Throwing a temper tantrum
Temper Tantrums (for Parents) - Nemours KidsHealth
Temper tantrums can be frustrating for any parent. But instead of looking at them as disasters, treat tantrums as opportunities for education.
Why Do Kids Have Tantrums?
Temper tantrums range from whining and crying to screaming, kicking, hitting, and breath-holding spells. They're equally common in boys and girls and usually happen between the ages of 1 to 3.
Some kids may have tantrums often, and others have them rarely. Tantrums are a normal part of child development. They're how young children show that they're upset or frustrated.
Tantrums may happen when kids are tired, hungry, or uncomfortable. They can have a meltdown because they can't have something they want (like a toy or candy) or can’t get someone to do what they want (like getting a parent to pay attention to them immediately or getting a sibling to give up the tablet). Learning to deal with frustration is a skill that children gain over time.
Tantrums are common during the second year of life, when language skills are developing. Because toddlers can't always say what they want or need, and because words describing feelings are more complicated and develop later, a frustrating experience may cause a tantrum. As language skills improve, tantrums tend to decrease.
Toddlers want independence and control over their environment — more than they can actually handle. This can lead to power struggles as a child thinks "I can do it myself" or "I want it, give it to me." When kids discover that they can't do it and can't have everything they want, they may have a tantrum.
How Can We Avoid Tantrums?
Try to prevent tantrums from happening in the first place, whenever possible. Here are some ideas that may help:
- Give plenty of positive attention. Get in the habit of catching your child being good. Reward your little one with praise and attention for positive behavior. Be specific about praising behaviors you want to see happen more often (such as, “I like the way you said please and waited for your milk” or “Thank you for sharing the blocks with your sister.
- Try to give toddlers some control over little things. Offer minor choices such as "Do you want orange juice or apple juice?" or "Do you want to brush your teeth before or after taking a bath?" This way, you aren't asking "Do you want to brush your teeth now?" — which of course will be answered "no." Allow control when it doesn’t really matter. Instead of struggling over an outfit your child puts on that doesn’t match, for example, consider whether this may be an opportunity to allow self-expression and independence and if it really makes a difference given the day's schedule.
- Keep off-limits objects out of sight and out of reach. This makes struggles less likely. Obviously, this isn't always possible, especially outside of the home where the environment can't be controlled.
- Distract your child. Try offering something else in place of what they can't have. Start a new activity to replace the frustrating or forbidden one (for example, if your child is jumping on the couch, ask them to come help you “cook” by offering a plastic container and wooden spoon.
Then you can praise them for helping or following directions, rather than having them start a tantrum or refuse to get down). Or simply change the environment. Take your toddler outside or inside or move to a different room.
- Help kids learn new skills and succeed. Help kids learn to do things. Praise them to help them feel proud of what they can do. Also, start with something simple before moving on to more challenging tasks.
- Consider the request carefully when your child wants something. Is it outrageous? Maybe it isn't. Choose your battles. It's even OK to change your mind if you originally said no — but find a way to allow the desired treat as a reward for good behavior.
- Know your child's limits. If you know your toddler is tired, it's not the best time to go grocery shopping or try to squeeze in one more errand. Hungry kids are more likely to demand food in the store than children who have just had a meal (just like adults!).
What Should I Do During a Tantrum?
Keep your cool when responding to a tantrum. Don't complicate the problem with your own frustration or anger. Remind yourself that your job is helping your child learn to calm down. So you need to be calm too.
Tantrums should be handled differently depending on why your child is upset. Sometimes, you may need to provide comfort. If your child is tired or hungry, it's time for a nap or a snack. Other times, its best to ignore an outburst or distract your child with a new activity.
If a tantrum is happening to get attention from parents, one of the best ways to reduce this behavior is to ignore it. If a tantrum happens after your child is refused something, stay calm and don't give a lot of explanations for why your child can't have what they want. Move on to another activity with your child.
If a tantrum happens after your child is told to do something they don't want to do, it's best to ignore the tantrum. But be sure that you follow through on having your child complete the task after they're calm.
Kids who are in danger of hurting themselves or others during a tantrum should be taken to a quiet, safe place to calm down. This also applies to tantrums in public places.
If a safety issue is involved and a toddler repeats the forbidden behavior after being told to stop, use a time-out by sitting the child on a designated chair or in the corner for just a few minutes. Be nearby so that you can supervise, but do not interact until they are calm. Be consistent. Don't give in on safety issues.
