What is the lowest dose of adderall
Adderall Dosage Chart: Recommended Dosage for Adults
There are many different Adderall dosages, and taking too much can lead to risky side effects. Learn more about what Adderall is used for and how much is typically prescribed.
When looking at Adderall dosage, there are distinctions between extended-release and immediate-release options. The Adderall dosage instructions are different for the two.
Article at a Glance:
- Adderall immediate-release works within 15-30 minutes and lasts 4-6 hours.
- Adderall extended-release works within 30-60 minutes and lasts for 10-12 hours.
- The adult Adderall immediate-release dosage is 5 mg to 40 mg per day, spread throughout the day.
- Adderall extended-release is taken in one daily dose, usually not to exceed 40 mg per day.
- It is very dangerous (and even potentially fatal) to use high dosages of Adderall to get high.
Adderall Dosage Guide/Chart
If you’re searching for an Adderall dosage chart, the following infographic provides a general overview of what an Adderall dosage might look like.
What Dosage Does Adderall Come In?
Adderall XR dosage begins at 5 mg. Then there are 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, 25 mg, and 30 mg dosages.
The Adderall IR dosage options start at 5 mg and include 7.5 mg, 10 mg, 12.5 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg, and 30 mg. There is more flexibility in immediate-release dosages, allowing doctors to start patients out on a minimal dose and increase it incrementally.
Doctors will usually start an Adderall dosage at the smallest amount that may potentially work and then gradually increase it. For ADHD, the immediate-release dosage for adults is between 5 mg to 40 mg a day. The dosage is divided throughout the day.
In regards to ADHD, doses of more than 40 mg a day are rarely more effective than lower amounts. For narcolepsy treatment, doctors may begin with 5 mg a day and then go up to 60 mg a day, with dosages given every four to six hours.
With Adderall XR, one dose is taken daily instead of in divided doses. A doctor may still recommend that the extended-release dosage not exceed 40 mg a day.
How Long Does Adderall & Adderall XR Work?
Adderall immediate-release (IR) starts working within 15 to 30 minutes and lasts for about 4 to 6 hours. Adderall extended-release (XR) can take about 30 to 60 minutes to start working, and it lasts for around 10 to 12 hours. Both IR and XR can lead to a crash as someone comes down from the effects of the drug, but XR tends to have less noticeable effects.
Avoiding an Adderall Dosage High
Trying to abuse Adderall to get high is very dangerous. At higher doses, it can be associated with sudden death. Determining how much Adderall would get someone high is almost impossible, as different people will have different reactions. Some people get high from Adderall by crushing and snorting it or dissolving and injecting it. These methods make the risks even greater.
It’s possible to experience a fatal dose when using Adderall to get high, so this should be avoided. People should never take Adderall without a prescription from their doctor.
If they do have a prescription, it should only be used as directed.
If you or a loved one is struggling with Adderall misuse, The Recovery Village is here to help. We encourage you to learn more about treatment plans and programs that can work well for your situation.
Editor – Jonathan Strum
Jonathan Strum graduated from the University of Nebraska Omaha with a Bachelor's in Communication in 2017 and has been writing professionally ever since. Read more
Medically Reviewed By – Dr. Conor Sheehy, PharmD, BCPS, CACP
Dr. Sheehy completed his BS in Molecular Biology at the University of Idaho and went on to complete his Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) at the University of Washington in Seattle. Read more
RxList. “Adderall.” May 13, 2020. Accessed June 17, 2020.
Food and Drug Administration. “Adderall (CII).” March 2007. Accessed June 17, 2020.
Medical Disclaimer
The Recovery Village aims to improve the quality of life for people struggling with substance use or mental health disorder with fact-based content about the nature of behavioral health conditions, treatment options and their related outcomes. We publish material that is researched, cited, edited and reviewed by licensed medical professionals. The information we provide is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers.
ADHD Medication Mistakes and Dosage Myths: Adderall and More
Adderall dosing – and all ADHD medication dosing, for that matter – is opaque and variable. Is there an optimal Adderall dosage for adults? Should your stimulant dosage change over time? What are the signs of an ineffective dose? With so many questions and misconceptions – even within the medical community – it’s critical for patients to research dosing for Adderall and other ADHD medications before using them to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD).
