What is the difference between a reason and an excuse
Difference Between Excuse and Reason
June 14, 2016
by Hasa
3 min read
Main Difference – Excuse vs Reason
Excuse and reason are two words that explain the cause or base for something, and the meanings of these two words overlap to a certain extent. The main difference between excuse and reason is that excuse specifically refers to a reason or explanation given to justify a fault. Excuse also tends to be associated with many negative connotations whereas reason is a more neutral term.
Reason – Definition, Meaning and Usage
Reason is a cause or basis for something; it explains why something happened. According to Oxford Dictionary, reason is “a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event” whereas American Heritage defines reason as “a basis or motive for an action, decision, or conviction” Reason can explain why something good happened or why it didn’t happen. It can also explain why something bad happened or why something bad didn’t happen.
In other words, it can be used to explain both positive and negative scenarios. Observe the following examples to understand the meaning and usage of this noun better.
I resigned the job for personal reasons.
I’m sure there must be a good reason behind this sudden decision.
This is the reason she left me.
Did she give any reasons for her absence?
Excuse – Definition, Meaning and Usage
Excuse refers to a reason, specifically, it is a reason given to justify a mistake or an offence. In other words, excuse is an explanation as to why something bad happened or why something good didn’t happen.
The American Heritage Dictionary defines excuse as “an explanation offered to justify or obtain forgiveness” and Oxford Dictionary defines it as “A reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offence”.
Since excuse is always related to an offence or fault, it is often associated with negative connotations. This is why many people do not like the term excuse.
Excuse also implies that the person who committed the offence or mistake is not accepting his own fault. He or she uses external factors to excuse their actions or behaviour. Let’s take the simple example of failing an exam. Your friends borrowing your books, your neighbour making lot of noises, lack of time, the difficulty level of the paper – all these are excuses. The real reason for failing the exam may be neglecting your studies.
I don’t want any excuses; I want this done by Saturday.
There can be no excuse for further delay.
What’s your excuse for being absent last week?
He used his health condition as an excuse.
Your family problem is not an excuse for neglecting your work.
Difference Between Excuse and Reason
Excuse is a reason or explanation given to justify a fault or offence.
Reason is an explanation, cause or basis for something.
Excuse has negative connotations.
Reason is a neutral term.
Positive vs Negative
Excuse is usually used in negative scenarios.
Reason is used in both positive and negative scenarios.
In an Offense or Fault
Excuse implies that the blame is directed at somebody else.
Reason implies that fault is sincerely recognized and accepted.
About the Author: Hasa
Hasa has a BA degree in English, French and Translation studies. She is currently reading for a Masters degree in English. Her areas of interests include literature, language, linguistics and also food.
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The Difference Between a Reason and an Excuse | by Gary Ryan Blair | Mind Munchies
BRAIN SNACK #67IF YOU’RE FEELING a little emotionally fragile, you may want to read this one later.
Or never.
Don’t say you weren’t warned.
I have a confession to make…
I’m pretty fed up with all the thumb suckers in this world…
I’m talking about the people who are constantly whining, complaining, rationalizing and justifying why their life is a succession of bad luck and unfinished endeavors.
I’m talking about the people who start projects but somehow never find a way to bring them to a finish…
I’m talking about the people with the highest intentions but who deliver the lowest of results…
These people are more interested in arriving at success without every having to do the heavy lifting themselves.
They refuse to accept the reality that they must do their own pushups.
As creator of the 100 Day Challenge and someone who is constantly dealing with people who want to create positive change in their life (relationships, finances, career, health, appearance, attitude, lifestyle, etc. )…I hear way too many excuses.
As a rule, I have more people tell me why they can’t change than why they can.
And while I acknowledge that we all have challenges, hurdles and obstacles to navigate and negotiate along our path…in my humble opinion, most reasons (for not executing) are in fact, not reasons at all.
Get the Achieve Goals Fast email courseThey are nothing more than sad, pathetic and cheap excuses.
So, what is the difference between a Reason and an Excuse?
According to the dictionary…there’s absolutely no differentiation.
And that’s where the problem starts.
Both reason and excuse are defined as an explanation put forward to defend or justify a fault or offense.
What do you say we put an end to that nonsense, right here…right now?
The fact is…there’s a HUGE difference between a reason and an excuse.
This one health related example perfectly illustrates the difference between the two.
A reason for not going for a run is, “I have a broken leg.”
An excuse is, “I don’t have the time.”
It’s sad, yet so very true…far too many people have developed an unequaled gift for making excuses in every imaginable way possible…so allow me to bottom line this one for you…
Excuses are personality defects…they are ugly character flaws; the dirty ring around the collar of your performance which carry the distinct whiff of mediocrity.
