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Adult ADHD Test | ADDA
Adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a relatively common, often unrecognized condition. It affects 4.4% of U.S. adults, but most adults with ADHD live with the symptoms and suffer the often-devastating effects of ADHD in their lives without identifying the source of their struggles. Instead, their difficulties are attributed to their own shortcomings.
Once diagnosed, many adults are happy to learn that they do not have a character flaw as aptly described in the title of one popular book on ADHD, “You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Stupid or Crazy?!” (a classic book for adults with ADHD).
Yes, Adult ADHD Exists
Many adults who suffer from untreated ADHD avoid diagnosis or treatment due to the negative stigma associated with ADHD.
Many people dismiss ADHD as little more than laziness targeted as a marketing opportunity by pharmaceutical companies. However, many years of scientific research confirms adult ADHD does indeed exist, and that ADHD diminishes adults’ quality of life.
Regardless of the stigma surrounding ADHD, knowing about your adult ADHD is preferable to struggling unawares. With an accurate diagnosis, many treatment options and coping strategies become available. ADHD is not a “one size fits all” disorder and many factors must be considered before a definitive diagnosis is made and an appropriate treatment is found.
It’s Better to Know
An ADHD diagnosis is not a death sentence, nor does it guarantee a lifetime of taking pills. Medication is not always effective, and there are many adults with ADHD who do not want medication as part of their treatment plan. However, without knowing you have adult ADHD, there’s certainly nothing anyone can do to help.
If you do have ADHD, you can rely on ADDA, the world’s only organization dedicated exclusively to helping adults with ADHD.
ADDA provides accurate and science-based education on treatment alternatives such as CBT, ADHD coaching, and medication, and as scientific research has proven the benefits of additional treatments, ADDA has also expanded its education efforts to include strategies such as mindfulness practice, exercise, diet and therapy.
The World Health Organization Adult Self-Report Scale (ASRS) Screener
*The World Health Organization has prepared a self-screening ADHD questionnaire* you can use to determine if you might have adult ADHD. The Adult Self-Report Scale (ASRS) Screener* will help you recognize the signs and symptoms of adult ADHD. The ASRS is comprised of 6 questions that are ranked on a scale of 0 to 4. If you have at least 4 of these 6 symptoms significantly, you may have ADHD and should seek out a formal diagnosis.
When you complete this Adult ADHD questionnaire, if the results seem to indicate you might have ADHD (that is, four or more of your answers in Part A are located in the grey boxes), then bring a copy of the questionnaire with you when you seek diagnosis to help with the diagnostic process.
A Good Starting Point
This screening test is a symptoms checklist for adult ADHD and not a diagnostic test. A full assessment and potential diagnosis of ADHD is not accomplished using an online test or during a quick doctor’s appointment.
A thorough evaluation usually takes more than one visit, and must be done by a professional who is trained in ADHD*. Other conditions can sometimes resemble ADHD, so it is important to work with a professional who is able to rule out these other conditions and make the appropriate diagnosis. Many psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and some general practice physicians are trained to diagnose adult ADHD.
A thorough assessment requires a complete physical and psychiatric medical history as well as screening to rule out any possible physical disorders. All assessments should include an extensive interview with you and often with your significant other (other people are often more aware of your behaviors and struggles than you are), and the application of various symptom-rating scales. For accuracy, it is common to use more than one scale to confirm results.
*Note: The professionals qualified to diagnose ADHD, especially ADHD in adults, are defined differently by the governing bodies of mental and/or medical health professionals on a state-by-state and country-by-country level.
The list of approved professionals to perform ADHD diagnoses therefore varies with each jurisdiction. The process of diagnosing ADHD, particularly in adults, requires extensive knowledge, skills and training, not only to identify ADHD properly, but to separate comorbid conditions and correctly distinguish and diagnose other conditions which may mimic ADHD. Check with your local health care governing body for a definitive list of care providers deemed qualified to diagnose ADHD.
TADD Talks for ADHD Awareness! - ADDA
TADD Talk Schedule for October 2022
Keep watching right here to see what’s coming up in ADDA’s TADD Talks.
