Am i self destructive quiz
Self-Sabotage Quiz — The Ford Institute
1. How long have you been working on the same issues, be they in the area of your career, health, intimate relationships, or finances?Less than 12 months
1-3 years
More than five years
More than ten years
2. In the past 12 months, how many times have you misplaced something important, gotten a traffic ticket, had an accident, or destroyed something of value?
Once or twice
More than five times
More than ten times
3. How often do you feel phony, inauthentic, or find that it takes a lot of effort to get people to perceive you in a certain way?
All the time
Almost never
4. If your friends, co-workers and family members were interviewed, would they say that you complain...
Seldom to never
Maybe once a day
All the time
5. In the past 12 months, how many times have you said something that you later regretted, whether immediately or over time?
Once or twice
More than five times
More than ten times
6. After you've achieved a personal goal - reached your desired weight, paid off your credit cards, organized your home or office, etc. - which of the following emotions are you more likely to experience?
Relieved that you made it but wary that you may backslide into old behaviors
Entitled - you deserve a reward for all your hard work!
Motivated by your success and committed to keeping up the good work
Resentful that you had to work so hard in the first place
7. How often do you notice yourself feeling inadequate, not good enough, unloved, or unworthy?
All the time
Almost never
8. On a scale of 1-10, how willing are you to speak your truth, even if it runs contrary to the opinions of others?
8-10; I am very willing to speak my truth.
5-7; Most of the time I am willing to speak my truth.
3-5; I am occasionally willing to speak my truth.
1-2; I am almost never willing to speak my truth.
9. In your life right now, your primary focus is on...
Advancing your career, improving your health, building wealth, or deepening your relationships
Managing strained relationships or "putting out fires" at work and at home.
Making measurable progress toward your goals over a reasonable period of time.
Trying to avert or avoid immediate disaster in the area of your finances, relationships, health or career.
10. What percentage of the time can you count on yourself to keep your word and uphold your promises - whether to yourself or to another?
Less than 10%
Less than 25%
About half the time
Most of the time
11. How much time each day do you spend gossiping - whether talking about someone you know, reading tabloids or watching gossip TV?
Less than one hour a day
More than one hour a day
More than three hours a day
12. Which of the following statements would you use to describe your life?
Most of the time, things work out fairly easily for me.
I have many talents and gifts, but do not use them to their fullest potential.
I am riddled by bad luck and find myself in one bad situation after another.
I have to work hard just to maintain the status quo.
13. How many hours a day do you spend working toward your long-term goals?
Less than twenty minutes per day
An hour or more per day
You have no long-term goals
14. How frequently do you feel mistreated, misunderstood, or taken advantage of - in either your personal or professional life?
Every day
Seldom to never
15. When asked to do something that you have no interest in doing, you are most likely to...
Say no with a clear conscience
Say no but feel guilty about it
Say yes but not follow through
Say yes but feel resentful about it
16. Imagine that your life is a house with many rooms. How many people do you allow to see all of your rooms?
One significant person - a spouse, lover, best friend, parent, etc.
A small handful of people know me that well
There are many people in my life who know me that well
17. When you feel hurt by someone or something, what do you tend to do?
Keep it to yourself
Reflect, forgive, and move on
Confront the situation head-on
Talk about it to everyone but the person involved
18. When you get an impulse or an idea about how to improve some aspect of your life, you usually...
Ignore it completely
Take a few steps in the right direction but rarely see the project through to the finish line
Tell yourself that you'll "get to it one of these days"
Create a support structure around yourself to ensure that you take action.
19. The last time you found yourself with a block of unexpected free time, what did you do?
Squandered it by catalog shopping, watching TV or surfing the internet
Used the opportunity to move forward on an important project
Relaxed and rejuvenated yourself by taking a nap, meditating or reading
Your life is so hectic that you can't recall an occasion when you had an unexpected block of free time
When you make a mistake, are you more likely to...
Be gentle with yourself and resolve to do things differently in the future?
Put things in perspective by acknowledging yourself for what you did right?
Fall into a downward spiral of self-criticism?
Interpret your misstep as evidence that you are incompetent, and stop trying?
Am I Self-Destructive Quiz
Quizzes / October 3, 2022 October 3, 2022
This post contains “Am I Self-Destructive Quiz” to help you become aware of ways you might be sabotaging yourself.
What Is Self-Destructive Behavior?Self-destructive behavior is something will likely cause self-harm, be it emotional or physical, deliberate and planned or unconscious and impulsive, obvious or subtle.
