Angels are around us
Signs of Angels » How to Know Angels are Around » Sarahdawn Tunis
Angels, our protectors and the divine messengers of God, love to help and interact with us. So, they often send signs as guidance, to answer our questions or simply to let us know they are around. The signs of angels being active in your life are all around. You simply need to open your heart and look for them.
The Life with Angels SeriesThis is part 3 of the Life with Angels Series. To get the most out of this series, I recommend you read the articles in order.
- Life with Angels 1: Inviting the Angels into Your Life
- Life with Angels 2: Getting to Know the Angels
- Life with Angels 3: Signs of Angels
- Life with Angels 4: Connecting to the Angels (Coming Soon)
The first two articles went over the benefits of angels how to invite them into your life and how to get to know them. By now you may be starting to feel the presence of angels more often. You may even know the names of your guardian angels. The next step in your life with angels is to begin looking for the signs of angels.
Signs of Angels
Signs are the most common and easiest way for the angels to let us know they are around. The signs of angels are how the angels give us their guidance, love and support.
Since angels can’t just walk into the room and say, “Hey what’s up?” they find other ways to let us know they are around and watching out for us. Although, they are not physical beings angels do have the ability to manipulate the physical world around us.
They may put something in our path that triggers a thought or emotion, answers a question or guides a decision we’ve asked for help with. They can set a timeline in motion that either sends us to a sign or the sign to us.
The signs of angels are varied and can come in just about any form. So, it does require us to pay attention and look for them. You need to be aware of your thoughts, feelings and the world around you. Although the signs of angels may often seem to come out of nowhere, they will only appear if you have an open heart and you believe.
In fact, the only two requirements to receive signs of angels is for you to ask and to believe. Angels do not send signs to prove their existence. Rather signs are for those who already believe and are asking for assistance.
Although signs of angels can come in any form there are a few signs that are more common. By learning some of these signs and paying attention to the world around us we can get to know the angels, form a lasting relationship with them and even have a conversation with them.
Look for These Signs of AngelsLook for the following signs and synchronicities in your daily life. You may notice them more often after praying, meditating or asking for help.
Feathers are one of the most common and well-known signs of angels. If you find a feather in your path, especially if it is a white feather, the angels are letting you know they are with you and listening to your prayers.
It is often a sign of protection, love, and support.
Coins of any kind may be a sign of angels. Like feathers, angels will put coins along your path to let you know they are with you.
They often appear if you are worried about a physical or material need. Finding a coin often means your needs are being taken care of, so give your worries to God and the angels.
Coins may also be a sign from crossed over loved ones and/or spirit guides, letting you know they are near and watching over you.
Baby’s Breath:
The flower Baby’s Breath is also an indication of angels being present. Baby’s breath symbolizes purity, innocence and everlasting love. Often used as a filler in bouquets, baby’s breath surrounds and accents the primary flower in the arrangement. The way angels surround and assist people along their life path. The long-lasting bloom of the baby’s breath represents how the angel’s love for us endures through all the changes and the phases we go through in life.
Angel Numbers:
Numbers carry energy and each number resonates with and carries certain energies. The angels use this energy of numbers to communicate certain messages.
If you see a number a lot or a sequence of numbers that stands out to you there is a very good chance the angels are trying to get a message across to you.
I have written An Easy Guide to Angel Numbers a blog series and the book Angel Numbers Mastery to help you receive and understand these important signs of angels.
Angels will appear to us in dreams. When you are dreaming your conscious mind is sleeping and your subconscious is active. Since the subconscious mind is not concerned with keeping it real and with your conscious mind out of the way, dreams are an ideal way for the angels to appear to you and talk to you directly.
Try it tonight. Ask the angels to come to you in a dream as you are going to sleep. Be sure to also ask them to help you remember the dream when you wake up.
You may see certain formations in the clouds. Such as an angel, a heart, or a feather.
These formations are confirmation that the angels are listening to you and with you.
Other shapes and formations in the clouds may serve as a direct message to you as well. So keep looking up.
