What is physical attractiveness
Physical Attractiveness | Applied Social Psychology (ASP)
What is the first thing we know about a person when we initially meet or see them? We don’t know their life story, personality, talents, what makes them laugh or cry; we know and see how they physically look. We often hear from people that “looks do not matter”, but in reality they do. People who are physically attractive are judged more positively than people who are considered unattractive. This can be seen in social, professional, romantic, and friendly situations. While we may not like to admit it, we have stereotyped people based on their physical appearance which is known as the physical attractiveness stereotype.
The physical attractiveness theory as stated in the text is “the general expectation that a physically attractive person has positive qualities while an unattractive person has negative qualities.” (Gruman). Personally, I have stereotyped people based on their appearance without even recognizing that I am doing it.
For example, if I see a man with styled hair and a freshly shaven face I assume that they have their life together and they are organized. On the other hand if I see a man who has a five o’clock shadow and disheveled hair I assume that they’re just as messy and disorganized as their appearance. In the text it states, “people considered unattractive can be passed over for job advancement, and in legal proceedings can even be assumed to be more capable of criminal behavior.” (Gruman). It is important to recognize the physical attractiveness stereotype because it can have serious consequences.
Physical attractiveness plays a role in nearly all sectors of a person’s life including the workplace. In the workplace, there is a bias that favors individuals who are considered attractive. In an article by Forbes it states, “physically attractive individuals are more likely to be interviewed for jobs and hired, they are more likely to advance rapidly in their careers through frequent promotions, and they earn higher wages than unattractive individuals. ” (Chamorro-Premuzic). Scientific studies have shown that less attractive people are less likely to get hired over an attractive individual and more likely to get fired after being hired. This bias and stereotype has serious consequences and needs to be addressed in the workplace because avoiding the existence of it will make eliminating it virtually impossible.
If you ask a person what their “type” is, replies will vary from physical and personality features. For some people, physical appearance is more important to them than the person’s personality. When looking for a partner, people have preferences whether it be tall or short, blonde or brunette, athletic or skinny, etc. We have all heard of “love at first sight”, which to me is becoming infatuated with a person not in love, solely based on a physical appearance. The Washington Post stated that, “As individuals contend for the most desirable mates, they end up being constrained by their own characteristics.” (Swanson). People tend to date people who are in “their league” physically due to competition in the dating pool.
For example in the movie She’s Out of My League, the main character Kirk along with his family and friends could not believe that the gorgeous woman Molly could actually be in love with the “average looking” Kirk. In the text it states, “Fortunately, despite any evolutionary preferences for beauty, most people seek long-term partners who do not exceed, but rather match their own perceived level of attractiveness.” (Gruman). When there is a more attractive partner in a relationship people tend to doubt the genuity and longevity of the relationship.
The physical attractiveness stereotype is not accurate and attractiveness does not measure a person’s self and qualities. People are more than their looks and no physical feature will be able to tell you something about who they truly are as people. Keep that in mind the next time you meet a new person. It may be corny but “don’t judge a book by its cover”.
Applied Social Psychology : Understanding and Addressing Social and Practical Problems, edited by Jamie A. Gruman, et al., SAGE Publications, 2016. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/pensu/detail.action?docID=5945490.
Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas. “It’s Time To Expose The Attractiveness Bias At Work.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 17 July 2019, www.forbes.com/sites/tomaspremuzic/2019/07/17/its-time-to-expose-the-attractiveness-bias-at-work/?sh=3c6cf8513248.
Swanson, Ana. “The Real Reason Some People End up with Partners Who Are Way More Attractive.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 29 Apr. 2019, www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/05/03/the-real-reason-some-people-end-up-with-partners-who-are-way-more-attractive/.
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6 Signs of Physical Attraction and Why It Is so Important in a Relationship
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Almost everyone is familiar with the feeling of walking into a room full of friendly faces, and almost each of them seems nice and willing to talk, only one face stands out from the crowd.
Despite the fact that there may be many physically attractive people in the room, you find it difficult to take your eyes off of this particular person.
You can’t seem to exactly put your finger on the reasons; however, you are sure there’s a biological force or physical energy driving you toward a specific person. There is nothing like the first spark between you and that new person.
What is physical attraction?
Physical attraction refers to the degree of a person’s physical features that are considered beautiful or aesthetically pleasing to any specific person.
