Am i fat quiz for teens

Am I At A Healthy Weight? (For Girls Ages 11 To 16)

Health tests -» Eating disorders / Weight loss / Food -» Anorexia nervosa

12 Questions - Developed by: - Updated on: - 1,634,158 taken - User Rating: 4.8 of 5 - 5 votes - 280 people like it

Are you wondering if you're at a healthy weight? Note: This test isn't meant to be scientific, just helpful. And it can only help you if you're completely truthful. Don't choose your answers to get an unrealistic result (in other words, be honest!) The good news is, even small changes to exercise and diet are usually easy to make, and can be highly effective.

  • 1

    What do your friends say about your current weight?

    I'm skinny & could add some weight if wanted to

    Chubby/fat -- need to eat healthier and exercise more

    Normal! Good to go, but could always hit the gym occasionally

    Obese/super-obese -- need prompt medical attention

    I'm anorexic & need to gain some (or a lot of) weight

  • 2

    Are you happy with your current weight?

    No, I need to lose weight fast! I'm obese/super-obese. HELP!

    No, I'm too skinny

    Somewhat, I guess. I'm skinny, but could stand to gain a little weight

    Yes! I'm pretty much normal. I exercise regularly and enjoy snacks here & there

    Not really. I'm a little bit fat, honestly

  • 3

    Have you ever gotten negative comments about your weight?

    Yes, they said I was way too skinny

    Totally! I get tons of rude comments:(

    Nope! I'm normal, so I don't have to worry (hope not, anyway)

    Yes, people have said I'm fat & could lose significant weight

    Yes. It hurt a little, but I think they were just jealous

  • 7

    When you eat a meal, do you ever gain at least a pound?

    Nope, I stay the same. ..skinny to the bone

    ALWAYS! *sobs*

    Rarely ever. It takes a huge meal to make me gain a pound

    It only makes my gut stick out a bit

    Yes! I usually gain 1 to 3 pounds eating a filling dinner

  • 9

    Can you stand on your feet?


    I can walk, but it takes effort

    Nope, I'm in a wheelchair

    Yes, but I can't see my calves at all, and sometimes need to lean on something

    Sure....I'm normal

  • 10

    What is your BMI?


    Obese/very obese


    Normal range


  • 11

    Do friends & family make comments about your weight? If so, which one, mostly?

    I look normal, but should keep exercising regularly

    I need to gain a lot of weight & should go to the doctor for help

    I'm OK, but could stand to gain a few pounds

    They want me to see my doctor soon because they're worried about my health

    I'm on the overweight/fat side & need to exercise more

  • 12

    LAST QUESTION: Are you planning to change your weight?

    Not really. I feel I'm at a good weight now

    Totally! I HAVE to -- I'm obese/super-obese and my health is at risk

    Yes, I'm planning to gain a number of pounds

    Yes, I plan to lose some weight. I know I am kind of fat

    Yes, I'll be adding a few pounds

Am I Fat? - Quiz

Category: Health    Tags: #Health #Diet

America leads the world in obesity and problems related to being obese. Extra-large portions and addictive fast food has made our population unhealthy and overweight. Meanwhile, the TV and magazines show models and actors with unrealistic bodies created by starvation and plastic surgery. Body image problems are becoming an increasing trend among the nation's youth. This has everybody asking themselves, 'Am I fat?'


Do I Need To Lose Weight?

If you are reading this, it is because you are questioning yourself. Take the fat quiz, and put your worries and insecurities about your weight to rest. This test is going to ask you questions about your body structure and attributes. The quiz will also question you surrounding facts and beliefs about your body appearance.

What Is The Solution?

Based on your answers to the 'Am I fat?' test, you should now better understand where you stand with your body image. This test will let you know whether you should work towards a healthier weight and lifestyle or if you need to stop being so hard on yourself about your appearance.

Have Fun With This Quiz

Life is too short. Take some time off from the monotony of the daily hustle and everyday life, and give yourself some amusement by taking the 'Are you fat?' quiz. The answers are serious, but the examination is fun. You will feel relieved by finally having an answer to your question.

Share The Quiz

Has your momma ever taught you that sharing is caring? I'm sure you have other friends and family asking themselves, 'Am I fat?' Don't be selfish; give them a chance to find out for themselves. If you and your friends need to lose weight, it will be easier to do it together.

These days, the negative body image perspective is becoming an epidemic among the youth in America. The increasing demands of the workplace, school, and family stress make it more difficult for people to exercise. Over time, many experience changes in the body, which usually leads to a negative self-image.