Take Janet, a 37-year-old marketing manager, and her first experience with Adderall – “I was glued to the sofa, unable to move for two days,” she said.
“I looked and felt like a zombie. It scared me off ADHD medication.”
Janet later learned, after attending a local adult ADHD support group, that it takes weeks for most people to tolerate the Adderall dosage her doctor had prescribed — and that many people were taking half that amount. “I should have educated myself first, instead of trusting the physician,” Janet says.
Janet’s experience is becoming less common, though adults with ADHD do still encounter professionals with questionable prescription practices. The bottom line? Be a smart health-care consumer, and take note of these red flag statements (and medically reviewed rebuttals) surrounding Adderall and other popular ADHD medications.
1. “My adult ADHD patients do best on Adderall (or this other stimulant medication).”
Adderall is among the most commonly prescribed ADHD medications. It’s also a stimulant – considered first-line treatment for ADHD. But these factors don’t mean that physicians can “play favorites” with it or with stimulants as a class. Those who do don’t have an empirical basis for doing so and are gambling with your chances of success.
[Read: A Patient’s Primer on the Stimulant Medications Used to Treat ADHD]
Simply put, there is no way to predict how a patient will respond to Adderall or any stimulant, whether a methylphenidate (MPH) or amphetamine (AMP), until they try it.
Physician and ADHD specialist Patricia Quinn, M.D., suggests trying both classes of stimulants (MPH and AMP) before deciding that stimulants won’t work for you and moving on to a nonstimulant medication or another ADHD treatment: “You might even try several meds within the same class before switching to another stimulant class,” she said. For example, Ritalin LA and Concerta are both long-acting methylphenidates. Due to their different delivery mechanisms, however, each brings different results — and potential side effects.
2. “This is an average dose for adults with ADHD.”
Just as a professional cannot predict which medication will work best, they also cannot predict an optimal dosage – there is no “average” or optimal dosage of Adderall — or any other ADHD medication.
The ideal dosage of Adderall or another ADHD medications is identified using a method called titration: carefully increasing the dosage over time, until noticeable benefits are achieved and side effects are kept to a minimum. The approach should always be “Start Low, Titrate Slow.” In general, stimulant medications should be administered at the dosage that is both lowest (to keep side effects at bay and avoid overdosing) and most effective to the individual patient, and should also be adjusted according to changing needs.1
Adderall is available in several formulations and doses. Immediate-release tablets can be taken several times a day, or during specific activities, depending on patient need. Adderall XR is a one-daily, timed-release stimulant. How a patient responds to a prescribed dose depends on many factors, including:
- Your history of taking stimulant medications. Those who have taken stimulants in the past might be less response-sensitive than people who have not.
- Genetic differences — some people metabolize the medication more quickly than others.
- Co-existing conditions — anxiety or a mood disorder, for example, and their current treatments.
3. “For an adult of your height and weight, we start with this dosage.”
ADHD medication dosing is not related to an adult’s height or weight. The Adderall dosage of another adult your age, weight, and/or height is irrelevant. Clinicians, however, typically start adults at a low dose (usually 5 mg), and then adjust as needed.
4.“You can’t take Adderall if you have hypertension.”
Adderall is linked to increased blood pressure and heart rate,1 so adults with ADHD should have a thorough physical, including screening for heart problems, before starting Adderall or any new medication.
Hypertension alone does not preclude a patient from taking ADHD medication: “I would say that it is never a contraindication,” says Margaret Weiss, M. D., Ph.D., an ADHD clinician based in Vancouver, British Columbia. “You treat the hypertension first. And, in fact, there are medications for ADHD that lower blood pressure.” These include generic guanfacine and its longer-acting brand-name formulation, Intuniv, which can lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. These medications are often used as an alternative to, or in conjunction with, stimulants.
5.“Sure, continue consuming caffeine, if you like.”
Many adults with ADHD rely heavily on coffee or caffeinated sodas. Yet caffeine may exacerbate the effect of Adderall and other stimulant medications, creating anxiety and heart palpitations. “Some people can tolerate stimulants and still have some caffeine,” Weiss says. “For others, caffeine interferes by creating or exacerbating side effects, making it impossible to increase the stimulant to therapeutic doses.”