The tragedy of the average person is that they have become dependent on the deception, false belief, and unfortunately ease of use associated with making excuses.
I know of no enemy more insidious or vicious than excuses. It’s an enemy that poses a clear and present danger to your future.
Precisely because there is no textbook definition that presents a clear distinction between the two…we are left with one option:
Let’s get started.
The difference between reasons and excuses lies in the results of each…the actions that follow…the repercussions and consequences…as well as how an individual is affected by the events that cause each.
It’s what we do with each that determines the difference.
If you are the excuse making type…you have a strong tendency to view an excuse as the result of an uncontrollable event that you deem as an exoneration of your tasks, responsibilities or plans.
You see it as a legitimate justification for immunity of your sins…for revoking all that is expected of you.
A reason on the other hand is a stimulus that causes something to change or happen, giving you cause to reroute your actions and manage to stay in control of the results you wanted without turning it into an excuse.
Excuses and reasons on the surface share a similar strand of DNA…but what you do with each is what differentiates them.
Excuses are negative and irresponsible…while reasons are natural occurrences, and if acted upon they lead to responsible, results-driven behavior.
Here’s an excellent rule of thumb…every reason MUST have a resulting action.
Now that’s a point worthy of repeating…every reason must have a resulting action.
The main function of a reason is not to justify, but to explain.
Reason implies that fault is sincerely recognized and accepted….that you step up and take accountability for your actions.
An excuse exists to justify, blame or defend a fault…with the intent to absolve oneself of accountability.
An excuse will NEVER be followed by positive, goal-directed or solution-oriented behavior.
Excuses bring productivity to a screeching halt. They waste time and murder potential. They are tools of cowards, wimps and weaklings…weapons of destruction that undermine one’s reputation, credibility and future prospects. Do not associate with them. Ever.
One final thought and perhaps a warning…you can have results or excuses, not both.
Everything Counts!
Gary Ryan Blair is creator of the 100 Day Challenge…a radical approach to goal achievement that shows people how to accelerate their results, achieve 10X size goals and transform every area of their life and career — FAST.
Click here to take the free 5-part Achieve. Goals. Fast. email course!
Get the Achieve Goals Fast email courseWhat is the difference between justifying and explaining a situation
Situations when it is necessary to ask for forgiveness happen to everyone. And after the words of apology, something follows that shows the person’s real attitude to this problem: he either explains the problem in detail, or tries to justify himself.
- Source
- giphy.com
To begin with, let's analyze both words by composition.
Justification - from the word "truth". nine0019 But, you know, everyone has their own. Each person perceives any event, passing it through the prism of his personal experience. And everyone has their own experience. There are no two people in the world who were born at the same time to the same parents, who see the same object from the same point. Even twins see the world differently.
Therefore, there is no point in proving one's case to another, much less making excuses. Not only does the truth not exist, but you also fall into the position of a victim. This is a weak position. You kind of say to the attacker: "I'm good, but weak, have pity on me." This is how a child behaves.
In what situations do you have to make excuses like that and why? In front of parents, teachers, friends? Whether you are guilty or not, it is better not to make excuses, but to explain why this situation became possible, to give arguments - objective facts, not fantasies.
Explain - from the word "clarity". If you think that you are being attacked undeservedly, justify your position, clarify, and do not make excuses: "Yes, I was late, I had objective reasons for this - the bus broke down" . If you really were late for the lesson due to your own fault, then you don’t need to make excuses or explain yourself, but rather admit it: “Yes, I was late, I overslept” .
This is already an adult position, which shows that you are ready to take responsibility. And besides, they don’t chop the guilty head :)
- 0003
Explaining is the healthiest and most environmentally friendly way to communicate. To explain means to express your opinion, to argue it, but also to be ready to hear the opinion of another, while remaining calm. Justification is different in that it is very emotionally charged, because you want to prove your case in any way.
But the more you justify yourself, the more doubts arise. As a result, this leads to resentment and disappointment.
If you catch yourself wanting to justify yourself, most likely you are being manipulated using your guilt.
If you really think that you are to blame, you can always apologize and explain what is wrong: this will be an adult position when you can take responsibility.
Even if they try to accuse you of something, and the person is resolute, don't get scared and don't try to justify yourself right away. You can always calmly say: "I understand that you think that I am to blame, but I would like to explain my position" . Usually this immediately reduces the degree of aggression.
