5150 psychiatric hold for 72 hours
Crisis and 5150 Process » FERC
If you or someone close to you is experiencing a crisis due to a mental health challenge and may be a danger to themselves or others, you should call 911. Crisis support services of Alameda County offers support to all ages and backgrounds during times of crisis or difficulty. The 24-hour Crisis line can be reached at 1-800-309-2131.
How do I know if I should call 911?
If your family member or loved one is threatening to harm themselves, you, or another person OR exhibiting violent behavior then you need to call 911. You can request that police send Crisis Intervention Trained (CIT) officers who have been through extra hours of additional training on how to handle psychiatric emergencies in the community. Not all law enforcement agencies can access CIT officers from their dispatch center, but it doesn’t hurt to ask*.
What do I do after 911 is called?
- Prepare your home before police arrival by removing any items that could be used or perceived as a weapon. Turn on all the lights in your home to improve visibility and turn off all the audio (televisions, stereos) to reduce distractions.
- Try to meet the police officers outside before they interact with your loved one. Brief them on what has been going on, the emotional state of your loved one, and share helpful suggestions on what may work best for your loved one.
- Be direct and open. Do not exaggerate the situation or leave out relevant information. Be prepared to give a brief history of your loved one’s behavior.
- Give police at the scene a brief information sheet (1-2 pages), that includes a photograph of your family member, medical and psychiatric history, treatment information, and family caregiver contact information. [Click here for more details (AB 1424 historical info form)].
- Ask the police officer or ambulance driver where your friend or relative is being taken.
If the police believe that the person meets criteria (see below), they will be placed on a 5150 and transported (typically by ambulance) to a designated facility for psychiatric evaluation and treatment. The individual can be held at a designated facility for up to 72 hours.
5150 is the number of the section of the Welfare and Institutions Code, which allows a person with a mental challenge to be involuntarily detained for a 72-hour psychiatric hospitalization. A person on a 5150 can be held in the psychiatric hospital against their will for up to 72 hours. This does not mean that they will necessarily be held the entire 72 hours; it means that psychiatric hospitals have the legal right to do so if determined to be necessary.
What makes someone eligible for a 5150?
A person can be held against their will in a psychiatric facility only if they meet at least one of the three basic criteria listed:
- The person is a danger to others. Historically, the courts have most often interpreted this in a very restrictive way.
Before the passing of AB 1194, it must be generally shown that an imminent threat exists, and that someone will do so immediately. Now, danger to others may be interpreted as the person means to carry out the threat. The threat must also be substantially related to the mental health challenge.
- If the person is a danger to self. The courts generally interpret this as a life-threatening danger to self (i.e. suicide).
- If the person is gravely disabled. The law states that a person must be unable to provide for their own food, clothing or shelter as the result of a mental challenge to qualify as gravely disabled. Across California jurisdictions, "grave disability as the result of a mental illness" is interpreted differently. Courts generally rule a person is not gravely disabled (even if they are incapacitated) if they have friends or family who will provide food, clothing, or shelter for them. This is important, as 'having a place to go' and 'having someone to provide for them’ influences decisions as to whether to release a loved one.
It is important to discuss as a family whether you are able to take a loved one home with you and safely provide care for them at this time.
- A 5250 is a 14-day extension of the involuntary hold. (As with the 5150, the hospital may or may not hold someone for the entire 14 days).
- At the end of 72 hours, if someone has been on a 5150 hold and still meets one of the three criteria (e.g. danger to self, others, or gravely disabled) then the attending psychiatrist can file a 5250, or "certification for up to fourteen days of intensive psychiatric treatment". By law the client must receive a copy of this certification.
- The client is entitled to an automatic hearing called a certification review hearing, which is informal and a Patients’ Rights Advocate from the Patients’ Rights Advocacy office represents the consumer.
- The client can also request a Writ of Habeus Corpus hearing at anytime to contest being held in front of a judge.
When a family member or loved one is hospitalized, it is natural to be concerned and want the most up-to-date information possible. You may even have helpful information to share. It is important to note that for adults, age 18 and over who are hospitalized, confidentiality rights protect their rights to privacy. This means your relative, friend, or partner must first authorize the treatment facility to contact or disclose information to you before they are allowed to involve you in their care. Below are some of the important forms and laws that family members need to know about or fill out to have access to supporting their loved one.
How to Receive Information about your Loved One
Release of Confidential Information is a form that must be signed for each hospital admission, and each individual seeking to be involved in care. For you to hear any information about your loved one’s case you need your love one to sign a Release of Information (ROI). Ask your loved one if they will add you to their list of individuals authorized to speak to their providers. Staff at the nurses’ station have this form in your loved one’s files. Click here for an example of a Release of Information Form. The release form given here is a sample form that might be recognized by an institution, though most prefer their own form. Release forms can specify information and dates when it is enforced.