Simply looking in the mirror and saying or thinking, 'I'm fat.' because of a small pudge in the stomach or some loose skin is not how you gauge 'Am I fat?' People come in different shapes and sizes; therefore, there is a specific formula for answering this question.

If you are concerned that you are overweight, consult a doctor first. The doctor will first put you on the scale, check your heart rate, blood pressure, and BMI index. BMI index is simply a way to measure your body fat ratio for your specific height and weight.

Body Mass Index is a person's body weight in kilograms, divided by the square of height in meters. A high BMI Index indicates high body fatness. A BMI can be used to screen for weight categories that will lead to health issues. If you are worried about your weight and are concerned that you are overweight, consult a doctor and have the appropriate testing procedures done. Come up with a plan to get your weight under control. Last but not least, take the 'Am I fat?' quiz.

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Your opinions

Just a skinny kid here, mostly because I have a high metabolism.

You are you, and nobody can change you. Let's change this culture together.

I’m 13 and 135 pounds

Yeah, but I'm 11 and 80 pounds.

Oh wait, I did not mean 5'4. I am 4'4


I'm 165cm and 49kgs, and it says I'm not fat.

I am healthy:)

Test how fat you are. Food test - Why am I gaining weight

Not everyone can lose weight on their own. Some do not have the opportunity for this, others simply do not succeed, no matter how much they limit themselves in food. There are people who have a genetically based hypersthenic body type. They have thicker bones and weight, of course, more.

Body type (according to the circumference of the wrist):
Asthenics - less than 16 cm,
Normosthenics - from 16 to 18.5 cm,
Hypersthenics - more than 19 cm.

Approximate parameters of a normal figure in women

Weight = height in cm - 100 + 5 kg.
Waist circumference = height in cm - 100.
Bust = hips.

The nipple is at the level of the humerus. The distance from the collarbone to the nipple is twice as long as to the crease under the breast.

The thickness of the fat fold on the abdomen above the navel is three cm from the midline - 2 cm. be 60 kg (plus - minus 5 kg). If the weight exceeded the norm by 15-20 kg, it was about obesity. nine0003

Body mass index (BMI) is currently used. To do this, the weight (kg) must be divided by the square of height (m). If the result is a number between 18.6 and 25, then the weight is considered normal. At the same time, for women, the waist should not exceed 80% of the hips, for men, the waist should simply not be more than the hips.

There are easy ways to check for excess weight. For example, you can pinch the skin on the inside of the forearm or abdomen with your thumb and forefinger and measure the fat fold. The norm is a fold of about 2 cm on the forearm and 5-7 cm on the abdomen. nine0003

Women normally have more fat cells than men. On average, fat in women is 24% of the total weight, and 12% in men.

Methodology of the German professor K. Bornhardt

Multiply the height (cm) by the volume of the chest (cm) and divide the result by 255. You will get the weight (kg) corresponding to the norm, which you should strive for. If it is reduced by 10%, then this will be the ideal weight.

It turns out that it is not always easy to determine whether you have really gained weight. Here are 7 tips that will not let you make a mistake. nine0003

1. Weigh yourself

The easiest way to check your weight is to stand on the scale, but it's not that easy either. If you see that you have gained more than 200 grams in a day, don't be upset - it's most likely just water, not excess weight. But if it happens that every day the number of grams will increase, try to drink more water and eat less salty.

2.Get dressed

A clear sign that you have gained weight is that your things have become too tight and you feel uncomfortable in them. And this applies not only to jeans, but also to shirts, jackets and tops. Just don't try things on in the evening, because by the end of the day the body swells, and don't do it after a hearty dinner. nine0003


If your underwear leaves obvious, distinct marks on your body when you take it off at the end of the day, for example on your shoulders, back or hips, then most likely you have gained a couple of kilos.


Try to compare old and fresh photos. Take a picture of yourself in full growth, make a portrait. Then compare the photos, for example, with those taken 2-3 months ago.

5. Look at yourself

Look at your body. You know it better than anyone else, so if it has changed even slightly, you should notice. Examine yourself carefully, and even if you have recovered, you may like it! The main thing here is to draw an objective conclusion, and not be angry with yourself and upset. nine0003

6. Clothes

Now take your jeans and see if they are frayed on the inside of the thighs. If abrasions appeared there from friction, then this may be a sign that you have recovered.

7. Jewelry

Pay attention to jewelry and accessories. For example, a wrist watch that you wear every day, or your favorite bracelet. If they sit tight, like your jeans, then you have gained a few extra pounds.