Preschoolers and older kids are more likely to use tantrums to get their way if they've learned that this behavior works. For school-age kids, it's appropriate to send them to their rooms to cool off while paying little attention to the behavior.
Let your child know that you will tell them when the time-out is over and that the sooner they are calm and quiet, the sooner it will end. This is empowering — kids can affect the outcome by their own actions, and thus gain a sense of control that was lost during the tantrum.
Do not reward your child's tantrum by giving in. This will only prove to your little one that the tantrum was effective.
Consider making a “chill out” or “calm down” spot in your home (some teachers use this in preschool, as well). Use a soft cushion and provide books, a stuffed animal, some soft music, and other calming activities in a place where others won’t disturb the child. Encourage your child to go to the spot when angry or upset — not as a punishment, but as a choice and an opportunity to learn to calm down and control frustration.
What Should I Do After a Tantrum?
Praise your child for regaining control — for example, "I like how you calmed down."
Kids may be especially vulnerable after a tantrum when they know they've been less than adorable. Now (when your child is calm) is the time for a hug and reassurance that your child is loved, no matter what. If your child is old enough to discuss the problem, help them come up with some other ways they might have expressed their frustration.
Make sure your child gets enough sleep. With too little sleep, kids can become hyper, disagreeable, and have extremes in behavior. Getting enough sleep can greatly reduce tantrums. Find out how much sleep is needed at your child’s age. Most kids' sleep needs fall within a set range of hours based on their age, but each child is unique.
When Should I Call the Doctor?
Talk to your doctor if:
- You often feel angry or out of control when you respond to tantrums.
- You keep giving in to try to avoid your child acting out.
- The tantrums cause a lot of bad feelings between you and your child or you and your partner.
- The tantrums happen more often, are more intense, or last longer.
- Your child often self-harms or hurts others.
- Your child seems very disagreeable, argues a lot, and hardly ever cooperates.
Your doctor also can check for any health problems that may add to the tantrums, although this is not common. Sometimes, hearing or vision problems, a chronic illness, language delays, or a learning disability can make kids more likely to have tantrums.
Remember, tantrums usually aren't cause for concern and generally stop on their own. As kids mature, they gain self-control. They learn to cooperate, communicate, and cope with frustration. Less frustration and more control will mean fewer tantrums — and happier parents.
Temper Tantrums | Johns Hopkins Medicine
What are temper tantrums?
Temper tantrums are a way a young child lets out strong emotions before he or she is able to express them in socially acceptable ways. Although a child may seem totally out of control, these fits of rage, stomping, screaming, and throwing himself or herself to the floor are a normal part of childhood development. Temper tantrums often happen only with a parent. They are a way a child communicates his or her feelings. Parents can learn from their child by understanding the situation that caused the temper tantrum to erupt.
Temper tantrums often begin at about 1 year of age and continue until age 2 to 3. They begin to diminish as a child becomes more able to communicate his or her wants and needs.
What causes temper tantrums?
As a young child learns more and becomes more independent, he or she wants to do more than he or she can physically and emotionally manage. This is frustrating to the child and the frustrations are expressed in a variety of ways. Temper tantrums are worse and happen more often when a child is hungry, tired, or sick. Some reasons children have temper tantrums include the following:
Want to be on their own, and get upset when they can't do what they want
Are in a transition (such as from day care to home)
Are trying to get attention to test the rules
Have something taken away from them
Have not learned all the words to tell you what they are feeling or want and this upsets them
Do not understand what you want them to do
Are tired or hungry
Are worried or upset
Feel stress in the home
How to prevent temper tantrums
Although temper tantrums sometimes happen without warning, parents can often tell when a child is becoming upset. Knowing the situations when your child is more likely to have a tantrum and thinking ahead may help. An example is not letting your child become overtired or hungry. Some suggestions for preventing or minimizing temper tantrums include the following:
Stick to routines for meals and sleep times. Avoid long outings, delayed meals, and naps.
Distract your child with a toy he or she is allowed to have.
Be reasonable about what to expect from your child, and do not expect your child to be perfect.
Help your child to avoid frustration. Prepare your child for changes or events by talking about them before they happen.
Let your child know your rules and stick to them.
How to respond during a temper tantrum
The following are helpful hints regarding the most appropriate ways to respond during your child's temper tantrum:
Stay calm.