- Sample Release of Information Form
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How to Share Information about your Loved One
AB 1424 is a California law that requires all individuals making decisions about involuntary treatment to consider historical information supplied by family members. Mental health staff will place this form in the consumer’s mental health chart, and under state and federal law, consumers have the right to view their chart. The Family member completing this form also has the right to withdraw consent to release information given by them and have the information regarded as confidential {Welfare & Institutions Code 5328(b)}.
Filling out the AB 1424 form is the best way to assure your personal understanding of your loved one’s situation can be considered to their treatment team. If possible, you should fill out this form in advance, keep the information current, and have extra copies at hand to give to police or other professionals who are called on a 5150. Click here for the AB1424 Form. This form was developed jointly by Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services, Alameda County Family Coalition, family members, mental health consumers, mental health providers, patients’ rights advocates and the judicial system.
- AB1424 Form
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AB 1194
An important legislative change that impacts families is AB 1194. This law removes the word “imminent” from danger to self or others from 5150 eligibility criteria, which basically means families don’t have to wait until they are witnessing someone harming themselves or others to call for help. This law also requires the LPS 5150 application to record whether the historical course of person’s mental health challenge was considered in the determination of probable cause.
SB 1152
SB 1152 requires hospitals to revise current discharge policies to assist homeless patients in preparing for their return to the community by helping them identify a post-discharge destination, with priority given to identifying a sheltered destination with supportive services. Prior to discharging a homeless patient, hospitals are required to document and perform a checklist of events, such as offering the homeless patient a meal, screening for infectious disease, weather-appropriate clothing and transportation to a certain destination within a 30-mile radius. Hospitals must also have a written plan for coordinating services and referrals for homeless patients with the county behavioral health agency, health care and social services agencies in the region, health care providers and nonprofit social services providers. Each hospital will be required to maintain a log of the homeless patients discharged from their facilities and the post-discharge destinations.
Patients’ Rights Advocates are a part of the Mental Health Association of Alameda County, our sister program. Patients’ Rights advocates are available to provide education and consultation on the laws governing mental health treatment including involuntary detention. You can reach Alameda County Patients’ Rights Advocates at 1-800-734-2504.
A Certification Review Hearing is also known as a Probable Cause Hearing. It is an informal hearing held at the hospital to determine if there is "good cause" to keep someone in the hospital. At the hearing, a hearing officer will determine whether or not the patient is still a danger to themselves, others, or gravely disabled as a result of a mental illness. If there is no good cause determined to keep the person in the hospital, the hearing officer can discharge the person from the hospital immediately. If there is good cause, the hearing officer will allow the psychiatrist to keep the patient in the hospital for up to fourteen more days.
What Is a 5150 Hold? 72-Hour Holds from a Nursing Perspective
Whether it’s police officers kicking in doors to stop a violent crime in progress, surgical teams hustling to remove badly infected organs or firefighters catching trapped citizens leaping from a burning building, emergency situations often call for drastic actions.
While all these examples may come with more visibly obvious extreme circumstances than you’d encounter in a mental health emergency, there are still times when mental health practitioners need to take extraordinary measures to ensure safety. One such measure is known as a “5150 hold.”
What is a 5150 hold?
If you’ve followed the Britney Spears conservatorship saga closely, you’ve likely heard about the 5150 hold she was placed on during a tumultuous period in 2008. But what exactly is it? And why is it called that?
The name “5150 hold” originated simply from the section number of a California state law that pertains to the involuntary treatment of “mentally disordered” people. This allows certain professionals to initiate a 72-hour observation period for mentally distressed individuals in approved facilities. These emergency holds are definitely not just for celebrities and happen much more often than what you’ll find in tabloid headlines.
While the “5150” name is California-specific, most states across the U. S. have their own laws regarding involuntary emergency holds for psychiatric patients. Every state sets their own guidelines on the duration of emergency holds, who can initiate an emergency hold and the rights of the patients during the hold. Despite these state-by-state differences, there are still plenty of overarching consistencies regarding these holds. Keep reading and we’ll cover the basics of emergency holds. Plus, you’ll hear from registered nurses on how best to care for patients on these holds.
Who can be placed on an emergency hold?
All 50 states and the District of Columbia allow emergency holds to be placed on anyone who is a danger to themselves or others. While most specify that the danger must be due to mental illness, others do not. Generally, it must be shown that threat is imminent—that the patent has the means and the plan to carry it out.
Some states also allow “gravely disabled” individuals to be held, though the interpretation of this varies widely by state. The stricter interpretation doesn’t consider a person to be gravely disabled if they have friends or family who provide food, clothing or shelter for them.