Environmental signs:
Anything you come across in your environment may be a sign from the angels. This includes billboards, flyers, graffiti, t.v. or radio commercials. Pretty much anything you come across may have a sign or message for you.
These signs often contain words or images that are direct answers to a question or decision you are trying to make. For example, you could be driving home from work and thinking about what you should have for dinner when you look up and see a billboard advertising your favorite restaurant.
This can also happen when you drop a book or magazine and it just happens to open to a page that addresses your thoughts or question. You can even try asking a question and then open the Bible, Quran, or any religious or spiritual text to a random page to get the answer. It really works, try it.
A change in the atmosphere around you:
Sometimes when angels are around there will be a change in the air or atmosphere. The sun may come out from a cloud or it may suddenly begin to rain. Often when connecting with angels you will notice the feeling in the air around you will feel lighter, warmer or slightly cooler.
Rainbows have been a sign of hope for a very long time. Anytime you see a rainbow it could be a sign from the angels to have hope and faith. Very intensely colored rainbows, double rainbows, and rainbows that appear when it hasn’t rained have a stronger message.
I remember the day my Grandfather died. As I drove home in tears from the hospice where he had just taken his last breath in my arms, I looked up and saw a rainbow. The sun was going down and there had been no rain at all that day. I pointed it out to my son in the back seat and said, “Look at that rainbow. That is Jesus and the angels taking Grandpa to heaven. Now we know he is okay.”
Pets and Babies
You may have heard before that animals and babies are more likely to see the spiritual due to their innocence. When a baby looks up at the ceiling laughing and waving it is thought they are interacting with the angels watching over them.
Similarly, your pets may seem to be playful or joyfully interacting with an unseen force. Which is likely to be an angel.
Your pets may come to comfort you when you are sad or upset, which can also be a sign that the angels are encouraging your pets to comfort you in times of need.
Your five senses
The angels will deliver messages to you through the five senses of smell, sound, sight, taste and sensation or touch.
Angels will use your sense of smell to let you know they are around. Some people will notice a certain sent when an angel is around them such as roses or a similar pleasing fragrance that seems to come from nowhere.
You may notice a smell that reminds you of someone such as a certain perfume or food cooking. These scents are often an indication of our crossed over loved ones and spirit guides as certain smells remind us of them.
Angels often send signs through your sense of hearing. Someone saying something that seems to answer a prayer, a song on the radio that eerily relates to what you have been thinking about, or a disembodied voice or whisper are all signs of angels.
You may also hear a slight ringing or buzzing sound in your ear that is a call from the angels to give your attention to your life path or to be on the lookout for signs.
Keep in mind this ringing should not be painful or last for long periods of time. That kind of ringing may be a sign of a medical condition, so if it happens, have it checked by your doctor.
Angels and signs of angels can appear to you through your sense of sight. Other than seeing other types of signs you may see bright flashes of light or color. These flashes are angels around you and usually appear as white, blue, purple or indigo depending on the angel.
Seeing a figure in the corner of your eye when no one is there may be an angel watching over you.
If you suddenly notice the space you are in seems to light up and the colors around you become brighter and more vibrant, you are probably in the presence of angels.
Sight, like hearing, is another sign that can be confused with a medical condition, so if you are seeing things especially flashes of light that seem abnormal, painful or are anything other than comforting and peaceful have your doctor make sure nothing is wrong.
A sweet taste in your mouth that comes from nowhere can also be a way the angels let you know they are around you.
Conversely, a bitter or unpleasant taste in your mouth can be a warning sign from the angels. If that happens, pay attention to who or what you are around or thinking about, it may be something or someone you want to avoid.
Your sense of touch is also a common way for angels to let you know they are with you.
You may get goosebumps. Feel a breeze pass by you when the air is still. You may feel a pleasant tingling sensation in your body or get “a chill.” You may even feel the touch of an angel’s hand on your arm or shoulder. A light touch like a feather stroking your face, arm or back. Or you may feel your body being wrapped in the arms and/or wings of an angel’s embrace.
