What does exercise do for your body
Benefits of Physical Activity | Physical Activity
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Reduce Your Health Risk
The good news is that moderate physical activity, such as brisk walking, is generally safe for most people.
Cardiovascular Disease
Heart disease and stroke are two leading causes of death in the United States. Getting at least 150 minutes a week of moderate physical activity can put you at a lower risk for these diseases. You can reduce your risk even further with more physical activity. Regular physical activity can also lower your blood pressure and improve your cholesterol levels.
Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
Regular physical activity can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is some combination of too much fat around the waist, high blood pressure, low high-density lipoproteins (HDL) cholesterol, high triglycerides, or high blood sugar. People start to see benefits at levels from physical activity even without meeting the recommendations for 150 minutes a week of moderate physical activity.
Additional amounts of physical activity seem to lower risk even more.
Strengthen Your Bones and Muscles
As you age, it’s important to protect your bones, joints, and muscles – they support your body and help you move. Keeping bones, joints, and muscles healthy can help ensure that you’re able to do your daily activities and be physically active.
Muscle-strengthening activities like lifting weights can help you increase or maintain your muscle mass and strength. This is important for older adults who experience reduced muscle mass and muscle strength with aging. Slowly increasing the amount of weight and number of repetitions you do as part of muscle strengthening activities will give you even more benefits, no matter your age.
Improve Your Ability to do Daily Activities and Prevent Falls
Everyday activities include climbing stairs, grocery shopping, or playing with your grandchildren. Being unable to do everyday activities is called a functional limitation. Physically active middle-aged or older adults have a lower risk of functional limitations than people who are inactive.
For older adults, doing a variety of physical activity improves physical function and decreases the risk of falls or injury from a fall. Include physical activities such as aerobic, muscle strengthening, and balance training. Multicomponent physical activity can be done at home or in a community setting as part of a structured program.
Hip fracture is a serious health condition that can result from a fall. Breaking a hip have life-changing negative effects, especially if you’re an older adult. Physically active people have a lower risk of hip fracture than inactive people.
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Increase Your Chances of Living Longer
See physical activity recommendations for different groups, including:
- Children age 3-5.
- Children and adolescents age 6-17.
- Adults age 18-64.
- Adults 65 and older.
- Adults with chronic health conditions and disabilities.
- Healthy pregnant and postpartum women.
An estimated 110,000 deaths per year could be prevented if US adults ages 40 and older increased their moderate-to-vigorous physical activity by a small amount. Even 10 minutes more a day would make a difference.
Taking more steps a day also helps lower the risk of premature death from all causes. For adults younger than 60, the risk of premature death leveled off at about 8,000 to 10,000 steps per day. For adults 60 and older, the risk of premature death leveled off at about 6,000 to 8,000 steps per day.
Manage Chronic Health Conditions & Disabilities
Regular physical activity can help people manage existing chronic conditions and disabilities. For example, regular physical activity can:
- Reduce pain and improve function, mood, and quality of life for adults with arthritis.
- Help control blood sugar levels and lower risk of heart disease and nerve damage for people with type 2 diabetes.
- Help support daily living activities and independence for people with disabilities. Also see:
- Health Benefits Associated with Physical Activity for People with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities [PDF-14.4MB]
- Key Recommendations for Adults with Chronic Conditions and Disabilities [PDF-14.4MB]
Benefits of Exercise: MedlinePlus
We have all heard it many times before - regular exercise is good for you, and it can help you lose weight. But if you are like many Americans, you are busy, you have a sedentary job, and you haven't yet changed your exercise habits. The good news is that it's never too late to start. You can start slowly, and find ways to fit more physical activity into your life. To get the most benefit, you should try to get the recommended amount of exercise for your age. If you can do it, the payoff is that you will feel better, help prevent or control many diseases, and likely even live longer.
What are the health benefits of exercise?
Regular exercise and physical activity may:
- Help you control your weight. Along with diet, exercise plays an important role in controlling your weight and preventing obesity. To maintain your weight, the calories you eat and drink must equal the energy you burn. To lose weight, you must use more calories than you eat and drink.
- Reduce your risk of heart diseases. Exercise strengthens your heart and improves your circulation. The increased blood flow raises the oxygen levels in your body. This helps lower your risk of heart diseases such as high cholesterol, coronary artery disease, and heart attack. Regular exercise can also lower your blood pressure and triglyceride levels.