Physical attraction is a science. It is a reaction between the chemistry of two bodies, and there is nothing we can do to hide it anyway. We can be attracted to any other person without a single word being said.
Romantic attraction Vs Physical attraction
Both physical and romantic attraction fit in a relationship. However, there’s a fine line between the two attractions. Someone’s relationship may not be the same as yours; however, romantic attraction is actually the core of any relationship. There might be an excessive romantic attraction between some people, while others barely have any.
Hugging, dinner dates, cuddling, exchanging gifts, giving each other compliments, hand holding, and a lot of other sweet stuff fall under right under the romantic attraction in a relationship.
When it comes to physical attraction, that’s much more touching and involve the desire for a sexual relationship with someone. Another difference between a sexual attraction and physical attraction is that a typical physical attraction is felt right away and dissipates just as quickly as it came.
Obvious signs of physical attraction
In order to understand the way physical attraction works, all it takes is a little bit of intuition and idea how people react when they are next to someone they are attracted to. It is due to the reason that most of the communication is based on body language and little signs of affection.
To make it easier to see what are the signs of physical attraction between two people, below are the most common and obvious ones.
1. Smiling all the time
You may find it difficult to contain your smile when you are with someone who’s attractive to you. It feels good to be around them. The way someone looks at you tells a lot more than his works do. If you observe someone looking at you with a silly grin on their face, it’s a sign that they find you attractive.
2. Need for touching
One of the most obvious signs of strong physical attraction between two people is touching each other. They will look for an excuse to touch, that can be either a pat on shoulder or back or something more obvious like hugging and kissing.
3. Eye contact
Another sign of physical attraction is prolonged eye contact. However, the use of eye contact should be done correctly as it may be read as confusion.
4. Nervousness
Sweaty palm and being nervous could be a clear cut sign of attraction. When we find someone attractive in a certain way, we may feel insecure and less confident. It may include fidgeting with our hands, running our hands through hairs, playing with cellphones, etc.
5. Frequent whispering
Whispering in your ear can be an indication of your partner’s physical attraction. Couples who are attracted to each other will always be leaning in closer than the rest of the people as they share more of intimate chemistry.
6. Mirroring movements
It is said that couples with great chemistry are like a mirrored version of each other. So, if you find your partner is trying to mimic any of your expressions and movements, that’s a clear sign he’s attracted to you.
Importance of physical attraction
We make all sorts of assessments about someone within moments of meeting, including their physical attractiveness. In order to know how important is physical attraction between two people, we gathered some points.
Lack of attraction results in a lack of affection
A lack of physical attraction can lead to a drop in affection. Affection can be manifested in the form of holding hands, kissing cuddling. Can a marriage survive without physical attraction? The answer is a big NO because its absence would be like eating a cake without the icing.
Lack of physical attraction equals poor sex life
Many people often have the question “is physical attraction important in long term relationship?” Studies have shown that the relationships lacking physical attraction end up having very compromised and unsatisfactory sex lives. It is important to remember that physical attraction significantly impacts the level of physical intimacy and sexual drive between two lovers.
Lack of physical attraction equals lack of respect
When there is no attraction between two people or they’re not affectionate towards one another, chances are they won’t care about each other’s feelings or value their opinion, which might open the door for the lack of respect.
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Physical attractiveness | it's.

Since Charles Darwin, anthropologists have long tried to discover universal standards of attractiveness. Darwin's painstaking observations eventually convinced most scientists that such standards are set by culture and the search for universals is therefore a futile exercise. The last glimmering hopes in the definition of common standards were destroyed by the review of K. Ford and F. Beach, which played a significant role, to-rye covered more than 200 primitive cultures in it. They also failed to detect k.-l. universal standards of sexual attractiveness. nine0003
Sociobiologists have revived the hope that improved sociobiological theory and more sophisticated methods of research. will finally be able to allow scientists to fix certain aesthetic universals. In one promising research J. Langloy and L. Roggman found evidence that the golden ratio, known to the ancient Greeks, can serve as such a sought-after standard.