A few states allow for emergency holds under more unique circumstances. Five states specify that an individual who has recently attempted suicide can be held even if they don’t have current suicidal ideation.
What happens on an emergency hold?
While what happens on an emergency hold depends heavily on what type of treatment the patient needs, there are many consistencies—especially at beginning of a hold. The hold officially begins when the patient is presented with their rights during this period. Again, these will vary by state, but generally allow patients to refuse medical treatment, make phone calls and see an attorney.
Since the purpose of the hold is to keep the individual safe while waiting for the courts to process their case, it allows the patient’s care team and security team to stop them if they try to leave the facility.
Before the patient is transferred from the hospital to a psychiatric facility or can undergo a psychiatric evaluation, they usually start in an emergency department where the staff ensures the person doesn’t have any emergency medical issues that need to be addressed immediately. A drug screening and toxicology report are usually run at the minimum. Though this sounds simple, medical clearance can take several hours depending on how busy the ER is. The patient may also be waiting there until a psychiatric care bed opens up, either in that medical center or at a nearby facility that the patient could be transferred to. Most ERs and psychiatric care floors place patients on video monitoring or one-on-one close observation while they’re on a hold.
How long does an emergency hold last?
This can be more complicated than just counting the hours. While holds can vary from 23 hours to 10 days, 72 hours is a common length. In most states, the length of the hold only includes days that the courts are open, not weekends or holidays.
Though the hold is set to a certain length, the authorizing provider can end the hold when they are finished with the evaluation and treatment. The provider can also extend the involuntary hold to allow enough time for psychiatric treatment. An extension usually requires an informal hearing with a patients’ rights advocate. Other states require hearings more quickly after the initial hold is placed.
What happens after an emergency hold?
The outcomes of emergency holds are as unique and varied as the patients themselves. It also depends on what evaluations or treatments the patient is willing to comply with. While an emergency hold doesn’t necessarily indicate the commitment process, commitment to a psychiatric facility may be considered. The commitment process involves the courts and specific criterion that usually considers the patient’s behavior, including:
- Attempted or threatened harm to themselves or others
- Significant property damage
- Failure to obtain food, clothing, shelter or medical care as a result of their illness
- Being at risk of substantial harm or significant deterioration
Outside of commitment, patients at the end of their holds may pursue medical and mental health treatment in an outpatient setting or an inpatient setting without a hold if they’re willing.
Who can initiate an emergency hold?
Though it does vary by state the following roles can initiate and fully authorize an emergency hold:
- Physician (MD or DO)
- Doctoral-level psychologist
- Psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP)
- Licensed physician assistant (PA-C)
Other roles can initiate the hold but need approval from one of the above for full authorization. This initial hold is usually called a transport hold or a peace/health officer emergency hold. For example, a peace officer can take a person into custody to transport them to an emergency department or other treatment facility and initiate the process. There, the officer fills out an application with the reasoning for the hold for the patient’s provider to consider.
Within a hospital, a registered nurse working in the emergency department can place a hold in their authority as a health officer before the authorizing provider has a chance to see the patient. This is usually done if the patient is attempting to leave before the provider has seen the patient.
For nurses caring for patients on an emergency hold
While it’s one thing to understand the intricacies of your state’s emergency hold statutes, it’s quite a different thing to actually care for patients on a hold. We sought advice from experienced nurses on how to best work with patients experiencing severe mental health and behavior issues.
1. Be on guard for physically aggressive or violent behavior
While not all patients on a hold are violent, those who are dealing with new mental illness symptoms or are currently in crisis can become physically aggressive or violent, notes Ron Kraus, MSN, RN, EMT, CEN, ACNS-BC, TCRN, president of the Emergency Nurses Association. Many patients may not agree with diagnoses or the need to be held which can make them more prone to aggression. “Working with a patient being held requires an emergency department nurse to have a greater focus and diligence because the safety of the patient and the emergency department staff is so important,” says Kraus.
Many facilities use an aggression evaluation scale to measure the probability that a patient will become aggressive. While this is a helpful tool, it’s not infallible. That makes it important to continually evaluate your own safety when caring for a patient who may become aggressive. Keep close to the door as much as possible, avoid reaching over the patient for supplies or to perform care, and have a way to call for back-up or security if needed.
2. Foster trust
Alongside being extra diligent, staff working with a patient on a hold need to create trust between themselves and the patient. Understanding is a key part of creating that trust. “The nurse has to understand the patient is in crisis and help the patient understand you are [a] valuable part of their journey,” says Kraus. He recommends:
- Assuring the patient they are safe
- Decreasing stimulus
- Making the patient as comfortable as possible
- Speaking calmly
- Listening carefully to the patient’s concerns.