You may not be able to determine what’s causing these side effects — the stimulant or the caffeine — unless you gradually wean yourself off caffeine before starting stimulants. (Try to break the habit in advance, though, to avoid mistaking a headache due to caffeine deprivation for a medication side effect.)
6. “You should see a huge improvement in ADHD symptoms right away.”
The potential positive effects of Adderall, other stimulants, or medical treatment for ADHD shouldn’t be oversold. Knowing that stimulants are first-line psychopharmacological treatments for ADHD doesn’t mean we can predict how any medication or dosage will affect a particular individual. “It’s true that some symptoms may improve dramatically in days, or even in hours,” Weiss says. “But it is important to wait to judge the full effect of the medication, because it can take some time for all the data to accrue.”
Judging a medication’s effectiveness requires more than a physician asking, “How are you doing?” It requires at least two steps:
- Taking careful inventory of the challenges you face (writing them down, one by one), before you started medication
- Regularly reviewing each challenge as treatment progresses, in order to track improvement (or not), worsening symptoms, or new side effects.
During this titration phase, experts recommend talking with your physician weekly and using an ADHD medication tracking log like this. In-office visits should take place every three to four weeks to review side effects, physical health, patient and family well-being, and other therapies when indicated.
Many experts and patients report that too few physicians closely monitor medications used in adults. “It’s critically important to do, but the utter paucity of clinicians doing it is shocking,” says Stephen Hinshaw, Ph.D., an ADHD researcher and professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley. “You can’t notice small improvements or side effects without a monitoring sheet.”
Weiss recommends using rating scales that measure a broad range of symptoms and functioning; in other words, a metric for tracking how you’re doing in life. The Weiss Functional Impairment rating scale is a good place to start. Having a tangible method for observing change makes the target concrete and keeps it in focus.
As you face challenging situations in your life, you can gauge how your responses differ from those in the past. “It can also take time to notice the differences in how people are reacting to you, or to evaluate changes in how efficient or how much better you’ve become at your job,” Weiss says.
Weiss offers these guidelines:
- Symptoms tend to improve within hours after taking stimulant medications, but it can take a few days to fully appreciate these changes.
- Nonstimulants take approximately five days to go into effect after dosage changes, and it often takes six to eight weeks to realize the full benefits of medications like atomoxetine.
- Functioning improves within months.
- Developmental changes happen over years. For example, the individual who never had a friend can now make and keep them. An adult who could not keep a job can now hold onto one for a year.
7. “If the stimulant disrupts your sleep, we will have to switch you to a nonstimulant.
The causes of sleep problems among adults with ADHD are multi-faceted, and may not be fully understood by the treating physician. Increasingly, research on the ADHD brain is pointing to neurophysiological differences in circadian rhythm, the inner biological clock that tells us when to go to sleep. But there are other ADHD-related obstacles to sleep, such as being unable to “put the brakes on” a busy brain.
In evaluating the adverse effects of any ADHD medication on sleep, it’s important to pay attention to timing. Perhaps sleep problems are caused by the rebound from the medication’s wearing off. In that case, you should try taking the medication earlier in the day or taking a nap midday while the full dose is in effect. A no-risk trial nap can help to demonstrate that the medication is not causing the sleep disturbance, but rather the ADHD itself, and lack of medication in the rebound period. Some people with ADHD sleep better on a stimulant; such medications stop “brain noise” and increase focus on going to sleep and staying asleep.
8. “If you think that Adderall (or another stimulant) has stopped working, we should try something else.”
Before ruling out Adderall or any other ADHD stimulant, consider that the medication may have stopped working for any of several neurobiological reasons. After that, take a step back and try to remember what life was like before you started taking the stimulant. Is it better? Worse?
Adults who are diagnosed with ADHD later in life typically develop the habit of paying attention only to the exciting or new. After a few weeks of experiencing the “novelty” of improved symptoms, it’s easy to forget how far you’ve come. This is another reason for keeping written records of baseline symptoms and of the progress you’ve made. It’s the only way to know if the med is doing its job.