Ignore the child until he or she is calmer. Keep doing whatever you were doing before the tantrum happens.
Do not hit or spank your child.
Do not give in to the tantrum. When parents give in, children learn to use inappropriate behavior to get their way.
Do not bribe your child to stop the tantrum. The child then learns to act inappropriately to get a reward.
Remove potentially dangerous objects from your child or your child's path.
Use time-out for a short period to allow the child to get back in control.
What else should parents know about temper tantrums?
Temper tantrums generally happen less often as children get older. Children should play and act normally between tantrums. However, talk with your child's healthcare provider if any of the following happen:
Temper tantrums are severe, last long, or happen very often.
Your child has a lot of trouble talking and cannot let you know what he or she needs.
Temper tantrums continue or get worse after 3 to 4 years of age.
Your child has signs of illness along with temper tantrums or holds his or her breath to cause fainting.
Your child harms himself or herself or others during tantrums.
Psychologist told how to stop yelling at a child when he throws tantrums |
Children sometimes don’t need a reason to be hysterical, they turn on instantly
Photo: Artyom Ustyuzhanin / Е1.RU
from young parents. And today, perhaps, one of the most painful topics is children's tantrums. Yes, yes, the very ones when a child does not want to go home from a walk and yells, lying on the sidewalk, when he squeals at the whole store, demanding to buy another toy, and generally rolls up scandals for any reason. Okay, let's be honest: a small child does not always need a reason for a tantrum, it can start out of the blue. nine0009
How do you avoid yelling back in situations like this? Not to spank on the ass in the hope of calming down, and then not torturing yourself with guilt? How to raise a child with a personality with his own opinion and at the same time not go crazy? We asked psychologist Yuliana Maksutova to answer these questions.
Closer to the age of three, all of a sudden, children begin to rebel, argue with their parents and throw tantrums. Yes, this is the same crisis of three years. He says that the child's psyche and brain develop as they should. Self-awareness emerges. nine0009
He used to be in such a merger with his mother. But he grows, his needs expand, his opinion appears. And of course, the child does not like the fact that he and his mother may want something different.
This is a completely normal stage of separation from parents. First childbirth, then weaning, and here it is - the crisis of three years. Of course, there are algorithms on how to get through this period easier, but the main advice is to be patient and understanding. This crisis will surely pass.
But you have to understand that this is a very important stage. The crisis of three years must be passed if you later want to see your child independent. nine0003
A parent is like a coach for his child. As the child grows up, it will inevitably face some kind of prohibitions, conflicts in society. The clash of “I want” and “I can’t” is called frustration in psychological language. If you do not get stuck in this state, experience it in a dosed manner and with the support of an adult, then in the end the child develops a strategy for coping with stress. A parent in some situation may give in, may find a compromise, and in some situations - express a strict prohibition. nine0009
Just like in a fairy tale. Gingerbread man came up with a strategy for himself, and it worked successfully for him many times, but then the Fox met, and Gingerbread Man made a mistake. In the same way, a child learns to use different strategies in communication with a parent.
When a child is not allowed to do a lot of things, this is also bad. Bans should be only on what is really impossible: run through red lights, eat foods that you are allergic to. In other situations, you can agree - this is how the child learns to communicate.
It is natural for a small child to seek approval from his parents. An unfamiliar grandmother will approach a child on the street, offer a candy, and he looks at his mother, whether she nods approvingly or not, and only then takes it. The same situation can be in the circle of acquaintances. First, the child sees the world through the eyes of parents. When by adolescence a child is saturated with these ideas, he makes a reassessment of values: I will take this into my life, but this, thank you, I don’t want to, leave it to yourself. nine0009
If you raised such an obedient child who extends this obedience to all adults, then he himself may suffer from this. Leave with someone else's adult, for example.
A child wants to grow up obedient from birth, but in adulthood it will be of little use to him
Photo: Artyom Ustyuzhanin / E1.RU
Share let it be uncomfortable. Stop worrying about what they will think of me if my child is lying on the floor in the store and screaming? If you do not care about the opinions of others, then only you and your child will remain, and this will immediately alleviate the situation. nine0009
I myself have three children with a small difference of 2 years. When my third child was born, I realized that all the magic phrases that I know simply do not work. Because there is not always a resource for it.