Thoughts and Emotions:
Your own thoughts and feelings will let you know angels are communicating with you. You may have a thought in answer to a question. Or you may feel happy or sad in response to a decision you’re trying to make.
Since we tend to assume our thoughts and feelings are coming from our own mind it is easy to dismiss these angel messages.
Pay attention to what you are thinking and feeling when you are asking the angels for assistance because there is a very good chance that is how you will receive the answer. Especially when you get to more advanced forms of angel communication.
A sense of peace and calm washes over you
You may feel a sense of peace and calm wash over your entire being. A feeling as if, no matter what is going on, everything is okay and will be okay. This feeling is often described as euphoric.
This peaceful feeling may occur in times of stress, anxiety or depression to provide you comfort.
It is also likely to happen at the same time as any other signs or experiences you have with angels. This is because the energy of angels is peaceful, calm, loving and exhilarating.
How do I know if this experience is a sign of angels or just coincidence?Sometimes it may be difficult to distinguish what is a sign of angels and what just happens to be in your environment. This is especially true because these signs do not always come from “out of nowhere.” That white feather you found may have fallen from the tail of that pigeon in the tree above you. That pleasant smell may come from the sudden spritz of an air freshener.
Remember, as I said earlier, angels can manipulate the physical world to create signs for you. Angels will communicate and show you their love and support however it is possible to reach you. However, they primarily communicate through our intuition and feelings.
The best way to determine if a sign is from the angels is by how you feel. Does it feel good, supportive, and helpful? Does it seem to answer a question or be directly related to your thoughts? If so you can safely assume it is a sign of angels.
Always let your heart and intuition guide you. This is primarily how the angels give you messages. So, if you ask the angels to help you through a hard time and get the urge to go for a walk. Do it, you may just find a white feather appears in your path.
Angel Signs are always positiveAngels are positive, high-vibrating beings of light. Their messages are always positive, uplifting and encouraging.
Any sign that is coming from an angel will have a benefit. As soon as you experience the sign you will feel good in some way.
Even the warning signs angels send, alerting you to a potential problem, come in a loving and supportive way.
So, if you ever experience what seems to be a sign of angels but makes you feel a negative emotion, puts you down, or causes any physical or emotional pain it is not a sign of angels. In such a case, ask your angels for guidance and protection.
The next posts in this series include advanced techniques for connecting with the angels. Including how to receive and understand the deeper meanings in the messages angels have for you.
Until then be sure to share any experiences you have with the signs of angels in the comment section below. Do you have anything to add or any questions? Leave a comment for that too.
If you found this post helpful please share it with others. You are more than welcome to use the information contained in this post for any personal or not-for-profit purposes. Please cite Sarahdawn Tunis as the author and include a working link back to this page.
Also by Sarahdawn
Angels All around Us | Franciscan Media
It was a cold winter day when he first appeared as I was stacking books in the religion section of a major bookstore. We began a conversation about classic Catholic authors, mysticism, and spirituality. He was surprised I knew something about the mystics and inquired about how I came to have read so many books on spirituality.
I revealed that I had studied theology and had worked in the Church as a minister of religious education. He asked if he could pray for me because he felt God was leading him to do so. I immediately had a sense that God was present with us. The man’s presence brought a sense of peace and calm to me in a time of turmoil and confusion.
It was my break time, and the man and I went to the café to talk. I learned his name was Michael, and he was studying for ministry in the Orthodox Church. We talked, and I shared that my father was in the hospital in Connecticut and not doing well. I was working at the bookstore after being laid off from a teaching position and I was also suffering from depression. He prayed for peace and God’s presence in my life and the health of my father. I experienced an immense transforming peace that I hadn’t known in a long time.
I never learned Michael’s last name even though, over the next few months, when he would come into the store, I would try to take my break so that we would have coffee and talk about life and prayer. We talked about how family life can be difficult and challenging. We also shared our love for the Eucharist. I wrote in my journal that Michael was like an angel from God who was sent to offer hope and peace during a very difficult time in my life. My father died that May, and I only saw Michael once more after that.
