Albert einstein introvert

Famous Introverts and What You Can Learn From Them

It’s common to associate success with “putting yourself out there,” but garnering attention isn’t a telltale sign that someone will be successful. Thanks to a newfound appreciation for quieter success stories, famous introverts can teach you three impactful lessons. First, there isn’t only one type of personality that can attract success. Second, introverted characteristics hold their own power. Third, it’s possible (and suggested) to recognize the traits that may be holding you back and figure out how to change them even a quarter-turn to get out of your own way.

On Being an Introvert

Before we get into the list of famous introverts and what they can teach us, let’s clarify that there’s, of course, nothing wrong with being an introvert. However, introverts are often (and mistakenly) thought to be any or all of the following:

  • Aloof
  • Awkward
  • Loners
  • Nerdy
  • Unfriendly
  • Shy
  • Strange
  • Withdrawn

Truthfully, anyone can possess any of these qualities at some point, introvert or not. You may also feel that you’ve become more of an introvert as you’ve gotten older. This may be because you’re more comfortable spending time alone. Or, maybe your social circle shrunk after college or you have a solo job and you’re secluded during work hours. Whatever it is, strike that list of misinformed qualities from your mind. Focus on the following qualities instead, because loners tend to:

  • Decide quickly what needs to be done and adapt to the circumstances
  • Enjoy their alone time instead of feeling lonely during it
  • Focus on the task at hand without distraction
  • Handle situations independently and responsibly
  • Have fewer friendships, yet they’re deeper, long-term friendships
  • Listen well when others need to talk about something that’s on their mind
  • Need a break and some “me time” after outdoor and/or social activities
  • Prefer modes of communication that are indirect, like texting instead of a phone call
  • Seem unflappable, calm and in control
  • Thrive in one-on-one relationships
  • Think and consider their next move before they act or speak
  • Understand the big picture and how elements connect

Some of these qualities are positive, while others are simply self-aware. None of them are particularly negative, though, or something you should feel like you need to change.

Introverts vs. Extroverts

Business success is about being able to make smart decisions and knowing how to solve problems. For celebrities, success may be about natural talent and a great promotional team behind you. Neither type of success requires a person to be outgoing or even sociable, at least not all the time.

Most people are on an introvert-extrovert spectrum, having a combination of strengths and weaknesses from both categories. Which way you lean has to do with where your energy comes from and what zaps it, though, not how shy you are or how comfortable you feel walking into a room of strangers. Introverts get more energy from being alone than from being with people. Spending time with others can drain that energy and alone time is required to refill the tank. Extroverts are the opposite – they get energy from being around others and start to feel their energy drop when they’re alone.

8 Famous Introverts and What They Can Teach You

It’s surprising to learn that some of the most famous faces are actually introverts at heart. You’d assume that to perform in some way, you’d need an outgoing, extroverted personality. Turns out, that’s not true. Here are 8 famous introverts and the lessons you can learn from them.

1. Albert Einstein

Not only is Einstein one of the most famous scientists in history, but he was also a known introvert. Leaning into his introverted nature, Einstein believed that his creativity and success came from keeping to himself. He said, “The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.”

The Lesson: Time spent in solitude may provide the space you need to create.

Your Turn: Carve out time for yourself where all that’s on the agenda is creative thinking or working. If you don’t know where to start, meditate to see where your mind wanders or set a timer for 15 minutes of freewriting.

2. Bill Gates

Bill Gates has said that introverts can be successful by recognizing and taking advantage of their particular strengths. For example, take time to yourself to think and come up with ideas. Then, by combining those strengths with what extroverts do best (such as by hiring extroverts at your company), you can tap into both sets of skills to thrive. It’s also interesting to note that Gates is an introvert, but he’s not shy, which is a reminder that most people have some introvert and extrovert qualities that exist simultaneously.

The Lesson: Extroverts are not better than introverts, and vice versa. Instead, both personality types have their pros and cons, and businesses need both types of people to be successful.

Your Turn: Pinpoint a weakness that’s standing in your way, then create a plan of action to fix it. That can mean outsourcing work, like marketing or sales, to someone who does it better or figuring out how to improve that weakness in yourself, like by taking public speaking classes.