Wes Turner, RN, an emergency department nurse, tries to be as upfront and honest as possible with patients on a hold. “Get on their level. Tell them all the steps and things to expect. If you start doing things by surprise, they lose that trust,” he says. Keep in mind that many patients on a hold have never been in this situation before and likely have never been through this process with you so explaining all the next steps is key in helping them feel comfortable and creating trust.
3. Keep in mind the benefit
While caring for patients on a hold can feel intimidating at first, working with patients in need of mental health care can be extremely rewarding. Mental health tends to be a misunderstood and underserved area of medicine, so taking the opportunity to learn more about working with this patient population may benefit you and your career.
Plus, knowing that you’re there for the patient during a vulnerable time in their life is rewarding in itself. “We have the ability to make a difference for that person and their family,” says Kraus.
Put your compassion in action
Mental health patients need nurses with a strong understanding of mental illness and how to best care for them when they’re experiencing crisis. If that sounds like the kind of nurse you want to be, you may want to learn more about what it looks like to work in psychiatric nursing. Read more in our article “Everything You Should Know About Psychiatric Nursing.”
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Article: Cases of mandatory participation of defense counsel in criminal proceedings. Commentary on Article 51 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation
(Ryzhakov A.P.)
(Prepared for the ConsultantPlus system, 2021) Detention can last 120 hours, in our opinion, that's why. As a general rule and based on the content of Parts 2 and 3 of Art. 94 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the term of detention is 48 hours. But in accordance with the guidelines enshrined in paragraph 3 of part 7 of Art. 108 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, this period may be extended by 72 hours. If you add up 48 hours and 72 hours, you get the required amount of 120 hours. Taking into account the same h. 7.1 Art. 108 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, after the specified time has elapsed, the court has the right to refuse to satisfy the petition for the election of a suspected measure of restraint in the form of detention and to elect a measure of restraint in relation to the latter in the form of a ban on certain actions, bail or house arrest. In the situation under consideration, the person will be given the status of a suspect for another 10 days (45 days if he is suspected of committing at least one of the crimes provided for in Articles 205, 205.1, 205.3, 205.4, 205.5, 206, 208, 209, 210, 210.1, 277, 278, 279, 281, 360 or 361 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) from the moment a measure of restraint is applied to him in the form, for example, of bail.
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Article: The right to file a petition in criminal proceedings. Commentary on Article 119 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation
(Ryzhakov A.P.)
(Prepared for the ConsultantPlus system, 2020) Detention can last 120 hours, in our opinion, that's why. As a general rule and based on the content of Parts 2 and 3 of Art. 94 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the period of detention is 48 hours. But in accordance with the guidelines enshrined in paragraph 3 of part 7 of Art. 108 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, this period may be extended by 72 hours. If you add up 48 hours and 72 hours, you get the required amount of 120 hours. Taking into account the same h. 7.1 Art. 108 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, after the specified period of time, the court has the right to refuse to satisfy the petition for the election of a suspected measure of restraint in the form of detention and to choose a measure of restraint in relation to the latter in the form of a ban on certain actions, bail or house arrest. In the situation under consideration, the person will be given the status of a suspect for another 10 days (45 days if he is suspected of committing at least one of the crimes provided for in Articles 205, 205.1, 205.3, 205.4, 205.5, 206, 208, 209, 210, 210.1, 277, 278, 279, 281, 360 or 361 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) from the moment a measure of restraint is applied to him in the form of a ban on certain actions, bail or house arrest.
Normative acts : Extension for 72 hours
Decree of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated 12/19/2013 N 41
(as amended on 06/11/2020)
"On the practice of application by courts of legislation on preventive measures, house detention arrest, bail and prohibition of certain actions" If, when considering this petition, one of the parties filed a petition to adjourn the court session in order to provide additional evidence of the validity or groundlessness of the choice of a measure of restraint in the form of detention, the judge discusses such a petition in a court session with the participation of the parties and in if it is satisfied, issues a decision to extend the period of detention for no more than 72 hours, indicating the date and time until which the period of detention is extended (paragraph 3 of part 7 of article 108 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation). When holding a repeat court session, the judge resumes the trial (Part 2 of Article 253 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation) and, with the participation of the parties, on the basis of the available materials, including newly received ones, makes a decision on choosing a measure of restraint in respect of the suspect or accused in the form of detention or on refusal to granting this request.
Inside the Britney Spears Conservatory - Music
- Music
Anthony Harvey / Getty Images
Late 90s and early 00s. Britney Spears was the undisputed queen of pop, acclaimed as an icon thanks to her infectious, sweet teenage beats as well as unforgettable live performances. Roughly ten years after the release of her debut single "...Baby One More Time", a new and challenging chapter of her legacy has opened. In 2007 and 2008, Spears had several public mental illnesses that caused those around her to decide that she should be placed under legal guardianship for her own protection. According to the California Court Handbook for Conservatives, a guardian is defined as “an individual or entity chosen to protect and manage the personal care or finances—or both—of a person who has been found by a judge or jury to be incapable of directing their own affairs. ' The person receiving this protection is known as the guardian.