My experience with Michael—and others who have touched my life—seems as though God sent my guardian angel in human form. Reflecting on how God has entered my life through “angels,” I realized that my prayer also led me to ponder ways in which God called me to be one for others.
To Protect and Serve
Everyone has an angel story. It may be the experience of barely avoiding a car accident, or a stranger stopping to help you when your car breaks down on the side of the road. Recently, I was driving the speed limit when the car behind me began bearing down on me. I resisted going faster. Suddenly, a deer raced across the road. Realizing that I probably would have hit the deer if I had been going faster, I gave thanks to God for the protection I felt.
Once, when I was working in a parish, I was leading a Communion service on the feast of the Guardian Angels because the pastor of the parish was called to an emergency and couldn’t say the daily Mass. I read the readings for the day, and one of the daily communicants, a man named Jim, asked if he could share something.
With tears in his eyes, he shared how his guardian angel had protected him from serious injury and had been there at other times. We were all touched by his sharing. Jim got me to become more aware of God’s presence and protection in my life.
The Church teaches that we each have a guardian angel, though I feel as if I’ve had several. Many of us may have had the traditional picture hanging in our rooms of a winged angel helping a child cross a bridge. Or perhaps we have wondered what our angel’s name is. My angels—the non-winged variety—have been called Michael, Jim, Ellie, Rita, and many other names.
I, too, have been called to be an angel. When I was walking home from my job once, I met an older woman who seemed confused trying to cross a busy intersection. I offered to help her. She told me she was lost and looking for the post office so she could pick up her food stamps. I offered to walk with her to the post office and realized that it wasn’t a task she could accomplish on her own.
A phone call the next day to social services arranged for the food stamps to be mailed directly to her and for additional assistance that she needed. I never met her again, but my experience with her told me that I needed to become more aware of how to help seniors, especially those without families.
Easing Life’s Burdens
While I was working as a religious educator in a parish in Lynchburg, Virginia, I took a class in pastoral counseling at Virginia Baptist Hospital, where I visited patients. For several weeks I visited an elderly man in rehab who had suffered a stroke and was learning to speak again.
It was hard for me to understand him in the beginning, but I stayed and listened and came back the following weeks. One day, when I went to visit him, his wife was there to take him home. He introduced me to her and thanked me for listening and talking with him when he was just learning to speak. He told me I had been an angel in his life.
It seems that everywhere I have lived I have met people who have come into my life and been there spiritually for me during lonely and difficult times.
After a major traffic accident 20 years ago, I needed rides to and from physical therapy.
A neighbor, who was the mother of four young children, somehow got me there and back many days. It is the caring, the meals, and the assistance we offer to those in need or at a death of a loved one that make God present to others.
Another story I’m reminded of is when my son was very sick just after being born. He spent two weeks in the neonatal intensive care. People I hardly knew brought meals and support.
Friendship is a training ground for angels. During my senior year of college, I lived in a lay community called Emmaus, along with 11 others. Our landlady, Rita, lived next door, and she provided a listening ear, a cup of tea, and baked goods if we came over to do laundry free of charge in her machine. She patiently listened as we grew in faith and maturity. She would take my hand and say a prayer. She was like a mother to us.
All around Us
During the year between college and graduate school, I went back to Connecticut and lived with my great-aunt, Mary. She had been a widow for many years and was a very prayerful person. During the course of that year she was diagnosed with cancer and decided to forgo chemotherapy. She did not want to die in a hospital and spoke of going to heaven and seeing her beloved husband.
While I believe God wanted me here to help care for Mary, I realized that, in many ways, she was teaching and ministering to me. As she grew weaker, she could do less and less, but the last thing she gave up was helping prepare meals for shut-ins. We talked about her funeral and planned it. Mary was more of an angel to me than I was to her.