[Download This Next: The Ultimate Guide to ADHD Medication]
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View Article Sources
1 Federal Drug Administration. “Adderall Medication Guide.” https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2007/011522s040lbl.pdf
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Adderall Dosages, Forms and Strengths - Product Information
Home >> Product Information >> Adderall Dosage, Forms and Strengths
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Forms and strengths Adderall | For adults | For children | Dosage table Adderall | For ADHD | With narcolepsy | How to take Adderall | FAQs
Adderall is a branded prescription drug that treats attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. By combining two very similar stimulants, amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, Adderall helps people with ADHD better focus, pay attention, and control impulses. In narcolepsy, Adderall's active ingredients help to relieve daytime sleepiness. Adderall is taken as a tablet with or without food. As an immediate release drug, one to three doses per day may be required. Alternatively, Adderall is available in an extended-release format, Adderall XR, which only requires a single daily dose.
RELATED: Find out more about Adderall | Get Discounts Adderall
Shapes and strengths Adderall
Adderall tablets are available in seven different strengths.
- Tablet: 5 milligrams (mg), 7.5 mg, 10 mg, 12.5 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg and 30 mg , dextroamphetamine sucrose and d,1-amphetamine aspartate. The tablets are scored so that they can be divided in half into two smaller doses.
Adult Dosage Adderall
Adderall is taken one to three times daily to treat ADHD or daytime sleepiness due to narcolepsy.
There is no single standard dose. . Instead, the goal is to find the lowest effective dose possible, so doses will be adjusted based on the individual's needs and response to Adderall.
- Usual adult dosage: 5-40 mg (ADHD) or 5-60 mg (narcolepsy) as a single dose or divided into two or three doses every four to six hours
- Maximum Adult Dose: Not Specified
Adderall Pediatric Dosage
Pediatric use of Adderall is approved for children aged 3 years and older for the treatment of ADHD and for children aged 6 years and older with a diagnosis of narcolepsy.
- Standard dosage for children 3-5 years: 2.5-40 mg (ADHD) divided into one to three daily doses taken by mouth every four to six hours.
- Maximum dosage for children aged 3-5 years: Not specified
- Standard dosage for children 6 years and older: 5-40 mg (ADHD) or 5-60 mg (narcolepsy) divided into one to three daily dose taken orally every four to six hours.
- Maximum dosage for children aged 3-5 years: Not specified
Adderall dosage chart Indication0083 Age Starting dosage Standard dosage Maximum dosage ADHG adults and children from 6 years and older. daily doses 5–40 mg orally once a day or divided into 2–3 daily doses every 4–6 hours. Not specified Children 3-5 years 2.5 mg orally once in the morning 2.5-40 mg orally once a day or divided into 2-3 daily doses every 4-6 hours. Not specified Narcolepsy Adults and children 12 years of age and older 10 mg orally once in the morning 5–60 mg orally once a day or divided into 2–3 daily doses every 4–6 days hours. Not specified Children 6–11 years 5 mg orally once in the morning 5–60 mg orally once a day or divided into 2–3 daily doses every 4–6 hours. Not Specified Adderall ADHD Dosage
Adderall is FDA approved for the treatment of hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive symptoms in adults and children 3 years of age and older with clinically significant impairment due to a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
- Adults and children 6 years of age and older: 5–40 mg orally divided into one to three daily doses every four to six hours.
- Children 3–5 years: 2.5–40 mg orally divided into one to three daily doses taken every four to six hours.
- Patients with renal insufficiency: Not determined
- Patients with impaired liver function: Not determined
The first dose should be taken in the morning.
Adderall Dosage for Narcolepsy
Adderall is used to relieve daytime sleepiness in adults and children 6 years of age and older who have been diagnosed with narcolepsy, a condition characterized by daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucinations.
right before bed.
- Adults and children 6 years of age and older: 5–60 mg divided into one to three daily doses taken every four to six hours.
- Patients with renal insufficiency: Not determined
- Patients with impaired liver function: Not determined
Again, the first dose should always be taken in the morning.
How to take Adderall
Adderall is taken by mouth as tablets with or without food. The initial and minimum prescribed doses will probably be taken as a single dose in the morning, but usually people take two or three doses each day.
- Take Adderall exactly as directed.
- Take the first dose in the morning on first awakening.
- Later doses should be taken four to six hours apart.
- Do not take your dose if it is almost evening. The last dose should not be taken six hours before bedtime to avoid sleep problems.
- Read the medication guide that comes with your prescription carefully and follow it.
- If too much Adderall is taken, get medical help from a doctor or poison control center right away.
