popular couple?

Remember that if you are cool and popular, chances are high that everyone will be in your relationship. 🤷🏽‍♀️

If you're looking for fun questions What would you choose? to play with your friends or family, check out this article for more suggestions! nine0025

Good What would you choose? questions for couples 👍

Here are some of the good What would you choose? questions that we have specially selected for couples to help them get to know each other better.

Remember that in a relationship it's also important to grow together, so I hope these questions will help you with that!

1. Would you rather live in an apartment or a private house?

This would be a great question to help you decide on something for the future.

2. Would you rather have 1 or 3 children? nine0043

Newlyweds? This question can be a great conversation starter if you're thinking about starting a family.

3. Would you rather spend more time with her/his side of the family or with yours?

Not everyone is in favor of spending time with family. So it would be interesting to know what your partner prefers it to be!

4. Would you prefer a big wedding or a small but intimate one?

You might think that all girls dream of a big and luxurious wedding, although this is not always the case. Sometimes small and intimate weddings are the most fun. nine0025

5. Would you rather be a cool and forgiving parent or a strict one?

This is a big dilemma for all parents. As much as you want to protect your children, you want them to trust you.

6. Would you rather make enough money and be happy, or make a lot of money and never be happy?

This is such a great question that can tell you a lot about the person you're with. Try asking a few follow-up questions to find out the reason for their answer. nine0025

7. Would you rather be a housewife / a housewife or a bread maker in the family?

Any role plays an important role in the family.

8. Would you rather travel internationally or locally?

Travel can be a great way to strengthen your bond with each other. 💪🏼

9. Would you rather live well but spend it alone or struggle but surrounded by amazing people?

A great support system is one of the most important things in life. ❤️

10. Would you rather go before your partner or ask your partner to leave before you?

Just thinking about it makes our hearts hurt 😔 but if you had to choose, what would it be?

🔞 Weird What would you choose? questions for couples 🔞

Want to spice things up with you and your partner? Here are some of the more unusual questions we've chosen that could keep the fire going between the two of you. 😉


Would you prefer bondage or role play? nine0043

Remember that this is a personal choice. Choose what you prefer.

2. Would you rather do it in front of a mirror or in the shower?

Both can really spice up your sex life.

3. Would you rather be a housekeeper or a subordinate?

Domination or submission. The answer to this question can tell you a lot about how your partner is in bed.

4. Would you rather play a role-play game or a really long foreplay with your partner? nine0043

Foreplay is a big step for us girls so just something to think about 😉

5. Would you rather have a threesome or a group session?

What do you think would be the most interesting for you and your partner? 🤔

6. Would you rather do it publicly, with no one, or secretly but with a lot of people?

Imagine the thrill of being silent. 🤫

7. Would you rather do it with music, or a TV in the background, or a quiet room? nine0043

There are people who prefer to use background noise, while others appreciate the intimacy that comes with working in a quiet room; hearing nothing but each other.

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