- Help your body manage blood sugar and insulin levels. Exercise can lower your blood sugar level and help your insulin work better. This can cut down your risk for metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
And if you already have one of those diseases, exercise can help you to manage it.
- Help you quit smoking. Exercise may make it easier to quit smoking by reducing your cravings and withdrawal symptoms. It can also help limit the weight you might gain when you stop smoking.
- Improve your mental health and mood. During exercise, your body releases chemicals that can improve your mood and make you feel more relaxed. This can help you deal with stress and reduce your risk of depression.
- Help keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you age. Exercise stimulates your body to release proteins and other chemicals that improve the structure and function of your brain.
- Strengthen your bones and muscles. Regular exercise can help kids and teens build strong bones. Later in life, it can also slow the loss of bone density that comes with age. Doing muscle-strengthening activities can help you increase or maintain your muscle mass and strength.
- Reduce your risk of some cancers, including colon, breast , uterine, and lung cancer.
- Reduce your risk of falls. For older adults, research shows that doing balance and muscle-strengthening activities in addition to moderate-intensity aerobic activity can help reduce your risk of falling.
- Improve your sleep. Exercise can help you to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
- Improve your sexual health. Regular exercise may lower the risk of erectile dysfunction (ED) in men. For those who already have ED, exercise may help improve their sexual function. In women, exercise may increase sexual arousal.
- Increase your chances of living longer. Studies show that physical activity can reduce your risk of dying early from the leading causes of death, like heart disease and some cancers.
How can I make exercise a part of my regular routine?
- Make everyday activities more active.
Even small changes can help. You can take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk down the hall to a coworker's office instead of sending an email. Wash the car yourself. Park further away from your destination.
- Be active with friends and family. Having a workout partner may make you more likely to enjoy exercise. You can also plan social activities that involve exercise. You might also consider joining an exercise group or class, such as a dance class, hiking club, or volleyball team.
- Keep track of your progress. Keeping a log of your activity or using a fitness tracker may help you set goals and stay motivated.
- Make exercise more fun. Try listening to music or watching TV while you exercise. Also, mix things up a little bit - if you stick with just one type of exercise, you might get bored. Try doing a combination of activities.
- Find activities that you can do even when the weather is bad.
You can walk in a mall, climb stairs, or work out in a gym even if the weather stops you from exercising outside.
- Aerobic Exercise: Top 10 Reasons to Get Physical (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Also in Spanish
- Exercise: 7 Benefits of Regular Physical Activity (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Also in Spanish
- Health Benefits of Water-Based Exercise (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Also in Spanish
- Physical Activity and Health: The Benefits of Physical Activity (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Also in Spanish
- Real-Life Benefits of Exercise and Physical Activity (National Institute on Aging)
- Staying Active at Any Size (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) Also in Spanish
- Step It Up! Get Active for Your Health (National Institutes of Health) Also in Spanish
- Why Exercise? (American Academy of Family Physicians) Also in Spanish
- Why Physical Activity Is Important (for Girls) (Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health)
- Article: parkrun unintended benefits.
- Article: Aging and Possible Benefits or Negatives of Lifelong Endurance Running: How...
- Article: Can Blood Flow Restriction Training Benefit Post-Activation Potentiation? A Systematic Review.
- Benefits of Exercise -- see more articles
5 exercises that will bring the body into tone in just 10 days
Kefir with cabbage leaves won over your extra pounds, but now you urgently need to “tighten up” some parts of the body? We have compiled a program for you of 5 effective exercises that will allow you to tone your body in just ten days.
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5 life hacks
Let's say right away: to do even simple exercises with benefit, and not to make others laugh, you need to do it right. For professional advice, the team of the Miracle of Technology program on NTV asked the queen of the uneven bars, the legendary gymnast Svetlana Khorkina, as well as the head physician of the Russian national football team, Eduard Bezuglov. Here's what they recommend.
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The 100 is one of the most popular exercises for the Pilates abs. By the way, it is well suited to warm up the muscles before something serious.
- Lie on your back, bend your legs, shoulder blades do not touch the mat, chin looks up, press your lower back to the floor, tightening your abs and pulling in your stomach.
- Swing your palms down as if hitting the air. The abdominal muscles are very hardy, so they “love” a large number of repetitions. As the name of the exercise implies, you need to do 100 "hand strikes". By the way, this is also useful for burning fat in the abdomen. And if your press is already strong and one hundred seems not enough, you can repeat, but with your legs stretched up at an angle of 45 degrees.