The Risky, Impulsive, & Self-destructive behavior Questionnaire (RISQ)Self-destructive behaviors can take many different forms:
- Attempting suicide
- Binge eating
- Compulsive activities like gambling, gaming, or shopping
- Impulsive and unprotected sexual behavior
- Substance use, such as alcohol and drug abuse
- Physical harm or elf-injury, such as cutting, hair pulling, burning
The Risky, Impulsive, & Self-destructive behavior Questionnaire (RISQ) is a 38-item self-report questionnaire that measures risky, impulsive, and self-destructive behaviors in 8 domains (aggression, self-harm, gambling, impulsive spending/driving, impulsive eating, risky sex, illegal behavior, and alcohol use).
For each behavior, you note the number of times you have engaged in the behavior in your lifetime, how many times in the past month, how old you were when you first started engaging in the behavior, if there were any consequences (e.g., legal, relationship, financial) as a result of their behavior (dichotomous: yes/no), and how strongly you agree with statements that assess your motivation (distress or pleasure) for engaging in the behavior.
A copy of the questionnaire is provided here: RISQ self-report
Note: If you or a loved one are experiencing suicidal thoughts, reach out for help immediately. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is available 24/7 and can be reached at 1-800-273-8255, or 988.
Related: How To Step Out Of Denial? Top 10 Steps To Overcome Denial When The Truth Is Heartbreaking
Am I Self-Destructive QuizThere are also more subtle forms of self-sabotage.
The following questions represent common forms of subtle self-destructive behaviors:
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#1. Do you often talk about yourself in a derogatory way, insisting that you’re not attractive enough, smart enough, or good enough?
No#2. Do you often cling to people who are not interested in you?

No#4. Do you often find yourself blaming others or feeling like a victim?
No#5. Do you often engage in maladaptive behaviors, such as procrastination, chronic avoidance, indecisiveness, passive-aggressiveness?
No#6. Do you often ignore difficult feelings, suppress them, or numb them using distractions or addictions?
We will not sell your information. All results are kept confidential.
This quiz is for informational purposes only. It is not meant as a diagnostic or assessment tool.
ResultsThe questions above represent common signs of subtle self-destruction. If you answered yes to most of these questions, then you might be sabotaging yourself.
Related: Inner Teenager Healing: 14 Proven Exercises to Heal Your Inner Teenager
FREE ResourcesPodcasts- Purposeful Social Selling, Episode 3. Sneaky Types of Self-Sabotage
- Crappy to Happy Podcast
- Inner Teenager Healing Worksheets Download PDF
- Negative Core Beliefs List Download PDF
- Self-Compassionate Statements Download PDF
- Emotional Sobriety Worksheets Download PDF
- Find Your Purpose Worksheets Download PDF
- Avoidance Worksheets Download PDF
- Healthy Relationship Checklist Download PDF
- Human Survival and the Self-Destruction Paradox: An Integrated Theoretical Model on JSTOR
- (PDF) Self‐Destructive Behavior (researchgate.
- Self Destructive Behavior: What It Is & Why We Do It (
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What kind of a good girl are you? Take the test. What prevents you from loving yourself
Almost every modern woman has a "good girl". The one who does more for others than for herself. If this behavior becomes permanent, it gradually destroys. That's why it's worth figuring out what a good girl you are. What makes you act against yourself? Usually this is one of the established myths. How to deal with them?
Good girl myths are not fixed personality traits, but conditioned behavior programs. For some, the core myth changes with the context. Sometimes we overcome one myth, making room for another.
My friend said beautifully about this experience: "In school I was a fan of science, and logic was the Holy Grail for me. And I gave up on all this as soon as I started dancing. After college, I wanted to do modern dance, but with I thought in horror how I would tell my parents about it. As a result, I found a regular job from nine to five, that is, I succumbed to the rules. And when I outgrew this stage and had children, sacrifice came to the fore: this is how my mother lived, raising me and my brothers and sisters. " nine0005
The leading myth can only prevail in one of the spheres of life. For example, in professional activities we are perfectionists, but in personal relationships we try to maintain harmony. Sometimes it’s the other way around: at work we prefer to remain silent (harmony), and all decisions regarding our personal lives are made taking into account family and cultural expectations (rules).
The guiding myth can change even depending on the person we are talking to. If you are easily adaptable, then perhaps in some romantic or friendly relationships you sacrifice yourself (put yourself in last place), and in other respects you turn into a pragmatist and rely on logic. nine0005
Why you need to know your guiding myth
The guiding myth, changeable or permanent, needs to be understood in order to identify a self-destructive pattern in your life and correct course. The year I finished the draft of the book, I was physically and emotionally exhausted from the podcast, book, and coaching. I refused to take breaks and tried to squeeze even more things into my schedule instead of going to lunch.