Indeed, human angels are all around us. They offer a comforting word or a smile to us when our day may not be going well. On our spiritual journeys, they stand by us during the valleys and dark times.
These angelic people, for me, have been the good listeners who help us in our times of grief or despair. Their reflective listening and encouraging words, a shared verse of Scripture, or a question that causes us to look at life in a new way help us know God’s presence in our lives.
Read the book "Angels around us" online in full📖 - Valeria Gurkova - MyBook.
About my beloved…
Valery Gurkov - author's pseudonym. Born in the USSR.
I am a citizen of Russia. I live in Bulgaria.
I started writing in July 2014 at the request of my daughter. He wrote to her about himself, about his childhood, youth, in order to satisfy her interest in the time when she was not there yet. After half a month, the hard disk on the computer “crumbled”, and then I began to leave everything written in prose. ru to save somehow. After four months of my presence on this site, I was nominated for the 2015 Writer's Award, with an offer to join the Russian Union of Writers. In two years I wrote more than 2000 poems, although before that I did not like poetry at all, and more than 300 stories. For the most part, these are my memories of myself and the events that I witnessed. For his poetry and prose, he was nominated for more than fifty different Russian and international awards, including a literary medal. In the book that is in front of you, one of twenty written, my first stories about my little friends who accompanied or accompany me in my life are published.
Who is this? You will certainly learn this by reading everything that I offer you here.
God bless you! Peace to your home. Clear sky above the head.
Angels around us
- There are no angels, dad! – my daughter smiled and picked up her beloved kitten.
- Don't you have an angel in your arms right now? I asked my daughter smiling.
And really: are there angels? Of course! Angels are around us. Only we are accustomed to them, and sometimes we often do not notice them. And they love us, worry about us, go to help when we need it so much, often save us from inevitable death, replace our eyes, brighten up our loneliness, take trouble away from us, sometimes treat our body and our soul, and most importantly - never betray us.
We betray them very often.
Perhaps that is why I decided to write about those who surrounded or still surround me and all of us in our daily life - the angels who live with us and around us.
First story
Here I put together the once written memories of my shepherd dog, which for a long time became more of a real friend than a dog. The chapters were written at different times and sometimes are not interconnected, but I think, if you do not pay attention to all these conventions, in general, you will like it.
I came home from work and pressed the call button. Joyful Olga, opening the door for me, without saying hello, said: “Look who we have appeared!” In the middle of the room sat still small in age, but rather large puppy. Seeing me, he squealed and, without hesitation, ran up to me, sat down at my feet, looking at me with interest with his intelligent black eyes. I have long wanted to get a dog, but my wife was clearly against it. Yura was then less than two years old, and Sergey had just been born. The prospect of constantly cleaning wool in the apartment frightened Olga. What prompted her to do this at that time? Until now, I don’t understand, but I had the most devoted friend in my life, better than whom, perhaps, there was no one in my life!
At that time I worked in a department where all the staff were mainly engaged in translation from all languages of the world, so almost everyone constantly traveled abroad to practice the language. Dry mixes for children, as now at every step, did not exist before. There were Russian mixtures, with various oatmeal, buckwheat, wheat, but they had so much sugar that even after sifting they caused allergic rashes in my children. Therefore, Yurik was already sitting on normal food, and for Sergey, I ordered everyone who went abroad to buy various infant formulas. Since many were sure that they would probably not be able to bring, I ordered the purchase of food immediately for everyone who went on a business trip. A month later, half of the balcony was littered with baby food - they brought everything! Everything was great, but from the first months Sergey refused all these mixtures and began to eat what was given to his older brother. At that moment, Brig appeared in our family! So, according to the pedigree, our new family member was abbreviated. He immediately liked the balcony supplies, which saved us from the question of where to put all this now?