You can not swear because the child does not want to tidy up the toys, but outwit him, say “let’s not tidy up the toys, but save the toys from the socks that attacked them”, we won’t have lunch, but “we will try on vegetables for Queen Fork. Therefore, it is very important for mothers to take care of themselves first. nine0003
Children, at least before school, are simply incapable of manipulation - the brain has not yet matured. To manipulate, you must be able to put yourself in the place of another person and understand how he will behave. To say at 3 years old that a child manipulates a parent when he asks for another typewriter is wrong. There is another principle at work here. I'll give you an example. Here the child demands a typewriter, knocks with his legs, the mother refuses. Then he sits on the pavement, cries loudly - and mom gives up. And if this story is repeated several times, then the child builds a causal relationship. This again means that the child's thinking is working, which is good. But this is not manipulation. If this causal chain is broken, then the behavior of the child will change. nine0009
It is necessary to look at the condition of the child, maybe he is tired, he has not had enough sleep. Maybe just a general disturbing background when mom is immersed in her experiences. The child reads this and begins to check with his whims: “Mom, are you definitely with me?”
We grow up with attitudes such as “men don't cry”, “good girls don't cry”, “you can't get angry”, “you're already big”, “you can't argue with adults”. All this to the fact that their emotions can not be shown. And we transfer our emotions to the child: if I can’t, then the child can’t either. You need to become the most uncomfortable, understand that all emotions are normal and there is a reason for them. And do not drive yourself into this vicious circle: "And the child screams in public, so I'm a bad mother." In general, emotions are very contagious. nine0003
The psychologist advises mothers to give a damn about the opinions of others, and they will immediately notice that they have become easier to relate to the next whims
Photo: Artyom Ustyuzhanin / E1.RU
There is such a trick as getting out of the emotions of another person. Step out of your child's emotions, mentally draw a circle, and step out of it. Remember that among you the adult is you. Then use the “mirroring” method: speak out loud all the emotions of the child. “Yes, I understand that you are upset now, but I can’t buy what you ask because we came to the store for another.” These are not magic phrases that will calm the child, but show him that you are there. nine0009
Here again it is a matter of state. If mom caught herself thinking that that’s it, the lid is full and she’ll tear it off now, then there are several ways to help yourself.
And you can, on the contrary, sympathize and, as it were, hug yourself, and calm down.
But do not ignore, do not put on a mask of indifference - this will not save either you or the child. It is better to say that you are so angry that you cannot help yourself, and you need to leave the room for 5 minutes and calm down. So the child also understands that the mother is tired and can be angry. nine0009
And that's fine. This means that mom can praise herself, it means that she was able to create a safe space for the child to express her emotions, that mom will accept me in any way.
If a mother is feeling guilty because she yelled at her child, then the first thing to think about is that this thought is unproductive. From the fact that you will self-flagellate, only a hole is formed into which your resource will go.
You can also apologize in different ways. Or just say: "Here, you are my bunny, I'm sorry." And you can explain from an adult position: “I was very upset about work and fell on you. Forgive me, I got angry and could not restrain myself. The child also needs this experience to understand that the world is not perfect. And this is an example of how to get out of the conflict. nine0009
If the mother slams the door all the time, and then the child goes to make peace on his own, he will not know that the conflict can be resolved in another way.
A mother has the right to take it out on her child. But apologies are needed only if they are sincere. You can sit and lament that here, you are such and such, brought the mother ... This will be outweighing the blame on the child, such a message that you are bad.
Another situation is when a mother cries and explains that she is very sorry that she did everything, but she is not in her power to change the situation, that it is difficult for her and that she is learning to be a mother for her child. nine0009
The crisis of three years is not eternal, and a wonderful period of 5-6 years will come when children turn their care to their parents. But, again, they themselves will not learn this if there is no care for each other in the family. When you suddenly hear from a child not just a tantrum, but an explanation of his emotions: “Mom, I feel so uncomfortable because ...”, then you can safely rejoice and praise yourself - these are the fruits of your labors.