After a few weeks of living in this mode, the body began to give alarm signals: the eyes closed all day, weakness, headaches and digestive problems appeared. I fell (once again) under the influence of my main myth - perfection. nine0005
But since this was not the first time, I quickly figured out that I needed to slow down. I made the difficult decision of emailing all my coaching clients to let them know that I was taking a recovery vacation in December and January. It was important for me to show that I am an imperfect person, vulnerable and not running from the truth. I suggested to clients that they stop coaching or continue it next year.
I also canceled all planned trips and meetings and explained why: I am on the verge of burnout due to my irrepressible desire to succeed (yes, I did!). And people appreciated my sincerity. nine0005
You can openly talk about your myth with people. Having slowed down, I recovered and looked at my ministry to women with a fresh look, found inspiration. Knowing ourselves, we more easily track the self-destructive pattern, catch ourselves in old habits and choose a different path.
Test: what a good girl you are
So, I suggest you take a test to find out how deeply and firmly these myths have ingrained into your life. Check the statements that most closely match your habitual behavior (“Most of the time I…”). If both options are suitable, try to choose the one that most accurately reflects reality. If it seems to you that none of the options is suitable, still choose the one that better describes your "I" in the past or the opinion of people around you about you. If you are still sure that none of the options is suitable, you can skip the questions, but no more than five. nine0005
1 | B - I don't listen to my body during the day because I put my intellect first |
2 | E - I spend time and energy on others in accordance with my role and responsibilities as a mother, daughter, sister, partner, friend and employee C - I constantly touch my head and face when I think |
3 | E - I feel exhausted helping people or a cause in which I sincerely believe B - I criticize myself for mistakes |
4 | B - I avoid taking action because I don't like making mistakes, making bad decisions, or looking stupid E - Helping people even if they don't ask for help |
5 | E - I think of myself last D - I try my best to keep the peace |
6 | A - I avoid risky career steps, such as a new business or a long vacation B - I am on the verge of burnout because I strive to succeed in everything at once |
7 | B - I compete with others C - I do not trust my feelings because they are irrational |
8 | A - I ask others for advice, instead of thinking for myself D - I communicate with people who make me sad |
9 | B - I avoid tasks that I cannot solve yet D - I stay in a problematic relationship for longer than necessary |
10 | B - I feel that I'm not doing enough A - I can't distinguish my own desires from other people's expectations |
11 | E - I forget about my goal or task, because I throw all my energy into helping other people achieve their goal C - I am skeptical about magic and other inexplicable phenomena |
12 | A - I trust others more than myself E - I give a lot to others or to an important mission for me |
13 | D - I don't give people the feedback they need to hear E - I don't care about my health because I'm helping others or serving a meaningful purpose |
14 | D - I do not express my opinion about the situation quite frankly B - I strive to be the best in all roles - as a wife, mother, professional, etc. ![]() |
15 | B - I live with my head, not my heart D - I justify the bad behavior of others |
16 | A - Get irritated when people break rules or agreed process B - Solve problems with my head and don't get emotional |
17 | B - Super-successful in most (or all) areas of life A - Think I need additional training and accreditation before I can do what I want to do |
18 | B - I do not accept compromises and strive to do as much as possible C - I choose practical professions, rather than creative ones associated with feelings |
19 | C - I repent of my first reaction and scold myself for it B - I compare myself with others |
20 | B - Particularly successful in areas encouraged in school - mathematics, science and humanities - I try not to attach importance to what worries me |
21 | D - I keep my thoughts and opinions to myself when I'm afraid that they will anger or disappoint people C - I live only with my head, away from the body and its sensations |
22 | D - Avoid confrontation and difficult conversations A - Make specific plans so I know exactly what lies ahead |
23 | B - I make decisions based on logic, not intuition D - I underestimate my time compared to other people's time |
24 | B - I break my head over every decision, I analyze too much A - I do what they say |
25 | D - I try to make everyone get along B - I give the impression that many things come easy to me |
26 | D - I believe that I am obliged to fulfill the desires and realize the needs of other people A - I follow the rules, even imposed from the outside |
27 | D - I agree with people, although I really think otherwise E - I feel ashamed if something gives me pleasure |
28 | A - I am looking for a scheme of actions or instructions D - I hide my thoughts and feelings so as not to create problems in relationships |
29 | D - First I put on oxygen masks on other people, and then on myself B - I try not to look sloppy and sloppy in public |
30 | A Waiting or asking for permission before acting E Supporting others because I deeply empathize with their pain and difficulties |
What myths were hidden under the letters?