I hope these 7 tips will help you. Just remember that extra pounds are not always bad. If you eat healthy food and exercise, you are great! And don't let the weight ruin your mood, because you are beautiful just the way you are! nine0003

June 10th, 2015 , 03:00 p.m.

It doesn't take much insight to pounce on an obviously fat woman who weighs, say, over 100 kilograms.

A lady with XXL dimensions will be called fat by those of us who buy clothes in size 40, and those who are proud to wear size 48 all their lives. “How could you have brought yourself to such a state?!” - both of them will be indignant.

And they will be, in general, right in their indignation. However, the devil is in the details. nine0003

The detail is that the woman did not turn into a mountain of fat overnight. The woman accumulated fat gradually, at first, and did not understand that she was swimming. Or maybe she understood, but she thought that at any moment she would easily roll back to a girlish figure, and she did not consider herself fat.

A couple of years ago, a lady wore jeans of size 25, now she asks the seller to bring the 28th, but her psyche refuses to sound the alarm about this, including defense mechanisms. The lady looks in the mirror and does not see a significant difference between what was 2 years ago and what is now. nine0003

This is the mentality of a fat woman. Your body may not yet be a whale, but just a novice seal, but you have already begun to think like a fat woman.

How is the mentality of a fat woman different from the mentality of a slender woman?

You think like a fat woman if you subscribe to at least one of the points:

1) Weight gain with age is a natural phenomenon. If for a 20-year-old girl a weight of 50 kg is the norm, then a 30-year-old woman should weigh more. For example, 60 kg. A woman who has maintained the same weight and dimensions she had in high school looks haggard. She is most likely unwell. nine0003

2) Childbirth irreversibly spoils the figure. The same requirements do not apply to the figure of a woman giving birth as to the figure of one who did not give birth.

3) A figure can be beautiful without fitness and proper nutrition. You believe that there are some perfectly built women who do not need either one or the other. It is quite possible that you rank yourself among them, considering your figure, unennobled by sports, to be excellent.

4) There is sausage and/or mayonnaise in your refrigerator. It happens that you eat fried potatoes or drink sweet soda. People who shy away from such foods and drinks, you do not understand, considering that they go too far. nine0003

5) You lose weight “for vacation”, “for the New Year”, “for the wedding”, etc. When a significant event looms on your life horizon, you go on a diet, start exercising at home, or even go to the gym, but soon return to your old lifestyle, in which there is no place for regular training.

6) Do you consider weight gain during holidays, New Year holidays, May holidays to be a natural phenomenon. Restricting yourself to food on vacation is stupid, in your opinion. nine0003

7) Do you think that big breasts are at least equivalent compensation for cellulite on the ass or a fat belly. You're afraid your breasts will get smaller if you lose weight.

8) You think that overweight people look younger with age, that there are fewer wrinkles on their faces than on thin faces.

9) Do you believe that dancing, yoga, Pilates, swimming, exercising at home, cycling, group aerobics can improve your figure. Strength training is optional, you think. nine0003

10) Do you believe that massages, body wraps, LPG, Charcot shower, detox cocktails, L-carnitine, dietary supplements and other "strays" will help, if not completely get rid of cellulite, then at least smooth it out.

Am I missing something? Continue the list? Did you find yourself agreeing with any of the points? If yes, then it's time to sound the alarm: you are fat!

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  • Social networks give us an unplowed field for dating girls. If you have never met her in your life, but just noticed her witty comment or found that you have a lot of friends in common, this excuse can be used for online dating. And so you met her, she added you as a friend, you began to chat, and you look at her photos with interest. Everything is fine, but the trick can wait for you at any moment. Can you see her body clearly in the photos? Are you sure she's not fat? I wouldn’t say that I don’t see the point in dating girls in the body - it’s just that someone doesn’t like such a physique. How do you know if she's fat? nine0003

    Can you tell from the photo? Sure? Nifiga not immediately. Fat girls know how to be photographed in such a way as to hide their true fat selves. They deliberately post the most profitable photos of themselves in order to somehow raise their self-esteem. Agree, it is unpleasant when expectations do not correspond to reality. Imagination draws you a slender girlfriend, and a hippopotamus comes on a date. The first date will fail in the most stupid way, and you will also pretend that everything is going fine. nine0003

    Some girls these days might write a PhD on "10 Ways to Take a Photo to Hide Your Fat". Fortunately, the secret always becomes clear - and better sooner than later. Even if she diligently posed and retouched, you can declassify her. Now we will tell you how to figure out a fat woman in social networks from camouflage photos.