- Always check the expiration date. If the expiration date has passed, safely dispose of the medicine and get a new prescription.
- Adderall should be stored at room temperature (68 to 77 degrees F) and protected from moisture.
Dosage FAQ Adderall
How long does Adderall work?
Adderall - This is easily absorbed through the intestines into the bloodstream, so its effect should be noticed approximately 30 minutes after ingestion. Adderall reaches maximum effectiveness in about one to three hours.
Adderall may be taken with or without food, although no studies have been conducted on how food affects the absorption of Adderall.
How long does Adderall stay in your system?
How long Adderall stays in the system and how long it lasts are two different things. The amphetamines in Adderall completely affect brain neurotransmitters for only a few hours, but some of its effects on brain chemistry can last up to 12 hours.
However, the amphetamines in Adderall stay in the system for much longer. Adderall combines equal amounts of two different forms of amphetamine. The body metabolizes each at a different rate. One has a half-life, that is, how long it takes for half of the drug to leave the body, 9–11 hours, while the other has a half-life of 11–14 hours. It usually takes 4-5 half-lives for the drug to clear from the body, so this means it can take up to 46 hours for Adderall to drop to an undetectable level in the bloodstream. However, Adderall can be detected in urine three to four days after the last dose and for up to three months or longer with a hair test.
What happens if I miss a dose of Adderall?
The missed dose can be taken if remembered, but avoid taking a dose at the end of the day. Remember that doses should be taken every four to six hours, so taking a missed dose will reset the clock. Never take extra Adderall to make up for a missed dose.
How can I stop taking Adderall?
Adderall may cause physical dependence when taken in high doses over a long period of time.
Because of the potential for abuse and dependence, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) labels Adderall as a Schedule II controlled substance. For people taking high doses on a regular basis, stopping Adderall abruptly can cause fatigue, depression, and sleep disturbances. The prescriber will use a tapering dose to stop any patient taking high doses.
If you need to stop taking Adderall, you should always consult your doctor to find the best titration regimen or alternative medications. However, there are several circumstances in which it is necessary to immediately stop taking the medicine and seek medical attention. This includes:
- Any emerging or worsening symptom of an underlying or undiagnosed mental health problem, including psychosis, bipolar disorder, or Tourette syndrome.
- Any signs of serotonin syndrome such as confusion, hallucinations, dizziness, tremors, muscle twitching, rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating or muscle stiffness.
- Seizures
- Symptoms of an allergic reaction
People taking Adderall will be regularly checked for cardiovascular changes, aggression and growth rate (height and weight).
If problems occur, treatment with Adderall may need to be interrupted or discontinued. For those who need to stop taking amphetamines, there are alternatives: methylphenidate (ADHD), dexmethylphenidate (ADHD or narcolepsy), atomoxetine (ADHD), modafinil (narcolepsy) and armodafinil (narcolepsy)
What is the maximum dosage of Adderall?
Although there is no specified maximum dosage, the Physician's Digital Handbook (formerly the Physician's Desk Reference) recommends a maximum dose of 60 mg per day for both ADHD and narcolepsy. Adderall is rarely prescribed in daily doses exceeding 40 mg per day for ADHD. On the other hand, the recommended dose for narcolepsy is 60 mg per day.
What interacts with Adderall?
Amphetamines can be taken with or without food because food does not change their effect. However, they have several potential drug interactions.
Typically, drugs such as Adderall, which alter brain chemistry, have a number of drug interactions.
- Adderall may interact with drugs that also alter the central nervous system (CNS), such as antidepressants, other stimulants (Concert, Ritalin), and anticonvulsants.
- Benzodiazepines, sleeping pills, and other drugs that cause drowsiness may neutralize the effect of Adderall and make it less effective.
- Amphetamines should not be taken within 14 days of stopping monoamine oxidase inhibitors. (MAOIs), a small class of drugs that treat depression, bacterial infections, cancer, and Parkinson's disease. The combination of these two classes of drugs can cause serotonin syndrome or hypertensive crisis.
- Inhibitors of CYP2D6, such as some antidepressants (fluoxetine, paroxetine, and also (bupropion) may slow down the rate of excretion of adderal through the liver and therefore increase the amount of adderal in the body.
- Some medicines that reduce stomach acid, such as sodium bicarbonate, may increase the absorption of Adderall.