Eduard Bezuglov believes that this exercise involves almost all muscle groups, well, except, perhaps, the calf, calf muscles, and people with almost any level of health can perform it. Of course, you also need to do the classic “twisting” for the press: round your back, do not pull yourself by the neck (keep your hands at your temples) and press your lower back and feet to the floor as tightly as possible. Then this exercise, and not just "hundred", will show an amazing effect!
At number 2 in the list of "simple miracles", our experts placed the "high chair". It's almost like squats, but with less stress on the knee joints, which suffer a lot from regular squats.
- Usually the "high chair" is performed against the wall, with your back firmly pressed and your knees bent 90 degrees, as if you were sitting on an invisible chair. But you can do it without support, so the buttocks and back muscles are better worked out.
- Important note: the back cannot be rounded here! From the coccyx to the top of the head, the body should be straight, the pelvis laid deep back. As in regular squats, the knees do not go beyond the toe, the hands are near the head or extended forward.
Eduard believes that almost all muscles are loaded here: trunk, core, lower limbs. But Svetlana Khorkina doesn’t make a high chair — it’s too easy for her. But regular squats (legs one foot wide apart) are just right. But it is important that the heels do not come off the floor. In general, of course, the "high chair" can be made more difficult - to perform with dumbbells or alternately raising the legs, keeping them in the air. You need to “sit on a chair” as long as you have the strength, on average 1-2 minutes, and it’s better to do 3-5 approaches.
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Push-ups! This exercise, familiar from school, can do a lot. After all, push-ups can be not only classic, but also from the knees from the floor, and standing from the wall, from the table, from the chair and from the chair upside down, from the bench, with a jump, with a narrow or very wide stance of hands and even on one hand and one leg! Bezuglov says: “A great exercise, quite safe, the only thing I would recommend is doing it in a pain-free mode, not turning on the so-called “man” mode. Almost all the muscles of the trunk, legs, core, and so on are involved. When you do push-ups, the body should be on the same line, no backbends or, conversely, the "cat's hump" should not be included. A very large load falls on the shoulder joint. There is nothing wrong with this, but very often the muscles of the rotator cuff that surround the shoulder joint can become inflamed during these exercises.
During push-ups, the abdominal muscles should be tightened, the buttocks are tense, and the hands should be placed clearly under the shoulder joint. Choose the method that you like best and do about 3-5 sets of 10-15 times, and you can do this anywhere - even in the kitchen while breakfast is being prepared.
At number four, the classic cardio exercise called the jumper seems very simple, but it works just like magic, strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels. It also burns about 200 kilocalories in just 15 minutes!
- Starting position - legs together, arms along the body.
Then simultaneously raise your arms through the sides above your head and jump to spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Quickly return to the starting position.
- The doctor adds that the muscles of the lower extremities, the core, and, of course, the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, the muscles of the rotator cuff of the shoulder and the trapezius muscle are working. The most important thing here is not to jump too high, you can’t land on straight legs, they should always be slightly bent, you should spring.
This exercise is included in some foreign military training courses because it improves endurance very well. If you make at least 20 jumps, your vitality will rise greatly!
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amazingly effective exercises. Same plank! She has a lot of varieties: on her arms and one leg, with a wide stance, a side plank on her forearm, on an outstretched arm, with a lift of opposite arms and legs. Edward warns: “The line of the body must be straight. No arches, no sagging. There will be no sagging if you follow the buttocks and abdominal muscles. The plank cannot do any harm. Well, if you do it somehow completely loosely and do it for a long time, some inflammation of the tendons may occur, since you are in a static mode for a long time, the muscle may spasm. There is nothing terrible, you just need to pay attention.
First, try standing for 30 seconds. Time after time, gradually, adding 15 seconds every day, you can learn to stand in the bar for two, and three, and even 10 minutes! Svetlana Khorkina adds: “Well, I don’t call it a plank, but I call it an emphasis lying on my forearms. And it's easy for me. I don't know about others."
14 exercises for arms and abdomen + ready plan + photo
We continue to lay out the exercises from the complex for beginners, which includes 6 diverse workouts. They are designed for those who want to lose weight and improve the quality of the body. You can follow the program if you are just starting to exercise or returning to fitness after a long break.
Below are the exercises for the fourth day of classes - training for the upper body (arms, shoulders, stomach, back, chest).