3. Eleanor Roosevelt

Since she’s known for being a public person thanks to her entertaining, lectures and press conferences, it’s surprising to learn that Eleanor Roosevelt was actually an introvert. Roosevelt believed that having a friendship with yourself is important, because only then can you be a friend to others.

The Lesson: An early life that forces you into solitude can lead to growing into a compassionate adult who’s sensitive to people’s differences.

Your Turn: Pick out three introvert characteristics you like, then make a point to compliment three people for possessing those same traits. You’ll see how being an introvert can actually connect you to others instead of keeping you in seclusion.

4. Elon Musk

Elon Musk said that it took him a lot of time and practice to get comfortable with going up on stage and speaking clearly, but that as the head of a company, it’s something you have to learn how to do.

The Lesson: Similar to the Bill Gates lesson, Musk’s experience as an introvert provides encouragement to unearth the introverted quality that’s standing in your way and do your best to change it.

Your Turn: Research the problem you’re facing, whether it’s public speaking, making one-on-one conversation with strangers or appearing approachable at networking events. Arming yourself with knowledge is an essential first step out of the problem.

5. Emma Watson

In an interview with Rookie, actress Emma Watson talked about how people applaud her for not being a party girl, especially in such a party-centric industry. Her response is that she’s not trying to be known as a non-party girl, but instead she’s just a natural introvert who isn’t into that scene. She also talks about how she once thought something was wrong with her because she wasn’t an extrovert. Eventually, though, she realized her introverted-ness wasn’t something to be ashamed of.

The Lesson: Embracing your introverted qualities can lead you to be the person you want to be, and without much effort.

Your Turn: Think about one of your introverted traits you’re ashamed of or embarrassed by, then list all of the ways it’s actually benefited you. Brainstorm how that trait can help you succeed moving forward.

6. J.K. Rowling

Introverts are often their most creative when left alone. J.K. Rowling is a great example of this – it’s well-known that she dreamt up Harry Potter when taking a solo train trip. Plus, her pen wouldn’t work, but she was too shy to ask a stranger to borrow one, opting to compose the story in her head.

The Lesson: Even being painfully shy around others doesn’t have to get in the way of your ability to move forward. Actually, it can be helpful, allowing you to hyper-focus. Rowling has said, “I stopped pretending to myself that I was anything other than what I was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me.

Your Turn: Instead of throwing in the towel when one thing stands in your way, keep going with the work that’s most important. You’re allowed to avoid the thing that scares you, so long as you can still succeed without it.

7. Meryl Streep

More actors than you realize are introverts, including Academy Awards winner Meryl Streep. To get through occasions where she can’t keep to herself, she uses visualization and tells herself that her mother would be able to get through the situation. When speaking with Michelle Obama, Streep said, “It’s a good thing, to imagine yourself doing something you think you can’t.”

The Lesson: You’re not chained to the introverted qualities that hold you back, and fear is sometimes there to be pushed through.

Your Turn: Play pretend. The next time you’re in a situation that feels threatening, like having to collaborate with coworkers, act as though you’re someone else, a person you admire who performs well in that type of setting. It will feel uncomfortable, but you’ll show yourself that nothing terrible happens when you’re a bit more outgoing, especially if the situation requires you to be.

8. Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet, one of the richest people in the world and a highly respected leader in the financial industry, had to put extra time and effort into figuring out how to connect with people. Part of his success is due specifically to his preference for solitude, though – it’s given him the focus needed to become an expert. According to Susan Cain, author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, Buffet’s introverted personality, namely his ability to think clearly and act wisely when other people often panic, is what has kept him on top.

The Lesson: Being an introvert may put you in a better position to recognize a warning sign of failure and act on it appropriately. Cooler heads prevail.

Your Turn: When a problem is looming, don’t join the masses in their panic. Retreat to think the problem through and to make a smart decision – this is where introverts shine their brightest. Adam McHugh of Quiet Revolution agrees, writing, “Because we do our best work in solitude, creative introverts may be less reliant on established norms and more able to see and hear new things.”

Final Thoughts

There’s no reason for an introvert to force themselves to become an extrovert (and it probably wouldn’t work, anyway). What you can do is take note of extroverted personality traits you admire. Then, work on developing them more, possibly even turning to your introvert-specific traits to help you. For example, if you know you need alone time after a social gathering, allow yourself that alone time to recharge. You may then feel energetic and confident enough to be open, warm and talkative the next time you’re surrounded by people.