In the last episodes of the project “When You Give Birth, You Will Understand,” we discussed the most stupid parenting tips with a neonatologist, talked with a philologist about how a woman’s speech changes after childbirth, and discussed with a gynecologist and a sexologist when the sagging belly disappears and the old sex returns. nine0003
How to calm a child's tantrum, what to do with children's tantrums
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- How to calm a tantrum in a child, what to do with children's tantrums
Despite the fact that periodic tantrums in young children can be considered the norm, parents should not leave them unattended and need to learn how to respond to them correctly so that tantrums do not become frequent and are not used by the child as manipulation to get what they want. nine0003
In our article, we have collected for you all the necessary information about strong tantrums in children - causes, signs, how to calm a child and how to prevent frequent tantrums.
Causes of children's tantrums
In order to be able to properly stop tantrums in children, it is important to understand the reasons for such behavior in a child.
Informational and emotional overload. The modern child lives surrounded by a dense information flow. This puts a lot of pressure on the senses. At a certain point, the child experiences an overload and needs to throw off unnecessary emotions. At this point, hysteria happens. It is worth noting that active and inquisitive children are more hysterical than their calm and assiduous peers. nine0003
Attention. Babies often try to attract the attention of their parents with tantrums. Especially such a reason for tantrums is inherent in children in large families, especially if a small baby appears and all the time mom and dad are busy with him. If a child is older than 6-7 years old, he can use other methods to attract attention, but a preschooler will most likely choose a tantrum.
Check. nine0127 During a tantrum, a child can also "learn" the world. Thus, he is trying to explore the boundaries of what is permitted by his parents, and this is just part of building relationships in the family and understanding what is good and what is bad.
Parent inconsistency. It is very important that young children receive clear signals and instructions from adults. If a child is forbidden to open a bookcase and throw books around, then it should be forbidden to him at all times. If today mom forbade doing it, and tomorrow dad allowed it, then the child has a feeling of confusion. He does not understand how to do the right thing and as a result throws a tantrum. nine0003
Physical discomfort. This reason for the appearance of tantrums is inherent in children under 2-3 years of age, when they cannot yet verbally explain that they do not like something, they are hot, thirsty, something hurts, etc.
Fatigue. When children experience a lot of events and emotions in one day (long journeys, shopping, birthday celebrations, etc.), you should not be surprised if the child is capricious and hysterical in the evening. In this case, the nervous system thus signals an overload. nine0003
Time. Until the age of 5-6, children live in the moment of the present, and if they need something, they need it here and now. At such a moment, it will be impossible for the child to explain that “be patient and in 15 minutes we will be at home” or “we will go to the zoo tomorrow” and a tantrum may set in.
Are child tantrums dangerous?
It all depends on the symptoms that appear in a child during a tantrum. nine0003
As a rule, a baby who throws a tantrum begins to cry and scream loudly. Chaotic movements of the arms and legs also join this. Children clench their hands into fists and begin to stomp their feet. Such manifestations of hysteria are quite harmless and do not leave any consequences after themselves.
But, if the child fell into a strong tantrum, he may begin to swing on the floor, beat his head against the wall or floor, bite objects around, scratch. In severe cases, this can lead to convulsions or respiratory failure. After a strong tantrum, the child may experience nausea and headache. nine0003
If you know that your child is prone to fall into such serious conditions, in no case do not try to explain or prove your point during an attack. At this moment, your main task is to calm the child and bring him to his senses.
If a child has frequent and severe tantrums, after which he feels overwhelmed and lethargic, he has nightmares, causeless nausea or cases of loss of consciousness, be sure to seek the advice of specialists. In this case, help is provided by child psychologists, neuropathologists or psychotherapists. nine0003
It's hard to imagine, but often children's tantrums have a positive effect. Through hysteria, children get rid of accumulated grievances and negative emotions. The “correct” hysteria will help form a strong psyche for the child, normalize sleep and learn to openly express their emotions.
How should parents behave?
Before talking about the methods of calming the child, parents need to learn how to cope with the emotional burden that falls on them during a child's tantrum. nine0003
In order to be able to adequately respond to a tantrum in children without screaming, it is important to understand that the child does not do this on purpose to spite you. At the moment, he is really ill, hurt or offended. It depends only on you whether this hysteria will grow into even more conflict and stress, or whether it will end safely and quickly.
If you feel like you're starting to wind up with your baby, stop and take a deep breath. Breathing slowly and deeply is a simple yet powerful way to calm down and fool your nervous system. nine0003
Develop the right tone of conversation with the child. Your speech should be clear and legible, and the tone should be calm and friendly. Children very well feel the emotional state of their parents and talking with them at the usual pace and timbre of speech will work much more effectively than fast and unintelligible speech in raised tones.