Workouts for beginners: description
1. We offer you 6 ready-made sets of exercises:
- Mon: Workout for the lower body (thighs and buttocks)
- Tue: Interval training for weight loss and body tone
- W:
- Low Impact Cardio No Jumping
- Thu: Upper Body Workout - See Below
- Fri: Circuit training for problem areas
- Sat: Full body stretch
Repeat the program for 6-8 weeks, during which time you will be able to reduce volume, get rid of excess fat, develop endurance, tighten arms, chest, belly, hips, buttocks. This affordable set of exercises will help you gently enter the fitness regime.
2. Duration of workouts 30 minutes, including warm-up for 5 minutes and stretching for 5 minutes. That is, the duration of the main lesson without warm-up and stretching is 20 minutes. This is the perfect time for beginners to work on target muscles without overdoing it.
3. The workouts are designed for beginner and beginner-intermediate fitness levels. Some of the exercises are hard enough that you can progress from week to week. The description also suggests a simplified version of the exercise, but gradually you should strive to complete the original version of the exercise without modification. You can always make a workout harder or easier if you change the number of repetitions or the time for doing the exercises.
See our exercise selections:
- Top 60 Best Cardio Exercises
- Top 50 Best Leg Exercises
- Top 50 Best Butt Exercises
- Top 50 Best Abdominal Exercises
- Top 30 Best Arm Exercises

5. All workouts are low-impact, performed without jumping. The program is suitable for those who want to lose weight, burn fat and tighten the body.
6. The upper body workout below consists of the following segments:
- Warm up (5 minutes)
- First round: 7 exercises repeated in two circuits (~10 minutes)
- Second round : 7 exercises that are repeated in two circles (~10 minutes)
- Muscle stretch (5 minutes)
7. Upper body workout includes functional exercises that will allow you to work on several muscle groups at once. The emphasis in this program is on the upper body (arms, shoulders, chest, back, stomach), but the lower body is also included in the work, albeit to a lesser extent. There are no cardio exercises per se, but by quickly changing exercises, your heart rate will be high throughout the session, which will help you burn more calories.
8. This program can be performed by time or by the number of repetitions of your choice. If you want to perform this interval workout for weight loss on the count, then the exact number of repetitions is indicated below in the description for each exercise. Please note that in the case of exercises on the account without a timer, the total time of the program may differ from the declared one, since the pace of the training will be individual. Do not take a long rest between exercises if you are training at the expense, this will reduce the effectiveness of the session.
9. If you want to train by time, then the exercises in both rounds are performed according to the scheme 30 seconds work / 10 seconds rest. Those. 30 seconds you perform a given exercise, then 10 seconds rest and prepare for the next exercise, then 30 seconds do the next exercise, and so on. Between circles, you can take a longer break, for example, 30 seconds - be guided by your capabilities. For timed execution, download a mobile phone application (such as Tabata Timer) or play a ready-made video with a timer.
10. Gradually the body gets used to the load, so in the future it is necessary to move on to more complex and intensive programs.
- MO: Intense Legs & Butt Workout
- Tue: Advanced Upper Body Workout
- WE: 500 kcal Intense Cardio Workout
- Thu: Low Impact Floor Workout Against Problem Areas Thu: Interval Workout for weight loss and body tone
Warm-up is an obligatory part of the workout, do not skip it in any case. Warming up will prepare your muscles and heart for the load, increase blood circulation, warm up the body, which will help you to train as efficiently as possible.
The warm-up should take place at a dynamic pace, your task is to warm up the body. Warm-up exercises are performed for 30 seconds without rest between exercises.
The following exercises are included in the warm-up:
- Shoulder rotation: 15 rotations in each direction (30 seconds)
- Arm rotation: 15 rotations in each direction (30 seconds)
- Elbow rotation: 15 rotations in each direction each side (30 seconds)
- Body twists: 10 twists each side (30 seconds)
- Leg bends: 8 reps each side (30 seconds)
- Side bends: 15 reps each side (30 seconds)
- Arms to the side: 15 reps each side (30 seconds)
- Side step with bent arms: 15 reps per leg (30 seconds)
- Side step with arm extension: 15 reps per leg (30 seconds)
- Walk with arms crossed: 15 reps per leg (30 seconds)
1. Shoulder rotation
We start the workout with a warm-up of the shoulders. Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Start rotating your shoulders: forward, up, back, down. Perform the exercise in amplitude, bring the shoulder blades together when you take your shoulders back. Don't forget to rotate in the opposite direction as well.
How much: 15 rotations each way (30 rotations total) or 30 seconds.