Other Sociobiologists have tested the hypothesis that men and women prefer faces that, in a certain sense, attract anyone - these are faces that combine the innocence of childhood with the mature sexuality of adulthood. Early ethologists observed that men and women often experienced tender feelings when they looked at infant "baby" faces—faces with huge eyes, tiny noses and mouths, and small chins. Symonds suggested that men and women should be attracted to faces that have features associated with maturity, especially mature, mature sexuality (e.g., thick hair, dewy skin, and full, sensual lips) and/or mature strength (e.g., broad cheekbones or powerful jaws and chin). Most of the recent research show that people like faces that have both types of valued qualities, eg. faces with big eyes and a small nose, but with full sexy lips and powerful jaws and chins. Whether these preferences will turn out to be universal remains a mystery. Historians remind us that in any society, beauty standards often change at a staggering rate. nine0003
Evidence of people's predilection for the physically attractive. Scientists have found that most people are biased most of the time in their reactions to attractive people. There appear to be four stages in this stereotyping process, and they are as follows:
1. Most people are clearly aware of the unfairness of prejudice against the unattractive (they would be outraged if others were prejudiced against them), and yet ... nine0003
2. Privately, most people take it for granted that attractive and unattractive people are different; in general, they believe that what is beautiful is good, and what is ugly is bad.
3. Most people treat those they find attractive or even ordinary looking better than those they find unattractive.
4. As a consequence, a self-fulfilling prophecy arises. The very attitude towards people shapes the types of people they become. nine0003
There is evidence that people perceive attractive and unattractive people differently. In one classic experiment, researchers showed college students and college students yearly photo albums of alumni who were markedly different in appearance and asked them to report their first impressions of the students. Young people attributed almost all the virtues to beautiful men and women. They believed that beautiful-looking people were more outgoing, friendly, confident, and interesting, that they were more warm-hearted, sensitive, and sexual, and that they had more positive character traits—they were more kind, considerate, humble, energetic, and empathetic. On just one dimension, young people expressed distrust of good-looking people: they didn't think attractive people could be particularly good parents. nine0003
Beautiful appearance can also have its dark side. For example, Dermer and Teal asked college students to rate female students, meaning. different in attractiveness. In general, students believed that beautiful women and women with ordinary appearance had more attractive personality traits and greater social. skills compared to unattractive women. In this study, however, some unsightly truths about beauty were also registered. Students considered attractive women to be more stupid, narcissistic and selfish, more bourgeois and less devoted spouses (more likely to have extramarital affairs and / or require a divorce) compared to nondescript women. Similar results were obtained by Eagle and co-workers. nine0003
People not only think attractive people are special, but they also behave towards them accordingly. way. Teachers give handsome elementary, middle school, and college students higher marks than their less attractive peers for the same job. Managers are more likely to hire and promote beautiful men and women more often and pay them more. Doctors spend more time on attractive clients, and as a result, the latter receive more attention and achieve greater success in treatment. Unattractive people are more likely to be diagnosed with mental illness. diseases. Attractive lawbreakers are less likely to be caught, less reported to the authorities, less likely to be found guilty, and if proven guilty, less severely sentenced. Beautiful people are less likely to be asked for help by others, but they themselves are more likely to receive help if they ask for it or find themselves in trouble. Finally, the biased attitude of the society ensures that beautiful men and women will have a noticeable advantage at any stage of intimate relationships. nine0003
Of course, there are some restrictions on people. preference and prejudice towards attractive people. Some types of people seem to pay more attention to appearance than others. Men and women with traditional ideas are likely to pay more attention to appearance than people with less traditional ideas, and men seem to be more likely to pay attention to the appearance of other people than women do. People pay more attention to appearance in some situations and less in others. Apparently, appearance takes on the greatest importance in a situation of acquaintance; subsequently, other things—intellect, personality, etc.—begin to play a more important role. Compared to other situations, appearance plays a big role in a romantic setting. nine0003
What effect does this stereotyping have on men and women? Research represent mixed data. Outwardly attractive and unattractive are not as different from each other as most people think. Self-esteem and self-concept are positively related to what beautiful people think of themselves, not to their actual appearance. Differences in personality traits between attractive and unattractive, if they exist at all, are only marginal.