Overall, remember that people aren’t all one thing – you’re not all introvert or all extrovert. You can accept or adapt whatever characteristics you want to create your own personality, regardless of how it’ll be labeled.

How has being an introvert helped you succeed? You may also want to check out this article about Why Being Resilient is Essential to Success.

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5 Men Who Will Make You Proud to Be an Introvert

These successful, distinguished men remind us how impactful introverts can be. 

As Susan Cain explains in her groundbreaking book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in A World That Can’t Stop Talking, we live in a society that primarily favors action over contemplation, group activity versus moments of solitude. 

And society tends to ignore the fact that deep thought, focus, and creativity emerge most prominently during uninterrupted alone time — something we introverts are quite familiar with.

Some of our biggest role models out there — like Oprah! — are famous women who will make you proud to be an introvert. But plenty of renowned men are introverts, too, and you may not even realize it. Like the women, they prove leadership and innovation aren’t limited to their extroverted counterparts.

From a theoretical physicist to an NBA legend, here are five men who you might be surprised to discover were (or still are) textbook introverts.

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5 Famous Males Who Will Make You Proud to Be an Introvert

1. Albert Einstein

“The monotony and solitude of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind.” – Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein is well-known for his brilliant mind and numerous contributions to humanity. He forever changed the way scientists think about time and space by pioneering the theories of relativity. 

He then went on to win a Nobel Prize for physics in 1921 for his explanations of the photoelectric effect. Einstein’s scientific discoveries were certainly groundbreaking, but he was also admired for his deeply reflective approach to life. He believed that science and philosophy should always inform one another. 

Einstein is considered by many to be the definition of a genius. And, as an introvert, he recognized the importance of solitude in enabling him to achieve his profound insights.

2. Bill Gates

“If you’re clever, you can learn to get the benefits of being an introvert, which might be, say, being willing to go off for a few days and think about a tough problem, read everything you can, push yourself very hard to think out on the edge of that area.” – Bill Gates

As cofounder of the trillion dollar tech company, Microsoft Corporation, it’s hard to deny that Bill Gates is a public figure with an enormous amount of influence. He is also someone who is dedicated to philanthropic efforts having started a foundation with his wife to help “…unlock the possibility inside every individual,” he said.

On being an introvert, Gates said, “I think introverts can do quite well … If you’re clever, you can learn to get the benefits of being an introvert.

Reading, a favorite hobby of many introverts, plays an important role in Bill Gates’ life. He claims that from a young age, he would finish one book per week, and credits this habit as being integral to his success. He has found that reading fuels his sense of curiosity, exposes him to new perspectives, and allows him to always learn something new.   

A few years ago, Gates also gained attention for revealing his twice-yearly ritual of partaking in “think weeks.” During these seven-day periods, he disconnects from society (including his family and friends) to be alone with his own thoughts in a secluded hideaway cottage. His intention is to remove himself from his usual distractions and spend his time reading, thinking, and inviting new ideas to emerge. “Think weeks” to indulge in some of my favorite introverted activities? Count me in!

3. Michael Jordan

“My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength. ” – Michael Jordan

Anyone who has followed the career of Michael Jordan knows that his status as an NBA legend is well-deserved. As his Emmy award-winning documentary The Last Dance reminded us, Jordan’s attitude of grit, steadfast determination, and hard work led to enormous success on the basketball court. 

He was also one of the most marketed athletes ever, with endorsements from Nike, Coca-Cola, Gatorade, McDonald’s, and many other big name brands throughout his career. 

As someone who spent countless years in the spotlight, it might be surprising to hear that Jordan is an introvert — with some even claiming his tendencies bordered on reclusiveness. The former NBA star proves that introverts can thrive in high-profile careers and inspire countless others by ambitiously going after their dreams. 

4. Steven Spielberg 

“The public has an appetite for anything about imagination – anything that is as far away from reality as is creatively possible. ” – Steven Spielberg

One of the most popular film directors in history, Steven Spielberg is the creative mastermind behind beloved classics such as Jurassic Park, Jaws, E.T., and Indiana Jones, to name a few. 

Introverted by nature, he’s disclosed to the media that he prefers to stay in on the weekends and indulge in movie marathons rather than go out. He also admits that he still gets tongue-tied when talking to strangers at gatherings — something many of us small-talk-averse introverts can relate to. 