2. Arm rotation
Stay upright. Stretch your arms up and begin to rotate them in a circle. Feel your body begin to warm up. First rotate your arms forward, then back.
How much: 15 rotations each way (30 rotations total) or 30 seconds.
3. Elbow Rotation
Bend the elbows so that the shoulders (the part of the arm above the elbow) are parallel to the floor. Start rotating your elbows in a circle, stretching your elbow joints and forearms. First rotate forward, then back.
How much: 15 rotations each way (30 rotations total) or 30 seconds.
4. Turns of the body
Spread your arms to the sides, they should be parallel to the floor. Start turning the body to the sides, stretching the muscles of the abdomen and back. Your core will be working hard during this workout, so it's important to warm up your muscles well before you start.
How many: 10 turns each way (30 turns total) or 30 seconds.
5. Tilts to the legs
Leave your arms out to the side. Begin to bend, trying to touch the floor with your hands. Do not round your back, bring the shoulder blades together, stretch the muscles of the back of the thigh, back, shoulders, arms.
How much: 8 reps each side (16 total) or 30 seconds.
6. Side bends
Place your hands on your waist. Begin to perform alternate side bends with your arm raised. Stretch to the side not with the neck, but with the whole body. The pelvis remains stable.
How much: 15 reps each side (30 total) or 30 seconds.
7. Retracting the arms to the sides
Leave the arms on the belt. Spread your legs wide and begin to move your arms to the sides at chest level. Rotate the body, twisting in the waist area.
How much: 15 reps each side (30 total) or 30 seconds.
8. Steps to the side with arms bent at the elbows
Let's warm up the body even better by doing a few exercises involving the upper and lower body. Bend your elbows and raise them so that your arms are parallel to the floor. Step sideways at a dynamic pace while spreading your arms wide apart and bringing them together. This is a great exercise for warming up the chest and shoulder muscles.
How many: 15 steps each way (30 steps total) or 30 seconds.
9. Side step with arm extension
Continue with side steps, but change the movement of the upper body to warm up the biceps and triceps. Walk in place, simultaneously bending and unbending your arms. When extending your arms, take them back behind your back. The muscles of the arms will be involved in most of the exercises, so it is very important to stretch them well before the load.
How much: 15 steps each way (30 steps total) or 30 seconds.
10. Crossed Knee Raises
Start walking in place, lifting your knees high until your thighs are parallel to the floor. At the same time as walking, spread your arms wide to the sides (bring your shoulder blades together) and cross them together at chest level (as if trying to hug yourself).
How much: 15 steps each way (30 steps total) or 30 seconds.
Upper Body Workout Round 1
The first round of Upper Body Workout lasts ~10 minutes. This round included 7 diverse exercises, which are repeated in two circles. Each circle lasts ~5 minutes.
Exercises are performed according to the scheme 30 seconds work / 10 seconds rest. Can be performed without a timer, counting the number of repetitions.
The following exercises are included in the first round:
- Knee-elbow bends: 13 repetitions on each side (30 seconds)
- Toe Plank: 10 reps per side (30 seconds)
- Leg Lifted Crunches: 20 reps (30 seconds)
- Hunting Dog: 18 reps (30 seconds)
- Knee Side Plank: 18 reps (30 seconds)
- Half-sitting hips to stomach: 15 reps each side (30 seconds)
- Swimmer: 10 reps each side (30 seconds)
Repeat exercises in two circles. Rest 30-60 seconds between circles. Exercises No. 4 and No. 5 in the first circle are performed on the right side, in the second circle on the left side.
1. Knee-elbow bends
Why: This exercise is aimed at working out the oblique muscles of the abdomen and the waist zone. Additionally, you will include the legs in the work, especially the riding breeches area.
How to: Stand up straight with your legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows and crossed behind your head. Take your right leg bent at the knee to the right and lift it up. At the same time, tilt the body to the right, trying to reach the elbow with the knee of the raised leg. Perform alternately on both sides.
Light version: You can do side bends without lifting your legs.
How many to do: 13 reps per side (26 reps total) or 30 seconds.
2. Plank with feet
What it's for: This is a great functional full-body exercise that focuses on the stomach, back and arms. Also, this exercise is useful for stretching the spine and improving posture.
How to: Stand in a plank position on your hands. Tighten your stomach, straighten your back, the lower back does not bend or arch. As you exhale, lift your pelvis up, twist your body and pull your hand to the foot of the opposite leg. In the extreme position, you will actually be standing in a down-facing dog pose. In this exercise, it is important not to round your back, try to stretch your spine. Also, do not bend your knees, increasing the load on the hamstrings. Perform the exercise alternately on both sides.