Apparently attractive and unattractive people do differ in one respect. Beautiful people show great confidence in romantic settings and social media. situations and have more developed social. skills. People expect more social media from beautiful people. charms and handle them acc. way. Research data. indicate that this process as a whole functions according to the principle of self-fulfilling prophecy. People expect a handsome person. will demonstrate charm, behave towards him acc. way, and he, as a result, improves his social. skills. This self-fulfilling aspect of F. p. was illustrated in the research. M. Snyder, E. Tank and E. Berscheid. Men and women from the University of Minnesota were invited to take part in an experiment on the study of the dating process. To begin with, the men were provided with Polaroids and biographical information. about their future partners. In reality, these pictures were manipulated; they depicted either a beautiful woman or a woman with an unprepossessing appearance. The men were asked to share their first impressions of her. Those who thought that they got a beautiful partner expected that she would be sociable, self-confident, with a sense of humor and with developed social skills. skills. Those who, in their opinion, got an unattractive partner, expected her to be unsociable, awkward, serious and socially inept. interactions. This prejudice is not surprising: beautiful people are known to make exceptionally favorable first impressions. nine0003
However, the results of the next stage of the experiment were unexpected. Men were asked to get to know their partners using the phone for this purpose. The expectations of the men had a significant impact on the way they talked with their partners throughout the entire telephone conversation. And this, in turn, had a strong impact on the response of women. The men, of course, thought they were talking to a beautiful or unattractive woman; in reality, the women at the other end of the line mean. differed from each other in appearance, although most of them had an ordinary appearance. Nevertheless, for the duration of the telephone conversation, the women became what the men expected them to be. After the telephone conversation, the evaluators listened to the recording of the female part of the conversation and tried to determine only on the basis of this recording what kind of women they were. Women who were spoken to as if they were beautiful soon began to “look on the phone” just like that. They became unusually lively, confident, and socially skilled. interaction. Those who were treated as if they were unattractive also began to behave accordingly. way. They became withdrawn, insecure and seemed awkward. Men's prophecies were realized. nine0003
Undoubtedly, this behavior made the women, in turn, retaliate. If the stereotypes shared by men became reality during a 10-minute telephone conversation, one can imagine what happens to people when they are treated well or badly throughout their lives. In fact, researchers have found some evidence that attractive people are indeed extremely skilled and experienced in social media. interactions. nine0003
Beautiful people have advantages, while ugly people have no advantages in life. However, a careful analysis of the existing data makes it clear that the focus should be on the second half of this proposal. If the relationships between appearance and a host of other variables—self-esteem, satisfaction, job prospects, number of dates, and popularity—were carefully examined, it would soon be found that the relationship between appearance and advantage did not turn out to be monotonically decreasing. Evidence suggests that the highly attractive have only a marginal advantage. What really matters is having at least an ordinary appearance. nine0003
See also Clothing, Halo effect, Perceptual transactionism, Pygmalion effect
E. Hatfield
How important is physical attractiveness in finding a spouse?
There is no doubt that God created men and women to be physically attractive to each other. Sex in marriage is essential to the intimacy between husband and wife, to procreation, and to the survival of the human race. At the same time, arranged marriages - including those in which the couple did not even see each other before the wedding - were the norm in past centuries and are still practiced in various parts of the world. nine0003
Solomon described the desire of the groom for his beloved in chapters 4 and 7 of the Song of Songs. He describes her physical beauty and his attraction to her. She reciprocates in chapter 8, describing her passion for him and her longing to be in his arms. The Song of Songs is a beautiful depiction of conjugal love, of which physical attraction is a component.
But this does not mean that physical attraction is the most important aspect to consider when looking for a husband or wife. On the one hand, beauty should not be determined by the world. What the world finds beautiful is far from the standards of beauty described in Scripture. Physical beauty fades with time, but a woman who loves God shines with true inner beauty (Proverbs 31:30). Peter encourages women to develop their inner beauty, which is “the incorruptible beauty of a meek and serene spirit. She is precious in the eyes of God. After all, the holy women who trusted in God once adorned themselves in this way” (1 Peter 3:3-5; hereinafter - the translation of the Russian Bible Society). External beauty is fleeting - internal beauty is eternal. nine0003
A man's attractiveness must also come from within. The most obvious example in Scripture is Jesus: “There was no splendor in him - we did not even look at him; there was nothing in his appearance that attracted us” (Isaiah 53:2). However, the beauty of His glory and grace as the incarnate Son of God was evident to all who saw Him. The exact opposite of Him is Lucifer/Satan, who is said to have "been marked with the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect beauty" (Ezekiel 28:12). Despite his external beauty, Lucifer was the embodiment of evil and godlessness.