The Spears case is complex. Firstly, the singer's fortune is 115 million dollars. Celebrity Net Worth . In addition, she is one of the most famous people on the planet. A fortune coupled with a celebrity can be a daunting task (just ask anyone who has been profiled Behind the Music of ), but still add a guardianship? It's a completely different animal.
Without further ado, let's reveal all the details of Britney Spears' custody that we can find.
If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, please contact the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741741, or call the National Mental Alliance Helpline diseases at 1-800-950-NAMI (6264).
How the Britney Spears Conservatory began
Michael Buckner / Getty Images
The divorce of Britney Spears from her ex-husband, dancer Kevin Federline, with whom she has two children, took place. completed in July 2007 . But the pressure she felt as a celebrity mom in a stressful relationship came back in February 2006 when she was caught driving with her young son. Sean Preston Federline in her lap. The following February, TMZ reported that Spears checked out of rehab in less than 24 hours. After she returned to California, she shaved her head. A frequent target of the paparazzi also attacked the photographer's car with an umbrella. Same week, People reported that Spears had checked into another rehab.
Spears lost full custody of sons Sean Preston and Jaden Federline in October 2007. The following January, she reportedly locked herself in her bathroom with Jayden during a visit and refused to hand him over to the child caretaker, who called the police. The LAPD said People at the time, Spears was allegedly "under the influence of an unknown substance." She was rushed to the hospital and placed under 72-hour isolation 5150, allowing "a person with a mental illness to be involuntarily detained for 72 hours of psychiatric hospitalization. " Family Education Resource Center. That conservatory officially began on February 1, 2008, immediately after Spears' second hospitalization.
Speaking of this time in 2017 Yedioth Ahronot interview (via Cosmopolitan ), Spears said, “I think I should have taken more career breaks and taken responsibility for my mental health. . '
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Britney Spears' custody was initially temporary
Toby Canham / Getty Images
Britney Spears' father, Jamie Spears, allegedly acted on her behalf when he sought and received temporary custody in 2008. Los Angeles Times tagged , this gave him control over his daughter's business, finances and personal life. At this time, Guardian offered more details on what this entailed. According to the publication, Jamie "has the right to prevent people from visiting her in the hospital, will have exclusive control over her medical records, and can cancel any contracts she may have signed. "
There were concerns about who Britney then brought into her inner circle, such as her friend Sam Lutfi, who at the time claimed to be her manager. (In 2019Britney's reps told CNN that Lutfi was never her manager.) Britney and Lutfi reportedly first met in 2007, and there were several allegations and legal battles between him and her parents in the following years. In her book, Through the Storm , Lynn Spears called him Britney's "imaginative gatekeeper" who "wanted to keep the gates closed for" her relatives. Lutfi sued Britney's family for defamation. TMZ , they settled in 2016.
In 2019, CNN reported that Britney and her entire family had received a five-year restraining order against Lutfi.
Oops... Jamie Spears did it all over again
Fraser Harrison / Getty Images
Los Angeles courts made Britney Spears's guardianship permanent by the end of 2008, Jamie Spears became custodian of her estate and welfare. Lawyer Andrew Wallet was hired as a co-conservative to manage the pop star's financial assets, but resigned in March 2019.of the year. In documents obtained by Blast , Purse stated: "Substantial damage, irreparable harm and imminent danger will be caused to the guardian and her property if the assistance requested here is not provided on an ex parte basis."
In May 2019, Britney's custody lasted a whopping 11 years when Jamie filed for a tri-state legal agreement extension outside of California. Per TMZ , he has petitioned to oversee the decisions his daughter makes in her home state of Louisiana, as well as Florida and Hawaii, where Britney reportedly enjoys vacationing. According to the report, Jamie feared that people online were "pulling strings in the Free Britney movement that might try to snatch her if she left California."
Just days before Jamie filed his request, Britney appeared in court along with her mother, Lynn Spears, to demand that the judge grant her more freedom in her custody. and . The site cited court documents that said the judge had instructed an "expert" to examine the documents because they were "impartial" and "independent." and learned that the judge denied Britney's requests.
Britney Spears Business
Ethan Miller / Getty Images
It's important to remember that Britney Spears worked through most of her tutelage. It is also important to note that this legal agreement is costing Spears a lot of money. In 2019, and received documents detailing the singer's expenses in 2018. Her biggest? According to the site, the legitimate conservatives' fees totaled more than $1.1 million. Jamie Spears received a fee of $128,000, the same amount he received in 2017.