- Rules = A
- Perfection = B
- Logic = C
- Harmony = D
- Sacrifice = D
Count how many times you circled each letter. Record the results as well as your observations and thoughts. nine0005
Letter | Myth | Rating | Comment |
A | Rules | ||
B | Perfection | ||
B | Logic | ||
D | Harmony | ||
D | Victim | ||
Total |
So, you have appreciated the influence of the good girl myths on your life. What do you think? Surprised by the results? Or vice versa? Maybe they confused you? Upset? Did you confirm what you already suspected?
If you can't pick one myth and two or three myths score about the same, don't worry. The leading myth will surely come up as you read the chapter on each myth separately. nine0005
If you suddenly feel uneasy, the thought appears that you are some kind of flawed person, then, firstly, such behavior is not your fault. Secondly, you are not alone: thousands of women experience the same problems. This is our common problem.
And thirdly, don't forget that you are a strong woman and I will help you become even stronger. Realizing that you yourself are destroying your life, you can take responsibility and stop blaming everything on external circumstances.
Suppose I want to be a good girl, but why? Yes, just to be allowed to live and breathe!!! nine0005
When I was in the first grade, I realized that if you always do everything with A's, don't forget and don't be late, then you will be left alone and you can live half your life as you like. Read what you like, spit on the ceiling, even skip school and no one bothers you!
2021-08-16, Gilly
I studied at school for 4 and 5 if we take quarter / annual, and the current grades and 2 ki were also triples, no "ALWAYS everything is only 5", but they also left me alone, it allowed me 90% of life live as you like, read what you like, spit at the ceiling and sometimes even skip school
2021-08-17, Natalya d'*
And I don't believe in any "to my own detriment" at all. When we spend our time / energy / money / nerves on something, etc., we do it because we want (and get) something in return. A good reputation, a conscientious reputation, a loving reputation, etc.
It's just a barter like any other.
2021-08-16, Natalya d'*
Spending huge efforts to gain a reputation is somehow strange. That's definitely not worth it) No, it sits somewhere inside you. That itchy damn mosquito that says you have to take care of something, it's bad without you. And swatting this mosquito is very difficult. nine0005
2021-08-16, Anais
The author has not learned how to solve his problems, and therefore dissuades those around him from doing it. Otherwise, he, the author, will be offended :)))
2021-08-16, arte
Exactly. And I didn’t even wear a uniform in high school, which was unthinkable at that time. And nothing, no one even made a comment)
2021-08-17, Anais
So it's not a "must take care", kmk. It's "I want everyone around me to feel good, and I'm ready to invest in it"
2021-08-16, arte
Total 15 reviews Read all reviews.
The causes of self-destructive behavior must be sought in childhood /
All human actions are driven by two instincts - the thirst for life and the fear of death - Sigmund Freud wrote about this at the beginning of the last century in his work "Sorrow and Melancholy". Freud believed that any unfortunate surprise from the series "Did not fit into the turn and earned a bump" is the suppressed energy of something unconscious, which found a way out in such a strange way. nine0005
The causes of self-destructive behavior must be sought in childhood
The father of psychoanalysis cited his patient as an example, a woman who really wanted to dance at a holiday, but her husband did not allow it - they say, there is nothing for a decent woman to jump in public. The next day she went horseback riding, fell and broke her leg. Unable to express her anger at her husband and the situation, she turned it on herself.
Pay attention, self-destructive actions are carried out at a completely unconscious level! For example, a person becomes ill and does not suspect that the disease is caused by himself. nine0008
Auto-aggression is the curse of educated intellectuals, who in childhood were strictly forbidden to scream, get angry and show discontent. “There is no such thing as “I don’t want”, there is only “I can’t” - this is the parental attitude of one friend of a girl who has long grown up, but still hides her protest feelings to the last. People around them learn about them a couple of seconds before the breakdown, when she literally physically can no longer hold her disagreement with the situation inside herself.
A set of prohibitions and guidelines, with the help of which parents raise a wave of self-destruction in a child's soul, looks like a maniac's suitcase with instruments of torture. You can’t fight, scream, fight back, you’re not good enough, beautiful, successful, and so on.
In an attempt to socialize and fit the child to the standard, mom and dad train him to suppress emotions and fight with himself. As a result, a person grows up and cannot send the offender to hell, takes the blame for no reason and risks his health: “If I make myself feel bad, I get sick - then they will regret that they offended, humiliated, did not appreciate.” nine0005
Children easily take their parents' word for it. It is enough to convincingly repeat to the child several times that he is bad - and he will begin to punish himself - biting his nails, combing the wounds until they bleed, pulling out his hair, banging his head against the wall. If adults do not respond in time to these signals, the consequences can be much more serious.
The daughter of the patient Svetlana Vaskovskaya, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychodiagnostics and Clinical Psychiatry of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, at the age of five fell ill with hemorrhagic vasculitis, an autoimmune disease in which the immune system destroys its own blood cells.