Date | Presenter | TADD Subject | Link to Recording |
Oct.![]() | Linda Roggli, PCC | Your Top Ten List Supports Working Memory | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 2 | Nikki Kinzer | Avoid These Three Planning Pitfalls And Do This Instead! | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 3 | Jonathan Hassall, BN ACC | Motivation – not what you thought it was? Using EF to better understand how motivation works with ADHD | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 4 | Jeff Copper, MBA, PCC, PCAC, CPCC, ACG | Executive Functioning: The Devil Is in the Details | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 5 | Michelle Price | Achieving Your Potential or Princess and the Pea Had ADHD | Subscribe above for access |
Oct.![]() | Adela Baker, PCAC | What you want is what you need | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 7 | Sari Solden | Executive Function Struggles and Strategies for Inattentive Women | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 7 | Victoria Novaro | EN ESPAÑOL: ¿Y si solo fuese TDAH? Ni tonta, ni vaga, ni loca | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 8 | Roxanne Turner, PMP, BCC | The secret sauce for maximizing your working memory | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 9 | Terry Matlen, LMSW | Women with ADHD: Why is My ADHD Getting Worse? | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 10 | Monica Hassell BN ACG | Understanding the Layers of ADHD – where Executive function connects brain chemistry and behaviour | Subscribe above for access |
Oct.![]() | Liz Lewis | The Ugh of Activation | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 12 | Inger Shaye Colzie | Managing Your Expectations | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 13 | Sharon Saline, Psy.D. | Managing frustration and big emotions with ADHD with the STAR Method | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 14 | Caroline Maguire, M.Ed., ACCG, PCC | ADHD, Lagging Executive Function Skills and the Social Hangover – Steps to Ensure You Don’t Feel Lonely or Isolated | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 14 | Victoria Novaro | EN ESPAÑOL: Conocete a ti misma/o: Viaje al Corazon de tu TDAH | Subscribe above for access |
Oct.![]() | Andrea Elrom | And Then There Was Me | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 16 | Madeline O’Reilly | Emotions and why we procrastinate | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 17 | Ari Tuckman, PsyD, CST | Why Great Productivity Apps Aren’t Enough | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 18 | Tamara Rosier, PHD, BCC | 3 Emotional Errors that Limit your Progress | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 19 | Sudhita Kasturi | It’s Butter Day! Time Blindness and Impulsive Responses | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 20 | Lidia Zylowska, M.D. | How can self kindness help with task management? | Subscribe above for access |
Oct.![]() | Frankie M. Berkoben, MSc | Set yourself up for EF success: the 7 types of bandwidth | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 21 | Victoria Novaro | EN ESPAÑOL: Los primeros pasos del resto de nuestras vidas | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 22 | Elaine Taylor-Klaus, MCC, CPCC | Executive Function in a Nutshell | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 23 | Casey Dixon | Unlock Your Executive Functions with a Single Key | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 24 | Roberto Olivardia, PhD | Feeling our way through an ADHD day | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 25 | Alan Brown | 3 Power Rituals to Power Your EF! | Subscribe above for access |
Oct.![]() | Victoria Novaro | What if it was just ADHD? Not stupid, not lazy, not crazy | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 27 | Laurie Dupar, PMHNP, RN, PCC, CPCC, CALC | What I Have Learned from Twenty Years of Being an ADHD Life Coach | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 28 | Stephanie Sarkis PhD | Why People with ADHD are Susceptible to Toxic People | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 28 | Victoria Novaro | EN ESPAÑOL: Se necesita una Comunidad para llegar a nuestro pleno potencial | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 29 | Linda Walker, PCC, B. Admin. | Your Brain on Stress: Your Lifestyle is Hurting Your Executive Functions | Subscribe above for access |
Oct.![]() | Mark Bertin, M.D. | Executive Function in the Average Smartphone | Subscribe above for access |
Oct. 31 | Aron Croft, M.S. | I hate hard work, so here’s how I complete my top tasks in 2 hours a day | Subscribe above for access |
Nov. 1 | Bruce Eastman | Finding Your Path | Subscribe above for access |
Nov. 2 | Elizabeth Brink, ACC | Functioning During Burnout | Subscribe above for access |
Nov. 3 | Sarah Kesty | The Executive Function You Need, So You Can Improve Your Executive Function | Subscribe above for access |
Nov. 4 | Sarah Durham | Strategies to Aid Students in Modulating Emotions During the “Big Asks” | Subscribe above for access |
Nov.![]() | Annette Tabor | One task: One Note card | Subscribe above for access |
Nov. 6 | Brooke Schnittman MA, ACC, BCC | How to Make a Decision Without Analysis Paralysis | Subscribe above for access |
Nov. 7 | Duane Gordon | We Get It Because We’ve Got It: The Power of Community Breaks Through Shame | Subscribe above for access |
Nov. 8 | CoachRudy Rodriguez | It’s All About Self-Regulation | Subscribe above for access |
Pass the Foxford Teacher Competency Model Test
Foxford Comprehensive System for Diagnostics and Qualification Assessment of Educational Workers