Britney's assets at the end of 2018 amounted to more than $59 million, so legal costs do not leave her without a livelihood. However, this arrangement affects more than just her bank account. As she said in the 2008 MTV documentary: Britney: For the record, "If I wasn't under the restrictions that I'm in right now, you know, with all the lawyers and doctors and people who analyze me every day and everything like... if it wasn't for that, I would "I feel so liberated and I feel like myself."
There are questions about how the guardianship has affected Britney's results and what the end of it will mean for her career. Under tutelage, the pop star has recorded four albums since 2008. Circus . She played four concert tours. And, of course, her Las Vegas residence, Britney: Part of Me . Caesars sources reportedly told journalist Taffy Brodesser-Akner for Matter "that the company insisted on guardianship just in case and that it should remain in place throughout its contract."
Fans launched the Free Britney movement.
Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images
According to Washington Post , the phrase "Free Britney" first appeared online in 2009. Ten years later, #FreeBritney has reached its peak. In April 2019, Britney Spears' custody received a lot of media attention after the Britney podcast aired an episode featuring some startling allegations. The podcast, which routinely exposes Spears' posts on Instagram, shared an anonymous voicemail from a former paralegal who claimed to have worked for a guardian-related lawyer.
He claimed to podcast hosts Tess Barker and Barbara Gray that Jamie Spears allegedly forced Britney to cancel her second Las Vegas residency when she allegedly stopped taking her medication. The whistleblower also claimed that Jamie sent Britney to a psychiatric hospital in January 2019. gram Britney hosts claimed to Washington Post that they had confirmed his identity; Britney's team was unable to identify him and reported Post they believed he was an impostor.
This was announced by Britney's manager Larry Rudolph. Washington Post , “A conservatory is not a prison. It helps Britney make business decisions and manage her life in ways she can't now." On the other hand, when her brother Brian Spears was on the As NOT SHOWN ON TV Podcast in July 2020, he said, “She always wanted to get out of this... No matter if anyone goes with the world, to help, or they come with an attitude where someone constantly tells you to do something, it must be unpleasant. ' Basically, it's difficult.
Jamie Spears retires
Scott Dudelson/Getty Images
In September 2019, Jamie Spears temporarily stepped down as Britney Spears Conservative. According to the documents received by TMZ . Jamie underwent emergency surgery in November 2018 when his colon "spontaneously ruptured". People . In January 2019, Britney announced on Instagram that Britney: Domination 's residence permit had been cancelled, citing Jamie's health as the reason for the decision.
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Regarding her father's hospitalization, Britney wrote that she and her family "are all so grateful to him for making it out of this alive, but he still has a long way to go. " She added that she "had to make a difficult decision to focus her full attention and energy on her family during this time." After Britney checked into a wellness center in April 2019, a source claimed to People that "her father's illness took a toll on her."
Days before Jamie asked to temporarily step down from his role as guardian in September of that year, a disturbing report surfaced about Jamie and Britney's son, Sean Preston Federline. According to Explosion of , Jamie and Sean allegedly got into an argument that escalated to the point where Jamie "broke the door" and "violently shook" his grandson. As multiple outlets were reported, the offender's charges were dropped because, as the district attorney's office said in a statement, "there is insufficient evidence that a felony was committed."
TMZ reported that Jody Montgomery, Britney's "personal care manager", has become Britney's temporary guardian.
Celebrities support #FreeBritney
Kevin Mazur, Pool/Getty Images
Celebrities: They support Britney Spears as much as we do. Consider Jersey Shore star Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi, who simply posted a photo of herself on Instagram wearing a Britney Spears tour T-shirt that read "#freebritney Love you Queen". Or Miley Cyrus, Spears fan and co-worker who has yelled "Free Britney" at her concerts. Cyrus discussed this issue with iHeartRadio in August 2020, admitting he doesn't know the singer well. “I scream a lot on my show,” Cyrus said. "I also think that Britney, like anyone else, should have the freedom to live the life that is closest to her."
Modern Family Actress Ariel Winter, who also has a unique legal situation with her family since she was emancipated by her parents in 2015, supports #FreeBritney. Spears Winter spoke about the guardianship in her Instagram story (via and T Canada ), "What her 'father' and crew are doing to her is absolutely disgusting and destructive."
Pop icon Cher is another of Spears' most outspoken supporters. "Anyone who makes money from her illness wants her to get well?" the singer wrote in August 2020, as well as an article about Spears' sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, seeking control of her assets. “Whoever wants nothing from her should turn to her doctor and her medications,” Cher concluded.