- Adderall, Epocrates
- Information on the appointment of Addrall, National Medical Library of the USA
- Monohydamic Aspartam / Sulfate Amphitamine / Sulfate Dekstro -Actic productivity - Service of drug0026 Summary of amphetamine compounds, US National Medical Library
- amphetamine, past and present - pharmacological and clinical perspective, Psychopharmacology journal
- Biological tests, arisone university
- amphytamine stimulus.
to Better Understanding, Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine
Adderall XR 10mg #100 - FARMSTEROID
- Adderall xr 10mg 100 caps is for the treatment of (ADHD). Also used as "Dope" for the mind and hard physical training .
Product quantity Adderall XR 10mg №100
Categories: Tablets, Bestsellers Tags: adderall xr0005
- Description
- Adderall xr is a drug that contains the four basic salts of amphetamines:
- dextroamphetamine sulfate;
- dextroamphetamine saccharate;
- amphetamine sulfate;
- amphetamine aspartate.
- The main purpose of Adderall's use is the treatment of diseases (ADHD) "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder" and narcolepsy.
But athletes in the twenty-first century have found its ability to apply in various sports as a dope , to increase abilities:
- Bodybuilding;
- Powerlifting;
- Athletics;
- Cycling;
- Swimming and many different sports.
- Also, this expensive drug did not pass by the golden youth, and more and more Adderall becomes a respected close friend at parties and nightclubs. Ordinary drug addicts cannot afford it because its price is only for people who live in abundance.
- According to people who use Aderol tablets for high (euphoria), it has no side effects like many salts and amphetamines, because the content and quality of the salts are active components: 25% levoamphetamine, 75% dextroamphetamine salts. That is why it is a stimulant of the central nervous system.
- This drug is also used by students during active learning and memorization as a mind dope.
- These tablets have been introduced to the sales market since 1996 under the guise of a pharmacy drug, and the name formulating Adderall IR has been actively used since 2002, but the main content of the capsules is still:
- Amphetamine;
- Idextroamphetamine.
- There are now dozens of varieties of pharmaceutical companies and people interested in the development of extended release can identify the name of the drug as Adderall XR.
- Potentially, Adderall owes much to amphetamine salts contained in its composition. The course of capsules is focused on increasing the level of neurotransmitters (norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain). In more detail, it enhances the activity of neurotransmitters in the prefrontal cortex of the brain.
- This ADHD drug stimulates the release of neurotransmitters: adrenaline, histamine and serotonin. Since both drug ingredients contain the same properties, there is no difference recorded in its target binding. Is
- Adderall is considered a narcotic in the United States and is considered a Schedule 1 drug in Canada, which means it is highly effective under controlled drugs.
- Due to its extensive abuse by US residents, it may only be prescribed after proof that the patient really needs it.
- The advantage of the drug is that by using the dosage of Adderall, in a shorter period of time, one can experience symptom relief and comfort. Adderall xr 10 mg :
- Sustained release formulation is usually taken in the morning. The minimum time interval should be four hours between two doses.
- Age (3-5 years): Children who suffer from "ADHD" disease are initially administered at a dosage of 2.5 mg per day. This is a starter course. It is possible to increase the dosage by 2.5 mg per day if the desired effect is not observed.
- Age older (6 years and older): Must be dosed at 5mg Adderall each day. It is necessary to strictly observe the dose!
- With regard to the route of administration, the first dose should be administered right at the moment of awakening, while subsequent doses can be administered as a time interval of 4 to 6 hours.
- It has been observed that " Narcolepsy " does not affect persons under 12 years of age, the recommendation for the use of Adderall is 5mg, every day.
- Do not attempt to increase the dose of " Adderall xr " above 10mg on your own without consulting your doctor.
- Depression
- Hallucinations
- Convulsions
- Palpitations
- Gag reflex
- Aggressive tendencies
If you want the maximum effect of Aderol, you need to form your day in advance in order to drink the maximum course of capsules without missing a single dose to increase the effect of the tablets. However, if you miss a dose, you should not take two doses at once.
What are the consequences of an overdose?
An overdose of Adderall can lead to serious problems. Since it stimulates (cns).
Possible lists of consequences:But in most cases, the symptoms come from age, the chemical properties of the body.