Assess Yourself More
5 Competency Model Blocks
9 Professional Psychological and Cultural Competencies 9002 competencies.
Scientific and
research competencies
Information and communication competencies
Project and management competencies
This is a pie chart of the competency model. The model consists of 5 blocks of components, with the help of which it is possible to analyze in detail the pedagogical activity of an employee and determine priority tasks and points of development. In addition, competency analysis helps to correlate activities with the requirements of the time.
Subject-professional competencies
Subject knowledge in the field of the taught subject, methods of its teaching.
Communication skills that determine the degree of success of pedagogical communication and interaction with colleagues, parents and students.
The use of methods, techniques, technologies that develop and socialize each student depending on the type of intelligence, thinking and perception of information.
Understanding and ability to see relationships between different subject areas
Socio-cultural and psychological competencies
Ability to create and use a health-preserving educational environment.
Introspection of personality and character: developed emotional intelligence, self-acceptance, ability to cope with stress.
Understanding and applying the basics of developmental psychology and psychophysiology, cognitive processes in the design of the educational process.
Development of own cognitive tools - methods, tests, strategies.
The ability to diagnose and develop all types of thinking in a student: systemic, creative, structural, logical, design, tactical.
Continuous self-development and advanced training.
Possession of cultural competencies, humanistic values and beliefs.
Research competencies
The ability to experiment, look for and implement new approaches to learning.
Creativity is the ability to bring one's activity to a more creative, exploratory level.
The ability to analyze and work with information that helps to develop professionally.
Designing, organizing and conducting pedagogical experiments, evaluating their effectiveness.
The ability to organize scientific and research activities of students.
Information and communication competencies
Digital literacy.
The ability to design courses and create individual learning strategies, didactically visually accompany the educational process.
Visual literacy is the ability to create high-quality graphic content in different formats.
Self-presentation skill.
Project and management competencies
Ability to conduct pedagogical analysis, set goals and conduct activities based on the reflection of the process and the result.
Coordination and organization of other people's activities, feedback at all stages of the educational process.
Coordination and organization of other people's activities, feedback at all stages of the educational process.
The ability to objectively see the process and the result of one's own pedagogical activity.
Identifying and self-solving problems.
The ability to set challenging goals, achieve them and be responsible for the result.
The next competency
Why does a school need a competency model and what are its advantages
With the help of complex diagnostics based on the Foxford competency model, you can evaluate a teacher not only as a professional in the subject area, but also as a holistic specialist with developed personal, professional and intellectual skills. You will be able to integrate the model into your organization smoothly and effectively.
Helps to understand the strengths and weaknesses of oneself as a teacher, all participants in the pedagogical process and the teaching staff.
Convenient for building a plan for the development of OS staff.
Helps to build a flexible system of teacher professional growth and gives a qualitative and quantitative idea of its implementation and potential.
Helps to build communication in a team more holistically and effectively and get a complete picture of the overall competence of the teaching staff, based not only on professional achievements, but also on the integration and interconnection of other competencies.
Provides an individual approach to the professional development of a teacher by seeing him as a person.
Take our test!
After testing, you will know your competency profile, identify key tasks and find your growth points!
Assess yourself
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Teacher competency test
Teacher courses covering core competencies
8 Moderator: New Profession in Education
- A certificate after certification
- 72 hours
Social Design as a means of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standardments
- 9002
Didactic tools of the modern teacher
- Certificate after certification
- 72 hours
8 Continuing Education: Organization of work with adolescents
- Certificate after certification
- 72 hours
Creation of the development environment in the classroom and in the lesson
7 - 9002 certification
- 36 hours
- Assistance after certification
- 72 hours
Lesson design tools
- Assistance
- Certificate after certification
- 16 hours
Training in the game and training in training
- Certificate after certification
- 72 hours
MNEMENTERS for teachers
- Certificate of
- 72 teacher and parent
- Certificate after certification
- 72 hours
Emotional state management
- A certificate after certification
- 16 hours
8 9027
- Certificate after certification
- 48 hours
emotional intelligence of children
- Certificate after certification
- 36 hours
School bullying: a challenge for teachers.