Mom and sister Britney Spears are in a hurry to help ... Perhaps
Dave Hogan / Getty Images
In July 2020, reported Lynn Spears on the district courts of the Los Anaut including her in all decisions made” in relation to her daughter’s revocable SJB trust. According to documents obtained by the site, Britney Spears entered into a trust in 2004 to protect most of her wealth. It was also created to "hold and manage her tangible financial assets during her lifetime and ensure the distribution of those assets after her death". Explosion reported. The trust protects almost everything Britney owns, including "cash and cash equivalents" as well as "clothing, jewelry, motor vehicles and accessories, books, paintings" and other items.
Britney lost control of this trust when custodianship began in 2008 and her father, Jamie Spears, controlled it until he temporarily stepped down as Britney's custodian. Lynn has not previously played any role in the conservatory.
Britney's sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, became a trustee of the SJB Revocable Trust in 2018. Los Angeles Times . A month after Lynn applied to participate in the trust decisions, Jamie Lynn filed paperwork and "requested that all assets" of the aforementioned trust "be transferred to one or more accounts with Fidelity Brokerage Services with her participation as custodian" . Los Angeles Times reported. As noted by the publication, it is unclear how this fits into the battle for the conservatorship. If anything, the Spears family lawyers have been busy in the summer of 2020.
Does Britney Spears really need saving?
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Ever since the Guardianship was introduced in 2008, #FreeBritney supporters have believed that Britney Spears is being pressured into agreeing to the arrangement. So how does do Spears think about all this?
One of Spears' earliest references to the conservatorship occurred in a 2008 MTV documentary. Britney: Record . The pop star spoke about feeling "in a confined space" and noted that "lawyers, doctors and people" check on her regularly. She continued, "I'm kind of stuck in this place, and that's kind of how you manage, you know? And you're just doing it. And that's what I do, I just deal with it every day."
In April 2019, around the time her father was worried about her health, she posted on Instagram asking fans to stop worrying so much about her. “I try to make time for myself, but everything that happens only makes life harder for me,” she said. “My situation is unique, but I promise that I am doing my best at the moment. You may not know this about me, but I am strong and stand up for what I want!” Spears also requested "a bit of privacy".
In court documents obtained by Los Angeles Times in September 2020, her attorney called it "voluntary custody," adding that Spears "wants to exercise her right to appoint a trustee for the estate. "
Britney Spears' custody saga continues
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In August 2020, the guardianship of Britney Spears was extended until February 2021, after which a closed hearing was to be held to review it. Variety is reported in court documents. Britney is unhappy with her father, Jamie Spears, as a conservative, and she filed to have him removed from his position and be permanently replaced by an interim conservative who was hired after Jamie fell ill in late 2018. The judge denied that request in November 2020, despite Britney's lawyer stating (via AP News ) that "she's scared of her father" and alleging mismanagement.
Judge Brenda Penny did approve the addition of a corporate fiduciary, the Bessemer Trust, as a co-conservator in dealing with Britney's estate. AP News reported. Court documents say Britney is concerned that her father will not work with Bessemer Trust and wants to "retain full functional control of her assets, ledgers and records in the face of Britney's objections. " Britney also took legal steps to keep her custody hearings open.
"At this point in her life, as she tries to regain some degree of personal autonomy, Britney welcomes and appreciates the informed support of her many fans," Britney's lawyer said in a statement. Variety . "Britney herself is vehemently opposed to her father's attempts to keep her legal struggles in the closet as a family secret."
Will Britney Spears rule pop music again?
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Britney Spears hasn't performed live since 2018, and only she knows if she'll ever want to grace the concert stage again. However, someone from her inner circle has a strong opinion on this matter. This was told by her longtime manager Larry Rudolph. TMZ in May 2019 that if she stops working, then he "has no desire or ability to make her work again." He continued, “I’m only here for her when she wants to work. And if she ever wants to work again, I'm here to tell her if it's a good idea or a bad one. "
In another statement to Billboard, Rudolf clarified that he didn't actually say that Spears would never work again. Rather, he simply indicated that the Las Vegas residency would not take place and that he had not heard from her. "She hasn't called me in months to talk about anything, so I'm not sure if she'll ever want to work again," he explained. 'It is so simple.' According to court documents obtained on TMZ in September 2020, Spears says she is "completed with performances, at least for now."
In August 2020, & reported that Spears' lawyers filed paperwork stating "major changes to her current lifestyle and her stated desires." Could these "major changes" include her hanging up her pop star hat for good? This is yet to be seen. But hey, if Spears is happy, we're happy.
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Framing Britney Spears and extending custody of Britney
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In mid-December 2020 And reported that the judge had extended custody of Britney Spears until September 2021. Less than two months later, on February 5, 2020, an episode of The New York Times Presents, titled "Framing Britney Spears", premiered on Hulu. The program doesn't reveal any new details about Spears' custody battle, but she brought the conversation back into focus by explaining the details of the case to a wider audience and further fueling the flames of the conflict. the so-called "Free Britney" movement.