For two weeks I worked seven days a week, and on the first day, taking the puppy in my arms, I went with him to the forest, which was fifty meters from my house. It was an amazing summer. Everything around was interesting to the puppy and he, without any timidity, began to explore the area, diligently sniffing literally everything. I began to play with him, sometimes running away from him, sometimes catching him when Brig ran away from me. Then he began to play hide and seek with him. Having run three meters, four stood behind a tree and waited for Brig to find me. So we had fun for about an hour, but once again, when I hid, the dog did not find me. I waited and went out from behind the tree. Brig was nowhere to be found. Then I began to call the puppy and look in the nearest district, which was familiar to me to the last bush. But the baby seemed to have fallen through the ground. He was nowhere. After searching for two hours, I sadly went home. A lot of people gathered near the next entrance, as if they were giving some kind of deficit! I went there. On the staircase of the entrance, huddled in a corner, my puppy was sitting and growling at everyone.
At the sight of me, he ran with all his paws past the people surrounding him and, as usual, sat down at my feet. At the same time, his small tail wagged from side to side without ceasing. I took the pet in my arms, and he licked my nose with all puppy joy.
Shepherd from puppyhood was forbidden to enter the kitchen and the children's room. A corridor, a bathroom after coming from the street to wash their paws, a large room and a balcony - this is all where Brig was allowed to be, which he strictly complied with. But, before my arrival from work, the dog, half an hour before my appearance, violated the rule, went to the kitchen and, standing with its front paws on the windowsill, looked out the window and waited for me. At first, the wife scolded Brig for this, but realizing that it was incorrigible, she left him alone. At the same time, now she herself could always know that I would soon arrive. They say that animals have no soul. I think that, on the contrary, many people sometimes do not have a soul. Try to determine where the person you love is? At least the direction. Try to determine when he will come home from work. You see, you, like me, it is difficult. But Brig could do it. How can you say that dogs have no soul. I think it was bigger than my own at the time.
Angels around us | Learning Center
It should be noted that there are other prayers that allude to the constant presence of angels around us.
11/16/2016 14:19 1980
Sholem Lugov
Angels around us According to Jewish tradition, there are angels who accompany us on our journey. This is taught from the words of Psalms (91:11), where it says: "For he commanded his angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways." When a person enters the restroom, angels cannot accompany him (since they do not enter a ritually unclean place), so it is advisable to apologize to them before that. And our sages have established a special prayer for this (see the treatise "Berakhot" 60b): "I beg you . .. servants of the Most High ... wait here, dear angels, until I leave the restroom."
This prayer is given in the Shulchan Aruch (section "Lifestyle" 3:1), but it is also said there that it is not customary to say these words in our time. TAZ explains that nowadays people are not so God-fearing that the angels from accompany them. In the commentary "Kaf ha-Chaim" is an explanation of the Kabbalist r. M. Papiras, that according to the opinion of ARIZAL, this phrase should be spoken in order to save oneself from mentioning the words of the Torah in the toilet. But further he writes that these words most likely refer to the chosen people who devoted all their time to the study of the Torah. The author of the book “Arukh a-Shulkhan” also thinks, and r. Avraham Aizenshtat, in his collection Pithei Teshuvah, believes that since this prayer is read individually and in a whisper, then this can be desired. Most modern authorities believe that it is arrogant behavior for a person to think that he is at a level that deserves to be accompanied by angels all the time, so this prayer should not be said.
It should be noted that there are other prayers that allude to the constant presence of angels around us. So, in the words from our prayer “He will send peace to us and to all Israel, and we will say:“ Amen ””, the plural “and we will say” is used, which, according to the teachers of the law, refers to the angels who are present near us. Also, when we sing “Peace be with you…” on Saturday night, we are clearly referring to the angels (“Peace be with you, angels of ministry”) who accompanied us from the synagogue on our way home. There is also an opinion that when we greet each other in the plural "Peace be with you ...", this refers to the angels who accompany each Jew.
This is because in the case of a greeting there is no problem in assuming that the Jew has angels accompanying him. With regard to personal prayers, it is said that the Sabbath is an exception compared to our ordinary manner of behavior. The presence of angels as a result of the fulfillment of the commandments can also be considered normal.