I think Spielberg’s introspective nature has proven itself to be well-suited for producing and directing films that leave a lasting impression on his viewers. His talent has also led to several Academy Award nominations, including two wins for Best Director. 

Spielberg shows us why introverts make some of the best leaders and that being inwardly oriented can be an asset while working in the visual and performing arts.  

Do you dream of being witty and funny?

Even if you’re usually the “quiet one,” you have a playful side — you just need to learn how to access it. Our partner Michaela Chung can teach you how to tell hilarious stories and to be funny in conversation and over text (even if you tend to overthink things and feel self-conscious in social situations). Click here to check out her online workshop, How to Be Funny in Conversation Without Trying Too Hard.

5. Abraham Lincoln 

“I am rather inclined to silence, and whether that be wise or not, it is at least more unusual nowadays to find a man who can hold his tongue than to find one who cannot.” – Abraham Lincoln

A man of humble origins, Abraham Lincoln was an introvert and a self-educated lawyer who defied the norms of the traditional politician. While many people may view communication skills as falling within extrovert territory, Lincoln was known for being a masterful and influential speaker.  

As someone who was a prolific reader and good listener, he knew how to translate his love for the written word in speech and persuade others when engaged in conversation. 

Lincoln was a savvy leader who played a crucial role in challenging slavery by issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, which is still considered to be one of the greatest documents of human freedom. 

Frequently ranked by scholars as the top president of all time, this 6’4” president altered the course of history with his quiet confidence, empathy, and ability to reflect deeply on issues regarding humanity. 

Introverts Can Do Anything 

A Nobel-prize-winning physicist, tech mogul, NBA basketball legend, Hollywood director, and beloved president all had one thing in common: They were introverts. While mainstream culture still propagates the myth that leadership is the domain of extroverts, these trailblazers show us that inspiring others and being at the forefront of change is quite often an introvert’s speciality.  

Who would you add to this list? Please share any other well-known male introverts who inspire you in the comments below.

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90,000 9 most famous introverts who were not prevented from achieving success by isolation! Onedio favorites > Interesting-

justyouwait Onedio user

Introverts are people who prefer to communicate not with others, but with themselves. They are calm and reserved, do not like noisy parties and big companies. However, for this they should not be scolded at all, because the peculiarities of their personality type do not at all prevent introverts from achieving high results in their careers and doing wonderful things. And here are some great examples. nine0007

1. Albert Einstein

Here is how Einstein himself said about himself: "I am a loner, unsuitable for working alone or in a team. I have never belonged to the country, friends, or even family with all my heart." The scientist of German origin is a famous discoverer of the theory of relativity, as well as a staunch nonconformist. In the 1930s, Albert tried to develop a unified field theory that would break the laws of the universe and physics. Therefore, being a loner was considered the norm for a scientist - it only helped him not to pay attention to the opinions of other people and go against the system. nine0007

2. Nikola Tesla

The inventor, originally from the Austrian Empire, was very withdrawn, perhaps because he did not receive recognition for his discoveries during his lifetime. With the invention of alternating current, Tesla made his way to the USA in 1884. He worked in tandem with Thomas Edison, but their differences of opinion prevented scientists from collaborating for a long time. It is also known that many of Tesla's contemporaries stole ideas from him.

3. Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton, who was born in 1643, became the father of modern physics, as well as the discoverer of the law of universal gravitation and many other theories. He was a typical introvert. The reasons for this, perhaps, lie in the bad character of the scientist and the difficult relationship with his mother. Even while studying at the University of Cambridge, Newton was a loner, and this remained with him throughout his life. Isaac had very few friends and was also almost paranoid when it came to betrayal or criticism. nine0007

4. Abraham Lincoln

Historians consider the 16th President of the United States an introvert, despite his high degree of publicity, and also the fact that he could deliver dynamic speeches in public. Lincoln "made himself", his thoughts were always compared with what he said. However, contemporaries noted in Abraham a high degree of melancholy and isolation.

5. Bill Gates

Since childhood, Bill Gates was a very shy child and had little contact with others. However, he managed to channel his introvertism in the right direction. nine0007

Here's what Bill said about introverts:

"I think introverts do pretty well too. If you're smart, you can learn to enjoy being an introvert. complex problem, re-read everything that is on this topic, go, if necessary, beyond the limits of this problem.