- Source
- giphy.com
- psychology
Psychologist, conflictologist, head of the Center for Settlement of Social Conflicts
You have to make excuses if in a conversation you feel guilty, belittled, insecure, initially you are in the position of "victim" and "weak side" . You are ashamed, it seems to you that they do not believe you, which means that you need to bring a more weighty argument that justifies your behavior or act. nine0017 Most often, we justify ourselves out of fear of causing discontent of a person, or in this way we try to avoid punishment for our misdeed.
Explanation is the desire to put everything in its place, to give facts, not arguments that explain your act. According to internal sensations, it is the opposite of justification: here you feel your rightness, your significance, in a conversation you feel yourself on an equal footing. You are not ashamed of your act and you are afraid of ruining your relationship because of it. You are sure that you did everything right. This means that there can be no punishment for wrongdoing. nine0003
Dasha Amosova
Explanation vs justification.

In one movie I heard a phrase that I liked:
'everyone has an excuse, like an ass, and everyone stinks.'
And there is an explanation of actions, actions:
Is there a difference, and if so, what is it?
Of course, there is a difference. nine0126 The guilty are justified. Or those who want to do so. In other cases - explain.
Even in production there is a "memorandum" and an "explanatory note". Explanatory notes are written by those who screwed up something, that is, they are to blame. Memos are just notifications to management about something.
The guilty are justified. Or those who want to do so.
or whoever feels like one. ..
and on the other hand:
Are you listening, reading ...
explanation or justification and how do you distinguish?
The guilty are justified. Or those who want to do so.
So there is no difference.
and on the other hand:
Are you listening, reading...
explanation or justification and how do you distinguish?
How can I tell you... Most likely - I'm just not worried about this issue. And I listen to what they say, or what is written. nine0126
So there is no difference.
IMHO - here depending on the situation.
If a person is accused of something, then his words can be taken this way and that way. Here already, most likely - who will benefit from seeing what... Or those who want to do so. In other cases - explain. nine0126
How to tell?
How to distinguish?
Immediately the question is - WHY? Why differentiate? For what? What is the task?
If the task is to UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION, then we simply take and listen to the arguments of different parties. And we are trying to draw some conclusions on the basis of this.
Most likely - I'm just not worried about this issue. And I listen to what they say, or what is written. nine0126
and . ..
conclusion ...
and ...
conclusion ...Why differentiate? For what? What is the task?If the task is to UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION, then we simply take and listen to the arguments of different parties. And we are trying to draw some conclusions on the basis of this.
But what can be the output if it is initially unclear what you have in the initial condition tasks? That is, it is not clear what you are starting from and what you want to get?
Roughly speaking, in order to obtain a solution to a problem, the problem must have initial conditions. So far, they are not. There is a task - "how to distinguish". But it is not clear - FOR WHAT?
And if it is not clear - FOR WHY, then a legitimate question arises - WHAT FOR?Andrey Vladivostok
PsihiatrLinguists will tell.
There are some features of speech, the arrangement of semantic shades, keywords, etc., which will allow us to draw a conclusion. Again, there is no clear definition, only semitones. And when it is not clear, you need to sit down, scroll through the recording and step by step analyze the style of speech. Dreary occupation, it is better to do together, three of us, tk. opinions may differ. The question is why all this? nine0003
Andrey Vladivostok
Question - why all this?Woooooot. Here I am about the same thing.
Of course, there is a difference.
so what is this difference?
Even in production there is a "memorandum" and an "explanatory note".Explanatory notes are written by those who screwed up something, that is, they are to blame. Memos are just notifications to management about something. nine0126
the difference is only in wording, but not in essence.
Immediately the question is - WHY? Why differentiate? For what? What is the task?
for an adequate assessment of the situation and the individuals involved in it.
Andrey Vladivostok
Linguists will tell.
from my point of view, there are significant differences between explanation and justification, including in the ratio because called objective and subjective factors.nine0003
maior 0763
the difference is only in wording, but not in essence related to misconduct.
maior 0763
how to say - in the explanatory note it is about misconduct.....
in the report it is about any actions not related to misconduct. nine0126tautology, sorry.
maior 0763
tautology, sorry.the same tautology of tautology
maior 0763
the same tautology of tautology
But here's a gay wedding in Luxembourg for the first time with another of the same kind - I can't find any justification or explanation.nine0126 stinks.
Execution - bringing their actions to ethical norm
Ending - and so clear 😊
and one and another - required - required , and there is nothing wrong with that.
or average redneck aunts, they are already filled up with pride, despite the fact that their house and life are embellished at the level of a government hostel, tasteless and untidy at the level of a male bachelor's room. nine0126 and now I find an explanation, there is no excuse.
etc You can still throw examples, but why.
otherwise I’ll run, I’ll be late, and no one needs any explanation or excuse anymore, I have to leave on time.![]()
thanks Natasha.