The principles and practice of stopping and preventing bullying in the educational environment
- A certificate after certification
- 72 hours
- 72 hours
- 16 hours
Methods for managing the design and research work of students as part of the Federal State Educational Standard
- after certification
- 72 hours
in the conditions of implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard
- Certificate after certification
- 72 hours
Journalism for life: Highlight the main thing, interest and earn
- A certificate after certification
- 72 hours
8 8
8 8
8 9020
8 9020
Additional general developmental programs of the new generation: from development to implementation and evaluation of effectiveness
- A certificate after certification
- 108 hours
Including distance learning elements in the educational process
- Certificates after certification
- 36 hours
- Certificate after certification
- 72 hours
Interactive technologies in training: Guide for a modern teacher
- Certificate after certification
- 72 hours
Modern educational technologies (EdTech) in the teacher
- A certificate after certification 9002 72 900
On the way to the "Digital School": details, risks, opportunities
- Certificate after certification
- 72 hours
Modern pedagogical technologies that provide training in the information and educational environment
- Certificates after certification
- 72 hours
- Certification after certification
- 36 hours
Motivation of teenagers: how to involve in activities and achieve results
- Assistance after certification
- 72 hours
Effective communication
- Certification after certification
- 72 hours
Motivation of teenagers: how to involve in activities and achieve results
- Assistance after certification
- 72 hours
How to keep up with a maximum: Methods for the teacher’s management
- Certificate after certification
- 9020
- Certificate after certification
- 36 hours
Legal literacy of employees of an educational organization
- Certificate after certification
- 36 hours
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Test Sticker in Instagram Stories - how to use, add and see answers
A fresh update on Instagram* brought us test stickers that can be used in Stories. And not just tests, but tests with answers.
People love quizzes, instant responses, and game mechanics, which means that quizzes will find a place in the content strategy of almost any company that promotes on Instagram*.
How tests are arranged in Stories
Tests are interactive stickers that contain 2 to 4 items. The correct answer is sewn into them, so when you choose one of the items, you will immediately know whether your guess is correct or not.
Tests on Instagram* continue the general trend of engaging Stories stickers, which previously included "Questions", "Polls", "Countdown Timer" and other stickers.
A new wave of Stories with tests rolled on Instagram*How to add a test to a Story
Take a photo for the Story (or upload your old photo or video to it), then go to the "Stickers" section, where you can select one of the widgets.
After clicking on the "Tests" icon, your future test will appear on the screen. You can enter the name of the test and test items (from 2 to 4), as well as indicate which of the answer options is correct.
Please enter the correct answer for your questionQuizzes can be customized, such as changing their colors. There are a lot of colors this time - not 4-6, as it was at the start with other engaging stickers, but more. True, you cannot choose a color with a pipette, you will have to scroll until you find a more or less suitable option.
You can change the colors of tests using the settings at the top of the screenHow to view subscribers' answers
When you answer a test, you will immediately know whether you answered correctly or incorrectly: the correct answer is immediately highlighted in green. Also, a vibration of various kinds is given out: a short one for the correct answer and a longer one for the wrong one.
All answers of subscribers to the test - both correct and incorrect - are visible only to the owner of the account; statistics are not available for outside users.
In the statistics you can see each answer, as well as the number of votes for each optionTo see the answers to your test, swipe the test story from the bottom up. In the statistics that appear, information will be collected on the answers of each user, as well as on the total number of voters for each of the points of your test.
How you can use Stories quizzes for content and engagement
This is where things get really interesting, as the other engagement stickers on Instagram* (polls, questions, and so on) still get a good response from followers and increase engagement.
Keep fresh four ideas for new tests:
Engaging games . Create a series of tests on one topic related to your business, let subscribers try to guess the correct answer. It can be "a few facts about the company", and a real quest with an exciting plot.
Competitions with award . The same idea can be developed by offering subscribers a reward for the most correct answers. Of course, you should choose more difficult questions in order to weed out the winner. True, you will have to sort through the answers and determine the winner manually.
Target audience research . Find out what your target audience likes by offering her not 2 (as in surveys), but from 2 to 4 answer options. Thanks to statistics, you can understand which answer option was chosen most often and take into account the opinion of your subscribers.
Fun test . Psychological tests have remained popular for decades. In principle, any Cosmopolitan magazine-level entertainment test can be adapted for tests in History - just remember that users will not be able to see the number of points or somehow calculate them.
You can do self-diagnostic tests, such as "Style: am I dramatic?", "How witchy am I?" and so on.