Interestingly, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg are also introverts.

6. Charles Darwin

The scientist's book entitled "The Origin of Species" was rather controversial for its time. And all thanks to dangerous ideas about natural selection, the theory of the origin of mankind and a certain anti-religious orientation. Darwin studied science in Scotland and divinity at Cambridge.

The scientist was very fond of biology. He visited South America and the Galapagos Islands, where he collected information about various plant and animal species for a long time. nine0007

Darwin was very insecure in his conclusions, and was also an introvert, because of which he hesitated to publish his thoughts for a long time.

7. Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi - Indian political leader, "great soul". He used his introvertism as a way to achieve social change. This political leader studied law in the UK and eventually became a good lawyer. He learned to use timidity to his advantage, and also learned the art of silence and the effective use of words. nine0007

8. Steven Spielberg

Of course, who would have thought, but the famous Hollywood director who made films such as "ET", "Jaws" and "Saving Private Ryan" was also an introvert.

From childhood, Spielberg grew up as a calm child, but the anti-Semitism that Spielberg had to face in his youth made him even more pronounced introvert.

Today, Spielberg admits that he is still shy about dinner parties, talking to strangers and not reading reviews of his work. nine0007

9. J. K. Rowling

The author of the books about the magical boy Harry Potter is proud of his introvertism and credits it with the success of his work in the world. Writing really implies an extreme degree of focus on the inner world, which only played into Joan's hands. Recently, the author has become more liberated, but it is still difficult for her to give television interviews.

Famous introverts, or How to use the features of our character


Famous introverts, or How to use the features of our character

July 26, 2018 22 647 views

Sergei Kaplichny

The psyche of each person is individual, but there are general patterns, and the mind of many people works according to a certain scenario. The famous 20th century psychologist Carl Jung introduced the terms introvert and extrovert describing different personality types. Jung himself was an introvert and was the first to explain that introverts are interested in the inner world of thoughts and emotions, while their opposites, extroverts, are drawn to the outer world filled with people and events.

In her book Secret Power, psychology professor Susan Cain talks about the benefits of introverts. She is sure that observation, the ability to hear others and feel their needs is a powerful tool in communicating with people and the key to success. nine0007

And Kane points out that many great artists, inventors, athletes, and entrepreneurs are introverted. It is about them that we will talk today.

Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi was very timid in childhood and was afraid of everything, especially people; after school, he immediately ran home so as not to communicate with classmates. But when he grew up, he led the liberation struggle in his native country without changing his essence. His weapon was peaceful non-violent protest. nine0007


For you, she is a pop music icon that fills stadiums around the world. Star of video clips that have received over a billion views on YouTube. And although Beyoncé has been performing concerts since childhood, she remembers that she was an introverted child.

Now her self-confidence inspires fans from all over the world, but she still tends to be quiet and contemplative. “I am a good listener and I love to watch people, and this is sometimes mistaken for shyness,” says the singer. nine0007

Emma Watson

“I'm actually a shy introvert and socially awkward,” says Emma Watson. I need time to rest, I absolutely can’t talk about “nothing”, and when I meet strangers, I get very tense, because I know that they expect something from me. However, I love dancing in a small company of close friends - I'm an extrovert there! And I am very shy in public.” nine0007

Misty Copeland

Misty Copeland was called an atypical ballerina. Like most athletes, she started ballet as a child, but later than usual: children are often brought to ballet school as early as four years old. Thirteen-year-old quiet Misty had no doubt that she had failed auditions for the school choreographic troupe. The girl was quieter than the water below the grass, but she was noticed. Misty's ability and talent were undeniable, and her ability to observe and focus on complex choreography seemed unique for her age. On that day, she was placed at the head of a troupe of sixty girls. Thus began her journey into ballet. In 2015, Misty became the first African-American prima ballerina in American Ballet Theater history. nine0007

Albert Einstein

As a child, Albert Einstein preferred to study subjects that interested him on his own, which sometimes got him into trouble. At 16, he flunked his college entrance exams because he didn't prepare enough — he only taught what he was interested in. True, later he learned to combine intensive periods of solitary work with going out into the world.

At 23, Einstein founded the Olympia Academy, a club where he met with close friends and discussed ideas he had spent many hours developing alone.

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