    1. She does not have a photo with her body: only her face, and even that is cropped, and in general there are few photos

    Whatever they say about the priority of the soul over the body, the men still pay attention to the body in the first place. This is the main tool of a woman to attract attention. If a girl hides her main trump card from you, it is logical to assume that in fact this is ... far from a trump card. There are no such accidents. If her userpics have one solid close-up face, she is most likely in the body. nine0003

    2. She has full length photos showing that her weight has changed

    If you see pictures of her in both slim and fat form, she is most likely going through the second stage now. It is easy to conclude by dates. Another tip: pay attention to the comments. If under the “slim” photo no one admires her magical weight loss, then there was a magical weight gain.

    3. A lot of photos with food and love for food is written in the information about yourself

    Fat girls are often photographed with food because they often eat - you don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to think of that. If she talks passionately about food, chances are she lives to eat, not eats to live. And this very often means completeness, although there are exceptions. nine0003

    4. She has fat girlfriends

    Observation from life: girlfriends do everything together - they both get fat and lose weight. If she communicates with full girls (they are often found in the photo), most likely she is not far behind them.

    5. Photos from above

    This is the favorite trick of all the girls in the world: taking a photo of yourself from above gives a lot of advantages. First, it hides volumes. Secondly, it corrects the shape of the nose. Third, it makes the eyes look bigger. An old trick that proved to be effective more than once in practice and disappointed so many gullible dudes. nine0003

    6. You don't see her collarbones

    Collarbones are not only an object of worship for . The clavicles are an excellent indicator by which you can determine how complete the girl you see in the photo is in life. If you can't see her collarbones on her body, she's overweight. Even the photo above will not hide this fact.

    7. Sausage fingers

    Let her hide the rest of her body and master the art of framing to perfection. She will not hide her fat fingers, which will tell you: she is fatter than she wants to seem! nine0003

    8. She photographs only one part of her body

    Girls, as a rule, know very well all the advantages and disadvantages of their body. They are well aware of what looks good in them and what does not. When a girl is overweight, she knows what to focus on. What part of the body to show so that it looks good? She will not show the general public anything at all, except for this part of the body.

    9. Describes his body type as "medium" or "curvy"

    Usually this column is on dating sites. If something similar is written in the “Physique” column, most likely this is a euphemism for immoderately magnificent forms. Even an “athletic physique” is a suspicious option: for some reason, overweight girls confuse fat with muscles. Maybe they even do yoga once a week and think that's enough.

    10. No new photos

    The best choice for fat girls is to use photos in which they were still in good shape. Of course, it is difficult to calculate this trick so simply, but we must try to understand if she has new photos. What is the quality of the image? What's going on in the background? What's with the captions and comments? nine0003

    Determine if you are overweight, without scales, centimeter and BMI

    We offer you a simple test that does not require a scale, centimeter or calculator so that you can check how harmonious your body is. Because only its capabilities can actually tell if you are overweight or not!

    Website editor


    the beauty

    Female figure nine0003

    Ideal figure

    Excess weight


    Let's be honest: being overweight is subjective. One looks like a reed, but dreams of losing five kilograms, the other has mouth-watering roundness and is convinced that her figure is perfect.

    Physiologists, on the other hand, believe that neither volume in centimeters, nor weight in kilograms, nor even BMI can accurately reflect this ephemeral concept of "overweight". Scientists suggested proceeding from other criteria. Your body was created by nature in the first place in order to perform certain functions. And if it copes with them without problems, then losing weight or not is only a matter of your aesthetic preferences. nine0003

    Have you started?

    1. Tilt

    Wear tight clothing or stay in underwear. Turn sideways to the full-length mirror and lean forward - slowly and smoothly, as low as you can. Does the belly sag? Does it interfere with tilt? If you were able to descend at a 45 degree angle to your feet without any problems, everything is in order.

    2. Clearance

    Turn to face the mirror, put your feet together. Count the number of gaps between the legs: if there are 3 of them (between the thighs, between the knees and calves, between the ankles) - everything is normal. nine0003

    3. Abdominal contraction

    Stand sideways to the mirror, bend over so that your torso is parallel to the floor, and pull your stomach in with all your might. If it "sinks", that is, becomes sunken, this is an excellent result! If it's flat, that's fine too. But if the stomach continues to protrude outward, beware.

    4. Right Angle

    This test is best done with one piece of laundry. Sit on the floor, the torso is strictly vertical, at an angle of 90 degrees to the outstretched legs. Relax your stomach. Gather your courage and count how many folds have formed. One? you are young! 2 is a reason to think.

    Learn more