Try to build a trusting and respectful relationship with your child. If children do not notice proper attention from their parents, they do not have much experience of joint communication, then even during a tantrum you can not hope that the baby will hear you and begin to behave calmly. Talk more often and praise your child for successes and good behavior. nine0003
How to calm a child at different ages?
Each child's age has a number of features that need to be considered in order to quickly cope with a tantrum.
Up to 2 years. With the youngest children, the idle presence method works best. Tantrums in babies last no more than 5 minutes, so just sit silently next to the child and give him time to recover on his own.
It is also useful to hug the baby tightly or distract him for something. Up to 2 years old, children switch easily and can laugh in a second, forgetting about a moment of weakness. nine0003
2-3 years. At this age, children's tantrums are also well influenced by the methods listed in the previous paragraph. To this, you can add a quiet and measured voice. You can tell anything, for example, offer your child an interesting activity and describe it in colors.
5-6 years old. At this age, children are already well able to express their demands and desires without hysteria, but for this, the child needs to be told everywhere that he can trust you, that he can share his experiences with you, and if something hurts or he doesn’t succeed, he can freely share it. At the same time, at the age of 5-6 years, children should be left with the right to a healthy tantrum if he experiences an emotional outburst.
When the tantrum has calmed down, try to switch to everyday activities and do not focus on the recent outburst. nine0003
Tips for parents on how to quickly remove a child's tantrum
In this section, we have collected for you all the most effective and proven ways to calm the child.
Often children use tantrums to manipulate their parents and get what they want. Especially such a picture can be observed in stores, when the child begins to scream and roll on the floor, begging to buy him a new toy. The worst thing parents do is go along with the little manipulator and fulfill the demand to stop public shame. nine0003
If a child throws a tantrum for the purpose of manipulation, in no case do not follow his lead and, if possible, just ignore him. Using the example of the same store, just keep shopping, ignoring the shouting. At the same time, on the next trip, you can buy a toy for your child if he behaved well and did not beg for anything. By this you show that in your family you can achieve what you want only in a calm atmosphere and by the method of communication, but not by tantrums. nine0003
Demonstrative ignoring cannot be practiced with children under 1-2 years old. At this age, they are not yet able to manipulate consciously and during tantrums they need more help and support from their parents. Ignoring in this case will not help to calm the baby, but will only upset him more.
Elimination of cause
Even a trifle can unbalance a small child. Try to analyze the situation and, if possible, remove the trigger that triggered the tantrum. For example, a child sits at a table and draws. He fails to draw the desired element and this, of course, annoys him, further misses lead to hysteria. In this case, the parent just needs to help the baby perform the desired action and show that there is no reason to be nervous. nine0003
If the cause is physiological, then all the more it cannot be ignored and the irritant must be eliminated. For example, you started a long shopping trip and your child is tired of walking around a crowded and noisy shopping center for a long time. In this case, only a quick return home and rest will help calm the hysteria.
With children after 4-5 years, you can already try to conduct a constructive dialogue and offer a compromise that would suit you and help the child calm down. This will help you achieve what you want and at the same time the baby will feel like an equal participant in the transaction. For example, you take him to the dentist, but the child refuses to sit in the doctor's chair and you feel the beginning of a tantrum. Explain to the little patient the importance of what is happening both for him and for you, and as a compromise, promise to go to the entertainment center where he so wanted to go. nine0003
Make sure that the compromise does not look like manipulation on your part in primary school age, children are already well able to recognize such moments. Compromise is always an equal agreement without winners and losers.
Illusion of choice
In the case when a compromise is not applicable, you can create an illusion of choice for the baby. For example, at dinner he does not want to eat the proposed dish, but you know that in principle he eats it and today he is just being capricious. In this case, you should not try to offer something tasty (cake, sweets), but on the contrary, we recommend going from the opposite. If you refuse to eat buckwheat porridge, say that you can offer barley or rice to choose from. In this situation, whatever the child chooses, it will be a choice on your terms and you will not have to indulge whims. nine0003
Hugs work very well with tantrums, not only children but also adults. They give a feeling of security, peace, comfort and warmth. In the strong arms of mom or dad, the baby will calm down much faster, because he will feel support and empathy in this gesture.
Even if the child breaks out, show that you are not ready to let him go and even in the most difficult and critical situation you will be there.