Easy version: To make this exercise easier on the upper body, stretch your hand not to the foot, but to the thigh of the opposite leg.
How many to do: 10 reps per side (20 total) or 30 seconds.
3. Leg Raised Crunches
Why: Crunches are a classic ab exercise, so it would be criminal not to include them in your upper body program. Let's complicate this exercise a little due to the raised legs.
How to do it: Lie on your back with your arms behind your head, your stomach in tension, your lower back pressed firmly to the floor. As you exhale, lift your upper back off the floor, keeping your lower back on the floor. Elbows continue to look in opposite directions, do not pull them towards the legs. In this exercise, it is very important to press the lower back to the floor at all phases of the exercises. If you have a gap between your back and the floor, then the entire load falls on the lower back. And this, firstly, is not useful, and secondly, the exercise ceases to be effective.
Easy version: In the easy version of this ab exercise, lower your feet to the floor.
How much to do: 20 reps or 30 seconds.
4. "Hunting Dog"
Why: This is a simple and very effective exercise for the abdomen, back and posture, as well as for developing balance and stabilization muscles.
How to: Get on all fours, resting on your hands and knees. Raise your right arm and left leg as high as possible. This is the starting position. As you exhale, twist in your back and bend your arm and leg so that your elbow touches your knee. Return to starting position. Continue to do this exercise on one side, in the second circle, do it on the other side.
Easy version: Perform this exercise in a static version, maintaining a balance position with arms and legs up.
How much to do: 18 repetitions or 30 seconds. On the second round, do this exercise on the other side.
5. Side plank kneeling
Why: The side plank is one of the most effective exercises for the oblique muscles of the abdomen and shoulder girdle. But at the same time one of the most difficult for beginners. If your core muscles are weak enough, then it will be very difficult for you to maintain balance in the side plank. That's why we offer you a kneeling side plank option that is just as effective for upper body development.
How to: Lie on your side with support on your right forearm, your left hand on your waist. The right leg is bent at the knees, the thigh lies on the floor, the lower leg is laid back. The left upper leg is fully extended and rests on the foot. As you exhale, lift your pelvis as high as possible, tensing your abdominal muscles. Do not roll the body back and forth, the body maintains a straight line. Hold the top position for a second and lower yourself back to the floor.
Easy version: For the easy version of this upper body exercise, stay in a static side plank position with your torso elevated and your pelvis pulled up.
How much to do: 18 repetitions or 30 seconds. On the second round, do this exercise on the other side.
6. Pulling the hips to the stomach half-sitting
Why: This is an excellent exercise for the upper and lower press, which puts minimal stress on the spinal region. If you feel pain in the lower back, neck or back after training for the press, then such exercises will be a good alternative for pumping the abdominal muscles.
How to: Sit on the floor, bend your knees, raise your arms above your head. Slightly tilt your straight back back. This is the starting position. Pull your hips towards your stomach while lowering your hands to your knees. Feel how the core muscles work. Perform the exercise alternately on both sides. Work dynamically.
Light version: In the light version of this ab exercise, wrap your arms around your leg as you pull your thigh toward your stomach and keep your arms low.
How many to do: 15 reps per side (30 total) or 30 seconds.
7. Swimmer
Why: The swimmer is one of the most useful and effective fitness exercises that develops the muscles of the whole body, but especially the muscles of the back, arms, lower back, shoulders, buttocks and abdomen. It is also a great posture improvement exercise.
How to: Lie on your stomach, legs together, arms extended in front of you, head raised off the floor. Inhale and as you exhale raise your right arm and left leg as high as possible, trying to tear your chest and thigh off the floor. Hold for a second and return to the starting position. Perform the exercise alternately on both sides.
Light version: In the light version of this upper body exercise, raise only your arms and keep your feet flat on the floor.
How many to do: 10 reps per side (20 total) or 30 seconds.
After the end of the first round, rest 30-60 seconds, after the end of the round, rest 60 seconds. It is better not to lie on the floor, but to walk in place.
Upper Body Workout Round 2
The second round of the upper body workout lasts ~10 minutes. This round also included 7 exercises that are repeated in two circles. Each circle lasts ~5 minutes. Exercises are performed according to the scheme 30 seconds work / 10 seconds rest. Can be performed without a timer, counting the number of repetitions.