On the same day of the premiere, Yi received official court documents filed by Britney's lawyer Samuel D. Ingham III stating that "for her father, Jamie Spears, to gain additional power over his daughter's property would be extremely detrimental to Britney's interests." The publication speculated that Ingham filed the paperwork in response to Jamie's attempts to ensure that Britney's co-conservative, the Bessemer Trust, could never "become the sole custodian of his daughter's estate," as she had previously requested. Britney and her legal team wanted to keep this option open.
Britney Spears and her boyfriend Sam Asghari seem to have responded to the accusation of setting up Britney Spears.
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Just days after the New York Times Presents episode "Setting Britney Spears" premiered on Hulu on February 9, 2021, Britney Spears' boyfriend, Sam Asgari, showed up to respond to the public's renewed interest in her case - and he didn't hold back, voicing his harsh feelings about Britney's father, Jamie Spears, on an Instagram story (via Buzzfeed). “Now it’s important that people understand that I don’t respect someone who tries to control our relationship and constantly puts obstacles in our way,” he wrote, adding: “In my opinion, Jamie is a complete jerk. I will not go into details because I have always respected our privacy, but at the same time, I did not come to this country [from Iran] to be unable to express my opinion and freedom.”
On March 30, 2021, Britney wrote a now-deleted Instagram post apparently expressing her opinion on "Setting Britney Spears" and other pop culture perspectives on her life. “It takes a lot of strength to TRUST the universe with my real vulnerability, because I have always been so condemned ... insulted ... and embarrassed by the media ... and I still think so !!!!” read the post according to Buzzfeed. “I didn’t watch [the whole] documentary, but from what I saw, I was confused by the light they put me in… I cried for two weeks and… I still cry sometimes!! !!'
The Britney Spears team makes unexpected legal moves
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statements in court. According to legal documents obtained by Variety, on March 23, 2021, Ingham demanded that Britney's father, Jamie Spears, permanently renounce his role as "current guardian of her person" but not of her estate. The paperwork called for Jodi Pais Montgomery to take his place, who, as mentioned earlier, took over the role in 2019.year when Jamie left due to health problems. In addition, the statement said that the "Toxic" singer "expressly reserves the right to petition to terminate custody. "
About a month later, in perhaps the most unexpected move, Ingham asked his client to go to court himself to deal with "household issues" related to custody (via Billboard). "The Conservative is asking the court for a status hearing so she can go to court directly," Ingham reportedly asked during the hearing, adding, "My client asked for this to be done on an expedited basis." Judge Brenda Penny granted the request and a date of June 23, 2021 was set.
The New York Times' startling revelations of Britney Spears' secret custody struggle
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The York Times reported previously unseen information about their struggles with custody. The newspaper reported that at a closed hearing in 2014, the pop star, through her lawyer Samuel D. Ingham III, requested that the court consider removing her father Jamie Spears as her guardian. His alleged drinking problem was reportedly one of the many reasons for the request.
In a 2016 report published by The Times, the coroner reportedly wrote that Britney "articulated that she believed the guardianship had become a tool of suppression and control against her." Britney has also expressed concern that the guardianship allows those around her to misuse her finances. The publication also reported that in 2019, Britney told the court that her guardianship officers imposed a "stay in a psychiatric hospital" on her and forced her to perform "against her will."
At the time of this writing, Jamie Spears is still one of the custodians of Britney's estate and her personal choices, and according to documents obtained by The Times, he did at times radiate some control over her personal choices that he dictated to her. personal touch to her home decor.
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Britney speaks
The world got a glimpse of what was to come at Britney Spears' custody hearing on June 23, 2021, when her boyfriend Sam Asghari appeared on his Instagram story before the hearing wearing a shirt with "Free Britney" sign. Speaking to the court by phone, Spears demanded the end of her 13-year custody - without further evaluation. "I lied and told the whole world, 'I'm fine and I'm happy,'" she said. Variety, adding, "I'm traumatized. ... I can not sleep. I'm so angry, it's crazy. And I'm depressed. I cry every day."
Spears also stated that she didn't feel "heard on any level" during her final court appearance and said she wants to "sue [her] family" who she believes are accomplices, to maintain guardianship. She claimed that her father "liked to be in control" of her life and even went so far as to state that he "and everyone involved in this custody", including members of her leadership, "should be in prison". She disagreed with how and at what intervals she administered the therapy she was prescribed, and alleged that her guardians threatened to deprive her of everything from money to holidays if she did not publicly remain silent about custody and did not follow their orders.
Of the many bold statements made by the Womanizer singer, perhaps the most shocking was her statement that her reproductive rights were restricted.