Father Mikhail
Of course, there is a difference.
Guilty ones are justified. Or those who want to do so. In other cases - explain. nine0002 Even in production there is a "memorandum" and an "explanatory note". Explanatory notes are written by those who screwed up something, that is, they are to blame. Memos are just notifications to management about something.From the age of 20 to this day I have not written a single explanatory note. Whoever demanded, whoever yelled - "write an explanatory note", I always calmly and unemotionally said that I had no reason to explain myself, and I would describe in detail the essence of what happened (or did not happen) in the REPORT.
At the very beginning of the service, one of the veterans I respected very simply and not intrusively explained to me that if you write an EXPLANATORY, then you are already guilty and partially admitted it.Both comradely and veteranly, I recommended that you always remember this. Very soon I was convinced of the correctness of his senile grumbling and adhere to this principle to this day. He explained the same to his children and his wife. nine0003
igor 2772
Father Michael
explanatory report is 100% more. 😛Pragmatik
for an adequate assessment of the situation and the individuals involved in it.You are tricking something.
"You're not telling me something, Gerasim." (C)
For an ADEQUATE assessment, we have already told you what to do - LISTEN to people and ANALYZE what was said. nine0003
from my point of view, there are significant differences between explanation and justification, including in the ratio because called objective and subjective factors.![]()
There are differences. Only here any explanation can be called an excuse. And fuck off.
Father Mikhail
From the age of 20 to this day he has not written a single explanatory letter. Whoever demanded, whoever yelled - "write an explanatory note", I always calmly and unemotionally said that I had no reason to explain myself, and I would describe in detail the essence of what happened (or did not happen) in the REPORT. nine0139"Such bullshit!" (C) 😊))))
I also say - I have nothing to explain, because I am not guilty of anything. Therefore, I will write a report. 😊Father Mikhail
Even at the very beginning of the service, one of the veterans I respected very simply and not intrusively explained to me that if you write EXPLANATORY, then you are already guilty and partially admitted it.Both comradely and veteranly, I recommended that you always remember this.
That's right!!!!!
And the "old guard" drew the border very clearly here. And not in vain. nine0003Therefore, TC seems to want to find some kind of universal recipe. And she is not. Because "to make excuses" and "to explain" are ESSENTIALLY the same thing. These are the SAME actions, the SAME algorithms of actions.
Choyt justification? Nakurolesil if then Cho make excuses, and if they demand excuses, then they have already decided at their discretion, so not only to start on one line, but to convince the need, that is. finally have a halo
The question is accusatory so are there any precedents
What are you talking about here?
EXPLANATION - a cognitive procedure aimed at enriching
and deepening knowledge about the phenomena of the real world by including
these phenomena in the structure of certain connections, relationships and dependencies, which
makes it possible to reveal the essential features of this phenomenon.![]()
JUSTIFICATION - usually means recognizing something as permissible,
excusable, expedient, as well as recognizing someone as right,
innocent. In addition, it may mean the rationale for such a recognition,
arguments in its favor.😊
About whether the very difference between justification and explanation from the point of view of a psychiatrist
O Is there a big or small difference between explanation and justification from the point of view of a psychiatristBoth are aimed at enriching and deepening the knowledge of the questioner about the phenomena of the real world. nine0126 The only difference is that in the second case, the explanation has to be supplemented with information that
that the questioner can write down his claims on paper, fold it in an arbitrary way
and place it in any suitable container.![]()
😊If the questioner is wrong, he should only say the ritual phrase "I'm sorry, I was wrong, I flared up."
After that, no explanations or justifications are required.
😊And what does psychiatry have to do with it?
I don’t know exactly what the psychiatrist was asking about, but definitely not about the jamb and the way to transfer the arrows to the circumstances the question of the difference and its magnitude
First, we must wait for the explanation itself forConquistador777
Justification - conviction of the interlocutor in innocence. The justification can be motivated by both accusation and subjective guilt.
Explanation - training.Matthew Kane
explanation - in cases not clarified
justification - in cases not correctly (falsely) interpreted (estimated)is there a difference? .
yes not bigMatthew Kane
yes, the difference... it is necessary ...
when justified - conclusions have already been drawn, not correct, it is necessary ...
I remembered an old joke about lieutenant Rzhevsky. nine0126 - Lieutenant, how do you distinguish a female hedgehog from a male?
- I give him a kick and look. If it flies, it's a male, and if it flies, it's a female. (C)Matthew Kane
NOT LOOK DEARS - Do not ask stupid questions
Corpoles Kane