The following exercises are included in the second round:
- Standing knee-elbow crunch: 15 reps per side (30 seconds)
- Spider plank: 12 reps per side (30 seconds)
- Pull-ups with straightened legs to the stomach: 15 reps (30 seconds)
- Reverse push-ups + leg raises: 9 reps (30 seconds)
- Laying arms back on the stomach: 10 reps on each side (30 seconds)
- Raises Plank Arms: 10 reps each side (30 seconds)
- Oblique Curl: 18 reps (30 seconds)
Repeat for two rounds. Rest 30-60 seconds between circles. Exercises No. 7 in the first circle are performed on the right side, in the second circle on the left side.
1. Standing knee-elbow twist
Why: This simple exercise will help you strengthen your rectus abdominis and obliques. In addition, the exercise involves the muscles of the lower body, which will provide additional calorie burning.
How to: Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, stomach tense. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows and raised above the head, the palm rests on the palm. As you exhale, lower your arms and raise your right knee up so that the elbow of your left hand touches your right thigh. Twist your body, tighten your abdominal muscles. Perform the exercise alternately on both sides.
Light version: In the simplified version, keep your arms still along your chest without lifting them up.
How many to do: 15 reps per side (30 reps total) or 30 seconds.
2. Spider Plank
Why: This is an excellent exercise for the oblique muscles of the abdomen and waist area. Like any other modification of the plank, this exercise develops absolutely all the muscles of your body, but especially the shoulders, buttocks, hips, core.
How to: Stand in a plank position on your hands. Tighten your stomach, straighten your back, the lower back does not bend or arch. Inhale and as you exhale pull your right knee towards your right elbow. On an inhale, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.
Easy version: For the easy version, do 4-6 reps, lower into a kneeling plank for 5 seconds and return to the exercise. Gradually try to minimize rest.
How many to do: 12 reps per side (24 reps total) or 30 seconds.
3. Straight Leg Pull-ups
Why: This Pilates exercise will help you strengthen your abdominal muscles, with an emphasis on the lower abdomen. In addition, Pilates is an ideal technique for strengthening the core and improving posture.
How to: Lie on your back with your upper back off the floor. Stretch your legs and lift them up, also raise your arms up above your head. Tighten the stomach, the lower back is firmly pressed to the floor. As you exhale, pull your knees towards your stomach, lightly clasping your shins with your hands. Hold for a split second and return to the starting position. In this exercise, it is important to understand that the lower the legs are lowered to the floor, the more difficult it is to perform the exercise. When doing this exercise, tighten your stomach so as not to transfer the load to the lower back.
Easy version: In the easy version of this ab exercise, lift your legs higher and do not raise your arms.
How much to do: 15 reps or 30 seconds.
4. Reverse Dips + Leg Raises
Why: Reverse dips are a great tricep isolation exercise. It is the triceps area in girls that most often becomes flabby and unattractive (the back of the arms), so exercises for this area are simply necessary. Let's complicate the reverse push-ups with leg raises, thereby additionally including the abdominal muscles in the work. Also in this functional exercise, you will use the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.
How to: Stand in a table pose, knees bent, arms along the body slightly behind, palms and feet resting on the floor, palms facing forward, pelvis slightly lowered, stomach tense. As you exhale, slowly bend your elbows and lower your buttocks close to the floor. Return to the starting position and, without stopping for more than a split second, alternately lift one and the other leg up perpendicular to the floor. Then return to the starting position and start the exercise again.
Light version: The light version can reduce the number of push-ups. Those. Perform one reverse push-up for 4 leg raises. You can lift up not a straight leg, but a knee.
How much to do: 9 reps or 30 seconds. One rep is a push-up + lifting the right and left legs.
5. Arms Back Lying on Stomach
Why: This simple exercise will help you strengthen your back, psoas, shoulders and arms. This exercise will also be useful for straightening the spine and improving posture.
How to: Lie on your stomach with your arms extended in front of you and parallel to each other. As you exhale, lift your chest up, move your hand back to your back and twist your body so that your fingers touch your thigh. Do not strain your neck, take your shoulders away from your ears. Feel a pleasant tension in your lower back and back, as well as a stretch in your spine. Perform the exercise alternately on both sides.
Easy version: In the easy version of this upper body exercise, don't move your arm far back, stop in a comfortable position.
How many to do: 10 reps per side (20 total) or 30 seconds.
6. Forearm plank raises
Why: This exercise works all the muscles of the body due to the complex position of the plank on the forearms, but especially the muscles of the shoulders and triceps, as well as the pectoral muscles and back muscles . This is a fairly difficult exercise, so at first do it on your knees, gradually trying to do it in a bar on your feet.
How to: Assume a plank position on the forearms: the body forms a straight line, the lower back does not bend or arch, the stomach and buttocks are tense, the neck is free, the gaze is directed forward. Keeping the correct body position, extend your arm forward as if you are trying to reach the wall in front. Perform alternately on both sides, do not strain your neck during execution.
Easy version: In the easy version of this upper body exercise, kneel down. You can do 15 seconds on your feet, 15 seconds on your knees, for example.
How many to do: 10 reps per side (20 total) or 30 seconds.
7. Oblique twist
Why: This exercise works well on the oblique muscles of the abdomen, as well as the upper and lower abs. It is quite simple both from a technical point of view and from the point of view of execution.
How to: Lie on the floor with your legs slightly apart, your abdominal muscles tense, and your back pressed to the floor. The left arm is straightened and laid aside, the right arm is raised diagonally upwards. On a deep exhale, lift your left leg up so that it is perpendicular to the floor. At the same time, lift your upper back, extending your arm until it touches your shin. Perform the exercise on one side in the first round and on the other side in the second round.
Easy version: In the easy version of this ab exercise, lift your bent knee up.
How much to do: 18 repetitions or 30 seconds. On the second round, repeat this exercise on the other side.
After completing the first round and round, rest 30-60 seconds.
Stretching on the floor
Be sure to stretch your muscles after your workout. Stretching after a workout improves muscle elasticity and joint mobility, which speeds up muscle recovery, reduces the likelihood of injury, and helps to avoid stagnation in training. We offer you effective exercises for stretching muscles with an emphasis on the upper body. Stretching takes place completely on the mat, its total duration is 5-7 minutes.
In each exercise, hold for 20 seconds on the right side and 20 seconds on the left side. If time permits and you want to stretch better, you can hold each position for 30-40 seconds. You will need a stopwatch to perform the stretch, but you can simply count up to 20-30 times while remembering to breathe deeply.
The final stretch for the upper body included the following exercises:
- Pull knees to chest: 20 seconds
- Upward Dog Pose: 20 seconds
- Side Bends: 20 seconds each side
- Raise Arm Stretch: 20 seconds
- Biceps Stretch: 20 seconds each side
- Shoulder Stretch: 20 seconds each side each side
- Triceps Stretch: 20 seconds per side
- Child’s Pose: 20 seconds
Full Body Daily Stretch Selections:
- Standing Daily Stretch: 10 exercises without a mat
- Daily Lying Stretch: 10 exercises (even in bed)
- Daily Chair Stretch: 10 exercises in the office
1. Pull your knees to your chest
Remain lying on your back after the previous exercise. Pull your knees up to your chest and grab them with both hands. Relax, feel a pleasant stretch in your back. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds.
2. Upward facing dog
Let's stretch the abdominal and back muscles in the cobra position. Lie on your stomach, place your hands near your chest. Push off the floor with your hands and lift your upper body, keeping your hips on the floor. Feel the stretch in your core muscles. Try to bend not only in the lumbar, but also in the thoracic spine (middle of the back). Stay in the cobra pose for at least 20 seconds.
3. Side bends
Sit in the lotus position, take a comfortable position, straighten your back. Put one hand on the belt, lift the other up. Make a tilt, reach for a straight arm. Feel the stretch in your back, chest, shoulders and arms. Stay on the slope for 20 seconds on each side.
4. Raise Arm Stretch
Continue stretching the upper body in the lotus position. Raise your arms above your head and cross your fingers. Stretch your palms up, while trying to lower your shoulders down. Feel a pleasant stretch in your back and arms. Don't hunch your back. Stay in this position for 20 seconds.
5. Biceps Stretch
Stretch one arm in front of you, with the other hand grasp the palm of the outstretched arm. Press lightly into your palm, straightening your arm even more and stretching your biceps. Do the exercise for each arm for 20 seconds.
6. Shoulder stretch
To stretch the shoulders, move the straightened arm to the side so that the elbow of the arm is at the level of the opposite shoulder. Take your arm as far as possible to the side, stretching the muscles of the shoulder. Do the exercise for each arm for 20 seconds.
7. Triceps Stretch
To stretch the triceps, which worked very hard during our workout, raise your bent arm above your head.